Rim Rock Farm High School XC Classic 2018

Lawrence, KS

Rim Rock Farm High School XC Classic 2018 vs Rim Rock Farm High School XC Classic 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +546 2698 2152
Overall Average -1.90 21:08.93 21:10.83
1st-10th Place -18.14 15:32.14 15:50.28
1st-25th Place -16.60 15:50.94 16:07.53
1st-50th Place -15.20 16:07.19 16:22.39
1st-100th Place -17.11 16:24.44 16:41.55
Common Athletes -- -- 864
Ran Faster 657 761 104
Ran Season Best 166 191 25
Average Time -59.73 20:01.95 21:01.68
Median Time -1:03.40 19:35.60 20:39.00
Middle 80% Times -58.33 19:49.77 20:48.09
Top 10% Times -45.48 16:29.36 17:14.85
Top 25% Times -53.48 17:01.30 17:54.78
Top 50% Times -56.19 17:50.81 18:47.00
Bottom 50% Times -1:03.27 22:13.09 23:16.36
Bottom 25% Times -1:08.95 23:40.19 24:49.14
Bottom 10% Times -1:25.11 25:16.60 26:41.71
Average Difference -59.70 -- --
Median Difference -2:28.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -56.99 -- --
Top 10% Difference -34.18 -- --
Top 50% Difference -52.60 -- --
Top 25% Difference -46.29 -- --
Top 50% Difference -52.60 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:06.59 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:19.05 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:47.05 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Timothy Sindt Ankeny High School -37.00 15:10.70 15:47.70
Hadley Splechter Yates Center High School -1:03.20 15:18.70 16:21.90
Tom Seitzer Rockhurst High School -32.80 15:30.50 16:03.30
Clayton Whitehead Carthage High School -1:05.10 15:35.10 16:40.20
Chandler Gibbens Hickman High School -1:04.00 15:39.70 16:43.70
Ryan S Johnson Legend High School -1:45.00 15:40.40 17:25.40
Nolan Getchell Legend High School -1:06.70 15:49.00 16:55.70
Will Daley Denver East High School -2:05.70 15:50.20 17:55.90
Sam Hubert De Soto High School -56.00 15:53.10 16:49.10
Ethan Marshall St. Thomas Aquinas High School -16.90 15:53.90 16:10.80
Jack Moore Lenexa St. James Academy -33.70 15:57.60 16:31.30
Teagan Flanagan Kingman High School -27.30 16:03.90 16:31.20
Matthew Harding Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -33.60 16:06.00 16:39.60
Jace Owen Legend High School -42.30 16:07.10 16:49.40
Gabe Mcclain Blue Springs High School -25.50 16:07.20 16:32.70
Trent Cochran Gardner Edgerton High School -16.20 16:11.00 16:27.20
Owen Pearce Kingman High School +27.00 16:38.40 16:11.40
Caleb Ream Chaparral High School -23.20 16:14.00 16:37.20
Charles Johnson Lawrence Free State High School -1:09.00 16:14.40 17:23.40
Asher Moen Andover High School -50.20 16:14.80 17:05.00
John Matulis Lenexa St. James Academy -45.30 16:15.30 17:00.60
DANIEL HARKIN Manhattan High School -1:13.40 16:16.70 17:30.10
Mason Mcdonald Millard West High School -41.40 16:16.90 16:58.30
Britte Magnuson Maize South High School -51.10 16:22.10 17:13.20
Cale Littrell Hickman High School -1:56.80 16:22.70 18:19.50
Ryan Mata Liberty High School -37.60 16:23.50 17:01.10
Jadon Bennick Legend High School -1:59.30 16:23.80 18:23.10
Isaac Saathoff Hickman High School -1:44.50 16:23.90 18:08.40
Darius Hightower Mill Valley High School -1:04.10 16:24.40 17:28.50
Treyson True Emporia High School -2:26.70 16:24.90 18:51.60
Alexis Hernandez Lexington High School -38.40 16:28.70 17:07.10
Mason Marshall Kearney High School -32.10 16:28.80 17:00.90
Dillon Grover Blue Springs South High School -46.40 16:29.30 17:15.70
Tommy Hazen St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:25.60 16:29.50 19:55.10
Keetan Munsell Salina South High School -39.40 16:29.60 17:09.00
Asher Hoyt Denver East High School -35.90 16:30.40 17:06.30
George Maldonado III Chaparral High School -48.70 16:31.50 17:20.20
Luke Godard St. Thomas Aquinas High School -53.60 16:32.10 17:25.70
Logan Bly Liberty High School -39.30 16:32.40 17:11.70
Daniel Garrison Liberty High School -1:15.00 16:32.90 17:47.90
Griffin Keeter Shawnee Mission East High School -26.50 16:33.20 16:59.70
Ryan Kinnane Andover High School -1:09.00 16:33.60 17:42.60
Caleb Wright Washburn Rural High School -1:29.00 16:34.30 18:03.30
Liam Neidig Lansing High School -1:17.20 16:34.60 17:51.80
Jacob Ewer Kearney High School -1:21.50 16:35.00 17:56.50
Trey Rios Maize South High School -1:03.20 16:36.30 17:39.50
Luke Hupke Rockhurst High School -44.00 16:36.30 17:20.30
Austin Fullerton Goddard Eisenhower High School -1:23.00 16:37.40 18:00.40
Jack Terry Mill Valley High School +6.70 16:45.10 16:38.40
Aiden Mccombs Ankeny High School -57.90 16:38.70 17:36.60
Christian Buehler Blue Valley Southwest High School -1:06.90 16:38.80 17:45.70
Ethan Koop Marquette High School -1:10.90 16:39.00 17:49.90
Bret Worley Park Hill South High School -1:32.30 16:39.10 18:11.40
Matthew Turner Mill Valley High School -1:54.60 16:39.80 18:34.40
Jonah Palmer Smithville High School -22.10 16:40.50 17:02.60
Jaylen Elwell Ankeny High School -1:16.80 16:40.70 17:57.50
Kaden Cooley Olathe West High School -1:29.10 16:41.50 18:10.60
Adam Murphy Millard West High School -38.30 16:43.40 17:21.70
Brock Wooderson Blue Springs High School -35.00 16:43.50 17:18.50
Bean Minor Salida High School -51.70 16:43.60 17:35.30
Jack Hilton St. Thomas Aquinas High School -38.40 16:44.10 17:22.50
Logan Klingele Shawnee Mission West High School -1:33.70 16:44.20 18:17.90
Connor Hayes Millard West High School -32.30 16:45.00 17:17.30
Tyler Bolz Liberty High School -1:31.80 16:45.60 18:17.40
Charles Werth Hickman High School -1:13.60 16:46.10 17:59.70
Jack Walsh Wichita East High School -1:02.50 16:46.30 17:48.80
Erik Enriquez Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School -34.70 16:46.70 17:21.40
Matthew Pickering Manhattan High School -15.80 16:47.50 17:03.30
Eliu Ramirez Wichita East High School -1:07.20 16:48.90 17:56.10
Justin Hodge Hiawatha High School -27.00 16:49.40 17:16.40
Joe Reichenbacher Ankeny High School -41.60 16:49.60 17:31.20
Cormick Logue Girard High School -1:29.80 16:50.00 18:19.80
Sam Kearley Salida High School -1:55.10 16:50.10 18:45.20
Nate Henks Blue Springs South High School -2:53.50 16:50.70 19:44.20
Sean Raburn Owasso -53.10 16:51.10 17:44.20
Trevor Pendegraft Owasso -24.00 16:51.30 17:15.30
Justin Steffensmeier Liberty High School -2:04.50 16:52.20 18:56.70
Jakob Lewis Liberty North High School -59.30 16:52.20 17:51.50
Brock Cordova Lawrence Free State High School -1:19.80 16:53.10 18:12.90
Nathan Greenfield Mill Valley High School -2:17.90 16:53.40 19:11.30
Erik Jantz Newton High School -49.60 16:53.70 17:43.30
Graham Miller Blue Valley West High School -1:42.50 16:53.80 18:36.30
Sage Cauley Great Bend High School -37.40 16:54.10 17:31.50
Josh Tomlin Great Bend High School -39.30 16:55.30 17:34.60
Daniel Bohnemann Leavenworth High School +9.50 17:05.40 16:55.90
Luke Termorshuizen Smithville High School -1:16.60 16:56.50 18:13.10
Jenson Zaugg Chaparral High School -38.70 16:57.00 17:35.70
Weston Dietsch Millard West High School -31.90 16:57.30 17:29.20
Keegan Staats St. Thomas Aquinas High School -47.20 16:57.60 17:44.80
Terry Robinson Lansing High School -1:04.30 16:57.60 18:01.90
Will Clayton Wichita East High School -15.80 16:58.20 17:14.00
Mario Bustillos Garden City High School -55.20 17:01.40 17:56.60
Juan Tovar Junction City High School -1:07.30 17:01.60 18:08.90
Samuel McDavitt Andover High School -58.60 17:01.80 18:00.40
Jack Klassen Blue Springs South High School -2:04.10 17:02.10 19:06.20
Karch Crawford Mill Valley High School -1:05.60 17:02.40 18:08.00
Frank DeCew Salida High School -1:42.80 17:03.80 18:46.60
Jacob Rist Owasso -33.40 17:04.00 17:37.40
Ben Crocker Shawnee Mission West High School -1:12.30 17:04.00 18:16.30
Stone Burke Marquette High School -38.90 17:04.40 17:43.30
Taegan Loy Topeka Seaman High School -1:22.60 17:04.70 18:27.30
Yanni Vasquez Lexington High School -29.90 17:05.00 17:34.90
Quest Weller Dodge City High School -1:42.70 17:05.60 18:48.30
Carter Struhs Chaparral High School +28.70 17:35.40 17:06.70
Brett Schoenhoffer Andover Central High School -1:05.50 17:07.20 18:12.70
Collin Hammond Great Bend High School -1:19.90 17:07.30 18:27.20
Kaeden Fellingham Olathe South High School -26.30 17:07.70 17:34.00
Noah Talamantez Carthage High School -1:36.20 17:08.10 18:44.30
Javier Marquez Dodge City High School -13.20 17:08.70 17:21.90
Mark Schermerhorn Lenexa St. James Academy -21.90 17:08.70 17:30.60
Kael Ecord Maize High School -0.60 17:08.80 17:09.40
Braden Carter Olathe West High School -1:34.70 17:08.90 18:43.60
Kale Flores Andover Central High School -1:01.70 17:09.00 18:10.70
Matthew McCarthy Chaparral High School -1:21.90 17:09.00 18:30.90
Harrison Snell Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:35.90 17:09.00 18:44.90
Connor Morrissey St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:24.40 17:09.30 18:33.70
Reece Watson Pittsburg High School -55.60 17:10.00 18:05.60
Phillip Cleary Liberty High School -51.40 17:10.40 18:01.80
Brett Kulp Riley County High School -3.90 17:10.50 17:14.40
Giovanni Valverde Dodge City High School -1:03.60 17:10.50 18:14.10
Aiden Higgerson St. Thomas Aquinas High School -15.20 17:10.60 17:25.80
Ethan Sharp Lawrence Free State High School -2:03.90 17:10.70 19:14.60
Isaiah Lee St. Thomas Aquinas High School -42.70 17:10.80 17:53.50
John Sieren Liberty North High School -1:00.70 17:11.10 18:11.80
Carsyn Turpin Mill Valley High School -1:38.40 17:11.20 18:49.60
Ben Roberts Goddard Eisenhower High School -42.60 17:11.90 17:54.50
Hunter Wilcox Blue Valley High School -36.70 17:12.10 17:48.80
Jack Frado Legend High School -1:15.10 17:12.10 18:27.20
Daniel Tabaka Parkway South High School -1:26.10 17:12.60 18:38.70
Logan Carnes Carl Junction High School -36.90 17:13.00 17:49.90
Maliki Pope Topeka Seaman High School -32.50 17:13.40 17:45.90
Matthew Bostick Blue Valley High School -1:49.40 17:13.50 19:02.90
Owen Sovereign St. Thomas Aquinas High School -12.10 17:14.10 17:26.20
Quinton Durer Marquette High School -1:13.20 17:14.20 18:27.40
Matthew Sullivan Platte County High School -55.30 17:14.30 18:09.60
Brian Balquist Blue Valley West High School -49.10 17:14.90 18:04.00
Jack Fisher Shawnee Mission East High School -31.40 17:15.00 17:46.40
Jackson Letcher Platte County High School +26.00 17:41.10 17:15.10
Trevor Laube Blue Valley West High School -2:56.90 17:15.70 20:12.60
Rodolfo Berrum Gardner Edgerton High School -1:17.00 17:16.20 18:33.20
Simon Santiago Washburn Rural High School -1:31.70 17:16.30 18:48.00
Connor Hall Norton Community High School -1:14.20 17:16.60 18:30.80
Eric Boles Parkway South High School -2:18.30 17:16.70 19:35.00
Connor Sullivan Blue Valley West High School -1:23.20 17:16.90 18:40.10
Joel Gaddie Maize High School -1:09.60 17:17.10 18:26.70
TJ Helm Owasso -1:14.10 17:17.50 18:31.60
Riley Brookins Liberty High School -29.90 17:17.60 17:47.50
Connor Austin Shawnee Mission West High School -1:06.30 17:17.80 18:24.10
Calvin Morgan Tonganoxie High School -57.10 17:18.40 18:15.50
Reno Lemon Chanute High School -7.50 17:18.90 17:26.40
Brett Ward Lenexa St. James Academy -51.60 17:18.90 18:10.50
Jackson Lile Blue Springs South High School -1:53.60 17:19.30 19:12.90
Carson Gros Manhattan High School -1:21.40 17:20.00 18:41.40
Justyn France Olathe South High School -1:20.40 17:20.20 18:40.60
Chase Ratliff Weaubleau High School -19.70 17:20.60 17:40.30
Kaleb Weibel Carl Junction High School -1:20.60 17:20.70 18:41.30
Kenneth Lenger Iii Liberty High School -2:44.40 17:20.90 20:05.30
Joseph Brown Shawnee Mission East High School -2:40.80 17:21.10 20:01.90
Kevin McClain Blue Springs High School -1:11.70 17:21.70 18:33.40
Jesus Solis Dodge City High School -43.20 17:21.90 18:05.10
Kaden Hicks Owasso -1:11.90 17:22.10 18:34.00
Adin Gilmore Derby High School -1:33.30 17:22.80 18:56.10
Graham Hudelson De Soto High School -59.50 17:23.20 18:22.70
James Stone Parkway South High School -1:35.80 17:23.20 18:59.00
Grant Kimerer Shawnee Mission West High School -23.60 17:23.80 17:47.40
Donnie Kennedy Blue Springs High School -1:02.90 17:26.90 18:29.80
Josh Mansfield Mill Valley High School -49.00 17:27.10 18:16.10
Keegan Cordova Platte County High School -24.60 17:27.50 17:52.10
Ricky King Norton Community High School -1:50.20 17:28.20 19:18.40
Nathaniel Caballero Campus High School -24.70 17:28.80 17:53.50
Kaleb Wilson Bonner Springs High School -1:12.90 17:28.90 18:41.80
Elijah Clark Maize South High School -49.10 17:29.30 18:18.40
Samuel Overby Leavenworth High School +57.30 18:26.80 17:29.50
Ethan Fisher Garden City High School -17.20 17:29.50 17:46.70
A.J. Bohon Gardner Edgerton High School -2:40.80 17:29.80 20:10.60
Craig Ollendick Lenexa St. James Academy -53.20 17:30.00 18:23.20
Aaron Modrow Chapman High School +39.90 18:10.10 17:30.20
Dakota Harding Maize South High School -42.80 17:30.30 18:13.10
Anthony Savastino Liberty High School -54.40 17:30.50 18:24.90
Matthew Higgins Blue Springs High School -11.20 17:31.60 17:42.80
Jacob Bailey Baldwin High School +13.70 17:45.80 17:32.10
Skyler Czarniecki Maize South High School -1:49.60 17:32.40 19:22.00
Gavin Erickson Manhattan High School -1:32.50 17:32.60 19:05.10
Nevin Schwalick Legend High School -1:44.30 17:33.10 19:17.40
Jackson Allen Blue Valley High School -1:07.00 17:34.10 18:41.10
Sam Travis Liberty North High School -20.50 17:34.80 17:55.30
Will Vetter Andover High School -1:21.60 17:35.50 18:57.10
Andrew Moreno Maize South High School -1:28.40 17:35.70 19:04.10
Arrik White Washburn Rural High School -1:05.70 17:37.30 18:43.00
Kadyn Dohlman Maize High School -1:11.80 17:37.60 18:49.40
Thomas Alley Chaparral High School -5.20 17:37.70 17:42.90
Josh Jackson Andover High School -2:34.40 17:38.50 20:12.90
John Loos Lawrence Free State High School -1:01.90 17:38.60 18:40.50
Gabe TenEyck Silver Lake High School -32.40 17:38.80 18:11.20
Xavier Perez Liberal High School -11.40 17:39.20 17:50.60
Cole Shupert Lawrence High School -1:01.30 17:40.50 18:41.80
Javyn Contreras Garden City High School +8.90 17:49.90 17:41.00
Jake Johnson Smithville High School -1:27.00 17:41.00 19:08.00
Bobby Lounsbury Eudora High School -51.30 17:41.30 18:32.60
Jadon Schroeder Marquette High School -48.60 17:41.50 18:30.10
Danny Schermerhorn Lenexa St. James Academy -1:03.50 17:41.60 18:45.10
Evan Hammond Great Bend High School -51.20 17:42.80 18:34.00
Coleman Gliddon Pembroke Hill School -11.10 17:43.10 17:54.20
Coltin Hamman Lansing High School -32.50 17:43.10 18:15.60
Diego Nelson Carl Junction High School -1:09.40 17:43.30 18:52.70
Mitch Lumley Gardner Edgerton High School -2:18.20 17:43.40 20:01.60
Finley Petit Salida High School -2:09.00 17:43.80 19:52.80
Cameron Coad Mill Valley High School -1:16.50 17:44.10 19:00.60
Thomas Way Pembroke Hill School -1:21.00 17:44.20 19:05.20
Luke Wichmann Manhattan High School -1:04.80 17:44.20 18:49.00
Jackson Wedge Maize South High School -54.60 17:44.70 18:39.30
David Venkatesan Parkway South High School -51.10 17:44.90 18:36.00
John Price Blue Valley Southwest High School -53.30 17:45.00 18:38.30
Devin Adams Goddard Eisenhower High School -1:27.60 17:45.30 19:12.90
Devon Eich Topeka Seaman High School -1:22.80 17:46.40 19:09.20
Jacob Laupan Marquette High School -1:08.00 17:47.00 18:55.00
Joshua Huey Legend High School -2:10.80 17:47.10 19:57.90
Ezekiel Butler Blue Springs South High School -1:02.70 17:48.40 18:51.10
Jerratt Bradley Eudora High School -51.10 17:48.40 18:39.50
Alex Kuckelman Lenexa St. James Academy -1:39.70 17:48.50 19:28.20
Gabe Vannucchi Wichita East High School -4.00 17:49.80 17:53.80
Luke Diehl Parkway South High School -1:41.00 17:51.40 19:32.40
Jason Joslin Salida High School -2:00.60 17:52.30 19:52.90
Riley Nickols Denver East High School -1:04.90 17:52.40 18:57.30
Peyton Babcock Chanute High School -1:28.50 17:52.50 19:21.00
Ty Gifford Blue Valley West High School -28.50 17:53.60 18:22.10
Austin Schultz Maize High School -1:00.00 17:53.80 18:53.80
Jeremiah Diaz Legend High School -1:29.40 17:53.80 19:23.20
Evan McPhatter Platte County High School +34.60 18:28.60 17:54.00
Ronan Hallacy Wichita East High School -1:52.50 17:54.20 19:46.70
Chase Culver De Soto High School -1:53.50 17:54.40 19:47.90
Owen Massaro Gardner Edgerton High School -1:41.20 17:55.30 19:36.50
John Finnigan Leavenworth High School -18.70 17:55.50 18:14.20
Marlon Lara Carthage High School +1:44.20 19:39.90 17:55.70
Brayden Rohr Wichita Northwest High School -1:44.90 17:55.70 19:40.60
James Masoner Bishop Miege High School -54.30 17:56.90 18:51.20
Jace Mitchell Topeka Seaman High School -21.10 17:58.30 18:19.40
Dylan Graham Tonganoxie High School -1:32.10 17:58.90 19:31.00
Alex Lopez Liberal High School -53.20 17:58.90 18:52.10
James McPeek Chaparral High School -1:09.20 17:59.00 19:08.20
Sean Anderson Manhattan High School -1:24.50 17:59.20 19:23.70
Jaybe Shufelberger Washburn Rural High School -2:14.50 17:59.70 20:14.20
Connor Seible Andover Central High School -15.60 17:59.70 18:15.30
Jack Loomis De Soto High School -1:33.10 18:00.10 19:33.20
Jakob Foley Tonganoxie High School -38.10 18:00.70 18:38.80
John Mark Steichen Bishop Kelley High School -38.20 18:01.20 18:39.40
Nathan Myers Bishop Kelley High School -1:00.70 18:01.30 19:02.00
Dylan Higgins Carl Junction High School -1:34.20 18:01.50 19:35.70
Kole Johnson Ankeny High School -54.10 18:01.70 18:55.80
Hunter Turner Washburn Rural High School -56.40 18:02.10 18:58.50
Jack Martin Hickman High School -1:39.80 18:02.10 19:41.90
Banner Updike Kearney High School -27.60 18:02.20 18:29.80
Blake Johnson Owasso -19.90 18:02.70 18:22.60
Wyatt Welhoelter Blue Valley North High School -53.20 18:02.80 18:56.00
Seth Jarvis Burlington High School +7.50 18:10.30 18:02.80
Harrison Hillman Washburn Rural High School -1:42.20 18:03.90 19:46.10
Antonio Borunda Liberal High School -41.60 18:04.50 18:46.10
Nathaniel Ostberg Owasso -1:28.70 18:04.90 19:33.60
Zach Horning Blue Valley West High School -1:30.00 18:05.30 19:35.30
Brandon Martin Goddard Eisenhower High School -35.50 18:05.50 18:41.00
Tristan Torrey Chaparral High School -59.10 18:05.70 19:04.80
Elijah Bruggeman Denver East High School -41.80 18:06.30 18:48.10
Andrew Apgar Kansas City Turner High School -2:08.30 18:06.50 20:14.80
Matthew Schneider Lenexa St. James Academy +6.30 18:13.80 18:07.50
Hunter Ulbrich Girard High School -17.10 18:07.50 18:24.60
Alex Schultz Hickman High School -41.80 18:08.00 18:49.80
Corey Ames Weaubleau High School -2:58.80 18:08.20 21:07.00
Madelynn Hill Liberty High School -46.20 18:08.90 18:55.10
Drake Strnad Ankeny High School -34.50 18:09.00 18:43.50
Josh Himstedt Blue Valley North High School -1:04.90 18:11.90 19:16.80
Jake Edholm Tonganoxie High School -1:05.70 18:12.30 19:18.00
Brody Hoff Garden City High School -36.10 18:14.10 18:50.20
Carson Hufferd Independence High School -2:28.20 18:14.60 20:42.80
Chase Johnson Shawnee Heights High School -2:28.30 18:15.30 20:43.60
Jace Watkins Burlington High School -31.60 18:15.80 18:47.40
Ryan Chelugat Blue Springs High School -14.20 18:16.30 18:30.50
Jack Niederee Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School -49.80 18:16.50 19:06.30
Jacob White Wamego High School -1:11.40 18:17.60 19:29.00
Ethan Warner Girard High School -1:56.60 18:18.80 20:15.40
Joel Obando Liberal High School +14.00 18:33.20 18:19.20
Luke Schmidt Newton High School -1:19.20 18:19.80 19:39.00
Nathaniel Baker Lansing High School +6.00 18:25.90 18:19.90
Clara Mayfield Manhattan High School -47.20 18:20.60 19:07.80
Zach Proehl Emporia High School -1:10.30 18:21.10 19:31.40
Mark Butcher Goddard Eisenhower High School +8.20 18:29.30 18:21.10
Ian Foster Smithville High School -1:25.00 18:21.20 19:46.20
Wyatt Allen Washburn Rural High School -51.70 18:21.30 19:13.00
Gavin Strauss Lexington High School -7.80 18:21.70 18:29.50
Josh Robinson Olathe West High School -2:12.30 18:23.10 20:35.40
Alex Fehn Legend High School +46.10 19:09.50 18:23.40
Caleb Hollenbeck Emporia High School -25.30 18:24.20 18:49.50
Mason Reno Park Hill South High School -43.80 18:24.30 19:08.10
Alec Schlote Shawnee Mission East High School -37.70 18:24.50 19:02.20
Andrew Lierz Hiawatha High School -1:00.20 18:25.00 19:25.20
Jaden Schuster Ankeny High School -39.80 18:25.40 19:05.20
Jason Schroeder Silver Lake High School -1:16.50 18:25.60 19:42.10
Nathaniel Irwin Hickman High School -4.60 18:25.80 18:30.40
Evan Shory Hickman High School -1:45.20 18:26.10 20:11.30
Tyler Husch Cameron High School -2:58.20 18:26.40 21:24.60
Eli Blaufuss Newton High School -1:56.20 18:27.10 20:23.30
Jair Martinez Dodge City High School -50.10 18:27.30 19:17.40
Dylan Duncan Liberty North High School -54.30 18:27.40 19:21.70
Brian Dudley Manhattan High School -1:28.80 18:27.40 19:56.20
Zach Mariott Hickman High School -33.00 18:27.50 19:00.50
Dawson Adams Topeka Hayden High School -41.60 18:28.40 19:10.00
Henry Rokusek De Soto High School -1:38.40 18:28.50 20:06.90
Addison Sigg Topeka High School -33.90 18:28.50 19:02.40
Ben Knittig Park Hill South High School -32.20 18:28.80 19:01.00
Robbie Gresty Oak Park High School -1:00.70 18:28.90 19:29.60
Logan Anglemyer Wichita Northwest High School -43.30 18:29.80 19:13.10
Zachary Kizer Maryville High School -59.50 18:29.90 19:29.40
Evan Price Blue Valley West High School -7.50 18:30.10 18:37.60
Drew Birnbaum Kansas City Christian -3:09.00 18:30.20 21:39.20
Chase Andrews Carthage High School -41.90 18:30.30 19:12.20
Braxton Dixon Spring Hill High School -1:00.40 18:30.80 19:31.20
Devon Walker Chanute High School -35.10 18:32.10 19:07.20
Caden Johnson Maize South High School -57.60 18:32.10 19:29.70
Dash Spears Lawrence Free State High School -42.70 18:33.10 19:15.80
Bradon Unkel Derby High School -21.00 18:33.80 18:54.80
Nathan Lewis Truman High School -6.70 18:34.20 18:40.90
Sterling Hollond Basehor-Linwood High School -54.80 18:34.40 19:29.20
Riley Beach Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:27.40 18:35.40 20:02.80
Dakota Tireman Douglass High School -40.40 18:35.60 19:16.00
Liam Jones Hiawatha High School -1:30.00 18:37.00 20:07.00
Ryder Amos Olathe West High School -35.50 18:37.10 19:12.60
Jackson Chu Pembroke Hill School -44.10 18:37.50 19:21.60
Eli Artzer Wamego High School -13.70 18:38.30 18:52.00
Zan Martin Eudora High School -1:35.20 18:38.60 20:13.80
Charlie Hill Bishop Miege High School -1:00.70 18:38.80 19:39.50
Dylan Potthoff Marquette High School -8.60 18:39.00 18:47.60
Griffin Gaggero Shawnee Heights High School -46.40 18:40.10 19:26.50
Kai Achen Shawnee Mission East High School -1:36.30 18:40.10 20:16.40
Dustin Lopez Leavenworth High School +2.70 18:43.10 18:40.40
Max Flickinger Wichita Warriors Homeschool +5:20.20 24:00.70 18:40.50
Wyatt O'Leary Spring Hill High School -1:20.80 18:40.60 20:01.40
Jimmy Stubbers Blue Valley North High School -54.00 18:40.60 19:34.60
Andrew Hediger Parkway South High School -10.00 18:40.70 18:50.70
Dylan Fritz Ozark High School -3:10.70 18:41.70 21:52.40
Nick Price Wamego High School +13.10 18:55.80 18:42.70
Alex Seelye Junction City High School -38.00 18:42.90 19:20.90
Michael Loomer Chaparral High School +16.10 18:59.70 18:43.60
Jeric Heath Council Grove High School -57.90 18:44.70 19:42.60
Cameron Smith Kearney High School -46.00 18:45.50 19:31.50
Jonah Hodge Newton High School -14.30 18:45.90 19:00.20
Josh Bosley Tonganoxie High School -26.30 18:46.60 19:12.90
Andrew Rote Plattsburg High School -1:02.40 18:46.80 19:49.20
Cole Buffington Ankeny High School +47.60 19:34.40 18:46.80
Tessa Valdivia Blue Springs High School -34.40 18:47.20 19:21.60
Brady Myers Basehor-Linwood High School -40.60 18:47.30 19:27.90
Nolan Slusser Shawnee Heights High School -1:10.30 18:47.80 19:58.10
James Jones St. Mary's High School +24.00 19:12.00 18:48.00
Fausto Parrall Liberal High School +43.30 19:31.60 18:48.30
John Budde Wichita East High School -1:28.50 18:48.40 20:16.90
Wyatt Browning Kansas City Christian -55.20 18:49.40 19:44.60
Ty Lewis Carthage High School -22.90 18:49.40 19:12.30
Zephan Rodriguez Bishop Miege High School -1:35.50 18:49.60 20:25.10
Alexis Barber Ozark High School -2:04.00 18:50.00 20:54.00
Quincy Eastlack Shawnee Mission East High School -53.80 18:50.70 19:44.50
Josh Mitts Perry-Lecompton High School -48.20 18:51.70 19:39.90
Joseph Kitchen Wichita Northwest High School -25.30 18:52.80 19:18.10
Sarah Murrow Lenexa St. James Academy -24.10 18:52.90 19:17.00
Olivia Littleton Smithville High School -3:45.50 18:53.40 22:38.90
Walker Stromgren Osage City High School -1:26.70 18:54.10 20:20.80
John Allen Rock Creek High School +3:19.20 22:13.40 18:54.20
Keaton Maloney Marquette High School +9.00 19:03.60 18:54.60
Jeremy Haverkamp West Franklin High School -2:42.80 18:54.80 21:37.60
Stephen Mitchell Spring Hill High School -1:20.90 18:55.30 20:16.20
Anthony Cervantes Riley County High School -1:57.90 18:55.40 20:53.30
Adam Pickering Manhattan High School -20.50 18:57.20 19:17.70
Tucker Gosselin Norton Community High School -47.60 18:59.00 19:46.60
Sophie Call Blue Valley West High School +1:19.10 20:19.00 18:59.90
Casey Booth Lenexa St. James Academy -58.30 18:59.90 19:58.20
William DeBolt Gardner Edgerton High School -53.50 19:00.80 19:54.30
Nolan Churchman Rock Creek Middle School -2:16.90 19:02.30 21:19.20
Hutton Collins Riley County High School -2:10.10 19:02.40 21:12.50
Connor Gibson De Soto High School -54.20 19:02.70 19:56.90
Derek White Lawrence High School -1:02.40 19:03.00 20:05.40
Katie Moore Lenexa St. James Academy -46.30 19:03.00 19:49.30
Wyatt Orender Osage City High School -2:40.20 19:03.20 21:43.40
Brocklyn Barber Ozark High School -2:03.40 19:03.60 21:07.00
James Gillin Topeka Hayden High School -2:41.50 19:03.70 21:45.20
Deniz Ince Iowa City West -1:25.80 19:03.80 20:29.60
Alexa Rios Maize South High School -1:18.10 19:03.90 20:22.00
Lily Strauss Blue Valley North High School -19.40 19:04.00 19:23.40
Luke Dema Pembroke Hill School +1:14.20 20:18.40 19:04.20
Hudson Allen Baldwin High School -18.40 19:04.20 19:22.60
Jonathan Pallotto Pembroke Hill School -1:15.00 19:05.00 20:20.00
Joseph Lozenski Lansing High School -48.30 19:05.50 19:53.80
Kalea Chu Blue Valley West High School -24.00 19:06.30 19:30.30
Jackson Soza Topeka Hayden High School -19.90 19:06.30 19:26.20
Gigi Loffredo Blue Valley Southwest High School -2:53.20 19:07.40 22:00.60
Hayden Clements Bishop Miege High School -1:17.30 19:07.70 20:25.00
Taylor Hughes Hiawatha High School -42.40 19:08.90 19:51.30
Brian Payer Burlington High School -1:42.20 19:09.20 20:51.40
Skylar Karns Osage City High School -1:23.90 19:09.30 20:33.20
Seth Barlow Humboldt High School -3:42.40 19:09.30 22:51.70
Josh Diazdeleon Liberal High School -1:45.10 19:09.80 20:54.90
Mason Munz Kingman High School -1:59.60 19:10.20 21:09.80
Mark Patterson Bishop Miege High School -1:28.80 19:10.80 20:39.60
Elizabeth Stinson Liberty North High School -17.50 19:11.20 19:28.70
Jessye Schumann Perry-Lecompton High School -4:12.80 19:11.60 23:24.40
Jake Wilson Basehor-Linwood High School -1:03.80 19:11.80 20:15.60
Eli Mehaffey Bishop Miege High School -1:49.80 19:11.90 21:01.70
Mary O'Connor Lenexa St. James Academy -12.50 19:13.80 19:26.30
Justin Downey West Franklin High School -1:29.50 19:14.50 20:44.00
Hunter Wise Riley County High School -1:17.50 19:14.70 20:32.20
Kaiden Gannaway Weaubleau High School -54.10 19:16.40 20:10.50
Sean Toole Oak Park High School -39.20 19:16.50 19:55.70
Brandon Hedrick Wichita Northwest High School -1:12.20 19:17.00 20:29.20
Molly Ricker Mill Valley High School -1:18.40 19:17.30 20:35.70
Taylor Smith Fredonia High School -2:09.40 19:18.10 21:27.50
Caden Hanrahan Cameron High School -5:19.00 19:18.20 24:37.20
Zac Chadd Wichita Northwest High School +1:05.90 20:24.40 19:18.50
Kelvin Bell Sumner Academy -2:10.10 19:19.00 21:29.10
Alyna Thibault Blue Springs High School -1:54.50 19:19.90 21:14.40
Tristan McCann St. Mary's High School -1:06.20 19:21.90 20:28.10
Abby Heffner Millard West High School +2.80 19:25.20 19:22.40
Bella Call Blue Valley West High School -1:43.80 19:24.60 21:08.40
Hannah Robinson Lenexa St. James Academy -51.70 19:26.30 20:18.00
Scott Cunningham Gardner Edgerton High School -1:58.30 19:27.00 21:25.30
Cailin Grame Mission Valley High School -2:17.00 19:27.30 21:44.30
Dain Yale Junction City High School -1:13.90 19:29.00 20:42.90
Logan Wahnee Owasso -1:26.90 19:29.30 20:56.20
Renee Trout Independence High School -22.40 19:29.60 19:52.00
Grant Holmes Lawrence Free State High School -13.00 19:29.80 19:42.80
Tate Brungardt Lenexa St. James Academy -47.40 19:29.80 20:17.20
Austin Koerperich Norton Community High School -1:09.50 19:30.00 20:39.50
Zeb Harris Wellsville High School -1:34.10 19:30.10 21:04.20
Austin Moffet Yates Center High School -2:23.90 19:30.40 21:54.30
Brandon Miller Weaubleau High School -34.10 19:30.60 20:04.70
Christian Shaffer Hiawatha High School -58.50 19:31.60 20:30.10
Josh Brewster Wellsville High School -2:39.70 19:32.20 22:11.90
Shane Orender Osage City High School -31.20 19:33.10 20:04.30
Reece Sollars Perry-Lecompton High School -1:50.40 19:33.40 21:23.80
Quinton Westphal Lawrence Free State High School -9.30 19:33.60 19:42.90
Matthew Miller Lebo High School -8.90 19:33.80 19:42.70
Andrew Johnson Topeka High School -1:47.10 19:33.90 21:21.00
Adam Delekta Osage City High School -2:06.40 19:34.90 21:41.30
Tyler Schwarzenberger Shawnee Mission East High School -39.00 19:35.60 20:14.60
Morgan Koca Mill Valley High School -31.00 19:37.40 20:08.40
Delaney Kemp Mill Valley High School -16.80 19:37.60 19:54.40
David Navens Topeka High School -2:06.00 19:37.70 21:43.70
Scott Vick Tonganoxie High School +50.70 20:28.60 19:37.90
Jim Gant Council Grove High School -1:08.40 19:39.10 20:47.50
Lauren Wilwerding Millard West High School +1:13.60 20:52.70 19:39.10
Sophie Jones Blue Valley North High School -2:25.30 19:39.40 22:04.70
Claire Winter Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -25.70 19:39.50 20:05.20
Bryce Wheeler Perry-Lecompton High School -37.90 19:40.50 20:18.40
Jakob Lovendahl Bennington High School -55.70 19:41.20 20:36.90
Stacy Briggs Truman High School -12.60 19:41.20 19:53.80
August Forsberg McLouth High School -1:39.10 19:41.30 21:20.40
David Mccarthy St. Mary's High School -1:00.90 19:42.50 20:43.40
Cameron Betz Bennington High School -8.80 19:42.70 19:51.50
Julia Larkin Lawrence Free State High School -57.90 19:43.10 20:41.00
Aspen Jeffers Chaparral High School -50.10 19:43.30 20:33.40
Parker Jackson Topeka High School -1:40.70 19:43.50 21:24.20
Kody Driskill McLouth High School -55.30 19:43.70 20:39.00
Joshua Meinhardt Topeka Hayden High School -32.50 19:44.60 20:17.10
Jacob Roach Cameron High School -1:07.20 19:45.60 20:52.80
James Bartlett Perry-Lecompton High School -1:03.60 19:46.40 20:50.00
Victoria Penney Marquette High School -1:07.40 19:46.60 20:54.00
Hayden Torpey Truman High School -1:36.30 19:47.90 21:24.20
Walker Greene Wichita East High School -1:32.10 19:49.00 21:21.10
Ella Rosenkranz Manhattan High School -1:09.10 19:50.60 20:59.70
Adrian Becannon Chanute High School -2:11.20 19:51.10 22:02.30
Morgan Dierks Sumner Academy -32.90 19:51.30 20:24.20
Caden Dean Perry-Lecompton High School -1:01.10 19:51.70 20:52.80
Conner Erhart Wellsville High School -1:11.50 19:52.70 21:04.20
Katie Mcnulty Millard West High School -30.80 19:54.90 20:25.70
Allison Strathman St. Thomas Aquinas High School -29.90 19:55.00 20:24.90
Abigael Howard Denver East High School -1:13.00 19:55.30 21:08.30
Fallon Russell Bishop Miege High School -36.40 19:56.30 20:32.70
Ryan Williams Mill Valley High School +37.70 20:34.30 19:56.60
Ryan Locke Blue Valley West High School -5.20 19:57.20 20:02.40
Mason Urban Norton Community High School -52.80 20:01.70 20:54.50
Derek Hale Lawrence Free State High School -37.40 20:02.50 20:39.90
Erin Fagan Lawrence Free State High School -44.20 20:04.00 20:48.20
Elizabeth Henderson Hickman High School +41.70 20:46.30 20:04.60
Madeline Purdom Manhattan High School -1:13.00 20:06.00 21:19.00
Jude Graham Gardner Edgerton High School -4.50 20:07.20 20:11.70
Josh Glasgow Chanute High School -46.50 20:08.00 20:54.50
Garrett Brummett Bennington High School -28.00 20:09.60 20:37.60
Blake Ohlmeier Wellsville High School -5:27.40 20:09.90 25:37.30
Riley Goss Norton Community High School -2:39.30 20:10.20 22:49.50
Luke Yokum Humboldt High School -2:32.50 20:11.70 22:44.20
Hayden Strathman Basehor-Linwood High School +45.30 20:57.30 20:12.00
Lexi Kats Norton Community High School -1:00.10 20:12.20 21:12.30
Andrew Srch Weaubleau High School -2:21.50 20:12.60 22:34.10
Anna Warren Marquette High School -10.80 20:12.70 20:23.50
Elizabeth Kettler Hiawatha High School -2.90 20:13.00 20:15.90
AlanaMarie Barros Denver East High School -20.00 20:13.40 20:33.40
Mikala Bourquin Olathe West High School -5:10.70 20:13.90 25:24.60
Fern Clark Salida High School -1:39.00 20:14.20 21:53.20
Jadyn Yoder Smithville High School -3:33.30 20:15.20 23:48.50
Cooper Lefort Perry-Lecompton High School -1:30.80 20:15.60 21:46.40
Peyton Piepho Bennington High School -1:54.90 20:15.60 22:10.50
Natalie Smith Kearney High School -1:07.60 20:16.40 21:24.00
Marissa Kraus Hickman High School -14.70 20:16.50 20:31.20
Molly Holmes Blue Valley High School -1:30.70 20:17.80 21:48.50
Alyssa Nelson Goddard Eisenhower High School -45.40 20:18.50 21:03.90
Lauren Dewitt Blue Valley West High School -1:42.50 20:18.70 22:01.20
Addie Coppinger St. Teresa's Academy -9.80 20:18.80 20:28.60
Fiona Riordan Ankeny High School -3:01.20 20:18.90 23:20.10
Grace Giesler Owasso +49.40 21:09.10 20:19.70
Brinn Wilson Blue Valley Southwest High School -1:42.50 20:19.90 22:02.40
Natalie Beiter Baldwin High School -25.00 20:20.30 20:45.30
Sara Crosley Bishop Kelley High School -1:19.20 20:21.60 21:40.80
Peri Welch Hickman High School -3:33.20 20:22.20 23:55.40
Paige Snider Park Hill South High School -51.40 20:22.80 21:14.20
Anna Lucy Buddenhagen Denver East High School -41.60 20:25.10 21:06.70
Alaina Stucky Newton High School -51.10 20:25.80 21:16.90
Katie Booth Owasso -13.30 20:25.90 20:39.20
Riley Goring Marquette High School -1:46.60 20:26.00 22:12.60
Tess Crosley Bishop Kelley High School -39.30 20:26.80 21:06.10
Lindsey Weyant Denver East High School -2:10.90 20:27.30 22:38.20
Grace Brinkman Hickman High School -2:21.20 20:27.30 22:48.50
Gracie Kopala Liberty North High School -8.60 20:27.60 20:36.20
Emily Keeley Manhattan High School +4.10 20:32.10 20:28.00
Jenna Walker Mill Valley High School -1:08.20 20:29.10 21:37.30
Wyatt Weiss Lebo High School -1:04.20 20:29.20 21:33.40
Anna-katherine Marquette Blue Valley West High School -43.80 20:29.70 21:13.50
Emily Gunderman St. Thomas Aquinas High School -27.60 20:30.00 20:57.60
Ellie Ward St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:26.40 20:30.60 21:57.00
Kirsten Johnson Liberty North High School -1:20.30 20:30.70 21:51.00
Josie Taylor Mill Valley High School -35.10 20:30.70 21:05.80
Reese Howard Blue Springs High School -1:11.90 20:31.00 21:42.90
Evan Allen Rock Creek Middle School -1:29.80 20:32.70 22:02.50
Maryann Ball Park Hill South High School -2:54.20 20:33.00 23:27.20
Gabriel Obenieta Topeka High School +29.70 21:05.30 20:35.60
Elijah Caldwell Burlington High School +43.40 21:19.90 20:36.50
Cailan Steward Andover Central High School -1:55.80 20:36.70 22:32.50
Mason Waltner Kingman High School -2:25.50 20:37.00 23:02.50
Anna Martin Blue Valley North High School +18.20 20:55.90 20:37.70
Eva Gilbreath Millard West High School +1:35.70 22:13.50 20:37.80
Jadyn Pavlik Goddard Eisenhower High School -1:42.40 20:38.40 22:20.80
Katie Henry Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:55.40 20:39.00 22:34.40
Nigel Vaught Kansas City Christian -16.10 20:39.70 20:55.80
Devyn Mcdonald Millard West High School -35.40 20:40.20 21:15.60
Nicole Schottler De Soto High School -1:46.50 20:41.30 22:27.80
Delaney Hupke St. Teresa's Academy -29.40 20:41.50 21:10.90
Ambrynn Stewart Baldwin High School -13.00 20:42.40 20:55.40
Camille Behring Bishop Carroll Catholic High School +0.10 20:42.60 20:42.50
Reagan Hiebert Eudora High School -2:52.60 20:42.60 23:35.20
Noah Hill Kansas City Christian -56.10 20:43.00 21:39.10
Jenari Lopez Carthage High School -32.10 20:44.40 21:16.50
Matt Girkin Blue Springs South High School -1:10.30 20:44.50 21:54.80
Eleanor Hlobik Shawnee Mission East High School -8.90 20:45.00 20:53.90
Anna Reimer Maize High School +37.00 21:22.90 20:45.90
Meridith O'donnell St. Teresa's Academy -1:02.30 20:46.60 21:48.90
Taylor Giger Platte County High School -1:34.30 20:47.00 22:21.30
Ashlyn Struble Derby High School -39.30 20:47.20 21:26.50
Ethan Smith Oak Park High School -1.20 20:48.20 20:49.40
Ella Barth Shawnee Mission West High School -1:24.00 20:49.10 22:13.10
Rachael Stephans Girard High School -38.60 20:49.30 21:27.90
Brooklyn Watkins Blue Springs High School -2:07.90 20:49.60 22:57.50
Jordan Smith Fredonia High School -2:19.20 20:50.90 23:10.10
Clarice Koenig Blue Valley West High School -1:45.10 20:52.50 22:37.60
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Niederee Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School +16.40 21:08.90 20:52.50
Garrett Durr Eudora High School -2:07.30 20:52.80 23:00.10
Kindel Nordhus Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -1:47.80 20:53.10 22:40.90
Eva Morrison Marquette High School -43.50 20:53.50 21:37.00
Jairub Constable Baldwin High School -1:31.40 20:53.70 22:25.10
Kendall Coombes Douglass High School -33.00 20:55.20 21:28.20
Brooke Ware Liberty North High School -1:03.70 20:56.10 21:59.80
McKenna Esfeld Great Bend High School -1:17.40 20:56.60 22:14.00
Gwynevere Deterding Blue Springs High School -4:19.40 20:57.20 25:16.60
Cameron Pascal Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -1:49.70 20:57.50 22:47.20
Samantha Vanessendelft Parkway South High School -36.90 20:57.60 21:34.50
Jacob Cassell Topeka High School +1:38.30 22:36.50 20:58.20
Andi Kitts Blue Valley West High School -14.70 20:58.90 21:13.60
Mallory Boden Gardner Edgerton High School -1:35.40 20:59.60 22:35.00
Raimi Carroll Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -1:18.40 20:59.80 22:18.20
Aria Sheldon Maize High School -40.90 21:00.10 21:41.00
Jenna Mullen Olathe West High School -5.30 21:00.90 21:06.20
Annie Allenbach Maize High School -14.90 21:01.30 21:16.20
Madeleine Murphy Ankeny High School -35.90 21:01.30 21:37.20
Elena Thoman Denver East High School -31.60 21:04.60 21:36.20
Ally Fisher Liberty North High School -48.60 21:04.70 21:53.30
Grace Kreeger Blue Valley Northwest High School -24.70 21:04.80 21:29.50
Cayley Del Monte Owasso -2:01.10 21:05.30 23:06.40
Abby Wagemaker Topeka High School +35.50 21:41.50 21:06.00
Mayson Montez Carl Junction High School -1:29.80 21:06.70 22:36.50
Kate Cox St. Thomas Aquinas High School -25.10 21:07.70 21:32.80
Evie Cross Carl Junction High School -2:17.20 21:07.70 23:24.90
Jenna Fosdick Carthage High School -1:57.30 21:08.10 23:05.40
Sarah LaPlante Lenexa St. James Academy -1:05.80 21:08.70 22:14.50
Grace Gorges Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -56.00 21:10.20 22:06.20
Levi Gladd Owasso -1:39.50 21:10.50 22:50.00
Lilia Scudamore Denver East High School -21.00 21:11.60 21:32.60
Kate Kowalik Shawnee Mission East High School -1:37.80 21:11.80 22:49.60
Sarah Wagner Leavenworth High School -1:16.20 21:12.10 22:28.30
Catherine Lyon Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:16.20 21:12.20 22:28.40
Katie Muckerman St. Thomas Aquinas High School +3.90 21:16.70 21:12.80
Elyse Koop Marquette High School -1:20.70 21:13.00 22:33.70
Kaitlin Dare St. Thomas Aquinas High School +1:04.40 22:17.50 21:13.10
Jennifer Albrecht Shawnee Heights High School -31.90 21:14.40 21:46.30
Kelly McAlister Shawnee Mission East High School -2:13.70 21:15.00 23:28.70
Kaitlynn Franks Carl Junction High School -41.30 21:16.20 21:57.50
Jade Haney Gardner Edgerton High School -17.00 21:16.40 21:33.40
Lauren Peak Blue Valley Southwest High School -1:18.00 21:17.20 22:35.20
Lucy Hoffman Shawnee Mission East High School -2:21.10 21:17.60 23:38.70
Katie Hoefer Iowa City West -1:10.40 21:17.90 22:28.30
Lauren Clark Ankeny High School +26.90 21:46.00 21:19.10
Quincy May Basehor-Linwood High School -39.70 21:19.70 21:59.40
Mallory Gallet Basehor-Linwood High School -1:05.80 21:21.20 22:27.00
Jenna Swords Bishop Kelley High School + 21:21.30 21:21.30
Emily Turner Denver East High School -1:01.00 21:21.80 22:22.80
Cameron Robinson Kansas City Christian +19.60 21:41.80 21:22.20
Briar Tucker Weaubleau High School -39.70 21:22.50 22:02.20
Claire Dingler Maize South High School -52.10 21:23.70 22:15.80
Amelia Tonnesen Salida High School -2:45.80 21:24.70 24:10.50
Caleb Coronado Humboldt High School -43.50 21:26.60 22:10.10
Cara Ahrens Blue Valley Southwest High School -57.30 21:26.60 22:23.90
Brianna Marquez Carthage High School -15.70 21:27.10 21:42.80
Colton Baker Riley County High School -2:43.80 21:27.30 24:11.10
Maddie Douglass St. Teresa's Academy -1.40 21:28.60 21:30.00
Taryn West Emporia High School -1:54.40 21:28.70 23:23.10
Blake Holland Blue Valley Southwest High School -2:07.40 21:28.90 23:36.30
Erin Hebert Topeka Seaman High School -11.70 21:30.30 21:42.00
Christina Doolan Denver East High School -23.50 21:31.00 21:54.50
Sophie Dewitt Lawrence High School -1:05.90 21:31.30 22:37.20
Emily Stone Lawrence Free State High School -5.20 21:31.80 21:37.00
Sarah Bosch Ankeny High School -29.60 21:31.90 22:01.50
Julea Chappa Chaparral High School -42.70 21:32.10 22:14.80
Maddie Day Lawrence Free State High School -1:59.70 21:32.50 23:32.20
Maddie Klippenstein Platte County High School -2:00.60 21:32.60 23:33.20
Shannon Rezac Washburn Rural High School -1:51.10 21:33.00 23:24.10
Olivia Roth Park Hill South High School -1:27.30 21:33.30 23:00.60
Eleanor Braynock Andover High School -1:27.80 21:34.00 23:01.80
Sarah Mcdavitt Andover High School -59.50 21:34.50 22:34.00
Jillian Vaughn Kearney High School -14.60 21:35.60 21:50.20
Coulton Chan Kansas City Christian +3:10.30 24:46.10 21:35.80
Leann Trout Independence High School -40.80 21:36.20 22:17.00
Marah Franke Derby High School -52.90 21:36.30 22:29.20
Taylor Savolt Garden City High School -43.70 21:38.00 22:21.70
Lauren Russell Baldwin High School -17.10 21:39.20 21:56.30
Brock McCue Osage City High School -2:07.20 21:39.80 23:47.00
Molly Rossman West Franklin High School +20.30 22:00.70 21:40.40
Evann Seratte Lawrence High School +1:32.60 23:14.40 21:41.80
Riley Kochanowicz Smithville High School -1:18.20 21:42.10 23:00.30
Kyle Sexton Weaubleau High School -35.80 21:42.60 22:18.40
Chloe Cox St. Thomas Aquinas High School -17.70 21:43.50 22:01.20
Bella Stull Lawrence Free State High School -1:24.90 21:43.80 23:08.70
Lindsey Locke Blue Valley West High School -32.30 21:44.20 22:16.50
Kalea Nippert Rock Creek Middle School +43.50 22:27.90 21:44.40
Nicole Jackson Cameron High School -30.10 21:44.80 22:14.90
Peyton Palmer Blue Valley High School -1:09.50 21:45.20 22:54.70
Suzanna Mosqueda Topeka Seaman High School -2:47.00 21:45.70 24:32.70
Jazuri Lopez Carthage High School -1:19.30 21:45.90 23:05.20
Sarah Lebourveau St. Thomas Aquinas High School -11.50 21:46.10 21:57.60
Morgan Goeser Lawrence Free State High School -1:14.60 21:46.20 23:00.80
Sofie Conard Washburn Rural High School -1:15.60 21:46.50 23:02.10
Thane Meadows Humboldt High School -3:09.40 21:46.70 24:56.10
Grace O'Meara Denver East High School -51.30 21:47.10 22:38.40
Sidney Strong Park Hill South High School -1:52.50 21:48.50 23:41.00
Mason Bina Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School -1:38.70 21:48.80 23:27.50
Alysia Wagner Kansas City Christian -3:39.20 21:48.90 25:28.10
Christina Peterjohn Wichita Northwest High School -1:44.50 21:49.10 23:33.60
Jillian Stafford Independence High School -2:07.80 21:49.30 23:57.10
Kynzie Underwood Wamego High School -1:39.70 21:49.50 23:29.20
Emma Leach Carl Junction High School -3.10 21:50.50 21:53.60
Julia Iseman Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -1:23.10 21:51.50 23:14.60
Alyssa Richardson Basehor-Linwood High School -1:07.90 21:52.80 23:00.70
Lylia Fernandez Newton High School -1:18.20 21:53.20 23:11.40
Taylor Cummings Liberty High School -20.60 21:53.30 22:13.90
Madison Schepis Maize South High School -9.20 21:54.00 22:03.20
Claire Cox St. Thomas Aquinas High School -0.20 21:54.10 21:54.30
Evan Totty Burlington High School -39.80 21:54.20 22:34.00
Diego Ramos Solis Sumner Academy +1.20 21:55.60 21:54.40
Maiki Martinez Baldwin High School +14.40 22:10.50 21:56.10
Vanessa Waidmann Parkway South High School -7.80 21:56.10 22:03.90
Daniela Rodgriguez-chavez Pembroke Hill School +40.50 22:36.70 21:56.20
Erin Bender Shawnee Mission West High School -2:02.20 21:57.40 23:59.60
Audrey Gilmore Liberal High School -26.70 21:57.50 22:24.20
Kalia Woodhead Spring Hill High School -1:30.20 21:57.70 23:27.90
Macy Tucker Jefferson West High School -37.80 21:57.90 22:35.70
Alyssa Perry De Soto High School -47.30 21:58.70 22:46.00
Alyssa Farrens Gardner Edgerton High School -2:06.40 21:59.40 24:05.80
Kate Madsen Hiawatha High School -32.40 21:59.90 22:32.30
Cadence Ohl Maize High School -21.70 22:00.40 22:22.10
Brooklyn Terstriep Goddard Eisenhower High School -1:42.20 22:01.00 23:43.20
Anna Gunderman Shawnee Mission East High School -48.90 22:02.40 22:51.30
Daniel Gifford Burlington High School -8.30 22:03.70 22:12.00
Jasmine Morey Hiawatha High School -21.00 22:04.80 22:25.80
Payton Wood Fredonia High School -24.10 22:05.00 22:29.10
Grace Burnett Denver East High School +1:57.80 24:03.70 22:05.90
Carmen Caudillo Liberty High School +16.20 22:23.00 22:06.80
Keely Wagner Washburn Rural High School -1:43.70 22:06.90 23:50.60
Megan Durden Legend High School +9.90 22:17.40 22:07.50
Kadee Martinez Maize South High School -9.40 22:07.90 22:17.30
Abbi Nielson Blue Valley West High School -22.00 22:08.40 22:30.40
Katie Lamfers Lenexa St. James Academy +1:03.10 23:12.20 22:09.10
Bailey Leach West Franklin High School -1:17.10 22:09.20 23:26.30
Price Melissa Marquette High School -1:22.00 22:09.90 23:31.90
Kaety Kohlhorst Garden City High School -1:10.60 22:10.50 23:21.10
Ian Smith Wellsville High School +35.70 22:46.70 22:11.00
Jenna Frisbie Oswego High School -1:48.40 22:11.80 24:00.20
Melia Martin Eudora High School -1:07.60 22:12.50 23:20.10
Sydney Ware Liberty North High School -1.10 22:12.80 22:13.90
Tennyson Wilson Baldwin High School -14.80 22:13.70 22:28.50
Brooke Johnson Ankeny High School -32.10 22:14.30 22:46.40
Macy Henderson Owasso -2:53.00 22:14.90 25:07.90
Allison Kosberg Spring Hill High School -2:45.80 22:16.00 25:01.80
Ragan Dutcher Shawnee Mission East High School -2:40.60 22:16.40 24:57.00
Mary Rosa Hiawatha High School +6.50 22:23.20 22:16.70
Molli Christensen Washburn Rural High School +50.40 23:07.10 22:16.70
Carson Scholler Wichita East High School -1:58.20 22:16.90 24:15.10
Layne Prescott Lawrence High School -1:39.40 22:17.60 23:57.00
Madison Page Mill Valley High School -6.50 22:17.60 22:24.10
Sierra Saenz Rock Creek Middle School -0.90 22:18.20 22:19.10
Izze Vanlandingham Wichita East High School +2.00 22:20.30 22:18.30
Hannah Garland St. Mary's High School -1:40.10 22:19.40 23:59.50
Laura Feuerbacher Maryville High School +1:11.80 23:31.60 22:19.80
Marianna Donze Kearney High School -17.60 22:22.30 22:39.90
Jordyn Haddrill Parkway South High School -1.40 22:22.90 22:24.30
Natalie Hibbard Fredonia High School -1:46.80 22:23.30 24:10.10
Makenna Sarazen Bishop Miege High School -23.50 22:23.50 22:47.00
Mara Gullett Platte County High School -1:09.30 22:23.50 23:32.80
Ellie Groh Campus High School +2.10 22:25.80 22:23.70
Lydia Hill Ankeny High School -1.50 22:24.00 22:25.50
Mckenna Daugherty Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -31.20 22:24.40 22:55.60
Kaydra Baer Junction City High School -1:35.20 22:24.60 23:59.80
Cora Bartlett Maize High School -2:20.50 22:25.30 24:45.80
Chloe Manner Leavenworth High School -1.40 22:26.50 22:27.90
Katie Rothwell Wichita Northwest High School -1:06.40 22:27.00 23:33.40
Victoria Brown Campus High School -1:20.60 22:27.50 23:48.10
Miranda Taylor Emporia High School -50.90 22:29.70 23:20.60
Katie Lawson Hickman High School -1:20.70 22:30.20 23:50.90
Brenna Langdon Topeka Seaman High School -2:16.30 22:32.00 24:48.30
Megan Bartel Newton High School -1:17.80 22:34.10 23:51.90
Rachel Pratt Eudora High School -2:10.80 22:34.20 24:45.00
Kristina Sidorova Hickman High School -39.40 22:34.50 23:13.90
Madelyn Bachtel Lansing High School -39.90 22:35.20 23:15.10
Katherine Wombwell Tonganoxie High School -1:41.40 22:35.50 24:16.90
Sydney Rice Olathe West High School -2:39.30 22:36.80 25:16.10
Mary Gordon Parkway South High School -1:53.10 22:39.00 24:32.10
Abby Johnson Ankeny High School -1:01.70 22:39.80 23:41.50
Clara Scheck Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School -42.90 22:41.40 23:24.30
Elizabeth Singer West Franklin High School -1:03.70 22:41.80 23:45.50
Josie Rinella Bishop Miege High School -26.60 22:42.10 23:08.70
Emily Punches Osage City High School -30.60 22:43.60 23:14.20
Maggie Latenser Bishop Miege High School +12.00 22:55.60 22:43.60
Lauren Wilson Spring Hill High School +1:20.10 24:06.60 22:46.50
Lindsey Kane Andover Central High School -55.30 22:47.80 23:43.10
Kamri Younger Washburn Rural High School +15.30 23:04.80 22:49.50
Hannah Writebol Chaparral High School +4.50 22:54.50 22:50.00
Ashlyn Zachgo Wamego High School -35.10 22:50.40 23:25.50
Courtney Dulll Smithville High School -2:04.80 22:52.30 24:57.10
Eve Schifman Washburn Rural High School -5.20 22:53.70 22:58.90
Hannah Loftus Ankeny High School -1:18.60 22:55.30 24:13.90
Blaise Ball Perry-Lecompton High School -1:31.30 22:55.50 24:26.80
Megan Shireman Girard High School -2:06.80 22:58.50 25:05.30
Abbi Clark Rock Creek Middle School -31.00 22:58.80 23:29.80
Lillian Issitt Washburn Rural High School +1:01.20 24:01.30 23:00.10
Amelia Hart Shawnee Mission West High School +1:56.30 24:56.50 23:00.20
Hazel Eastlack Shawnee Mission East High School +8.70 23:09.90 23:01.20
Nicole Vick Maize High School +18.50 23:20.20 23:01.70
Eleanor Dobbles Blue Valley High School -51.50 23:01.90 23:53.40
Joy Steele Osage City High School +13.00 23:17.10 23:04.10
Katrina Zuelke Liberty High School -2:18.40 23:06.60 25:25.00
Miah McCue Osage City High School -4:50.20 23:08.30 27:58.50
Breanna Varrale Rock Creek Middle School +0.60 23:09.90 23:09.30
Olivia Cavanaugh Basehor-Linwood High School +5.70 23:15.70 23:10.00
Emma Cross Mill Valley High School -1:14.80 23:10.80 24:25.60
Tristan Fangman Topeka Seaman High School -9.50 23:12.00 23:21.50
Abigail Deanna Smithville High School -1:07.90 23:13.90 24:21.80
Alex Phillis Topeka Seaman High School -19.70 23:14.40 23:34.10
Trinity Riecker Smithville High School -1:53.10 23:14.90 25:08.00
Dianna Snow Norton Community High School -1:23.00 23:15.30 24:38.30
Michael Debus Jefferson West High School -2:37.20 23:17.80 25:55.00
Emma Wasielewski Parkway South High School -1:41.70 23:17.80 24:59.50
Isabel Reed Shawnee Heights High School +56.20 24:15.20 23:19.00
Kaylee Major Platte County High School -8.10 23:20.30 23:28.40
Grace Fike Rock Creek Middle School +34.60 24:01.90 23:27.30
Grace Hall Park Hill South High School -10.10 23:27.80 23:37.90
Kate Erpelding Eudora High School -1:24.20 23:29.30 24:53.50
Erica Shults St. Mary's High School -4.40 23:30.90 23:35.30
Reece Hay Liberal High School +1:05.20 24:36.70 23:31.50
Josie Koppes Manhattan High School +6.50 23:39.90 23:33.40
Lindsey Curran Wichita East High School -3:00.90 23:33.40 26:34.30
Kylie Mouser Wichita Northwest High School -36.30 23:34.90 24:11.20
Kendyl Burks Topeka Seaman High School -2:47.60 23:35.90 26:23.50
Makayla Zeller Riley County High School -4:17.10 23:36.40 27:53.50
Sophia Griffith Wichita East High School +1:10.10 24:46.70 23:36.60
Madison Gilbert Hiawatha High School -1:15.60 23:41.50 24:57.10
Marlowe Greenwell Lawrence Free State High School -1.00 23:42.50 23:43.50
Marissa Christensen Washburn Rural High School -41.30 23:42.90 24:24.20
Maria Matulis Lenexa St. James Academy +1:03.60 24:47.70 23:44.10
Maddie Bliss Maize South High School -1:43.80 23:46.50 25:30.30
Bella Crawford-Parker Lawrence Free State High School +45.80 24:32.70 23:46.90
Gracie Blackford Wamego High School -2:05.10 23:46.90 25:52.00
Kaitlyn Moore Lyndon High School -28.00 23:47.40 24:15.40
Heather Wombwell Tonganoxie High School +14.00 24:03.80 23:49.80
Lexi McDaniel Wellsville High School -25.80 23:50.10 24:15.90
Dara Mendoza Independence High School -4:14.30 23:51.00 28:05.30
Rylee Calderwood Spring Hill High School +34.80 24:26.50 23:51.70
Katelyn Hedger Andover Central High School -3:07.80 23:52.60 27:00.40
Nora Sjue Pembroke Hill School -1:56.30 23:53.10 25:49.40
Malia Veer Kansas City Christian -3:14.20 23:54.40 27:08.60
Maren Blanka Wamego High School -2:31.80 23:55.80 26:27.60
Hannah Reed Owasso -1:11.90 23:56.90 25:08.80
Baylea Jones Kearney High School +1:38.10 25:36.10 23:58.00
Sydney Hieken Parkway South High School -31.00 24:00.40 24:31.40
Emily Schmeer St. Thomas Aquinas High School +16.20 24:17.00 24:00.80
Cierra Hamlin Osage City High School -3:01.30 24:02.30 27:03.60
Ellie Platt Bishop Miege High School -1:47.70 24:02.70 25:50.40
Tarynn Brenner Wichita East High School -12.50 24:03.30 24:15.80
Paul Libby Kansas City Christian -2:32.00 24:04.90 26:36.90
Katherine Wells Ozark High School -1:19.50 24:06.10 25:25.60
Sydney Sales Washburn Rural High School +49.90 24:57.50 24:07.60
Savanna Willard Olathe West High School -2:32.90 24:09.30 26:42.20
Ava Toebe Wichita East High School -1:36.70 24:10.30 25:47.00
Macy Hendricks Manhattan High School +1:17.20 25:31.80 24:14.60
Hannah Reynolds Douglass High School -3:00.90 24:15.30 27:16.20
Kailey Gill Norton Community High School -33.60 24:16.30 24:49.90
Callie Perry St. Mary's High School +16.60 24:36.70 24:20.10
Elizabeth Finnigan Leavenworth High School -51.30 24:23.00 25:14.30
Candice Klofcorn Osage City High School -3:09.90 24:27.00 27:36.90
Grace McEuen Hickman High School -35.80 24:27.70 25:03.50
Madison Sullivan Eudora High School -1:00.70 24:29.50 25:30.20
Payton Dickkut Cameron High School -2:26.40 24:33.20 26:59.60
Mathia Slinkard Tonganoxie High School -50.80 24:36.40 25:27.20
Lorissa Bailey Leavenworth High School +1:26.60 26:03.80 24:37.20
Sarah Sayles Jefferson West High School -7.40 24:38.90 24:46.30
Darbee Chard Chanute High School -2:00.80 24:40.20 26:41.00
Jayden Wilson Lawrence High School -1:02.60 24:45.00 25:47.60
Kaitlyn Pringle Lyndon High School +1:46.50 26:33.10 24:46.60
Maddy Haidusek Riley County High School -4:38.20 24:55.40 29:33.60
Sidney Gleason Mission Valley High School -30.40 24:58.50 25:28.90
Chloe Berner Council Grove High School -4:11.40 25:00.20 29:11.60
Jolaine Rolofson Gardner Edgerton High School +1:42.00 26:44.20 25:02.20
Nicole Stueve Hiawatha High School -42.50 25:06.70 25:49.20
Kylie Graham Cameron High School -13.20 25:07.80 25:21.00
Conneally Carly Kansas City Christian -52.40 25:08.00 26:00.40
Sara Haggard Perry-Lecompton High School -1:09.20 25:11.50 26:20.70
Angelica Gutierrez Gardner Edgerton High School +8.80 25:20.50 25:11.70
RaeLyn Scott Council Grove High School -27.60 25:15.70 25:43.30
Corgan Nickelson Norton Community High School -1:23.80 25:19.60 26:43.40
Azalea Solis Campus High School -1:45.30 25:19.90 27:05.20
Jill Duncan Andover Central High School -32.00 25:22.40 25:54.40
Brandon Newell Baldwin High School +1:04.80 26:28.60 25:23.80
Hannah Foster Mission Valley High School +6.20 25:32.30 25:26.10
Emily Stewart St. Mary's High School +17.60 25:53.40 25:35.80
Lucy Cunningham Oak Park High School -25.10 25:42.20 26:07.30
Ryann Kuosman Legend High School -6.30 25:47.50 25:53.80
Keely Steere Council Grove High School -58.20 25:59.20 26:57.40
Alyssa Griffith Liberty High School +45.80 26:47.10 26:01.30
Madilyn Pritzel Maryville High School -2:29.00 26:01.80 28:30.80
Amelia Weddle Oak Park High School -1:36.60 26:07.50 27:44.10
Elizabeth Brians Owasso -35.20 26:27.00 27:02.20
Ravin Sage Mission Valley High School +1:26.40 27:58.50 26:32.10
Julia Martin Wellsville High School -6:43.10 26:43.20 33:26.30
Rachel Bynum Sumner Academy -1:09.80 26:49.10 27:58.90
Hannah Wright Olathe West High School -32.10 26:50.10 27:22.20
Breann Flaharty Girard High School -1:33.60 26:54.30 28:27.90
Tessa Martin Douglass High School -54.10 27:12.00 28:06.10
James Heddings Maranatha Christian Academy -38.30 27:13.60 27:51.90
Devon Cokeley Douglass High School +11.50 27:31.30 27:19.80
Alex Melendez Humboldt High School -6:30.30 27:33.00 34:03.30
Alyssa Ramsey Chanute High School -1:41.70 27:34.60 29:16.30
Zoey Wilson Humboldt High School -5:59.90 28:02.60 34:02.50
Chloe Breth Kansas City Christian +1:01.00 29:36.10 28:35.10
Erin Laskowski Wellsville High School -5:03.60 29:13.80 34:17.40
Mellenie Reddick Maranatha Christian Academy -6:32.50 30:26.30 36:58.80