Saints + Mustangs Invitational 2023

Overland Park, KS

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whyte, Addison Olathe South High School
Mollerus, Alden 11.09 Blue Valley North High School
Wheeler, Ben 11.29 St. James Academy
Sheets, Henry 11.32 Shawnee Mission East High School
Suazo, Andy 11.34 Wyandotte High School
Gafrick, Andrew 11.34 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Gunion, Noah 11.35 Shawnee Mission West
Arnold, Jack 11.37 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Kelley, Grant 11.38 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Price, John 11.41 Blue Valley High School
Warren, Cooper 11.45 Olathe South High School
Hoskins, Thomas 11.45 Blue Valley High School
Maslowski, LJ 11.49 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Wilson, Brian 11.51 Olathe South High School
Williams, Trey 11.53 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Morgan, Ashton 11.53 Blue Valley North High School
Bowman, Christopher 11.56 Blue Valley West High School
Ward, Hayden 11.62 Blue Valley High School
Mitchell, My'shon 11.67 Shawnee Mission West
Skeels, Ash 11.73 Shawnee Mission East High School
Blacketer, Spencer 11.77 Shawnee Mission East High School
Pace, Jack 11.78 St. James Academy
Rogge, James 11.78 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Mponezya, Dalvin 11.79 Shawnee Mission West
Norris, Bryce 11.83 Blue Valley West High School
Stanley, Isaac 11.90 St. James Academy
Gates, Darrien 12.15 Sumner Academy
Scruggs, Orie 12.73 Sumner Academy
Wilson, Sylas 12.77 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Austin 15.13 Olathe South High School
Marshall, Dillon 15.36 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Curnes, Stephen 15.74 St. James Academy
Andrews, Anthony 16.28 Blue Valley North High School
Gill, Wesley 16.45 Blue Valley High School
Cowell, Parker 16.83 Blue Valley High School
Whittington, Evan 16.92 Shawnee Mission East High School
Espenmiller, Ben 16.97 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Brady, Owen 17.34 St. James Academy
Prosser-gebhnrat, Louis 17.37 Shawnee Mission East High School
Reeves, James 17.55 Wyandotte High School
Fisher, Luke 17.97 Shawnee Mission East High School
Michiels, Alex 18.24 Blue Valley North High School
Hulla, Ryan 18.80 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Scheina, Landon 19.06 Shawnee Mission West
Kwan, Ryan 19.77 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Bandy, Johnathan 21.33 Sumner Academy
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burns, Tyler 4:22.96 Olathe South High School
Plath, Dylan 4:23.34 Olathe South High School
Brechler, Ty 4:23.98 Blue Valley West High School
Bianco, Michael 4:25.04 St. James Academy
Ptacek, Blair 4:25.72 Shawnee Mission East High School
Hurley, Sam 4:27.06 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Schumacher, Andrew 4:30.39 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
France, Carter 4:32.55 Olathe South High School
Mumford, Spencer 4:34.89 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Durham, Jey 4:36.49 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Knaussman, Michael 4:37.22 Shawnee Mission West
Mabar, John 4:42.83 Wyandotte High School
Olsen, Brock 4:43.29 Blue Valley West High School
Norris, William 4:46.72 Shawnee Mission East High School
Anthony, Jadyn 4:50.55 Shawnee Mission West
Rowlett, Ryan 4:51.41 Shawnee Mission West
Wang, Alan 4:51.69 Blue Valley High School
Klasinski, Bobby 4:51.93 St. James Academy
Brown, Quinn 4:55.00 Blue Valley West High School
Yibekal, Aderajew 4:57.77 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Lloyd, Breck 4:59.33 Blue Valley High School
Peck, Jimmy 5:00.06 St. James Academy
Lomshek, Ziga 5:03.39 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
McCall, Chase 5:03.62 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Raknes, Noah 5:14.23 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Titus, Liam 5:14.81 Shawnee Mission East High School
Lira, Jacob 5:23.60 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Rios-Mejia, Christopher 6:01.07 Sumner Academy
Salinas, Ever 6:01.21 Sumner Academy
Lian, Samuel 6:27.93 Sumner Academy
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gafrick, Andrew 22.80 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Mollerus, Alden 22.94 Blue Valley North High School
Holton, Andrew 23.18 St. James Academy
Peoples, Howard 23.21 Sumner Academy
Pombo, Jaeden 23.23 Blue Valley High School
Wheeler, Ben 23.24 St. James Academy
Allen, Noah 23.43 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Bowman, Christopher 23.44 Blue Valley West High School
Walker, Logan 23.44 Olathe South High School
Gunion, Noah 23.45 Shawnee Mission West
Rias, Jordyn 23.46 Olathe South High School
Pulliam, Lovie 23.50 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Morgan, Ashton 23.79 Blue Valley North High School
Bittner, Jacob 23.80 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Whittington, Evan 23.80h Shawnee Mission East High School
Cott, Connor 23.82 Blue Valley North High School
Murray, Kamari 23.85 Wyandotte High School
Pittman, Colin 23.86 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Stanley, Isaac 23.9 St. James Academy
Derrell, Derrius 24.10 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Suazo, Andy 24.11 Wyandotte High School
Mponezya, Dalvin 24.21 Shawnee Mission West
Hedrick, Mason 24.22 Shawnee Mission East High School
Mitchell, My'shon 24.29 Shawnee Mission West
Whyte, Addison 24.30 Olathe South High School
Arnold, Jack 24.35 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Fohlmeister, Ryan 24.37 Blue Valley West High School
Haughton, Brady 24.56 Shawnee Mission East High School
Adhiambo, Jahzua 25.01 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Gates, Darrien 25.32 Sumner Academy
Wilson, Sylas 26.00 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Curnes, Stephen 42.01 St. James Academy
Andrews, Anthony 42.54 Blue Valley North High School
Pulliam, Lovie 42.77 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Marshall, Dillon 42.83 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Tywater, Gabe 43.0 Blue Valley North High School
Kwan, Ryan 43.24 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Hulla, Ryan 43.31 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Gill, Wesley 43.87 Blue Valley High School
Oddo, Chase 43.98 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Fisher, Luke 44.11 Shawnee Mission East High School
Cowell, Parker 44.16 Blue Valley High School
Brady, Owen 44.49 St. James Academy
Tujague, John 44.55 St. James Academy
Kunstman, Lukas 44.71 Olathe South High School
Kellepouris, Michael 44.89 Shawnee Mission West
Reeves, James 45.38 Wyandotte High School
Enslinger, Carter 46.11 Blue Valley West High School
Scheina, Landon 47.14 Shawnee Mission West
Dehan, Ryan 47.55 Shawnee Mission East High School
Prosser-gebhnrat, Louis 47.99 Shawnee Mission East High School
Keller, Jayden 48.18 Shawnee Mission West
Bandy, Johnathan 49.37 Sumner Academy
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mumford, Spencer 10:01.11 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Stanton, Noah 10:03.71 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Blanchat, Jordan 10:05.64 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
File, Carter 10:10.04 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hartegan, Andrew 10:11.57 St. James Academy
Joyce, Jack 10:20.48 Shawnee Mission East High School
Imm, Greyson 10:23.21 Shawnee Mission East High School
Brown, Quinn 10:28.81 Blue Valley West High School
Jones, Beck 10:30.35 Shawnee Mission East High School
Lloyd, Breck 10:31.89 Blue Valley High School
Free, Matthew 10:32.48 St. James Academy
Thiele, Jonah 10:41.98 Olathe South High School
Dhekane, Atharv 10:52.02 Blue Valley West High School
Richardson, Lucas 10:59.72 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Durham, Jey 11:11.88 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Hakiza, Moses 11:31.73 Wyandotte High School
Ramsey, Oliver 11:41.50 Blue Valley High School
Mong, Levi 11:59.10 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Pierce, Ean 13:02.19 Sumner Academy
Garcia, Andres 13:33.16 Sumner Academy
Meoli, Bennett 9:41.43 Olathe South High School
Hurley, Sam 9:41.88 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Olsen, Brock 9:50.27 Blue Valley West High School
Burkholder, Cole 9:54.76 Olathe South High School
Schumacher, Andrew 9:55.62 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bacciani, Davide 1:01.42 Blue Valley High School
Waldie, Alex 48.47 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Sheets, Henry 49.80 Shawnee Mission East High School
Holton, Andrew 50.59 St. James Academy
Finzen, Luke 51.58 Blue Valley West High School
Wilson, Noah 51.63 Shawnee Mission West
Loparco, John Thomas 52.28 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Fleming, Will 52.76 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Cott, Connor 53.00h Blue Valley North High School
Curran, George 53.50 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Wichman, Trey 53.90 Blue Valley North High School
Hall, Darren 54.30 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Moreno, Christian 54.33 Sumner Academy
Musungu, Dennis 54.56 Olathe South High School
Jones, Logan 54.86 St. James Academy
Pombo, Jaeden 55.76 Blue Valley High School
Hedrick, Mason 55.90 Shawnee Mission East High School
Rainford, Courtney 55.92 Olathe South High School
Dejmal, Evan 55.96 St. James Academy
Barber, Jeay 56.12 Shawnee Mission West
Burns, Jax 56.23 Blue Valley High School
Adhiambo, Jahzua 56.86 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Jones, Walter 57.20h Shawnee Mission East High School
Hall, Jakeem 58.61 Wyandotte High School
Narvaez, Mario 59.48 Shawnee Mission West
Dillon, Jason 59.54 Sumner Academy
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.28 Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 43.43 Blue Valley North High School
Relay Team A 43.73 St. James Academy
Relay Team A 44.40 Olathe South High School
Relay Team A 44.43 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A 44.54 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Relay Team A 44.61 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 45.09 Blue Valley West High School
Relay Team A 45.74 Sumner Academy
Relay Team A 45.95 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 46.31 Wyandotte High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:27.80 St. James Academy
Relay Team A 3:29.81 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A 3:29.83 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 3:30.02 Blue Valley North High School
Relay Team B 3:30.83 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 3:31.82 Blue Valley West High School
Relay Team A 3:32.44 Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:33.93 Olathe South High School
Relay Team A 3:38.47 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Relay Team B 3:39.00h St. James Academy
Relay Team B 3:40.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A 3:40.31 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team B 3:40.45 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 3:44.28 Wyandotte High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:04.05 St. James Academy
Relay Team A 8:10.77 Blue Valley West High School
Relay Team A 8:30.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A 8:52.32 Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:12.31 Sumner Academy
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendez, Anthony Sumner Academy
Summers, Noah 1:57.10 Blue Valley High School
Roshau, Ty 1:57.98 St. James Academy
Jacobson, John 1:58.40 St. James Academy
Doherty, Conner 1:58.49 Olathe South High School
Waldie, Luke 2:01.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Schowengerdt, Noah 2:01.50 St. James Academy
Ptacek, Blair 2:02.45 Shawnee Mission East High School
Burns, Tyler 2:03.60 Olathe South High School
Broghammer, Jack 2:03.62 Shawnee Mission East High School
Mallot, Brady 2:04.71 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Mallouk, JP 2:06.06 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Coneally, Nathan 2:06.23 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
O'Dell, Parker 2:06.86 Olathe South High School
Helling, Blake 2:07.10 Blue Valley West High School
Marquette, Cooper 2:07.94 Blue Valley West High School
Pearson, Keefe 2:08.93 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Fisher, Caden 2:09.18 Blue Valley West High School
Hicks, Todd 2:09.33 Wyandotte High School
Wening, Jackson 2:11.00h Shawnee Mission East High School
McCall, Chase 2:15.00h Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Beckley, Hayden 2:17.25 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Ontiveros, Jesus 2:19.09 Sumner Academy
Gudino-Chausse, Diego 2:20.84 Sumner Academy
Mong, Levi 2:35.09 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
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HS Boys Discus Throw 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Jordan 189-5 Olathe South High School
Goodenow, Joey 161-10 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Behymer, Aidan 160-1 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Curtis, Klyn 152-10 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Saunders, Terrance 148-2 Blue Valley West High School
Gracia, Jeremy 139-1 Olathe South High School
Pombo, Zechariah 139-0 Blue Valley High School
Dohm, Spencer 137-1 St. James Academy
Bronson, Nathan 133-3 Blue Valley North High School
Peterson, Kaleb 132-5 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Anderson, Keyon 130-6 Wyandotte High School
Swaney, Peter Mac 130-3 Olathe South High School
Rehder, Joseph 129-5 Shawnee Mission West
Heath, Brock 123-1 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
McDavid, Ben 120-3 Blue Valley West High School
Burton, Zane 119-4 Blue Valley High School
Claypool, Garrett 115-8 Blue Valley High School
Ford, Collin 113-10 Shawnee Mission East High School
Morales, Jace 111-6 Shawnee Mission West
Reyes, David 108-9 Blue Valley West High School
Schreiner, Hank 107-1 St. James Academy
Bevitt, Jack 105-2 St. James Academy
McNamara, Alex 103-1 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Slaughter, Jack 100-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Brown, Jafaree 90-0 Blue Valley North High School
Gragg, Jordan 87-7 Wyandotte High School
Rios, Nathan 84-0 Sumner Academy
Robinson, Elijah 82-0 Sumner Academy
Washington, Kyran 76-7 Sumner Academy
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HS Boys High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bichelmeyer, Joel 6-4 St. James Academy
Leslie, Tyler 6-4 Olathe South High School
Reynolds, Brayden 6-3 Shawnee Mission East High School
Miller, Jason 6-3 Olathe South High School
Leonard, Curtis 6-2 Shawnee Mission East High School
Long, Jalen 6-2 Olathe South High School
Michiels, Alex 6-1 Blue Valley North High School
McCabe, Dan 6-1 Blue Valley West High School
Murray, Kamari 6-0 Wyandotte High School
Fohlmeister, Ryan 6-0 Blue Valley West High School
Whitehouse, Jacob 5-11 Blue Valley West High School
Burton, Isaac 5-10 Blue Valley High School
Cowell, Parker 5-8 Blue Valley High School
Loparco, John Thomas 5-7 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Vulupala, Rithvik 5-5 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Zeller, Dylan 5-4 St. James Academy
Moreno, Christian 5-4 Sumner Academy
Bandy, Johnathan 5-4 Sumner Academy
Herold, Thomas 5-2 Blue Valley High School
Robinson, Elijah Sumner Academy
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HS Boys Javelin 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loughman, Joe 167-2 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Gunn, Dylan 157-7 Blue Valley High School
Webb, Dylan 155-6 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Richardson, Owen 154-5 Blue Valley High School
McNicoll, Jason 151-2 Blue Valley West High School
Holmes, Hadley 149-0 Blue Valley West High School
Chase, Parker 148-4 St. James Academy
Swaney, Peter Mac 143-7 Olathe South High School
Browne, Jack 142-0 Blue Valley High School
Cook, Jack 138-6 Blue Valley West High School
Warner, Mason 134-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
Dejmal, Evan 132-3 St. James Academy
Jenkins, Julius 131-4 Blue Valley North High School
Minto, Chris 127-7 Shawnee Mission East High School
Lomeli, Jesse 119-6 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Allen, Dellman 118-6 Sumner Academy
Cunningham, Caedmon 113-0 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Nix, Ben 104-2.5 Blue Valley North High School
Robinson, Elijah 102-0 Sumner Academy
Prock, Landon 96-3 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Tyler, Alec 95-1 Sumner Academy
Gadson, Darren 87-8 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Bevitt, Jack St. James Academy
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HS Boys Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Sommyr 21-3 Sumner Academy
Wheeler, Ben 21-2.75 St. James Academy
Crites, Daniel 21-2.25 Olathe South High School
Tywater, Gabe 21-2.25 Blue Valley North High School
Herold, Thomas 21-1.5 Blue Valley High School
Myers, Sam 21-0.5 Blue Valley West High School
Reynolds, Brayden 20-11 Shawnee Mission East High School
Miller, Jason 20-9.25 Olathe South High School
Gunion, Noah 20-6 Shawnee Mission West
Kelley, Grant 20-5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Huston, Callahan 20-5 St. James Academy
Peoples, Howard 20-5 Sumner Academy
Burton, Isaac 20-4 Blue Valley High School
Michiels, Alex 20-1 Blue Valley North High School
Hoskins, Thomas 19-10.5 Blue Valley High School
Wichman, Trey 19-10 Blue Valley North High School
Kavan, Noah 19-9 Blue Valley West High School
Murrell, Ladrew 19-7 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
McCarthy, Quinn 19-3.25 Shawnee Mission East High School
Vulupala, Rithvik 19-1 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Tujague, John 18-10 St. James Academy
Enslinger, Carter 18-10 Blue Valley West High School
Allen, Noah 18-9.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Gordon, De'Vante 18-5.5 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Cross, Alex 17-6.5 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
King, Steven 17-3 Shawnee Mission West
Long, Jalen Olathe South High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McMahon, Mikahl 13-3 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Collins, Spencer 13-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Nola, Karizma 13-0 Blue Valley High School
Cox, Jacob 12-3 Blue Valley High School
Peters, Kyle 12-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Guerra, Quinton 11-9 Blue Valley North High School
Eitzmann, Jack 11-6 Blue Valley North High School
Gill, Wesley 11-4 Blue Valley High School
Micek, George 11-2 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Montgomery, Collin 11-0 Blue Valley West High School
Phillips, Nathan 11-0 Shawnee Mission West
Henderson, Thomas 10-2 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Carey, Andrew 9-6 Blue Valley West High School
Loparco, John Thomas Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
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HS Boys Shot Put 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Jordan 56-4 Olathe South High School
Curtis, Klyn 54-5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Goodenow, Joey 51-8 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Behymer, Aidan 50-1.25 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Dohm, Spencer 49-10 St. James Academy
Saunders, Terrance 48-10 Blue Valley West High School
Anderson, Keyon 47-5 Wyandotte High School
Niehues, Traven 47-3 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Golomski, Will 46-10 St. James Academy
Heisdorffer, Logan 45-10 Blue Valley High School
Ford, Collin 43-1 Shawnee Mission East High School
Gunn, Dylan 42-1 Blue Valley High School
Simpson, Smith 41-2 Blue Valley High School
Andersen, Grant 41-1 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Gracia, Jeremy 41-1 Olathe South High School
Bevitt, Jack 39-11 St. James Academy
McNamara, Alex 39-5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Tyler, Alec 39-4 Sumner Academy
Gragg, Jordan 39-3.5 Wyandotte High School
Jenkins, Julius 39-0 Blue Valley North High School
Reed, Cooper 38-11 Blue Valley North High School
Morales, Jace 37-4.5 Shawnee Mission West
Gilbert, Braden 37-3 Blue Valley West High School
Wu, Paul (Po-Lin) 37-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Rehder, Joseph 36-11 Shawnee Mission West
Gray, Matthew 36-3.5 Olathe South High School
Perkins , Owen 35-0 Blue Valley North High School
Washington, Kyran 34-8.75 Sumner Academy
Sanchez, Gael 31-11.75 Sumner Academy
Ruiz-Barrios, Jose 29-11 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Boys Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Penney, Jeremiah 44-1 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Myers, Sam 43-3 Blue Valley West High School
Leonard, Curtis 41-11.25 Shawnee Mission East High School
Anderson, Courtney 41-2.5 Wyandotte High School
Michiels, Alex 41-1.5 Blue Valley North High School
Burton, Isaac 40-7 Blue Valley High School
Bichelmeyer, Joel 40-4.75 St. James Academy
Bledsoe, Isaac 39-9 Olathe South High School
Derrell, Derrius 39-6.5 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Musungu, Dennis 39-6 Olathe South High School
Vulupala, Rithvik 39-4.5 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Callahan, Will 39-0 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Wichman, Trey 39-0 Blue Valley North High School
Cross, Alex 38-8.5 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Tujague, John 38-7 St. James Academy
Norris, Bryce 38-6.5 Blue Valley West High School
Kavan, Noah 38-4.25 Blue Valley West High School
True, Isaiah 38-2.5 Olathe South High School
Murrell, Ladrew 38-2 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Johnson, Jaymill 38-2 Sumner Academy
Browne, Jack 35-3.5 Blue Valley High School
Wilson, Sylas 34-8.5 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Gordon, De'Vante Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Moore, Sommyr Sumner Academy
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Phelps, Leah 12.30 St. James Academy
Kneller, Alli 12.31 Blue Valley North High School
Renkemeyer, Alexa 12.61 Blue Valley High School
McCleary, Kylie 12.70 Sumner Academy
Pippins, Jasmine 12.88 Olathe South High School
Delaney, Brynn 12.93 Shawnee Mission East High School
Lipari, Adela 12.99 Blue Valley High School
Battles, Marley 12.99 Shawnee Mission West
Marien-brovont, Sophia 13.13 Shawnee Mission East High School
McGuire, Lauren 13.20h Shawnee Mission East High School
Brachtenbach, Gabrielle 13.23 Olathe South High School
Kesting, Browen 13.31 Blue Valley High School
Miller, Isabella 13.47 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Looney-Cooper, Jasmin 13.49 Wyandotte High School
Friesz, Allie 13.55 Blue Valley West High School
Goolsby, Alea 13.55 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Holton, Emma 13.59 St. James Academy
Overlease, Evelyn 13.64 St. James Academy
Johnson, Dina 13.70 Blue Valley North High School
Morgan, Dyshay 13.78 Wyandotte High School
Jones, Sienna 13.81 Blue Valley North High School
Williams, Mya 13.87 Shawnee Mission West
Nelson, Molly 14.13 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Gundu, Akshaya 14.22 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Kraft, Madison 14.23 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Jonscher, Marissa 14.24 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartholome, Emma 15.66 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Gutierrez, Liv 16.00 Blue Valley West High School
Williams, Brooke 16.12 Shawnee Mission West
Wiley, Beatrice 16.48 St. James Academy
Edwards, Rylie 17.06 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Merz, Ellie 17.09 St. James Academy
Bundy, Anna 17.10 Blue Valley North High School
Hayes-Nigro, Aaliyah 17.16 Blue Valley High School
Chang, Jackie 17.20 Blue Valley High School
Chan, Katalina 17.46 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Campion, Haley 17.48 Shawnee Mission West
Farrington, Jada 17.73 Blue Valley North High School
Masilionis, Margaux 17.83 Blue Valley North High School
Morrissey, Brooklyn 17.98 Shawnee Mission West
Wiley, Eleanor 18.61 St. James Academy
Burdette, Kylah 19.07 Sumner Academy
Gorman, Caroline 19.92 Shawnee Mission East High School
Kowalik, Khloe 20.80h Shawnee Mission East High School
Bryant, Marin 21.18 Shawnee Mission East High School
Thompson, Kyley 21.37 Sumner Academy
Jimenez, Brianna 22.16 Sumner Academy
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hays, Quinn 5:13.79 St. James Academy
Morfeld, Allie 5:18.77 St. James Academy
Gotfredson, Amy 5:22.67 Olathe South High School
Allen, Ani 5:24.66 Olathe South High School
Simoes, Isabella 5:38.27 St. James Academy
Kelley, Greta 5:42.12 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hostetler, Lizzy 5:44.81 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Yeater, Taylor 5:46.24 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Babcock, Berkley 5:52.89 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Clausen, Emily 5:54.01 Blue Valley High School
Hostetler, Rachel 5:57.18 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Schmidt, Lilly 5:59.57 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Busta, Courtney 6:02.83 Blue Valley High School
Langford, Claire 6:16.63 Shawnee Mission East High School
Jenkinson, Claire 6:17.17 Shawnee Mission East High School
Furgarino, Karyssa 6:20.16 Sumner Academy
Marsh, Libby 6:35.80 Shawnee Mission East High School
Paulsen, Lydia 6:37.39 Sumner Academy
Lewis, Grace 6:50.00h Blue Valley High School
Lopez, Nahomy 8:10.28 Sumner Academy
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wiley, Beatrice 25.80 St. James Academy
McCleary, Kylie 25.88 Sumner Academy
Kneller, Alli 25.95 Blue Valley North High School
Dawson, Avery 26.24 Blue Valley West High School
Perez-Vela, Jaquelyn 26.36 Wyandotte High School
Phelps, Leah 26.42 St. James Academy
Means, Jazzmyne 26.69 Blue Valley High School
McFall, Blakely 26.86 Olathe South High School
Beck, Aydan 27.30 Blue Valley High School
Delaney, Brynn 27.56 Shawnee Mission East High School
Okeowo, Glory 27.63 Blue Valley High School
Brachtenbach, Gabrielle 27.79 Olathe South High School
Hunt, Jaylynn 27.82 Wyandotte High School
Marien-brovont, Sophia 27.97 Shawnee Mission East High School
Scott, Hayley 28.06 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Wurtenberger, Ellie 28.13 St. James Academy
Miller, Isabella 28.17 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Friesz, Allie 28.51 Blue Valley West High School
Wright, Niah 28.54 Shawnee Mission West
Goolsby, Alea 28.75 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Johnson, Dina 28.88 Blue Valley North High School
Kozup, Layla 29.15 Shawnee Mission East High School
Williams, Mya 29.38 Shawnee Mission West
Jones, Sienna 29.70 Blue Valley North High School
Bryant, Skylar 29.88 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Jonscher, Marissa 29.95 Shawnee Mission West
Vance, Macy 30.82 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Gundu, Akshaya 31.51 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jimenez, Brianna 1:00.15 Sumner Academy
Chan, Katalina 46.69 Kansas City Christian High Schoo
Bartholome, Emma 47.67 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Farrington, Jada 47.86 Blue Valley North High School
Williams, Brooke 47.88 Shawnee Mission West
Campion, Haley 49.65 Shawnee Mission West
Gutierrez, Liv 49.66 Blue Valley West High School
Masilionis, Margaux 51 Blue Valley North High School
Hathaway, Emily 51.00h Blue Valley North High School
Edwards, Rylie 51.15 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Hayes-Nigro, Aaliyah 51.24 Blue Valley High School
Merz, Ellie 51.32 St. James Academy
Morrissey, Brooklyn 51.39 Shawnee Mission West
Wiley, Eleanor 51.54 St. James Academy
Burdette, Kylah 51.81 Sumner Academy
Chang, Jackie 52.99 Blue Valley High School
Vena, Peyton 53.03 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Kowalik, Khloe 54.51 Shawnee Mission East High School
Gorman, Caroline 56.79 Shawnee Mission East High School
Bryant, Marin 56.87 Shawnee Mission East High School
Thompson, Kyley 58.14 Sumner Academy
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morfeld, Allie 11:43.11 St. James Academy
Erickson, Laya 11:43.37 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Pearlman, Scarlett 11:45.00 Shawnee Mission East High School
Menghini, Katelyn 11:52.26 St. James Academy
Price, Katie 11:56.65 St. James Academy
Achen, Jade 12:10.00 Shawnee Mission East High School
Clausen, Emily 12:33.06 Blue Valley High School
Lee, Emerson 12:34.31 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Abbott, Elizabeth 12:40.43 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Divadeenam, Rowan 12:40.75 Shawnee Mission East High School
Higgerson, Adeline 12:43.52 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Kruger, Anna 12:50.54 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hostetler, Lizzy Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Means, Jazzmyne 1:01.65 Blue Valley High School
Lester, Kali 1:02.14 Shawnee Mission West
Hornick, Libby 1:02.35 St. James Academy
Gahagan, Lauren 1:03.11 Shawnee Mission East High School
Jones, Phaelin 1:03.37 Blue Valley High School
Ford, Kendal 1:03.56 Blue Valley West High School
Rembold, Gwenyn 1:04.00 Blue Valley West High School
Beltrame, Catherine 1:05.20 Shawnee Mission East High School
Maize, Sydney 1:06.09 Blue Valley High School
Scott, Hayley 1:06.31 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Joyce, Anna 1:06.95 Shawnee Mission East High School
Angles, Mia 1:08.19 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Stubbs, Bella 1:08.29 St. James Academy
Land, Zoe 1:08.30h Shawnee Mission West
Lomshek, Zala 1:09.06 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Domazet, Milena 1:09.72 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Ampleman, Madeline 1:10.40h Shawnee Mission West
Subramoni, Divya 1:11.59 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Gregory, Delia 57.77 Blue Valley North High School
Brown, Audrey 58.06 Blue Valley North High School
Perez-Vela, Jaquelyn 58.53 Wyandotte High School
Dawson, Avery 59.38 Blue Valley West High School
Weber, Chloe 59.55 Olathe South High School
Overlease, Evelyn 59.66 St. James Academy
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.20 Blue Valley North High School
Relay Team A 49.82 St. James Academy
Relay Team A 51.54 Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 51.61 Olathe South High School
Relay Team A 52.09 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 53.18 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 55.49 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Relay Team A 56.58 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:00.84 Blue Valley North High School
Relay Team A 4:02.68 St. James Academy
Relay Team A 4:06.24 Blue Valley West High School
Relay Team A 4:16.21 Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:16.93 Olathe South High School
Relay Team B 4:19.00h St. James Academy
Relay Team B 4:20.00h Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:26.68 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 4:28.14 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 4:30.35 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A 4:32.55 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:08.15 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 10:30.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chacon, Valery Sumner Academy
Tetley, Adriana Olathe South High School
Subramoni, Divya Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Paulsen, Lydia Sumner Academy
Wilken, Annie 2:21.54 St. James Academy
Baum, Emma 2:21.77 Blue Valley West High School
Pearlman, Scarlett 2:28.71 Shawnee Mission East High School
Padgett, Lida 2:29.00 Shawnee Mission East High School
Brown, Audrey 2:30.00h Blue Valley North High School
Vandaveer, Emily 2:30.88 Olathe South High School
Loo, Raven 2:31.56 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Warren, Eleanor 2:32.38 Blue Valley High School
Fellingham, Avery 2:34.91 Olathe South High School
Rittel, Amelia 2:36.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Leathers, Tierney 2:36.42 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Babcock, Quinn 2:37.01 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Wallace, Bernadette 2:40 St. James Academy
Mauk, Lilly 2:40.85 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Swan, Chloe 2:41.08 Shawnee Mission East High School
Busta, Courtney 2:47.33 Blue Valley High School
Lewis, Grace 3:00.00h Blue Valley High School
Furgarino, Karyssa 3:11.57 Sumner Academy
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HS Girls Discus Throw 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grosdidier, Elise 115-7 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Talcott, Camryn 104-0 Olathe South High School
Burvee, Ella 99-0 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Keiter, Kallie 98-4 Blue Valley High School
Bronson, Rachel 98-0.5 Blue Valley North High School
Grosdidier, Josie 95-9 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Gana, Kesi 93-10 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Loe, Macie 91-5 Shawnee Mission West
Edeal, Lauren 90-4 Shawnee Mission West
Handzel, Emaline 86-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
Merritt-Meneses, Melissa 85-9 Sumner Academy
Zellers, Kennedy 85-2 Blue Valley High School
Reeder, Malia 84-11 Blue Valley North High School
Delgado, Angie 84-6 Wyandotte High School
Young, Avery 84-1 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Sher, Lexi 82-7 St. James Academy
Kahrs, Elinna 78-10 Blue Valley West High School
Rodriguez, Sara Lynn 76-0.5 Blue Valley High School
McMullen, Madi 76-0 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Jackson, Zein 75-7 Sumner Academy
Hearron, Abby 73-8 Blue Valley West High School
Mitchem, Zaria 67-7 Wyandotte High School
Moos, Ciara 63-3 Shawnee Mission West
Cook, Izabella Sumner Academy
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HS Girls High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Otroszko, Kaitlyn 5-5 Olathe South High School
Bundy, Anna 5-1.75 Blue Valley North High School
Holton, Emma 5-0 St. James Academy
Burdette, Kylah 5-0 Sumner Academy
Hunt, Jaylynn 4-10 Wyandotte High School
Green, Janelle 4-10 Blue Valley North High School
Stubbs, Bella 4-10 St. James Academy
Damron, Hope 4-10 Olathe South High School
Kelemen, Hadley 4-9 Blue Valley West High School
Sims, Macy 4-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
Anderson, Amber 4-8 Blue Valley West High School
Yarbrough, Brooke 4-8 Blue Valley West High School
McCleary, Kylie 4-8 Sumner Academy
Fernandez, Sydney 4-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Kimani, Sarah 4-6 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hostetler, Lizzy 4-6 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Jennings, Ava 4-6 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Hendrickson, Lucinda 4-5 Shawnee Mission East High School
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HS Girls Javelin 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mead, Jessie 114-0 Olathe South High School
Loe, Macie 113-6 Shawnee Mission West
Whiteside, Mary 112-6 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Bade, Sophia 109-6 Blue Valley High School
Sogard, Kate 109-6 Blue Valley High School
Pandjaris, Carlie 107-2 Blue Valley West High School
Grosdidier, Josie 106-9 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Lammers, Sienna 105-10 Blue Valley West High School
Clark, Kylie 97-0 Blue Valley West High School
Headley, Julia 92-0 St. James Academy
Law, Megan 90-7 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Handzel, Emaline 87-7 Shawnee Mission East High School
Bolton, Mya 87-0 St. James Academy
Grosdidier, Elise 86-10 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Sher, Lexi 81-7 St. James Academy
Ybarra, Mea 79-5 Sumner Academy
Zellers, Kennedy 77-4 Blue Valley High School
Forge, Claire 76-5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Bronson, Rachel Blue Valley North High School
Reeder, Malia Blue Valley North High School
Votypka, Ellie Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
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HS Girls Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shafer, Ella 17-5.5 Blue Valley North High School
Pippins, Jasmine 16-9.25 Olathe South High School
Cronin, Mary 16-8.5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Bundy, Anna 16-6 Blue Valley North High School
Stanley, Lauren 16-3.5 St. James Academy
Harrison, Cerise 16-3 Olathe South High School
Gregory, Delia 16-0 Blue Valley North High School
Wallin, Claire 15-3 St. James Academy
Hayes-Nigro, Aaliyah 15-2.5 Blue Valley High School
Okeowo, Glory 15-1 Blue Valley High School
Sims, Macy 15-0.75 Shawnee Mission East High School
Looney-Cooper, Jasmin 15-0 Wyandotte High School
Jones, Phaelin 15-0 Blue Valley High School
Penn, Camryn 14-10 Blue Valley West High School
Battles, Marley 14-9.75 Shawnee Mission West
Damron, Hope 14-9.5 Olathe South High School
Hornick, Libby 14-8.5 St. James Academy
Domazet, Milena 14-8 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Kimani, Sarah 14-8 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Lenz, Addison 14-7 Blue Valley West High School
Morgan, Dyshay 14-3 Wyandotte High School
Fernandez, Sydney 14-2.25 Shawnee Mission East High School
Gundu, Akshaya 14-0.75 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Micek, Ava 13-9 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Land, Zoe 13-8.5 Shawnee Mission West
Kraft, Madison 12-9.75 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
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HS Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holton, Emma 11-7 St. James Academy
Hileman, Ainsley 11-0 Blue Valley High School
Hyder, Aislinn 10-8 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hoover, Mia 10-6 Blue Valley High School
Conrad, Cate 10-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Gomez, Corrina 9-8 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Daniels, Payton 9-6.25 Blue Valley North High School
Wright, Alex 9-6 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Chang, Ariel 9-3 Blue Valley West High School
Ross, McKinzie 9-3 Blue Valley High School
Welch, Naomi 8-9 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Boyd, Ada 8-6.25 Blue Valley North High School
Gorman, Caroline 8-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Jantsch, Evan 8-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Ampleman, Madeline 7-6 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Girls Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grosdidier, Elise 40-0 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Delgado, Angie 37-8.75 Wyandotte High School
Burvee, Ella 34-10 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Talcott, Camryn 34-7 Olathe South High School
Gana, Kesi 34-5.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Edeal, Lauren 33-5.5 Shawnee Mission West
Headley, Julia 32-5 St. James Academy
Book, Frankie 31-5.5 St. James Academy
Feigenbaum, Matilda 31-4.5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Jackson, Mianza 30-10.5 Sumner Academy
Grosdidier, Josie 30-4 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Kahrs, Elinna 30-2 Blue Valley West High School
Bade, Sophia 30-0 Blue Valley High School
Koeneke, Emily 29-10 Olathe South High School
Young, Avery 29-5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Sher, Lexi 28-11 St. James Academy
Mead, Jessie 28-11 Olathe South High School
Cook, Izabella 28-11 Sumner Academy
Zellers, Kennedy 28-2 Blue Valley High School
Mitchem, Zaria 27-3.5 Wyandotte High School
Jackson, Zein 27-1 Sumner Academy
Hathaway, Emily 26-11 Blue Valley North High School
McMullen, Madi 26-8.75 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Townsend, Gwen 25-10 Blue Valley West High School
Bronson, Rachel 25-2.5 Blue Valley North High School
Albertson, Katie 25-0.5 Blue Valley High School
Reeder, Malia 23-10 Blue Valley North High School
Moos, Ciara 23-5.5 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cronin, Mary 36-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Shafer, Ella 35-11 Blue Valley North High School
Bingesser, Katelyn 33-4.25 Olathe South High School
Patrick, Micaela 32-2.25 Sumner Academy
Wallin, Claire 32-1 St. James Academy
Fernandez, Sydney 31-11.25 Shawnee Mission East High School
Stanley, Lauren 31-9 St. James Academy
Jennings, Ava 31-7 Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
Micek, Ava 28-4.75 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Angles, Mia 27-1.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Kraft, Madison Blue Valley Northwest High Schoo
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