Wichita North Wild Wind XC Festival 2014

Valley Center, KS

Wichita North Wild Wind XC Festival 2014 vs Wild Wind XC Festival 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -289 66 355
Overall Average -4:13.49 18:50.26 23:03.75
1st-10th Place +14.20 17:15.10 17:00.90
1st-25th Place +18.56 17:46.16 17:27.60
1st-50th Place +21.36 18:19.50 17:58.14
1st-100th Place -6:15.54 12:25.97 18:41.51
Common Athletes -- -- 30
Ran Faster -18 6 24
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time +23.27 18:53.77 18:30.50
Median Time +23.00 18:55.00 18:32.00
Middle 80% Times +26.79 18:54.13 18:27.33
Top 10% Times +10.33 16:48.67 16:38.33
Top 25% Times +18.75 17:29.75 17:11.00
Top 50% Times +22.00 18:02.53 17:40.53
Bottom 50% Times +24.53 19:45.00 19:20.47
Bottom 25% Times +23.25 20:17.00 19:53.75
Bottom 10% Times +8.00 20:56.00 20:48.00
Average Difference +23.27 -- --
Median Difference +16.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +28.79 -- --
Top 10% Difference +10.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference +20.80 -- --
Top 25% Difference +7.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference +20.80 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +25.73 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +33.63 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -8.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Matthew Wilson Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School +29.00 16:58.00 16:29.00
Kerby Depenbusch Great Bend High School -10.00 16:30.00 16:40.00
Alex Moen Andover High School +12.00 16:58.00 16:46.00
Connor Hawkins Andover High School -11.00 17:09.00 17:20.00
Alex Mora Hutchinson High School +1:26.00 18:55.00 17:29.00
Ethan Brittain Wichita North High School +23.00 17:53.00 17:30.00
Eric Vazquez Great Bend High School +56.00 18:33.00 17:37.00
Martin Anima Wichita North High School +55.00 18:32.00 17:37.00
Christian Bright Wichita East High School -49.00 17:39.00 18:28.00
Matt Steinert Andover High School +37.00 18:26.00 17:49.00
Connor O'Connell Andover High School +28.00 18:25.00 17:57.00
Ben Martin Wichita-Trinity Academy High School +24.00 18:31.00 18:07.00
Jared Stark Wichita Warriors Homeschool +1:48.00 20:10.00 18:22.00
Charles Devorce Wichita East High School +13.00 18:39.00 18:26.00
Landon Young Wichita-Trinity Academy High School +15.00 18:46.00 18:31.00
Ryan Loesing Wichita South High School +34.00 19:06.00 18:32.00
Bobby Crandall Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School +30.00 19:06.00 18:36.00
Javier Reyes Wichita North High School +50.00 19:29.00 18:39.00
Anthony Collins Wichita Heights High School +16.00 18:58.00 18:42.00
Cody Silmon Wichita South High School +1:20.00 20:06.00 18:46.00
Taisei Mattson Wichita North High School -13.00 18:46.00 18:59.00
Charles Adams Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School +4.00 18:53.00 18:49.00
Eduardo Ramirez Hutchinson High School +45.00 19:38.00 18:53.00
Johnny Crandall Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School +15.00 19:13.00 18:58.00
Larvonte Owens Wichita South High School +57.00 20:05.00 19:08.00
Isaiah Davis Great Bend High School -15.00 19:19.00 19:34.00
Travis Lenz Andover High School -1:04.00 19:22.00 20:26.00
Ishonn Shockley Eureka High School +3.00 20:10.00 20:07.00
Neal Lybarger Wichita East High School +22.00 20:30.00 20:08.00
Anthony Martinez Great Bend High School +18.00 22:08.00 21:50.00