KSHSAA State Cross Country Championship - 1A, 2A, 4A 2024

Wamego, KS

KSHSAA State Cross Country Championship - 1A, 2A, 4A 2024 vs KSHSAA 1A State Championship 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +416 593 177
Overall Average +37.26 21:39.19 21:01.92
1st-10th Place -16.54 16:49.20 17:05.74
1st-25th Place -18.35 17:10.18 17:28.54
1st-50th Place -31.85 17:28.35 18:00.20
1st-100th Place -1:13.45 17:52.32 19:05.77
Common Athletes -- -- 84
Ran Faster -62 11 73
Ran Season Best -53 -- 53
Average Time +1:00.12 21:15.74 20:15.62
Median Time +49.77 21:07.27 20:17.50
Middle 80% Times +56.92 21:07.70 20:10.78
Top 10% Times +16.48 17:27.06 17:10.58
Top 25% Times +14.17 17:51.65 17:37.48
Top 50% Times +27.88 18:46.52 18:18.64
Bottom 50% Times +1:32.36 23:44.97 22:12.60
Bottom 25% Times +1:57.87 25:16.06 23:18.18
Bottom 10% Times +2:22.89 26:58.97 24:36.08
Average Difference +1:00.12 -- --
Median Difference +1:21.97 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +50.69 -- --
Top 10% Difference +10.11 -- --
Top 50% Difference +25.68 -- --
Top 25% Difference +10.47 -- --
Top 50% Difference +25.68 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:34.56 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:09.00 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:12.59 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Caleb Durst Lebo High School +23.30 16:53.20 16:29.90
Broxton Gall Ness City High School +21.71 17:08.61 16:46.90
Ethan Robinson Pratt-Skyline High School +1:17.99 18:24.19 17:06.20
Jude Nelson Pratt-Skyline High School +41.75 17:50.25 17:08.50
Kaleb Arnold Olpe High School +19.03 17:28.33 17:09.30
Eli Gaeddert Goessel High School +1.42 17:23.02 17:21.60
Elliot Churchwell Quinter High School -7.57 17:21.93 17:29.50
Samuel Martinez Kiowa County High School +30.58 17:57.28 17:26.70
Hans Deaton Quinter High School -18.08 17:29.72 17:47.80
Mason Weseloh Kiowa County High School +35.23 18:11.83 17:36.60
Quade Smith St. John-Hudson High School +24.72 18:01.72 17:37.00
Joel Valadez Stafford High School -1.60 17:37.00 17:38.60
Kendrik Selensky Quinter High School +13.19 17:51.79 17:38.60
Gavin Shaughnessy Axtell High School +11.07 17:51.47 17:40.40
Gabriel Roderick Beloit St. John's Catholic High School +1.78 17:55.48 17:53.70
Harlan Pancost Sylvan-Lucas Unified High School -19.93 17:57.47 18:17.40
Kris Fulkerson Centralia High School +48.12 18:49.72 18:01.60
Ely Robinson Pratt-Skyline High School -42.72 18:02.88 18:45.60
Jonas Letourneau Beloit St. John's Catholic High School +27.16 18:30.66 18:03.50
Cohen Girard Clifton-Clyde High School +9.65 18:23.65 18:14.00
Rees Spade Northern Heights High School +1:09.22 19:25.02 18:15.80
James Braun Burden Central High School -29.32 18:15.88 18:45.20
Luke Hollerich Tipton Catholic High School +1:04.65 19:28.15 18:23.50
Wyatt Sutton Ness City High School +0.58 18:28.28 18:27.70
Ellei McCrory Northern Heights High School +2:15.65 20:46.35 18:30.70
Nic Clark Beloit St. John's Catholic High School +37.17 19:15.07 18:37.90
Nicholas Niewald Beloit St. John's Catholic High School +2:19.05 20:57.25 18:38.20
Tate Blackwill Quinter High School +1:23.26 20:02.06 18:38.80
Hunter Stenzel Ness City High School +16.91 18:59.71 18:42.80
Ethan Flax Ness City High School +43.89 19:28.89 18:45.00
Henry Woods Beloit St. John's Catholic High School +50.84 19:37.34 18:46.50
Pierce Rummel Quinter High School +36.35 19:25.25 18:48.90
Josh Brookshire Ness City High School +36.41 19:29.31 18:52.90
Isaac Jones Burrton High School +23.84 19:19.14 18:55.30
Levi Olson Goessel High School -27.71 18:55.49 19:23.20
Gunnar Parsons Burden Central High School +12.57 19:19.97 19:07.40
Henry Holdren Beloit St. John's Catholic High School +33.74 19:47.04 19:13.30
Blaise Buessing Axtell High School +28.96 19:48.36 19:19.40
Ty Henderson Burden Central High School +19.63 19:52.13 19:32.50
Matt Miller Axtell High School +1:40.30 21:15.40 19:35.10
Owen Hemphill Pratt-Skyline High School +16.02 20:00.12 19:44.10
Josie Walter Colony Crest High School +1:21.97 21:07.27 19:45.30
Abram Kostal Axtell High School -29.81 19:47.69 20:17.50
Jacee Deges South Gray High School +55.46 21:20.36 20:24.90
Sydney Taylor Kiowa County High School +2:23.98 22:54.28 20:30.30
Kylie Stapleton South Gray High School +19.76 20:54.96 20:35.20
Gwyn Jantz South Gray High School +2:21.10 22:56.50 20:35.40
Peyton Schmidt Colony Crest High School +41.96 21:17.86 20:35.90
Kaitlynn Bina Centre High School +1:52.63 22:35.93 20:43.30
Lucas Talbot Axtell High School +50.89 21:36.89 20:46.00
Mia Ceniceros Ashland High School +2:04.65 22:59.75 20:55.10
Stephany Esparza Ness City High School +1:06.70 22:01.90 20:55.20
Ryah Bertuccelli Osborne High School +1:23.40 22:31.40 21:08.00
Codie Huehl Sylvan-Lucas Unified High School +1:40.78 22:55.98 21:15.20
Avery Strickland South Haven High School +5:01.56 26:20.36 21:18.80
Kimberly Redecop Kiowa County High School +4:34.79 25:55.39 21:20.60
Jenna Simmons South Gray High School +1:43.75 23:08.75 21:25.00
Breck Lohr St. Francis High School +38.49 22:13.99 21:35.50
Brooklyn Countryman Quinter High School +21.17 22:01.47 21:40.30
Lillian Hoffman Udall High School -52.48 21:45.22 22:37.70
Christiana Niewald Beloit St. John's Catholic High School +1:09.96 22:57.46 21:47.50
Kennah Speer Lebo High School -25.35 21:51.65 22:17.00
Hannah Younger Ness City High School +2:10.87 24:02.57 21:51.70
Annabelle Burden South Haven High School +2:38.69 24:31.49 21:52.80
Meleah Talley Centralia High School +4:36.22 26:29.52 21:53.30
Trystan Harrold Pratt-Skyline High School +14.98 22:19.48 22:04.50
Aubrey Allen Colony Crest High School +37.24 22:41.84 22:04.60
Gracie Grable Troy High School +1:51.59 23:57.19 22:05.60
Josie Tiffany Northern Heights High School +11.68 22:18.68 22:07.00
Joy Beck Elyria Christian High School +1:56.76 24:12.46 22:15.70
Destiny Mitchell Otis-Bison High School +53.85 23:12.85 22:19.00
Claire Miller Pretty Prairie High School +1:46.82 24:05.82 22:19.00
Darren Underwood Burden Central High School +43.14 23:08.14 22:25.00
Lily Hudson Madison High School +43.40 23:13.80 22:30.40
Cora Thompson Centralia High School +2:19.21 25:10.91 22:51.70
Reegan Meairs South Gray High School +58.00 24:07.70 23:09.70
Addison Heater South Haven High School +1:18.78 24:29.78 23:11.00
Brecklyn Bishop Ness City High School +29.81 24:15.51 23:45.70
Morgan Allen Centralia High School +1:21.72 25:24.82 24:03.10
Sabryn Copeland Ness City High School +3:59.47 28:04.07 24:04.60
Ella Gruenbacher Quinter High School -16.73 24:28.57 24:45.30
Ella Prosser Quinter High School +2:51.67 27:31.07 24:39.40
Addisyn Hinrichs Northern Heights High School +1:22.89 26:38.79 25:15.90
Lily Puvogel Centralia High School +2:45.82 31:15.82 28:30.00