Baldwin Invitational 2024

Baldwin City, KS
Timing/Results Ticker Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 284 entries

Athlete Seed Team
VanMeter, Deric Free State High School
Napier, Drake Shawnee Mission West
Johnson, Salem Shawnee Mission East High School
Merwald, Jimmy St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Minor, Moses Free State High School
Mohan, Kellam Shawnee Heights High School
Hock, Justin Free State High School
Salzmann, Hutson Baldwin High School
Mariner, Harvey Shawnee Mission East High School
Harnden, Noah St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Bacani, Milo Free State High School
Svarvari, Carter Shawnee Mission South
Shao, Allen Free State High School
Cima, Eli Shawnee Mission East High School
Xu, Jerry Free State High School
Kolakowski, Sean St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Ruland, David Free State High School
Johnson, Adrian Free State High School
Keough, Quinn Emporia High School
Hale, Thatcher Free State High School
Altenhofen, Ben St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Jacobs, Hudson Shawnee Mission East High School
Watt, Colin Free State High School
Vasos, Gus Shawnee Mission East High School
Outcalt, Dalin Free State High School
Foat, Kaspar Free State High School
Byington, Noah Free State High School
Ryan, Alec St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Jansen, Luke Shawnee Mission South
Drewry, Austin Free State High School
Conway, James Shawnee Mission East High School
Soto, Tristan Free State High School
Cruz-Acosta, Juan Topeka High School
Pineda, Raphael Shawnee Mission West
Keegan, Braden St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Landis, Avett Free State High School
Hoopes, Alex Emporia High School
Hein, Jackson Free State High School
Thelen, Will Shawnee Mission East High School
Lahn, Hunter Shawnee Mission East High School
Weaver, Anderson Free State High School
Solano, Alessandro Shawnee Mission West
Anderson, Parker Shawnee Mission East High School
Schmoekel, Nate St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Ramsey, Elliot Free State High School
Michalak, Caleb Christ Preparatory Academy
Gilbert, Cole St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Huerter, William Free State High School
Shi, Steven Emporia High School
Colistra, Kian Free State High School
Oliver, Miles Shawnee Mission East High School
Walters , Noah Shawnee Mission North
Farthing, Christian Shawnee Mission East High School
Micek, George St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Trefil, Matous Free State High School
Barkman, Dominic Shawnee Mission West
Broghammer, Max Shawnee Mission East High School
Lundstrom, Isaac Free State High School
Moody, Collin Emporia High School
Hickman, Henry Free State High School
Lindberg, Emmerson Shawnee Mission East High School
Parra, Brady Blue Valley North High School
Salmans, Cooper Free State High School
Zimmer, Leyton St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Rowland, Gabriel Free State High School
Jankowski, Ruel Free State High School
Hernandez-Garcia, Gustavo Topeka High School
Vahsholtz, Cooper Emporia High School
Gonzalez, Aiden Free State High School
Glenn, Spencer Christ Preparatory Academy
Smasal, Ethan Baldwin High School
Palmer, Ben Shawnee Mission East High School
Turner, Lucas St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Peak, Ethan 16:16.30 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Frye, Jonah 16:19.20 Free State High School
Delgado, Xaden 16:20.20 Emporia High School
Broghammer, Jack 16:24.00 Shawnee Mission East High School
Lowery, Gideon 16:28.23 Emporia High School
Carter, Evan 16:38.83 Shawnee Heights High School
Brings Plenty, Jerynce 16:39.28 Louisburg High School
Mallot, Brady 16:44.60 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Lichauer, Grant 16:54.41 Free State High School
Esquibel, Max 16:58.98 Shawnee Heights High School
Horveath, Kallan 16:59.90 Shawnee Mission West
VanSickle, Kasen 17:05.65 Emporia High School
Johnson, Nick 17:07.10 Baldwin High School
Johnson, Nicholas 17:08.30 Free State High School
Williams, Gavin 17:13.60 Shawnee Mission North
Schlef, Walter 17:15.70 Christ Preparatory Academy
Titus, Liam 17:16.40 Shawnee Mission East High School
Hobert, Henry 17:17.30 Shawnee Mission East High School
Schweiger, Nathan 17:21.90 Shawnee Mission North
Gomez, Edgar 17:24.30 Emporia High School
Gillaspie, Brendan 17:28.70 Shawnee Mission West
Jackson, Stevie 17:32.00 Free State High School
Richardson, Lucas 17:37.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Walden, Rowan 17:37.10 Blue Valley North High School
Campbell, Stuart 17:39.20 Topeka High School
Nelson, Devan 17:44.90 Shawnee Mission South
Bandelier, Brandon 17:49.30 Shawnee Mission North
Guerra, Clive 17:50.70 Blue Valley North High School
Brettell, Logan 17:50.70 Shawnee Mission East High School
Toland, Will 17:52.10 Topeka High School
Johnson, Xander 17:52.10 Baldwin High School
Burdette, Ryder 17:53.20 Shawnee Mission North
McGee, Levi 17:53.60 Topeka High School
Schaefer, Jonathan 17:54.90 Shawnee Mission West
Song, Isaac 17:58.70 Shawnee Heights High School
Novovesky, Thaine 18:03.10 Shawnee Mission West
Coe, Tate 18:04.80 Shawnee Mission North
Douglass, Fletcher 18:05.10 Shawnee Mission East High School
Wening, Jackson 18:05.70 Shawnee Mission East High School
Scaletty, Leo 18:06.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Ruiz, Edgar 18:09.60 Shawnee Mission North
Landreth, Jaeden 18:13.40 Baldwin High School
Mackie, Dylan 18:15.20 Free State High School
Richardson, Samuel 18:16.20 Christ Preparatory Academy
Clapper, Benjamin 18:18.10 Shawnee Mission South
Welch, Jackie 18:18.90 Shawnee Mission South
Schulte, Andrew 18:19.60 Shawnee Heights High School
Scharenberg, Klaus 18:21.00 Shawnee Mission North
Knernschield, Conner 18:25.54 Shawnee Heights High School
Reitcheck, Cash 18:29.60 Shawnee Heights High School
Sikes, Kyle 18:29.80 Free State High School
Francis, Tristan 18:29.90 Shawnee Mission North
Njorgoe, Gregory 18:30.55 Topeka High School
O'Hearn, Patrick 18:30.80 Christ Preparatory Academy
Nelson, Henry 18:31.30 Shawnee Mission South
Dinges, Logan 18:35.80 Free State High School
Davis, Easton 18:37.18 Topeka High School
Shaw, Brayden 18:37.75 Emporia High School
Francis, Elijah 18:39.40 Shawnee Mission North
Anderson, Carson 18:40.10 Shawnee Heights High School
Hoffman, Charlie 18:46.50 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Giammanco, Dominic 18:49.10 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Sajna, Mason 18:49.20 Shawnee Mission East High School
Broderick, Townes 18:51.60 Shawnee Mission North
Winfield, Jake 18:51.90 Shawnee Mission East High School
PATRICK, Landon 18:52.10 Shawnee Heights High School
Mitchell, Tegan 18:53.80 Emporia High School
Hammes, Jaden 18:55.70 Shawnee Mission West
Vincent, Carter 18:58.10 Shawnee Heights High School
Yang, Caleb 18:59.50 Free State High School
Meyer, William 19:00.60 Shawnee Mission East High School
Schlef, Timothy 19:01.50 Christ Preparatory Academy
McCullough, Hudson 19:03.19 Free State High School
Penner, Emory 19:10.00 Shawnee Mission North
Zaudke, Soren 19:11.00 Shawnee Mission North
Dahlin, Paul 19:16.40 Shawnee Mission North
Collie-Akers, Andrew 19:21.00 Free State High School
Swygard, Christopher 19:24.40 Christ Preparatory Academy
Winslow, Asher 19:25.00 Christ Preparatory Academy
McCoy, Tully 19:25.20 Shawnee Mission East High School
Dummermuth, Nathan 19:25.80 Shawnee Mission North
Heinen, Bryce 19:26.67 Emporia High School
Bennett, Evan 19:27.46 Emporia High School
Brecheisen, Kyler 19:28.00 Baldwin High School
Flory, Ty 19:29.10 Baldwin High School
Bateman, Anderson 19:30.32 Free State High School
Riordan, Timothy 19:32.21 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Claassen, Mabry 19:34.40 Christ Preparatory Academy
Crafton, Avner 19:38.90 Shawnee Mission East High School
Swan, Will 19:39.00 Shawnee Mission East High School
Henry, Braden 19:39.20 Free State High School
Hight, Eli 19:40.80 Shawnee Mission West
Trybom, Carter 19:41.55 Baldwin High School
Porter, JP 19:41.80 Shawnee Mission West
Kratofil, Jack 19:42.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hansen Terry, Jasper 19:43.11 Free State High School
Clossen, Joseph 19:45.90 Free State High School
Frasier, Riley 19:49.20 Christ Preparatory Academy
Ulrich, Marek 19:51.10 Emporia High School
King, Guy 19:51.60 Shawnee Mission East High School
Cowan, Gus 19:54.90 Shawnee Mission South
Gray, William 19:55.44 Shawnee Heights High School
McRoberts, Michael 19:56.10 Shawnee Mission West
Limo, Kevin 19:57.20 Shawnee Mission West
Tinoco, Meeko 19:57.70 Topeka High School
Horner, Isaac 20:01.33 Free State High School
Scaduto, Liam 20:03.90 Blue Valley North High School
Burnham, Wyatt 20:04.73 Baldwin High School
Gentry, Jackson 20:04.91 Shawnee Mission East High School
Kandagaye, Nathan 20:05.40 Topeka High School
Tippie, Christian 20:06.39 Shawnee Mission East High School
Bryer, Colton 20:06.90 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hooper, Matthew 20:06.92 Christ Preparatory Academy
Haake, Ben 20:08.90 Shawnee Mission North
Steck, Adam 20:12.40 Shawnee Mission North
Morgan, Henry 20:13.40 Shawnee Mission North
Voth, Michael 20:15.40 Shawnee Mission South
Wright, Elliott 20:16.60 Shawnee Mission West
Thompson, Nathan 20:20.60 Blue Valley North High School
Van Doren, Julian 20:21.41 Shawnee Mission East High School
Gittemeier, Lyndon 20:23.70 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Keller, Cole 20:28.30 Blue Valley North High School
Hornung, Jack 20:29.10 Blue Valley North High School
Horlacher, Nick 20:29.80 Shawnee Mission West
Neilhouse, Danny 20:30.20 Shawnee Mission West
Callahan, Fintan 20:30.60 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Palan, Jacob 20:31.50 Blue Valley North High School
Flores, Tayleon 20:31.60 Topeka High School
Aguilera, Fidel 20:33.21 Blue Valley North High School
Tyler, Owen 20:37.16 Shawnee Mission East High School
Lien, Jacob 20:38.00 Shawnee Mission East High School
Cockrill, Miles 20:39.40 Blue Valley North High School
Poracsky, Ayden 20:43.30 Free State High School
Wiggs, Ronin 20:43.39 Shawnee Heights High School
Rose, Theron 20:43.90 Shawnee Heights High School
Snethen, Oliver 20:50.24 Topeka High School
Olsen, Nolan 20:50.40 Christ Preparatory Academy
Stidham, Ben 20:50.60 Shawnee Mission East High School
Huerter, Jacob 20:52.96 Free State High School
Valdivia, Boston 20:57.00 Shawnee Heights High School
Blumenstiel, John 20:57.80 Free State High School
Sung, Timothy 20:59.30 Blue Valley North High School
Hurst, Theodore 21:01.80 Free State High School
Schaeffer, Evan 21:05.50 Blue Valley North High School
Hemphill, Eli 21:10.50 Shawnee Mission South
Martinez--Astorga, Matias 21:11.75 Highland Park High School
Rose, Gavin 21:12.95 Shawnee Heights High School
Whaley, Landon 21:13.50 Baldwin High School
Tan, Keegan 21:14.30 Blue Valley North High School
Perrins, Owen 21:19.00 Free State High School
Curran, Eddie 21:26.40 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Samuels, Will 21:27.80 Emporia High School
Dugan, Vince 21:29.90 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Braun, Joshua 21:30.80 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Odom, Coghlan 21:41.80 Free State High School
Koonce, Graysen 21:42.10 Free State High School
Hinds, Roman 21:45.30 Blue Valley North High School
Aguilera, Amistad 21:45.30 Blue Valley North High School
Ramirez, Aizik 21:47.80 Topeka High School
Coufal, Deyton 21:48.40 Shawnee Heights High School
Jones, Elijah 21:49.55 Christ Preparatory Academy
Bischmann, Brooks 21:51.63 Free State High School
Sajna, Alex 22:04.20 Shawnee Mission East High School
Schwab, Loren 22:06.00 Free State High School
Greengo, Holden 22:08.90 Shawnee Mission South
Hanes, Matthew 22:15.48 Topeka High School
Koonce, Gavin 22:22.51 Free State High School
Batterton, Jordan 22:23.30 Blue Valley North High School
Barron, Ethan 22:25.50 Shawnee Mission North
Baron, Tate 22:30.60 Blue Valley North High School
Lynn, Ian 22:35.40 Shawnee Mission North
Parsons, Cole 22:36.71 Shawnee Mission North
Glasier, Ben 22:41.30 Shawnee Mission East High School
Shipman, Patrick 22:50.12 Christ Preparatory Academy
Smith, Josh 22:51.20 Blue Valley North High School
King, Crosby 22:59.20 Free State High School
Sutton, Carl 23:01.87 Shawnee Mission East High School
James, Evan 23:06.00 Emporia High School
Sack, Trevor 23:11.97 Free State High School
Garrison, Jonah 23:18.90 Free State High School
Randall, Kellen 23:26.00 Christ Preparatory Academy
Ackerman, Brennan 23:28.90 Shawnee Heights High School
Clements, Oliver 23:31.50 Shawnee Mission North
Homerding, Sebastian 23:44.00 Topeka High School
Cramer, Nate 23:52.30 Baldwin High School
Osborne, Jackson 24:35.39 Shawnee Heights High School
Hassan-Burney, Zechariah 24:37.20 Shawnee Heights High School
Jaramillo, Mark 24:41.20 Shawnee Mission North
Suarez, Manuel 24:49.60 Shawnee Mission North
Robertson, Nathan 24:50.60 Christ Preparatory Academy
Lee, Samuel 24:57.80 Free State High School
Lall, Jackson 24:58.80 Blue Valley North High School
Lonergan, Dexter 25:06.16 Topeka High School
El-Jammal, Amir 25:10.55 Topeka High School
Morris, Jeremiah 25:23.90 Baldwin High School
Bartlett, Cullen 25:24.50 Shawnee Mission North
Oertel, Conor 25:26.00 Shawnee Mission West
Cole, Landon 25:40.10 Shawnee Mission West
Estingoy, Kai 26:06.90 Blue Valley North High School
Gee, Traceton 26:16.20 Topeka High School
Miller, Connor 26:19.34 Blue Valley North High School
Narvaez, Mario 26:26.90 Shawnee Mission West
Harro, Gustavo 26:53.44 Free State High School
Soden, Nacio 27:30.10 Baldwin High School
Pugh, Jaivon 27:51.83 Topeka High School
Schaber, Ty 28:44.75 Shawnee Mission East High School
Shanahan, Braeden 29:38.30 Shawnee Mission North
Najar, Jonathan 31:37.00 Shawnee Mission North
Balda, Zurich 32:08.79 Blue Valley North High School
Portlock, Samuel 32:27.74 Highland Park High School
Mendez, Norman 34:19.20 Shawnee Mission North
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 231 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzales, Olivia Shawnee Mission East High School
Hanrath, Ellen Free State High School
Lang, Alice Free State High School
DiCarlo, Kate St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Walden, Felicity Blue Valley North High School
Sanchez, Andrea Highland Park High School
Womack, Emma Topeka High School
Swygard, Corrie Christ Preparatory Academy
Alderice, Emily Free State High School
Markowska, Amelia Free State High School
Mercer, Justine Shawnee Mission East High School
Patenaude, Elise St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Christline, Grace Free State High School
Bunten, Suzy Topeka High School
Tenbrink, Dylan Free State High School
Sandoval, Olivia Emporia High School
Guenther, Elin Shawnee Mission East High School
Jeffries, Cara Free State High School
Whitney, Mady Free State High School
Morris, Makayla Blue Valley North High School
Compton, Leighton Highland Park High School
Hall, Kamirra Blue Valley North High School
Zollicoffee, Aleigha Christ Preparatory Academy
Prier, Zoe Free State High School
Gates, Allie Free State High School
Halley, Ana St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Bennett, Ceci Free State High School
Murray, Mackynzie Topeka High School
Theriot, Lucy Christ Preparatory Academy
Voss, Chloe Free State High School
Imm, Leah Shawnee Mission East High School
Johnson, Ashlyn Free State High School
Seger, Rachel St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Buren, Adele Free State High School
Morris, Marissa Blue Valley North High School
Myers, Amelia Shawnee Mission East High School
Paredes, Athziry Highland Park High School
Miller, Adriel Shawnee Mission North
Rivera, Erika Free State High School
Cronberg, Natalia Shawnee Mission East High School
Gates, Dani Free State High School
Jones, Parker Free State High School
Bray, Ryea St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Mansell, Aira Shawnee Mission North
Zammariello, Martina Free State High School
Cortez, Kimberly Topeka High School
Nevels-Garcia, Valencia Shawnee Mission West
Litwin, Victoria Shawnee Mission East High School
Lohfeld, Amelia Free State High School
Carey, Autumn Free State High School
Flammer, Brooklyn Blue Valley North High School
Stucky-Dorris, Bridgette Free State High School
Hardy, Charlotte 18:39.10 Shawnee Mission East High School
Kurtz, Elizabeth 18:57.50 Christ Preparatory Academy
Betancourt, Brittney 19:02.30 Shawnee Mission North
Nicholl, Eiley 19:05.90 Christ Preparatory Academy
Kennedy, Irelyn 19:09.10 Baldwin High School
Evans, Madison 19:09.40 Emporia High School
Rittel, Amelia 19:16.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Burns, Brylee 19:19.97 Free State High School
Strathman, Erica 19:22.50 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Early, Briley 19:22.90 Blue Valley North High School
Hydeman, Adelaide 19:26.31 Christ Preparatory Academy
Wood, Isabelle 19:26.90 Christ Preparatory Academy
Beatty, Emma 19:29.43 Emporia High School
Bucher, Mirabel 19:31.70 Christ Preparatory Academy
Joyce, Anna 19:41.70 Shawnee Mission East High School
Bledsoe, Mae 19:42.40 Shawnee Mission East High School
Griffith, Shea 19:44.10 Baldwin High School
Huigens, Brooklyn 19:48.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Barnes, Cayman 19:51.50 Free State High School
Ash, Ella 19:57.40 Shawnee Mission East High School
Kelley, Greta 19:57.50 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Massoth, Aubrey 19:59.50 Shawnee Mission East High School
Swan, Chloe 20:00.40 Shawnee Mission East High School
Miller, Emily 20:05.40 Shawnee Mission North
Bruce, Aida 20:07.70 Shawnee Mission East High School
Babcock, Berkley 20:07.90 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hydeman, Britta 20:08.60 Christ Preparatory Academy
Savago, Juliahnna 20:10.80 Topeka High School
Keegan, Bridget 20:18.80 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Langford, Claire 20:24.50 Shawnee Mission East High School
Barnett, Greta 20:24.80 Free State High School
Collins, Capri 20:25.70 Shawnee Mission West
Rathsam, Josephine 20:28.40 Shawnee Mission North
Watkins, Rachel 20:33.33 Baldwin High School
Curtis, Allison 20:35.48 Emporia High School
Van Sickle, Bailee 20:35.90 Emporia High School
Hayes, Abby 20:36.30 Christ Preparatory Academy
Finan, Lily 20:36.80 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Abbott, Elizabeth 20:42.40 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Nicholson, Malia 20:44.71 Blue Valley North High School
Schlotfeldt, Eleanor 20:45.10 Christ Preparatory Academy
Tripp, Britta 20:48.30 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Grace, Hannah 20:54.80 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Giammanco, Olivia 20:55.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Swift, Caroline 20:58.80 Shawnee Mission South
O'Rourke, Maeve 21:01.40 Blue Valley North High School
Cormaney, Elle 21:01.50 Free State High School
Ramboldt, Emma 21:03.20 Blue Valley North High School
Weaver, Elliot 21:04.41 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Tenbrink, Addyson 21:06.00 Free State High School
Maloney, Natalie 21:15.10 Shawnee Mission West
Kurtz, Grace 21:22.24 Christ Preparatory Academy
Tuohey, Maddie 21:24.84 Shawnee Mission South
Schulte, Olivia 21:27.50 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Jenkinson, Claire 21:30.70 Shawnee Mission East High School
Frye, Emery 21:32.85 Free State High School
Sullivan, Allegra 21:36.21 Christ Preparatory Academy
Clement, Landry 21:36.50 Shawnee Mission South
Barkemeyer, Ellen 21:37.40 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Whitney, Madison 21:39.60 Free State High School
Velasco, Julia 21:41.68 Free State High School
Morrison, Neely 21:42.50 Free State High School
Barland, Kate 21:45.90 Shawnee Mission South
Foltz, Adryan 21:47.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Lowery, Amelia 21:54.50 Emporia High School
Frymire, Ava 21:55.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Baisden, Daphne 21:55.52 Blue Valley North High School
Gamboa, Micaella 21:56.80 Blue Valley North High School
Kemp, Aleia 21:57.30 Free State High School
Ordunno, Ivanna 21:59.48 Emporia High School
Marsh, Eve 22:01.60 Shawnee Mission North
Graham, Harper 22:04.60 Free State High School
Marsh, Libby 22:10.60 Shawnee Mission East High School
Hogan, Elizabeth 22:12.10 Shawnee Heights High School
Metcalf, Kiersten 22:16.40 Shawnee Mission South
Clark, Addie 22:24.30 Shawnee Mission East High School
Thompson, Reagan 22:24.37 Emporia High School
Reynaga, Victoria 22:40.40 Topeka High School
Rowlett, Megan 22:42.80 Shawnee Mission West
Wellman, Charlotte 22:43.30 Shawnee Mission East High School
Meyer , Sophia 22:48.10 Shawnee Mission North
Lewis, Abigail 22:53.20 Shawnee Heights High School
Prier, Riley 22:54.38 Free State High School
Anthony, Sienna 22:57.10 Shawnee Mission West
Dunham, Reese 22:58.48 Shawnee Mission East High School
Appleman, Izzy 23:01.20 Shawnee Mission South
Macias, Ariella 23:01.80 Emporia High School
Kloster, Jessica 23:05.60 Shawnee Mission South
Chang, Anna 23:05.90 Christ Preparatory Academy
Moore, Kami 23:07.40 Baldwin High School
Dummermuth, Rita 23:08.10 Shawnee Mission North
Hart, Stella 23:10.50 Shawnee Mission North
Schlotfeldt, Adelaide 23:10.93 Christ Preparatory Academy
Henderson, Paige 23:19.30 Shawnee Mission East High School
Madrigal, Eva 23:22.40 Shawnee Mission East High School
Cid Betancourt, Ashley 23:23.80 Shawnee Mission North
Smith, Kennedy 23:24.60 Shawnee Mission East High School
Stancil, Katherine 23:25.90 Free State High School
Mohan, Kinsley 23:26.87 Shawnee Heights High School
Schlemeier, Katie 23:30.30 Christ Preparatory Academy
Wilson, Rachael 23:32.98 Shawnee Mission South
Welhoelter, Olivia 23:43.30 Blue Valley North High School
Massey, Madeline 23:43.50 Baldwin High School
Brewer, Amelia 23:44.40 Free State High School
Dunn, August 23:46.80 Blue Valley North High School
Viss, Danielle 23:47.50 Christ Preparatory Academy
Garton, Audrey 23:49.10 Blue Valley North High School
Currie, Saylor 23:49.20 Baldwin High School
Kratofil, Caitlyn 23:55.30 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Paddock, Sofia 23:56.70 Shawnee Mission East High School
King, Madeline 23:59.10 Shawnee Mission North
Lewis, Eliana 24:04.50 Christ Preparatory Academy
Petersen, Lily 24:10.10 Shawnee Mission South
Brown, Rachel 24:11.70 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Beltrame, Elizabeth 24:19.00 Shawnee Mission East High School
Rodriguez, Juliana 24:31.20 Emporia High School
Alt, Anne 24:31.50 Shawnee Mission East High School
Rohr, Adelyn 24:33.71 Shawnee Mission South
Lohfeld, Aleisha 24:35.49 Free State High School
Stanley, Layla 24:37.70 Blue Valley North High School
Morrison, Eden 24:40.00 Free State High School
Cool, Chiara 24:46.00 Blue Valley North High School
Hrabe, Claire 24:48.50 Shawnee Mission North
Pelter, Ellsie 24:50.40 Blue Valley North High School
Higgins, Gabrielle 24:56.41 Shawnee Mission East High School
Hoke, Signe 25:19.80 Free State High School
Gold, Jacinda 25:20.90 Blue Valley North High School
Jackson, Annika 25:23.50 Blue Valley North High School
Taylor, Faith 25:28.70 Blue Valley North High School
Vera, Julieta 25:30.00 Blue Valley North High School
Davis, Adelaide 25:30.63 Shawnee Heights High School
Weding, Isabella 25:36.70 Shawnee Mission North
Brockmeier, Sophia 25:37.48 Shawnee Mission East High School
Cool, Angelia 25:37.90 Blue Valley North High School
Alvarez, Jimena 25:48.20 Highland Park High School
Tuttle, Karina 25:53.80 Shawnee Mission North
Hale, Kathryn 25:54.13 Free State High School
Herron, Lydia 26:11.40 Baldwin High School
Stephenson, Reagan 26:17.10 Free State High School
Walenta, Danielle 26:21.70 Shawnee Mission West
Rodriguez, Katrina 26:22.20 Emporia High School
Coughlan, Hayden 26:25.90 Shawnee Mission East High School
Geil, Piper 26:33.07 Shawnee Heights High School
Laipple, Hannah 26:38.80 Shawnee Mission North
Frieson, Allison 26:48.30 Shawnee Heights High School
VanKeirsbilck, Vivian 26:54.90 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Maldonado, Breanna 27:06.80 Highland Park High School
Sabatini, Geneva 27:07.53 Free State High School
Perkins, Reese 27:13.20 Shawnee Heights High School
Oliva, Emily 27:19.10 Shawnee Mission North
McRoberts, Lily 27:19.50 Shawnee Mission West
Fulghum, Alison 27:39.49 Shawnee Heights High School
Anderson, Sunni 27:48.70 Shawnee Mission West
Binkley, Brooklyn 27:59.22 Shawnee Heights High School
Outcalt, Illiana 28:04.50 Free State High School
Venegas, Natalia 28:11.40 Shawnee Heights High School
Adedipe, Ewaoluwa 28:28.01 Free State High School
Whaley, Layla 28:34.00 Baldwin High School
Mowen, Cheyenne 28:34.92 Christ Preparatory Academy
Lewis, Ella 29:04.50 Shawnee Mission East High School
Yannette, Megan 29:13.10 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
RODRIGUEZ, Kimberly 29:14.00 Highland Park High School
Guy, Aidyn 29:18.60 Free State High School
Hall, Mya 29:32.29 Shawnee Heights High School
Smith, Calleigh 29:42.81 Christ Preparatory Academy
Richards, Cecelia 29:44.00 Topeka High School
Stephenson, Genevieve 29:56.67 Free State High School
McCall, Allison 29:59.87 Free State High School
Garcia-Hernandez, Yurida 30:12.90 Highland Park High School
Mccool, Sophia 30:13.50 Shawnee Mission North
Richardson, Emily 31:12.10 Shawnee Heights High School
Middleton, Sophia 31:31.90 Christ Preparatory Academy
Payne, Katie 32:40.60 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Edquist, Winnie 36:02.20 Blue Valley North High School
Barron, Kamila 37:25.25 Highland Park High School
Barron, Karla 37:35.74 Highland Park High School
Alvarez-Hernandez, Marlene 37:57.30 Shawnee Mission North
Pena, Beatrice 39:12.80 Shawnee Mission North
Adamo, Lucy 39:30.30 Shawnee Mission North
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