St. Marys Ray Kovar Invite 2024 2024

St. Marys, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Windmeyer, Kelby 11.11 Doniphan West High School
Holz, Korleone 11.23 St. Marys High School
Theel, Dylan 11.32 Osage City
Holman, Crayton 11.50 Jefferson West High School
Martinez, Noah 11.72 Osage City
Rankin, Dawson 11.72 Rock Creek High School
Browning, Roger 11.81 St. Marys High School
Portelli, Koyer 11.82 Rock Creek High School
Holz, Kyler 11.85 St. Marys High School
Torrey, Aidan 11.89 Rock Creek High School
Parsons, Cooper 11.89 Osage City
Ibendahl, Ethan 12.04 Wamego High School
Lopez, Guillermo 12.05 Wamego High School
Ingmire, Hudson 12.06 Doniphan West High School
Rottinghaus, Owen 12.19 Silver Lake High School
Vanstory, Matthew 12.20 Wabaunsee High School
Moser, Shawn 12.30h Wabaunsee High School
Tenbrink, Hunter 12.42 Mission Valley High School
Crosswhite, Ayden 12.48 Rossville High School
Perdew, Spencer 12.60 Sabetha High School
Taylor, Jace 12.80 Mission Valley High School
Miller, Brady 12.99 Rossville High School
Miller, Dylan 13.08 Horton High School
Fremeijer, Sam 13.41 Sabetha High School
Meier, Jesse 13.50 Herington High School
Garrison, Austin 14.05 Horton High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frazee, Jack 16.74 Sabetha High School
Prado, Jose 16.82 Rock Creek High School
Martin, Ean 17.24 Jefferson West High School
Toburen, Karson 17.46 Rock Creek High School
Lockwood, Trent 18.50 Horton High School
Chartier, Wyatt 18.58 Horton High School
Rupp, Braxton 18.63 Silver Lake High School
Wurdeman, Mason 19.08 Osage City
Colcher, Kai 19.36 Silver Lake High School
Schrader, Noah 19.53 Osage City
Meier, Jesse 20.44 Herington High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamlin, Cooper 4:40.45 Northern Heights High School
Lukert, Charlie 4:44.84 Sabetha High School
Bohlen, Simeon 4:54.88 Rock Creek High School
Evans, Kalvin 5:01.27 Sabetha High School
Ault, Luke 5:02.62 Wamego High School
Spade, Rees 5:03.08 Northern Heights High School
Blanton, Derek 5:06.99 Doniphan West High School
Koehler, Bronson 5:07.40 Doniphan West High School
Hunter, Aiden 5:08.57 Rock Creek High School
Poulter, James 5:09.81 Wabaunsee High School
Johnson, Jared 5:12.31 Silver Lake High School
Phillips, Guy 5:12.63 Jefferson West High School
Jamvold, Aiden 5:18.76 Horton High School
Kreis, William 5:19.00 Cornerstone Family School
Bearman, James 5:20.64 Wamego High School
Vaughn, Holden 5:21.40 Osage City
Kerns, Luke 5:24.75 Osage City
Sperry, Ramsey 5:30.20 Mission Valley High School
Parry, Rhett 5:32.09 Wabaunsee High School
Fund, Nate 5:34.43 Rossville High School
Whitten, Wyatt 5:35.72 Mission Valley High School
Buckman, Trent 5:37.35 Rock Creek High School
Schlesener, Sumner 5:40.01 Herington High School
Deters, Xavier 5:41.92 Sabetha High School
Heier, Joel 5:47.26 Silver Lake High School
Schwed, Aiden 6:07.96 Horton High School
Acebedo, Geraldo 6:08.23 Rossville High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Theel, Dylan 23.23 Osage City
Martinez, Noah 23.31 Osage City
Jackson, Cyprian 23.64 St. Marys High School
Windmeyer, Kelby 23.71 Doniphan West High School
Lees, Allen 23.90 Silver Lake High School
Holman, Crayton 24.00 Jefferson West High School
Lockwood, Trent 24.33 Horton High School
Becker, Tyus 24.51 Herington High School
Portelli, Koyer 24.67 Rock Creek High School
Vanstory, Matthew 24.80h Wabaunsee High School
Rankin, Dawson 24.81 Rock Creek High School
Ingmire, Hudson 24.83 Doniphan West High School
Arend, Payden 24.86 Mission Valley High School
Orender, Luke 25.16 Osage City
Scott, Trey 25.18 Rock Creek High School
Moser, Shawn 25.20h Wabaunsee High School
Lopez, Guillermo 25.49 Wamego High School
Browning, Roger 25.56 St. Marys High School
Burgos, Byrson 25.61 Silver Lake High School
Pugh, Josh 25.63 Wamego High School
Perdew, Spencer 25.68 Sabetha High School
Garza, Darrell 26.01 Mission Valley High School
Chartier, Wyatt 26.93 Horton High School
Fremeijer, Sam 27.35 Sabetha High School
Mattia, Alexander 30.00 Rossville High School
Wagner, Roman 32.94h Rossville High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prado, Jose 41.91 Rock Creek High School
Lockwood, Trent 42.64 Horton High School
Frazee, Tyse 43.08 Sabetha High School
Frazee, Jack 43.63 Sabetha High School
Holz, Korleone 44.92 St. Marys High School
Jones, Dylan 45.09 Rock Creek High School
Toburen, Karson 45.97 Rock Creek High School
Rupp, Braxton 46.74h Silver Lake High School
Colcher, Kai 47.27 Silver Lake High School
Martin, Ean 47.34 Jefferson West High School
Hamlin, Cooper 47.43 Northern Heights High School
Tenbrink, Hunter 48.40 Mission Valley High School
Chartier, Wyatt 49.18 Horton High School
McCart, Kale 49.84 Mission Valley High School
Wurdeman, Mason 50.32 Osage City
Orender, Luke 51.69 Osage City
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bohlen, Simeon 10:40.84 Rock Creek High School
Evans, Kalvin 10:46.11 Sabetha High School
Phillips, Guy 11:16.95 Jefferson West High School
Evans, Logyn 11:20.25 Wamego High School
Blanton, Derek 11:25.40 Doniphan West High School
Buckman, Trent 11:49.03 Rock Creek High School
Idol, Isaac 11:52.00 Doniphan West High School
Vaughn, Holden 11:55.01 Osage City
Deters, Xavier 12:00.02 Sabetha High School
Parry, Rhett 12:10.89 Wabaunsee High School
Heier, Joel 12:14.47 Silver Lake High School
Meyer, Kolton 13:21.51 Herington High School
Benson, David 14:00.00 Wamego High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Booth, Justin 1:00.71 Wamego High School
Wilson, Bullvai 1:01.16 Sabetha High School
Strait, Connor 1:01.58 Wabaunsee High School
Stark, Quenten 50.73 Osage City
Windmeyer, Kelby 51.54 Doniphan West High School
Wilkinson, David 52.93 Rock Creek High School
Becker, Tyus 53.91 Herington High School
Senft, Colton 53.99 Osage City
Timm, Eric 54.58 Rock Creek High School
Enneking, Josh 54.68 Sabetha High School
Arend, Payden 54.74 Mission Valley High School
Ibendahl, Ethan 55.65 Wamego High School
Lubbers, Wyatt 55.77 Rock Creek High School
Gonzalez, Isaac 55.97 St. Marys High School
Brobst, Kaden 56.16 Mission Valley High School
Holz, Kyler 56.22 St. Marys High School
Silver, Reed 56.31 Osage City
Buford, Jonas 56.63 Cornerstone Family School
Powell, Isaac 56.84h Cornerstone Family School
Downey, Ethan 58.33 St. Marys High School
Barngrover, Julius 58.40 Mission Valley High School
Vanstory, Matthew 58.80h Wabaunsee High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.71 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 45.00 Silver Lake High School
Relay Team A 45.61 Osage City
Relay Team A 45.83 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team B 45.83 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team B 46.68 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 47.34h Mission Valley High School
Relay Team B 47.64 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team A 47.64h Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team A 48.74 Herington High School
Relay Team B 49.40 Mission Valley High School
Relay Team A 49.50 Wamego High School
Relay Team A 50.35 Doniphan West High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:40.00 Silver Lake High School
Relay Team A 3:40.34 Osage City
Relay Team A 3:41.19 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 3:42.53 Sabetha High School
Relay Team A 3:42.68 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 3:50.55 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team A 3:51.62 Mission Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:55.00 Wamego High School
Relay Team B 3:55.03 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 3:55.65 Herington High School
Relay Team A 4:03.83 Horton High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:10.00 Wamego High School
Relay Team A 10:27.92 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team A 8:45.51 Sabetha High School
Relay Team A 8:50.56 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 8:56.06 Osage City
Relay Team A 9:18.67 St. Marys High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Tate 2:08.52 Osage City
Deters, Brody 2:09.46 Sabetha High School
Bohlen, Simeon 2:09.88 Rock Creek High School
Kreis, William 2:14.51 Cornerstone Family School
Hunter, Aiden 2:14.69 Rock Creek High School
Koehler, Bronson 2:16.01 Doniphan West High School
Poulter, James 2:17.92 Wabaunsee High School
Ault, Luke 2:18.87 Wamego High School
Spade, Rees 2:19.00h Northern Heights High School
Johnson, Jared 2:19.12 Silver Lake High School
Kerns, Luke 2:19.19 Osage City
Beck, Thomas 2:19.59 St. Marys High School
Wolfe, Emil 2:22.73 Wamego High School
Rodenbaugh, Zachariah 2:25.28 Silver Lake High School
Idol, Isaac 2:33.11 Doniphan West High School
Whitten, Wyatt 2:33.40 Mission Valley High School
Fund, Nate 2:34.33 Rossville High School
Schlesener, Sumner 2:40.35 Herington High School
Whitten, Lyndall 2:46.16 Mission Valley High School
Verschelden, Spencer 3:00.42 Rossville High School
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Boys Discus 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grimm, Joshua 153-2 Sabetha High School
Williams, Chase 152-9.5 Osage City
Edelman, Holden 138-10 Sabetha High School
Hinck, Riley 138-1 Cornerstone Family School
Barlow-McKenna, Kwinton 130-5 Herington High School
Renyer, Luke 130-0 Sabetha High School
Delgado, Joshua 129-8 Herington High School
Unruh, Osiris 126-8 Jefferson West High School
Hinck, Presley 122-11 Cornerstone Family School
Rottinghaus, Wade 120-3 Rock Creek High School
Wichman, Ryan 120-3 Rock Creek High School
Fields, Jake 120-3 St. Marys High School
Garrison, Austin 120-0 Horton High School
Fisher, Myles 117-7 Silver Lake High School
Zeigler, Jackson 117-7 Wamego High School
Jackson, Cyprian 117-4 St. Marys High School
Selland, Ben 116-3 Horton High School
Mortensen, Mason 116-3 Herington High School
Poulin, Colby 111-7 Rock Creek High School
Griffin, Patrick 111-5 St. Marys High School
Durkin, Parker 111-0 Mission Valley High School
McCoy, Isaac 108-0 Osage City
Palmer, Nathan 107-6 Effingham - Atchison County High
Deever, Tate 107-3 Wabaunsee High School
Frey, Jackson 101-3 Wabaunsee High School
Chance, Charles 101-0 Rossville High School
Lehman, Caleb 100-2 Rossville High School
Prawl, Judd 96-11.5 Doniphan West High School
Campbell, Ian 95-10 Jefferson West High School
Bryan, Sam 95-9 Mission Valley High School
Hamman, Gavin 94-3 Wamego High School
Clary, Tabin 92-5 Doniphan West High School
Beer, Kadyn 87-7 Silver Lake High School
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Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stark, Quenten 6-2 Osage City
Johnson, Jared 6-2 Silver Lake High School
Sommars, Zach 6-2 St. Marys High School
Burgos, Byrson 5-10 Silver Lake High School
Frazee, Jack 5-10 Sabetha High School
Schrader, Noah 5-8 Osage City
Bohlen, Simeon 5-6 Rock Creek High School
Mortensen, Mason 5-6 Herington High School
Strait, Connor 5-4 Wabaunsee High School
Fund, Gabe 4-6 Rossville High School
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Boys Javelin 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parsons, Kasen 171-5 Osage City
Frazee, Jack 160-8 Sabetha High School
Barlow-McKenna, Kwinton 147-10 Herington High School
Hinck, Presley 142-7 Cornerstone Family School
Deters, Ian 136-9 Mission Valley High School
Edelman, Holden 135-2 Sabetha High School
Zeigler, Jackson 133-7 Wamego High School
McCollum, Mason 129-11 Jefferson West High School
Hager, Brayden 128-7 St. Marys High School
Fields, Nathan 127-6 Wamego High School
Lees, Allen 126-9 Silver Lake High School
Moser, Shawn 123-1 Wabaunsee High School
Vinduska, Gabe 122-9 Herington High School
Delgado, Joshua 122-5 Herington High School
Torrey, Aidan 119-0 Rock Creek High School
Johnson, Coledean 117-1 Rock Creek High School
Toburen, Karson 117-1 Rock Creek High School
Hinck, Riley 114-4 Cornerstone Family School
Bush, Zach 112-11 St. Marys High School
Browning, Roger 112-4 St. Marys High School
Fisher, Myles 110-3 Silver Lake High School
Hamlin, Cooper 110-0 Northern Heights High School
Clary, Tabin 108-1 Doniphan West High School
Beer, Kadyn 106-9 Silver Lake High School
Merrill, Sam 105-10 Doniphan West High School
Strait, Connor 103-10 Wabaunsee High School
Brobst, Kaden 101-9 Mission Valley High School
Webb, Elijah 97-10.25 Effingham - Atchison County High
Campbell, Ian 96-11 Jefferson West High School
Spade, Rees 96-0 Northern Heights High School
Robb, Johnny 91-6 Rossville High School
Jamvold, Aiden 90-0 Horton High School
Mlhajlovic, Bogdan 78-4 Rossville High School
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Boys Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Larson, John 20-9 Cornerstone Family School
Bell, Elijah 20-6 Rock Creek High School
Torrey, Aidan 20-6 Rock Creek High School
Clay, Colin 20-0.5 Mission Valley High School
Sommars, Zach 19-11 St. Marys High School
Nicklin, Kody 19-10.25 Cornerstone Family School
Ketter, Mekhi 19-5 St. Marys High School
Bunger, Bryce 19-4.5 Mission Valley High School
Mccann, Jojo 18-10 St. Marys High School
Lubbers, Wyatt 18-9 Rock Creek High School
Deters, Porter 18-7.5 Mission Valley High School
Handke, Ben 18-7 Effingham - Atchison County High
Schrader, Noah 18-6.25 Osage City
Vanstory, Matthew 18-3 Wabaunsee High School
Rottinghaus, Owen 18-2.25 Silver Lake High School
Meek, Daityn 18-2 Osage City
Jackson, Mahki 18-1 Rossville High School
Crosswhite, Ayden 17-5.5 Rossville High School
Jacobs, Jackson 17-4.5 Sabetha High School
Jackson, Riley 17-3.25 Herington High School
Jackson, Reagan 17-3 Herington High School
Moser, Shawn 16-11.75 Wabaunsee High School
Miller, Dylan 15-5 Horton High School
Bestwick, Brenden 15-0 Sabetha High School
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Boys Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christensen, Trevor 13-6 Rock Creek High School
Smith, Josiah 12-0 Osage City
Wenzl, Izaya 10-6 Rock Creek High School
Jackson, Rowdy 10-6 Herington High School
Kerns, Luke 10-0 Osage City
Nickel, Tasen 10-0 Wamego High School
Meek, Daityn 9-6 Osage City
Evans, Kalvin 9-6 Sabetha High School
Fultz, Dagan 9-1 Wamego High School
Rottinghaus, Henry 9-0 Rock Creek High School
Jacobs, Jackson 9-0 Sabetha High School
Passilas-Potts, Eric 8-0 St. Marys High School
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Boys Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grimm, Joshua 52-8 Sabetha High School
Williams, Chase 50-7 Osage City
Martinez, Noah 47-7 Osage City
Bell, Malachi 47-5.5 Rock Creek High School
Renyer, Luke 46-3 Sabetha High School
Hinck, Riley 44-2.5 Cornerstone Family School
Barlow-McKenna, Kwinton 43-0 Herington High School
Delgado, Joshua 41-8 Herington High School
McCoy, Isaac 41-5 Osage City
Unruh, Osiris 41-4 Jefferson West High School
Zeigler, Jackson 41-0.5 Wamego High School
Moylan, Kodyn 40-10 St. Marys High School
Hager, Brayden 40-8 St. Marys High School
Browning, Josh 40-3.75 St. Marys High School
Trickel, Gunnar 40-0 Mission Valley High School
Selland, Ben 39-5.5 Horton High School
Johnson, Coledean 39-5.5 Rock Creek High School
Faith, Mason 39-2.5 Rock Creek High School
Deever, Tate 38-8.25 Wabaunsee High School
Murphy, Blake 38-7 Wabaunsee High School
Hinck, Presley 38-6.5 Cornerstone Family School
Edelman, Holden 38-1 Sabetha High School
Beer, Kadyn 37-6 Silver Lake High School
Garrison, Austin 37-1.5 Horton High School
Fields, Nathan 36-7 Wamego High School
McCollum, Mason 35-7 Jefferson West High School
Bryan, Sam 35-4 Mission Valley High School
Chance, Charles 35-0.5 Rossville High School
Lehman, Caleb 34-6 Rossville High School
Prawl, Judd 32-5 Doniphan West High School
Patty, Grant 31-4.5 Silver Lake High School
Webb, Elijah 30-11 Effingham - Atchison County High
Clary, Tabin 30-7 Doniphan West High School
Palmer, Nathan 30-3.5 Effingham - Atchison County High
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Boys Triple Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Elijah 44-9 Rock Creek High School
Clay, Colin 42-8 Mission Valley High School
Deters, Porter 41-11 Mission Valley High School
Tenbrink, Hunter 41-3.5 Mission Valley High School
Ketter, Mekhi 40-9 St. Marys High School
Jones, Dylan 40-7.5 Rock Creek High School
Parsons, Cooper 40-4.5 Osage City
Sommars, Zach 40-3 St. Marys High School
Christensen, Trevor 40-1 Rock Creek High School
Payne, Jason 40-0.75 Jefferson West High School
Jackson, Cyprian 40-0 St. Marys High School
Handke, Ben 39-1.25 Effingham - Atchison County High
Jackson, Riley 38-9.5 Herington High School
Nicklin, Kody 38-8 Cornerstone Family School
Zillyette, Jeffrey 38-5 Herington High School
Rottinghaus, Owen 36-10.5 Silver Lake High School
Smith, Josiah 35-9 Osage City
Broxterman, Caleb 34-3.5 Rossville High School
Mattia, Alexander 33-4.25 Rossville High School
Bestwick, Brenden 32-8.75 Sabetha High School
Miller, Dylan 32-0 Horton High School
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Boys' Throwers' Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.65 Herington High School
Relay Team A 53.13 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 53.90h Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 55.00 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 59.00h Mission Valley High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wingerter, Jolenna 12.63 St. Marys High School
Scott, Olivia 12.72 Jefferson West High School
Garland, Hope 12.76 St. Marys High School
Handke, Ava 12.95 Effingham - Atchison County High
Portelli, Ambree 13.23 Rock Creek High School
McCann, Guin 13.33 St. Marys High School
Waller, Tamia 13.78 Osage City
Chartier, Piper 13.78 Horton High School
Lohmeyer, Lillian 13.80 Osage City
Just, Addy 13.80 Silver Lake High School
Johnson, Courtney 14.05 Doniphan West High School
Dinger, Miranda 14.09 Wamego High School
Bailey, Emma 14.24h Silver Lake High School
Smith, Jaidyn 14.27 Doniphan West High School
Garmon, Kaylie 14.28 Mission Valley High School
Boileau, Jerzi 14.33 Jefferson West High School
Noor, Natasha 14.37 Effingham - Atchison County High
Thornton, Reece 14.40 Wamego High School
Viergever, Ava 14.45 Wabaunsee High School
White, Lexie 14.48 Mission Valley High School
Bonhomme, Nevaeh 14.52 Herington High School
Wasinger, Bayley 14.74 Sabetha High School
Schultejans, Samantha 14.90 Sabetha High School
Mammi, Valentina 15.34h Rossville High School
Boumaiza, Beya 17.37 Rossville High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perkins, Joee 17.02 Rock Creek High School
Noel, Kolbie 17.21 Jefferson West High School
Kincaid, Halle 17.24 St. Marys High School
Hinrichs, Addisyn 17.31 Northern Heights High School
Whaley, Kennedy 17.41 Rock Creek High School
Larosa, Harley 17.53 Herington High School
Poppelreiter, Taylee 17.59 St. Marys High School
Handke, Ava 17.81 Effingham - Atchison County High
McCann, Isabelle 17.85 St. Marys High School
Culberth, Lexi 18.45 Cornerstone Family School
Viergever, Ava 19.01 Wabaunsee High School
Kitselman, Jewelia 19.26 Osage City
Brobst, Piper 19.95 Mission Valley High School
Lull, Eva 20.14 Wamego High School
Potts, Addison 21.19 Effingham - Atchison County High
Clay, Amelie 21.34h Mission Valley High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCrory, Ellei 5:05.53 Northern Heights High School
Wurtz, Payton 5:18.10h Wabaunsee High School
Speece, Emory 5:21.38 Osage City
Bosse, Jaiton 5:42.64 Osage City
Nippert, Kyra 5:44.33 Rock Creek High School
Phillips, Aubrey 5:58.35 Jefferson West High School
Nippert, Lucia 5:58.49 Rock Creek High School
Cathcart, Laura 5:59.47 Northern Heights High School
Nippert, Livia 6:03.85 Rock Creek High School
Boyden, Ava 6:18.63 Mission Valley High School
Shoemaker, Sadie 6:23.98 Osage City
Forgy, Ashtynn 6:25.83 Silver Lake High School
Idol, Laela 6:25.94 Doniphan West High School
Blanton, Cassidy 6:28.04 Doniphan West High School
Barber, Rachel 6:31.80 Wamego High School
Walker, Isabelle 6:37.00 Sabetha High School
Ackerly, Breanna 6:50.57 Silver Lake High School
Blacksmith, Jayden 7:00.96 Horton High School
Donahue, Carys 7:32.04 Wamego High School
White, Athena 7:34.70 Mission Valley High School
Thompson, Presley 8:17.66 Rossville High School
Handke, Avery 8:38.67 Effingham - Atchison County High
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garland, Hope 26.45 St. Marys High School
Klingenberg, Ayla 27.13 Rock Creek High School
Orton, Talen 27.85 Wabaunsee High School
Scott, Olivia 27.88 Jefferson West High School
Bloomfield, Adaline 28.20 Mission Valley High School
Jacobson, Kyplee 28.34 Mission Valley High School
Wasinger, Bayley 29.01 Sabetha High School
Froese, Teresa 29.02 St. Marys High School
Johnson, Courtney 29.03 Doniphan West High School
Derby, Lauren 29.17 St. Marys High School
Handke, Ava 29.27 Effingham - Atchison County High
Duehring, Hemi 29.33 Mission Valley High School
Neufeld, Lexi 29.41 Silver Lake High School
Thomas, Alissa 29.41 Silver Lake High School
Boss, Dakota 29.67 Osage City
Fultz, Kaydeece 29.84 Effingham - Atchison County High
Smith, Jaidyn 29.91 Doniphan West High School
Smith, Jayda 29.92 Wamego High School
Bonhomme, Nevaeh 29.95 Herington High School
Boileau, Jerzi 30.90 Jefferson West High School
Thornton, Reece 30.93 Wamego High School
Brown, Sienna 32.48 Herington High School
Walker, Gwendolyn 33.19 Sabetha High School
Blacksmith, Jayden 33.58 Horton High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conley, Anastasia 1:01.19 Mission Valley High School
Diaz Del Castillo, Laura 1:12.56 Sabetha High School
Noel, Kolbie 49.93 Jefferson West High School
Whaley, Kennedy 50.29 Rock Creek High School
Stark, Campbell 50.90 Osage City
McCann, Isabelle 51.26 St. Marys High School
Whittaker, Abby 51.46 Sabetha High School
Perkins, Joee 52.06 Rock Creek High School
Kincaid, Halle 52.33 St. Marys High School
Hinrichs, Addisyn 52.65 Northern Heights High School
Stuhlsatz, Isabelle 54.18 Wabaunsee High School
Poppelreiter, Taylee 55.56 St. Marys High School
Chartier, Piper 55.58 Horton High School
Handke, Ava 56.29 Effingham - Atchison County High
Tomlinson, Mackenzie 56.63 Mission Valley High School
Lull, Eva 57.69 Wamego High School
Kitselman, Jewelia 59.47 Osage City
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCrory, Ellei 10:48.98 Northern Heights High School
Speece, Emory 11:45.50 Osage City
Bosse, Jaiton 12:23.00 Osage City
Nippert, Lucia 12:29.24 Rock Creek High School
Phillips, Aubrey 13:04.69 Jefferson West High School
Smith, Belle 13:10.20 Doniphan West High School
Miller, Adalynn 13:11.46 Wabaunsee High School
Shea, Katherine 13:18.87 Wamego High School
Tiffany, Josie 13:19.47 Northern Heights High School
Lowery, Laurel 13:50.00 Osage City
Walker, Isabelle 13:58.86 Sabetha High School
Forgy, Ashtynn 14:25.23 Silver Lake High School
Zachgo, Molly 14:48.10 Wamego High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zeller, Grace 1:01.38 Wabaunsee High School
Ford, Alexus 1:02.80h Wabaunsee High School
Bloomfield, Adaline 1:05.53 Mission Valley High School
Falk, Kayte 1:06.38 Doniphan West High School
Gerber, Ali 1:06.47 Silver Lake High School
Tiffany, Josie 1:06.67 Northern Heights High School
Duehring, Hemi 1:07.96 Mission Valley High School
Derby, Lauren 1:08.57 St. Marys High School
Neufeld, Lexi 1:09.02 Silver Lake High School
Jacobson, Kyplee 1:09.15 Mission Valley High School
Basler, Roxanna 1:09.34 St. Marys High School
Syrokosz, Abby 1:09.84 St. Marys High School
Thomas, Alissa 1:10 Silver Lake High School
Wonnell, Madelyn 1:10.14h Rossville High School
Stirton, Ellah 1:11.11 Horton High School
Lowery, Laurel 1:11.55 Osage City
Farwell, Reagan 1:13.67 Osage City
Brown, Sienna 1:13.68 Herington High School
Keller, Kya 1:14.44 Doniphan West High School
Walker, Gwendolyn 1:18.61 Sabetha High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 51.01 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 52.12 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 53.60 Doniphan West High School
Relay Team A 53.66 Jefferson West High School
Relay Team A 53.70h Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 53.90h Silver Lake High School
Relay Team A 54.81 Osage City
Relay Team A 55.49 Mission Valley High School
Relay Team A 55.58 Sabetha High School
Relay Team A 56.62 Effingham - Atchison County High
Relay Team A 57.23 Herington High School
Relay Team B 57.49 Mission Valley High School
Relay Team A 57.56 Cornerstone Family School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:08.96 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 4:14.23 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 4:14.98 Silver Lake High School
Relay Team A 4:15.88 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 4:27.91 Osage City
Relay Team A 4:28.10 Jefferson West High School
Relay Team A 4:34.50 Doniphan West High School
Relay Team A 4:34.70 Sabetha High School
Relay Team B 4:34.76 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 4:36.36 Mission Valley High School
Relay Team B 4:49.18 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 4:58.02 Cornerstone Family School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:28 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 10:29.72 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 10:42.16 Northern Heights High School
Relay Team A 10:53.00 Sabetha High School
Relay Team A 10:59.79 Osage City
Relay Team A 11:04.25 Doniphan West High School
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Wamego High School
Relay Team A 13:27.05 St. Marys High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Speece, Emory 2:24.44 Osage City
Nippert, Kyra 2:30.11 Rock Creek High School
Zeller, Grace 2:30.40h Wabaunsee High School
Smittick, Kalana 2:32.13 Cornerstone Family School
Lukert, Leah 2:37.26 Sabetha High School
Podlena, Kylie 2:41.19 Silver Lake High School
Barnhart, Mikala 2:42.30 Rock Creek High School
Nippert, Livia 2:44.40 Rock Creek High School
Idol, Laela 2:48.82 Doniphan West High School
Cathcart, Laura 2:51.13 Northern Heights High School
Boyden, Ava 2:51.41 Mission Valley High School
Shoemaker, Sadie 2:51.80 Osage City
Umscheid, Taylor 2:52.16 Wamego High School
Brecheisen, Alanna 2:53.05 Northern Heights High School
Kincaid, Mandy 2:53.55 St. Marys High School
Wonnell, Madelyn 2:53.72 Rossville High School
Kufahl, Kinsley 2:54.05 Rossville High School
Ackerly, Breanna 2:58.22 Silver Lake High School
Blanton, Cassidy 2:59.25 Doniphan West High School
Brazzle, Peyton 3:09.65 Wamego High School
Potts, Addison 3:17.00h Effingham - Atchison County High
Long, Serenity 3:56.18 St. Marys High School
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Girls Discus 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Slade, Emma 136-8 Mission Valley High School
Boss, Lexi 135-11 Osage City
Johnson, Jaitlyn 118-9 Northern Heights High School
Hutfles, Carly 114-5 Horton High School
Griffin, Briley 113-10 Rock Creek High School
Pitzer, Rory 107-8 Rock Creek High School
Montgomery, Savannah 105-9 Rock Creek High School
Kruger, Kayleigh 104-1 Silver Lake High School
Chartier, Piper 97-11 Horton High School
Clark, Taryn 95-8 Mission Valley High School
Beyer, Addison 95-2 Silver Lake High School
Smittick, Kalana 95-1 Cornerstone Family School
Courter, Lauren 93-6 Effingham - Atchison County High
Kimble, Chloe 90-11 Jefferson West High School
Niedfeldt, Nautami 90-4 Wamego High School
Brownlee, Addie 88-11 Cornerstone Family School
Wingerter, Maria 88-5 St. Marys High School
Idol, H'Leigha 87-11.5 Doniphan West High School
Packard, Abby 87-4 Mission Valley High School
Hanni, Kylie 85-4 Silver Lake High School
Riddle, Molly 83-5.5 Cornerstone Family School
Jackson, Cyelah 82-4 St. Marys High School
Irvin, Savannah 81-2 St. Marys High School
Dayhoff, Kiersten 80-5 Osage City
Spade, Xada 80-2 Osage City
Imthurn, Aubrey 80-1 Wabaunsee High School
Miller, Lilly 80-1 Rossville High School
Sill-Shepard, Morgan 78-2 Herington High School
Foster, Kellyn 77-8 Rossville High School
Goodman, Laura 75-0 Sabetha High School
Foote, Kaylee 73-9 Effingham - Atchison County High
McCauley, Kamryn 73-7 Doniphan West High School
Arnold, Emily 71-0 Sabetha High School
Schrader, Leah 69-0 Wabaunsee High School
Branam, Karley 63-3 Wamego High School
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Girls High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Portelli, Ambree 5-5 Rock Creek High School
Klingenberg, Ayla 5-4 Rock Creek High School
Stark, Campbell 5-2 Osage City
Schadegg, Madilyn 5-0 Rock Creek High School
Ford, Alexus 4-10 Wabaunsee High School
Hurla, Kendra 4-10 Rossville High School
Zeller, Grace 4-8 Wabaunsee High School
Urbanek, Tyler 4-8 Herington High School
Potts, Addison 4-6 Effingham - Atchison County High
Lowe, Haiden 4-6 Mission Valley High School
Kibbee, Paige 4-6 Mission Valley High School
Viergever, Ava 4-4 Wabaunsee High School
Lull, Eva 4-4 Wamego High School
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Girls Javelin 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boss, Lexi 122-8 Osage City
Jacobson, Kailyn 119-11 Mission Valley High School
Cooper, Ryenn 112-5 Rock Creek High School
Stark, Campbell 111-3 Osage City
Spade, Xada 110-5 Osage City
Tharman, Baylie 110-0 Wabaunsee High School
Goodman, Laura 105-5 Sabetha High School
Hutfles, Carly 103-1 Horton High School
Foster, Andi 102-1 Doniphan West High School
Johnson, Jaitlyn 100-6 Northern Heights High School
Huske, Ava 100-5.5 Wabaunsee High School
Kimble, Chloe 97-8 Jefferson West High School
Jacobson, Kyplee 90-0 Mission Valley High School
Brees, Breanna 87-1 St. Marys High School
Wingerter, Maria 86-3 St. Marys High School
Jackson, Cyelah 86-1 St. Marys High School
Michael, Paxton 86-0 Sabetha High School
McNally, Evey 82-7 Sabetha High School
Gentry, Quinlin 80-7.5 Rossville High School
Martinie, Lucy 80-0 Rock Creek High School
Woodward, Jaymee 78-5 Rossville High School
McCauley, Kamryn 77-10 Doniphan West High School
Stirton, Ellah 75-6 Horton High School
Joice, Kenna 70-6.5 Effingham - Atchison County High
Erb, Carley 68-6 Silver Lake High School
Ackerly, Morgan 57-1 Silver Lake High School
Sill-Shepard, Morgan 54-11 Herington High School
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Girls Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wingerter, Jolenna 17-1 St. Marys High School
Just, Addy 16-2 Silver Lake High School
Jones, Sienna 15-8 Wabaunsee High School
Podlena, Kylie 15-6.5 Silver Lake High School
Pritchard, Hannah 15-4 Herington High School
Keller, Kya 15-1 Doniphan West High School
Kvasnica, Brynne 14-8 Rock Creek High School
Lohmeyer, Lillian 14-8 Osage City
Dorsey, Reese 14-7 Silver Lake High School
Smith, Jayda 14-4.75 Wamego High School
Tomlinson, Mackenzie 14-4.5 Mission Valley High School
Brees, Breanna 14-3 St. Marys High School
Martinie, Lucy 14-1 Rock Creek High School
Irvin, Savannah 14-1 St. Marys High School
Barnhart, Mikala 14-0 Rock Creek High School
Jacobson, Kailyn 13-8.75 Mission Valley High School
Martin, Khloe 13-6.5 Osage City
Crossland, Makayla 13-2 Effingham - Atchison County High
Stirton, Ellah 13-1.5 Horton High School
Handke, Avery 13-0.5 Effingham - Atchison County High
Wenter, Noemi 12-6 Jefferson West High School
Blacksmith, Jayden 11-4 Horton High School
Diaz Del Castillo, Laura 10-8.5 Sabetha High School
Israponsri, Daisy 7-9.5 Sabetha High School
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Girls Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foster, Ali 9-0 Doniphan West High School
Hellman, Sophia 8-1 Wamego High School
Kvasnica, Brynne 7-6 Rock Creek High School
Long, DJ 7-6 Osage City
Drahota, Macey 7-6 Sabetha High School
Nippert, Lucia 7-0 Rock Creek High School
Nippert, Livia 7-0 Rock Creek High School
Martin, Khloe 7-0 Osage City
Schurr, Melissa 6-6 Doniphan West High School
Walker, Isabelle 6-6 Sabetha High School
Poppelreiter, Taylee 6-0 St. Marys High School
Teel, Samantha 5-6 Silver Lake High School
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Girls Shot Put 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Slade, Emma 37-4 Mission Valley High School
Pitzer, Rory 35-4 Rock Creek High School
Idol, H'Leigha 34-4.25 Doniphan West High School
Griffin, Briley 33-5 Rock Creek High School
Montgomery, Savannah 33-4 Rock Creek High School
Jones, Sienna 33-3 Wabaunsee High School
Kimble, Chloe 33-2 Jefferson West High School
Kruger, Kayleigh 32-3 Silver Lake High School
Johnson, Jaitlyn 32-2 Northern Heights High School
Hanni, Kylie 30-4 Silver Lake High School
Wingerter, Maria 30-3 St. Marys High School
Dayhoff, Kiersten 29-6 Osage City
Foster, Kellyn 29-3 Rossville High School
Imthurn, Aubrey 29-2.5 Wabaunsee High School
Courter, Lauren 29-0 Effingham - Atchison County High
Beyer, Addison 28-11 Silver Lake High School
Grame, Jena 28-7.25 Mission Valley High School
McNally, Evey 28-7 Sabetha High School
Packard, Abby 28-6 Mission Valley High School
Niedfeldt, Nautami 28-6 Wamego High School
Spade, Xada 28-5 Osage City
Owen, Jayden 28-2.5 Doniphan West High School
Bottom, Carly 28-1 Horton High School
Keebler, Lydia 28-1 Doniphan West High School
Joice, Kenna 28-1 Effingham - Atchison County High
Jackson, Cyelah 27-1 St. Marys High School
Sill-Shepard, Morgan 26-8.5 Herington High School
Branam, Karley 25-10 Wamego High School
Foote, Kaylee 25-6 Effingham - Atchison County High
Plantz, Emma 25-4.5 Rossville High School
Schrader, Leah 24-4 Wabaunsee High School
Arnold, Emily 23-2 Sabetha High School
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Girls Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Sienna 34-7.5 Wabaunsee High School
Gerber, Ali 34-0 Silver Lake High School
Lohmeyer, Lillian 33-9.15 Osage City
Wingerter, Jolenna 32-8 St. Marys High School
Dinger, Miranda 32-4.75 Wamego High School
Pritchard, Hannah 32-4 Herington High School
Foster, Andi 32-0.5 Doniphan West High School
Martinie, Lucy 32-0 Rock Creek High School
Boss, Dakota 31-10.5 Osage City
Orton, Talen 31-9.5 Wabaunsee High School
Duehring, Hemi 31-4.25 Mission Valley High School
Kibbee, Paige 31-2 Mission Valley High School
Cooper, Ryenn 30-11 Rock Creek High School
Ackerly, Breanna 30-3 Silver Lake High School
Brees, Breanna 30-1 St. Marys High School
Lowe, Haiden 29-10.5 Mission Valley High School
Beyer, Addison 29-3 Silver Lake High School
Crotinger, Lauren 28-8 Jefferson West High School
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Girls' Throwers' Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.10 Mission Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:03.11 Doniphan West High School
Relay Team A 1:04.73 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 1:11.68 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 57:00.00 Silver Lake High School
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