Rim Rock Farm High School XC Classic 2009

Lawrence, KS

Rim Rock Farm High School XC Classic 2009 vs Rim Rock Farm High School XC Classic 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -457 651 1108
Overall Average +11.39 19:15.71 19:04.32
1st-10th Place +30.97 16:16.64 15:45.67
1st-25th Place +28.08 16:30.69 16:02.61
1st-50th Place +28.66 16:47.86 16:19.21
1st-100th Place +30.14 17:07.71 16:37.57
Common Athletes -- -- 137
Ran Faster -113 12 125
Ran Season Best -1 134 135
Average Time +1:05.81 19:10.27 18:04.45
Median Time +1:10.67 18:56.72 17:46.05
Middle 80% Times +1:08.90 19:06.53 17:57.63
Top 10% Times +1:11.71 17:17.29 16:05.58
Top 25% Times +1:08.88 17:42.60 16:33.72
Top 50% Times +1:06.33 18:07.79 17:01.46
Bottom 50% Times +1:04.34 19:56.08 18:51.73
Bottom 25% Times +55.69 20:56.82 20:01.13
Bottom 10% Times +35.22 21:40.08 21:04.86
Average Difference +1:05.81 -- --
Median Difference +57.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:07.29 -- --
Top 10% Difference +55.94 -- --
Top 50% Difference +58.26 -- --
Top 25% Difference +56.03 -- --
Top 50% Difference +58.26 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:13.24 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:15.31 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:01.05 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jacob Morgan Washburn Rural High School +1:55.45 17:08.63 15:13.18
Bryant Keirns Campus High School +1:20.66 17:09.66 15:49.00
David Thor Bishop Carroll Catholic High School +1:24.05 17:15.79 15:51.74
Jonah Heng Shawnee Mission West High School +1:32.24 17:28.43 15:56.19
Kain Anderson Lawrence Free State High School +1:17.84 17:17.55 15:59.71
Jeremy Bryan Blue Valley West High School +1:12.72 17:13.77 16:01.05
Justin Brown Truman High School +2:35.89 18:43.39 16:07.50
Shannon Hall Liberty High School +1:52.50 18:04.14 16:11.64
Justin Bryan Blue Valley West High School +1:38.36 17:50.95 16:12.59
Ryan Lansdon Shawnee Mission West High School +1:47.48 18:00.88 16:13.40
Michael Mcculloch Staley High School +1:10.14 17:29.68 16:19.54
Chris Wise Hutchinson High School +51.53 17:18.00 16:26.47
Gage Garcia Bishop Carroll Catholic High School +1:28.36 17:56.04 16:27.68
Max Jobson Liberty North High School +1:22.41 17:50.83 16:28.42
Simon Belete Blue Springs High School +58.90 17:28.75 16:29.85
Kyle Snyder Topeka High School +40.13 17:13.39 16:33.26
James Hampton Bishop Carroll Catholic High School +1:03.75 17:41.04 16:37.29
Adam Simmons Shawnee Mission East High School +1:38.06 18:16.17 16:38.11
Tom Coffin St. Thomas Aquinas High School +2:02.20 18:40.59 16:38.39
James Barnett Blue Springs High School +2:33.84 19:14.70 16:40.86
Jeff Bachman Central (St. Joseph) High School +1:29.07 18:11.54 16:42.47
Zach Pixler Liberty High School +1:15.58 17:59.38 16:43.80
Hudson Philip Wamego High School -30.21 16:46.58 17:16.79
Brandon Lewis Derby High School +1:18.07 18:06.87 16:48.80
Kyle Bremer Liberty High School +1:51.09 18:44.21 16:53.12
Grant Poje Blue Valley High School +1:17.35 18:11.87 16:54.52
Mitch Daniel Shawnee Mission East High School +1:03.00 17:59.72 16:56.72
Zach Hambrick Goddard High School +2:06.40 19:08.01 17:01.61
Sam Yoakum Shawnee Mission North High School +1:05.23 18:07.23 17:02.00
Kyler Haumann Ozark High School +21.57 17:24.46 17:02.89
Chon Chavez Great Bend High School +1:42.59 18:45.86 17:03.27
Chris Kelly Campus High School +41.60 17:45.88 17:04.28
Josey McNorton Topeka Seaman High School +2:13.02 19:18.40 17:05.38
Brett Bachman Central (St. Joseph) High School +1:01.75 18:08.79 17:07.04
Jeb Stewart Shawnee Mission West High School +1:31.64 18:40.29 17:08.65
Henry Merth Bishop Carroll Catholic High School +1:00.94 18:10.60 17:09.66
John Waller De Smet Jesuit High School +2:09.86 19:20.54 17:10.68
Chris Sammons Smithville High School +1:14.44 18:26.00 17:11.56
Tosh Mihesuah Baldwin High School +1:00.90 18:12.82 17:11.92
Nathan Whitson Oklahoma Bible Academy +1:08.61 18:21.37 17:12.76
Ryan Cooney Shawnee Mission West High School +1:52.88 19:06.42 17:13.54
Brooks Rummery Maize High School +1:41.56 18:56.72 17:15.16
Simon Fangman Lawrence High School +38.66 17:56.53 17:17.87
Aaron Heil Wichita East High School -15.61 17:19.43 17:35.04
Shane Luper Nixa High School +1:46.37 19:07.22 17:20.85
Ryan Hopkins Maize High School +40.34 18:03.45 17:23.11
Josh Amos Grain Valley High School +1:44.09 19:07.89 17:23.80
Trent Butler Wamego High School +43.15 18:07.93 17:24.78
Brandon Martin Nixa High School +35.06 18:00.01 17:24.95
Adam Lappe Kearney High School +1:12.16 18:37.33 17:25.17
Connor Mehalovich Mill Valley High School +1:23.91 18:51.39 17:27.48
Roman Yocham Iola High School -50.18 17:27.96 18:18.14
Trevor Summers Chanute High School +1:00.05 18:29.17 17:29.12
Tyler Williams Hutchinson High School +1:13.66 18:44.78 17:31.12
Joshua Johnson Oak Park High School +1:47.06 19:22.16 17:35.10
Zach Collette Ozark High School +2:32.95 20:08.91 17:35.96
Colton Durham Valley Center High School +1:26.83 19:03.14 17:36.31
Michael Frazier Truman High School +2:52.37 20:29.27 17:36.90
Colton Reid Smithville High School +46.49 18:24.01 17:37.52
Dewey Molenda Gardner Edgerton High School +1:16.16 18:56.27 17:40.11
Matt Ayres Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School +1:02.78 18:43.01 17:40.23
Adam Scott Blue Valley West High School +54.98 18:35.25 17:40.27
Brendan Shcneider Staley High School +36.18 18:16.73 17:40.55
Jim Pile Metro Christian Academy +23.77 18:05.09 17:41.32
Zach Wolken The Independent School +2:09.79 19:51.44 17:41.65
Eli Ybarra Maize High School +1:07.40 18:49.23 17:41.83
Brit Trusty Blue Springs High School +13.24 17:56.09 17:42.85
James Brizendine Liberty High School +24.68 18:08.61 17:43.93
Charles Whitehead Carthage High School +44.29 18:28.43 17:44.14
Jacob Campbell The Independent School +37.14 18:23.19 17:46.05
Reyndon Larimer Blue Springs High School +2:06.34 19:53.80 17:47.46
Trail Spears Junction City High School +2:57.05 20:46.98 17:49.93
Cameron Harmeyer Smithville High School +11.33 18:03.32 17:51.99
Seth Hennes Shawnee Heights High School +2:11.17 20:04.86 17:53.69
Armando Moreno Lee's Summit High School +1:48.04 19:42.63 17:54.59
Evan Nichols Shawnee Mission East High School +12.46 18:07.41 17:54.95
Dan Pile Metro Christian Academy -25.39 17:57.55 18:22.94
Caleb Hartig Maranatha Christian Academy +2:51.18 20:49.43 17:58.25
Ben Randolph Shawnee Mission East High School +1:12.40 19:13.27 18:00.87
Wyatt Beckman Ness City High School +17.06 18:18.05 18:00.99
Arron Scott Gardner Edgerton High School +53.63 18:55.35 18:01.72
Max Bowers Kearney High School +35.53 18:39.33 18:03.80
Kole Stiner Great Bend High School +1:00.45 19:05.24 18:04.79
Dilan Winter Newton High School +1:53.05 19:58.04 18:04.99
Jason Ream The Independent School +57.10 19:02.39 18:05.29
Dalton Harrington Tonganoxie High School +3:01.19 21:07.70 18:06.51
Tony Baldessari Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School +21.61 18:31.18 18:09.57
Michael Walker Raytown High School +1:35.16 19:48.72 18:13.56
Jack Foster Lansing High School +2:04.03 20:18.74 18:14.71
Luke Miller Maranatha Christian Academy +54.73 19:12.26 18:17.53
Bryan Sloss Staley High School +34.18 18:52.88 18:18.70
Ben Strickland Blue Valley High School +15.63 18:35.43 18:19.80
Brandon Schrader Grain Valley High School +57.20 19:19.26 18:22.06
Brian Owara Bishop Miege High School +1:09.03 19:31.65 18:22.62
Tanner Follis Wichita East High School +31.33 18:58.44 18:27.11
Sterling Johnson Shawnee Heights High School +2:04.63 20:32.75 18:28.12
Trey Norris Carthage High School +54.27 19:22.96 18:28.69
Caleb Himpel Tonganoxie High School +57.63 19:28.52 18:30.89
Ian Bower Maranatha Christian Academy +1:58.39 20:30.56 18:32.17
Christian Williams Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School +1:22.36 19:55.70 18:33.34
Joe Pelling Smithville High School +1:02.49 19:35.84 18:33.35
Nate Elder Riley County High School +1:21.10 19:57.79 18:36.69
Max Runyon Derby High School -31.89 18:37.64 19:09.53
Ryan Wood Blue Valley North High School +51.74 19:29.88 18:38.14
Chris Sitek Bishop Miege High School +1:20.53 20:06.68 18:46.15
Hosain Ghassemi Pembroke Hill School +2:52.80 21:39.53 18:46.73
Kevin Crafton Wichita Northwest High School -50.40 18:47.31 19:37.71
Colton Fiene Chanute High School +52.25 19:51.19 18:58.94
Jacob Blankenship Carthage High School +2:08.12 21:09.24 19:01.12
Troy Elliot Smithville High School +28.60 19:32.71 19:04.11
Victor Brown Kearney High School +1:39.70 20:49.25 19:09.55
Joel Blankenship Valley Center High School +1:38.66 20:50.07 19:11.41
Brynn Johnson Topeka High School +54.84 20:06.57 19:11.73
Cullen Arness Maranatha Christian Academy +54.53 20:13.99 19:19.46
Josh Werner The Independent School +1:49.77 21:09.39 19:19.62
Trey Holmes Blue Valley North High School +0.50 19:24.22 19:23.72
Robert Sorrel Pembroke Hill School +22.35 19:47.23 19:24.88
Bryan Miller Iola High School -8.90 19:27.22 19:36.12
Steven Fausett Excelsior Springs High School +1:31.53 21:05.84 19:34.31
Tom Moloney Lenexa St. James Academy +1:08.01 20:48.45 19:40.44
Greyson Rogers Truman High School +11.61 20:01.48 19:49.87
James Toms Pembroke Hill School +32.26 20:26.13 19:53.87
Eduardo Reyes Carthage High School +1:51.16 21:45.29 19:54.13
Anthony Orozco Bishop Miege High School +16.77 20:12.15 19:55.38
Brady Field Tonganoxie High School +43.12 20:38.61 19:55.49
Trevon Thomas Leavenworth High School +48.25 20:54.81 20:06.56
Sonjay Baker Lansing High School +1:44.71 21:51.34 20:06.63
Alexander Derringer Oak Park High School +27.15 20:35.93 20:08.78
Kevin Hornbeck Pembroke Hill School -2.33 20:19.61 20:21.94
Micah LaCrone Jefferson West High School -12.00 20:20.44 20:32.44
Matt Musser Riley County High School +54.79 21:22.36 20:27.57
Isaac Black St. Joseph Christian High School +23.68 20:59.47 20:35.79
Anthony Valenzuela Great Bend High School -2:07.96 20:38.37 22:46.33
Brant Bender Pembroke Hill School -40.25 21:55.52 22:35.77
Robbie Kaufman St. Joseph Christian High School +42.47 23:06.66 22:24.19
Larry Swineheart Carthage High School +9.33 22:39.77 22:30.44
Andrew Trenton Pembroke Hill School -6.60 22:34.15 22:40.75