Sunflower League 2023

Olathe, KS

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Acheampong, Kelvin Shawnee Mission Northwest
Walters, Adam Olathe East High School
Reed, Tyrell 10.47 Lawrence High School
Howell, Riley 10.84 Lawrence High School
Medeiros-Bontempo, Matheus 10.92 Olathe South High School
Canseco, Michael 11.00 Olathe North High School
Harris, Christian 11.02 Olathe North High School
West, Tyler 11.02 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Sheets, Henry 11.07 Shawnee Mission East High School
Miller, Hayes 11.08 Mill Valley High School
Gray, Jashon 11.08 Shawnee Mission North
Womack, Korrey 11.10 Shawnee Mission South
Longhorn, Justin 11.20 Olathe West
Moss, Josiah 11.20 Lawrence Free State High School
Gunion, Noah 11.21 Shawnee Mission West
Needham, Jacob 11.27 Shawnee Mission North
Wilson, Brian 11.31 Olathe South High School
Mitchell, My'shon 11.37 Shawnee Mission West
Shoemaker, Mason 11.42 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Wilkinson, Ayende 11.45 Olathe East High School
Harrison, DJ 11.45 Olathe East High School
Sheehy, Brett 11.47 Olathe Northwest High School
Woods, Xzavier 11.48 Olathe North High School
Sandefur, Colin 11.51 Lawrence High School
White, Jourden 11.63 Shawnee Mission North
Carlson, Dane 11.63 Lawrence Free State High School
Herbert, Nathan 11.66 Shawnee Mission South
Zigmant, Holden 11.66 Mill Valley High School
DeJesus, Eli 11.66 Olathe Northwest High School
Fellingham, Gavin 11.68 Olathe South High School
Hembree, Ben 11.71 Shawnee Mission East High School
Gatschet , Vincent 11.72 Olathe West
Gillam, Braeden 11.75 Olathe West
Mponezya, Dalvin 11.79 Shawnee Mission West
Cikot, Blake 11.83 Shawnee Mission South
Cipra, Nick 11.83 Olathe Northwest High School
Skeels, Ash 11.85 Shawnee Mission East High School
Porter, Cameron 11.86 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Jasso, Roman 11.89 Lawrence Free State High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kunstman, Lukas Olathe South High School
Parrish, Josh 14.03 Olathe North High School
Parrish, Jason 14.38 Olathe North High School
Taylor, Joey 14.97 Olathe East High School
Gichuhi, Raphael 15.06 Olathe East High School
Baxter, Samuel 15.18 Olathe Northwest High School
Robertson, Jack 15.18 Olathe East High School
Allen, Austin 15.26 Olathe South High School
Shrock, Willan 15.33 Shawnee Mission East High School
Sabatini, Elijah 15.67 Lawrence Free State High School
Whittington, Evan 15.73 Shawnee Mission East High School
Gillam, Braeden 15.81 Olathe West
Jones, Miller 15.82 Olathe North High School
Carter, Jameson 16.36 Lawrence Free State High School
Johnson, David 16.38 Mill Valley High School
Knox, Ezrick 16.39 Shawnee Mission South
Midyett, Walt 16.45 Mill Valley High School
Henderson, Thomas 16.58 Lawrence Free State High School
DeGroot, Tyler 16.60 Olathe West
Kodger, Eithan 16.65 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Schlittenhard, Mason 16.82 Olathe Northwest High School
Hinz, Brayden 17.05 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Kemp, Carter 17.13 Mill Valley High School
Hageman, Adam 17.56 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Prosser-gebhnrat, Louis 17.57 Shawnee Mission East High School
Scheina, Landon 18.61 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walion, Parker 4:15.58 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Norris, Jacob 4:21.31 Olathe Northwest High School
Barron, Diego 4:22.17 Olathe East High School
Doherty, Conner 4:27.84 Olathe South High School
Larson, Max 4:28.28 Shawnee Mission South
Stewart, Carter 4:28.85 Olathe East High School
Hornung, Gunnar 4:30.50 Olathe West
Miller, Jack 4:30.76 Olathe West
Scherman, Aidan 4:32.18 Gardner-Edgerton High School
France, Carter 4:32.55 Olathe South High School
Volk, Easton 4:36.23 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Montgomery, Logan 4:36.30 Olathe West
Gibson, Rowan 4:38.20 Shawnee Mission East High School
Wohler, Blake 4:38.31 Lawrence Free State High School
Kuhl, Jackson 4:39.50 Olathe Northwest High School
Kosgei, Ray 4:39.70 Olathe North High School
Meoli, Bennett 4:40.00 Olathe South High School
Montagne, Gavin 4:41.07 Shawnee Mission North
Thompson, Evan 4:41.56 Olathe East High School
Rojas, Diego 4:42.38 Shawnee Mission North
Norris, William 4:43.44 Shawnee Mission East High School
Anthony, Jadyn 4:44.17 Shawnee Mission West
Frye, Jonah 4:45.50 Lawrence Free State High School
Lichauer, Grant 4:46.57 Lawrence Free State High School
Morris, Drew 4:48.59 Shawnee Mission South
Lauer, AJ 4:48.66 Mill Valley High School
Vega, AJ 4:49.28 Mill Valley High School
Halton, Cade 4:49.33 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Pye, Spencer 4:50.21 Shawnee Mission North
Rowlett, Ryan 4:51.41 Shawnee Mission West
Gillaspie, Brendan 4:51.61 Shawnee Mission West
Adkins, Aidan 4:53.98 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Cooper, Andrew 4:55.02 Shawnee Mission South
Wening, Jackson 4:58.50 Shawnee Mission East High School
Malone, Gus 5:00.06 Mill Valley High School
Alexander, Francis 5:23.48 Lawrence High School
Alexander, Leigham 5:28.67 Lawrence High School
Phalen, Daniel 5:50.62 Lawrence High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Porter, Cameron Gardner-Edgerton High School
Reed, Tyrell Lawrence High School
Harris, Christian 21.88 Olathe North High School
West, Tyler 22.28 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Miller, Hayes 22.55 Mill Valley High School
Gray, Jashon 22.67 Shawnee Mission North
Sheets, Henry 22.81 Shawnee Mission East High School
Guenthner, Carson 22.90 Olathe West
Womack, Korrey 22.92 Shawnee Mission South
Sandefur, Colin 23.05 Lawrence High School
Mack, MJ 23.08 Olathe North High School
Lamlech, Henry 23.29 Shawnee Mission South
Gasaway, Tevyn 23.32 Olathe West
Woods, Xzavier 23.38 Olathe North High School
Allen Jr., Demetrius 23.39 Olathe East High School
Walker, Logan 23.44 Olathe South High School
Needham, Jacob 23.44 Shawnee Mission North
Sheehy, Brett 23.53 Olathe Northwest High School
Shoemaker, Mason 23.54 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Moore, Grayson 23.59 Mill Valley High School
Wilkinson, Ayende 23.61 Olathe East High School
Priefert, Jacob 23.68 Olathe West
Taitt, Lucas 23.70 Shawnee Mission Northwest
DeJesus, Eli 23.70 Olathe Northwest High School
Hedrick, Mason 23.83 Shawnee Mission East High School
Carlson, Dane 23.83 Lawrence Free State High School
Bachman, Julian 23.91 Lawrence High School
Babler, Alex 23.92 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Whyte, Addison 23.92 Olathe South High School
Riccardo, Darren 24.06 Lawrence Free State High School
Warren, Cooper 24.16 Olathe South High School
Mponezya, Dalvin 24.21 Shawnee Mission West
Stutler, Cameron 24.22 Lawrence Free State High School
Cikot, Blake 24.22 Shawnee Mission South
Mitchell, My'shon 24.29 Shawnee Mission West
Cipra, Nick 24.35 Olathe Northwest High School
Zigmant, Holden 24.35 Mill Valley High School
Holsher, Adam 24.41 Olathe East High School
Oatman, Kyle 24.74 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Hembree, Ben 24.84 Shawnee Mission East High School
Cropp, Rory 25.20 Shawnee Mission West
Kiatoukaysi, Caleb 25.59 Shawnee Mission North
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parrish, Jason 38.18 Olathe North High School
Parrish, Josh 38.26 Olathe North High School
Taylor, Joey 39.43 Olathe East High School
Baxter, Samuel 39.47 Olathe Northwest High School
Gillam, Braeden 39.97 Olathe West
Shrock, Willan 40.54 Shawnee Mission East High School
Whittington, Evan 40.63 Shawnee Mission East High School
Jones, Miller 40.79 Olathe North High School
Robertson, Jack 40.89 Olathe East High School
Carter, Jameson 40.92 Lawrence Free State High School
Sabatini, Elijah 41.15 Lawrence Free State High School
Gichuhi, Raphael 41.39 Olathe East High School
Henderson, Thomas 42.00 Lawrence Free State High School
Schlittenhard, Mason 42.12 Olathe Northwest High School
Kodger, Eithan 42.15 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Knox, Ezrick 42.28 Shawnee Mission South
Johnson, David 42.51 Mill Valley High School
Kunstman, Lukas 43.10 Olathe South High School
Fisher, Luke 43.17 Shawnee Mission East High School
Suber-McDonald, Jai'den 43.68 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Yazzie, Kanyon 43.75 Shawnee Mission North
DeGroot, Tyler 43.88 Olathe West
Midyett, Walt 43.94 Mill Valley High School
Meade, Therron 44.02 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Obadare, Ayontunde 44.21 Lawrence High School
Washington, Kortez 44.60 Shawnee Mission West
Kellepouris, Michael 44.89 Shawnee Mission West
Shorten, Bryce 45.00 Mill Valley High School
Scheina, Landon 46.29 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Read, Dalamar Mill Valley High School
Campbell, Noah Shawnee Mission South
Thompson, Caleb Olathe East High School
Kirkpatrick, Liam 10:06.86 Shawnee Mission South
Hudnall, Gavin 10:09.31 Olathe Northwest High School
Whittlesey, Ryan 10:10.18 Lawrence Free State High School
Joyce, Jack 10:15.40 Shawnee Mission East High School
Knaussman, Michael 10:16.87 Shawnee Mission West
Imm, Greyson 10:17.80 Shawnee Mission East High School
Rogers, Trenton 10:20.86 Olathe West
Wheatley, Brendan 10:23.48 Olathe East High School
Tomac, Carter 10:26.97 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Jones, Beck 10:28.40 Shawnee Mission East High School
Vazquez, Yazid 10:29.92 Mill Valley High School
Thiele, Jonah 10:31.00 Olathe South High School
Rundberg, Aidan 10:33.00 Olathe West
Chapman, Gage 10:33.18 Shawnee Mission North
Schierbaum, Jordan 10:39.12 Mill Valley High School
Hlasney, Tanner 10:43.03 Olathe North High School
Flores, Edwuar 10:44.85 Olathe North High School
Meili, Jude 10:45.06 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Wills, Cristian 10:50.70 Lawrence Free State High School
Falkner, Robert 10:53.32 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Trout, Rylan 10:53.67 Olathe South High School
Schweiger, Nathan 10:59.55 Shawnee Mission North
Burdette, Ryder 11:13.94 Shawnee Mission North
Leonard, Michael 11:17.43 Lawrence Free State High School
Alexander, Leigham 11:36.09 Lawrence High School
Alexander, Francis 11:37.21 Lawrence High School
Thornton, Hayden 11:52.52 Lawrence High School
Norris, Jacob 9:43.12 Olathe Northwest High School
Burns, Tyler 9:45.63 Olathe South High School
Kilonzo, Nick 9:47.54 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Theel, Braxton 9:58.97 Olathe West
Ochana, Ethan 9:59.38 Olathe East High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Josiah Shawnee Mission North
Haughton, Wyatt 50.41 Shawnee Mission East High School
Richardson, Dayton 50.98 Olathe West
Romito, Michael 51.01 Lawrence Free State High School
Richardson, Caden 51.18 Olathe West
Guenthner, Carson 51.22 Olathe West
Wills, Cameron 51.24 Olathe North High School
Ware, Grant 51.32 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Miller, Hayes 51.62 Mill Valley High School
Wilson, Noah 51.63 Shawnee Mission West
Madden, Elijah 52.08 Olathe North High School
West, Tyler 52.21 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Klahn, Brayden 52.34 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Madsen, Carson 52.45 Olathe Northwest High School
Rias, Jordyn 52.57 Olathe South High School
Musungu, Dennis 53.08 Olathe South High School
Anderson, Winton 53.16 Lawrence High School
Peters, Caden 53.34 Shawnee Mission East High School
Crum, Isaac 53.40 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Jasso, Roman 53.45 Lawrence Free State High School
Smith, Kieron 53.6 Shawnee Mission South
Stutler, Cameron 53.83 Lawrence Free State High School
Haase, James 54.55 Mill Valley High School
Hernandez, Juan 54.66 Shawnee Mission North
Dehan, Ryan 55.02 Shawnee Mission East High School
English, Connor 55.41 Lawrence High School
Seffens, Timothy 55.77 Olathe East High School
Barber, Jeay 55.86 Shawnee Mission West
Rainford, Courtney 55.92 Olathe South High School
Geary, Micah 55.98 Olathe Northwest High School
Gellhaus, Kyle 58.61 Shawnee Mission South
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.92 Olathe North High School
Relay Team A 42.66 Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 43.02 Olathe Northwest High School
Relay Team A 43.05 Olathe West
Relay Team A 43.11 Olathe South High School
Relay Team A 43.22 Lawrence High School
Relay Team A 43.63 Lawrence Free State High School
Relay Team A 43.96 Shawnee Mission South
Relay Team A 44.24 Olathe East High School
Relay Team A 44.61 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 45.95 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:25.83 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 3:26.06 Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 3:26.31 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 3:26.40 Olathe West
Relay Team A 3:27.66 Lawrence Free State High School
Relay Team A 3:28.02 Olathe North High School
Relay Team A 3:28.69 Mill Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:31.60 Olathe East High School
Relay Team A 3:31.77 Olathe South High School
Relay Team A 3:32.64 Olathe Northwest High School
Relay Team A 3:33.15 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 3:38.76 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 3:42.17 Lawrence High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 7:54.99 Olathe East High School
Relay Team A 8:03.35 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 8:04.31 Olathe West
Relay Team A 8:06.77 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 8:12.11 Olathe South High School
Relay Team A 8:15.33 Mill Valley High School
Relay Team A 8:15.65 Shawnee Mission South
Relay Team A 8:19.63 Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 8:22.68 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 8:27.25 Lawrence Free State High School
Relay Team A 9:14.36 Lawrence High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
O'Neal, Ian 1:57.83 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Kuhl, Jackson 1:58.10 Olathe Northwest High School
Plath, Dylan 1:58.41 Olathe South High School
Cline, Carter 1:59.56 Mill Valley High School
Ptacek, Blair 1:59.80 Shawnee Mission East High School
Blomker, Micah 2:00 Shawnee Mission North
Kosgei, Ray 2:00.15 Olathe North High School
Richardson, Kaden 2:00.57 Shawnee Mission North
Diediker, Owen 2:01.08 Olathe West
Montagne, Gavin 2:01.31 Shawnee Mission North
Peterson, Luke 2:01.76 Olathe East High School
Barnes, Nate 2:02.08 Olathe East High School
Burkholder, Cole 2:04.01 Olathe South High School
Shilling, Isaac 2:05.22 Olathe West
Montgomery, Logan 2:05.56 Olathe West
Hlasney, Luke 2:06.86 Olathe East High School
Strack, Anderson 2:07.06 Mill Valley High School
Gibson, Rowan 2:07.24 Shawnee Mission East High School
France, Carter 2:07.32 Olathe South High School
Morgan, Ken 2:07.35 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Robins, Lucas 2:07.58 Mill Valley High School
Eckert, Noah 2:07.81 Olathe Northwest High School
Hansen Terry, Zach 2:08.18 Lawrence Free State High School
Dodson, Ian 2:08.9 Shawnee Mission South
Elsey, Jackson 2:09.37 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Comstock, Landon 2:09.40 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Eyler, Charlie 2:10.25 Shawnee Mission South
Jones, Walter 2:10.38 Shawnee Mission East High School
Frye, Jonah 2:12.07 Lawrence Free State High School
Wohler, Blake 2:12.85 Lawrence Free State High School
Noble, Mark 2:12.86 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Lual, Moses 2:15.68 Olathe North High School
Yung, Torin 2:18.74 Lawrence High School
Cooper, Dylan 2:19.66 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Popp, Conner 2:20.19 Lawrence High School
Phalen, Daniel 2:27.43 Lawrence High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Jordan 189-5 Olathe South High School
Bell-Robinson, Taveon 162-6 Olathe East High School
Carroll, Brett 154-8 Olathe East High School
Savasten, Thomas 147-10 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Kirkwood, Harrison 147-4 Lawrence High School
Davis, Spencer 142-8 Shawnee Mission North
Thomsen, Aaron 142-4 Olathe Northwest High School
Gracia, Jeremy 141-9 Olathe South High School
Woods, Jayden 141-6 Mill Valley High School
Kesinger, Keegan 140-1 Shawnee Mission South
Easley, Spencer 139-8 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Moody, Max 139-5 Shawnee Mission South
Duckworth, Trystan 138-9 Olathe Northwest High School
Dent, Luke 136-6 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Hawkins, Gus 135-3 Mill Valley High School
Swaney, Peter Mac 135-3 Olathe South High School
Western, Rell 133-10 Olathe North High School
Blanchard, Gavin 133-8 Lawrence Free State High School
Carpenter, Remington 132-1 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Bassett, Lance 129-6.5 Lawrence High School
Spritzer, Will 128-11 Olathe West
Childers, Maximilian 127-1 Lawrence Free State High School
Rehder, Joseph 122-1 Shawnee Mission West
Spritzer, Michael 118-7 Olathe West
Franklin, Namir 118-6 Olathe North High School
Gosch, Ben 118-5 Mill Valley High School
Blomker, Josiah 117-8 Shawnee Mission North
Colwell, Evan 115-8 Shawnee Mission South
Blake, KeJuan 114-1 Shawnee Mission North
Ford, Collin 112-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Morales, Jace 111-6 Shawnee Mission West
Douglas, Kaden 111-1 Lawrence High School
Chrisman, Ahkeial 111-0 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Cregg, Cason 111-0 Lawrence Free State High School
Cluthe, Peter 108-7 Olathe West
Wilson, Declan 102-1 Olathe North High School
Hobbs, Graeme 96-8 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Souders, Kyle Olathe Northwest High School
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HS Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hakim, Elijah 6-9 Olathe West
Leslie, Tyler 6-4 Olathe South High School
Johnson, Camdyn 6-4 Lawrence High School
Smither, Cole 6-4 Olathe North High School
Glover, Jaxon 6-4 Olathe West
Reynolds, Brayden 6-3 Shawnee Mission East High School
Leonard, Curtis 6-2 Shawnee Mission East High School
Miller, Jason 6-2 Olathe South High School
Long, Jalen 6-2 Olathe South High School
Jones, Tyler 6-2 Olathe West
Bergeron, Mikey 5-11 Mill Valley High School
Nunn, Donnell 5-10 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Ray, Landon 5-10 Olathe Northwest High School
Beck, Will 5-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
Richardson, Trent 5-8 Mill Valley High School
Carpenter, Jack 5-6 Mill Valley High School
White, Jourden 5-6 Shawnee Mission North
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HS Boys Javelin 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Souders, Kyle 190-5 Olathe Northwest High School
Kindler, Dawson 190-4 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Gatschet , Vincent 179-5 Olathe West
Graham, Gage 168-7 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Qualls, Evan 167-7 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Nguyen, Brendon 165-7 Olathe North High School
Stroebel, Aiden 165-5 Mill Valley High School
Pittenger, Samuel 164-8 Mill Valley High School
Cregg, Cason 162-6 Lawrence Free State High School
Doan, Spencer 157-9 Lawrence Free State High School
Sykes, Jack 155-0 Olathe Northwest High School
Witters, Isaac 153-8 Olathe West
Antoniewicz, Maury 151-11 Shawnee Mission South
Dietzel, Wyatt 145-11 Shawnee Mission South
Colwell, Evan 143-11 Shawnee Mission South
Sorrels, Luke 143-8 Olathe North High School
Swaney, Peter Mac 143-7 Olathe South High School
Oberding, Cash 141-11 Shawnee Mission North
Middleton, Trystan 141-0 Shawnee Mission North
Suderman, Sully 139-9 Mill Valley High School
Roberts, Jackson 139-6 Lawrence Free State High School
Gildart, Brylar 136-9 Olathe Northwest High School
Merchant, Austin 136-2 Shawnee Mission East High School
Meyer-Huffman, Marcus 135-1 Gardner-Edgerton High School
WILLIAMS, Cale 135-1 Olathe East High School
Warner, Mason 134-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
Gilbert, Jacob 132-7 Lawrence High School
Longhorn, Justin 132-4 Olathe West
Hardy, Conor 130-8 Olathe East High School
Minto, Chris 127-7 Shawnee Mission East High School
Dye, Tyler 127-1 Lawrence High School
Dye, Braylon 120-2 Lawrence High School
Scoma, Jason 111-8 Olathe North High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parrish, Josh 23-9 Olathe North High School
Yazzie, Kanyon 22-6 Shawnee Mission North
Hakim, Elijah 22-1.75 Olathe West
Eytcheson, Nick 22-0 Shawnee Mission North
Jones, Tyler 21-7 Olathe West
Crites, Daniel 21-2.25 Olathe South High School
Lamlech, Henry 21-0 Shawnee Mission South
Bledsoe, Isaac 20-11.5 Olathe South High School
Reynolds, Brayden 20-11 Shawnee Mission East High School
Miller, Jason 20-9.25 Olathe South High School
Qualls, Evan 20-8.5 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Sheehy, Brett 20-8 Olathe Northwest High School
Wyatt, Eli 20-8 Olathe North High School
Gunion, Noah 20-6 Shawnee Mission West
Holdren, Logan 20-6 Mill Valley High School
Bergeron, Mikey 20-5.5 Mill Valley High School
Zigmant, Holden 20-1.25 Mill Valley High School
Norwood, Iverson 20-0.5 Shawnee Mission West
Bumgarner, Cooper 20-0.5 Olathe West
Hayles, De'Varie 19-11 Olathe East High School
Lucas, Joseph 19-7 Lawrence High School
Davis, Carter 19-6.25 Olathe East High School
Osborn, Jaise 19-6 Olathe Northwest High School
Karanja, Ethan 19-5.5 Olathe East High School
Stutler, Cameron 19-5.5 Lawrence Free State High School
Gunderson, Connor 19-4.75 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Hilliard, Zach 19-4 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Parks, Jaylen 19-3.5 Lawrence High School
Obadare, Ayontunde 19-3.25 Lawrence High School
Kiatoukaysi, Caleb 19-3 Shawnee Mission North
Rainbolt, Channing 19-1 Shawnee Mission South
Hafoka, Havea 19-0 Lawrence Free State High School
Gellhaus, Kyle 16-11.5 Shawnee Mission South
Nunn, Donnell Gardner-Edgerton High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kirby, Andrew 16-0 Olathe East High School
Carlisle, Pierson 15-11 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Quarles, Ian 15-6 Olathe North High School
Campbell, Jadyn 15-0 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Lawler, Jackson 14-0 Mill Valley High School
Pahls, Ben 13-6 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Stone, Cooper 13-0 Lawrence Free State High School
Boldt, Hudson 13-0 Shawnee Mission North
Maelzer, Jacob 13-0 Olathe Northwest High School
Collins, Spencer 12-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Peters, Kyle 12-3 Shawnee Mission East High School
Heying, Seth 12-0 Shawnee Mission North
Oberzan, Maddock 12-0 Lawrence High School
Hageman, Adam 11-6 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Vader, Tige 11-6 Olathe West
Heidari, Aiden 11-6 Olathe West
Phillips, Nathan 11-0 Shawnee Mission West
Furjanic, Grayson 11-0 Shawnee Mission West
Beard, Ridley 10-6 Lawrence High School
Huffman, Stephen 10-0 Lawrence Free State High School
Slinker, Lukas 10-0 Olathe East High School
Meek, Ethan 9-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carroll, Brett 56-9 Olathe East High School
Allen, Jordan 56-4 Olathe South High School
Bell-Robinson, Taveon 51-8.5 Olathe East High School
Butler, Eric 51-6 Olathe Northwest High School
Davis, Spencer 50-10.5 Shawnee Mission North
Blomker, Josiah 49-3 Shawnee Mission North
Bassett, Lance 49-0 Lawrence High School
Hales, Braden 48-10.25 Olathe North High School
Griffith, Truman 48-8.5 Mill Valley High School
Savasten, Thomas 48-5.5 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Leeper, Nathan 47-3 Olathe Northwest High School
Blake, KeJuan 47-2 Shawnee Mission North
Kesinger, Keegan 46-9.5 Shawnee Mission South
Birge, Dylan 46-9.5 Olathe West
Suderman, Sully 46-7.5 Mill Valley High School
Easley, Spencer 46-5 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Western, Rell 45-9.5 Olathe North High School
Woods, Jayden 45-7 Mill Valley High School
Goitom, Isaac 44-1 Olathe North High School
Carpenter, Remington 43-10 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Ford, Collin 43-1 Shawnee Mission East High School
Sonner, Alex 42-11 Olathe East High School
Nelson, Andrew 42-7.25 Lawrence High School
Colwell, Evan 42-5 Shawnee Mission South
Vaeono, Gordon 42-4.5 Lawrence Free State High School
Alvarado, Dylan 42-1 Lawrence High School
Doan, Spencer 41-10 Lawrence Free State High School
Duckworth, Trystan 41-5 Olathe Northwest High School
Fuchs, Hank 41-3 Lawrence Free State High School
Gracia, Jeremy 41-1 Olathe South High School
Saradih, Zaid 40-9 Shawnee Mission South
Spritzer, Will 40-2.5 Olathe West
Dent, Luke 40-2 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Cluthe, Peter 39-11.5 Olathe West
Swaney, Peter Mac 38-11.5 Olathe South High School
Morales, Jace 37-4.5 Shawnee Mission West
Fox, Joseph 37-3 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Wu, Paul (Po-Lin) 37-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Rehder, Joseph 36-11 Shawnee Mission West
O'Donnell, Jacob 34-9 Shawnee Mission Northwest
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HS Boys Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hakim, Elijah 45-8 Olathe West
Parrish, Josh 45-2.5 Olathe North High School
Yazzie, Kanyon 44-11.75 Shawnee Mission North
Acheampong, Kelvin 44-8.5 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Jones, Tyler 42-10.5 Olathe West
Madden, Elijah 42-6.25 Olathe North High School
Eytcheson, Nick 41-11 Shawnee Mission North
Leonard, Curtis 41-3.25 Shawnee Mission East High School
Parks, Jaylen 41-1 Lawrence High School
Ndegwa, Dylan 40-11.5 Olathe East High School
Vil, Brayden 40-9 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Shorten, Bryce 40-6 Mill Valley High School
Jones, Judah 40-2.5 Shawnee Mission North
Bledsoe, Isaac 39-9 Olathe South High School
Musungu, Dennis 39-6 Olathe South High School
True, Isaiah 39-1 Olathe South High School
Lamlech, Henry 38-6 Shawnee Mission South
Gellhaus, Kyle 37-10.75 Shawnee Mission South
Dye, Braylon 37-9 Lawrence High School
Dye, Tyler 37-6 Lawrence High School
Holdren, Logan 37-3 Mill Valley High School
Walker, James 32-1 Mill Valley High School
Reynolds, Brayden Shawnee Mission East High School
Rainbolt, Channing Shawnee Mission South
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jordan, KaLiyah 11.92 Olathe North High School
Richards, Damiya 12.00 Olathe East High School
Harvey, Savannah 12.43 Mill Valley High School
Helm, Rai'Onna 12.60 Lawrence High School
Aritus, Michenainda 12.65 Olathe Northwest High School
Faimon, Abi 12.66 Olathe West
Sherman, Alexandria 12.67 Shawnee Mission North
Reed, Gabrielle 12.69 Lawrence High School
Lester, Hannah 12.90 Olathe West
Jahner, Riley 12.94 Olathe North High School
Floyd , Brionna 12.95 Olathe West
Moody, Erin 12.98 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Brachtenbach, Gabrielle 13.12 Olathe South High School
Boyd, Cassidy 13.12 Olathe Northwest High School
Marien-brovont, Sophia 13.13 Shawnee Mission East High School
Gage, Alonnah 13.13 Mill Valley High School
Gaughan, Ashlyn 13.26 Olathe Northwest High School
McFall, Blakely 13.29 Olathe South High School
Woods, LaKeyshia 13.38 Lawrence High School
Hamilton, Annie 13.40 Olathe South High School
Cox-Lloyd, Taniyah 13.48 Lawrence Free State High School
Vanlandingham, Maddie 13.52 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Welch, Lauren 13.53 Mill Valley High School
Canchola, Aurora 13.60 Olathe East High School
Mauch, Maddie 13.61 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Battles, Marley 13.72 Shawnee Mission West
Cronin, Mary 13.76 Shawnee Mission East High School
Wright, Niah 13.91 Shawnee Mission West
Jonscher, Marissa 14.00 Shawnee Mission West
Kozup, Layla 14.00 Shawnee Mission East High School
Reinhard, Samantha 14.21 Shawnee Mission North
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cooper, Olivia 14.36 Olathe Northwest High School
Wessel, Aurora 15.40 Shawnee Mission South
Hulcher, Reese 15.74 Lawrence Free State High School
Parker, Layla 15.85 Olathe North High School
Clayton, Caroline 15.96 Olathe Northwest High School
Williams, Brooke 16.11 Shawnee Mission West
Ray, Lindsey 16.44 Olathe North High School
Spriggs, Marrah 16.69 Lawrence Free State High School
Campion, Haley 16.79 Shawnee Mission West
Scoma, Makenna 16.86 Olathe North High School
Fabia, Madison 17.22 Olathe Northwest High School
Campbell, Maiya 17.33 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Morrissey, Brooklyn 17.47 Shawnee Mission West
Cooley, Lexi 17.59 Olathe West
Moodaley, Halle 18.46 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Walton, Kourtney 18.57 Shawnee Mission North
Martin, Olivia 18.57 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Lux, Mallory 19.06 Mill Valley High School
Gorman, Caroline 19.69 Shawnee Mission East High School
Damron, Hope 19.86 Olathe South High School
Kowalik, Khloe 20.63 Shawnee Mission East High School
Smith, Mollie 20.81 Mill Valley High School
Bryant, Marin 21.11 Shawnee Mission East High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caldwell, Charlotte 5:03.55 Mill Valley High School
Robinson, Charis 5:04.79 Olathe West
Miller, Kate 5:05.35 Olathe West
Hocker Singh, Anjali 5:15.00 Olathe North High School
Baker, Paige 5:15.50 Olathe West
Gotfredson, Amy 5:20.47 Olathe South High School
Johnson, Shea 5:20.50 Olathe North High School
Roman Nose, Emma 5:22.46 Lawrence High School
Kennedy, Natalie 5:24.09 Lawrence High School
Murphy, Brenna 5:28.10 Shawnee Mission North
Davis, Lydia 5:29.81 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Betancourt, Brittney 5:31.83 Shawnee Mission North
Schneider, Kate 5:34.89 Olathe Northwest High School
Cox, Makayla 5:36.61 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Crum, Makenzie 5:41.36 Olathe North High School
Swan, Chloe 5:42.01 Shawnee Mission East High School
Goeser, Olivia 5:43.80 Lawrence Free State High School
Pro, Isabelle 5:45.56 Lawrence Free State High School
Cormaney, Elle 5:47.26 Lawrence Free State High School
Roberts, Zoe 5:47.84 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Snyder, Eve 5:48.56 Shawnee Mission South
Verdict, Kynley 5:48.73 Mill Valley High School
Jaimes, Emily 5:52.74 Olathe Northwest High School
Anderson, Sarah 5:54.71 Mill Valley High School
Burchstead, Olivia 5:57.89 Shawnee Mission North
Garrett, Andie 5:59.13 Lawrence High School
Bledsoe, Mae 5:59.62 Shawnee Mission East High School
Guyer, Haley 6:09.14 Olathe East High School
Stowell, Olivia 6:10.19 Olathe Northwest High School
Ge, Michelle 6:10.60 Olathe East High School
Langford, Claire 6:15.45 Shawnee Mission East High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vanlandingham, Maddie Shawnee Mission Northwest
Blake, Karmen Shawnee Mission North
Jordan, KaLiyah 24.49 Olathe North High School
Richards, Damiya 25.22 Olathe East High School
Foster, Raegan 26.20 Olathe North High School
Harvey, Savannah 26.28 Mill Valley High School
Reed, Gabrielle 26.64 Lawrence High School
Floyd , Brionna 26.75 Olathe West
Schaffer, Landri 26.85 Gardner-Edgerton High School
McFall, Blakely 27.03 Olathe South High School
Stiede, Jasmine 27.19 Olathe West
Besson, Ginny 27.23 Lawrence High School
Hohman , Jaylie 27.49 Lawrence High School
Lester, Hannah 27.50 Olathe West
Boyd, Cassidy 27.56 Olathe Northwest High School
Reichert, Addison 27.57 Shawnee Mission North
Brachtenbach, Gabrielle 27.65 Olathe South High School
Moody, Erin 27.65 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Lester, Kali 27.72 Shawnee Mission West
Marien-brovont, Sophia 27.74 Shawnee Mission East High School
Williams, Elle 27.87 Olathe Northwest High School
Hall, Katie 27.88 Mill Valley High School
Stemmons, Rhema 28.19 Olathe North High School
Canchola, Aurora 28.45 Olathe East High School
Hall, Kinley 28.57 Olathe South High School
Williams, Mya 28.90 Shawnee Mission West
Mauch, Maddie 28.90 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Gahagan, Lauren 29.21 Shawnee Mission East High School
Jonscher, Marissa 29.49 Shawnee Mission West
Cox-Lloyd, Taniyah 29.52 Lawrence Free State High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cooper, Olivia 46.48 Olathe Northwest High School
VanNoy, Sofia 47.65 Olathe East High School
Spriggs, Marrah 47.92 Lawrence Free State High School
Wessel, Aurora 48.64 Shawnee Mission South
Williams, Brooke 48.67 Shawnee Mission West
Benson, Josie 48.93 Mill Valley High School
Hocker Singh, Avani 49.16 Olathe North High School
Mosley, Saniyah 49.23 Olathe North High School
Campion, Haley 49.65 Shawnee Mission West
Jensen, Hannah 49.90 Olathe North High School
Clayton, Caroline 50.23 Olathe Northwest High School
Johnson, Hadley 50.36 Olathe West
Walton, Kourtney 50.42 Shawnee Mission North
Cooley, Lexi 50.64 Olathe West
Saunders, Raylee 51.34 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Morrissey, Brooklyn 51.39 Shawnee Mission West
Browning, Liz 51.60 Olathe West
Riffel, Alex 52.40 Shawnee Mission North
Huffmaster, Alyssa 52.53 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Monroe, Olivia 52.58 Lawrence High School
Maere, Abrina 53.50 Shawnee Mission South
Kowalik, Khloe 54.07 Shawnee Mission East High School
Herscovici, Elyse 54.40 Olathe East High School
Lux, Mallory 56.35 Mill Valley High School
Gorman, Caroline 56.79 Shawnee Mission East High School
Bryant, Marin 56.87 Shawnee Mission East High School
DaSilva, Addison 58.19 Shawnee Mission North
Martin, Olivia 58.40 Shawnee Mission Northwest
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Kate 11:05.85 Olathe West
Kennedy, Natalie 11:49.01 Lawrence High School
Brewer, Lily 11:56.15 Olathe West
Vandaveer, Emily 12:04.19 Olathe South High School
Lord, Emma 12:07.26 Olathe East High School
Burns, Brylee 12:14.70 Lawrence Free State High School
Boeshart, Lauren 12:21.41 Olathe Northwest High School
Divadeenam, Rowan 12:45.84 Shawnee Mission East High School
Tenbrink, Addyson 13:06.88 Lawrence Free State High School
Marsh, Libby 13:28.63 Shawnee Mission East High School
Nunez Siguenza, Erika 13:29.25 Shawnee Mission North
Jenkinson, Claire 13:46.01 Shawnee Mission East High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cecil, Madison Shawnee Mission Northwest
Lewis, Brynn 1:00.10 Olathe Northwest High School
Meili, Isabella 1:00.15 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Griffin, Joslyn 1:00.37 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Weinkauf, Gretchen 1:00.42 Lawrence Free State High School
Weber, Chloe 1:01.29 Olathe South High School
Thies, Maya 1:01.34 Shawnee Mission North
Barnes, Erin 1:02.10 Olathe East High School
Lester, Kali 1:02.14 Shawnee Mission West
Browning, Liz 1:02.18 Olathe West
Schaffer, Landri 1:02.79 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Burris, Jada 1:03.10 Olathe North High School
Fellingham, Avery 1:03.12 Olathe South High School
Hohman , Jaylie 1:03.86 Lawrence High School
Tetley, Adriana 1:03.89 Olathe South High School
Besson, Sidra 1:03.91 Lawrence High School
DiSalvo, Shea 1:04.25 Shawnee Mission South
Lynn, Carly 1:04.50 Olathe Northwest High School
Whitsitt, Josie 1:04.81 Mill Valley High School
Jimenez, Kate 1:05.50 Shawnee Mission West
McMahon, Ava 1:05.60 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Irvin, Jazmin 1:05.85 Olathe West
Dawson, Bria 1:06.53 Olathe North High School
Joyce, Anna 1:06.95 Shawnee Mission East High School
Kozup, Layla 1:07.37 Shawnee Mission East High School
Nadeau, Bella 1:08.00 Olathe Northwest High School
Achen, Jade 1:08.76 Shawnee Mission East High School
Foster, Raegan 58.08 Olathe North High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.27 Olathe East High School
Relay Team A 49.54 Olathe West
Relay Team A 49.55 Olathe North High School
Relay Team A 49.88 Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 49.90 Olathe Northwest High School
Relay Team A 50.40 Mill Valley High School
Relay Team A 50.45 Lawrence High School
Relay Team A 50.64 Olathe South High School
Relay Team A 51.91 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 53.18 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:59.92 Olathe West
Relay Team A 4:08.18 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 4:09.82 Mill Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:09.98 Olathe South High School
Relay Team A 4:11.12 Olathe Northwest High School
Relay Team A 4:11.20 Lawrence Free State High School
Relay Team A 4:13.08 Olathe North High School
Relay Team A 4:14.98 Lawrence High School
Relay Team A 4:16.34 Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 4:17.40 Olathe East High School
Relay Team A 4:23.26 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 4:26.68 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 4:28.14 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 4:46.74 Shawnee Mission South
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:02.76 Olathe North High School
Relay Team A 10:08.15 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 10:11.49 Lawrence High School
Relay Team A 10:14.57 Olathe East High School
Relay Team A 10:36.27 Lawrence Free State High School
Relay Team A 9:03.42 Olathe West
Relay Team A 9:58.16 Olathe Northwest High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meili, Isabella Gardner-Edgerton High School
Roberts, Zoe Shawnee Mission Northwest
Newport, Bree 2:14.78 Olathe West
Mullen, Paige 2:17.78 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Baker, Paige 2:20.91 Olathe West
Padgett, Lida 2:22.16 Shawnee Mission East High School
Roth, Paige 2:22.17 Mill Valley High School
Gibson, Hannah 2:24.89 Shawnee Mission South
Barnes, Cayman 2:26.23 Lawrence Free State High School
Beltrame, Catherine 2:26.48 Shawnee Mission East High School
Clements, Laynie 2:26.94 Olathe West
Roman Nose, Emma 2:27.75 Lawrence High School
Primavera, Zorianna 2:27.94 Olathe Northwest High School
Sakati , Sidra 2:29.39 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Schneider, Kate 2:30.28 Olathe Northwest High School
Allen, Ani 2:30.44 Olathe South High School
Gotfredson, Amy 2:31.16 Olathe South High School
Gehlen, Ava 2:32.46 Olathe East High School
Dummermuth, Elise 2:33.00 Shawnee Mission North
Conroy, Anna 2:35.73 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Swan, Chloe 2:35.75 Shawnee Mission East High School
Fuller, Samantha 2:35.93 Olathe Northwest High School
McAfee, Meghan 2:36.53 Mill Valley High School
Farrens, Sarah 2:37.35 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Hardy-Billy, Cyrenity 2:37.77 Lawrence High School
Hardy, Lucy 2:37.87 Lawrence High School
Betancourt, Brittney 2:38.93 Shawnee Mission North
JACKSON, Cali 2:39.99 Olathe East High School
French, Ava 2:40.00 Olathe North High School
Pro, Isabelle 2:41.44 Lawrence Free State High School
Goeser, Olivia 2:41.49 Lawrence Free State High School
Katzenberger, Cora 2:45.84 Olathe North High School
Wagoner, Brooke 2:46.95 Olathe North High School
Trentadue, Olivia 2:52.20 Olathe South High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yarnell, Kendall 133-7 Olathe Northwest High School
Galligan, Val 129-10 Olathe Northwest High School
Cline, Addie 128-5 Olathe West
Redmon, Avery 122-10 Olathe East High School
Setty, Courtney 120-11 Shawnee Mission South
Locke-Garcia, Adrienne 118-3 Olathe Northwest High School
Hernandez-Mast, Alicia 115-4 Olathe East High School
Batten, Mackenzie 108-8 Olathe North High School
Callahan, Abigail 108-2 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Talcott, Camryn 104-6 Olathe South High School
Perez, Elle 99-9 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Green, Aaliyah 99-8 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Loe, Macie 92-10 Shawnee Mission West
Northington, Mikayla 92-7 Olathe North High School
Speciale, Morgan 92-3 Mill Valley High School
Leon, Chrismarie 90-4 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Handzel, Emaline 86-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
Tapedo, Millicent 85-6 Lawrence High School
Rivera, Makayla 84-7.75 Olathe West
Vaughn, Cameron 83-7 Lawrence Free State High School
Edison, Soledad 83-1 Lawrence Free State High School
Bingham, Rachel 82-10 Shawnee Mission East High School
Slaughter, Rebekah 82-4 Shawnee Mission East High School
Sullivan, Samantha 81-1 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Cheffey, Paige 71-10 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Han, Eda 68-10 Lawrence High School
McGhee, Jasmine 67-3 Shawnee Mission North
Shump, Isabella 66-6 Lawrence Free State High School
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HS Girls High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hulcher, Reese 5-7 Lawrence Free State High School
Platt, Paige 5-6 Lawrence High School
Otroszko, Kaitlyn 5-5 Olathe South High School
Nelson, Chloe 5-2 Olathe North High School
Strathman, Miley 5-1 Mill Valley High School
Aritus, Michenainda 5-1 Olathe Northwest High School
Holm, Hannah 5-0 Olathe West
Borders, Jessica 5-0 Olathe West
Sims, Macy 4-11 Shawnee Mission East High School
Heather, Reese 4-11 Olathe West
Damron, Hope 4-10 Olathe South High School
Curtis, Rosjai 4-10 Shawnee Mission North
Pickman, Miri 4-10 Lawrence High School
Avey, Megan 4-10 Olathe North High School
DaSilva, Addison 4-8 Shawnee Mission North
Ledezma, Martina 4-8 Olathe South High School
Smith, Mollie 4-4 Mill Valley High School
Marney, Michelle 4-2 Mill Valley High School
Ray, Lindsey Olathe North High School
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HS Girls Javelin 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Galligan, Val 139-0 Olathe Northwest High School
Platt, Paige 130-6 Lawrence High School
Strack, Annaliese 127-9 Mill Valley High School
Huckabey, Jillian 127-6 Olathe Northwest High School
Mulwa, Lauren 123-8 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Bailey, Addison 119-0 Mill Valley High School
Barnard, Keely 118-8 Olathe West
Sher, Emmy 116-11 Olathe Northwest High School
Olson, Mia 116-2 Shawnee Mission North
Tyrrell, Chloe 115-9 Olathe East High School
Chapman, Julia 114-0 Lawrence Free State High School
Loe, Macie 113-6 Shawnee Mission West
Hockman, Harmony 112-11 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Barcus, Ashley 111-9 Olathe West
Whitsitt, Josie 106-10 Mill Valley High School
Shirley, Deizha 104-6 Lawrence High School
Magnuson, Aubrie 103-8 Lawrence High School
Mead, Jessie 102-9 Olathe South High School
Mathews, Tessa 101-0 Olathe North High School
Hall, Angel 100-6 Olathe East High School
Mendez, Nichole 99-9 Shawnee Mission North
Mermis, Erin 99-4 Olathe North High School
Graham, Harper 97-3 Lawrence Free State High School
Tobaben, Kennedy 96-9 Olathe North High School
Johnson, Ava 92-6 Olathe West
Bingham, Rachel 90-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Matthias, Moriah 87-10 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Handzel, Emaline 87-7 Shawnee Mission East High School
DeBoe, Lilyana 76-11 Shawnee Mission North
Slaughter, Rebekah 75-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aritus, Michenainda 18-1.75 Olathe Northwest High School
Cordero, Paige 17-7.75 Olathe West
Curtis, Rosjai 17-7.5 Shawnee Mission North
Hulcher, Reese 17-5.75 Lawrence Free State High School
Welch, Lauren 17-2 Mill Valley High School
Harvey, Savannah 16-10 Mill Valley High School
Gage, Alonnah 16-9.5 Mill Valley High School
Besson, Sidra 16-7 Lawrence High School
Besson, Ginny 16-6.5 Lawrence High School
Jensen, Hannah 16-5.5 Olathe North High School
Pippins, Jasmine 16-5 Olathe South High School
Cronin, Mary 16-4 Shawnee Mission East High School
Parker, Layla 16-4 Olathe North High School
Reichert, Addison 16-3 Shawnee Mission North
Platt, Paige 16-1.5 Lawrence High School
Dhillon, Milinder 15-11.25 Olathe Northwest High School
Ezala, Mikayla 15-10.75 Olathe East High School
Hoffman , Makayla 15-10.5 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Woolfolk, Sydney 15-5.5 Olathe Northwest High School
Bump, Kailey 15-5.25 Olathe West
Ledezma, Martina 15-5 Olathe South High School
Spriggs, Marrah 15-3 Lawrence Free State High School
Fraser, Gabrielle 15-2 Olathe East High School
Harrison, Cerise 15-1 Olathe South High School
Sims, Macy 15-0.75 Shawnee Mission East High School
Jones , Tymaya 14-11.5 Olathe West
Wright, Niah 14-8 Shawnee Mission West
Moodaley, Halle 14-7.5 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Jackson, Gabby 14-6 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Scoma, Makenna 13-11 Olathe North High School
Land, Zoe 13-8.5 Shawnee Mission West
Battles, Marley 13-8 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Girls Pole Vault 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Payne, Makenna 11-6 Mill Valley High School
Strathman, Libby 11-6 Mill Valley High School
Fleetwood, Ava 11-0 Mill Valley High School
Vaughn, Kenzie 10-6 Lawrence Free State High School
Phillips, Alexis 10-6 Shawnee Mission North
Conrad, Cate 10-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Ginie, Elena 10-0 Olathe North High School
Huffmaster, Alyssa 9-6 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Wasinger, Jaclyn 9-6 Olathe East High School
Campbell, Maiya 9-0 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Huckabey, Jillian 9-0 Olathe Northwest High School
Gorman, Caroline 8-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Carter , Chloe 8-4 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Keller, Emmy 8-0 Olathe Northwest High School
Ampleman, Madeline 7-9 Shawnee Mission West
Jackson, Bre 7-6 Lawrence High School
Hamlin, Maeslyn 7-6 Lawrence High School
Scholz, Cadence 6-6 Lawrence High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Locke-Garcia, Adrienne 43-1 Olathe Northwest High School
Galligan, Val 42-0.5 Olathe Northwest High School
Cline, Addie 38-9 Olathe West
Batten, Mackenzie 38-6 Olathe North High School
Yarnell, Kendall 37-10.5 Olathe Northwest High School
Mulwa, Lauren 37-6.75 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Hernandez-Mast, Alicia 36-2 Olathe East High School
Ray, Logan 35-6.5 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Redmon, Avery 35-2.5 Olathe East High School
Ivory, Vivian 35-0 Shawnee Mission South
Talcott, Camryn 34-7 Olathe South High School
Graham, Kennedy 34-1 Olathe North High School
Platt, Paige 33-6.75 Lawrence High School
Rivera, Makayla 33-3 Olathe West
Lucht, Ava 33-2 Mill Valley High School
Green, Aaliyah 33-0 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Davis, Jaliyah 32-5 Olathe North High School
Setty, Courtney 32-3 Shawnee Mission South
Edison, Soledad 31-7 Lawrence Free State High School
Feigenbaum, Matilda 31-4.5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Vaughn, Cameron 30-0 Lawrence Free State High School
Koeneke, Emily 29-10 Olathe South High School
Hosty, Rebecca 29-9.5 Olathe South High School
Speciale, Morgan 29-9 Mill Valley High School
Leon, Chrismarie 27-10 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Cheffey, Paige 27-8 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Slaughter, Rebekah 27-3.5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Sullivan, Samantha 26-3 Shawnee Mission Northwest
McGhee, Jasmine 26-1 Shawnee Mission North
Shirley, Deizha 25-1.5 Lawrence High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Curtis, Rosjai 36-11.75 Shawnee Mission North
Cronin, Mary 35-5.5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Nelson, Chloe 35-1 Olathe North High School
Hoffman , Makayla 34-6 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Besson, Sidra 34-4 Lawrence High School
Wittman, Avery 34-3 Olathe Northwest High School
Fraser, Gabrielle 34-1.5 Olathe East High School
Alston, Kaidence 34-0.75 Mill Valley High School
DeWitte, Jayda 34-0 Mill Valley High School
Jones , Tymaya 33-10.5 Olathe West
Woolfolk, Sydney 33-6.5 Olathe Northwest High School
Platt, Josephine 33-2.5 Lawrence High School
Avey, Megan 32-11.5 Olathe North High School
Moss, Tenley 32-6.5 Mill Valley High School
Bingesser, Katelyn 32-5 Olathe South High School
Dhillon, Milinder 32-3.75 Olathe Northwest High School
Jackson, Gabby 32-0 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Fernandez, Sydney 31-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Smith, Reilly 31-3.25 Olathe East High School
Moodaley, Halle 31-2.75 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Miller, Finley 30-2.75 Olathe East High School
Ray, Lindsey 30-2 Olathe North High School
Martin, Olivia 30-0.5 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Besson, Ginny Lawrence High School
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