Fort Scott Invitational 2022

Fort Scott, KS

Fort Scott Invitational 2022 vs Fort Scott Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -38 123 161
Overall Average +28.88 25:43.67 25:14.78
1st-10th Place +35.88 19:25.50 18:49.62
1st-25th Place +55.28 20:19.96 19:24.68
1st-50th Place +1:19.50 21:42.23 20:22.73
1st-100th Place +1:53.21 24:05.67 22:12.46
Common Athletes -- -- 60
Ran Faster -30 15 45
Ran Season Best -3 -- 3
Average Time +49.46 25:41.54 24:52.08
Median Time +1:49.76 26:03.32 24:13.56
Middle 80% Times +1:06.84 25:33.04 24:26.20
Top 10% Times +44.59 19:39.65 18:55.06
Top 25% Times +44.04 20:41.54 19:57.49
Top 50% Times +1:01.94 22:22.32 21:20.38
Bottom 50% Times +36.97 29:00.75 28:23.78
Bottom 25% Times -12.04 30:52.13 31:04.17
Bottom 10% Times -1:24.75 32:51.41 34:16.16
Average Difference +49.46 -- --
Median Difference +1:08.14 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:06.37 -- --
Top 10% Difference +22.09 -- --
Top 50% Difference +57.91 -- --
Top 25% Difference +40.42 -- --
Top 50% Difference +57.91 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +41.01 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -7.92 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -58.51 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Easton Colborn Chanute High School +1:33.20 20:17.86 18:44.66
Drake Leeds Field Kindley High School +42.04 19:29.38 18:47.34
Trevin Worthing Fort Scott High School +42.61 19:35.46 18:52.85
Dillon Champlin Jayhawk Linn High School +44.71 19:38.76 18:54.05
Carter Bailey Pittsburg High School +2:05.83 21:01.83 18:56.00
Cole Moyer Iola High School +11.92 19:27.36 19:15.44
Jaxx Erwin Pittsburg High School +1:05.73 20:42.38 19:36.65
Josept Lazobarahona Chanute High School -7.90 19:46.48 19:54.38
Nathon Trammell Arma Northeast High School -0.83 20:00.45 20:01.28
Doniphan Meik Pleasanton High School -34.70 20:32.87 21:07.57
Spencer Wade Arma Northeast High School +45.55 21:28.81 20:43.26
Josie Walter Colony Crest High School +32.37 21:26.50 20:54.13
Brennen Coffield Iola High School +43.03 21:45.08 21:02.05
Weston Howard Pittsburg High School +2:01.47 23:17.83 21:16.36
Darton Spencer Labette County High School +1:19.89 22:36.26 21:16.37
Trenton Banks Chanute High School +2:30.89 23:48.12 21:17.23
Anna Cantrell Labette County High School +22.83 22:34.19 22:11.36
Devin Smith Arma Northeast High School +2:08.25 24:29.94 22:21.69
Peyton Schmidt Colony Crest High School +39.13 23:01.32 22:22.19
Seth Shadden Uniontown High School +1:53.23 24:22.19 22:28.96
Ben Davenport Fort Scott High School -15.66 22:35.65 22:51.31
Killian Hume Erie High School +59.46 23:37.76 22:38.30
Trent Toth Pittsburg High School +2:18.03 24:59.63 22:41.60
Brody Weil Labette County High School +9.72 22:57.01 22:47.29
Bryce Nunn Arma Northeast High School +1:41.07 24:44.01 23:02.94
Mason Mumbower Fort Scott High School +38.44 23:46.07 23:07.63
Macie Moore Chanute High School +47.83 23:56.89 23:09.06
Emilie Zylstra Labette County High School +1:31.24 24:41.71 23:10.47
Audrey Cavaness Field Kindley High School +3:08.11 26:18.63 23:10.52
Finian Foraker Field Kindley High School +2:33.35 26:01.83 23:28.48
Eve Moss Pittsburg High School +2:28.97 26:42.53 24:13.56
Aubrey Allen Colony Crest High School -45.57 24:26.09 25:11.66
Gage Gatton Labette County High School +3:30.11 28:04.41 24:34.30
Jocelyn Fess Fort Scott High School +1:19.07 26:07.64 24:48.57
Kei-Mahni Davis Pleasanton High School +1:08.14 26:03.51 24:55.37
Aubrie Meyer Labette County High School +4:13.96 29:39.51 25:25.55
Trayen Nibarger Labette County High School +3:00.36 28:30.61 25:30.25
Caden Dixon Neodesha High School +2:57.51 28:30.95 25:33.44
Jarynn Hockett Chanute High School +2:14.43 27:58.33 25:43.90
Kaylee Eberhart Labette County High School -1:25.24 26:03.32 27:28.56
Bethany Barger Labette County High School +13.16 26:18.01 26:04.85
Violet Stich Chanute High School +1:52.78 28:05.10 26:12.32
Nevaeh Jones Labette County High School -4:35.19 26:29.80 31:04.99
Graham Leeds Field Kindley High School +1:11.67 27:54.11 26:42.44
Rafe Allen Labette County High School +2:55.79 29:39.32 26:43.53
Aarin Awalt Neodesha High School +3:37.22 30:35.91 26:58.69
Brylee Doleshal Jayhawk Linn High School +32.17 27:44.69 27:12.52
Sophia Heim Marmaton Valley High School +2:12.04 29:26.11 27:14.07
Adison Randall Jayhawk Linn High School -3:22.73 27:18.65 30:41.38
Carsen Allen Fort Scott High School +39.24 28:24.25 27:45.01
Isabel Clevenger Labette County High School -21.54 27:47.60 28:09.14
Dylan Kirkpatrick Erie High School +7:33.96 36:36.30 29:02.34
Gavin Catalano Fort Scott High School +26.48 29:37.12 29:10.64
Aiden Wiles Erie High School -1:04.42 29:52.16 30:56.58
Zarien Collins Erie High School +2:29.45 32:35.90 30:06.45
Shaelyn Nibarger Labette County High School -30.87 30:17.08 30:47.95
Aspen Foster Labette County High School -3:51.80 30:20.58 34:12.38
Olivia Pond Neodesha High School -5.18 31:09.85 31:15.03
Zoey Hull Uniontown High School -8:10.22 32:24.58 40:34.80
Aryonnah Beaton Uniontown High School -3:47.27 33:45.90 37:33.17