James Thomas Invitational 2022 - Hillsboro 2022

Hillsboro, KS

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burton, Ethan 10.91 Council Grove
Brunk, Harrison 11.03 Inman High School
Ricalde-Phillips, Joseph 11.11 The Independent School
Elmore, Kaden 11.17 Moundridge High School
Whitmer, Jesse 11.22 Russell High School
Autry, Jerome 11.23 Smoky Valley High School
Blank, Kendyn 11.28 Inman High School
Nevins, Keaton 11.37 Nickerson High School
Unruh, McKaleb 11.41 Moundridge High School
Autry, Justice 11.49 Smoky Valley High School
Clark, Carl 11.50h Lyons High School
Patton, Isaiah 11.52 Canton-Galva High School
Stucky, Ryan 11.62 Sedgwick High School
Doherty, Garrett 11.65 Moundridge High School
Smith, Nicholas 11.73 Hillsboro High School
Stambaugh, Gavin 11.82 Smoky Valley High School
Goodman, Jace 11.87 Council Grove
Wiening, Brody 11.89 Bluestem
Partridge, Jake 11.97 Peabody-Burns High School
Plenert, Wyatt 12.00 Hillsboro High School
Jurgens, Levi 12.33 Bluestem
Dominguez, Omar 12.33 Lyons High School
Auble, Kaden 12.38 Larned High School
Erskin, Nathanal 12.4 Canton-Galva High School
Reimer, Kendell 12.43 Berean Academy
Pfannenstiel, Peyton 12.53 Russell High School
Hoch, Dakota 12.58 Remington High School
Gonzalez, Karter 12.68 Hesston High School
Smith, Jayden 12.77 Larned High School
Pfister, Jay 13.59 The Independent School
Spencer, Chris 13.62 Peabody-Burns High School
Funk, Wenxi 17.51 Hillsboro High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brunk, Eli 15.92 Inman High School
Denholm, Zachary 16.05 Hillsboro High School
Koslowsky, Jacob 16.51 Berean Academy
Thiessen, Randall 16.60 Berean Academy
Doerksen, Jace 16.65 Inman High School
Enfield, Bryson 17.15 Lyons High School
Jensen, Garret 17.70 The Independent School
Schrag, Kellen 18.05 Inman High School
Hayes, Banky 18.71 Moundridge High School
Huggard, Dylan 18.99 Nickerson High School
Peerman, Jace 19.79 Russell High School
thieme, austin 20.09 Sedgwick High School
Jimenez, Malachi 22.00h Bluestem
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harder, Andrew 4:46.11 Berean Academy
Darrah, Christian 4:50.71 Canton-Galva High School
Nord, Eli 4:52.10 Berean Academy
Lucas, Jett 4:52.20 Bluestem
Huffman, Garret 4:56.53 Smoky Valley High School
Summers, Ayden 5:00.14 Hesston High School
Heinrichs, Casey 5:01.20 Hesston High School
Rodgers, Jesse 5:06.87 Council Grove
Becker, Britton 5:08.36 Smoky Valley High School
Mills, Gavin 5:21.13 Council Grove
Olsen, Daniel 5:37.81 Elyria Christian High School
Wagner, Rex 5:38.00 Remington High School
Buller, Josiah 5:41.84 Inman High School
Ginder, Evan 5:45.59 Moundridge High School
Rivera, Angel 5:55.58 Hillsboro High School
Whitten, Sam 5:56.81 Russell High School
Turner, Shane 5:59.36 Bluestem
Hammeke, Cordell 6:04.75 Larned High School
Martinez, Sebastian 6:15.00 Inman High School
Larcade, Cody 6:21.69 Hillsboro High School
Koetkemeyer, Marcus 6:30.20 Russell High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burton, Ethan 22.27 Council Grove
Brunk, Harrison 22.64 Inman High School
Struber, Tyson 22.82 Canton-Galva High School
Herrera, Fernando 23.00h Larned High School
Elmore, Kaden 23.11 Moundridge High School
Hein, Nate 23.23 Hillsboro High School
Ney, Jacob 23.31 Russell High School
Ricalde-Phillips, Joseph 23.48 The Independent School
Shadid, Aaron 23.50h The Independent School
Pfannenstiel, Peyton 23.53 Russell High School
Apel, Lukas 23.78 Smoky Valley High School
Bird, Brayson 23.88 Larned High School
Nevins, Keaton 23.88 Nickerson High School
Autry, Justice 23.93 Smoky Valley High School
Stambaugh, Gavin 24.03 Smoky Valley High School
Smith, Nicholas 24.08 Hillsboro High School
Doherty, Garrett 24.18 Moundridge High School
Goodman, Jace 24.32 Council Grove
Partridge, Jake 24.53 Peabody-Burns High School
Backhus, Camden 24.65 Russell High School
Welch, Talon 24.66 Inman High School
Pontius, Riley 24.72 Larned High School
Stucky, Ryan 24.75 Sedgwick High School
Stanley, Dionte 24.97 Lyons High School
Hoch, Dakota 25.13 Remington High School
Reimer, Kendell 25.51 Berean Academy
Schott, James 25.54 Elyria Christian High School
Dominguez, Omar 25.66 Lyons High School
Ediger, Jaden 25.91 Canton-Galva High School
Neal, Colten 26.60h Bluestem
Vice, Laythan 26.74 Bluestem
Spencer, Chris 28.41 Peabody-Burns High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brunk, Eli 41.81 Inman High School
Knipp, Eyan 42.07 Bluestem
Doerksen, Jace 42.59 Inman High School
Huggard, Dylan 42.94 Nickerson High School
McMannis, Lane 43.28 Canton-Galva High School
Churchill, Logan 43.69 Moundridge High School
Thiessen, Randall 43.82 Berean Academy
Enfield, Bryson 44.37 Lyons High School
Koslowsky, Jacob 44.40 Berean Academy
Lysell, Haven 46.50h Smoky Valley High School
Plenert, Tyson 47.23 Hillsboro High School
Denholm, Zachary 47.90 Hillsboro High School
Pickering, Vincent 47.91 Smoky Valley High School
Hayes, Banky 48.41 Moundridge High School
thieme, austin 49.72 Sedgwick High School
Mashaney, Ayden 53.81 Bluestem
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rivera, Angel Hillsboro High School
Darrah, Christian 10:15.01 Canton-Galva High School
Harder, Andrew 10:38.12 Berean Academy
Lucas, Jett 10:38.19 Bluestem
Nord, Eli 10:44.11 Berean Academy
Becker, Britton 11:00.00 Smoky Valley High School
Peterson, Samuel 11:21.09 Smoky Valley High School
Heinrichs, Casey 11:22.49 Hesston High School
Simkins, Elias 11:24.86 Berean Academy
Honeycutt, Austin 11:37.85 Haven High School
Summers, Ayden 11:40.90 Hesston High School
Olsen, Daniel 11:52.91 Elyria Christian High School
Peters, Andrew 11:59.13 Remington High School
Turner, Dagan 12:16.06 Bluestem
Downes, Lakoddah 9:54.38 Council Grove
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Giles, Corben 1:00.34 Nickerson High School
Smith, Jayden 1:00.44 Larned High School
Schott, James 1:00.73 Elyria Christian High School
Reynolds, Andrew 1:02.70 Peabody-Burns High School
Olson, Ted 1:05.09 Council Grove
Funk, Wenxi 1:35.56 Hillsboro High School
Apel, Lukas 51.43 Smoky Valley High School
Johnson, Wyatt 52.26 Smoky Valley High School
Mannebach, Dawson 52.28 Inman High School
Ricalde-Phillips, Joseph 52.30 The Independent School
Samland, Caleb 52.31 Moundridge High School
Fuqua, Cavan 52.37 Hesston High School
Blanchat, Ki 53.25 Smoky Valley High School
Ney, Jacob 53.34 Russell High School
Shadid, Aaron 53.90h The Independent School
Doherty, Garrett 54.30 Moundridge High School
Blank, Kendyn 54.39 Inman High School
Laidler, Kristofer 54.41 Bluestem
Nieto, Pedro 54.50h Hillsboro High School
Welch, Talon 55.25 Inman High School
Krebs, Nick 55.57 Berean Academy
Driggers, Seth 55.86 Hillsboro High School
Briscoe, Zach 55.89 Berean Academy
Lagree, Dallas 56.00h Sedgwick High School
Andres, Joey 56.58 Council Grove
Fry, Jackson 56.95 Hesston High School
Koehn, Tanner 57.99 Canton-Galva High School
Fasnacht, David 58.20 Remington High School
Gerber, Eli 58.31 Remington High School
Mawhirter, Dakota 58.63 Larned High School
Backhus, Camden 58.70 Russell High School
Partridge, Jake 58.81 Peabody-Burns High School
Alkire, Ethan 59.07 Canton-Galva High School
Wiening, Brody 59.45 Bluestem
Stanley, Dionte 59.48 Lyons High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.80 Inman High School
Relay Team A 44.00 Moundridge High School
Relay Team A 44.65 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 45.06 Larned High School
Relay Team A 45.12 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 45.27 Russell High School
Relay Team A 45.37 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 46.53 Bluestem
Relay Team A 48.25 Canton-Galva High School
Relay Team A 51.26 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 51.86 Remington High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:29.00 Inman High School
Relay Team A 3:31.32 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 3:31.96 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:32.38 Moundridge High School
Relay Team A 3:45.51 Bluestem
Relay Team A 3:45.80 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 3:46.56 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Larned High School
Relay Team A 3:59.64 Remington High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:21.48 Larned High School
Relay Team A 8:36.72 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 8:44.48 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 8:54.23 Moundridge High School
Relay Team A 9:09.57 Inman High School
Relay Team A 9:10.81 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 9:23.74 Bluestem
Relay Team A 9:25.95 Remington High School
Relay Team A 9:30.00h The Independent School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stucky, Ryan 2:05.27 Sedgwick High School
Armstrong, Tokiwa 2:07.68 Berean Academy
Summers, Ayden 2:10.04 Hesston High School
Darrah, Christian 2:10.07 Canton-Galva High School
Schrag, Kellen 2:11.76 Inman High School
Richards, Zak 2:12.55 Berean Academy
Gardner, Justice 2:12.93 Smoky Valley High School
Huffman, Garret 2:14.14 Smoky Valley High School
Lucas, Jett 2:14.31 Bluestem
Martisko, Zachary 2:15.80 Inman High School
Entz, Sam 2:17.17 Remington High School
Jensen, Garret 2:20.90h The Independent School
Bias, Trey 2:21.62 The Independent School
Heinrichs, Casey 2:22.00h Hesston High School
Honeycutt, Austin 2:22.02 Haven High School
Dixon, Daniel 2:25.73 Moundridge High School
Lampert, Tyler 2:26.49 Russell High School
Giles, Corben 2:27.16 Nickerson High School
Rodgers, Jesse 2:29.13 Council Grove
Mills, Gavin 2:29.32 Council Grove
Reynolds, Andrew 2:29.87 Peabody-Burns High School
Whitten, Sam 2:36.77 Russell High School
Mohr, Brody 2:38.47 Bluestem
Larcade, Cody 2:38.82 Hillsboro High School
Hammeke, Cordell 2:48.10 Larned High School
Hodges, Darrian 2:59.18 Larned High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thiessen, Austin 155-2 Berean Academy
Richardson, Cason 153-0 Hesston High School
Hartung, Luke 129-0 Haven High School
Pando, Gio 124-7 Lyons High School
Augustine, Kaleb 124-4 Larned High School
Glover, Jeff 124-0 Peabody-Burns High School
Kukula, Creighton 121-6 Berean Academy
Buchman, Jace 119-5 Council Grove
Gonzalez, Karter 118-10 Hesston High School
Stambaugh, Trystan 118-6 Smoky Valley High School
Carson, John 116-11 Council Grove
Nuese-Rasmussen, Dominic 116-2 Inman High School
Weisbeck, Anders 115-5 Hillsboro High School
Vargas, Rodolfo 115-4 Remington High School
Collins, Wyatt 115-3 Canton-Galva High School
Dixon, Daniel 113-9 Moundridge High School
Weeks, Deon 112-7 Hillsboro High School
Robertson, Blake 111-10 Elyria Christian High School
Koehn, Tanner 108-4 Canton-Galva High School
Barroteran, Luis 106-7 Lyons High School
Webster, Sammy 106-0 Larned High School
Short, Brett 99-7 The Independent School
Martinez, Sebastian 98-8 Inman High School
Neal, Colten 96-7 Bluestem
Fields, Axton 92-04 Elyria Christian High School
Randleas, Cooper 75-6 The Independent School
Self, Brady 71-4 Bluestem
Ervin, Dax 69-5.5 Russell High School
Throop, Hunter 54-11.5 Russell High School
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HS Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peerman, Jace 6-6 Russell High School
Clark, Carl 6-4 Lyons High School
Jones, Kahle 6-2 Council Grove
Strobel, Brayden 6-0 Russell High School
Regehr, Madison 6-0 Berean Academy
Fry, Jackson 5-11 Hesston High School
Lysell, Haven 5-10 Smoky Valley High School
Osburn, Charlie 5-8 The Independent School
Churchill, Logan 5-8 Moundridge High School
Wilder, Donavan 5-6 Larned High School
Denholm, Zachary 5-6 Hillsboro High School
McDaniel, Tavin 5-6 Lyons High School
Bragewitz, Austin 5-6 Council Grove
Pickering, Vincent 5-4 Smoky Valley High School
Hayes, Banky 5-4 Moundridge High School
Kieffer, Bronc 5-2 Bluestem
Mohr, Brody 4-10 Bluestem
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HS Boys Javelin 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thiessen, Austin 160-5 Berean Academy
Thimmesch, Grant 156-5 Inman High School
Struber, Tyson 149-1 Canton-Galva High School
Doerksen, Jace 147-8 Inman High School
Welch, Talon 143-7 Inman High School
Kaufman, Landon 142-0 Moundridge High School
McMannis, Lane 138-10 Canton-Galva High School
Ferralez, Hudson 138-3 Hesston High School
Enfield, Bryson 136-0 Lyons High School
Pontius, Riley 134-5 Larned High School
Ranfeld, Wyatt 133-7 Berean Academy
Stambaugh, Trystan 131-6 Smoky Valley High School
Schrag, Dalton 127-11 Haven High School
Holt, Justin 123-6 Smoky Valley High School
Loehr, Lance 122-8 Haven High School
Cruz, Filow 120-11 Hillsboro High School
Showalter, Wyatt 118-11 Lyons High School
Robertson, Blake 118-4 Elyria Christian High School
Cobb, Quade 118-3 Larned High School
Andres, Joey 118-1 Council Grove
Glover, Jeff 117-7 Peabody-Burns High School
Neal, Colten 116-5 Bluestem
Ziegler, Holden 114-2 Council Grove
Mohr, Brody 93-8 Bluestem
Rathbone, Tristan 92-4 Hillsboro High School
Fields, Axton 86-02 Elyria Christian High School
Azire, Eli 79-5 The Independent School
Osburn, Charlie 79-5 The Independent School
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HS Boys Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heckel, Tanner 21-10.25 Inman High School
Herrera, Fernando 21-1.5 Larned High School
Knipp, Eyan 21-0.5 Bluestem
Rewerts, Tyler 21-0 Hesston High School
Clark, Carl 21-0 Lyons High School
Samland, Caleb 20-1 Moundridge High School
Peerman, Jace 20-0.75 Russell High School
Harris, Jamari 19-7.5 Hillsboro High School
Driggers, Seth 19-6.5 Hillsboro High School
Cunningham, Nicholas 19-5 Hillsboro High School
Partridge, Jake 19-4 Peabody-Burns High School
Bird, Brayson 19-3.5 Larned High School
Goodman, Jace 19-2.5 Council Grove
Kaufman, Landon 19-2 Moundridge High School
Lysell, Haven 18-10.75 Smoky Valley High School
Jurgens, Levi 18-10.5 Bluestem
Blanchat, Ki 18-10.5 Smoky Valley High School
Fernandez, Brayan 18-10 Lyons High School
Lagree, Dallas 18-8.75 Sedgwick High School
Pfannenstiel, Peyton 18-3.5 Russell High School
Fasnacht, David 18-2 Remington High School
Shadid, Aaron 17-11.75 The Independent School
Adams, Nathan 17-11 Hesston High School
Helsel, Cooper 17-8 Berean Academy
Kim, Jason 17-6 Berean Academy
Ediger, Jaden 17-4 Canton-Galva High School
Alkire, Ethan 16-11.5 Canton-Galva High School
Surrell, DJ 15-8 The Independent School
Reynolds, Andrew 14-8 Peabody-Burns High School
Schrag, Dalton Haven High School
Brown, Keegan Council Grove
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HS Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hein, Nate 12-0 Hillsboro High School
Regehr, Madison 11-6 Berean Academy
Downes, Lakoddah 11-6 Council Grove
Strobel, Brayden 11-0 Russell High School
Ney, Jacob 10-0 Russell High School
Plenert, Wyatt 10-0 Hillsboro High School
Nord, Sylas 10-0 Berean Academy
Kieffer, Bronc 9-0 Bluestem
Peterson, Samuel 8-6 Smoky Valley High School
Rodgers, Jesse 8-6 Council Grove
Vice, Laythan 8-0 Bluestem
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HS Boys Shot Put 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Augustine, Kaleb 44-11 Larned High School
Hula, Koen 43-1 Council Grove
Buchman, Jace 42-11.25 Council Grove
Richardson, Cason 42-8 Hesston High School
Pando, Gio 42-3 Lyons High School
Stambaugh, Trystan 41-0.25 Smoky Valley High School
Holt, Justin 40-8.5 Smoky Valley High School
Short, Brett 40-8 The Independent School
Cereceres, Jorge 40-7.25 Lyons High School
Barroteran, Luis 40-5 Lyons High School
Konrade, Kyler 39-11.5 Inman High School
Cobb, Quade 39-10 Larned High School
Defiesta, Kai 39-7.25 Hillsboro High School
Gonzalez, Karter 39-4.5 Hesston High School
Collins, Wyatt 39-1 Canton-Galva High School
Loehr, Lance 38-4 Haven High School
Thimmesch, Grant 37-11.5 Inman High School
Reed, peyton 37-9 Sedgwick High School
Vargas, Rodolfo 37-2 Remington High School
Ranfeld, Wyatt 37-2 Berean Academy
Glover, Jeff 36-8 Peabody-Burns High School
Weisbeck, Anders 36-6 Hillsboro High School
Robertson, Blake 36-4.5 Elyria Christian High School
Hartung, Luke 35-5.5 Haven High School
Randleas, Cooper 35-4 The Independent School
Fields, Axton 32-05.5 Elyria Christian High School
Minson, Preston 32-1.5 Canton-Galva High School
Byfield, Vin 27-11 Russell High School
Self, Brady 27-8.75 Bluestem
Evans, Gavin 27-8 Berean Academy
Ervin, Dax 25-8 Russell High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knipp, Eyan 43-11.25 Bluestem
Herrera, Fernando 43-9 Larned High School
Heckel, Tanner 43-4.5 Inman High School
Brunk, Eli 41-4 Inman High School
Driggers, Seth 40-9.5 Hillsboro High School
Schrag, Dalton 39-9 Haven High School
Fry, Jackson 39-6.5 Hesston High School
Strobel, Brayden 39-2.75 Russell High School
McDaniel, Tavin 37-9 Lyons High School
Laidler, Kristofer 37-7.25 Bluestem
Brown, Keegan 37-5 Council Grove
Lysell, Haven 36-3 Smoky Valley High School
Pickering, Vincent 35-9.5 Smoky Valley High School
Ziegler, Holden 35-5.5 Council Grove
Wilson, Luke 34-6.5 Larned High School
Helsel, Cooper 34-4.5 Berean Academy
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 12.60 Smoky Valley High School
Williamson, Cadence 12.73 Bluestem
Friesen, Emily 12.73 Hesston High School
Hagerman, Jayme 12.76 Larned High School
stucky, logan 13.01 Sedgwick High School
Peters, Noelle 13.25 Smoky Valley High School
Schrag, Avery 13.38 Moundridge High School
Tyner, Kiele 13.43 Council Grove
Reeves, Kelvie 13.47 Russell High School
Becker, Brinley 13.55 Canton-Galva High School
Thiel, Cora 13.59 Remington High School
Walker, Teagan 13.6 Larned High School
Petersen, Gabby 13.60 Sedgwick High School
Birney, Taylor 13.65 Russell High School
Baxter, Baylie 13.74 Lyons High School
Mullen, Kierni 13.78 Council Grove
Alsager, Olivia 13.91 Inman High School
Nichols, Katie 13.92 Inman High School
Morgan, Flora 13.93 Berean Academy
Phillips, Ella 13.95 Hesston High School
Couey, Zoey 14.01 Bluestem
Case, Kessa 14.11 Berean Academy
Davis, Loriah 14.40 The Independent School
Recendiz, Sarai 14.50 Lyons High School
Wagner, Lillian 14.93 Remington High School
Fisher-Soukup, Aubriana 15.16 Peabody-Burns High School
Miller, Teaygan 15.20 Hillsboro High School
Haubann, Sohpia 18.06 The Independent School
Fistler, Angelina 18.71 Peabody-Burns High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knipp, Brodey Bluestem
Heflin, Madilyn 16.56 Inman High School
McElroy, Clara 17.04 Smoky Valley High School
Scarlett, Alexa 17.11 Sedgwick High School
Balzer, Taylor 17.52 Berean Academy
Williamson, Cadence 17.54 Bluestem
Entz, Annie 17.71 Remington High School
Peterson, Lydia 17.74 Smoky Valley High School
Widler, Rachel 18.37 Berean Academy
Walker, Teagan 18.40h Larned High School
Saunders, Samantha 18.57 Hillsboro High School
Bevan, Bailey 19.04 Sedgwick High School
Lance, Emily 19.35 Canton-Galva High School
Craft, Cortney 19.42 Larned High School
Meier, Lilly 20.10 The Independent School
Dody, Cahaya 20.90 Council Grove
Loewen, Karley 21.00 Hillsboro High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hoskinson, Taylor 5:29.41 Haven High School
Picolet, Jordyn 5:40.36 Council Grove
Van Zelfden, Ellie 5:46.55 Remington High School
Funk, Emersyn 5:57.17 Hillsboro High School
Brown, Lucy 6:02.53 Remington High School
Atwill, Hailey 6:04.83 Sedgwick High School
Aden, Lauren 6:15.46 Inman High School
Harris, Blythe 6:17.62 Sedgwick High School
Nord, Tayana 6:19.21 Berean Academy
Jost, Moriah 6:25.50 Hillsboro High School
Hayworth, Kyleigh 6:28.65 Remington High School
Good, Ellie 6:49.87 Berean Academy
Clark Pavlovich, Esther 6:50.30 Smoky Valley High School
Silva, Addison 7:05.80 Lyons High School
Clawson, Aylice 7:07.63 Larned High School
Baxter, Lacie 7:24.15 Inman High School
Olsen, Londyn 7:35.57 Elyria Christian High School
Moya, Lilliana 9:03.72 Bluestem
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 27.33 Smoky Valley High School
Fitch, Addie 27.53 Sedgwick High School
Valentine, Jenna 27.56 Bluestem
Hagerman, Kaylee 28.00 Larned High School
stucky, logan 28.09 Sedgwick High School
Behanna, Gabby 28.15 Smoky Valley High School
Schrag, Avery 28.26 Moundridge High School
Harms, Katherine 28.72 Berean Academy
Ramirez, Yamyle 28.77 Lyons High School
Knipp, Brodey 28.80 Bluestem
Cox, D'myia 28.86 Hillsboro High School
Fishback, Jillian 28.88 Smoky Valley High School
Dugger, Sophie 28.92 Berean Academy
Becker, Brinley 28.95 Canton-Galva High School
Reeves, Kelvie 29.07 Russell High School
Saunders, Samantha 29.14 Hillsboro High School
Tyner, Kiele 29.19 Council Grove
Ronan, Sydney 29.27 Hesston High School
Recendiz, Sarai 29.29 Lyons High School
Alsager, Olivia 29.33 Inman High School
Hochstetler, Bri 29.65 Remington High School
Reiff, Macy 29.88 Elyria Christian High School
Mannebach, Brylee 29.95 Inman High School
Ladd, Maggie 30.10 Hesston High School
Beltz, Alexa 30.24 Larned High School
Wagner, Lillian 30.63 Remington High School
Fisher-Soukup, Aubriana 31.26 Peabody-Burns High School
Young, Aubree 31.63 Council Grove
LeFranc, Coraline 33.67 The Independent School
Haubann, Sohpia 37.89 The Independent School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Widler, Rachel 1:00.45 Berean Academy
Kadeckova, Karolina 1:03.09 The Independent School
Williamson, Cadence 48.31 Bluestem
Van Zelfden, Ellie 50.44 Remington High School
Heflin, Madilyn 50.50h Inman High School
McElroy, Clara 50.80 Smoky Valley High School
Jones, Ava 50.94 Nickerson High School
Baxter, Baylie 51.44 Lyons High School
Walker, Teagan 52.11 Larned High School
Peterson, Lydia 52.69 Smoky Valley High School
Balzer, Taylor 52.94 Berean Academy
Knipp, Brodey 55.41 Bluestem
Van Zelfden, Gianna 55.41 Remington High School
Lance, Emily 57.41 Canton-Galva High School
Bevan, Bailey 59.29 Sedgwick High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Picolet, Jordyn 12:26.14 Council Grove
Brown, Lucy 12:31.12 Remington High School
Funk, Emersyn 12:37.89 Hillsboro High School
Fruits, Sophia 12:55.78 Smoky Valley High School
Atwill, Hailey 13:22.97 Sedgwick High School
Aden, Lauren 13:23.30 Inman High School
Klaassen, Ava 13:25.41 Remington High School
Clawson, Aylice 15:19.12 Larned High School
Harder, Serena 16:00.34 Berean Academy
Baxter, Lacie 16:43.49 Inman High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hagerman, Jayme 1:02.63 Larned High School
Fitch, Addie 1:02.65 Sedgwick High School
Mullen, Keira 1:03.68 Smoky Valley High School
Valentine, Jenna 1:04.49 Bluestem
Schrag, Avery 1:04.75 Moundridge High School
Brueggen, Kendal 1:04.80h Hesston High School
Reeves, Kelvie 1:05.20 Russell High School
Blanchat, Katja 1:05.61 Smoky Valley High School
Black, Rebecca 1:08.31 Inman High School
Reiff, Macy 1:08.47 Elyria Christian High School
Ronan, Sydney 1:08.70 Hesston High School
Powell, Anna 1:08.74 Berean Academy
Nees, Dakota 1:09.79 Inman High School
Koontz, Kelsey 1:10.53 Berean Academy
Potter, Mallory 1:12 Bluestem
Berner, Kennedy 1:19.60 Council Grove
Young, Aubree 1:20.22 Council Grove
Pena, Yaretzy 1:20.85 Lyons High School
Green, Emelie 1:32.67 Elyria Christian High School
Rose, Abby 59.35 Smoky Valley High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 51.70 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 52.00 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 52.12 Larned High School
Relay Team A 53.02 Bluestem
Relay Team A 53.61 Sedgwick High School
Relay Team A 53.71 Lyons High School
Relay Team A 53.81 Inman High School
Relay Team A 54.10 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 54.15 Russell High School
Relay Team A 54.27 Council Grove
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:10.94 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:26.00 Inman High School
Relay Team A 4:26.89 Remington High School
Relay Team A 4:27.80 Berean Academy
Relay Team B 4:28.34 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 4:33.74 Bluestem
Relay Team A 4:34.03 Russell High School
Relay Team A 4:35.00 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 4:41.57 Sedgwick High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:09.46 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 10:38.94 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 10:51.70 Remington High School
Relay Team A 11:24.25 Bluestem
Relay Team A 11:45.66 Inman High School
Relay Team A 12:31.06 Hillsboro High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Berner, Kennedy Council Grove
Snodgrass, Kaylyn Larned High School
Lambert, Gracie 2:16.11 Smoky Valley High School
O'Brien, Kaleigh 2:28.08 Remington High School
Hoskinson, Taylor 2:28.25 Haven High School
Brunk, Madelyn 2:28.34 Inman High School
Brueggen, Kendal 2:30.09 Hesston High School
Veer, Lillie 2:31.50 Berean Academy
Picolet, Jordyn 2:33.70 Council Grove
Lovesee, Taytum 2:40.29 Bluestem
Fruits, Sophia 2:41.29 Smoky Valley High School
Jost, Moriah 2:42.32 Hillsboro High School
Ney, Jaden 2:44.66 Russell High School
Harris, Blythe 2:46.17 Sedgwick High School
Korte, Brooklyn 2:54.44 Bluestem
Nord, Tayana 2:54.62 Berean Academy
Hayworth, Kyleigh 2:56.69 Remington High School
Silva, Addison 3:15.83 Lyons High School
Hein, Trudy 3:16.63 Hillsboro High School
Bower, Hannah 3:20.17 Elyria Christian High School
Green, Emelie 3:28.20 Elyria Christian High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wine, Sally 117-7 Berean Academy
Smith, Tayton 114-6 Berean Academy
Skinner, Megan 105-11 The Independent School
Lovesee, Taytum 105-3 Bluestem
Schmidt, Chloe 100-7 Inman High School
Upson, Cadee 100-2 Larned High School
Humphreys, Anna 96-10 Hesston High School
Mason, Kaycee 95-3 Hesston High School
Ramsey, Adly 90-9 Sedgwick High School
Weis, Jaida 89-0 Smoky Valley High School
Wason, Addie 88-4.5 Sedgwick High School
Cass, Kenna 88-4 Elyria Christian High School
Davis, Loriah 85-5 The Independent School
Neufeld, Maci 84-0 Inman High School
Craig, Mimi 82-5 Canton-Galva High School
Campion, Breanna 80-0.25 Smoky Valley High School
Foster, Alicia 76-10 Lyons High School
Williams, Abbigail 70-11 Hillsboro High School
Yeager, Aysjah 70-5.5 Larned High School
Rascon, Joycelin 66-8 Lyons High School
Turner, Grace 65-1 Bluestem
Rohaus, Carlie Joe 56-6.5 Elyria Christian High School
Fistler, Angelina 46-0 Peabody-Burns High School
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HS Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Ava 5-4 Nickerson High School
Hilgenfeld, Eva 5-1 Remington High School
Potter, Mallory 5-1 Bluestem
Clark, Elsie 5-0 Hesston High School
Smith, Teagan 5-0 Berean Academy
Duncan, Hope 4-10 Smoky Valley High School
Bolen, Macy 4-10 Council Grove
Phillips, Ella 4-9 Hesston High School
Nichols, Katie 4-8 Inman High School
Barve, Anastacia 4-8 Smoky Valley High School
Birney, Aubrey 4-6 Russell High School
Froese, Hannah 4-6 Elyria Christian High School
Bower, Hannah 4-6 Elyria Christian High School
Meier, Lilly 4-6 The Independent School
Boese, Marianna 4-6 Lyons High School
Korte, Brooklyn 4-4 Bluestem
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HS Girls Javelin 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Ava 123-0 Nickerson High School
Veer, Lillie 122-8 Berean Academy
Mullen, Keira 110-10 Smoky Valley High School
Humphreys, Anna 105-0 Hesston High School
Hawkinson, Ryland 103-0 Elyria Christian High School
Schmidt, Chloe 98-9 Inman High School
Balzer, Taylor 98-6 Berean Academy
Upson, Cadee 96-7 Larned High School
Haigh, Laini 95-9 Smoky Valley High School
Skinner, Megan 94-8 The Independent School
Welch, Kadence 91-8 Inman High School
Mason, Kaycee 89-5 Hesston High School
Konda, Becca 80-11 Lyons High School
Hepner, Maddi 80-2 Remington High School
Cass, Kenna 79-11 Elyria Christian High School
Potter, Mallory 78-0 Bluestem
Davis, Loriah 74-8 The Independent School
Yeager, Aysjah 69-1 Larned High School
Dody, Cahaya 68-6 Council Grove
Rascon, Joycelin 68-1 Lyons High School
Couey, Zoey 67-7 Bluestem
Blythe, Mady 65-0 Peabody-Burns High School
Breugrm, Haddie 64-8.5 Hillsboro High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 17-5.5 Smoky Valley High School
Hagerman, Jayme 17-2.5 Larned High School
Hagerman, Kaylee 16-9 Larned High School
Lovesee, Tinley 16-9 Bluestem
Friesen, Emily 16-8.75 Hesston High School
Cox, D'myia 16-4 Hillsboro High School
Ramirez, Yamyle 15-8.25 Lyons High School
Behanna, Gabby 15-7 Smoky Valley High School
Brueggen, Kendal 15-5.75 Hesston High School
Scarlett, Alexa 15-5 Sedgwick High School
Alsager, Olivia 15-4 Inman High School
Tyner, Kiele 15-1 Council Grove
Mullen, Kierni 14-11 Council Grove
Saunders, Samantha 14-9.5 Hillsboro High School
Froese, Hannah 14-9 Elyria Christian High School
Mannebach, Brylee 14-8.25 Inman High School
Elliott, Emma 14-7.75 Lyons High School
Powell, Anna 14-7.5 Berean Academy
O'Brien, Kaleigh 14-7 Remington High School
Birney, Aubrey 14-5.75 Russell High School
Becker, Brinley 14-5 Canton-Galva High School
Reiff, Macy 13-9 Elyria Christian High School
Beverlin, Ellie 13-9 Berean Academy
Birney, Taylor 13-6.5 Russell High School
Meier, Lilly 13-4.5 The Independent School
Lance, Emily 13-4 Canton-Galva High School
Bleakley, Bridget 13-1.75 The Independent School
Van Zelfden, Gianna 12-10.5 Remington High School
Knipp, Brodey Bluestem
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HS Girls Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 11-0 Smoky Valley High School
Jones, Ava 10-0 Nickerson High School
Peters, Noelle 10-0 Smoky Valley High School
Dugger, Sophie 9-6 Berean Academy
Nord, Tayana 9-6 Berean Academy
Ney, Jaden 8-6 Russell High School
Harms, Katherine 8-6 Berean Academy
Korte, Brooklyn 8-3 Bluestem
Peterson, Lydia 8-0 Smoky Valley High School
Crenshaw, Makell 6-9 Bluestem
Hilgenfeld, Lily 6-6 Remington High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Upson, Cadee 36-9 Larned High School
Wine, Sally 35-4.5 Berean Academy
Smith, Tayton 34-11.5 Berean Academy
Craig, Mimi 34-4 Canton-Galva High School
Pena, Yaneli 32-9.75 Lyons High School
Weis, Jaida 32-4 Smoky Valley High School
Williams, Abbigail 30-9.5 Hillsboro High School
Mason, Kaycee 30-5.5 Hesston High School
Yeager, Aysjah 30-2 Larned High School
Welch, Kadence 30-1.5 Inman High School
Hawkinson, Ryland 29-3.5 Elyria Christian High School
Blythe, Mady 28-1.25 Peabody-Burns High School
Rutz, Jadyn 27-10.5 Inman High School
Guzman, Alexa 27-10.5 Lyons High School
Shirley, Grace 27-06.50 Hesston High School
Short, Piper 27-2.25 The Independent School
Meisinger, Kenzie 24-6 Hillsboro High School
Strobel, Abby 24-1.75 Russell High School
Turner, Grace 24-1.25 Bluestem
Rohaus, Carlie Joe 23-1 Elyria Christian High School
Campion, Breanna 22-4 Smoky Valley High School
Bailly, Anna 21-11.5 The Independent School
Fistler, Angelina 19-10 Peabody-Burns High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hagerman, Jayme 38-2.5 Larned High School
Cox, D'myia 35-6 Hillsboro High School
Friesen, Emily 35-0 Hesston High School
Lovesee, Tinley 34-9.5 Bluestem
Hagerman, Kaylee 32-8 Larned High School
Saunders, Samantha 32-7.25 Hillsboro High School
Emmons, Holli 32-6 Bluestem
Ramirez, Yamyle 32-5.5 Lyons High School
Fishback, Jillian 32-2.5 Smoky Valley High School
Smith, Teagan 32-2 Berean Academy
Mullen, Kierni 31-9 Council Grove
Duncan, Hope 31-8 Smoky Valley High School
Birney, Aubrey 31-0.5 Russell High School
Entz, Annie 30-7.5 Remington High School
Koontz, Kelsey 30-7 Berean Academy
Elliott, Emma 30-3.5 Lyons High School
Cerecero, Haley 26-9.25 Russell High School
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