Shawnee Mission South Relays 2019

Overland Park, KS

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 4x100 Meter Throwers Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lansing High School
Relay Team A Truman High School
Relay Team A 50.00 Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 55.00h Olathe West
Relay Team A 55.02 DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 55.98 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 56.00h Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 56.30h Shawnee Mission South
Relay Team A 59.00 Blue Valley North High School
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High School Boys 4x1600 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lansing High School
Relay Team A 18:11.00 Rockhurst High School
Relay Team A 19:20.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A 19:20.00 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 19:26.19 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 19:30.00 Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 19:38.00 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 19:48.0 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 19:59.66 DeSoto High School
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High School Girls 4x100 Meter Throwers Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lansing High School
Relay Team A Truman High School
Relay Team A DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 1:02.00h Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 1:05.00 Shawnee Mission South
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High School Girls 4x1600 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lansing High School
Relay Team A 23:00.00 Olathe West
Relay Team A 23:00.00 Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 23:10.00 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 23:38.00 Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 24:00.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Becton, Josh Schlagle
Renaud, Jakob 11.02 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Olson, Eric 11.04 Blue Valley High School
Alcorn, SaeVheon 11.10 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Reed, Jaden 11.15 Shawnee Mission North
Holmes, Cooper 11.20 Shawnee Mission East High School
Townsend, Breyon 11.21 Olathe West
Hassed, Nate 11.22 Blue Valley North High School
Green, Cam 11.22 Blue Valley High School
Larson, Brady 11.30 Olathe West
Alcorn, TaeVheon 11.30 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Reinerio, Giovani 11.31 Olathe West
Koudou, Euloge 11.34 Shawnee Mission West
Purcell, Clint 11.37 Rockhurst High School
Thutmosei, Ammon 11.42 Blue Valley North High School
Mccumber, Caden 11.50h Blue Valley High School
Dittemore, Michael 11.52 DeSoto High School
Parker, Brian 11.55 Schlagle
Washington, Corbin 11.58 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Pledger, Tre'Matt 11.6 Lansing High School
Priddy, Tyson 11.70 DeSoto High School
Pyle, Adam 11.75 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Roberts, Erik 11.75 Blue Valley North High School
Haughton, Kyler 11.76 Shawnee Mission East High School
Krezek, Cooper 11.80h Rockhurst High School
Derning, Sam 11.85 Shawnee Mission West
Vesta, Phillip 11.85 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Calamaio, Joey 11.86 Shawnee Mission South
Roberts, Matthew 11.89 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Taylor, Elijah 11.90 Schlagle
Switzer, Zach 11.92 DeSoto High School
Neher, Zach 12.00 Shawnee Mission South
Williams, Leo 12.05 Shawnee Mission West
Clough, Wen 12.07 Shawnee Mission East High School
Ray, Zyion 12.12 Truman High School
Raymond, Bryson 12.13 Lansing High School
Saak, Santos 12.33 Truman High School
Wiskur, Daniel 12.38 Shawnee Mission South
Moussa, Nicholas 12.42 Rockhurst High School
Jackson, Amir 12.48 Truman High School
Briones, Marcos 12.5 Shawnee Mission North
Lange, William 12.73 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Woods, Ethan 13.39 Lansing High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Searcy, Martin 15.20 DeSoto High School
Smith, Gabriel 15.64 Shawnee Mission South
Reinerio, Baccio 15.85 Olathe West
Krause, Zac 15.87 Olathe West
Loveless, Jack 15.99 Olathe West
Sherman, Hank 16.20h Blue Valley High School
Hodson, Eli 16.23 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Young, Kaleb 16.40h Shawnee Mission North
Hill, Erick 16.43 Rockhurst High School
Tulp, William 16.52 Shawnee Mission East High School
Browning, Brad 16.80 Truman High School
Pearlman, Wyatt 16.85 Shawnee Mission East High School
Dean, Hunter 16.99 Lansing High School
Schmidt, Carson 17.14 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Olson, James 17.32 Rockhurst High School
Mesh, Dawson 17.50 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Hernandez, Erwin 17.50h Shawnee Mission North
Klaassen, Spencer 17.55 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Krehbiel, Chase 17.81 DeSoto High School
Moore, Blake 18.10h Gardner-Edgerton High School
Scott, Quincy 18.39 Truman High School
Miller, Michael 18.40h Blue Valley High School
Perkins-rock, Nathan 19.57 Shawnee Mission East High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Molina, Asher 4:21.81 Shawnee Mission North
Marshall, Ethan 4:25.20 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hubert, Sam 4:27.00 DeSoto High School
Neidig, Liam 4:30.00 Lansing High School
Cooley, Kaden 4:37.15 Olathe West
Lovick, Max 4:38.00h Rockhurst High School
Seitzer, Joe 4:45 Rockhurst High School
Maldonado, Kenneth 4:45.00h Rockhurst High School
Walion, Quenton 4:45.39 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Seger, Logan 4:46.49 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Fitzmaurice, Mason 4:47.11 Shawnee Mission South
Reyna , Aidan 4:50.00h Olathe West
Binnicker, Justin 4:50.80 Truman High School
Thursby, Max 4:51.00h Blue Valley High School
Higgerson, Ashton 4:52.54 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Kaiser, Evan 4:53.90 Blue Valley North High School
Massaro, Owen 4:55 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Allen, Jackson 4:58.00h Blue Valley High School
Olguid, Jose 4:59.42 Schlagle
Groother, Quentin 4:59.99 Shawnee Mission East High School
Downie, Tristan 5:01.30 Olathe West
Mullen, Shane 5:02.80h Shawnee Mission Northwest
Price, Eli 5:03.01 Shawnee Mission South
Newberry, Kyle 5:03.95 DeSoto High School
Ewers, Major 5:05 Shawnee Mission North
Ducey, Adam 5:05.00h Shawnee Mission North
Hamman, Coltin 5:08.73 Lansing High School
Getman, Jack 5:09.77 Truman High School
Gier, Owen 5:10.68 DeSoto High School
Lewis, Nathan 5:11.72 Truman High School
Eastlack, Quincy 5:13.26 Shawnee Mission East High School
Schluben, Bradley 5:13.59 Shawnee Mission South
Pagadala, Prabhav 5:14.45 Blue Valley North High School
Bieber, Ty 5:17.09 Lansing High School
Ngenzirabona, Gideon 5:17.17 Schlagle
Swanson, Josh 5:18.94 Shawnee Mission West
Waters, Jacskson 5:20.01 Shawnee Mission West
Mellinger, Jaden 5:20.22 Shawnee Mission West
McAtee, Ethan 5:23.00h Blue Valley High School
Washington, Diontez 6:27.36 Schlagle
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benjamin, Da'marion Truman High School
Mitchell, Travian Schlagle
Saak, Santos Truman High School
Alcorn, SaeVheon 22.27 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Green, Cam 22.50h Blue Valley High School
Larson, Brady 22.54 Olathe West
Koudou, Euloge 22.58 Shawnee Mission West
Purcell, Clint 22.9 Rockhurst High School
Reinerio, Giovani 22.96 Olathe West
Townsend, Breyon 23.15 Olathe West
Coit, Joe 23.2 Rockhurst High School
Hill, Erick 23.30h Rockhurst High School
Jones, Carson 23.57 Shawnee Mission East High School
Pyle, Adam 23.62 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Dittemore, Michael 23.68 DeSoto High School
Stephens, Dorian 23.80h Blue Valley High School
Renaud, Jakob 23.85 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Calamaio, Joey 24.00 Shawnee Mission South
Pledger, Tre'Matt 24.00 Lansing High School
Neher, Zach 24.02 Shawnee Mission South
Parker, Brian 24.02 Schlagle
Carder, Peyton 24.07 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Rodriguez, A.J. 24.10h Gardner-Edgerton High School
Hassed, Nate 24.14 Blue Valley North High School
Priddy, Tyson 24.15 DeSoto High School
Benson, Malik 24.36 Lansing High School
Washington, Corbin 24.45 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Ngenzirabona, Menowa 24.47 Schlagle
Haughton, Kyler 24.47 Shawnee Mission East High School
Glass, Christian 24.49 Shawnee Mission West
Eshleman, James 24.53 Blue Valley North High School
Ferencz, Cameron 24.60 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Roberts, Matthew 24.66 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Briscoe, Marquez 24.74 Shawnee Mission South
Lester, Jacob 24.81 Shawnee Mission West
Woods, Ethan 24.94 Lansing High School
Pursell, Mac 24.96 Blue Valley North High School
Ray, Zyion 25.17 Truman High School
Dubois, Cynsear 25.4 Shawnee Mission North
Hashagen, Samuel 25.50 DeSoto High School
Briones, Marcos 25.60 Shawnee Mission North
Davis, Colin 26.08 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Simmons, Stefon 26.23 Shawnee Mission North
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McElroy, Max St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Smith, Gabriel 41.76 Shawnee Mission South
Pearlman, Wyatt 42.04 Shawnee Mission East High School
Krause, Zac 42.20 Olathe West
Searcy, Martin 42.54 DeSoto High School
Loveless, Jack 42.71 Olathe West
Coit, Joe 42.79 Rockhurst High School
Mckelvey, Teven 43.20h Gardner-Edgerton High School
Hill, Erick 43.82 Rockhurst High School
Tulp, William 43.82 Shawnee Mission East High School
Young, Kaleb 43.86 Shawnee Mission North
Browning, Brad 43.99 Truman High School
Sherman, Hank 44.00 Blue Valley High School
Hodson, Eli 44.23 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Mesh, Dawson 44.32 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Schmidt, Carson 44.32 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Scott, Quincy 44.88 Truman High School
Krehbiel, Chase 45.18 DeSoto High School
Hudelson, Brady 45.30 DeSoto High School
Ramsey, Atticus 45.33 Gardner-Edgerton High School
DeBey, Tyler 45.84 Shawnee Mission East High School
Moore, Blake 45.90 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Hernandez, Erwin 46.00h Shawnee Mission North
Tinnel, Malachi 46.23 Lansing High School
Miller, Michael 46.40 Blue Valley High School
Reinerio, Baccio 47.13 Olathe West
Seibold, Ryan 48.88 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Olson, James 53.32 Rockhurst High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Castro, Francisco Schlagle
Kaminsky, Ivan St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Howell, Kenneth Lansing High School
Hazen, Tommy 10:00.0 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Sturdy, Carson 10:09.52 DeSoto High School
Maxville, Trevor 10:15.00 Shawnee Mission North
Higgerson, Aiden 10:22.34 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Baker, Nathaniel 10:23.19 Lansing High School
Ingle, Matthew 10:25.24 Rockhurst High School
Klingele, Logan 10:25.45 Shawnee Mission West
Steinlicht, Sam 10:28.20 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Brown, Wrenner 10:30.73 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Masters, Caleb 10:32.05 Shawnee Mission Northwest
O'Dwyer, Austin 10:32.95 Shawnee Mission North
Garcia, Sebastian 10:36.33 Shawnee Mission North
Allen, Jackson 10:37.15 Blue Valley High School
Lovick, Max 10:39.07 Rockhurst High School
Mullen, Shane 10:43.00 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Nunn, Joshua 10:43.27 Truman High School
Huggins, Brady 10:48.97 DeSoto High School
Seitzer, Joe 10:50.00 Rockhurst High School
Khan, Zain 10:50.34 Shawnee Mission West
Getman, Jack 10:56.93 Truman High School
Rokusek, Henry 10:59.03 DeSoto High School
Lozenski, Joseph 10:59.64 Lansing High School
Barnum, Ryan 11:00.00 Shawnee Mission West
Olguid, Jose 11:14.62 Schlagle
Iii, John Crump 11:28.23 Truman High School
Amos, Ryder 11:33.79 Olathe West
Reed, Ashton 11:35.00 Olathe West
Miller, Jack 11:35.21 Olathe West
Schwarzenberger, Tyler 11:46.54 Shawnee Mission East High School
Welhoelter, Wyatt 11:57.05 Blue Valley North High School
Washburn, Alex 11:59.19 Shawnee Mission East High School
Cochran, Trent 9:34.07 Gardner-Edgerton High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benjamin, Da'marion Truman High School
Moore, Errik 1:05.86 Schlagle
Mitchell, Kesean 1:06.56 Schlagle
Nelson, Micah 49.92 Rockhurst High School
Slaughter, Jack 50.91 Shawnee Mission East High School
Carder, Peyton 51.30 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Eshleman, James 51.79 Blue Valley North High School
Sturdy, Keegan 51.91 DeSoto High School
Beyer, Matthew 52.53 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Hunter, Lance 52.92 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Micek, Charlie 53.24 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Alcorn, TaeVheon 53.30 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Tadesse, Kane 53.34 Olathe West
Terrill, Price 53.39 Shawnee Mission East High School
Murray, Preston 53.50h Blue Valley High School
Lucas, Jacob 54.00 Shawnee Mission North
Carter, Braden 54.00 Olathe West
Henderson, Hayden 54.36 DeSoto High School
Hashagen, Samuel 54.37 DeSoto High School
Figgins, Connor 54.61 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Feaker, Matt 54.68 Truman High School
Ferencz, Cameron 55.10 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Chastain, Thomas 55.20h Rockhurst High School
Pursell, Mac 55.35 Blue Valley North High School
Herr, Jacob 56.00h St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Mitchell, Travian 56.02 Schlagle
Sapp, Mason 56.18 Shawnee Mission West
Klinger, Ethan 56.37 Shawnee Mission West
Gavin, Isaiah 56.40 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Parise, Hayden 56.50h Rockhurst High School
Glass, Christian 56.55 Shawnee Mission West
Woods, Ethan 56.76 Lansing High School
Moody, Dayton 56.89 Shawnee Mission North
Mueller, Cale 57.12 Shawnee Mission East High School
Nelson, Hunner 58 Lansing High School
Price, Bishop 58.42 Shawnee Mission North
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Schlagle
Relay Team A 42.60 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 43.50h Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 43.51 Olathe West
Relay Team A 43.90h Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 44.00h Rockhurst High School
Relay Team A 44.27 DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 45.00h Lansing High School
Relay Team A 45.00h Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 45.05 Shawnee Mission South
Relay Team A 45.75 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 46.21 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 47.16 Truman High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A Lansing High School
Relay Team A 3:26.00h Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:27.67 DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 3:28.0 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 3:28.00h Rockhurst High School
Relay Team A 3:32.00h Shawnee Mission Northwest
Relay Team A 3:36.00h Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 3:37.45 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 3:37.90 Blue Valley North High School
Relay Team A 3:37.99 Olathe West
Relay Team A 3:39.58 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 3:40.19 Shawnee Mission South
Relay Team A 3:44.28 Truman High School
Relay Team A 3:59.43 Schlagle
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lansing High School
Relay Team A 8:12.50h Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 8:13.25 DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 8:30.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A 8:30.15 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 8:45.43 Rockhurst High School
Relay Team A 9:00.25 Truman High School
Relay Team A 9:08.00h Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:12.45 Olathe West
Relay Team A 9:28.35 Schlagle
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibson, Zane Blue Valley North High School
Burton, Garrett Truman High School
Molina, Asher 1:58.00 Shawnee Mission North
Robinson, Terry 1:58.83 Lansing High School
Kaleko, Spencer 2:00.52 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Lumley, Mitch 2:02.58 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Taylor, Blake 2:02.74 Shawnee Mission North
Wilcox, Hunter 2:03.00h Blue Valley High School
Hubert, Sam 2:03.08 DeSoto High School
Bohon, A.J. 2:03.50 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Harrell, Ben 2:04.48 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Godard, Luke 2:04.92 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Staats, Keegan 2:05.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Legg, Ben 2:06.59 Rockhurst High School
Culver, Chase 2:06.73 DeSoto High School
Marshall, Ethan 2:06.86 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Mack, Alex 2:07.20 Lansing High School
Fisher, Jack 2:07.91 Shawnee Mission East High School
Harrison, Henry 2:08.05 Shawnee Mission East High School
Patterson, Miles 2:08.10 Shawnee Mission East High School
Sapp, Gavin 2:09.19 Shawnee Mission West
Stillwell, Daniel 2:09.28 Schlagle
Reiter, Jake 2:10.00h Shawnee Mission North
Maldonado, Kenneth 2:10.00h Rockhurst High School
Stephan, Matthew 2:12.29 Lansing High School
Rottinghaus, Pete 2:13.00h Rockhurst High School
Binnicker, Justin 2:14.45 Truman High School
Reyna , Aidan 2:15 Olathe West
Dawson, Lucas 2:15.00h Shawnee Mission West
Cooley, Kaden 2:15.18 Olathe West
Walion, Quenton 2:15.19 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Newberry, Kyle 2:15.34 DeSoto High School
Fitzmaurice, Mason 2:15.88 Shawnee Mission South
Downie, Tristan 2:17.00h Olathe West
Kaiser, Evan 2:18.03 Blue Valley North High School
Donelson, Hunter 2:19.61 Truman High School
Zapolnik, Kyle 2:20.00h Shawnee Mission West
Bush, Kalil 2:20.28 Schlagle
Marko, Jack 2:21.00h Blue Valley High School
Burnett, Jackson 2:22.26 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Moore, Emon 2:23.90 Schlagle
McAtee, Ethan 2:25.00h Blue Valley High School
Pagadala, Prabhav 2:31.26 Blue Valley North High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Derritt, Javier 159-2 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Huston, Kenneth 142-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
McAlister, Ben 141-11 Blue Valley High School
Hufker, Mitchell 137-9 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Tholen, Tommy 134-6 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Smithson, Sterling 126-7 Blue Valley High School
Howard, Calvin 126-4 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Boatright, Jayson 126-3 Truman High School
Michalski, Joe 126-0 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Searcy, Daniel 126-0 DeSoto High School
Wamkpah, Zik 124-5 Blue Valley High School
Oneri, Bryan 123-10 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Callaghan, Cj 123-7 Shawnee Mission West
Porter, Aaron 123-5 Truman High School
Chaffee, Tyler 123-1.5 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Collette, Parker 121-7 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Miller, Rylan 121-2 Shawnee Mission North
Gleese, Xavier 116-10 Shawnee Mission West
Hosford, Guy 116-7 Olathe West
Frazier, Adward 114-2 Rockhurst High School
Luther, Aidan 113-10 Blue Valley North High School
Dandy, Alex 110-1 Olathe West
Farkes, Kael 109-8 Shawnee Mission Northwest
James, Jaden 109-7 Truman High School
Barbee, Kaleb 108-9 Olathe West
Broyles, Joseph 105-1 Rockhurst High School
French, Drew 102-03 Lansing High School
Buffo, Logan 102-2 Lansing High School
Berumen, Victor 101-1 DeSoto High School
Aimutus, Garett 97-6 Blue Valley North High School
Marshall, Lee 94-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Wecas, Garrett 93-01 Lansing High School
Mitchell, Tyler 91-9 DeSoto High School
Glaser, Timothy 88-5 Rockhurst High School
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HS Boys High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Dayton 6-7 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Jalabomy, Ivan 6-2 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Moore, Joshua 6-0 Rockhurst High School
Anderson, Isaiah 6-0 Olathe West
Flynn, Connor 6-0 DeSoto High School
Hanna, Josh 5-11 Blue Valley High School
Michaud, Kevin 5-10 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Lewer, John 5-10 Rockhurst High School
Faseru, Tommy 5-10 Olathe West
Morgan, Kenneth 5-10 Blue Valley High School
Freeman, Gabe 5-8 Blue Valley North High School
Orr, Andrew 5-8 Blue Valley North High School
Reimer, Hale 5-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
Brundige, Werner 5-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
Patrick, Richard 5-8 Lansing High School
Hall, Jamie 5-6 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Vesta, Phillip 5-6 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Carder, Peyton 5-6 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Rogers, Noah 5-6 Shawnee Mission North
Johnson, Corey 5-6 Shawnee Mission North
Robinson, Will 5-6 Blue Valley North High School
Herr, Jacob St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Antonio, A.J. St. Thomas Aquinas High School
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HS Boys Javelin 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberts, Jack 175-10 Shawnee Mission South
Placek, Joe 171-4 Olathe West
Huggins, William 162-8 Shawnee Mission South
Garrett, Chase 160-0 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Martinez, Gustavo 155-5 Shawnee Mission North
Barbee, Kaleb 148-9 Olathe West
Jones, Brent 146-10 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Serrioz, Jacob 144-3 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Jones, Nate 143-10 Shawnee Mission East High School
Calvin, Caleb 141-6 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Gleese, Xavier 140-2 Shawnee Mission West
Bryan, Trenton 139-7 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Conner, Brett 138-3 Shawnee Mission South
Dandy, Alex 136-11 Olathe West
Willett, Jackson 135-10 Shawnee Mission East High School
Huston, Kenneth 134-5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Craft, Chance 133-4 Blue Valley North High School
McAlister, Ben 133-2 Blue Valley High School
Mullen, Timmy 131-11 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Cook, Marques 131-3 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Moberg, Carl 127-5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Salvino, Ethan 127-3 Shawnee Mission North
Mitchell, Tyler 127-2 DeSoto High School
Gilfert, Blake 123-4 Lansing High School
Manan, Daniel 120-0 Shawnee Mission North
Wells, Kamari 118-1 Lansing High School
Christopher, Ashton 107-2 DeSoto High School
Carlson, Anthony 103-0 Truman High School
Brock, Brown 98-07 Lansing High School
Sorensen, Corbin 97-1 Blue Valley North High School
Peterson, Jarred 97-0 DeSoto High School
Orr, Andrew 96-7 Blue Valley North High School
Etherton, Cole 74-0 Truman High School
Butler, Blake Truman High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Macklin, Samuel 23-10.75 Shawnee Mission South
Taylor, Chanler 22-3.25 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Ehrsam, Ross 22-0 Olathe West
Hill, Erick 21-9 Rockhurst High School
Clough, Wen 21-5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Roberts, Matthew 21-4.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Roberts, Erik 21-1.5 Blue Valley North High School
Roberts, Jack 21-1.25 Shawnee Mission South
Anderson, Elijah 21-0 Olathe West
Pyle, Adam 20-7.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Flynn, Connor 20-6 DeSoto High School
Briscoe, Marquez 20-5.25 Shawnee Mission South
Dubois, Cynsear 20-5 Shawnee Mission North
Benson, Malik 20-0 Lansing High School
Henderson, Varenzo 19-10 Shawnee Mission North
Ouverson, Nick 19-10 Shawnee Mission West
Price, Bishop 19-8.25 Shawnee Mission North
Thutmosei, Ammon 19-8 Blue Valley North High School
Huff, Chrystian 19-7.25 Lansing High School
Vesta, Phillip 19-7 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Morgan, Kenneth 19-7 Blue Valley High School
Park, Jusung 19-2.5 Blue Valley North High School
Wood, Charles 18-11 Lansing High School
Limer, Matt 18-11 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Krause, Trey 18-9.5 Olathe West
Olson, James 18-9 Rockhurst High School
Miller, Michael 18-7 Blue Valley High School
Rhodes, Christopher 18-6 Truman High School
Chavis, Myles 18-5.5 Truman High School
Stephens, Dorian 18-5 Blue Valley High School
Henderson, Hayden 18-0 DeSoto High School
Shelton, Lance 18-0 Rockhurst High School
Antonio, A.J. 17-10.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Washington, Corbin 17-0 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Parker, Brian 16-11 Schlagle
Moore, Errik Schlagle
Ngenzirabona, Menowa Schlagle
Hernandez, Chandler Gardner-Edgerton High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goodman, Colton 14-0 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Safley, Brendan 14-0 Rockhurst High School
Warner, Gray 12-0 Shawnee Mission East High School
Frazier, Storm 11-6 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Eckenwiler, Austin 11-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Micek, Charlie 11-6 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Murphy, Matthew 11-6 Shawnee Mission North
Arnold, Dylan 11-6 Blue Valley High School
Jiskra, Logan 11-0 Shawnee Mission North
Palmer, Jordan 10-6 Truman High School
Simpson, Austin 10-6 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Schlote, Alec 10-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Goswick, Bryce 10-6 Blue Valley High School
Moreland, Hayden 10-6 Shawnee Mission South
Eubanks, Todd 9-6 Blue Valley North High School
Vohs, Lukas 9-6 Shawnee Mission South
Feaker, Matt 9-0 Truman High School
Bell, Connor Shawnee Mission North
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HS Boys Shot Put 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Derritt, Javier 51-1.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Chaffee, Tyler 48-4 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Michalski, Joe 45-9.75 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Wamkpah, Zik 45-8 Blue Valley High School
Tholen, Tommy 45-5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Porter, Aaron 45-2.5 Truman High School
Huston, Kenneth 44-4.75 Shawnee Mission East High School
Rhoads, Skyler 44-2 Shawnee Mission South
Searcy, Daniel 44-0.75 DeSoto High School
Hosford, Guy 43-9.5 Olathe West
Callaghan, Cj 43-4.5 Shawnee Mission West
Aimutus, Garett 43-2.5 Blue Valley North High School
Close, Maxwell 43-2 Shawnee Mission South
Oneri, Bryan 42-3 Gardner-Edgerton High School
McAlister, Ben 42-0 Blue Valley High School
Kioko, Meshack 41-9.25 Shawnee Mission West
Glaser, Timothy 41-5.5 Rockhurst High School
Ngenzirabona, Menowa 41-5 Schlagle
Buffo, Logan 41-2.5 Lansing High School
Dandy, Alex 41-1 Olathe West
Collette, Parker 40-11 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Boatright, Jayson 40-10.5 Truman High School
Woods, Emanuel 40-7.5 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Reda, Sam 40-7 Shawnee Mission East High School
Hufker, Mitchell 40-4 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Smithson, Sterling 40-0 Blue Valley High School
Broyles, Joseph 39-6 Rockhurst High School
Miller, Rylan 39-1.25 Shawnee Mission North
Cook, Marques 38-10.5 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Marshall, Lee 38-3.5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Raiford, Luke 37-9.75 Blue Valley North High School
McQuality, Sam 35-6.5 DeSoto High School
Luther, Aidan 35-5.5 Blue Valley North High School
Frazier, Adward 35-2.5 Rockhurst High School
Goodin, Jacob 34-9.5 DeSoto High School
Irvin, Bobby 34-5.5 Olathe West
Williams, Alex 34-3 Shawnee Mission North
Hines, Devin 33-1.5 Schlagle
French, Drew 29-11 Lansing High School
Wecas, Garrett 27-11 Lansing High School
Moser, Bradly 24-1.5 Schlagle
James, Jaden Truman High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Chanler 46-2.25 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Mckelvey, Teven 44-6 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Macklin, Samuel 43-10.5 Shawnee Mission South
Flynn, Connor 43-3 DeSoto High School
Hall, Jamie 42-9 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Anderson, Elijah 42-0 Olathe West
Rhodes, Christopher 41-10.25 Truman High School
Huff, Chrystian 41-1.25 Lansing High School
Shelton, Lance 40-8 Rockhurst High School
Kohring, Peter 40-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Pyle, Adam 40-4.75 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Limer, Matt 40-4.5 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Henderson, Varenzo 40-2 Shawnee Mission North
Chavis, Myles 39-9.5 Truman High School
Sapp, Mason 39-6 Shawnee Mission West
Olson, James 39-3 Rockhurst High School
Vesta, Phillip 39-0 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Hanna, Josh 38-8 Blue Valley High School
Lange, William 37-11 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Schenk, Owen 37-11 Blue Valley North High School
Wiskur, Daniel 37-9 Shawnee Mission South
Seibold, Ryan 37-3.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hernandez, Chandler Gardner-Edgerton High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Befort, Jadyn St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Love, Tashaya Schlagle
Ray, Destiny 11.97 Shawnee Mission East High School
Wait, Kendra 12.15 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Prim, Kierra 12.44 Shawnee Mission West
Hempy, Elle 12.56 Blue Valley High School
Bronson, Zaiylah 12.60 Lansing High School
McCullough, Terri 12.61 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Lewis, Subreedia 12.71 Shawnee Mission South
Moss, Hayley 12.83 DeSoto High School
Evans, Camille 12.87 Schlagle
Searls, Linnea 13.02 DeSoto High School
Solir , Daizy 13.10 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Hess, Emily 13.14 Blue Valley High School
Yoder, Kennadi 13.16 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Smith, Jadyn 13.18 Shawnee Mission South
Dulan, Jasmine 13.20 Blue Valley North High School
Wardlow, Lexi 13.20 Lansing High School
Donovan, Annie 13.20 Shawnee Mission South
Eddy, Cecelia 13.23 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Downing, Brookyln 13.27 Olathe West
Kees, Madison 13.30 Lansing High School
Cline, Kennedi 13.30 Olathe West
Rodriguez, Clarice 13.40 Blue Valley North High School
Cohen, Camryn 13.42 Shawnee Mission East High School
Moore, Allysa 13.43 Olathe West
Gorman, Abby 13.46 Shawnee Mission East High School
Evans, Tyana 13.49 Schlagle
Hardeman, Chloe 13.52 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Stacker, Da'Mah 13.68 Blue Valley North High School
Trigg, Spirit 13.73 Truman High School
Justus, Jolina 13.75 Shawnee Mission North
Harrison, Neena 14.00 Truman High School
Wickizer, Morgan 14.07 DeSoto High School
Rogers, Destinee 14.08 Shawnee Mission North
Arvanitakis, Martha 14.39 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
McCarthy, Eleanor 14.42 Shawnee Mission North
Winter, Lauren 14.67 Blue Valley High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rucker, Kennedy Truman High School
Suttington, Aniya Schlagle
Williams, Emma 15.88 Blue Valley High School
Prickett, Sarah 15.98 Blue Valley High School
Hull, Sariah 16.36 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Morgan, Jakaila 17.16 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Moore, Destany 17.31 Shawnee Mission North
Havlik, Lauren 17.58 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Coffman, Calista 17.80 Blue Valley High School
Clark, Miah 18.24 Shawnee Mission South
Brown-smith, Tristynn 18.44 Olathe West
Scupham, Cassie 18.57 Blue Valley North High School
Rodriquez, Lilyan 18.74 DeSoto High School
Christensen, Kelsey 18.96 Shawnee Mission East High School
Grasser, Taylor 19.39 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Macadams, Dianeelizabeth 19.62 Shawnee Mission East High School
Carter, Hannah 20.78 Shawnee Mission South
Kurle, Gabrielle 22.33 Truman High School
Lyons, Maiya 22.40 Truman High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Briggs, Stacy 5:27.64 Truman High School
Cox, Kate 5:31.32 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Meyer, Mackenzie 5:34.01 Blue Valley North High School
Holmes, Molly 5:34.25 Blue Valley High School
Jones, Sophie 5:35.00h Blue Valley North High School
Kane, Vivian 5:40 Blue Valley North High School
Carter, Haley 5:42.30h Shawnee Mission South
Wannamaker, Chloe 5:43.62 Shawnee Mission South
Vielhauer, Emma 5:44.91 Shawnee Mission West
Taylor, Abby 5:46.13 Blue Valley High School
Boden, Mallory 5:48.38 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Kowalik, Kate 5:50.30 Shawnee Mission East High School
Strathman, Allison 5:52.21 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Winston, Lilianne 5:55.00h Shawnee Mission North
Bachtel, Madelyn 6:07.19 Lansing High School
Polen, Annalie 6:09.00h Shawnee Mission South
Hight, Josie 6:20.00h Shawnee Mission West
Farris, Kamryn 6:22 Lansing High School
Carter, Betsy 6:24.94 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hart, Amelia 6:30.00h Shawnee Mission West
Hileman, Lane 6:31.00 DeSoto High School
Mills, Ella 6:34.00 Blue Valley High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moss, Hayley DeSoto High School
Fitzgearlds, Jacquline Truman High School
Ray, Destiny 25.27 Shawnee Mission East High School
Wait, Kendra 25.94 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Prim, Kierra 26.18 Shawnee Mission West
, 26.34 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Meyer, Madeline 26.55 Shawnee Mission West
Evans, Camille 26.63 Schlagle
McCullough, Terri 26.83 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Hempy, Elle 26.93 Blue Valley High School
Bronson, Zaiylah 27.00h Lansing High School
Patterson, Jasmine 27.13 Shawnee Mission West
Hess, Emily 27.29 Blue Valley High School
Searls, Linnea 27.44 DeSoto High School
Klinge, Jazzy 27.50 Blue Valley High School
Lewis, Subreedia 27.69 Shawnee Mission South
Suttington, Aniya 27.76 Schlagle
Sierra, Sammy 27.77 Olathe West
Cassaday, Lauren 27.78 Blue Valley North High School
Donovan, Annie 27.88 Shawnee Mission South
Roman, Tess 27.91 Shawnee Mission East High School
Cline, Kennedi 28.00 Olathe West
Cox, Claire 28.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Roland, Aniyah 28.26 Olathe West
Washington, Kolbi 28.35 Shawnee Mission South
Clemens, Daphne 28.48 Lansing High School
Dulan, Jasmine 28.50h Blue Valley North High School
Solir , Daizy 28.55 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Eddy, Cecelia 28.60 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Winn, Kaytlyn 28.99 Shawnee Mission East High School
Yoder, Kennadi 29.05 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Harrison, Neena 29.13 Truman High School
Wardlow, Lexi 29.50h Lansing High School
Stevens, Savannah 29.89 Shawnee Mission North
McCarthy, Eleanor 30.01 Shawnee Mission North
Stacker, Da'Mah 30.19 Blue Valley North High School
Moyer, Maci 30.76 Truman High School
Lopez, Tamara 30.80 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Hart, Paige 31.14 Schlagle
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kurle, Gabrielle Truman High School
Morgan, Jakaila 46.32 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Coffman, Cali 48.26 Blue Valley High School
Hull, Sariah 48.41 Gardner-Edgerton High School
McIntire, Morgan 48.48 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Christensen, Kelsey 48.62 Shawnee Mission East High School
Rucker, Kennedy 49.27 Truman High School
Macadams, Dianeelizabeth 49.66 Shawnee Mission East High School
Prickett, Sarah 50.92 Blue Valley High School
Clark, Miah 51.80 Shawnee Mission South
Hoffman, Lucy 51.86 Shawnee Mission East High School
Herrin, Aubrey 52.06 Blue Valley High School
Scupham, Cassie 52.24 Blue Valley North High School
Moore, Destany 52.31 Shawnee Mission North
Carter, Cayden 53.56 Shawnee Mission West
Havlik, Lauren 53.74 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Sutton, Katelyn 55.18 Truman High School
Huddin, Alexis 56.82 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Brown-smith, Tristynn 57.15 Olathe West
Karnei, Madeline 57.23 Olathe West
Carter, Hannah 58.36 Shawnee Mission South
Collar, Bailey 58.77 Olathe West
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Higgerson, Avery St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Raley, Charlotte Blue Valley North High School
Martin, Anna 11:17.46 Blue Valley North High School
Colburn, Caroline 12:09.79 Shawnee Mission North
Cox, Chloe 12:10.66 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Onnen, Abby 12:10.79 Shawnee Mission North
Demo, Riley 12:12.23 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Rogers, jillian 12:15.00 Blue Valley High School
Wingrove, Tori 12:30.00 Blue Valley High School
Bender, Erin 12:40.20 Shawnee Mission West
Gress, Katelyn 12:42.87 DeSoto High School
Barth, Ella 12:56.95 Shawnee Mission West
Tyrrell, Josie 13:16.05 Shawnee Mission North
McAlister, Kelly 13:40.23 Shawnee Mission East High School
Rysavy, Callan 14:05.18 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cassaday, Lauren 1:00.27 Blue Valley North High School
Patterson, Jasmine 1:00.29 Shawnee Mission West
Humphreys, Mary 1:00.60 Shawnee Mission West
Herrin, Anna 1:01.74 Blue Valley High School
Sierra, Sammy 1:01.89 Olathe West
Hlobik, Eleanor 1:01.99 Shawnee Mission East High School
Befort, Michaela T. 1:02.47 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Beck, Brooklyn 1:04.00 Shawnee Mission East High School
Ricks, LaMyah 1:04.45 DeSoto High School
Kordonowy, Lauryn 1:04.89 Shawnee Mission West
Lassiter, Destiny 1:05.00 Olathe West
Solir , Daizy 1:05.00h Shawnee Mission Northwest
Fairbanks, Rachel 1:05.17 Lansing High School
O'brien, Ainsley 1:05.33 Olathe West
Baughman, Shaun 1:07.00h St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Rodriguez, Clarice 1:07.09 Blue Valley North High School
Henderson, Hayleigh 1:07.22 DeSoto High School
Moyer, Maci 1:07.46 Truman High School
Haney, Joy 1:08.51 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Mitchell, Naomi 1:08.98 Shawnee Mission South
Farrens, Alyssa 1:09.92 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Lopez, Tamara 1:10.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Williams, Hailey 1:13.95 Truman High School
, 58.14 Gardner-Edgerton High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Schlagle
Relay Team A 50.03 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 50.50 Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 51.00 Lansing High School
Relay Team A 51.66 Olathe West
Relay Team A 51.96 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 52.00 Blue Valley North High School
Relay Team A 52.56 Shawnee Mission South
Relay Team A 52.65 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 54.31 DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 55.09 Truman High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lansing High School
Relay Team A 4:10.00h Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 4:15.00 Blue Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:16.25 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 4:19.00 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A 4:20.73 Olathe West
Relay Team A 4:21.84 Shawnee Mission East High School
Relay Team A 4:24.14 Blue Valley North High School
Relay Team A 4:25.94 Shawnee Mission North
Relay Team A 4:26.00h Shawnee Mission South
Relay Team A 4:29.82 DeSoto High School
Relay Team A 4:39.95 Truman High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:25.00 Shawnee Mission West
Relay Team A 10:30.00 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Relay Team A 10:34.33 Blue Valley North High School
Relay Team A 10:39.50 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Relay Team A 10:40.65 DeSoto High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Hailey Truman High School
Austin, Maddie Blue Valley North High School
VanDerWerff, Olivia Lansing High School
Hlobik, Eleanor 2:19.24 Shawnee Mission East High School
Kasunic, Katie 2:21.80 Shawnee Mission North
Bourquin, Mikala 2:25.28 Olathe West
Belgum, Chloee 2:28 Shawnee Mission North
Dare, Kaitlin 2:29.50 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Stiers, Keagan 2:30.00h Shawnee Mission North
Palmer, Peyton 2:32.44 Blue Valley High School
Briggs, Stacy 2:33.14 Truman High School
Wilson, Kelby 2:33.80 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Farrens, Alyssa 2:34.16 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Cox, Kate 2:35.12 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Jones, Sophie 2:35.29 Blue Valley North High School
Mull, Bailey 2:35.52 Shawnee Mission West
Strathman, Allison 2:36.00h St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Kowalik, Kate 2:36.44 Shawnee Mission East High School
Vielhauer, Emma 2:37.82 Shawnee Mission West
Boden, Mallory 2:38.63 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Kowalczewski, Amy 2:40.00h Shawnee Mission Northwest
Goodpaster, Gracie 2:40.00h Shawnee Mission Northwest
Mullen, Jenna 2:40.00h Olathe West
VanHorn, Sydney 2:40.00h Shawnee Mission Northwest
Vossler, Emma 2:42.72 Shawnee Mission East High School
Wannamaker, Chloe 2:44.20h Shawnee Mission South
Wardlaw, Ava 2:45.11 Olathe West
McDaniel, Rylie 2:45.56 DeSoto High School
Mcgary, Andrea 2:45.67 Shawnee Mission South
Graham, Ellie 2:48.00 Blue Valley High School
Kreamer, Anna 2:48.40 Shawnee Mission South
Mills, Ella 2:49.00 Blue Valley High School
Hileman, Lane 2:52.24 DeSoto High School
Roy, Alison 2:57.47 DeSoto High School
Hight, Josie 3:00.00 Shawnee Mission West
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HS Girls Discus Throw 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fuhr, Emily 125-4 DeSoto High School
Rogers, Kamryn 125-3.5 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Martin, Avanni 121-2 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Krumm, Kennedy 108-5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Musselman, Bianca 104-9 Shawnee Mission West
Newton, A'Nya 104-0 Olathe West
Warrick-hansen, Kaeleigh 100-2 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Farrington, Lexy 99-8 Blue Valley North High School
Shaw, Lamourieaa 96-1 Truman High School
Skinner, Morgan 95-8 Blue Valley High School
Pillow, Aubrey 95-2 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Kleinschmit, Kaylee 94-11 Olathe West
Jordan, Brianna 94-7 Blue Valley High School
Keith, Ashton 93-4 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Martin, Grayce 88-8 Lansing High School
Hutchings, Alex 87-8 Olathe West
Owens, Abby 86-6 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Masisak, Haley 86-4 Lansing High School
Cooper, Katie 85-6 Shawnee Mission South
Rogers, Destinee 83-10.75 Shawnee Mission North
Bayer, Lina 82-10 DeSoto High School
Long, Mallory 82-1 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Legreid, Ella 80-0 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Stump, Macie 79-5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Lemons, Meghan 76-9 Blue Valley High School
Roberts, Katlyn 74-1 Truman High School
Okuagu, Munachi 70-4 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Allison, Rachel 70-0 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Bragulla, Chaniere 62-9 Blue Valley North High School
Seibold, Abby 59-2 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Ulberg, Sarina Truman High School
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HS Girls High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hendrickson, Carly 5-4 Shawnee Mission East High School
Bond, Paris 5-4 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Crawford, Elisabeth 5-2 Shawnee Mission South
Williams, Emma 5-1 Blue Valley High School
Tatum, Laila 5-0 Truman High School
Kasunic, Christianna 4-11 Shawnee Mission North
Klinge, Jazzy 4-11 Blue Valley High School
Kamtio Massafan, Amy 4-10 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Willard, Savanna 4-10 Olathe West
Mitchell-Godoy, Saraya 4-6 Shawnee Mission West
Bell, Jaylyn 4-6 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Rahe, Avery 4-6 Olathe West
McCarthy, Eleanor 4-4 Shawnee Mission North
Fitzgearlds, Jacquline Truman High School
Guenther, Marlee Truman High School
Martin, Ava St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Bien, Caroline St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Winters, Lucille Shawnee Mission East High School
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HS Girls Javelin 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Farrington, Lexy 139-7 Blue Valley North High School
Comstock, Kennedy 137-7 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Davidson, Brenna 129-2 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Scaduto, Danielle 125-6 Shawnee Mission North
Garrett, Rylee 117-4 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Little, Catie 116-9 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Beasley, Madyson 112-11 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Batista, Alyssa 111-11 Lansing High School
Masisak, Haley 105-6 Lansing High School
Lemons, Meghan 101-0 Blue Valley High School
Rawson, Ava 99-3 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Hutchings, Alex 98-1 Olathe West
Rawson, Chandler 98-0 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Simotova, Alzbeta 94-8 Truman High School
Holzmeister, Sarah 90-8 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Musselman, Bianca 89-6 Shawnee Mission West
Kleinschmit, Kaylee 89-2 Olathe West
Klemm, Kaitlyn 85-9 Shawnee Mission South
Harvey, Elizabeth 84-9 Shawnee Mission South
Tickle, Kate 81-4 DeSoto High School
Bingham, Sarah 80-4 Shawnee Mission East High School
Cooper, Katie 80-3 Shawnee Mission South
Hewitt, Sophie 80-2 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Roberts, Katlyn 79-7 Truman High School
Carlson, Ella 75-0 Olathe West
Alpough, Claire 72-3 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Tanner, Kamilah 69-05 Lansing High School
Shenk, Rainelle 68-0 DeSoto High School
Bayer, Lina 65-9 DeSoto High School
Marrant, Camille 56-10 Truman High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grasser, Taylor 17-3.5 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Searls, Linnea 17-2.5 DeSoto High School
Williams, Emma 16-11.5 Blue Valley High School
Humphreys, Mary 16-7 Shawnee Mission West
Simons, Mckenna 16-3.5 Blue Valley North High School
Ramsey, Morgan 16-0.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Befort, Jadyn 16-0 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Duran, Savannah 15-11.75 Shawnee Mission West
Omollo, Laurel 15-8.5 Shawnee Mission West
Vil, Ashley 15-8 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Klinge, Jazzy 15-8 Blue Valley High School
Micek, Lydia 15-7 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Clemens, Daphne 15-5 Lansing High School
De Bruin, Christel 15-5 Blue Valley North High School
Kasunic, Christianna 15-2 Shawnee Mission North
Stindt, Jenna 15-1 Shawnee Mission East High School
Trigg, Spirit 14-11.75 Truman High School
Cline, Kennedi 14-10 Olathe West
Gruis, Cassia 14-9.5 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Ulberg, Sarina 14-5 Truman High School
Holmes, Phoebe 14-3.5 Shawnee Mission South
Moore, Destany 14-1 Shawnee Mission North
Burke, Lexie 14-0 Olathe West
Hopkins, Mya 13-6 Shawnee Mission North
Harrison, Neena 12-7 Truman High School
Netherland, Aleah 11-4 Schlagle
Bell, Jaylyn Gardner-Edgerton High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wait, Kendra 11-8 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Mitchell, Becca 10-0 Gardner-Edgerton High School
McIntire, Morgan 10-0 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Pettijohn, Julia 10-0 Blue Valley High School
Kopp, Zoe 9-1 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Ross, Emma 9-0 Shawnee Mission South
Kasunic, Christianna 9-0 Shawnee Mission North
Baker, Reece 8-6 Lansing High School
Sutton, Katelyn 8-0 Truman High School
Venteicher, Katie 8-0 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Vitt, Ella 7-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Beck, Brooklyn 7-6 Shawnee Mission East High School
Caravello, Audrey 7-6 Shawnee Mission North
Lyons, Maiya 6-6 Truman High School
Kurle, Gabrielle 6-0 Truman High School
Bond, Paris St. Thomas Aquinas High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fuhr, Emily 38-6.5 DeSoto High School
Shaw, Lamourieaa 36-8 Truman High School
Uhde, Ayiana 35-10.5 Olathe West
Skinner, Morgan 35-10 Blue Valley High School
Jordan, Brianna 35-1 Blue Valley High School
Bayer, Lina 34-5.5 DeSoto High School
Hmielewski, Harper 34-2 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Martin, Grayce 33-5.25 Lansing High School
Martin, Avanni 33-0.25 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Hill, Taylor 32-8.5 Shawnee Mission West
Ruhlman, Margaret 31-8 Shawnee Mission East High School
Long, Mallory 31-6 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Bragulla, Chaniere 31-3 Blue Valley North High School
Lemons, Meghan 31-1 Blue Valley High School
Newton, A'Nya 30-9.5 Olathe West
Okuagu, Munachi 30-6 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Keith, Ashton 30-3 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Owens, Abby 30-3 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Rogers, Destinee 28-6 Shawnee Mission North
Harden, Hatti 28-1 Shawnee Mission East High School
Garrett, Rylee 28-0 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Rogers, Kamryn 27-9.75 Notre Dame de Sion High School
Thagard, Claire 27-7 Olathe West
Legreid, Ella 26-9 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Tickle, Kate 26-6.5 DeSoto High School
Seibold, Abby 25-8.5 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Stump, Macie 25-7 Shawnee Mission East High School
Papps, Paige 25-4 Shawnee Mission North
Allison, Rachel 25-0 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Wait, Kendra Gardner-Edgerton High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simons, Mckenna 35-4 Blue Valley North High School
Duran, Savannah 34-8 Shawnee Mission West
Winston, Lauren 34-2 Shawnee Mission East High School
Bond, Paris 34-2 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Stindt, Jenna 33-5 Shawnee Mission East High School
Micek, Lydia 33-2.75 St. Thomas Aquinas High School
Gilmore, Tynica 32-10 Schlagle
Roman, Tess 32-2 Shawnee Mission East High School
Herrin, Aubrey 31-0.25 Blue Valley High School
Ulberg, Sarina 31-0 Truman High School
Vil, Ashley 30-10 Shawnee Mission Northwest
Hopkins, Mya 30-0 Shawnee Mission North
Gruis, Cassia 29-2 Gardner-Edgerton High School
Wickizer, Morgan 28-6.75 DeSoto High School
Bell, Jaylyn Gardner-Edgerton High School
Goolsby, Kyla St. Thomas Aquinas High School
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