Maple Leaf Classic 2017

Baldwin City, KS

Maple Leaf Classic 2017 vs Maple Leaf XC Classic 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -45 334 379
Overall Average +34.95 22:22.57 21:47.62
1st-10th Place +4.07 16:35.02 16:30.94
1st-25th Place +6.24 16:59.40 16:53.17
1st-50th Place +5.66 17:23.88 17:18.23
1st-100th Place +13.63 18:10.28 17:56.65
Common Athletes -- -- 103
Ran Faster 33 68 35
Ran Season Best -18 10 28
Average Time -22.98 21:06.93 21:29.91
Median Time -12.17 20:09.74 20:21.91
Middle 80% Times -37.58 20:28.05 21:05.63
Top 10% Times -32.94 16:40.98 17:13.92
Top 25% Times -44.78 17:10.11 17:54.88
Top 50% Times -51.43 18:01.61 18:53.04
Bottom 50% Times +5.91 23:47.89 23:41.97
Bottom 25% Times +37.50 27:15.11 26:37.61
Bottom 10% Times +1:52.26 31:27.86 29:35.60
Average Difference -22.98 -- --
Median Difference +36.52 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -43.28 -- --
Top 10% Difference -19.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference -43.49 -- --
Top 25% Difference -23.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference -43.49 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1.32 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +24.41 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:26.89 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Matthew Harding Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -33.21 16:22.07 16:55.28
Jack Moore Lenexa St. James Academy -1:00.81 16:26.03 17:26.84
Joseph Coddington Shawnee Mission North High School -30.91 16:28.81 16:59.72
John Matulis Lenexa St. James Academy -3:06.11 16:38.91 19:45.02
Charlie Wallace Lenexa St. James Academy -2:15.88 16:39.71 18:55.59
Michael Scott Shawnee Mission Northwest High School -1:13.85 16:42.82 17:56.67
Wayne Hesse Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -0.82 16:45.36 16:46.18
Logan Jiskra Shawnee Mission North High School -1:13.21 16:45.77 17:58.98
Weston Evans Blue Valley Southwest High School -1:07.60 16:46.28 17:53.88
Connor Roberts Blue Valley Southwest High School +2.15 16:54.59 16:52.44
Ryan Hughes Girard High School +1:32.85 18:32.13 16:59.28
Luke Sabus Shawnee Mission Northwest High School -2:23.47 17:00.45 19:23.92
Jacob Bailey Baldwin High School +26.91 17:29.77 17:02.86
Parker Wilson Baldwin High School +36.61 17:48.50 17:11.89
Grant Kimerer Shawnee Mission West High School -2:35.26 17:17.35 19:52.61
Connor Austin Shawnee Mission West High School -1:09.76 17:17.66 18:27.42
Logan Klingele Shawnee Mission West High School -2:55.63 17:17.88 20:13.51
Ben Tyrrell Shawnee Mission North High School -1:12.47 17:21.39 18:33.86
Auggie Iseman Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -36.45 17:23.67 18:00.12
Travis Lutz Ottawa High School -1:05.07 17:25.28 18:30.35
Spencer Kaleko Shawnee Mission Northwest High School -2:36.19 17:28.95 20:05.14
Adam Birch Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -7.12 17:31.55 17:38.67
Matthew Schneider Lenexa St. James Academy -3:28.69 17:32.90 21:01.59
Mark Schermerhorn Lenexa St. James Academy -2:43.08 17:34.34 20:17.42
Asher Molina Shawnee Mission North High School -11.27 17:34.84 17:46.11
Craig Ollendick Lenexa St. James Academy -2:29.09 17:52.99 20:22.08
Cameron Fasenmyer Blue Valley Southwest High School -40.13 17:54.89 18:35.02
Ryan Keiter Ottawa High School -1:32.78 18:01.61 19:34.39
Reed Holland Blue Valley Southwest High School +8.04 18:11.58 18:03.54
Noah White Ottawa High School -1:38.35 18:04.39 19:42.74
Jd Espenmiller Blue Valley Southwest High School +57.81 19:04.35 18:06.54
Isaac Diggs Shawnee Mission North High School -2:33.61 18:07.39 20:41.00
Connor Peak Blue Valley Southwest High School +27.68 18:35.60 18:07.92
Zain Khan Shawnee Mission West High School -7:32.27 18:10.39 25:42.66
Noah Gruman Shawnee Mission Northwest High School -49.63 18:12.27 19:01.90
Allec Rodriguez Ottawa High School -1:55.89 18:15.76 20:11.65
Austin Ogren Blue Valley Southwest High School -50.90 18:17.95 19:08.85
Jacob Carlo Bishop Carroll Catholic High School +2.98 18:28.39 18:25.41
Braeden Charlton Bishop Carroll Catholic High School +30.32 19:00.42 18:30.10
Eric Kyle Shawnee Mission North High School -1:12.62 18:32.33 19:44.95
Gavin Benoit Shawnee Mission Northwest High School -10.53 18:49.90 19:00.43
Jayce Dighans Baldwin High School -7.49 18:55.83 19:03.32
Juan Ballesteros Lenexa St. James Academy -4:31.24 19:05.72 23:36.96
Andrew Allen Lansing High School -17.20 19:08.24 19:25.44
Ryan Troy Shawnee Mission West High School -3:07.37 19:12.33 22:19.70
Nolan Martin Bishop Carroll Catholic High School -2.84 19:15.46 19:18.30
Katie Kasunic Shawnee Mission North High School -15.33 19:24.42 19:39.75
Alyssa Marksz Shawnee Mission West High School +3:41.84 23:08.80 19:26.96
Riley Russell Baldwin High School -1:14.21 19:29.09 20:43.30
Jack Gartner Shawnee Mission West High School -10.62 19:49.09 19:59.71
Brett Ferguson Girard High School +43.52 20:34.82 19:51.30
Cassie Raines Shawnee Mission North High School +6.94 20:01.29 19:54.35
Jaci Huckabee Lansing High School +1:10.01 21:05.42 19:55.41
Garret Green Lenexa St. James Academy -6.39 20:05.08 20:11.47
Natalie Beiter Baldwin High School +36.52 20:41.99 20:05.47
Mary Goetz Lenexa St. James Academy -11.10 20:09.74 20:20.84
Isaac Reyes Shawnee Mission West High School -13.33 20:13.74 20:27.07
Lindsey Rowatt Shawnee Mission West High School -1.25 20:15.95 20:17.20
Dara Williams Shawnee Mission West High School -34.95 20:18.01 20:52.96
Molly Ryan Shawnee Mission North High School +27.38 20:46.66 20:19.28
Hannah Turner Blue Valley Southwest High School +3.31 20:25.22 20:21.91
Caroline Colburn Shawnee Mission North High School -2:48.37 20:25.44 23:13.81
Rosbel Garza Hernandez Shawnee Mission North High School -1:57.67 20:26.67 22:24.34
Thomas Guccione Shawnee Mission West High School +1:42.60 22:10.35 20:27.75
Bailey Rees Lansing High School +1:04.48 21:56.79 20:52.31
Abby Winter Shawnee Mission Northwest High School +3:25.67 24:19.26 20:53.59
Rachael Stephans Girard High School -1:02.84 20:56.04 21:58.88
Mia Wilhoit Shawnee Mission West High School -7.00 20:59.69 21:06.69
Riley Demo Shawnee Mission Northwest High School -52.53 21:01.44 21:53.97
Anthony Radke Lenexa St. James Academy -2:37.96 21:04.70 23:42.66
Abby Onnen Shawnee Mission North High School -10.11 21:14.14 21:24.25
Sean Cresswell Lenexa St. James Academy -3.36 21:18.05 21:21.41
Julianna Johnson Lenexa St. James Academy -4:10.52 21:18.85 25:29.37
Kendall Dolan Lenexa St. James Academy -1:10.83 21:22.89 22:33.72
Sarah Hjelmaas Blue Valley Southwest High School -7.88 21:31.45 21:39.33
Sarah LaPlante Lenexa St. James Academy -4.87 21:42.62 21:47.49
Bryce Beck Blue Valley Southwest High School +5:10.30 27:11.05 22:00.75
Tyler Lefebvre Lansing High School -8.48 22:16.60 22:25.08
Annelise Holland Lansing High School +1:02.45 23:19.62 22:17.17
Luke Grandgenett Shawnee Mission North High School -3:27.95 22:20.92 25:48.87
Celeste Hammond Lansing High School +5.04 22:29.02 22:23.98
Hadley Sayers Shawnee Mission Northwest High School -5.48 22:47.16 22:52.64
Mary Zimmerman Girard High School -35.16 23:18.18 23:53.34
Erin Hartegan Lenexa St. James Academy +2.07 23:26.66 23:24.59
Hunter Wolken Shawnee Mission North High School +13.12 23:38.00 23:24.88
Olivia Wilcox Baldwin High School +3:33.43 27:02.19 23:28.76
Frank Bunker Lenexa St. James Academy -2:16.72 23:40.58 25:57.30
Meadow Garcia Lansing High School -1:36.21 23:44.31 25:20.52
Theresa Scheier Lenexa St. James Academy -41.43 23:50.58 24:32.01
Grace Hartman Lenexa St. James Academy -1:00.70 23:51.53 24:52.23
Emily Reeves Lansing High School +1:32.50 25:44.84 24:12.34
Amanda Lopez Lenexa St. James Academy +1:53.39 26:29.68 24:36.29
Amber Yarbrough Blue Valley Southwest High School +37.07 25:42.41 25:05.34
Alex Frick Lenexa St. James Academy -3.94 25:30.05 25:33.99
Evie Peterson Blue Valley Southwest High School +2:46.55 28:19.55 25:33.00
Bridget May Lenexa St. James Academy +2:29.50 28:42.93 26:13.43
Kylie Jussel Lenexa St. James Academy -43.11 26:24.35 27:07.46
Daniel Donaldson Lenexa St. James Academy +5:00.08 31:40.50 26:40.42
Arnav Goel Blue Valley Southwest High School +1:20.02 29:53.65 28:33.63
Drew Cashion Lenexa St. James Academy +5:33.18 34:11.51 28:38.33
Marilee Tylicki Lenexa St. James Academy +36.63 34:37.87 34:01.24
Aidan Morrissey Lenexa St. James Academy -2:43.54 35:50.60 38:34.14
Megan Crum Lenexa St. James Academy +3:52.78 42:06.89 38:14.11