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KSHSAA 2A Regional 2 2024
Oct 26, 2024
Marion High School
Marion, KS
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Marion High School
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Boys 5000 Meter Run
Girls 5000 Meter Run
Boys 5000 Meter Run
80 entries
Lande, Israel
Bluestem High School
Werner, Ben
Hillsboro High School
Roush, Andrew
Classical School of Wichita
Kuder, Dan
Moundridge High School
Bornholdt, Dylan
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Klenda, Eli
Marion High School
Friesen, Luke
Berean Academy
Greenman, Parker
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Hendricks, Alex
Remington High School
Pennycuff, Ambrose
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Bauer, Ethan
Eureka High School
elder, jack
Classical School of Wichita
Hornecker, James
Udall High School
Morgan, Tate
Chase County High School
Knoll, Jack
Moundridge High School
Skaer, Joseph
Douglass High School
Harris, Vald
Marion High School
Busenitz, Colton
Berean Academy
Kiser, Cameron
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Salsbury, Jaxon
Marion High School
Zimmerman, Caden
Berean Academy
Catlin, Garrett
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Vollbracht, Cooper
Sedgwick High School
Holmes, Elijah
Hillsboro High School
Bevan, Lawrence
Classical School of Wichita
Rivera, Isaiah
Conway Springs High School
Porter, Andrew
Moundridge High School
Graber, Reid
Moundridge High School
Schroer, Carson
Chase County High School
Mertz, Camden
Douglass High School
Springer, Jonathan
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Janzen, Zayden
Marion High School
Oehlert, Harrison
Berean Academy
Lindstrom, Jacob
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Herman, Taegan
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Koehn, Colt
Remington High School
Farley, Blane
Classical School of Wichita
Knapp, Cole
Udall High School
Ubert, John Paul
Chase County High School
Ryan, Karson
Moundridge High School
Steinert, Casen
Hillsboro High School
Frakes, Kingston
Douglass High School
Farney, Preston
Berean Academy
Pope, Jackson
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Ryan, Max
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Lange, Keenan
Marion High School
Briscoe, Jeremiah
Berean Academy
Thomas, Eli
Sedgwick High School
Drees, Grayson
Classical School of Wichita
Hemberger, Augustine
Conway Springs High School
Seeger, Josh
Moundridge High School
Swift, Joey
Chase County High School
Wasson, Elijah
Douglass High School
Madden, Sam
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Smith , Josh
Marion High School
Snook, Will
Berean Academy
Lindstrom, John
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Wessel, Luke
Marion High School
Sturm, Levi
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Evans, David
Remington High School
Wolfe, Micaiah
Classical School of Wichita
Peters, Josiah
Chase County High School
Eguia, Anthony
Moundridge High School
Dies, Wyatt
Hillsboro High School
Alvarez, Malachiey
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
White, Owen
Marion High School
Briggs, Jackson
Berean Academy
Johnson, Warren
Sedgwick High School
Mullinix, Gavin
Classical School of Wichita
Carson, Canyon
Udall High School
Schechter, Red
Chase County High School
Adolf, Colter
Moundridge High School
Leis, Shane
Douglass High School
Dameron, Kael
Marion High School
Wiebe, Lawson
Berean Academy
Lineback, Chayton
Remington High School
Pennycuff, Sam
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Beery, Harrison
Marion High School
Simkins, Elias
Berean Academy
Bixenman, Cody
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
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Girls 5000 Meter Run
61 entries
Smith, Harper
Sedgwick High School
Tucker, Adriana
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Gerber, Joely
Remington High School
Zoglmann, Sydney
Conway Springs High School
King, Anna
Hillsboro High School
Kaufman, Lyla
Classical School of Wichita
Price, Lexi
Chase County High School
Knoll, Ida
Moundridge High School
Livengood, Genevieve
Douglass High School
Branson, Izy
Marion High School
Busenitz, Ivy
Berean Academy
Good, Ellie
Berean Academy
Peters, Kassi
Remington High School
Sibayan, Gabi
Hillsboro High School
Waipa , Elise
Classical School of Wichita
Wolfe, Bekah
Classical School of Wichita
Babcock, Sandra
Douglass High School
Busenitz, Jill
Berean Academy
Behn, Hannah
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Klingenberg, Alyssa
Remington High School
Vega, Mia
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Frantz, Jaidyn
Hillsboro High School
Sinclair, Leah
Classical School of Wichita
Beery, Brooklyn
Marion High School
Briscoe, Aubrianne
Berean Academy
Hirsch, Autumn
Berean Academy
Lillis, Eva
Sedgwick High School
Jenkins, Hannah
Remington High School
Drees, Emerson
Classical School of Wichita
Wolfe, Meghan
Classical School of Wichita
Mushrush, Sadie
Chase County High School
Lynn, Sarah
Douglass High School
Good, Esther
Berean Academy
Herman, Raegan
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Willour, Taylor
Remington High School
Martin, Emma
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Buck, Rose
Eureka High School
Hoffman, Lillian
Udall High School
Hein, Nora
Hillsboro High School
Winter, Audrey
Classical School of Wichita
Busenitz, Addie
Berean Academy
Turpin, Addelyn
Berean Academy
Pulaski, Lucia
Sedgwick High School
Johns, Ashlynn
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Ralston, Lily
Remington High School
Neal, Reagan
Bluestem High School
Funk, Quinlyn
Hillsboro High School
Cain, Ezzie
Classical School of Wichita
Miller, Alexys
Chase County High School
Jantz, Haylee
Moundridge High School
McCosh, Lauren
Douglass High School
Simkins, Averil
Berean Academy
Magana, Elaina
Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Ralston, Ruby
Remington High School
Robinson, Clara
Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High
Mongeau, Britta
Eureka High School
Willour, Chelsea
Remington High School
Richert, Riley
Hillsboro High School
ochs, tessa
Classical School of Wichita
Walden , Hailey
Classical School of Wichita
Harder, Aubrey
Berean Academy
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