James Thomas Invitational 2024 - Hillsboro 2024

Hillsboro, KS

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stambaugh, Gavin 10.87 Smoky Valley High School
Driggers, Seth 11.12 Hillsboro High School
Deering, Daxon 11.27 Hesston High School
Loop, Van 11.35 Haven High School
Gish, Jack 11.37 Hesston High School
Lagree, Dallas 11.42 Sedgwick High School
Middleton, Walker 11.44 Russell High School
Hoopes, Aiden 11.53 Haven High School
Debes, Jeron 11.54 Larned High School
Colgazier, David 11.70 Larned High School
French, Blaise 11.76 Council Grove
Hearon, Jeremiah 11.84 Nickerson High School
Gooch, Jesiah 11.85 Hillsboro High School
Brown, Keegan 11.89 Council Grove
Backhus, Camden 11.95 Russell High School
Hudson, Lexington 12.02 The Independent School
Reyes, Ayden 12.03 Smoky Valley High School
Oberst, Brody 12.12 Remington High School
Jury, Isaac 12.15 Remington High School
Stimpson, Corbin 12.17 Sedgwick High School
Hamilton, Quanick 12.18 Lyons High School
Stout, Logan 12.19 Nickerson High School
Pando, David 12.19 Lyons High School
Elmore, Brayden 12.24 Moundridge High School
Erskin, Nathanal 12.32 Canton-Galva High School
Moddelmog, Barrett 12.48 Moundridge High School
Herrman, Delaney 12.49 Bluestem
Dennis, Sir-Ryan 12.54 The Independent School
Martinez, Sebastian 12.70 Inman High School
Barnett, Jayden 12.86 Canton-Galva High School
Vice, Axton 13.02 Bluestem
Turner, Max 13.35 Peabody-Burns High School
Blea, Christopher 14.00 Inman High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Churchill, Heath 15.94 Moundridge High School
Thiessen, Randall 16.11 Berean Academy
little, noah 16.82 Sedgwick High School
Brunk, Malachi 17.18 Inman High School
Fuqua, Riley 17.63 Hesston High School
Brensing, Samuel 17.97 Inman High School
Haug, Eli 18.03 Hesston High School
Kruse, Micah 18.21 Berean Academy
Braun, Dakota 18.24 Berean Academy
thieme, austin 18.52 Sedgwick High School
Tidd, Sabastian 19.42 Nickerson High School
Recendiz, Jose 19.84 Lyons High School
Walker, RaShawn 20.16 Nickerson High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heinrichs, Casey 4:42.42 Hesston High School
Zorn, Trey 4:46.73 Russell High School
Picolet, Jadyn 4:50.10 Council Grove
Martisko, Tyler 4:55.28 Inman High School
Wiebe, Lawson 4:56.13 Berean Academy
Eyer, Brayden 4:57.25 Smoky Valley High School
Doherty, Isaiah 4:57.96 Haven High School
Roots, Riley 4:58.30 Inman High School
Tippin, Emory 5:00.12 Berean Academy
Simkins, Elias 5:02.53 Berean Academy
Becker, Britton 5:03.22 Smoky Valley High School
Villasenor, Cain 5:03.82 Lyons High School
Neufeldt, Emmitt 5:05.18 Elyria Christian High School
Graber, Reid 5:06.64 Moundridge High School
Peters, Andrew 5:08.35 Remington High School
Tovar, Sos 5:15.10 The Independent School
Espinoza, Francisco 5:15.95 Lyons High School
Adolf, Colter 5:16.20 Moundridge High School
Harper, Finn 5:29.42 The Independent School
Hendricks, Alex 5:40.87 Remington High School
Huxman , Grant 5:43.02 Elyria Christian High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Driggers, Seth 22.91 Hillsboro High School
Debes, Jeron 23.29 Larned High School
Loop, Van 23.37 Haven High School
Lagree, Dallas 23.45 Sedgwick High School
Stambaugh, Gavin 23.54 Smoky Valley High School
Gerber, Eli 23.57 Remington High School
Fasnacht, Aiden 23.70 Berean Academy
Middleton, Walker 23.76 Russell High School
Rewerts, Caleb 24.04 Hesston High School
Colgazier, David 24.05 Larned High School
Williams, Devin 24.15 Hesston High School
Ediger, Jaden 24.17 Canton-Galva High School
Gooch, Jesiah 24.38 Hillsboro High School
Backhus, Camden 24.43 Russell High School
Wakefield, Skyler 24.80 Nickerson High School
Thomas, Bradyn 24.82 Remington High School
Shepherd, Ayson 25.00h Bluestem
Mciver, Jacob 25.09 Council Grove
Yoder, Dallas 25.22 Nickerson High School
Pando, David 25.32 Lyons High School
Osborne, Cade 25.45 Inman High School
Silva, Gilberto 25.52 Lyons High School
Reyes, Ayden 25.56 Smoky Valley High School
brown, lou 25.65 Sedgwick High School
Neal, Colten 26.16 Bluestem
Ellenson, Dillon 26.65 Council Grove
Herrera, Ty 27.37 Canton-Galva High School
Evans, Gavin 27.50 Berean Academy
Schroeder, Jared 29.10 Inman High School
Kostelnik, Logan 29.95 Elyria Christian High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thiessen, Randall 41.50 Berean Academy
little, noah 41.87 Sedgwick High School
Gerber, Eli 42.32 Remington High School
Kohl, Jamison 42.80 Hesston High School
Churchill, Heath 42.97 Moundridge High School
Brunk, Malachi 44.60 Inman High School
Tidd, Sabastian 45.83 Nickerson High School
Braun, Dakota 46.55 Berean Academy
Haug, Eli 47.36 Hesston High School
Walker, RaShawn 47.53 Nickerson High School
Brensing, Samuel 48.56 Inman High School
Shepherd, Ayson 50.74 Bluestem
Recendiz, Jose 51.17 Lyons High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Picolet, Jadyn 10:28.90 Council Grove
Doherty, Isaiah 10:36.21 Haven High School
Snook, Will 10:40.84 Berean Academy
Heinrichs, Casey 10:45.89 Hesston High School
Becker, Britton 10:47.31 Smoky Valley High School
Roots, Riley 10:48.38 Inman High School
Graber, Reid 10:54.52 Moundridge High School
Kuder, Dan 10:56.14 Moundridge High School
Honeycutt, Austin 11:00.80 Haven High School
Roe, Jack 11:27.91 The Independent School
Wiebe, Lawson 11:30.00 Berean Academy
Pavlovich, Sebastian 11:37.06 Smoky Valley High School
McDonald, Caleb 11:41.83 Larned High School
Redenbaugh, Simon 13:07.33 Elyria Christian High School
Robinson, Matthew 13:32.91 Elyria Christian High School
Evans, David 14:22.27 Remington High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barnett, Jayden 1:00.17 Canton-Galva High School
Mciver, Jacob 1:00.39 Council Grove
Alvater, Kolton 1:00.50 Haven High School
Ellenson, Dillon 1:00.64 Council Grove
bevan, colin 1:01.01 Sedgwick High School
Davies, Ira 1:01.47 Hillsboro High School
Ochsner, Sam 1:02.13 Remington High School
Schroeder, Jared 1:04.49 Inman High School
Kostelnik, Logan 1:08.98 Elyria Christian High School
Blea, Christopher 1:12.12 Inman High School
Ashley Moore, Dallyn 1:15.00h Bluestem
Busenitz, Devin 52.00 Berean Academy
Shadid, Aaron 52.50 The Independent School
Blanchat, Ki 52.54 Smoky Valley High School
McMannis, Lane 52.84 Canton-Galva High School
Patry, Grant 52.85 Haven High School
Eyer, Brayden 53.20h Smoky Valley High School
Cole, Ripley 53.49 The Independent School
Koehn, Hunter 55.07 Smoky Valley High School
Krebs, Nick 55.65 Berean Academy
Peterson, Austin 55.84 Nickerson High School
Crossman, Garrett 55.95 Nickerson High School
Thompson, Jace 56.16 Lyons High School
Garetto, James 56.38 Larned High School
Veatch, Dakota 56.66 Bluestem
Williams, Devin 58.10 Hesston High School
Stanley, Detrell 59.62 Lyons High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.95 Haven High School
Relay Team A 45.13 Sedgwick High School
Relay Team A 45.21 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 45.36 Remington High School
Relay Team A 45.48 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 45.59 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 45.71 Council Grove
Relay Team A 46.11 Nickerson High School
Relay Team A 46.11 Moundridge High School
Relay Team A 46.15 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 46.35 Larned High School
Relay Team A 47.57 Lyons High School
Relay Team A 48.71 Bluestem
Relay Team A 49.22 Canton-Galva High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:33.60 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 3:35.66 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:38.30 Council Grove
Relay Team A 3:40.70 Remington High School
Relay Team A 3:42.00 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 3:44.17 Inman High School
Relay Team A 3:44.29 Lyons High School
Relay Team A 3:44.91 Haven High School
Relay Team A 3:48.92 Moundridge High School
Relay Team A 3:52.65 Larned High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Remington High School
Relay Team A 8:36.17 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 8:54.22 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 9:00.66 Inman High School
Relay Team A 9:23.91 Lyons High School
Relay Team A 9:26.40 Moundridge High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heinrichs, Casey 2:04.96 Hesston High School
Nusz, Trevor 2:09.90 Berean Academy
Villasenor, Cain 2:09.98 Lyons High School
Becker, Britton 2:10.00h Smoky Valley High School
Zorn, Trey 2:10.54 Russell High School
Wiens, Cooper 2:10.62 Inman High School
Peterson, Samuel 2:12.20 Smoky Valley High School
Nord, Sylas 2:13.22 Berean Academy
Pinkston, Grady 2:13.58 Larned High School
Veatch, Dakota 2:13.95 Bluestem
Bishop, Kaden 2:13.97 Smoky Valley High School
Veer, Titus 2:14.04 Berean Academy
Burge, Fynn 2:14.29 Moundridge High School
Neufeldt, Emmitt 2:21.45 Elyria Christian High School
Adolf, Colter 2:22.80 Moundridge High School
Peters, Andrew 2:24.68 Remington High School
Romero, Ty 2:25.45 Elyria Christian High School
Jerrick, Tyler 2:25.62 Inman High School
Enriquez, Juan 2:25.85 Lyons High School
Hendricks, Alex 2:31.06 Remington High School
Lopez, Marcello 2:40.03 The Independent School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzalez, Karter 151-7 Hesston High School
Engelland, Karson 148-5 Nickerson High School
Weisbeck, Anders 146-7 Hillsboro High School
Ranfeld, Wyatt 146-0 Berean Academy
Robertson, Blake 143-2 Elyria Christian High School
Rivera, Angel 140-2 Hillsboro High School
Pfannenstiel, Brody 137-7 Russell High School
Dixon, Daniel 134-4 Moundridge High School
Bartell, Drew 127-11 Hesston High School
Lundberg, Dom 126-5 Elyria Christian High School
Strobel, Ian 126-2 Russell High School
Fields, Axton 125-1 Elyria Christian High School
Seeman, James 124-8.5 Larned High School
Gleason, Gunner 123-3 Council Grove
Moddelmog, Barrett 122-7 Moundridge High School
Martinez, Sebastian 118-11 Inman High School
Cereceres, Jorge 118-10.2 Lyons High School
Starbuck, Hendrix 117-3 Lyons High School
Nightingale, Jaxon 116-0 Canton-Galva High School
Brawner, Riley 115-5.5 Nickerson High School
Gardner, Parker 114-3 Smoky Valley High School
Johnston, Ayden 113-11 Sedgwick High School
Janzen, Alex 110-0 Berean Academy
Wiens, Cooper 106-9 Inman High School
Turner, Max 104-11.5 Peabody-Burns High School
Smith-Bolin, Conner 101-3 Smoky Valley High School
Benjamin, layton 100-0.5 Sedgwick High School
Sanders, Levi 91-8 Larned High School
Scott, Owen 89-7.5 The Independent School
Peres, Aiden 86-0 Canton-Galva High School
Habermann, Lucas 83-11 The Independent School
Ashley Moore, Dallyn 83-01 Bluestem
Lago, Kasey 80-11 Remington High School
Jury, Reuben 77-8 Remington High School
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HS Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Churchill, Heath 6-6 Moundridge High School
Fry, Jackson 6-2 Hesston High School
Busenitz, Ryley 6-2 Berean Academy
Romero, Ty 5-10 Elyria Christian High School
King, Alex 5-10 Nickerson High School
Kanitz, Kaizer 5-8 Moundridge High School
Rasmussen, Dalen 5-8 Larned High School
Pummell, Thomas 5-4 Russell High School
thieme, austin 5-0 Sedgwick High School
Koehn, Hunter 5-0 Smoky Valley High School
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HS Boys Javelin 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hecox, Henry 169-6 Moundridge High School
Moddelmog, Barrett 163-6 Moundridge High School
Fischer, Luke 159-9 Larned High School
Richey, Blake 157-10 Haven High School
McMannis, Lane 152-4 Canton-Galva High School
Janzen, Alex 150-7 Berean Academy
King, Alex 146-4 Nickerson High School
Rasmussen, Dalen 145-6.25 Larned High School
Neal, Colten 144-0 Bluestem
Ranfeld, Wyatt 143-6 Berean Academy
Ziegler, Holden 141-1 Council Grove
Brunk, Malachi 137-2 Inman High School
Fall, Issac 126-7 Lyons High School
Boughfman, Auley 120-0 Smoky Valley High School
Arndt, Dakota 118-1 Haven High School
Gooch, Jesiah 116-1 Hillsboro High School
Vice, Axton 113-3 Bluestem
Pavlovich, Atticus 111-3 Smoky Valley High School
Reinecker, Nathan 108-1 Inman High School
Voss, Collin 102-4 Hillsboro High School
Herrera, Ty 97-3 Canton-Galva High School
Sweatland, Erik 94-2 Remington High School
Jury, Reuben 91-6 Remington High School
Bartell, Drew 85-5 Hesston High School
Habermann, Lucas 85-3.5 The Independent School
Mcdonald, Desmond 70-2.25 The Independent School
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HS Boys Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cole, Ripley 21-10 The Independent School
Lagree, Dallas 21-8.75 Sedgwick High School
Driggers, Seth 21-6.25 Hillsboro High School
Busenitz, Ryley 20-8.5 Berean Academy
Kanitz, Kreighton 20-4.5 Moundridge High School
Solis, Xavier 20-2 Lyons High School
Carr, Evan 19-10.5 Council Grove
Askins, Cullum 19-5.25 Council Grove
Kanitz, Kaizer 19-5 Moundridge High School
Wood, Trenton 19-4.25 Nickerson High School
Deering, Daxon 19-2 Hesston High School
bevan, colin 19-1 Sedgwick High School
Wakefield, Skyler 19-0 Nickerson High School
Hamilton, Quanick 19-0 Lyons High School
Boughfman, Auley 18-8 Smoky Valley High School
Herrman, Delaney 17-11 Bluestem
Farha, Peter 17-9.5 Hillsboro High School
Bjornevik, Iver 17-6 Remington High School
George, Breeson 17-3 Berean Academy
Brensing, Samuel 17-2.75 Inman High School
Pinkston, Grady 16-7.5 Larned High School
Barnett, Ethan 16-6.75 Canton-Galva High School
Veatch, Dakota 16-5 Bluestem
Huxman , Grant 15-7.75 Elyria Christian High School
Kostelnik, Logan 15-2.75 Elyria Christian High School
Schroeder, Jared 14-1 Inman High School
Whittaker, Cooper Smoky Valley High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Downes, Lakoddah 12-0 Council Grove
Nord, Sylas 11-6 Berean Academy
Vice, Axton 11-0 Bluestem
Busenitz, Everet 11-0 Berean Academy
Busenitz, Brendan 10-7 Berean Academy
Phillips, Max 10-6 Hesston High School
Martinez, Sebastian 10-6 Inman High School
Elmore, Brayden 10-0 Moundridge High School
Peterson, Samuel 10-0 Smoky Valley High School
Shepherd, Ayson 9-6 Bluestem
Picolet, Jadyn 9-0 Council Grove
Dillon, Lyndon 9-0 Hesston High School
Kelty, Eli 8-0 Larned High School
Jerrick, Tyler 7-6 Inman High School
Recendiz, Jose 7-6 Lyons High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engelland, Karson 50-06 Nickerson High School
Robertson, Blake 47-0 Elyria Christian High School
Cereceres, Jorge 46-0 Lyons High School
Gonzalez, Karter 45-11.50 Hesston High School
Duerksen, Josh 44-5.25 Hesston High School
Fischer, Luke 43-7 Larned High School
Weisbeck, Anders 43-4.75 Hillsboro High School
Pfannenstiel, Brody 43-0 Russell High School
Lundberg, Dom 42-6 Elyria Christian High School
Ziegler, Holden 41-6 Council Grove
Gleason, Gunner 41-4 Council Grove
King, Alex 41-3 Nickerson High School
Denhartog, Braden 40-11.75 Moundridge High School
Fields, Axton 40-11 Elyria Christian High School
D'Albini, Preston 40-3.5 Hillsboro High School
Seeman, James 39-11 Larned High School
Johnston, Ayden 39-4 Sedgwick High School
Gardner, Parker 38-0 Smoky Valley High School
Self, Jamis 37-9.5 Russell High School
Starbuck, Hendrix 37-9.5 Lyons High School
Hecox, Henry 37-7.75 Moundridge High School
Turner, Max 37-7.5 Peabody-Burns High School
Benjamin, layton 37-6 Sedgwick High School
Boughfman, Auley 37-6 Smoky Valley High School
Nightingale, Jaxon 36-10.25 Canton-Galva High School
Sweazy, Logan 36-8.5 Berean Academy
Reinecker, Nathan 35-9 Inman High School
Spencer, Owen 35-1.75 Berean Academy
Herrman, Delaney 33-4 Bluestem
Lago, Kasey 32-10 Remington High School
Ashley Moore, Dallyn 31-4.5 Bluestem
Witt, Garrison 30-3 Inman High School
Peres, Aiden 29-11 Canton-Galva High School
Sweatland, Erik 29-8.75 Remington High School
Skelton, Jensen 24-9 The Independent School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
little, noah 44-1.75 Sedgwick High School
Carr, Evan 43-6.5 Council Grove
Waring, Levi 41-11 Council Grove
Solis, Xavier 41-9.75 Lyons High School
Kanitz, Kreighton 41-6 Moundridge High School
Brown, Keegan 41-1.5 Council Grove
Rewerts, Caleb 41-0.5 Hesston High School
Wood, Trenton 40-10.5 Nickerson High School
Boughfman, Auley 40-4 Smoky Valley High School
Pummell, Thomas 39-9.75 Russell High School
Kanitz, Kaizer 39-8 Moundridge High School
Sisson, Gage 36-2.25 Inman High School
Jerrick, Tyler 36-2 Inman High School
Thompson, Jace 35-1.5 Lyons High School
George, Breeson 34-10 Berean Academy
Hendricks, Alex 33-3.5 Remington High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Klein, Daisy Hillsboro High School
Peters, Breanne 12.13 Smoky Valley High School
Lehman, Ashley 12.30 Hesston High School
Unruh, Cammi 12.46 Moundridge High School
stucky, logan 13.01 Sedgwick High School
Ponds, Destiny 13.08 Nickerson High School
Schrag, Avery 13.09 Moundridge High School
Beltz, Alexa 13.18 Larned High School
Friesen, Ceeley 13.20 Smoky Valley High School
Collins, Akielah 13.25 Larned High School
Bolen, Macy 13.31 Council Grove
Black, Brooklyn 13.35 Inman High School
Reynolds, Taeten 13.43 Larned High School
Nichols, Katie 13.50 Inman High School
McGinn, lauren 13.52 Sedgwick High School
Solis, Alli 13.54 Lyons High School
Pinkston, Sheyenne 13.63 Remington High School
Defore, Kaylyn 13.65 Bluestem
Bankston, Centhiyan 13.68 Nickerson High School
Warden, Kylie 13.79 Hesston High School
Hazell, Kennady 13.88 Haven High School
Tyner, Kiele 13.89 Council Grove
Tippin, Italy 13.99 Berean Academy
Couey, Zoey 14.01 Bluestem
Garcia, Emily 14.04 Lyons High School
Claassen, Molly 14.30 Berean Academy
Williams, Ayanna 14.36 The Independent School
Schafer, Rachel 14.38 Hillsboro High School
Winter, Adyson 14.54 Peabody-Burns High School
Ralston, Lily 14.61 Remington High School
Street, Natalie 15.79 Canton-Galva High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heflin, Madilyn 15.03 Inman High School
Herbert, Cara 15.77 Larned High School
Black, Brooklyn 16.14 Inman High School
Widler, Rebecca 16.30 Berean Academy
O'Brien, Emily 16.38 Remington High School
Balzer, Taylor 17.26 Berean Academy
Van Zelfden, Gianna 17.30 Remington High School
Jefferson, Jasmine 17.76 Russell High School
Timken, Shylin 17.79 Berean Academy
Elliot, Jordyn 17.83 Canton-Galva High School
Percy, Zaprina 17.92 Haven High School
Dietrich, Londyn 18.28 Canton-Galva High School
Showalter, Greta 18.67 Lyons High School
Madero, Ali 18.77 Smoky Valley High School
Fierro, Mya 20.01 Lyons High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reiff, Laney 5:25.35 Elyria Christian High School
Jantz, Haylee 5:31.36 Moundridge High School
Walden, Lydia 5:41.66 The Independent School
Willour, Chelsea 5:41.92 Remington High School
Clark Pavlovich, Esther 5:42.22 Smoky Valley High School
Klaassen, Ava 5:42.44 Remington High School
Richert, Riley 5:47.61 Hillsboro High School
Reiff, Macy 5:59.87 Elyria Christian High School
Good, Ellie 6:16.56 Berean Academy
Chaput, Emma 6:16.70 Smoky Valley High School
Hayworth, Kyleigh 6:18.28 Remington High School
Thielen, Anna 6:19.16 Russell High School
Winfrey, Sarah 6:37.89 Peabody-Burns High School
Hein, Nora 6:42.92 Hillsboro High School
Silva, Addison 6:56.22 Lyons High School
Siemens, Abigail 6:56.42 Inman High School
Baxter, Lacie 7:10.02 Inman High School
Zeigler, Hollyn 7:46.60 Council Grove
Harder, Serena 7:50.00h Berean Academy
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lehman, Ashley 25.55 Hesston High School
Unruh, Cammi 26.27 Moundridge High School
Hagerman, Kaylee 26.41 Larned High School
stucky, logan 27.12 Sedgwick High School
Collins, Akielah 27.39 Larned High School
Schrag, Avery 27.47 Moundridge High School
Bolen, Macy 27.60h Council Grove
McGinn, lauren 27.82 Sedgwick High School
Black, Leah 27.85 Inman High School
Gilkey, Emily 28.11 Hillsboro High School
Nichols, Katie 28.14 Inman High School
Ponds, Destiny 28.17 Nickerson High School
Just, Gracelyn 28.26 Hillsboro High School
Tyner, Kiele 28.30h Council Grove
Reynolds, Taeten 28.47 Larned High School
Bankston, Centhiyan 28.66 Nickerson High School
Pinkston, Sheyenne 28.67 Remington High School
Wedel, Addison 28.76 Inman High School
Hazell, Kennady 28.78 Haven High School
Williamson, Kolette 29.00h Bluestem
Carver, Zora 29.12 Smoky Valley High School
Solis, Alli 29.25 Lyons High School
Davis, Keirah 29.47 Lyons High School
Tippin, Italy 29.50 Berean Academy
Fanning, Isabelle 29.97 Smoky Valley High School
Taylor, Abigail 30.73 Remington High School
Couey, Zoey 30.86 Bluestem
Claassen, Molly 31.50 Berean Academy
Winter, Adyson 31.78 Peabody-Burns High School
Williams, Ayanna 31.96 The Independent School
Elliot, Jordyn 32.39 Canton-Galva High School
Davidson, Brooke 32.82 Elyria Christian High School
Street, Natalie 33.59 Canton-Galva High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heflin, Madilyn 46.05 Inman High School
O'Brien, Emily 49.42 Remington High School
Black, Brooklyn 50.05 Inman High School
Widler, Rebecca 50.41 Berean Academy
Hecox, Hattie 50.88 Moundridge High School
Herbert, Cara 51.07 Larned High School
Van Zelfden, Gianna 51.12 Remington High School
Reed, Taytum 51.16 Smoky Valley High School
Jefferson, Jasmine 52.89 Russell High School
Madero, Ali 54.45 Smoky Valley High School
Hoppes, Makinlee 55.43 Canton-Galva High School
Zeigler, Hollyn 55.77 Council Grove
Veer, Ella 56.50 Berean Academy
Defore, Kaylyn 57.78 Bluestem
Fierro, Mya 58.82 Lyons High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quinn, Reese 12:02.50 Hesston High School
Jantz, Haylee 12:17.63 Moundridge High School
Willour, Chelsea 12:19.32 Remington High School
Funk, Quinlyn 12:41.90 Hillsboro High School
Klaassen, Ava 12:55.88 Remington High School
Chaput, Emma 13:38.95 Smoky Valley High School
Busenitz, Jill 14:03.59 Berean Academy
Olsen, Londyn 14:10.38 Elyria Christian High School
Beck, Joy 14:27.14 Elyria Christian High School
Sims, Mila 14:44.08 Smoky Valley High School
Baxter, Lacie 14:50.00 Inman High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Kassi Remington High School
Taylor, Abigail Remington High School
Muhwazie, Nyeema 1:00.54 The Independent School
Williams, Jaden 1:01.09 Hesston High School
Schrag, Avery 1:01.42 Moundridge High School
Bankston, Centhiyan 1:04.33 Nickerson High School
Entz, Leah 1:04.51 Berean Academy
Frick, Taylin 1:05.40 Hesston High School
Hecox, Halle 1:06.33 Moundridge High School
Boese, Marianna 1:06.87 Lyons High School
McGinn, lauren 1:06.90 Sedgwick High School
Nees, Dakota 1:07.68 Inman High School
Korte, Brooklyn 1:07.85 Bluestem
Williams, Honesty 1:07.89 Canton-Galva High School
Eddy, Raynee 1:08.36 Inman High School
Wachs, Cassidy 1:08.51 Larned High School
Elliott, Kathleen 1:09.08 Lyons High School
Peterson, Gracia 1:10.26 Smoky Valley High School
Winfrey, Sarah 1:15.72 Peabody-Burns High School
McEuen, Breckyn 1:15.86 Council Grove
Bower, Jayna 1:21.29 Elyria Christian High School
Eyer, Sophia 67.1 Smoky Valley High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.99 Larned High School
Relay Team A 52.52 Moundridge High School
Relay Team A 52.88 Inman High School
Relay Team A 52.98 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 53.10 Remington High School
Relay Team A 54.05 Russell High School
Relay Team A 54.13 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 54.40 Bluestem
Relay Team A 54.41 Lyons High School
Relay Team A 55.30h Canton-Galva High School
Relay Team A 55.46 Berean Academy
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:09.63 Moundridge High School
Relay Team A 4:18.19 Inman High School
Relay Team A 4:21.39 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 4:21.88 Russell High School
Relay Team A 4:23.53 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 4:25.27 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:26.90 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 4:33.24 Lyons High School
Relay Team A 4:33.30 Remington High School
Relay Team A 4:35.19 Larned High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:30.18 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 10:47.00 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 10:51.56 Hesston High School
Relay Team A 11:12.29 Berean Academy
Relay Team A 11:18.24 Remington High School
Relay Team A 11:25.51 Inman High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jost, Addison 2:25.68 Hillsboro High School
Reiff, Laney 2:26.22 Elyria Christian High School
Clark Pavlovich, Esther 2:32.90 Smoky Valley High School
Jantz, Haylee 2:32.94 Moundridge High School
Reiff, Macy 2:34.08 Elyria Christian High School
Richert, Riley 2:34.50 Hillsboro High School
Quinn, Reese 2:35.73 Hesston High School
Briscoe, Aubrianne 2:36.90 Berean Academy
Hecox, Halle 2:38.97 Moundridge High School
Turpin, Addelyn 2:43.74 Berean Academy
Nickel, Corynn 2:48.98 Hesston High School
Brown, Macy 2:50.95 Remington High School
Heflin, Lily 2:53.14 Inman High School
Peterson, Gracia 2:55.24 Smoky Valley High School
Turcotte, Aoife 2:55.67 Inman High School
Gerber, Joely 2:55.81 Remington High School
Williams, Honesty 2:58.66 Canton-Galva High School
Winfrey, Sarah 2:58.70 Peabody-Burns High School
Silva, Addison 3:06.19 Lyons High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Upson, Cadee 127-10 Larned High School
Schmidt, Chloe 120-10 Inman High School
Froese, Taylor 120-1 Inman High School
Tucker, Tara 112-7 Berean Academy
Nisly, Rachel 110-2 Nickerson High School
Patterson, Macy 110-0 Russell High School
Froese, Morgan 110-0 Inman High School
Cass, Kenna 107-9 Elyria Christian High School
Mason, Kaycee 107-1 Hesston High School
Mullins, Adrienne 106-0 Berean Academy
Costello, Sidney 101-0 Berean Academy
Forsythe, Angelina 97-9 Haven High School
Childs, Delaney 96-11 Nickerson High School
Dreiling, Norah 95-4 Russell High School
Cunningham, Kassandra 95-2 Hillsboro High School
Ramsey, Adly 93-4 Sedgwick High School
Stos, Aspyn 91-4 Moundridge High School
Feldman, Skye 88-2 Larned High School
Forsythe, Olivia 81-7 Haven High School
Guzman, Alexa 80-8 Lyons High School
Potter, Mallory 78-9.5 Bluestem
Davidson, Brooke 77-8.75 Elyria Christian High School
Klein, Daisy 75-8 Hillsboro High School
Grundt, Sanja 73-7.75 Canton-Galva High School
Sommers, Kara 70-1.75 Remington High School
Gomez, Mitzy 69-2 Lyons High School
Fewin, Terrin 68-7 Bluestem
Schmidt, Emma 68-0 Remington High School
Simpson, Taryn 50-2 The Independent School
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HS Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hilgenfeld, Eva 5-6 Remington High School
Potter, Mallory 5-2 Bluestem
Boese, Marianna 5-2 Lyons High School
Birney, Aubrey 5-0 Russell High School
Gilkey, Emily 5-0 Hillsboro High School
Nichols, Katie 5-0 Inman High School
Bolen, Macy 4-10 Council Grove
Quinn, Reese 4-10 Hesston High School
Nichols, Annika 4-8 Russell High School
Bower, Hannah 4-8 Elyria Christian High School
Phillips, Ella 4-8 Hesston High School
Blackledge, Lilliana 4-7 Council Grove
Fanning, Isabelle 4-6 Smoky Valley High School
Stewart, Georgia 4-6 Remington High School
Cox, Annie 4-4 Larned High School
Clark, Echo 4-0 Smoky Valley High School
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HS Girls Javelin 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Chloe 121-10 Inman High School
Mullen, Keira 114-8 Smoky Valley High School
Ponds, Destiny 110-11 Nickerson High School
Hecox, Hattie 109-9 Moundridge High School
Balzer, Taylor 105-5 Berean Academy
Childs, Delaney 104-5 Nickerson High School
Veer, Ella 104-1 Berean Academy
stucky, logan 101-2 Sedgwick High School
Froese, Morgan 100-3 Inman High School
Stos, Aspyn 96-2 Moundridge High School
Showalter, Greta 95-2 Lyons High School
Forsythe, Olivia 91-9 Haven High School
Hoppes, Makinlee 91-1 Canton-Galva High School
Dietrich, Londyn 83-9.5 Canton-Galva High School
Spencer, Aja 80-7 Remington High School
Ramsey, Adly 72-0 Sedgwick High School
Couey, Zoey 67-7 Bluestem
Fewin, Terrin 64-6 Bluestem
Greene, Jaivyn 58-9 Remington High School
Simpson, Taryn The Independent School
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HS Girls Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 18-0 Smoky Valley High School
Hagerman, Kaylee 17-9 Larned High School
Ponds, Destiny 17-3.5 Nickerson High School
Unruh, Cammi 17-1 Moundridge High School
Harris, Suttyn 16-7 Inman High School
Hilgenfeld, Eva 16-1.25 Remington High School
Bankston, Centhiyan 16-1 Nickerson High School
Birney, Aubrey 15-10 Russell High School
McEuen, Breckyn 15-9 Council Grove
Potter, Mallory 15-9 Bluestem
Malcom, Marissa 15-3.5 The Independent School
Frick, Taylin 15-1.5 Hesston High School
Just, Gracelyn 15-1 Hillsboro High School
Warden, Kylie 15-0.75 Hesston High School
Timken, Shylin 14-9 Berean Academy
Hecox, Halle 14-6 Moundridge High School
Bacon, Emily 14-4 Council Grove
Wachs, Cassidy 14-3.75 Larned High School
Lara, Celina 14-2.75 Lyons High School
Winter, Adyson 14-0.5 Peabody-Burns High School
Williamson, Kolette 13-11 Bluestem
Garcia, Emily 13-10.25 Lyons High School
Walton, Paige 13-8 Inman High School
Clark, Echo 13-4 Smoky Valley High School
Jordan, Makenzie 13-02 Berean Academy
Spencer, Aja 12-11.5 Remington High School
Street, Natalie 12-11.25 Canton-Galva High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 11-9 Smoky Valley High School
Lehman, Ashley 11-9 Hesston High School
Ney, Jaden 9-6 Russell High School
Korte, Brooklyn 9-0 Bluestem
Friesen, Ceeley 9-0 Smoky Valley High School
Harder, Aubrey 9-0 Berean Academy
Richert, Riley 8-0 Hillsboro High School
Hirsch, Autumn 8-0 Berean Academy
Turpin, Addelyn 8-0 Berean Academy
Mannebach, Allee 8-0 Inman High School
Frantz, Jaidyn 7-6 Hillsboro High School
Miranda, Lilianna 7-0 Lyons High School
Wedel, Addison 6-6 Inman High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nisly, Rachel 39-5.5 Nickerson High School
Upson, Cadee 38-10 Larned High School
Froese, Taylor 36-4.5 Inman High School
Mason, Kaycee 35-10 Hesston High School
Froese, Morgan 35-8.5 Inman High School
Williams, Abbigail 35-5 Hillsboro High School
Schmidt, Chloe 35-3.5 Inman High School
Forsythe, Angelina 35-2.75 Haven High School
Tucker, Tara 34-1 Berean Academy
Forsythe, Olivia 32-8.5 Haven High School
Patterson, Macy 32-4.25 Russell High School
Cass, Kenna 31-10 Elyria Christian High School
Feldman, Skye 31-5 Larned High School
Strobel, Abby 30-11.75 Russell High School
Davidson, Brooke 30-3 Elyria Christian High School
Mullins, Adrienne 30-0.5 Berean Academy
Stos, Aspyn 29-9 Moundridge High School
Guzman, Alexa 29-9 Lyons High School
D'Albini, Mackenzie 29-4 Hillsboro High School
Sommers, Kara 28-4.5 Remington High School
Gomez, Mitzy 28-0 Lyons High School
Simpson, Taryn 26-6.25 The Independent School
Ramsey, Adly 25-6 Sedgwick High School
Grundt, Sanja 23-5 Canton-Galva High School
Fewin, Terrin 23-2 Bluestem
Greene, Jaivyn 22-7.75 Remington High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 36-4.75 Smoky Valley High School
Hagerman, Kaylee 36-00.25 Larned High School
Hecox, Hattie 34-3 Moundridge High School
Nichols, Katie 33-8.5 Inman High School
Birney, Aubrey 32-9 Russell High School
Malcom, Marissa 32-8.25 The Independent School
Hilgenfeld, Eva 32-0.75 Remington High School
Eddy, Raynee 32-0.75 Inman High School
Jost, Addison 31-10.5 Hillsboro High School
Korte, Brooklyn 31-5 Bluestem
Wachs, Cassidy 31-5 Larned High School
Jefferson, Jasmine 31-2.5 Russell High School
Blackledge, Lilliana 30-9 Council Grove
Bacon, Emily 30-7.75 Council Grove
Williamson, Kolette 29-2 Bluestem
Clark, Echo 28-11.75 Smoky Valley High School
Ralston, Lily 28-10.5 Remington High School
Harder, Serena 28-9.5 Berean Academy
Jordan, Makenzie 28-0 Berean Academy
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