Maize High School JV Invitational 2024

Maize, KS
Timing/Results Goddard Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys Javelin 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Odunze, Ozichi 123-1 Wichita South High School
Herrick, Caydon 117-10 Maize High School
Kidd, Wayman 115-4 Wichita West High School
Frazier, Deonte 111-9 Wichita West High School
Alverado, Gasper 103-2 Campus High School
Yildiz, Elkin 93-7 Wichita Heights High School
Marrs, Carson 88-10 Campus High School
Hall, Ben 88-2 Wichita Heights High School
McKenzie, Thomas 82-10 Wichita East High School
Nguyen, Austin 80-7 Wichita South High School
Welch, Brendan 77-4 Wichita North High School
Bartsch, Joseph 75-1 Maize High School
Westley, Levi 71-5 Wichita North High School
Masura, Joseph 68-11 Wichita East High School
Peitz, Ben 68-5 Campus High School
Pham, Tory 63-2 Wichita East High School
Camacho, Chris 62-3.5 Wichita East High School
Gomez, Evan 59-6 Wichita West High School
Polomares, Raphael 55-6 Wichita North High School
Rojas, Ayden Wichita South High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deshazer, Lesean Wichita West High School
Knowles, Adam Wichita Heights High School
Frierson, Jaeden Wichita South High School
Jones, La'Michael Wichita North High School
Gibson, Deeron Wichita Heights High School
Howard, Jamarius 11.48 Wichita East High School
Smith, Drelon 11.64 Wichita East High School
Owings, Nate 11.74 Maize High School
Oakman, Richard Charlie 11.82 Maize High School
Dupree, Isaiah 11.83 Wichita North High School
Sutton, Isaiah 11.88 Wichita North High School
Roberts, Dillon 11.89 Maize High School
Peeples, Chaney 11.91 Wichita Heights High School
Hall, Adrian 12.06 Wichita Heights High School
Bohannon, A'Maree 12.13 Wichita East High School
Straughter, Lee 12.15 Wichita West High School
Slaughter, Ronelle 12.17 Wichita East High School
Rojas, Derek 12.39 Wichita South High School
Baldwin, Demareo 12.41 Wichita South High School
Serrano, Luis 12.57 Wichita South High School
Mundy, Landon 12.63 Campus High School
Ditch, Antonio 12.72 Campus High School
Hicks, Trey 13.03 Wichita North High School
Do, Paul 13.10 Winfield High School
Bonjour, Landon 13.31 Winfield High School
Logan, AJ 13.46 Wichita West High School
McCammon, Corbin 13.50 Winfield High School
Droubie, Daniel 13.69 Maize High School
Neal, Caige 13.95 Wichita West High School
Ford, Xavier 14.03 Winfield High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibson, Chandler 18.44 Maize High School
Shirley, Alexander 19.12 Maize High School
Harris, Najay 23.13 Wichita South High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Slaughter, Jacob 5:14.87 Maize High School
Wyatt, Justyn 5:30.33 Wichita Heights High School
Rivera, Benjamin 5:31.36 Maize High School
Mendez, Daniel 5:52.90 Wichita East High School
Nevarez, Hector 5:57.71 Maize High School
SMARTT, Renton 5:58.78 Wichita East High School
Marino, Christopher 5:58.90 Wichita Heights High School
Wilson, Egan 6:03.30 Wichita Heights High School
Zapote, Alejandro 6:08.27 Wichita South High School
Baeza, Antonio 6:11.12 Wichita North High School
Palmer, Bennett 6:33.87 Maize High School
Klaus, Gabriel 7:00.00h Wichita North High School
Alvarez, David 8:00.00h Wichita North High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deshazer, Lesean Wichita West High School
Jones, La'Michael Wichita North High School
Day, Armonie Wichita Heights High School
Coleman, Corda Wichita East High School
Owings, Nate 23.86 Maize High School
Yildiz, Ekin 24.63 Wichita Heights High School
Sutton, Isaiah 24.85 Wichita North High School
Howard, Jamarius 24.92 Wichita East High School
Straughter, Lee 25.08 Wichita West High School
Bohannon, A'Maree 25.19 Wichita East High School
Trigg, Corey 25.22 Wichita East High School
Mundy, Landon 25.24 Campus High School
Dupree, Isaiah 25.61 Wichita North High School
Brooks, Nashod 25.72 Wichita South High School
Brack, Brendan 25.80 Maize High School
Gibson, Chandler 26.20 Maize High School
Rojas, Derek 26.45 Wichita South High School
Nichols, Covell 26.66 Wichita Heights High School
Smith, Jadian 26.89 Wichita Heights High School
Ditch, Antonio 26.99 Campus High School
Serrano, Luis 27.07 Wichita South High School
Williams, James 27.39 Campus High School
Smith, Kamren 27.63 Wichita North High School
McCammon, Corbin 27.84 Winfield High School
Prakonekham, Matthew 28.69 Winfield High School
Neal, Caige 29.25 Wichita West High School
Marrs, Carson 29.67 Campus High School
Ford, Xavier 30.10 Winfield High School
Curran, Lucas 32.05 Winfield High School
Glazier, Braydien 32.25 Maize High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Tyree 45.21 Wichita Heights High School
Gibson, Chandler 47.14 Maize High School
Roberts, Dillon 47.25 Maize High School
Small, Ronald 48.40 Maize High School
Sands, Jordan 54.00 Wichita South High School
Johnson, Corneilus 56.74 Wichita West High School
Harris, Najay 56.83 Wichita South High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Singer, Braxton 12:18.23 Maize High School
SMARTT, Renton 13:10.46 Wichita East High School
Zimmerman, Ethan 14:39.94 Maize High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frierson, Jaeden Wichita South High School
Wilson, Khaai Wichita Heights High School
Coleman, Corda Wichita East High School
Dotson, Galeil 1:01.10 Wichita East High School
Wood, Bismark 1:02.56 Winfield High School
Peitz, Ben 1:04.00 Campus High School
McGill, Jordyn 1:05 Wichita West High School
Droubie, Daniel 1:07.17 Maize High School
Ramirez, Samuel 1:10.60 Winfield High School
Baldwin, Demareo 1:16.47 Wichita South High School
Lawson, JaCorie 53.46 Wichita Heights High School
Phetkhamchanh, Aden 56.36 Campus High School
Sutton, Isaiah 56.88 Wichita North High School
Trigg, Corey 57.00 Wichita East High School
Smith, Drelon 58.02 Wichita East High School
Glazier, Braydien 58.03 Maize High School
Bigabwa, Godefroid 58.08 Wichita Heights High School
Brooks, Nashod 58.62 Wichita South High School
Serrano, Luis 59.80 Wichita South High School
Banks, Joshua 59.93 Wichita Heights High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.79 Wichita East High School
Relay Team A 42.44 Wichita Heights High School
Relay Team A 44.60 Campus High School
Relay Team A 44.99 Wichita South High School
Relay Team A 46.08 Maize High School
Relay Team A 47.61 Wichita North High School
Relay Team A 56.95 Winfield High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:31.21 Wichita Heights High School
Relay Team A 3:31.57 Campus High School
Relay Team A 3:48.00h Maize High School
Relay Team A 4:21.29 Winfield High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:43.50 Wichita North High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Romero, Yosef Wichita East High School
Wood, Bismark Winfield High School
Anderson, Aaron 2:19.73 Wichita Heights High School
Grantham, Jared 2:20.27 Maize High School
Duran, Isaac 2:22.98 Wichita West High School
Henderson, Te'vion 2:24.06 Wichita East High School
Moralez, Colin 2:27.95 Wichita North High School
Wyatt, Justyn 2:29.90 Wichita Heights High School
Turner, Benny 2:30.40 Wichita South High School
Marino, Christopher 2:34.95 Wichita Heights High School
Griffith-Haskell, Alex 2:35.37 Wichita East High School
Zapote, Alejandro 2:36.17 Wichita South High School
Palmer, Bennett 2:40.93 Maize High School
Nevarez, Hector 2:40.96 Maize High School
Cranmer, Cooper 2:41 Wichita West High School
Beruman, Juan 2:41.42 Wichita North High School
Mendez, Daniel 2:42.30 Wichita East High School
Jones, Parker 2:45.84 Maize High School
Wilson, Egan 2:47.82 Wichita Heights High School
Ceballos, Andrew 2:50.00h Wichita North High School
Donaldson-Loescher, Lachlan 2:50.95 Wichita North High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Odunze, Ozichi 114-10 Wichita South High School
Marcenaro, Atticus 106-4 Maize High School
Herrick, Caydon 97-9 Maize High School
Sands, Jordan 97-6 Wichita South High School
Bonjour, Landon 95-11 Winfield High School
Nguyen, Austin 93-6.5 Wichita South High School
Pedrow, Connor 88-5 Campus High School
Copes, Jacobe 85-0 Wichita West High School
Prado, Valentin 84-10 Wichita North High School
Alverado, Gasper 84-3 Campus High School
Carr, Derek 82-5 Wichita West High School
Peitz, Ben 78-0 Campus High School
Gomez, Evan 74-2 Wichita West High School
Juarez, Isidro 70-6 Wichita West High School
Rohde, Gabe 70-4 Wichita North High School
McIntosh, Zion 69-7 Wichita East High School
Curran, Lucas 65-9 Winfield High School
Tre, Wickham 60-9 Maize High School
Marrs, Carson 58-3 Campus High School
Welch, Brendan 53-8.5 Wichita North High School
Wong, Tristan 53-7 Wichita North High School
Bartsch, Joseph Maize High School
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HS Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Straughter, Lee 5-6 Wichita West High School
Davis, Daeonn 5-6 Wichita South High School
Jordan, Jaxon 5-4 Wichita North High School
Oakman, Richard Charlie 5-4 Maize High School
Frierson, Jaeden 5-2 Wichita South High School
Broadus, Lamaje 5-0 Wichita East High School
Migdal, Kean 4-10 Maize High School
Wilson, Marcus 4-8 Wichita East High School
Whitsett Cooksey, David 4-8 Wichita East High School
Pollock, Trevor 4-6 Maize High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owings, Nate 18-10 Maize High School
Shirley, Alexander 18-8 Maize High School
Davis, Daeonn 18-6.5 Wichita South High School
Bennett, Corde 18-5.75 Wichita Heights High School
Mundy, Landon 18-3.75 Campus High School
Day, Armonie 17-8 Wichita Heights High School
Banks, Joshua 17-2.5 Wichita Heights High School
Nichols, Covell 16-9.5 Wichita Heights High School
Whitsett Cooksey, David 16-9 Wichita East High School
Brack, Brendan 16-4.25 Maize High School
Zdrojewski, Xander 16-3 Wichita East High School
Wilson, Marcus 16-3 Wichita East High School
Ditch, Antonio 16-1.5 Campus High School
Broadus, Lamaje 15-7 Wichita East High School
Johnson, Corneilus 15-6 Wichita West High School
Logan, AJ 15-1.25 Wichita West High School
Do, Paul 15-0 Winfield High School
McGill, Jordyn 14-10 Wichita West High School
Hicks, Trey 14-8 Wichita North High School
Shay, Dakota 14-6.25 Maize High School
Williams, James 14-6 Campus High School
Smith, Kamren Wichita North High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cummings, Angel 10-9 Wichita North High School
Schafer, Lucius 10-0 Maize High School
Manual, Tj 9-6 Wichita North High School
Masterson, Zane 8-6 Wichita Heights High School
Migdal, Kean 8-6 Maize High School
Lee, Liam 8-1 Maize High School
Fields, Jacob 7-0 Maize High School
Chairez, Alex 6-6 Wichita East High School
Prakonekham, Matthew 5-6 Winfield High School
Wagoner, Camden Wichita East High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marcenaro, Atticus 38-7 Maize High School
Nguyen, Austin 38-4.5 Wichita South High School
Odunze, Ozichi 37-9 Wichita South High School
Camacho, Chris 37-8.75 Wichita East High School
Pedrow, Connor 37-8.75 Campus High School
Kiel, Trae 36-2 Wichita Heights High School
Sherman, Humphrey 36-1 Wichita Heights High School
Masura, Joseph 34-5.5 Wichita East High School
McIntosh, Zion 33-4 Wichita East High School
Bonjour, Landon 32-8 Winfield High School
Alverado, Gasper 32-4 Campus High School
Copes, Jacobe 31-8 Wichita West High School
Herrick, Caydon 31-1.5 Maize High School
Mitchell, Kyven 30-8.25 Wichita Heights High School
Self, Ezra 28-11.5 Wichita Heights High School
Rojas, Ayden 28-2 Wichita South High School
Westley, Levi 27-8 Wichita North High School
Sosa-Saldana, Emiliano 26-8.5 Wichita West High School
Dewberry, Brayden 26-5.5 Wichita West High School
Miller, Hunter 25-7.75 Wichita West High School
Ramirez, Samuel 25-3.25 Winfield High School
Rohde, Gabe 25-2 Wichita North High School
Pham, Tory 24-7 Wichita East High School
Wong, Tristan 21-11.5 Wichita North High School
Shortt, Khrystian 15-1 Wichita North High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oakman, Richard Charlie 34-1.75 Maize High School
Zdrojewski, Xander 33-4 Wichita East High School
Broadus, Lamaje 33-1.5 Wichita East High School
Whitsett Cooksey, David 31-4 Wichita East High School
Jones, La'Michael Wichita North High School
Wilson, Marcus Wichita East High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lynn, Emoni 13.69 Wichita Heights High School
Randle, Livey 13.70 Wichita Heights High School
Wood, Emily 13.90 Maize High School
McDaniel, Kamarrea 13.91 Wichita East High School
McDonald, Ila 14.15 Wichita Heights High School
Shaw, Alaiysia 14.19 Wichita South High School
Muhammad, Shayanna 14.22 Wichita East High School
Sandoval, Amali 14.29 Wichita North High School
Hicks, Kyndall 14.37 Wichita South High School
Henderson, Zoey 14.39 Wichita East High School
Smith, Makylah 14.58 Campus High School
Moreno, Antonia 14.64 Maize High School
Rutledge, Maya 15.04 Maize High School
Lamoree, Avlyn 15.65 Campus High School
Sargent, Chloe 15.84 Maize High School
Burns-Castillo, Yizelle 15.90 Wichita Heights High School
Marshall, Haylee 15.96 Campus High School
Soubeyrand, Eva 16.02 Winfield High School
Arciniega, Jaslene 16.12 Wichita South High School
Dominguez, Vivi 16.36 Wichita North High School
Anderson, Jada 16.58 Wichita South High School
Masser, Marlen 17.89 Winfield High School
Gibbs, Brooke 19.23 Wichita North High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Melian 19.13 Wichita East High School
Ross, Raegan 19.51 Maize High School
Best-Jones, Jada 19.93 Maize High School
Sigg, Amalee 21.10 Winfield High School
Bucher, Julian 21.55 Wichita North High School
Espino-Ceniceros, Yarely 22.43 Wichita North High School
Cervantes, Anahi 23.06 Wichita North High School
Pacheco, Jennifer 23.53 Wichita North High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Neises, Brooke Maize High School
Boudreau, Eliana Wichita Heights High School
Einwich, Isabel 6:02.53 Wichita Heights High School
Whitelaw, Malaka 6:20.73 Wichita South High School
Perez-Silva, Anabela 6:27.60 Maize High School
Ohl, Caylee 6:30.09 Maize High School
Nguyen, Kathy 6:49.50 Wichita East High School
Fountain, Lilly 7:17.60 Wichita North High School
Wenzel, Hannah 7:29.10 Wichita North High School
Ruto, Teresa 8:03.51 Wichita North High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Muhammad, Shayanna Wichita East High School
Burns-Castillo, Yizelle Wichita Heights High School
Carranza, Izzie 27.59 Wichita East High School
Reed, Jada 28.41 Wichita Heights High School
Osunsanmi, Fey 28.80 Wichita Heights High School
Vennemon, Kaydence 29.73 Maize High School
McDaniel, Kamarrea 30.55 Wichita East High School
Echols, Kayleigh 30.57 Maize High School
Sandoval, Amali 30.91 Wichita North High School
Smith, Makylah 31.60 Campus High School
McElrath, Demi 31.88 Wichita Heights High School
Mortora, Naomie 32.15 Wichita South High School
Hicks, Kyndall 32.94 Wichita South High School
Jones, Sha'Myah 33.30 Wichita North High School
Soubeyrand, Eva 33.82 Winfield High School
Hernandez, Vivian 35.41 Maize High School
Arciniega, Jaslene 35.93 Wichita South High School
Marshall, Haylee 35.93 Campus High School
Dominguez, Vivi 36.02 Wichita North High School
Hornecker, Madison 37.00 Maize High School
Anderson, Jada 37.39 Wichita South High School
Masser, Marlen 39.41 Winfield High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Espino-Ceniceros, Yarely 1:03.33 Wichita North High School
Cervantes, Anahi 1:03.57 Wichita North High School
Muhammad, Shayanna 1:04.10 Wichita East High School
Lamoree, Avlyn 1:04.28 Campus High School
Wenzel, Susie 1:05.43 Wichita North High School
Marshall, Haylee 1:09.83 Campus High School
Ross, Raegan 55.02 Maize High School
Miller, Melian 55.74h Wichita East High School
Best-Jones, Jada 56.26 Maize High School
Cooper, Emma 56.71 Campus High School
Henderson, Zoey 58.18 Wichita East High School
Whitelaw, Malaka 58.93 Wichita South High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gatson, Ivery 1:07.20 Wichita Heights High School
Wood, Emily 1:07.46 Maize High School
Henderson, Zoey 1:08.24 Wichita East High School
Leigh, Acaisha 1:10.44 Wichita Heights High School
Muhammad, Shayanna 1:10.80 Wichita East High School
Harrod, Katelynn 1:12.57 Campus High School
McElrath, Demi 1:14.38 Wichita Heights High School
Pitts, Makenzie 1:15.15 Wichita Heights High School
Bucher, Julian 1:15.41 Wichita North High School
Huggins, Mariah 1:18.56 Wichita South High School
Rosales, Mireya 1:18.89 Wichita North High School
Mortora, Naomie 1:19.64 Wichita South High School
Smith, Taciya 1:21.96 Wichita South High School
Shaw, Alaiysia 1:26.21 Wichita South High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:04.86 Wichita North High School
Relay Team A 49.97 Wichita Heights High School
Relay Team A 51.74 Campus High School
Relay Team A 53.06 Wichita South High School
Relay Team A 55.76 Maize High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wichita North High School
Relay Team A 4:17.51 Wichita Heights High School
Relay Team A 4:40.80h Maize High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Campus High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitelaw, Malaka 2:50.69 Wichita South High School
Gudenkauf, Jillian 2:51.06 Maize High School
Hicks, Brooklyn 2:58.79 Wichita South High School
Ceballos, Isabel 2:59.04 Wichita North High School
Perez-Silva, Anabela 3:01.93 Maize High School
Nguyen, Kathy 3:01.98 Wichita East High School
Einwich, Isabel 3:09.42 Wichita Heights High School
Neises, Brooke 3:18.26 Maize High School
Boudreau, Eliana 3:29.11 Wichita Heights High School
Zeek, Britney 3:29.66 Wichita Heights High School
Sigler, Avree 3:31.44 Maize High School
Steiner, Cassidy 3:38.71 Wichita North High School
Ashburn, Lillie 4:00.78 Wichita North High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flemming, Aaliyah 75-3 Wichita East High School
Timothy, Sarah 74-6 Winfield High School
Walter, Alannah 71-3 Winfield High School
Thieu, Ngoc 69-6.5 Wichita North High School
Head, Sylvia 68-6 Maize High School
Schickel, Heather 64-3.5 Wichita South High School
Wellman, Kendall 62-6 Maize High School
McCaskill, Madison 57-9 Wichita South High School
Herndon, Talon 54-6 Campus High School
Whitbeck-Botello, Alexia 53-10 Wichita South High School
Payne, Avani 50-8 Wichita East High School
Torres, Taelynn 49-6.25 Wichita West High School
Hammann, Kennady 48-1 Campus High School
Alas, Katie 45-11.5 Wichita South High School
Romero, Joana 45-2 Wichita North High School
Maholmes, Makayla 43-3 Wichita West High School
Brown, Alexia Winfield High School
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HS Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Kate 4-8 Maize High School
Martin, Addison 4-8 Maize High School
Ross, Raegan 4-8 Maize High School
Harris, Aiyana 4-4 Wichita South High School
Kendall, Latoya Wichita East High School
Williams, Mileena Wichita East High School
McDaniel, Kamarrea Wichita East High School
Whitelaw, Malaka Wichita South High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reed, Jada 14-0.5 Wichita Heights High School
Harris, Kate 13-6 Maize High School
Sigg, Amalee 13-2 Winfield High School
Soubeyrand, Eva 13-0.5 Winfield High School
Garcia, Josephine 13-0 Wichita South High School
Kirkendoll, Jessi 12-8.25 Wichita East High School
Patterson-Ross, Cidni Faye 12-5 Wichita East High School
Arellano, Samantha 12-0 Wichita North High School
Martinez, Leah 11-11.75 Maize High School
Wenzel, Susie 11-8.75 Wichita North High School
Jones, Sha'Myah 11-1.5 Wichita North High School
Hernandez, Vivian 11-0.75 Maize High School
Gibbs, Brooke Wichita North High School
Truong, Fiona Wichita East High School
Burns-Castillo, Yizelle Wichita Heights High School
Kendall, Latoya Wichita East High School
Hornecker, Madison Maize High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harrod, Katelynn 7-0 Campus High School
Rice, Willow 6-8 Wichita East High School
Harris, Kate 6-6 Maize High School
Pacheco, Jennifer 6-0 Wichita North High School
Giles, Trinity 6-0 Campus High School
Martin, Addison 6-0 Maize High School
Wicker, Brooke 6-0 Maize High School
GUICE, CAMARYE 5-8 Wichita East High School
Cooper, Emma 5-0 Campus High School
Sutton, Olivia 4-7 Wichita East High School
Armbeck, Mariah Campus High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Busada, Olivia 29-5 Wichita North High School
Head, Sylvia 27-0.75 Maize High School
Jones, Shamiah 24-11 Maize High School
Schickel, Heather 24-10 Wichita South High School
McGinnis, Emercyn 23-6 Winfield High School
Arnold, Amaya 22-7 Wichita East High School
Walter, Alannah 22-3 Winfield High School
Wellman, Kendall 21-11.5 Maize High School
Rogers, Shanice 21-6 Wichita East High School
Romero, Joana 21-4 Wichita North High School
Herndon, Talon 20-10 Campus High School
Baker, Leeah 20-4 Wichita East High School
Torres, Taelynn 19-10 Wichita West High School
Hammann, Kennady 18-3 Campus High School
Huynh, Kenzee 17-10.5 Wichita North High School
Maholmes, Makayla 16-3 Wichita West High School
Alas, Katie 14-1.5 Wichita South High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patterson-Ross, Cidni Faye 27-11.5 Wichita East High School
Bucher, Julian 27-1.5 Wichita North High School
Huffman, Meika 25-2 Maize High School
Arellano, Samantha 24-10 Wichita North High School
Jones, Shamiah 24-3 Maize High School
Williams, Mileena 23-11 Wichita East High School
Truong, Fiona 18-0 Wichita East High School
Kendall, Latoya Wichita East High School
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Womens Javelin 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flemming, Aaliyah 80-2 Wichita East High School
Sigg, Amalee 75-6 Winfield High School
Baker, Leeah 63-6 Wichita East High School
Thieu, Ngoc 62-6 Wichita North High School
McCaskill, Madison 43-8 Wichita South High School
Whitbeck-Botello, Alexia 41-9 Wichita South High School
West, Samantha 37-5 Wichita East High School
Huynh, Kenzee 36-7 Wichita North High School
Herndon, Talon 36-4 Campus High School
Alas, Katie 33-9 Wichita South High School
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