Beloit Relays 2024

Beloit, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Picking, Gage 10.59 Chapman High School
McVay, Manny 11.12 Bennington High School
White, Levi 11.35 Republic County High School
Snyder, Jesse 11.35 Marion High School
Thompson, Brier 11.36 Hoisington High School
Hornaday, Blake 11.37 Chapman High School
Woodworth, Carson 11.38 Abilene High School
Bryant, Courtney Jr 11.41 Hoisington High School
Friesen, Nathan 11.43 Southeast of Saline High School
Hendrich, Brandon 11.47 Smith Center High School
Gropp, Kaide 11.53 Concordia High School
Ridgeway, Isaiah 11.62 Rock Hills High School
Howell, Hunter 11.65 Osborne High School
Peterson, Tripp 11.65 Marion High School
Correa, Lucas 11.67 Ell-Saline High School
Mckenzie, Tegan 11.76 Smith Center High School
Smith, Ian 11.78 Hoisington High School
Henton, Dallas 11.80 Riley County High School
Waters, Maddox 11.82 Beloit High School
Webber, Trey 11.83 Riley County High School
Ward, Camden 11.84 Rock Hills High School
Gates, Tyson 11.90 Beloit-St. John High School
Budreau, Kaden 11.90 Lincoln High School
Huband, Tucker 11.91 Washington County High School
Gillespie, Jackson 11.93 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Douglas, Kanyon 11.94 Southeast of Saline High School
Maupin, Zayne 11.96 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Thaxton, Tucker 11.98 Southeast of Saline High School
Miller, Kale 11.99 Washington County High School
Fernandez, Jose 11.99 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Laflen, Alex 12.04 Beloit High School
Allen, Ryder 12.09 Tipton Catholic High School
Lozya, Dominic 12.10h Lakeside High School
Schulmeister, Izak 12.13 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Johnson, Jagger 12.14 Concordia High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 12.22 Ellsworth High School
Means, Sam 12.24 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Jarvis, James 12.25 Clifton-Clyde High School
Litzinger, Ethan 12.26 Chapman High School
Schroeder, Koevin 12.26 Tipton Catholic High School
Purvis, Brenden 12.30 Beloit High School
Nicks, Joe 12.34 Abilene High School
Levendofsky, Ayden 12.40h Bennington High School
Springer, Colin 12.43 Phillipsburg High School
Kramer, Tristan 12.45 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Robinson, Jacobi 12.46 Abilene High School
Wildeman, Ryker 12.49 Concordia High School
Gordon, Aiden 12.58 Clay Center Community High Schoo
DeWitt, Stanley 12.60 Logan High School
Hollerich, Luke 12.72 Tipton Catholic High School
Benne, Trenton 12.84 Clifton-Clyde High School
Russell, Owen 13.27 Pike Valley High School
Sublett, Ethan 13.66 Pike Valley High School
Clark, Dawson 14.91 Osborne High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henke, Kash Republic County High School
Bowell, Judah 14.69 Abilene High School
Ball, Josiah 14.74 Hoisington High School
Horinek, Tanner 14.93 Phillipsburg High School
Parry, Caden 15.74 Southeast of Saline High School
Goheen, Nathan 15.74 Osborne High School
Gates, Tyson 16.20 Beloit-St. John High School
Sayers, Ian 16.35 Chapman High School
Gruver, Kelan 16.36 Chapman High School
Hopkins, Malachi 16.49 Southeast of Saline High School
Miller, Jeremiah 17.00 Lincoln High School
Waters, Maddox 17.09 Beloit High School
Seed, Jaxson 17.27 Ell-Saline High School
Morales, Taylen 18.08 Hoisington High School
Hutchinson, Parker 18.3 Smith Center High School
MARINTZER, Mattias 18.48 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Jirak, Cooper 18.58 Marion High School
Woods, Aiden 18.61 Abilene High School
Stirn, Joey 18.67 Tescott High School
Baker, Tanner 19.68 Washington County High School
Mader, Jason 20.15 Chapman High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elliott, Drew 4:27.32 Chapman High School
Walker, Brayden 4:27.60 Southeast of Saline High School
Zerger, Garrison 4:32.10 Ell-Saline High School
Fouard, Carson 4:34.17 Ell-Saline High School
Trout, Thayne 4:35.11 Bennington High School
Walker, Cayden 4:36.05 Southeast of Saline High School
Miesner, Owen 4:42.82 Riley County High School
Hamel, Jonny 4:48.65 Osborne High School
Abell, Joel 4:49.55 Minneapolis High School
Grauerholz, Ben 4:51.13 Southeast of Saline High School
Gonzales, Ethan 4:51.40 Abilene High School
Hickert, Gavin 4:55.26 Smith Center High School
Avalos, Fernando 4:56.45 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Reynolds, Tristyn 4:57.30 Rock Hills High School
Williams, Nick 4:57.47 Bennington High School
Short, Braden 4:58.69 Abilene High School
Thompson, Mason 4:58.79 Beloit High School
Begnoche, Landon 5:00.0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Conrad, Aiden 5:01.12 Osborne High School
Letourneau, Jonas 5:02.75 Beloit-St. John High School
Girard, Cohen 5:03.72 Clifton-Clyde High School
Jensen, Atticus 5:05.83 Washington County High School
Gutsch, Kaden 5:06.38 Riley County High School
May, Landon 5:06.94 Ell-Saline High School
Taphorn, Hunter 5:07.31 Chapman High School
Nisbeth, Dakota 5:08.23 Chapman High School
Applegarth, Brody 5:08.5 Washington County High School
Niewald, Nicholas 5:08.50 Beloit-St. John High School
Bowers, Kobi 5:10.40 Rock Hills High School
White, Oliver 5:11.65 Minneapolis High School
Hollerich, Luke 5:13.28 Tipton Catholic High School
Klenda, Eli 5:14.19 Marion High School
Holte, Justice 5:15.00 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Schaffer, Wyatt 5:15.11 Smith Center High School
Beery, Harrison 5:16.29 Marion High School
Marintzer, Caleb 5:30.95 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Dickman, Zechariah 5:37.52 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Barnes, Gunner 5:39.48 Concordia High School
Myers, Brady 7:00.93 Pike Valley High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coles, Quinn Clifton-Clyde High School
Picking, Gage 22.63 Chapman High School
Green, Tyler 22.88 Abilene High School
White, Levi 22.99 Republic County High School
Gropp, Kaide 23.39 Concordia High School
Van Allen, Alex 23.40 Phillipsburg High School
Friesen, Nathan 23.60h Southeast of Saline High School
Thompson, Brier 23.77 Hoisington High School
Huband, Tucker 23.84 Washington County High School
Bryant, Courtney Jr 23.92 Hoisington High School
Hendrich, Brandon 23.97 Smith Center High School
Soyez, Wyatt 24.20 Marion High School
Webber, Trey 24.23 Riley County High School
Budreau, Kaden 24.31 Lincoln High School
Mesalles, Ethan 24.44 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Miller, Xavier 24.46 Lincoln High School
Calzada, Omar 24.51 Southeast of Saline High School
Garman, Dalton 24.54h Osborne High School
Correa, Lucas 24.64 Ell-Saline High School
Peterson, Tripp 24.70 Marion High School
Maupin, Zayne 24.71 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Pelzel, Wyatt 24.71 Ellsworth High School
Obermeyer, Luke 24.92 Southeast of Saline High School
Laflen, Alex 24.95 Beloit High School
Fahey, Joseph 24.97 Clifton-Clyde High School
Lozoya, Dominic 25.00h Lakeside High School
Schulmeister, Izak 25.04 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Crome, Eli 25.06 Washington County High School
Allen, Ryder 25.07 Tipton Catholic High School
Hall, Aiden 25.08 Chapman High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 25.11 Ellsworth High School
Kuhlmann, Tate 25.16 Smith Center High School
Wege, Logan 25.17 Riley County High School
McVay, Lorenzo 25.27 Bennington High School
Johnson, Jagger 25.30 Concordia High School
Fernandez, Jose 25.44 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Irigoyen, Isaias 25.51 Concordia High School
Woehl, Joseph 25.55 Minneapolis High School
Kramer, Levi 25.56 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Williams, Tayton 25.71 Ell-Saline High School
Dickerman, James 25.80 Tescott High School
Robinson, Jacobi 25.83 Abilene High School
Murk, Brock 26.00 Bennington High School
Lonberger, Bryson 26.01 Minneapolis High School
DeWitt, Stanley 26.04 Logan High School
Springer, Colin 26.11 Phillipsburg High School
Brokes, Cade 26.28 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Nicks, Joe 26.50 Abilene High School
Scott, Andrew 26.62 Chapman High School
Pinkney, Carson 27.15 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Russell, Owen 27.58 Pike Valley High School
Sublett, Ethan 28.75 Pike Valley High School
Girton, Eissac 39.99 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engelke, Connor Thunder Ridge High School
Bowell, Judah 39.02 Abilene High School
Ball, Josiah 40.35 Hoisington High School
Kendig, Sam 41.62 Osborne High School
Smith, Braylon 41.92 Minneapolis High School
Miller, Jeremiah 42.78 Lincoln High School
Lutes, Melvin 43.01 Ell-Saline High School
Seems, Caden 44.24 Phillipsburg High School
Thompson, Brier 44.35 Hoisington High School
Parry, Caden 44.39 Southeast of Saline High School
Jirak, Cooper 44.48 Marion High School
Gruver, Kelan 44.64 Chapman High School
Rickard, Miles 44.84 Pike Valley High School
Gates, Tyson 44.92 Beloit-St. John High School
Hopkins, Malachi 44.94 Southeast of Saline High School
Sayers, Ian 44.99 Chapman High School
Hutchinson, Parker 45.6 Smith Center High School
Henke, Kash 45.66 Republic County High School
Morales, Taylen 45.81 Hoisington High School
Lonberger, Bryson 46.44 Minneapolis High School
Woods, Aiden 46.49 Abilene High School
Nobert, Luke 46.55 Clifton-Clyde High School
Stirn, Joey 47.10 Tescott High School
Reeves, Dayton 47.45 Pike Valley High School
Irigoyen, Isaias 48.15 Concordia High School
Alexander, Tyrese 48.69 Republic County High School
Baker, Tanner 49.07 Washington County High School
Pruser, Brady 51.0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Mader, Jason 51.36 Chapman High School
Stansbury, Isaac 51.96 Smith Center High School
Loudermilk, Ian 52.12 Concordia High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Klukas, Dereck 10:05.37 Chapman High School
Espinoza, Oscar 10:18.10 Abilene High School
Tarlton, Kamden 10:18.96 Hoisington High School
Hamel, Jonny 10:35.55 Osborne High School
Hickert, Gavin 10:36.88 Smith Center High School
Letourneau, Jonas 10:43.42 Beloit-St. John High School
Conrad, Aiden 10:44.00 Osborne High School
Thompson, Mason 10:45.38 Beloit High School
Girard, Cohen 10:50.05 Clifton-Clyde High School
Abell, Joel 10:51.70 Minneapolis High School
Grauerholz, Ben 10:54.02 Southeast of Saline High School
Roderick, Gabriel 10:58.80 Beloit-St. John High School
Ward, Spencer 11:02.96 Bennington High School
Reeves, Dayton 11:07.92 Pike Valley High School
Niewald, Nicholas 11:14.75 Beloit-St. John High School
White, Oliver 11:18.43 Minneapolis High School
Janzen, Zayden 11:24.11 Marion High School
Begnoche, Landon 11:24.30 Clifton-Clyde High School
Hitz, Kaden 11:25.84 Chapman High School
Adams, Jeter 11:25.97 Riley County High School
Hollerich, Luke 11:27.57 Tipton Catholic High School
Nisbeth, Parker 11:34.49 Bennington High School
Wyma, Cyrus 11:36.80 Chapman High School
Benne, Ezra 11:54.48 Pike Valley High School
MARINTZER, Mattias 11:57.35 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Jensen, Atticus 12:04.38 Washington County High School
Dickman, Zechariah 12:09.80 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Beery, Harrison 12:14.14 Marion High School
Doane, Ean 13:06.01 Smith Center High School
Fouard, Carson 9:49.85 Ell-Saline High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engelke, Connor Thunder Ridge High School
Longoria, Jayden Beloit High School
Granado, Antonio 1:01.46 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Russell, Owen 1:02.10 Pike Valley High School
Wesner, Isaac 1:03.83 Marion High School
Sublett, Ethan 1:04.19 Pike Valley High School
Mader, Jason 1:05.44 Chapman High School
Atherton, Gabe 1:06.71 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Weller, Jace 50.66 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Bircher, Jacob 51.33 Southeast of Saline High School
Bailey, Owen 51.37 Southeast of Saline High School
Parks, Ryan 52.02 Minneapolis High School
Wessel, Luke 52.02 Marion High School
Davis, Kj 52.61 Riley County High School
Krogman, Kameron 53.07 Chapman High School
Schroeder, Koevin 53.13 Tipton Catholic High School
Smith, Mason 53.19 Minneapolis High School
Van Allen, Alex 53.38 Phillipsburg High School
Stephens, Grayson 53.45 Concordia High School
Holub, Amarion 54.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Rock, Weston 54.74 Abilene High School
Pelzel, Wyatt 54.83 Ellsworth High School
Allen, Ryder 55.71 Tipton Catholic High School
Taylor, Tristan 56.07 Thunder Ridge High School
Wege, Logan 56.25 Riley County High School
Kuhlmann, Tate 56.47 Smith Center High School
Orr, Daveyon 56.54 Smith Center High School
Blocker, Justin 56.58 Chapman High School
Hoffman, Brett 56.65 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Williams, Tayton 56.74 Ell-Saline High School
Kramer, Kas 56.77 Ell-Saline High School
Fahey, Joseph 56.83 Clifton-Clyde High School
Johnson, Brayden 56.93 Minneapolis High School
Bales, Payton 57.62 Osborne High School
Dickerman, James 57.71 Tescott High School
Lewis, Elijah 57.71 Hoisington High School
Peterson, Michael 57.76 Washington County High School
Brokes, Cade 58.36 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Labertew, Cai 58.56 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Germann, Colt 58.74 Clifton-Clyde High School
Wyant, Dustin 58.96 Hoisington High School
Lechien, Emile 59.39 Beloit High School
Blue, Evan 59.51 Beloit High School
Roenne, Chance 59.74h Osborne High School
Mesalles, Ethan 9:59.00 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.00 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 44.09 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 44.11 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 44.94 Bennington High School
Relay Team A 45.13 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 45.23 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 45.54h Osborne High School
Relay Team A 45.58 Marion High School
Relay Team A 45.78 Rock Hills High School
Relay Team A 46.10 Ell-Saline High School
Relay Team A 46.11 Smith Center High School
Relay Team A 46.24h Lincoln High School
Relay Team A 46.31 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 46.35 Riley County High School
Relay Team A 46.45 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 46.63 Minneapolis High School
Relay Team A 47.27 Washington County High School
Relay Team A 47.68 Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 47.75 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Relay Team A 47.92 Beloit High School
Relay Team A 47.99 Tescott High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:30.46 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 3:31.73 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 3:31.93 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 3:34.00 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 3:34.16 Marion High School
Relay Team A 3:34.96 Riley County High School
Relay Team A 3:36.48 Ell-Saline High School
Relay Team A 3:39.04 Minneapolis High School
Relay Team A 3:41.28 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 3:45.16 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 3:45.20h Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 3:53.53 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 3:58.26 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Relay Team A 4:02.87 Tescott High School
Relay Team A 4:05.00h Rock Hills High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:18.96 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 8:39.93 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 8:42.52 Ell-Saline High School
Relay Team A 8:43.40 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 8:43.40 Rock Hills High School
Relay Team A 9:01.50 Smith Center High School
Relay Team A 9:12.06 Beloit-St. John High School
Relay Team A 9:13.55 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 9:37.90 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Relay Team A 9:44.58 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Relay Team A 9:54.40 Clifton-Clyde High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bircher, Jacob 1:59.07 Southeast of Saline High School
Elliott, Drew 1:59.15 Chapman High School
Baker, Mason 1:59.56 Thunder Ridge High School
Zerger, Garrison 2:00.66 Ell-Saline High School
Wessel, Luke 2:01.10 Marion High School
Trout, Thayne 2:02.89 Bennington High School
Walker, Brayden 2:03.77 Southeast of Saline High School
Klukas, Dereck 2:05.37 Chapman High School
Walker, Cayden 2:07.35 Southeast of Saline High School
Hager, Levi 2:08.04 Abilene High School
Palenske, Brayden 2:08.28 Bennington High School
Sharp, Cody 2:09.16 Riley County High School
Crouse, Seth 2:10.09 Chapman High School
Williams, Nick 2:10.93 Bennington High School
Christy, Kade 2:11.25 Ell-Saline High School
Enochs, Mason 2:12.68 Smith Center High School
Becker, Caden 2:13.32 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Avalos, Fernando 2:14.04 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Mcdill, Cooper 2:14.50 Rock Hills High School
Gutsch, Kaden 2:15.00 Riley County High School
Holdren, Henry 2:15.10 Beloit-St. John High School
Gonzales, Ethan 2:15.33 Abilene High School
Luong, Justin 2:15.87 Rock Hills High School
Gottschalk, Taden 2:17.16 Logan High School
Johnson, Carter 2:17.33 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Lee, Dawson 2:18.00 Tescott High School
Jensen, Atticus 2:18.29 Washington County High School
Doane, Reed 2:18.66 Smith Center High School
Keeten, Cole 2:18.89 Phillipsburg High School
Thompson, Mason 2:21.58 Beloit High School
Hipp, Michael 2:23.82 Hoisington High School
Sacco, Ethan 2:24.0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Lechien, Emile 2:24.63 Beloit High School
Thompson, Lucas 2:25.0 Washington County High School
Dohl, Vance 2:25.00 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
White, Owen 2:25.37 Marion High School
Barnes, Gunner 2:33.86 Concordia High School
Stevens, Justin 2:34.30 Clifton-Clyde High School
Longoria, Jayden 2:55.99 Beloit High School
Myers, Brady 2:58.05 Pike Valley High School
Holte, Justice 9:59.99 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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Boys Discus 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Eli 158-6 Beloit High School
Cardenas, Octavien 155-10 Washington County High School
Hanchett, Trace 152-4 Phillipsburg High School
Langvardt, Weston 139-5 Chapman High School
Hoffman, Caiden 138-10 Hoisington High School
Hoffman, Layton 138-2 Hoisington High School
Feight, Locklund 137-10.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Boudreaux, Brodie 134-4 Beloit High School
Ferguson, Joshua 134-1 Thunder Ridge High School
Howard, Jackson 133-5 Marion High School
Gilmore, Brayden 133-5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Riley, Jadrian 130-7 Concordia High School
Bitonti, Jackson 129-3 Marion High School
Nguyen, Brian 126-11 Marion High School
Ruiz-Torres, Victor 126-10 Ell-Saline High School
Gillett, Logan 123-7 Bennington High School
Hughes, Kyron 122-11 Phillipsburg High School
Ahring, Austin 122-6.5 Lincoln High School
Prewo, Ryan 122-5 Logan High School
Schroeder, Tanner 121-4 Southeast of Saline High School
FERNANDEZ, DIEGO 120-4 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Baird, Austin 120-1 Lincoln High School
Peterson, Michael 119-7 Washington County High School
Litton, Brody 118-9 Beloit High School
Steenkamp, Ruben 118-6 Thunder Ridge High School
Cleveland, Dane 118-5 Concordia High School
Wilson, Brant 117-2 Smith Center High School
Gosvener, Branton 115-6 Ell-Saline High School
Tiers, Ethan 115-4.75 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Hays, Trenton 114-0 Ellsworth High School
Christy, Blayze 113-10 Phillipsburg High School
Underwood, Aaron 113-3 Rock Hills High School
Blake, Keaton 112-10 Southeast of Saline High School
Guttery, Doak 111-1.5 Osborne High School
Kramer, Dylan 111-0 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Woodard, Brendon 108-8 Riley County High School
Montgomery, Kharson 108-8 Smith Center High School
Good, Easton 107-10.5 Lincoln High School
Droge, Trey 107-5 Southeast of Saline High School
Small, Luke 107-0 Minneapolis High School
Schmelzle, Noah 105-0 Riley County High School
Mcmains, Mason 104-10 Rock Hills High School
Seifried, Gage 104-9 Osborne High School
Brown, Neziah 104-0 Chapman High School
Cuba, Jaxson 101-4 Abilene High School
Ashmore, Case 100-1 Logan High School
Thompson, Ayden 99-9 Tescott High School
Homolka, Sumner 99-2 Ellsworth High School
Polansky, Ayden 97-9 Republic County High School
Jackson, Burklee 97-4 Concordia High School
Buttenhoff, Layne 96-0.5 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Piroutek, Zach 95-9 Republic County High School
Winkler, Jacob 95-7.5 Beloit-St. John High School
Hobby, Karson 91-9 Bennington High School
Dahl, Logan 91-3 Pike Valley High School
Runyon, Gavin 91-1.5 Abilene High School
Roberts, Marcus 89-7 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Huck, Alec 86-9 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Coles, Ryan 76-3.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Robinson, Jalen 75-10 Abilene High School
Armstrong, Kale 50-1 Lakeside High School
Paredes, Conner 40-1 Pike Valley High School
Blocker, Justin Chapman High School
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Boys High Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rowley, Brogan 6-10 Ell-Saline High School
Nurnberg, Tate 6-7 Southeast of Saline High School
Holm, cj 6-4 Chapman High School
Green, Tyler 6-4 Abilene High School
Skocny, Jack 6-2 Clifton-Clyde High School
Miller, Xavier 6-2 Lincoln High School
Palenske, Brayden 6-0 Bennington High School
Rodenbeek, Payge 6-0 Bennington High School
Morgan, Kyle 5-10 Riley County High School
Valencia, Mario 5-10 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Alexander, Tyrese 5-10 Republic County High School
Rock, Carter 5-8 Chapman High School
Ward, Camden 5-8 Rock Hills High School
Cuba, Jaxson 5-8 Abilene High School
Beisner, Bryce 5-8 Beloit High School
Corman, Cleveland 5-8 Phillipsburg High School
Trasher, Levi 5-6 Clifton-Clyde High School
Finlayson, Easton 5-6 Washington County High School
Svanda, Owen 5-6 Washington County High School
Roenne, Chance 5-6 Osborne High School
Irigoyen, Isaias 5-6 Concordia High School
Carson, Davis 5-6 Riley County High School
Allen, Ryder 5-6 Tipton Catholic High School
Obermeyer, Luke 5-6 Southeast of Saline High School
Hopkins, Malachi 5-6 Southeast of Saline High School
Metcalf, Adam 5-4 Chapman High School
Fernandez, Jose 5-4 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Roderick, Gabriel 5-4 Beloit-St. John High School
Desbien, Brady 5-4 Smith Center High School
Smith, Colter 5-4 Ell-Saline High School
Hekele, Joseph 5-4 Hoisington High School
Robinson, Jacobi 5-2 Abilene High School
Loudermilk, Ian 5-2 Concordia High School
Dohl, Vance 5-2 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Walters, Colton 5-2 Beloit High School
Carlson, Trey 5-0 Phillipsburg High School
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Boys Javelin 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hudson, Kayden 191-1 Phillipsburg High School
Hanchett, Trace 183-10 Phillipsburg High School
Jones, Brooks 183-0 Beloit High School
Smith, Mason 164-0 Minneapolis High School
Suther, Ian 161-10 Chapman High School
Pasley, Justin 160-9 Tescott High School
Rowley, Brogan 158-11 Ell-Saline High School
Wilson, Brant 158-0 Smith Center High School
Hutchinson, Parker 157-10 Smith Center High School
Buresh, Blake 154-10 Phillipsburg High School
Nguyen, Brian 153-0 Marion High School
Blake, Keaton 148-11 Southeast of Saline High School
Howell, Hunter 144-11.5 Osborne High School
Lomax, John 144-2 Beloit High School
Sharp, Cody 142-0 Riley County High School
Droge, Trey 141-5 Southeast of Saline High School
George, Tiernan 140-0 Ellsworth High School
Ahring, Austin 139-6 Lincoln High School
Smith, Ian 138-7 Hoisington High School
Morris, Qwinton 137-9.5 Osborne High School
Riley, Jadrian 137-1 Concordia High School
Litzinger, Braden 136-1 Chapman High School
Homolka, Sumner 134-9 Ellsworth High School
Cuba, Jaxson 134-2 Abilene High School
LeDuc, Gavyn 131-4 Washington County High School
Snapp, Farmer 129-4 Republic County High School
Roberts, Marcus 128-7 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Murk, Brock 128-1 Bennington High School
Good, Easton 127-11 Lincoln High School
Feight, Locklund 126-8 Clifton-Clyde High School
Merlau, Preston 126-7 Hoisington High School
Rickard, Miles 125-3 Pike Valley High School
Hargraves, Keaton 123-11 Abilene High School
Mater, Colin 123-5 Hoisington High School
Finlayson, Easton 123-1 Washington County High School
Tweedy, Declan 122-6 Thunder Ridge High School
Gillett, Logan 122-2 Bennington High School
Ridgeway, Isaiah 121-3 Rock Hills High School
Winkler, Jacob 119-10.5 Beloit-St. John High School
Davied, Josh 119-2 Lincoln High School
Ashmore, Case 112-8 Logan High School
DeWeese, Kaicen 112-4 Chapman High School
Wagonblast, Konnor 112-2 Thunder Ridge High School
Pinkney, Carson 109-4 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Coles, Quinn 108-4 Clifton-Clyde High School
Prewo, Ryan 108-2 Logan High School
Tillberg, Jake 107-0 Ell-Saline High School
Kramer, Tristan 106-7 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Piroutek, Zach 106-2 Republic County High School
Soyez, Hitch 104-8 Marion High School
Dahl, Logan 100-8 Pike Valley High School
Huck, Alec 99-8 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Jackson, Burklee 93-2 Concordia High School
Runyon, Gavin 88-1 Abilene High School
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Boys Long Jump 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meyers, Nate 22-5 Rock Hills High School
Mckenzie, Tegan 22-0.75 Smith Center High School
Rowley, Brogan 21-3.25 Ell-Saline High School
Hiechel, Joseph 21-3 Ell-Saline High School
Bowell, Judah 20-11.25 Abilene High School
Hopkins, Malachi 20-8 Southeast of Saline High School
Huckett, Monte 20-2 Washington County High School
Thaxton, Tucker 20-1.5 Southeast of Saline High School
McVay, Manny 20-0.75 Bennington High School
Hall, Ej 20-0 Phillipsburg High School
Howell, Hunter 19-11.5 Osborne High School
Woodard, Jace 19-11 Riley County High School
Rodenbeek, Payge 19-10.25 Bennington High School
Holm, cj 19-9.75 Chapman High School
Garrett, Isaiah 19-7 Bennington High School
White, Levi 19-7 Republic County High School
Taylor, Tristan 19-2.25 Thunder Ridge High School
Schroeder, Koevin 19-1.25 Tipton Catholic High School
Maupin, Zayne 19-0 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Kramer, Kas 19-0 Ell-Saline High School
Scott, Andrew 18-11 Chapman High School
Snyder, TyRay 18-8.75 Phillipsburg High School
Trasher, Levi 18-8.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Benne, Trenton 18-8.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Miller, Xavier 18-8.5 Lincoln High School
Hall, Aiden 18-8.25 Chapman High School
Orr, Daveyon 18-7 Smith Center High School
Woehl, Joseph 18-3.5 Minneapolis High School
Kindel, Burke 18-2.5 Concordia High School
Soyez, Wyatt 18-2 Marion High School
Johnson, Brayden 18-1.5 Minneapolis High School
Trost, Cody 17-11.75 Concordia High School
Laflen, Alex 17-10.75 Beloit High School
Henke, Kash 17-10.25 Republic County High School
Johnson, Chase 17-9.5 Minneapolis High School
Lozya, Dominic 17-8.25 Lakeside High School
Roderick, Gabriel 17-7 Beloit-St. John High School
Robinson, Jacobi 17-6.5 Abilene High School
Peterson, Tripp 17-4 Marion High School
Carson, Davis 17-2.5 Riley County High School
Carlson, Trey 17-1.5 Phillipsburg High School
Eakins, Carter 17-0.5 Concordia High School
Thompson, Lucas 16-10.5 Washington County High School
Girton, Eissac 16-10.25 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Gillespie, Jackson 16-8.5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Newlin, Will 14-8 Beloit High School
Ayarza, Brynnon 14-6.5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
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Boys Pole Vault 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ball, Josiah 15-7.5 Hoisington High School
Smith, Mason 13-6 Minneapolis High School
Peters, Carter 12-6 Tescott High School
Dierking, Trevor 12-6 Phillipsburg High School
Smith, Braylon 12-0 Minneapolis High School
Fahey, Payton 12-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Pruser, Brady 12-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Weller, Jace 12-0 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Morales, Taylen 12-0 Hoisington High School
Blue, Evan 12-0 Beloit High School
Waner, Kellen 11-6 Marion High School
Kindel, Burke 11-6 Concordia High School
McCoy, Gannon 11-6 Smith Center High School
Tice, Henry 11-6 Beloit High School
Keeten, Cole 11-6 Phillipsburg High School
DeWeese, Kaicen 11-0 Chapman High School
Girton, Eissac 11-0 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Monday, Josiah 11-0 Southeast of Saline High School
Valencia, Mario 10-6 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Gordon, Aiden 10-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Enochs, Mason 10-6 Smith Center High School
Lomax, John 10-6 Beloit High School
Bell, Ben 10-2 Lincoln High School
Litzinger, Ethan 10-0 Chapman High School
Wesner, Isaac 10-0 Marion High School
Turner, Jhadyn 10-0 Hoisington High School
Corman, Cleveland 10-0 Phillipsburg High School
Johnson, Chase 9-6 Minneapolis High School
Calovich, Ethan 9-6 Chapman High School
Marintzer, Caleb 9-0 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Gutsch, Kaden 9-0 Riley County High School
Piroutek, Zach 9-0 Republic County High School
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Boys Shot Put 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Eli 54-9.5 Beloit High School
Boudreaux, Brodie 53-6.75 Beloit High School
Hoffman, Caiden 51-10 Hoisington High School
Litton, Brody 50-5.25 Beloit High School
Ruiz-Torres, Victor 47-0.75 Ell-Saline High School
Langvardt, Weston 47-0.25 Chapman High School
Feight, Locklund 47-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Berry, Braylon 45-10 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Schroeder, Tanner 45-7 Southeast of Saline High School
Cardenas, Octavien 44-11 Washington County High School
Hanchett, Trace 44-8 Phillipsburg High School
Morris, Qwinton 43-2.25 Osborne High School
Ferguson, Joshua 42-6.5 Thunder Ridge High School
Hoffman, Layton 42-0 Hoisington High School
Wilson, Brant 41-5 Smith Center High School
Buttenhoff, Layne 41-0.75 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Good, Easton 40-11 Lincoln High School
Riley, Jadrian 40-9.25 Concordia High School
Tholstrup, Jace 40-5.25 Concordia High School
Hughes, Kyron 39-11.25 Phillipsburg High School
Seifried, Gage 39-6.5 Osborne High School
Brokes, Cade 39-5 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Hargraves, Keaton 39-3.5 Abilene High School
Baird, Austin 39-1 Lincoln High School
Underwood, Aaron 38-10.5 Rock Hills High School
Shelton, Morgan 38-10.25 Pike Valley High School
Ashmore, Case 38-9 Logan High School
Kramer, Dylan 38-8.75 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Winkler, Jacob 38-8.5 Beloit-St. John High School
Holm, cj 38-5.25 Chapman High School
Mater, Colin 38-5 Hoisington High School
Mcmains, Mason 37-9.5 Rock Hills High School
Brown, Neziah 37-9 Chapman High School
Nguyen, Brian 37-9 Marion High School
Peterson, Michael 37-9 Washington County High School
Burge, Brayden 37-5.75 Thunder Ridge High School
West, Tye 37-2 Logan High School
Stambaugh, Vincent 37-0 Ellsworth High School
Seems, Caden 37-0 Phillipsburg High School
Robinson, Jalen 36-10.5 Abilene High School
George, Tiernan 36-9 Ellsworth High School
Bitonti, Jackson 36-6 Marion High School
Gillett, Logan 36-3.5 Bennington High School
Hays, Trenton 36-0 Ellsworth High School
Davied, Josh 35-11 Lincoln High School
Polansky, Ayden 35-7 Republic County High School
Schmelzle, Noah 35-5 Riley County High School
Runyon, Gavin 35-4.5 Abilene High School
Gilmore, Brayden 35-4 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Kattenberg, Dominick 34-10.75 Smith Center High School
Murk, Brock 34-9.75 Bennington High School
Snapp, Farmer 34-2.5 Republic County High School
Thompson, Ayden 33-5.5 Tescott High School
Small, Luke 32-7.25 Minneapolis High School
Tillberg, Jake 31-6.5 Ell-Saline High School
Cleveland, Dane 31-2.75 Concordia High School
FERNANDEZ, DIEGO 29-9.5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Coles, Ryan 27-4.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Dahl, Logan 23-3 Pike Valley High School
Armstrong, Kale 19-2.5 Lakeside High School
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Boys Triple Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nurnberg, Tate 45-8.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Woodard, Jace 43-6.25 Riley County High School
Horinek, Tanner 42-9.5 Phillipsburg High School
Mckenzie, Tegan 42-0.75 Smith Center High School
Rowley, Brogan 41-1 Ell-Saline High School
McVay, Manny 41-0 Bennington High School
Trost, Cody 40-11.5 Concordia High School
Garrett, Isaiah 40-10.25 Bennington High School
Miller, Jeremiah 40-7.25 Lincoln High School
Parry, Caden 40-5.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Davis, Kj 40-4 Riley County High School
Miller, Kale 40-03 Washington County High School
Hall, Ej 40-0 Phillipsburg High School
Gruver, Kelan 39-9.5 Chapman High School
Woodworth, Carson 39-3.5 Abilene High School
Snyder, Jesse 39-1 Marion High School
Woehl, Joseph 39-0.75 Minneapolis High School
Goheen, Nathan 39-0.5 Osborne High School
Woodard, Brendon 38-10 Riley County High School
Niewald, Nicholas 37-11.5 Beloit-St. John High School
Metcalf, Adam 37-9 Chapman High School
Snyder, TyRay 37-6.75 Phillipsburg High School
Baker, Tanner 37-6 Washington County High School
Gillespie, Jackson 36-11 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Trasher, Levi 36-1.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Stansbury, Isaac 35-10 Smith Center High School
Dohl, Vance 35-7.75 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Baker, Sam 35-3.5 Thunder Ridge High School
Purvis, Brenden 35-0.25 Beloit High School
Kindel, Burke 34-11 Concordia High School
Eakins, Carter 34-9.5 Concordia High School
Soyez, Hitch 34-2 Marion High School
Darnall, Jayce 32-5.25 Beloit High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buckley, Lexy Chapman High School
Litzinger, Haley 12.34 Chapman High School
Wurtz, Sevy 12.38 Clifton-Clyde High School
Miles, Rori 12.45 Bennington High School
Bittel, Marley 12.49 Hoisington High School
Simmelink, Bethany 12.60 Rock Hills High School
Heintz, Renatta 12.63 Abilene High School
Smith, Bentley 12.64h Lincoln High School
Hamel, Kynlee 12.92 Concordia High School
Knight, Ashlyn 12.95 Beloit High School
Kraus, Dylan 13.11 Marion High School
Jueneman, Alyssa 13.18 Washington County High School
Basgall, Emma 13.19 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Yost, Shyanne 13.40 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Bowers, Madalyn 13.44 Concordia High School
Johnson, Mia 13.45 Abilene High School
Ayers, Grace 13.46 Rock Hills High School
Soukup, Makenna 13.47 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Richards, Nicole 13.47 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Maier,, Kelsi 13.50 Hoisington High School
Watson, Taleigh 13.52 Bennington High School
Bliss, Graci 13.54h Logan High School
Mizner, Halle 13.54h Rock Hills High School
Brewer, Emili 13.59 Riley County High School
Brown, Mylie 13.64 Beloit High School
Lewis, Josie 13.66 Ell-Saline High School
Betzner, Kaitlyn 13.68 Ell-Saline High School
Knight, Lundyn 13.72 Beloit High School
Rockers, Destiny 13.81 Clifton-Clyde High School
Waite, Annie 13.88 Abilene High School
Lynch, Riley 13.91 Riley County High School
Lyne, Ashton 13.94h Lincoln High School
Koch, Brexlynn 13.98 Concordia High School
Storz, Jenna 13.99 Phillipsburg High School
Calhoon, Tasia 14.00 Phillipsburg High School
Murrell, Denton 14.02 Riley County High School
Carlin, Katzel 14.04 Osborne High School
Chestnut, Kamrie 14.09 Phillipsburg High School
Labertew, Maggie 14.2 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Lipker, Raimee 14.27 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Ochoa, Jerrica 14.42 Smith Center High School
Kendig, Annie 14.82 Osborne High School
Hostetler, Delaney 14.82 Marion High School
Horinek, Gianna 14.90 Beloit-St. John High School
Brummer, Ava 14.94h Tipton Catholic High School
Ellenz, Norah 16.02 Tipton Catholic High School
Minor, Rayne 16.20 Tipton Catholic High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Godsey, Kenya Smith Center High School
Carlgren, Carlie 15.20 Concordia High School
Goeckel, Addy 15.42 Washington County High School
Gottschalk, Shalee 15.51 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Cash, Charlize 16.17 Concordia High School
Farmer, Shellamae 16.50 Hoisington High School
Ludwig, Scarlett 16.76 Beloit High School
Watson, Taleigh 16.84 Bennington High School
Goeckel, Anna 16.91 Washington County High School
Newell, Gabby 16.93 Marion High School
Moss, Jaylee 16.94 Bennington High School
Pruitt, Bently 16.94 Beloit High School
Smith, Elliana 17.12 Southeast of Saline High School
Simic, Sofia 17.30 Hoisington High School
Gengler, Kendra 17.80 Beloit-St. John High School
Bliss, Graci 17.90 Logan High School
Schoen, Kim 17.90h Beloit High School
Wacker, LeeAllie 18.05 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Adams, Alison 18.07 Tescott High School
Mick, Claire 18.14h Osborne High School
Kennedy, Tehgan 18.22 Riley County High School
Brewer, Emili 18.25 Riley County High School
Gans, Abby 18.45 Bennington High School
Welch, Kynder 18.50 Hoisington High School
Finkenbinder, Morgan 18.58 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Kraus, Taryn 18.68 Marion High School
Schultz, Jessa 18.73 Ellsworth High School
Winter, Jaci 18.89 Clifton-Clyde High School
Bowles, Josie 19.50 Lakeside High School
Strickland, Bentley 19.76 Abilene High School
Catlin, Ezri 19:04 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Minor, Rayne 22.64 Tipton Catholic High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Minor, Rayne Tipton Catholic High School
Wolf, Janae Clay Center Community High Schoo
Frieze, Elyssa 5:06.17 Chapman High School
Howland, Madison 5:13.03 Smith Center High School
Smith, Lauren 5:14.39 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Pfizenmaier, Kylie 5:30.29 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Stone, Caroline 5:38.18 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Reeves, Breanna 5:38.94 Pike Valley High School
CALLAWAY, Ellie 5:40.22 Republic County High School
Matteucci, Eva 5:41.65 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Bertuccelli, Ryah 5:45.27 Osborne High School
Alderson, Breckyn 5:46.12 Southeast of Saline High School
JADERBORG-DEWEESE, P 5:47.92 Chapman High School
Ehrlich, Molly 5:48.76 Ellsworth High School
Clausen-Peters, Dakota 5:51.27 Republic County High School
Peterson, Breonna 5:53.17 Tescott High School
Briggs, Hailey 5:53.42 Chapman High School
Bridwell, Hannah 5:59.25 Concordia High School
Dail, Olivia 6:00.47 Lincoln High School
Franklin, Sadie 6:01.15 Southeast of Saline High School
Kierscht, Libby 6:03.80 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Kendig, Kate 6:05.95 Osborne High School
Simmelink, Hannah 6:10.73 Rock Hills High School
Begnoche, Hailey 6:10.94 Clifton-Clyde High School
Gutsch, Jordyn 6:11.08 Riley County High School
Knoll, Serenity 6:11.12 Minneapolis High School
Baker, McKenzie 6:12.06 Washington County High School
Nelson, Hannah 6:16.07 Thunder Ridge High School
Reinert, Sarah 6:21.12 Lakeside High School
Koehn, Erika 6:22.55 Bennington High School
Poels, Gabby 6:24.26 Phillipsburg High School
Biggs, Kendyn 6:26.55 Minneapolis High School
Johnson, Skye 6:31.57 Concordia High School
Schneider, Jewell 6:40.28 Ell-Saline High School
Lindberg, Alivia 6:44.21 Rock Hills High School
Ellenz, Norah 6:54.40 Tipton Catholic High School
Ayarza, Arianna 7:02.24 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Kadel, Kimberlyn 7:28.86 Beloit High School
Lott, Charley 8:27.02 Washington County High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cowing, Alissa Clay Center Community High Schoo
McKelvey, Leah Smith Center High School
Heintz, Renatta 25.91 Abilene High School
Bittel, Marley 26.28 Hoisington High School
Miles, Rori 26.29 Bennington High School
Litzinger, Haley 26.33 Chapman High School
Tholstrup, Kiersten 26.73 Washington County High School
Hamel, Kynlee 27.20 Concordia High School
Knight, Ashlyn 27.34 Beloit High School
Simmelink, Bethany 27.42 Rock Hills High School
Lorenz, Autumn 27.55 Beloit High School
Jueneman, Alyssa 27.72 Washington County High School
Nuss, Lillian 27.88 Concordia High School
Richards, Nicole 28.06 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Thompson, Sophia 28.09 Beloit High School
Basgall, Emma 28.15 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Soukup, Makenna 28.20 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Johnson, Mia 28.36 Abilene High School
Lewis, Josie 28.56 Ell-Saline High School
Betzner, Kaitlyn 28.86 Ell-Saline High School
Bowers, Madalyn 28.89 Concordia High School
Chestnut, Kamrie 29.07 Phillipsburg High School
Williams, Mara 29.07 Riley County High School
Lynch, Riley 29.39 Riley County High School
Cline, Macy 29.79 Minneapolis High School
Lyne, Ashton 29.84 Lincoln High School
Fischer, Natalie 29.86 Phillipsburg High School
Schrader, Josi 30.01 Minneapolis High School
Bowles, Josie 30.05 Lakeside High School
Ochoa, Jerrica 30.20 Smith Center High School
Buckley, Lexy 30.22 Chapman High School
Carrales, Alessia 30.26 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Calhoon, Tasia 30.30 Phillipsburg High School
Wasylk, Claire 30.52 Chapman High School
Murrell, Denton 30.90 Riley County High School
Kendig, Annie 30.97 Osborne High School
Metro, Kaelynn 31.13 Marion High School
Carlin, Katzel 31.32 Osborne High School
Iranzo Cuevas, Carmen 31.66 Marion High School
Arnoldy, Logann 32.42 Tipton Catholic High School
Robison, Maggie 33.61 Clifton-Clyde High School
Mackay, Alessia 33.70h Lakeside High School
Ellenz, Norah 35.00 Tipton Catholic High School
BEFORT, BROOKE 40.63 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Riner, Gracie Osborne High School
Godsey, Kenya Smith Center High School
Goeckel, Addy 46.20 Washington County High School
Gottschalk, Shalee 47.30 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Lambert, Anna 48.06 Riley County High School
Cash, Charlize 48.24 Concordia High School
Goeckel, Anna 48.45 Washington County High School
Mikkelson, Lauryn 48.53 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Carlgren, Carlie 49.07 Concordia High School
Smith, Elliana 49.29 Southeast of Saline High School
Farmer, Shellamae 49.44 Hoisington High School
Ludwig, Scarlett 50.28 Beloit High School
Kraus, Taryn 50.63 Marion High School
Lutters, Tianna 51.53 Hoisington High School
Moss, Jaylee 52.09 Bennington High School
Brewer, Emili 52.10 Riley County High School
Winter, Jaci 52.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Williams, Mara 53.00 Riley County High School
Wacker, LeeAllie 53.28 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Gengler, Kendra 53.97 Beloit-St. John High School
Welch, Kynder 54.25 Hoisington High School
Schultz, Jessa 54.67 Ellsworth High School
Mick, Claire 54.75 Osborne High School
Adams, Alison 55.11 Tescott High School
Buckley, Lexy 57.64 Chapman High School
Strickland, Bentley 57.95 Abilene High School
Catlin, Ezri 58.08 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Compton, Tristin Hoisington High School
Frieze, Elyssa 11:06.88 Chapman High School
Howland, Madison 11:09.56 Smith Center High School
Pfizenmaier, Kylie 11:38.77 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Alderson, Breckyn 12:00.82 Southeast of Saline High School
Cathey, Arissa 12:11.65 Abilene High School
Matteucci, Eva 12:17.45 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Jackson, Anna 12:26.02 Southeast of Saline High School
Kendig, Kate 12:34.00 Osborne High School
Ehrlich, Molly 12:35.95 Ellsworth High School
Dail, Olivia 12:37.50 Lincoln High School
Hamilton, Mia 12:49.02 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Kierscht, Libby 12:51.53 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Peterson, Breonna 12:53.69 Tescott High School
Bertuccelli, Ryah 12:56.05 Osborne High School
Knoll, Serenity 13:05.84 Minneapolis High School
Baumann, Meredith 13:20.44 Riley County High School
Sleichter, Lainie 13:22.17 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Nelson, Hannah 13:22.92 Thunder Ridge High School
Reinert, Sarah 13:24.00 Lakeside High School
Begnoche, Hailey 13:43.78 Clifton-Clyde High School
Biggs, Kendyn 13:49.62 Minneapolis High School
Jaderborg, Paisly 14:37.21 Chapman High School
Schmeidler, Grace 15:19.78 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Exposito, Leane 15:53.85 Clifton-Clyde High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heintz, Renatta 1:00.19 Abilene High School
Tholstrup, Kiersten 1:00.35 Washington County High School
Catlin, Tovah 1:01.00 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Duran, Regan 1:02.54 Southeast of Saline High School
Kraus, Dylan 1:02.62 Marion High School
Nuss, Lillian 1:02.82 Concordia High School
Elliott, Tanith 1:03.17 Chapman High School
Dorzweiler, Gracy 1:03.45 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Huehl, Codie 1:03.55 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
McClure, Maci 1:05.09 Minneapolis High School
Jones, Keira 1:05.22 Chapman High School
Thumann, Ava 1:05.45 Republic County High School
Cowing, Alissa 1:05.71 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Lorenz, Autumn 1:06.0 Beloit High School
VanDerVeen, Chloe 1:06.30 Phillipsburg High School
Koch, Brexlynn 1:06.51 Concordia High School
Olson, Ellie 1:06.74 Beloit High School
Rock, Lola 1:06.90 Abilene High School
Staab, Rachel 1:07.12 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Henke, Kadence 1:07.44 Republic County High School
RODRIGUEZ, Hayzelle 1:07.53 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Chestnut, Kamrie 1:07.62 Phillipsburg High School
Hanzlick, Addison 1:07.94 Hoisington High School
Cline, Macy 1:08.27 Minneapolis High School
Gengler, Jenna 1:08.92 Beloit-St. John High School
Coil, Savannah 1:08.94h Rock Hills High School
Ochoa, Jerrica 1:09.00h Smith Center High School
Crose, Lillie 1:09.12 Clifton-Clyde High School
File, Marley 1:09.46 Beloit High School
Schultz, ashlyn 1:09.69 Osborne High School
Gentry, Faith 1:11.11 Chapman High School
Gengler, Aubrey 1:11.34h Beloit-St. John High School
Kendig, Annie 1:11.64 Osborne High School
Metro, Kaelynn 1:11.70 Marion High School
Hornseth, Kaylin 1:12.94h Ell-Saline High School
Schrader, Josi 1:14.72 Minneapolis High School
Hahn, Audrey 1:15.68 Lakeside High School
Carrales, Alessia 1:16.47 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Mackay, Alessia 1:18.14h Lakeside High School
Rodriguez, Bella 1:18.41 Ell-Saline High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.84 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 51.03 Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 51.21 Bennington High School
Relay Team A 51.54 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 51.74 Beloit High School
Relay Team A 51.89 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 52.01 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 52.09 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Relay Team A 52.15 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Relay Team A 52.36 Washington County High School
Relay Team A 53.14h Lincoln High School
Relay Team A 53.39 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 54.54h Rock Hills High School
Relay Team A 55.26 Marion High School
Relay Team A 55.31 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Relay Team A 55.47 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 56.65 Beloit-St. John High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:05.93 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 4:08.97 Washington County High School
Relay Team A 4:13.72 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 4:16.36 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 4:19.20h Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 4:21.45 Riley County High School
Relay Team A 4:21.64 Republic County High School
Relay Team A 4:22.95 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 4:24.03 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Relay Team A 4:25.03 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 4:28.71 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 4:28.95 Marion High School
Relay Team A 4:33.30 Smith Center High School
Relay Team A 4:33.54 Beloit High School
Relay Team A 4:33.66 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Relay Team A 4:34.20 Beloit-St. John High School
Relay Team A 4:41.20 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 4:57.46 Bennington High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 10:13.68 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 10:24.00 Republic County High School
Relay Team A 10:28.60 Smith Center High School
Relay Team A 10:30.23 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Relay Team A 10:38.06 Riley County High School
Relay Team A 10:38.71 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 10:39.27 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 10:39.82 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 10:49.20 Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 10:57.69 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 11:15.60 Rock Hills High School
Relay Team A 11:22.50 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Relay Team A 11:30.00 Ell-Saline High School
Relay Team A 12:45.96 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
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Girls 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frieze, Elyssa 2:19.27 Chapman High School
Smith, Lauren 2:19.28 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Bathurst, Eden 2:22.64 Abilene High School
Bridwell, Hannah 2:25.20 Concordia High School
Poore, Addison 2:26.27 Osborne High School
Baker, McKenzie 2:27.94 Washington County High School
Simmelink, Hannah 2:29.88 Rock Hills High School
Smith, Darby 2:29.90 Ell-Saline High School
Augustine, Cali 2:30.44 Southeast of Saline High School
Brown, Piper 2:31.73 Southeast of Saline High School
Clausen-Peters, Dakota 2:33.22 Republic County High School
BEARY, Jade 2:33.26 Chapman High School
Wolf, Janae 2:33.75 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Stone, Caroline 2:33.91 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Jessup, Rylie 2:34.86 Concordia High School
Gengler, Lynelle 2:35.70 Beloit-St. John High School
JADERBORG-DEWEESE, P 2:36.99 Chapman High School
Watson, Tambryn 2:37.58 Bennington High School
Sikes, Whitley 2:38.50h Clifton-Clyde High School
Salazar, Lily 2:38.72 Ell-Saline High School
Ehrlich, Molly 2:39.00 Ellsworth High School
Hamilton, Mia 2:39.09 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
CALLAWAY, Ellie 2:39.41 Republic County High School
Coyle, Jadence 2:40.57 Abilene High School
VanDerVeen, Chloe 2:40.94 Phillipsburg High School
Carlson, Maria 2:40.98 Marion High School
Gray, Katyanna 2:41.00h Beloit High School
Huehl, Codie 2:41.80 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Douglas, Skylar 2:41.85 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Reeves, Breanna 2:43.24 Pike Valley High School
Higgins, Avery 2:43.54 Riley County High School
Brummer, Ava 2:44.00 Tipton Catholic High School
Franklin, Sadie 2:44.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Schippers, Gracyn 2:44.74 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Lix, Georgia 2:46.91 Osborne High School
Ifland, Kalyn 2:52.20 Smith Center High School
Hahn, Audrey 2:52.60 Lakeside High School
Crose, Lillie 2:55.00h Clifton-Clyde High School
Koehn, Erika 2:57.48 Bennington High School
Kadel, Courtney 2:57.50 Beloit High School
Lindberg, Alivia 2:59.06 Rock Hills High School
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Girls Discus 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seyfert, Tatum 141-2 Beloit High School
Elliott, Tanith 129-9 Chapman High School
Thompson, Cassandra 121-5 Beloit High School
Baker, Calyn 121-2 Clifton-Clyde High School
Thompson, Samantha 119-1 Beloit High School
Riner, Leavie 118-5 Osborne High School
Riner, Gracie 109-9 Osborne High School
Horinek, Gianna 106-10 Beloit-St. John High School
Hansen, Reagan 106-4 Ellsworth High School
Stone, Kylie 105-10 Republic County High School
Lipker, Raimee 104-3 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Dye, Sophia 103-4 Marion High School
Hulett, Madisyn 101-11 Marion High School
Douglas, Suttyn 101-7 Southeast of Saline High School
Affolter, Hailie 100-1 Clifton-Clyde High School
Urban, Shae 99-7 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Billings, Brynn 99-0 Phillipsburg High School
Delimont, Breyer 98-10 Logan High School
Gaston, Abigail 97-5 Chapman High School
Johnson, Marlie 96-7 Concordia High School
Hoover, Jesse 96-1 Washington County High School
Schlyer, Paige 95-7 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Seiler, Breanna 95-1 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Wernecke, Annika 95-1 Clifton-Clyde High School
Magie, Jane 94-4 Ellsworth High School
Torres, Rosie 94-1 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Sasse, Madison 94-0 Smith Center High School
Moffett, Emmarey 92-10 Republic County High School
Kuntz, Clare 90-2 Chapman High School
Bloomdahl, Savanah 88-10 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Billings, Jocelyn 87-2 Phillipsburg High School
Leidig, Callie 86-6 Phillipsburg High School
Thielen, Hallie 85-11 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Bartlett, Jordan 84-8 Bennington High School
Hanzlick, Addison 83-11 Hoisington High School
McKelvey, Leah 83-9 Smith Center High School
Letourneau, Jori 81-9 Concordia High School
Voss, Lylah 79-5 Logan High School
Harris, Chloe 77-8 Lakeside High School
Wolff, Alyssa 77-3 Bennington High School
Langholz, Hailey 76-11 Tescott High School
Ortiz, Aleah 76-4 Abilene High School
Reinert, Faith 75-3 Rock Hills High School
Meneley, Magda 73-1 Abilene High School
Vance, Shelby 72-3 Minneapolis High School
Lieb, Erica 72-3 Pike Valley High School
Schroeder, Mariah 69-4 Riley County High School
Worlock, Kaitlyn 68-3 Minneapolis High School
Genereux, Ruby 60-5 Concordia High School
Minor, Rayne 58-1 Tipton Catholic High School
O'Rourke, Emma 54-7.5 Washington County High School
Herskowitz, Kaitlyn 47-10 Lakeside High School
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Girls High Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schultz, ashlyn 5-4 Osborne High School
Brummet, Lauren 5-4 Lakeside High School
Smith, Elliana 5-4 Southeast of Saline High School
Hamel, Kynlee 5-2 Concordia High School
Thompson, Sophia 5-2 Beloit High School
Yost, Shyanne 5-0 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Cochrun, Jennifer 5-0 Thunder Ridge High School
Mizner, Halle 5-0 Rock Hills High School
Wurtz, Shea 5-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Wentling, Tessa 5-0 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Simic, Sofia 5-0 Hoisington High School
Thompson, Cassandra 5-0 Beloit High School
Seib, Aliya 4-10 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Goeckel, Anna 4-10 Washington County High School
Lange, Gabi 4-10 Concordia High School
Remus, Jaycee 4-10 Lakeside High School
Cheek, Emily 4-10 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Cheney, Reagan 4-10 Beloit High School
Baer, Josie 4-8 Chapman High School
Soukup, Katelyn 4-8 Ellsworth High School
Bisnette, Jesika 4-8 Concordia High School
Seems, Ryleigh 4-6 Phillipsburg High School
Cowing, Alissa 4-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Lewis, Elliana 4-2 Ell-Saline High School
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Girls Javelin 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hoover, Jesse 144-7 Washington County High School
Riner, Gracie 138-8 Osborne High School
Brummet, Lauren 136-7 Lakeside High School
Hutchinson, Camryn 136-7 Smith Center High School
Budke, Addison 132-1 Beloit High School
Bartlett, Jordan 129-8 Bennington High School
Lorenz, Autumn 124-2 Beloit High School
Thompson, Cassandra 120-11 Beloit High School
Keeten, Karissa 119-7 Phillipsburg High School
Brummer, Carlie 118-11 Tipton Catholic High School
Heiland, Lillie 118-11 Smith Center High School
Koelsch, Alexis 117-3 Smith Center High School
McClure, Maci 115-10 Minneapolis High School
Hammond, Mylee 114-2 Clifton-Clyde High School
Dye, Sophia 112-3 Marion High School
Dannefer, Claira 111-1.5 Abilene High School
Riner, Leavie 110-7 Osborne High School
Pflughoeft, Keeley 108-8 Ellsworth High School
Koppes, Gabi 107-11 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Carlgren, Carlie 106-4 Concordia High School
Homolka, Sophia 105-8 Ellsworth High School
Kirkpatrick, Adelynn 105-1 Chapman High School
Hanzlick, Addison 104-0 Hoisington High School
Vizner, Carsyn 103-7 Rock Hills High School
Jessup, Rylie 103-3 Concordia High School
Gengler, Aubrey 102-5.5 Beloit-St. John High School
Baker, Calyn 100-8 Clifton-Clyde High School
Gengler, Jenna 98-11 Beloit-St. John High School
Kuntz, Clare 98-8 Chapman High School
Urban, Shae 97-5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Arnoldy, Logann 96-2 Tipton Catholic High School
Stone, Kylie 95-8 Republic County High School
Meili, Kalinda 95-2 Phillipsburg High School
Dannefer, Hope 94-1 Abilene High School
Graves, Neveah 93-10 Hoisington High School
Vance, Shelby 92-1 Minneapolis High School
Ediger, Emilee 91-9 Abilene High School
Murrell, Denton 91-3 Riley County High School
Wentling, Tessa 89-6 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Letourneau, Jori 86-8 Concordia High School
Reinert, Faith 86-7 Rock Hills High School
Laflen, Jayden 84-02 Washington County High School
Christy, Azariah 83-10 Phillipsburg High School
Gaston, Abigail 83-3 Chapman High School
Green, Taylor 83-0 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Cappuccio, Anna 74-0 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Lewis, Elliana 60-7 Ell-Saline High School
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Girls Long Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Litzinger, Haley 18-3.75 Chapman High School
McClure, Maci 17-9 Minneapolis High School
Dannefer, Claira 17-3.5 Abilene High School
Wurtz, Sevy 17-3 Clifton-Clyde High School
Brown, Mylie 16-10.75 Beloit High School
Lorenz, Autumn 16-9 Beloit High School
Basgall, Emma 16-6.5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Jueneman, Alyssa 16-6.5 Washington County High School
Weigel, Nevaeh 16-5.5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Seib, Aliya 16-5.5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Boudreaux, Brecken 16-2 Beloit High School
Smith, Darby 15-10 Ell-Saline High School
Cline, Macy 15-9 Minneapolis High School
Labertew, Maggie 15-8.5 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Wasylk, Claire 15-6 Chapman High School
Wingo, Christina 15-4.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Wesner, Kenna 15-4 Marion High School
Koelsch, Alexis 15-2 Smith Center High School
Ayers, Grace 15-1.5 Rock Hills High School
Schultz, Jessa 15-1.5 Ellsworth High School
Corman, Caydence 15-1 Phillipsburg High School
Baer, Josie 15-0.5 Chapman High School
Douglas, Skylar 14-11.75 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Maier,, Kelsi 14-11 Hoisington High School
Storz, Jenna 14-10.5 Phillipsburg High School
Boydston, Lexi 14-9.25 Phillipsburg High School
Marrs, Gracie 14-7 Minneapolis High School
McClurg, Hailey 14-6.25 Logan High School
Lewis, Josie 14-4.5 Ell-Saline High School
Laflen, Jayden 14-4 Washington County High School
Gans, Abby 14-3.75 Bennington High School
Catlin, Ezri 14-2.75 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Wessel, Kate 14-1 Marion High School
Stahlman, Aubrey 14-1 Concordia High School
Brummer, Carlie 13-10.25 Tipton Catholic High School
Kindel, Acacia 13-3.75 Concordia High School
Carlson, Mckylie 13-3 Thunder Ridge High School
Fahey, Jordi 13-3 Clifton-Clyde High School
Carlin, Mary 11-4.5 Osborne High School
Watson, Taleigh Bennington High School
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Girls Pole Vault 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Farmer, Shellamae 12-0 Hoisington High School
Richard, Lillee 10-6 Washington County High School
Loomis, Ashlyn 10-6 Beloit High School
Sikes, Whitley 10-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Fahey, Jordi 9-6 Clifton-Clyde High School
Corman, Caydence 9-3 Phillipsburg High School
Cappuccio, Anna 9-0 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Simmons, Madison 9-0 Bennington High School
Lange, Gabi 9-0 Concordia High School
Pruitt, Bently 9-0 Beloit High School
Kraus, Dylan 8-9 Marion High School
Rowley, Taya 8-6 Chapman High School
Kirkpatrick, Adelynn 8-6 Chapman High School
Harshman, Hailey 8-6 Marion High School
Rockers, Destiny 8-6 Clifton-Clyde High School
Mcgivney, Jentree 8-6 Abilene High School
Koppes, Gabi 8-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Craig, Boston 8-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Koenig, Hannah 8-6 Beloit High School
Reeves, Breanna 8-6 Pike Valley High School
Schrader, Josi 8-3 Minneapolis High School
Kindel, Keely 8-0 Concordia High School
Gepner, Macie 8-0 Washington County High School
Annunziato, Kelly 8-0 Washington County High School
Hylton, Gracie 7-6 Abilene High School
Kindel, Acacia 7-6 Concordia High School
Klockner, Grace 7-6 Abilene High School
Ayarza, Arianna 6-6 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Winter, Sarah 6-0 Bennington High School
Meili, Kalinda 5-1 Phillipsburg High School
Ifland, Kalyn Smith Center High School
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Girls Shot Put 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seyfert, Tatum 44-6.75 Beloit High School
Budke, Addison 43-6 Beloit High School
William, Grace 38-6.75 Osborne High School
Wolff, Alyssa 37-6 Bennington High School
Kats, Mara 36-9.75 Logan High School
Long, Ashleigh 36-7 Chapman High School
Baker, Calyn 36-6 Clifton-Clyde High School
Dannefer, Claira 35-10.5 Abilene High School
Douglas, Suttyn 35-0 Southeast of Saline High School
Bartlett, Jordan 34-11.5 Bennington High School
Hulett, Madisyn 34-6.5 Marion High School
Bloomdahl, Savanah 34-2.25 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Ohl, Rylan 33-9 Ellsworth High School
Worlock, Kaitlyn 33-3.5 Minneapolis High School
Sasse, Madison 33-2.25 Smith Center High School
Thompson, Samantha 33-1 Beloit High School
Armknecht, Kaydyne 31-7 Smith Center High School
Elliott, Tanith 31-6 Chapman High School
Huncovsky, Sydney 31-5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Leidig, Callie 31-4.75 Phillipsburg High School
Hansen, Reagan 31-4 Ellsworth High School
Vance, Shelby 31-2 Minneapolis High School
Rose, Allison 31-2 Abilene High School
Moffett, Emmarey 31-2 Republic County High School
Seems, Ryleigh 31-1 Phillipsburg High School
Billings, Jocelyn 31-0.75 Phillipsburg High School
Graves, Neveah 31-0 Hoisington High School
Horinek, Gianna 30-9.5 Beloit-St. John High School
Reinert, Faith 30-6 Rock Hills High School
Hipp, Emily 30-5.75 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Delimont, Breyer 30-5.75 Logan High School
Merritt, Cora 30-5.5 Chapman High School
Schlyer, Paige 30-5.25 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Johnson, Marlie 30-4.25 Concordia High School
Ediger, Emilee 30-2 Abilene High School
Langholz, Hailey 28-5 Tescott High School
Arnoldy, Logann 28-4.5 Tipton Catholic High School
Torres, Rosie 27-8.75 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Thielen, Hallie 27-7 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Letourneau, Jori 27-6.5 Concordia High School
Brummer, Carlie 26-8.5 Tipton Catholic High School
Schroeder, Mariah 26-6 Riley County High School
Genereux, Ruby 26-1 Concordia High School
Lieb, Erica 23-8 Pike Valley High School
Harris, Chloe 23-7 Lakeside High School
Patterson, Sophie 22-2 Minneapolis High School
O'Rourke, Emma 21-8 Washington County High School
Herskowitz, Kaitlyn 21-0.5 Lakeside High School
Thornton, Kenley 19-10.75 Osborne High School
Swaim, Shevy 17-9 Washington County High School
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Girls Triple Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McClure, Maci 37-2.25 Minneapolis High School
Mooney, Mallory 35-7 Hoisington High School
Gottschalk, Shalee 35-5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Wasylk, Claire 34-7.75 Chapman High School
Cash, Charlize 34-4 Concordia High School
Weigel, Nevaeh 34-3 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Boudreaux, Brecken 33-9.25 Beloit High School
Wilkens, Kinley 33-2 Hoisington High School
Wesner, Kenna 33-1 Marion High School
Lynch, Riley 32-7 Riley County High School
Wingo, Christina 32-6.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Remus, Jaycee 32-2 Lakeside High School
Cheek, Emily 32-1.25 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Brummer, Carlie 31-8.75 Tipton Catholic High School
Finkenbinder, Morgan 31-7.5 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Wessel, Kate 31-6.5 Marion High School
Lange, Gabi 31-6 Concordia High School
Coil, Savannah 31-3.25 Rock Hills High School
Boydston, Lexi 31-1.5 Phillipsburg High School
Gengler, Kendra 31-1 Beloit-St. John High School
Stahlman, Aubrey 30-9.25 Concordia High School
Billings, Brynn 30-5.75 Phillipsburg High School
Olson, Ellie 30-4.5 Beloit High School
Gentry, Faith 30-3.25 Chapman High School
Cline, Macy 29-10.5 Minneapolis High School
Marrs, Gracie 29-1.75 Minneapolis High School
Fischer, Natalie 29-1.5 Phillipsburg High School
Brummer, Ava 28-4.75 Tipton Catholic High School
Bergmann, Kolbee 27-7.5 Beloit High School
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