St. Marys Ray Kovar Invite 2023 2023

St. Marys, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Winans, Jaydon 11.44 Rock Creek High School
Windmeyer, Kelby 11.63 Doniphan West High School
Elliot, Wyatt 11.65 Cornerstone Family School
Westgate, Adyson 11.75 Rock Creek High School
Hewitt, Tyson 11.76 Effingham - Atchison County High
Theel, Dylan 11.77 Osage City
Lull, Harper 11.92 Wamego High School
Rankin, Dawson 11.99 Rock Creek High School
Dunbar, Weston 12.02 Osage City
Holz, Korleone 12.02 St. Marys High School
Hinton, Cole 12.05 Sabetha High School
Larson, John 12.05 Cornerstone Family School
Parsons, Cooper 12.12 Osage City
Hewitt, Triston 12.15 Effingham - Atchison County High
Roth, Jukka 12.20 Wamego High School
Vanstory, Matthew 12.34 Wabaunsee High School
Ketter, Mekhi 12.39 St. Marys High School
Fisher, Thomas 12.43 Silver Lake High School
Moser, Shawn 12.49 Wabaunsee High School
Griffin, Brenden 12.51 St. Marys High School
Murphy, Michael 12.54 Wamego High School
Mcgraw, Bryce 12.54 Rossville High School
Simmons, Braden 12.54h Doniphan West High School
Twombly, Wade 12.92 Rossville High School
Patton, Preston 13.05 Northern Heights High School
Shasteen, Xavier 13.24 Sabetha High School
Meier, Jesse 13.54 Herington High School
Feldman, Elias 13.80 Cornerstone Family School
Broxterman, Caleb 14.02 Rossville High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Culberth, Eli 16.01 Cornerstone Family School
Lee, Bricen 16.02 Effingham - Atchison County High
Lamberson, Alex 16.84 St. Marys High School
Menold, Cole 17.71 Sabetha High School
Martin, Ean 17.82 Jefferson West High School
Prado, Jose 18.02 Rock Creek High School
Hoffman, Pazio 19.01 Cornerstone Family School
Toburen, Karson 19.11 Rock Creek High School
Colcher, Kai 19.36 Silver Lake High School
Montenegro, Corbin 19.78 Rock Creek High School
Rodenbaugh, Zachariah 20.30 Silver Lake High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sousa, Aiden 10:00.00 Herington High School
Hamlin, Cooper 4:46.99 Northern Heights High School
Lukert, Charlie 4:55.72 Sabetha High School
Wilkinson, David 4:58.43 Rock Creek High School
Evans, Kalvin 4:58.52 Sabetha High School
Ibendahl, Isaac 4:59.25 Wamego High School
Spade, Rees 5:05.47 Northern Heights High School
Wilson, Tug 5:07.11 St. Marys High School
Rickstrew, Hayes 5:08.02 Wamego High School
Twombly, Lucas 5:08.68 Jefferson West High School
Smith, Josiah 5:19.56 Osage City
Kerns, Luke 5:24.75 Osage City
Broce, Mason 5:25.93 Rossville High School
Orender, Luke 5:29.14 Osage City
Kreis, William 5:29.75 Cornerstone Family School
Rooks, Caleb 5:32.01 Silver Lake High School
Gonzalez, Isaac 5:37.74 St. Marys High School
Powell, Isaac 5:40.65 Cornerstone Family School
Helm, Zander 5:48.02 Jefferson West High School
Henderson, Josh 5:56.36 St. Marys High School
Rodenbaugh, Zachariah 5:58.00 Silver Lake High School
Schlesener, Sumner 5:58.35 Herington High School
Blanton, Jacob 6:02.85 Doniphan West High School
Yuill, Cameron 6:04.91 Doniphan West High School
Blubaugh, Jaxon 6:05.75 Silver Lake High School
Dorris, Brian 6:07.76 Cornerstone Family School
Culbertson, Torin 6:34.74 Rossville High School
Acebedo, Geraldo 6:43.67 Rossville High School
McGhee, Ethan 6:44.97 Wabaunsee High School
Heim, Brett 7:20.16 Doniphan West High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frizzell, Zyrain 23.70 Wamego High School
Spiller, Yanci 23.77 Rock Creek High School
Culberth, Eli 24.37 Cornerstone Family School
Elliot, Wyatt 24.40 Cornerstone Family School
Theel, Dylan 24.54 Osage City
Windmeyer, Kelby 24.64h Doniphan West High School
Winans, Jaydon 24.74 Rock Creek High School
Culberth, Gabe 24.76 Cornerstone Family School
Becker, Tyus 24.79 Herington High School
Hewitt, Triston 25.15 Effingham - Atchison County High
Lees, Allen 25.36 Silver Lake High School
Martinez, Noah 25.42 Osage City
Fisher, Thomas 25.64 Silver Lake High School
Westgate, Adyson 25.80 Rock Creek High School
Mcgraw, Bryce 25.88 Rossville High School
Hinton, Cole 25.89 Sabetha High School
Simmons, Braden 25.94h Doniphan West High School
Stokes, Cooper 26.23 Osage City
Pugh, Josh 26.29 Wamego High School
Twombly, Wade 26.29 Rossville High School
Oliveira, Augusto 26.33 Rossville High School
Strait, Connor 26.40 Wabaunsee High School
VanSickle, Kanon 26.48 St. Marys High School
Burgos, Byrson 26.70 Silver Lake High School
Patton, Preston 27.52 Northern Heights High School
Booth, Justin 27.82 Wamego High School
Holz, Kyler 28.32 St. Marys High School
Shasteen, Xavier 28.61 Sabetha High School
Souza, Conley 29.03 Herington High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prado, Jose 41.91 Rock Creek High School
Lamberson, Alex 43.02 St. Marys High School
Culberth, Eli 43.14 Cornerstone Family School
Lee, Bricen 43.40 Effingham - Atchison County High
Herrington, Shane 46.01 St. Marys High School
Menold, Cole 46.40 Sabetha High School
Hoffman, Pazio 47.31 Cornerstone Family School
Toburen, Karson 48.07 Rock Creek High School
Martin, Ean 48.34 Jefferson West High School
Montenegro, Corbin 48.43 Rock Creek High School
Ibendahl, Ethan 49.45 Wamego High School
Colcher, Kai 50.68 Silver Lake High School
Gonzalez, Isaac 52.31 St. Marys High School
Burgess, Layton 55.16 Wamego High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamlin, Cooper 10:30.79 Northern Heights High School
Evans, Kalvin 10:32.69 Sabetha High School
Spade, Rees 11:19.43 Northern Heights High School
Fultz, Boden 11:21.82 Wamego High School
Rooks, Caleb 11:50.90 Silver Lake High School
Parry, Rhett 12:07.61 Wabaunsee High School
Verschelden, Dalton 12:25.04 Rossville High School
Carey, Wyatt 12:42.27 Rossville High School
Heier, Joel 13:12.69 Silver Lake High School
Wasserstein, Jono 13:23.26 Cornerstone Family School
Elliott, Gunner 14:28.87 Cornerstone Family School
Marshall, Ethan 16:18.50 Cornerstone Family School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meier, Jesse Herington High School
Browning, William 1:00.00h Rossville High School
Stokes, Cooper 1:00.65 Osage City
Booth, Justin 1:01.91 Wamego High School
Passilas-Potts, Eric 1:02.44 St. Marys High School
Delong, Coleton 1:02.76 St. Marys High School
Sousa, Aiden 1:02.79 Herington High School
Hawkinson, Ben 1:02.82 Cornerstone Family School
Stauffer, Terhan 1:03.00h Cornerstone Family School
Souza, Conley 1:04.67 Herington High School
Griffin, Patrick 1:13.91 St. Marys High School
Windmeyer, Kelby 53.00 Doniphan West High School
Stark, Quenten 54.32 Osage City
Wilkinson, David 54.47 Rock Creek High School
Menold, Nate 54.99 Sabetha High School
Enneking, Josh 55.99 Sabetha High School
Wilkens, Carter 56.03 Rock Creek High School
Shea, Tony 56.57 Wamego High School
Buford, Jonas 56.92 Cornerstone Family School
Hinton, Cole 57.42 Sabetha High School
Vessar, Jeston 57.59 Effingham - Atchison County High
Collier, Clayton 58.14 Northern Heights High School
Doza, Joey 59.01 Wamego High School
Johnson, Dayne 59.21 Silver Lake High School
Dunbar, Weston 59.73 Osage City
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.47 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 45.50 Wamego High School
Relay Team A 46.12 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 46.43 Effingham - Atchison County High
Relay Team A 47.09 Osage City
Relay Team A 47.25 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team A 47.60 Rossville High School
Relay Team A 47.92 Silver Lake High School
Relay Team A 48.15 Herington High School
Relay Team A 48.50 Sabetha High School
Relay Team A 49.01 Northern Heights High School
Relay Team B 49.02 St. Marys High School
Relay Team B 50.10h Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team C 54.18 St. Marys High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:42.66 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 3:45.40h Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 3:45.62 Sabetha High School
Relay Team A 3:45.89 Osage City
Relay Team A 3:53.32 Northern Heights High School
Relay Team A 3:56.00h Wamego High School
Relay Team B 3:58.19 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 3:59.04 Herington High School
Relay Team A 4:02.57 Silver Lake High School
Relay Team C 4:06.12 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 4:06.15 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team B 4:06.15 Cornerstone Family School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:00.10 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team B 10:28.70 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team A 10:28.70 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team B 10:42.77 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 9:08.15 Sabetha High School
Relay Team A 9:11.45 Northern Heights High School
Relay Team A 9:20.08 Osage City
Relay Team A 9:23.42 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 9:45.00h Wamego High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Forbes, Haeden 2:03.61 Effingham - Atchison County High
Wilkinson, David 2:12.49 Rock Creek High School
Lukert, Charlie 2:12.75 Sabetha High School
Deters, Brody 2:13.62 Sabetha High School
Ibendahl, Isaac 2:13.88 Wamego High School
Smith, Tate 2:14.05 Osage City
Hupe, Alec 2:15.15 Wamego High School
Orender, Luke 2:17.80 Osage City
Kerns, Luke 2:19.19 Osage City
Twombly, Lucas 2:20.85 Jefferson West High School
Tiffany, Grady 2:21.95 Northern Heights High School
Kreis, William 2:24.56 Cornerstone Family School
Poulter, James 2:27.84 Wabaunsee High School
Broce, Mason 2:28.96 Rossville High School
Poppelreiter, Peyton 2:29.42 St. Marys High School
Vanstory, Matthew 2:30.00 Wabaunsee High School
Yuill, Cameron 2:32.58 Doniphan West High School
Helm, Zander 2:33.00h Jefferson West High School
Powell, Isaac 2:34.63 Cornerstone Family School
Beck, Thomas 2:34.97 St. Marys High School
Dorris, Brian 2:37.46 Cornerstone Family School
Schlesener, Sumner 2:40.35 Herington High School
Henderson, Josh 2:43.80 St. Marys High School
Blanton, Jacob 2:45.84 Doniphan West High School
Culbertson, Torin 2:47.21 Rossville High School
Heim, Brett 3:03.16 Doniphan West High School
McGhee, Ethan 3:13.10h Wabaunsee High School
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Boys Discus 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boss, Landon 171-8 Osage City
Williams, Chase 149-3 Osage City
Grimm, Joshua 146-7 Sabetha High School
Kirkpatrick, Kaden 139-11 Osage City
Deiter, Josh 136-10 St. Marys High School
Hinck, Riley 136-1 Cornerstone Family School
Renyer, Luke 127-1 Sabetha High School
Robert, Carter 121-7 Silver Lake High School
Lott, Aiden 117-11.7 Effingham - Atchison County High
Strawn, Tristan 115-6 Jefferson West High School
Barlow-McKenna, Kwinton 112-2 Herington High School
Unruh, Osiris 111-1 Jefferson West High School
Thiemann, Alex 108-6 Rock Creek High School
Howard, Kody 108-2 Rock Creek High School
Flanigan Jr, Josh 107-11 Wamego High School
Gamino, Ariston 107-4 Wamego High School
Mortensen, Mason 106-3 Herington High School
Fields, Jake 103-7.5 St. Marys High School
Ramirez, Ethan 98-0 Effingham - Atchison County High
Deever, Tate 95-4 Wabaunsee High School
Mccune, Carter 94-7 Wamego High School
King, Gabe 94-4 Northern Heights High School
Broxterman, Michael 92-3 Rossville High School
Hager, Brayden 91-11 St. Marys High School
Lehman, Caleb 86-11 Rossville High School
Thompson, Eden 84-8 Rossville High School
Frey, Jackson 82-9 Wabaunsee High School
Hurr, Jonah 80-8 Cornerstone Family School
Hawkinson, Asher 80-5 Cornerstone Family School
Murphy, Blake 79-10 Wabaunsee High School
McGee, Shayne 77-11 Northern Heights High School
Vinduska, Gabe 77-10 Herington High School
Beam, Colter 73-0 Silver Lake High School
Lanter, Crayton 70-4 Sabetha High School
McCollum, Mason 68-0 Jefferson West High School
Blubaugh, Jaxon 66-7 Silver Lake High School
Clary, Ryker 64-7 Doniphan West High School
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Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Elijah 5-10 Rock Creek High School
Stokes, Cooper 5-10 Osage City
Stark, Quenten 5-10 Osage City
Lull, Harper 5-10 Wamego High School
Schrader, Noah 5-8 Osage City
King, Gabe 5-6 Northern Heights High School
Burgos, Byrson 5-6 Silver Lake High School
Sommars, Zach 5-6 St. Marys High School
Wehner, Abe 5-4 Sabetha High School
Strait, Connor 5-4 Wabaunsee High School
Arb, Connor 5-4 Northern Heights High School
Ibendahl, Ethan 5-4 Wamego High School
Portelli, Koyer 5-2 Rock Creek High School
Mortensen, Mason 5-2 Herington High School
Toburen, Karson 5-0 Rock Creek High School
Gibson, Marshall 5-0 Cornerstone Family School
Stauffer, Terhan 5-0 Cornerstone Family School
Poppelreiter, Peyton 4-2 St. Marys High School
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Boys Javelin 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boss, Landon 193-3 Osage City
Deiter, Josh 148-11 St. Marys High School
Thiemann, Alex 147-6 Rock Creek High School
Barlow-McKenna, Kwinton 136-11 Herington High School
Christensen, Trevor 136-6 Rock Creek High School
Rokey, Davis 135-8 Sabetha High School
Robert, Carter 135-6 Silver Lake High School
Michael, Preston 135-1 Sabetha High School
Howard, Kody 133-4 Rock Creek High School
Jackson, Cyprian 130-8 St. Marys High School
Wehner, Abe 129-8 Sabetha High School
Flerlage, Mason 124-5 Wamego High School
Smith, Tate 124-3 Osage City
Culberth, Gabe 119-8 Cornerstone Family School
Broce, Mason 117-1 Rossville High School
Griffin, Brenden 117-0 St. Marys High School
Vinduska, Gabe 112-0 Herington High School
Lees, Allen 111-1 Silver Lake High School
Hurr, Jonah 111-0 Cornerstone Family School
Rush, Benjamin 109-7 Effingham - Atchison County High
Martinez, Noah 108-11 Osage City
Shea, Tony 107-9 Wamego High School
Mortensen, Mason 106-11 Herington High School
Lee, Bricen 100-0 Effingham - Atchison County High
Collier, Clayton 99-1 Northern Heights High School
McCollum, Mason 97-5 Jefferson West High School
Deever, Tate 92-1 Wabaunsee High School
Spade, Rees 87-5 Northern Heights High School
Lehman, Caleb 86-6 Rossville High School
Mccune, Carter 86-4 Wamego High School
Frey, Jackson 85-10 Wabaunsee High School
Martin, Ean 76-8 Jefferson West High School
Silva, Connor 66-5 Wabaunsee High School
Giar, JC 56-1 Cornerstone Family School
Mcgrath, John 53-10 Rossville High School
Beam, Colter 52-0 Silver Lake High School
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Boys Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arb, Connor 20-2 Northern Heights High School
Lull, Harper 20-1.75 Wamego High School
Bell, Elijah 20-1 Rock Creek High School
Hewitt, Tyson 19-10.5 Effingham - Atchison County High
Rankin, Dawson 19-5.75 Rock Creek High School
Larson, John 19-3 Cornerstone Family School
Simmons, Braden 19-2 Doniphan West High School
Badura, Kameron 18-11 Rossville High School
Windmeyer, Kelby 18-9.5 Doniphan West High School
Vessar, Jeston 18-5.5 Effingham - Atchison County High
Miller, Joel 18-2 Silver Lake High School
Ketter, Mekhi 18-1.5 St. Marys High School
Theel, Dylan 18-1 Osage City
Jackson, Mahki 17-6.5 Rossville High School
Schrader, Noah 17-2 Osage City
Montenegro, Corbin 17-1 Rock Creek High School
Griffin, Brenden 17-1 St. Marys High School
Hewitt, Triston 17-0.5 Effingham - Atchison County High
Holz, Kyler 17-0 St. Marys High School
Jackson, Riley 16-10.75 Herington High School
Crosswhite, Ayden 16-10.5 Rossville High School
Zillyette, Jeffrey 16-7.75 Herington High School
White, Logan 16-3 Osage City
Moser, Shawn 16-1 Wabaunsee High School
Jackson, Rowdy 16-0.5 Herington High School
Hansen, Nathan 16-0 Northern Heights High School
Patton, Preston 15-6.75 Northern Heights High School
Bestwick, Brenden 14-5.25 Sabetha High School
McGhee, Ethan 13-2.75 Wabaunsee High School
Robinson, Trent 12-1.75 Cornerstone Family School
Feldman, Elias 9-4.25 Cornerstone Family School
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Boys Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christensen, Trevor 12-0 Rock Creek High School
Niehues, Nohl 11-6 Sabetha High School
Delong, Layne 11-6 St. Marys High School
Smith, Josiah 11-0 Osage City
Doza, Joey 10-7 Wamego High School
Kerns, Luke 9-6 Osage City
Fultz, Boden 9-6 Wamego High School
Evans, Kalvin 9-0 Sabetha High School
Bestwick, Drew 9-0 Sabetha High School
Portelli, Koyer 8-6 Rock Creek High School
Lees, Allen 8-6 Silver Lake High School
Jackson, Rowdy 8-0 Herington High School
Sousa, Aiden 8-0 Herington High School
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Boys Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boss, Landon 54-10 Osage City
Deiter, Josh 51-1 St. Marys High School
Grimm, Joshua 50-5 Sabetha High School
Williams, Chase 48-0.5 Osage City
Bell, Malachi 47-5.5 Rock Creek High School
Kirkpatrick, Kaden 45-2.5 Osage City
Renyer, Luke 43-6.5 Sabetha High School
Robert, Carter 42-3 Silver Lake High School
Hinck, Riley 40-1 Cornerstone Family School
Gamino, Ariston 39-6.5 Wamego High School
Strawn, Tristan 39-1.5 Jefferson West High School
Flanigan Jr, Josh 39-0 Wamego High School
Howard, Kody 38-9.5 Rock Creek High School
King, Gabe 37-8 Northern Heights High School
Mortensen, Mason 37-7.5 Herington High School
McGee, Shayne 37-4 Northern Heights High School
Lott, Aiden 36-8 Effingham - Atchison County High
Barlow-McKenna, Kwinton 36-7.5 Herington High School
Eveland, Roman 36-6 Wamego High School
McCarthy, Benedict 36-5 St. Marys High School
Murphy, Blake 36-4.5 Wabaunsee High School
Bush, Zach 35-2 St. Marys High School
Thompson, Eden 35-1 Rossville High School
Unruh, Osiris 34-11 Jefferson West High School
Hawkinson, Asher 34-5 Cornerstone Family School
Deever, Tate 31-4 Wabaunsee High School
Broxterman, Michael 30-10 Rossville High School
Ramirez, Ethan 30-7 Effingham - Atchison County High
Mcgrath, John 30-5.25 Rossville High School
Blubaugh, Jaxon 29-11 Silver Lake High School
Clary, Ryker 29-10 Doniphan West High School
McCollum, Mason 27-3 Jefferson West High School
Prado, Alexis 27-2 Rock Creek High School
Beam, Colter 26-11 Silver Lake High School
Williams, Sean 26-3.5 Sabetha High School
Vinduska, Gabe 24-11.5 Herington High School
Giar, JC 22-6 Cornerstone Family School
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Boys Triple Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spiller, Yanci 43-7 Rock Creek High School
Niehues, Nohl 42-2 Sabetha High School
Stark, Quenten 39-7 Osage City
Parsons, Cooper 39-6 Osage City
Christensen, Trevor 38-6.5 Rock Creek High School
Forbes, Haeden 38-6 Effingham - Atchison County High
Huaracha, Abram 38-6 St. Marys High School
Zillyette, Jeffrey 38-1.75 Herington High School
Sommars, Zach 37-9.5 St. Marys High School
Hewitt, Tyson 37-7 Effingham - Atchison County High
Miller, Joel 37-1 Silver Lake High School
Holz, Korleone 36-1 St. Marys High School
Griffin, Lane 35-6.5 Rock Creek High School
Strait, Connor 35-5 Wabaunsee High School
Jackson, Rowdy 35-2 Herington High School
Rokey, Davis 34-10 Sabetha High School
Mattia, Alexander 32-10 Rossville High School
Stauffer, Terhan 32-8.5 Cornerstone Family School
Broxterman, Caleb 32-5 Rossville High School
Gibson, Marshall 30-4 Cornerstone Family School
Bestwick, Brenden 30-0 Sabetha High School
McGhee, Ethan 29-10.25 Wabaunsee High School
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Boys' Throwers' Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Herington High School
Relay Team A 1:00.00h Rossville High School
Relay Team A 1:02.17 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 50.00h Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 55.00h Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team A 55.30 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 58.00h Sabetha High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stark, Kaydence 12.88 Jefferson West High School
Scott, Olivia 12.97 Jefferson West High School
Wingerter, Jolenna 13.04 St. Marys High School
Portelli, Ambree 13.20h Rock Creek High School
McCann, Guin 13.32 St. Marys High School
Horner, Allie 13.40 Doniphan West High School
Keller, Kya 13.49 Doniphan West High School
Ball, Gloria 13.57 Cornerstone Family School
Wasinger, Bayley 13.71 Sabetha High School
Waller, Tamia 13.91 Osage City
Neufeld, Lexi 13.94h Silver Lake High School
Freidline, Paige 14.05 Wamego High School
Baldridge, Kayleen 14.15 Northern Heights High School
Kvasnica, Brynne 14.2 Rock Creek High School
Hurla, Isabel 14.28 St. Marys High School
Tuck, Halle 14.28 Jefferson West High School
Schultejans, Samantha 14.46 Sabetha High School
Castleberry, Kenzie 14.80 Herington High School
Smith, Jayda 14.83 Wamego High School
Miller, Fallon 14.88 Rossville High School
Frazier-Brown, Dallas 14.97 Wamego High School
Scoby, Isabelle 15.00h Sabetha High School
Bailey, Emma 15.47 Silver Lake High School
Foster, Ali 15.54h Doniphan West High School
Hersh, Rebecca 15.81 Rossville High School
Hoffman, Zivia 16.63 Cornerstone Family School
Stauffer, Kaiya 16.72 Cornerstone Family School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cole, Claire 15.95 Doniphan West High School
Wehrli, Sarah 17.32 Silver Lake High School
Whittaker, Abby 17.52 Sabetha High School
Hinrichs, Addisyn 17.68 Northern Heights High School
Manhart, Jersey 18.27 Silver Lake High School
McCann, Isabelle 19.19 St. Marys High School
Culberth, Lexi 19.22 Cornerstone Family School
Kitselman, Jewelia 19.26 Osage City
Murphy, Danielle 19.33 Wabaunsee High School
Kincaid, Halle 19.34 St. Marys High School
Mullinax, Haley 19.56 Wamego High School
Haynes, Ean 19.62 Rossville High School
Donaldson, Jenna 21.08 Wabaunsee High School
Brown, Messiah 22.00h Rock Creek High School
Diop, Senya 22.18 St. Marys High School
Hoffman, Zivia 22.40 Cornerstone Family School
Brown, Liz 23.15 Cornerstone Family School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wurtz, Payton 5:18.97 Wabaunsee High School
Speece, Emory 5:25.75 Osage City
Lukert, Mary 5:46.38 Sabetha High School
Nippert, Kyra 5:48.30 Rock Creek High School
Stuhlsatz, Rebekah 5:48.43 Wabaunsee High School
Rickstrew, Elsie 5:52.88 Wamego High School
Hines, Teagan 5:56.39 Northern Heights High School
Bosse, Jaiton 5:59.43 Osage City
Phillips, Aubrey 6:02.12 Jefferson West High School
Shea, Katherine 6:23.68 Wamego High School
Metzger, Laura 6:23.97 Sabetha High School
Shoemaker, Sadie 6:23.98 Osage City
Kufahl, Kinsley 6:24.55 Rossville High School
Caldart, Giulia 6:45.28 Rossville High School
Bowles, Lauren 6:45.88 Sabetha High School
Zachgo, Molly 6:48.36 Wamego High School
Ackerly, Breanna 6:50.57 Silver Lake High School
Blanton, Cassidy 7:02.80 Doniphan West High School
Florence, Rylan 7:05.30 Doniphan West High School
Dorris, Shayne 7:35.98 Cornerstone Family School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wurtz, Payton 26.71 Wabaunsee High School
Portelli, Ambree 27.48 Rock Creek High School
Menold, Krysta 28.02 Sabetha High School
Castleberry, Kenzie 28.29 Herington High School
Ball, Gloria 28.31 Cornerstone Family School
Scott, Olivia 28.44h Jefferson West High School
Stark, Kaydence 28.64h Jefferson West High School
Waller, Tamia 29.02 Osage City
Baldridge, Kayleen 29.24 Northern Heights High School
Horner, Allie 29.36 Doniphan West High School
Neufeld, Lexi 29.41 Silver Lake High School
Noel, Kolbie 29.44h Jefferson West High School
Castillo, Sophia 29.60h Wabaunsee High School
Smittick, Talia 29.80h Cornerstone Family School
Boss, Dakota 30.00 Osage City
Murphy, Danielle 30.87 Wabaunsee High School
Culberth, Lexi 30.93 Cornerstone Family School
Smith, Jayda 31.98 Wamego High School
Scoby, Isabelle 32.00h Sabetha High School
Brown, Messiah 32.00h Rock Creek High School
Hersh, Rebecca 32.93 Rossville High School
Foster, Ali 33.48 Doniphan West High School
Bailey, Emma 33.51 Silver Lake High School
McCauley, Kamryn 34.20 Doniphan West High School
Gowdy, Nevaeh 36.70 St. Marys High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kitselman, Jewelia 1:00.01 Osage City
Sage, Ally 1:00.61 Osage City
Donaldson, Jenna 1:02.30h Wabaunsee High School
Brown, Liz 1:04.38 Cornerstone Family School
Cole, Claire 47.49 Doniphan West High School
Wehrli, Sarah 52.40 Silver Lake High School
Stark, Campbell 52.99 Osage City
Whittaker, Abby 53.08 Sabetha High School
McCann, Isabelle 53.32 St. Marys High School
Manhart, Jersey 53.46 Silver Lake High School
Hinrichs, Addisyn 54.58 Northern Heights High School
Mullinax, Haley 55.28 Wamego High School
Lett, Sarah 55.72 St. Marys High School
Lamb, Avery 57.28 Jefferson West High School
Kincaid, Halle 57.39 St. Marys High School
Culberth, Lexi 58.46 Cornerstone Family School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Speece, Emory 11:46.65 Osage City
Bosse, Jaiton 12:23.00 Osage City
Metzger, Laura 12:43.96 Sabetha High School
Stuhlsatz, Rebekah 12:51.70 Wabaunsee High School
Rickstrew, Elsie 12:57.90 Wamego High School
Hines, Teagan 13:14.70 Northern Heights High School
Phillips, Aubrey 14:00.00 Jefferson West High School
Bowles, Lauren 14:21.59 Sabetha High School
Shea, Katherine 14:35.07 Wamego High School
Shoemaker, Sadie 14:40.21 Osage City
Forgy, Ashtynn 14:52.50 Silver Lake High School
Dorris, Shayne 15:55.16 Cornerstone Family School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ford, Alexus 1:06.80h Wabaunsee High School
Smittick, Talia 1:06.93 Cornerstone Family School
Castillo, Sophia 1:07.60h Wabaunsee High School
Keller, Kya 1:08.59 Doniphan West High School
Neufeld, Lexi 1:09.25 Silver Lake High School
Wasinger, Bayley 1:09.50h Sabetha High School
Nippert, Kyra 1:09.72 Rock Creek High School
Ball, Gloria 1:09.94h Cornerstone Family School
Baumgartner, Olivia 1:11.75 Sabetha High School
Schultejans, Samantha 1:14.00h Sabetha High School
Boss, Dakota 1:15.00h Osage City
Stauffer, Kaiya 1:24.00 Cornerstone Family School
Davis, Catherine 1:43.81 Doniphan West High School
Wurtz, Payton 59.85 Wabaunsee High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.64 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 52.80 Jefferson West High School
Relay Team A 53.77 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 54.52 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 54.92 Osage City
Relay Team A 56.17 Herington High School
Relay Team A 56.85 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team B 57.85 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team A 59.00h Sabetha High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:18.35 St. Marys High School
Relay Team A 4:25.09 Sabetha High School
Relay Team A 4:27.78 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 4:34.53 Osage City
Relay Team A 4:49.22 Herington High School
Relay Team A 4:51.00 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team B 4:51.00 Cornerstone Family School
Relay Team B 4:51.72 St. Marys High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:01.31 Sabetha High School
Relay Team A 11:02.73 Osage City
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Girls 800 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Speece, Emory 2:28.77 Osage City
Nippert, Kyra 2:30.11 Rock Creek High School
Lukert, Mary 2:33.03 Sabetha High School
Klingenberg, Kya 2:39.03 Rock Creek High School
Bosse, Jaiton 2:43.91 Osage City
Florence, Rylan 2:50.33 Doniphan West High School
Kufahl, Kinsley 2:54.05 Rossville High School
Shoemaker, Sadie 2:56.21 Osage City
Ackerly, Breanna 3:01.30 Silver Lake High School
Zachgo, Molly 3:02.45 Wamego High School
Hellman, Sophia 3:04.20 Wamego High School
Dorris, Shayne 3:15.00 Cornerstone Family School
Blanton, Cassidy 3:16.00 Doniphan West High School
Rice, Kylee 3:20.07 Wamego High School
Gillean, Krystal 3:25.23 Herington High School
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Girls Discus 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boss, Lexi 123-9 Osage City
Crawford, Greta 123-0 Osage City
Scoby, Halle 120-6 Sabetha High School
Burk, Paige 96-9 Osage City
Griffin, Briley 93-9 Rock Creek High School
Dressler, Millie 91-3.5 Cornerstone Family School
Majors, Lara 91-0 Jefferson West High School
Montgomery, Savannah 88-6 Rock Creek High School
Courter, Lauren 87-9 Effingham - Atchison County High
Foster, Claire 86-2 St. Marys High School
Friesen, Saydee 85-10.5 Herington High School
Kosinski, Dylan 85-7 Northern Heights High School
Imthurn, Aubrey 84-6 Wabaunsee High School
Kimble, Chloe 84-1 Jefferson West High School
Idol, H'Leigha 83-2 Doniphan West High School
Starr, Sydney 82-6 Jefferson West High School
Smittick, Kalana 82-3 Cornerstone Family School
Brownlee, Addie 79-8.5 Cornerstone Family School
Sill-Shepard, Morgan 77-8 Herington High School
Smith, Emme 76-10 Effingham - Atchison County High
Foster, Kellyn 76-2 Rossville High School
Gentz, Taygean 74-4 Herington High School
Huske, Ava 73-4 Wabaunsee High School
Niedfeldt, Nautami 72-11 Wamego High School
Bosse, Nora 72-4 Wamego High School
Day, Ella 72-4 Silver Lake High School
Goodman, Laura 71-0 Sabetha High School
Grimes, Mya 70-9.5 Sabetha High School
Miller, Lilly 70-9 Rossville High School
York, Emily 70-7 Silver Lake High School
Keller, Kya 70-2 Doniphan West High School
Brown, Jaci 70-2 Wamego High School
Christensen, Zola 70-1 Rock Creek High School
Ford, Elise 69-5 Wabaunsee High School
Winningham, Taylor 68-7 Silver Lake High School
Dern, Faith 66-6 St. Marys High School
Tracy, Hailey 63-1 Doniphan West High School
Jackson, Cyelah 62-11 St. Marys High School
Bergman, Claire 62-0 Rossville High School
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Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Portelli, Ambree 5-4 Rock Creek High School
Cole, Claire 5-3 Doniphan West High School
Stark, Campbell 5-2 Osage City
Lett, Sarah 4-10 St. Marys High School
Ford, Alexus 4-8 Wabaunsee High School
Smittick, Talia 4-6 Cornerstone Family School
Urbanek, Tyler 4-4 Herington High School
Rippe, Kylie 4-4 St. Marys High School
Haynes, Ean 4-2 Rossville High School
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Girls Javelin 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boss, Lexi 104-4 Osage City
Goodman, Laura 100-7 Sabetha High School
Huske, Ava 100-5.5 Wabaunsee High School
Denney, Addison 99-3 Wamego High School
Stark, Campbell 97-1 Osage City
Grimes, Mya 94-5 Sabetha High School
Harrison, Adrian 88-3 Herington High School
Christensen, Zola 86-10 Rock Creek High School
Brown, Liz 84-1 Cornerstone Family School
Foster, Claire 83-3 St. Marys High School
Kimble, Chloe 82-9 Jefferson West High School
Gentry, Quinlin 80-7.5 Rossville High School
Miller, Lilly 80-3 Rossville High School
Fulmer, Alexa 78-11 Wamego High School
Tracy, Hailey 78-0 Doniphan West High School
Brownlee, Addie 76-3 Cornerstone Family School
Brown, Jaci 75-5 Wamego High School
Thomas, Kiera 74-3 St. Marys High School
Nonnast, Reve 71-11 Sabetha High School
Kosinski, Dylan 71-1 Northern Heights High School
Ford, Elise 68-0 Wabaunsee High School
McCauley, Kamryn 65-8 Doniphan West High School
Winningham, Taylor 64-9 Silver Lake High School
Trausch, Elizabeth 64-4 St. Marys High School
Woodward, Jaymee 59-1 Rossville High School
York, Emily 58-1 Silver Lake High School
Worthington, Kaelyn 53-4 Silver Lake High School
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Girls Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wingerter, Jolenna 16-4.5 St. Marys High School
Kvasnica, Brynne 16-0.5 Rock Creek High School
Menold, Krysta 15-4.5 Sabetha High School
Bissen, Shelby 15-4.5 Rock Creek High School
Diop, Senya 15-4 St. Marys High School
Hecht, Alexis 15-0 Wamego High School
Baldridge, Kayleen 14-11.75 Northern Heights High School
Keller, Kya 14-10.5 Doniphan West High School
Heim, Hayden 14-10 St. Marys High School
Wehrli, Sarah 14-8 Silver Lake High School
Horner, Allie 14-7.5 Doniphan West High School
Weisshaar, Kennedy 14-4 Wabaunsee High School
Haynes, Ean 14-3.75 Rossville High School
Noel, Kolbie 14-3.5 Jefferson West High School
Castillo, Sophia 14-2 Wabaunsee High School
Smith, Jayda 13-11 Wamego High School
Pritchard, Hannah 13-10.5 Herington High School
Hann, Finley 13-2 Sabetha High School
Miller, Fallon 12-11.5 Rossville High School
Rand, Peyton 12-8 Herington High School
Subramanian, Abbi 12-6.5 Silver Lake High School
Tuck, Halle 12-4 Jefferson West High School
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Girls Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kvasnica, Brynne 9-0 Rock Creek High School
Doty, Ellen 8-6 Silver Lake High School
Foster, Ali 8-0 Doniphan West High School
Hellman, Sophia 8-0 Wamego High School
Frazier-Brown, Dallas 7-6 Wamego High School
Baumgartner, Olivia 6-0 Sabetha High School
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Girls Shot Put 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dressler, Millie 37-8.75 Cornerstone Family School
Idol, H'Leigha 34-1 Doniphan West High School
Imthurn, Aubrey 33-0.5 Wabaunsee High School
Foster, Claire 32-9 St. Marys High School
Scoby, Halle 32-4.5 Sabetha High School
Griffin, Briley 32-4.25 Rock Creek High School
Montgomery, Savannah 31-0 Rock Creek High School
Kimble, Chloe 29-4 Jefferson West High School
Foster, Kellyn 29-3 Rossville High School
Fulmer, Alexa 29-0 Wamego High School
Hensen, Shelby 28-9.5 Herington High School
Smith, Alania 27-11 Silver Lake High School
Crawford, Greta 27-8 Osage City
Grant, Kyra 27-6 Wamego High School
Burk, Paige 26-10.5 Osage City
Day, Ella 26-8 Silver Lake High School
Tharman, Baylie 26-6.5 Wabaunsee High School
York, Emily 26-3.5 Silver Lake High School
Nonnast, Reve 25-9 Sabetha High School
Starr, Sydney 25-8.5 Jefferson West High School
Niedfeldt, Nautami 25-8.5 Wamego High School
Jackson, Cyelah 25-7.5 St. Marys High School
Brownlee, Addie 24-10 Cornerstone Family School
Majors, Lara 24-8 Jefferson West High School
Friesen, Saydee 24-7.5 Herington High School
Sill-Shepard, Morgan 24-7.5 Herington High School
Tracy, Hailey 24-4 Doniphan West High School
Heitman, Jaedin 24-3 Doniphan West High School
Fairbanks, Paige 22-10 Rossville High School
Gay, Sarah 22-3.5 Rossville High School
Arnold, Emily 22-0.5 Sabetha High School
Parrett, Kaylee 20-4 St. Marys High School
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Girls Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cole, Claire 35-8.75 Doniphan West High School
Heim, Hayden 33-6.5 St. Marys High School
Bissen, Shelby 33-6 Rock Creek High School
Hecht, Alexis 32-6.5 Wamego High School
Wehrli, Sarah 31-9.5 Silver Lake High School
Ford, Alexus 31-8.5 Wabaunsee High School
Boss, Dakota 30-7.5 Osage City
Brees, Breanna 30-0 St. Marys High School
Weisshaar, Kennedy 29-4 Wabaunsee High School
Pritchard, Hannah 28-6.25 Herington High School
Rabe, Addison 28-2.5 St. Marys High School
Hann, Finley 28-0 Sabetha High School
Kitselman, Jewelia 27-9 Osage City
Ackerly, Breanna 26-3 Silver Lake High School
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Girls' Throwers' Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Herington High School
Relay Team A 1:00.00 Silver Lake High School
Relay Team A 1:01.13 Wabaunsee High School
Relay Team A 1:02.00h Sabetha High School
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