Beloit Relays 2023

Beloit, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DeWitt, Stanley Logan High School
Murray, Michael 10.67 Southeast of Saline High School
Whitley, Aiden 11.13 Chapman High School
Suther, Ian 11.14 Chapman High School
Stone, Riley 11.19 Ellsworth High School
Titgemeyer, Jack 11.26 Riley County High School
Morrical-Palmer, Nakari 11.31 Southeast of Saline High School
Schurr, Connor 11.31 Osborne High School
Garrison, Colby 11.33 Clifton-Clyde High School
Alquist-Pennell, Chayton 11.41 Concordia High School
Blomberg, Conner 11.47 Riley County High School
Witte, Cameron 11.49 Southeast of Saline High School
Rinehart, Nick 11.53 Chapman High School
Nelson, Shafer 11.77 Minneapolis High School
Anderson, Caden 11.77 Beloit High School
Ward, Camden 11.84 Rock Hills High School
Ruiz, Obed 11.86 Ell-Saline High School
Garrett, Sean 11.89 Bennington High School
Hendrich, Brandon 11.91 Smith Center High School
Francis, Alec 11.91 Concordia High School
Dyke, Alex 11.92 Republic County High School
Henton, Dallas 11.95 Riley County High School
Budreau, Kaden 12.03 Lincoln High School
Schulmeister, Izack 12.06 Wilson High School
Mesalles, Ethan 12.08 Clay Center Community High Schoo
West, Loden 12.09 Ellsworth High School
Frese, Jonathan 12.10 Marion High School
Kaiser, Taylor 12.13 Hoisington High School
Lowe, Michael 12.2 Minneapolis High School
Haas, Will 12.2 Clifton-Clyde High School
Kramer, Tristan 12.20 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Remus, Reece 12.22 Lakeside High School
Rodenbeek, Payge 12.23 Bennington High School
Johnson, Landin 12.24 Ellsworth High School
Huckett, Monte 12.30 Washington County High School
Snyder, Jesse 12.31 Marion High School
Allen, Ryder 12.37 Tipton Catholic High School
Smith, Ian 12.37 Hoisington High School
Hall, Ej 12.38 Phillipsburg High School
Kort, Kegan 12.38 Republic County High School
Parks, Ryan 12.39 Minneapolis High School
Meitl, Carsen 12.40 Phillipsburg High School
Mears, Christian 12.40 Beloit High School
Sisson, Hunter 12.46 Phillipsburg High School
Musselman, Levi 12.46 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Thompson, Brier 12.49 Hoisington High School
Walters, Colton 12.50 Beloit High School
Collins, Trey 12.50h Tipton Catholic High School
Zenger, Trenton 12.54h Washington County High School
Mccoy, Kaden 12.58 Lakeside High School
Eakins, Carter 12.85 Concordia High School
Orr, Daveyon 12.87 Smith Center High School
Sawin, Ryan 13.41 Washington County High School
SCHMIDT, DAMIAN 13.53 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Sublett, Ethan 13.83 Pike Valley High School
Vahling, Mayson 13.94h Logan High School
Mendenhall, Clayton 15.56 Pike Valley High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bowell, Judah 14.94 Abilene High School
Ball, Josiah 15.15 Hoisington High School
Ehlers, Nate 15.73 Tescott High School
Wanner, Garrett 15.94 Smith Center High School
Parry, Caden 15.98 Southeast of Saline High School
Hopkins, Malachi 16.39 Southeast of Saline High School
Goheen, Nathan 16.43 Osborne High School
Peterson, Dante 16.70 Southern Cloud High School
Frese, Noah 16.75 Riley County High School
Shults, Chance 16.81 Marion High School
Van Allen, Alex 16.93 Phillipsburg High School
Gates, Tyson 17.05 Beloit-St. John High School
Kindel, Torxsten 17.50 Concordia High School
Hobrock, Cole 17.77 Concordia High School
Gruver, Kelan 17.87 Chapman High School
Harmon, Tyler 18.28 Beloit High School
Doan, Grant 18.46 Hoisington High School
Robison, Alex 18.61 Pike Valley High School
Carr, Bracksten 18.82 Smith Center High School
Nelson, Zach 18.91 Minneapolis High School
Clark, Ryan 19.04 Chapman High School
Sayers, Ian 19.38 Chapman High School
Heimer, Kirk 19.44 Minneapolis High School
Spurlin, Wade 20.58 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Gradig, Michael 22.34h Lakeside High School
Nutsch, Korey 22.85 Washington County High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris, Aden Republic County High School
Allen, Levi 4:35.32 Southeast of Saline High School
Trout, Thayne 4:36.14 Bennington High School
Walker, Cayden 4:40.01 Southeast of Saline High School
Fouard, Carson 4:40.44 Ell-Saline High School
Waite, Grant 4:40.68 Abilene High School
Elliott, Drew 4:40.94 Chapman High School
Miesner, Owen 4:45.49 Riley County High School
Wessel, Luke 4:47.41 Marion High School
Douglas, Jace 4:49.98 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Wuthnow, Dayton 4:50.88 Abilene High School
Abell, Joel 4:54.00 Minneapolis High School
Klukas, Dereck 4:54.48 Chapman High School
Wells, Brady 4:54.80 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Hamel, Jonny 4:57.76 Osborne High School
Callaway, Hayden 5:00.33 Republic County High School
Tarlton, Kamden 5:00.49 Hoisington High School
Letourneau, Jonas 5:04.30 Beloit-St. John High School
Woodworth, Jensen 5:06.65 Abilene High School
Conrad, Aiden 5:07.60 Osborne High School
Towner, Joshua 5:08.58 Tipton Catholic High School
Rickard, Miles 5:09.61 Pike Valley High School
Allen, Jaidon 5:09.69 Phillipsburg High School
Bowers, Kobi 5:10.40 Rock Hills High School
Avalos, Fernando 5:11.92 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Hollerich, Luke 5:13.28 Tipton Catholic High School
Klenda, Eli 5:14.19 Marion High School
Begnoche, Landon 5:14.22 Clifton-Clyde High School
Reynolds, Tristyn 5:14.55 Rock Hills High School
Williams, Nick 5:16.77 Bennington High School
Obermueller, Riley 5:19.66 Lincoln High School
Cowing, Alex 5:20.12 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Becker, Caden 5:20.33 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Applegarth, Brody 5:27.44 Washington County High School
Holmes, Trenton 5:27.68 Ellsworth High School
May, Landon 5:28.90 Ell-Saline High School
Hipp, Michael 5:32.13 Hoisington High School
Schaffer, Wyatt 5:35.40 Smith Center High School
Thompson, Mason 5:38.26 Beloit High School
Doane, Reed 5:40.20 Smith Center High School
Bell, Jonathon 5:42.12 Lincoln High School
Jessup, William 5:43.30 Phillipsburg High School
Dickman, Zechariah 5:43.70 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Hugunin, Dayton 5:46.00 Phillipsburg High School
Wyma, Cyrus 6:05.90 Chapman High School
Barnes, Gunner 6:20.21 Concordia High School
Buttman, Caidence 6:58.67 Concordia High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DeWitt, Stanley Logan High School
Henton, Dallas Riley County High School
Morrical-Palmer, Nakari 22.67 Southeast of Saline High School
Cooper, Andy 22.68 Pike Valley High School
Garrison, Colby 22.77 Clifton-Clyde High School
Green, Tyler 23.25 Abilene High School
Blomberg, Conner 23.27 Riley County High School
Van Allen, Alex 23.40 Phillipsburg High School
Picking, Gage 23.54 Chapman High School
Woodworth, Carson 23.56 Abilene High School
Garrett, Sean 23.58 Bennington High School
Rinehart, Nick 23.63 Chapman High School
Allen, Brandon 23.75 Republic County High School
Stone, Riley 23.80 Ellsworth High School
Funston, Taygen 23.81 Abilene High School
Schurr, Connor 23.90 Osborne High School
Collins, Trey 23.92 Tipton Catholic High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 23.97 Ellsworth High School
Nelson, Shafer 23.99 Minneapolis High School
Czarnek, Kyler 24.11 Hoisington High School
Witte, Cameron 24.14 Southeast of Saline High School
Hornaday, Blake 24.29 Chapman High School
Mckenzie, Tegan 24.38 Smith Center High School
Schulmeister, Izack 24.42 Wilson High School
Cleveland, Cameron 24.61 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Budreau, Kaden 24.70 Lincoln High School
Kaiser, Taylor 24.74 Hoisington High School
Nobert, Luke 24.79 Clifton-Clyde High School
Hendrich, Brandon 24.80 Smith Center High School
Alquist-Pennell, Chayton 24.81 Concordia High School
Schemper, Eli 24.90 Phillipsburg High School
Douglas, Kanyon 24.99 Southeast of Saline High School
Frese, Jonathan 25.05 Marion High School
Remus, Reece 25.19 Lakeside High School
Huckett, Monte 25.27 Washington County High School
Dyke, Alex 25.30 Republic County High School
Johnson, Landin 25.33 Ellsworth High School
Sisson, Hunter 25.40 Phillipsburg High School
Allen, Ryder 25.43 Tipton Catholic High School
Corber, Teagyn 25.50 Beloit High School
Scott, Mason 25.54 Minneapolis High School
Ridgeway, Isaiah 25.54h Rock Hills High School
Lowe, Michael 25.84 Minneapolis High School
Baker, Drake 25.84 Washington County High School
Snyder, Jesse 25.86 Marion High School
Lozoya, Dominic 26.00 Lakeside High School
Jacobs, Zach 26.00h Osborne High School
Palmer, Kolton 26.04 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Horinek, Edward 26.20 Beloit-St. John High School
Huband, Tucker 26.27 Washington County High School
Williams, Tayton 26.29 Ell-Saline High School
Alderdice, Mason 26.40 Hoisington High School
Greenwood, Nick 26.56 Beloit-St. John High School
Musselman, Levi 26.60 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Ford, Dylan 26.78 Bennington High School
Kircher, Ben 26.90 Beloit High School
Eakins, Carter 27.04 Concordia High School
Anderson, Scott 28.07 Wilson High School
Eck, William 28.40 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Sublett, Ethan 29.23 Pike Valley High School
SCHMIDT, DAMIAN 30.32 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Buttman, Caidence 31.74 Concordia High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bowell, Judah 40.17 Abilene High School
Ball, Josiah 41.41 Hoisington High School
Raccagno, Jaden 42.48 Bennington High School
Smith, Braylon 42.79 Minneapolis High School
Ehlers, Nate 42.91 Tescott High School
Shults, Chance 43.04 Marion High School
Montgomery, Bentley 43.20 Smith Center High School
Frese, Noah 43.41 Riley County High School
Wanner, Garrett 43.63 Smith Center High School
Harmon, Tyler 43.80 Beloit High School
Kendig, Sam 43.94h Osborne High School
Parry, Caden 44.64 Southeast of Saline High School
Hopkins, Malachi 44.64 Southeast of Saline High School
Gates, Tyson 44.94 Beloit-St. John High School
Hobrock, Cole 44.95 Concordia High School
Peterson, Dante 45.00 Southern Cloud High School
Thompson, Brier 45.59 Hoisington High School
Henke, Kash 46.80 Republic County High School
Gruver, Kelan 46.89 Chapman High School
Nelson, Zach 46.95 Minneapolis High School
Heimer, Kirk 47.03 Minneapolis High School
Robison, Alex 47.15 Pike Valley High School
Clark, Ryan 47.34 Chapman High School
Doan, Grant 48.0 Hoisington High School
Skocny, Jack 48.96 Clifton-Clyde High School
Reeves, Teagon 49.00 Pike Valley High School
Schultz, Kaiden 50.04h Osborne High School
Sayers, Ian 50.07 Chapman High School
Mellies, Brody 50.18 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Waner, Kellen 51.06 Marion High School
Brin, Ramsey 51.84 Ell-Saline High School
Sawin, Ryan 54.00h Washington County High School
Nutsch, Korey 56.04 Washington County High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Grant 10:07.27 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Fouard, Carson 10:29.59 Ell-Saline High School
Zerger, Garrison 10:30.00 Ell-Saline High School
Tarlton, Kamden 10:42.12 Hoisington High School
Klukas, Darren 10:43.18 Chapman High School
Hager, Levi 10:43.47 Abilene High School
Wells, Brady 10:45.70 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Hamel, Jonny 10:48.16 Osborne High School
Wessel, Luke 10:49.01 Marion High School
Abell, Joel 10:51.70 Minneapolis High School
Letourneau, Jonas 10:53.20 Beloit-St. John High School
Beery, Christopher 11:13.75 Marion High School
Klenda, Eli 11:14.04 Marion High School
Conrad, Aiden 11:20.00 Osborne High School
Begnoche, Landon 11:27.42 Clifton-Clyde High School
Nisbeth, Dakota 11:43.54 Chapman High School
Reynolds, Tristyn 11:45.00 Rock Hills High School
Sand, Garrison 11:46.79 Washington County High School
Winter, Jackson 11:47.40 Clifton-Clyde High School
Holmes, Trenton 11:57.00 Ellsworth High School
Hollerich, Luke 11:57.05 Tipton Catholic High School
Ward, Spencer 11:57.15 Bennington High School
Schaffer, Wyatt 12:03.60 Smith Center High School
Mater, Alex 12:03.97 Hoisington High School
Dickman, Zechariah 12:09.80 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Lopez, Sergio 12:12.66 Beloit-St. John High School
Hitz, Kaden 12:14.00 Chapman High School
Marintzer, Caleb 12:14.30 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Hipp, Michael 12:36.42 Hoisington High School
Doane, Reed 13:11.90 Smith Center High School
Walker, Brayden 9:52.13 Southeast of Saline High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bales, Payton 1:00.00h Osborne High School
Ohlson, Jace 1:00.59 Bennington High School
Rupright, Gavin 1:01 Bennington High School
White, Owen 1:03.40h Marion High School
Vacek, Noah 1:03.95 Pike Valley High School
Thompson, Lucas 1:06.74 Washington County High School
Sublett, Ethan 1:08.13 Pike Valley High School
Schreiber, Darien 1:09.44h Osborne High School
Morrical-Palmer, Nakari 49.96 Southeast of Saline High School
Wilson, Kade 51.86 Ell-Saline High School
Calzada, Omar 52.34 Southeast of Saline High School
Schultze, Zeb 52.78 Abilene High School
Schroeder, Koevin 53.13 Tipton Catholic High School
Parks, Ryan 53.31 Minneapolis High School
Davis, Kj 53.54 Riley County High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 54.00 Ellsworth High School
Cleveland, Cameron 54.02 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Yott, Deryk 54.20h Hoisington High School
Cottone, Triston 54.30 Abilene High School
Thumann, Sam 54.30 Republic County High School
Cash, Aceyn 55.21 Concordia High School
Thompson, Brier 55.40h Hoisington High School
Allen, Brandon 55.62 Republic County High School
Baker, Drake 55.81 Washington County High School
Krogman, Kameron 56.09 Chapman High School
Crouse, Seth 56.21 Chapman High School
Palmer, Kolton 56.46 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Blocker, Justin 56.82 Chapman High School
Nobert, Luke 57.01 Clifton-Clyde High School
Babcock, Ryan 57.06 Phillipsburg High School
Wildeman, Alec 57.11 Concordia High School
Bates, Luke 57.41 Beloit-St. John High School
Meitl, Carsen 57.49 Phillipsburg High School
Kindel, Bergun 57.82 Concordia High School
Hutchinson, Parker 58.0 Smith Center High School
Reif, Brady 58.89 Hoisington High School
Kuhlmann, Tate 59.03 Smith Center High School
Taylor, Zordyn 59.20 Phillipsburg High School
Williams, Tayton 59.28 Ell-Saline High School
Kramer, Tristan 59.29 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Minneapolis High School
Relay Team A 44.21 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 44.97 Riley County High School
Relay Team A 45.06 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 45.21 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 45.26 Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 45.30 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 45.32 Ell-Saline High School
Relay Team A 45.37 Bennington High School
Relay Team A 45.40 Smith Center High School
Relay Team A 46.04h Osborne High School
Relay Team A 46.14 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 46.67 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 46.74h Rock Hills High School
Relay Team A 46.90h Lakeside High School
Relay Team A 47.17 Beloit High School
Relay Team A 47.20 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 47.50h Beloit-St. John High School
Relay Team A 47.51 Republic County High School
Relay Team A 47.72 Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 48.20 Marion High School
Relay Team A 48.31 Washington County High School
Relay Team A 49.80 Pike Valley High School
Relay Team A 55.64h Logan High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:31.06 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 3:31.11 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 3:34.03 Minneapolis High School
Relay Team A 3:36.36 Ell-Saline High School
Relay Team A 3:37.12 Marion High School
Relay Team A 3:37.96 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 3:39.97 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 3:40.91 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 3:41.17 Riley County High School
Relay Team A 3:42.48 Republic County High School
Relay Team A 3:44.15 Tipton Catholic High School
Relay Team A 3:44.40 Smith Center High School
Relay Team A 3:46.16 Pike Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:46.84 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 3:48.36 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 3:48.91 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 3:49.88 Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 4:01.18 Beloit High School
Relay Team A 4:13.70 Washington County High School
Relay Team A 4:19.24 Bennington High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:26.11 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Relay Team A 8:16.13 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 8:30.76 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 8:39.90 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 8:56.30 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 8:58.74 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 9:03.71 Marion High School
Relay Team A 9:04.40 Republic County High School
Relay Team A 9:08.32 Smith Center High School
Relay Team A 9:31.99 Lincoln High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Klukas, Darren 2:01.42 Chapman High School
Elliott, Drew 2:02.02 Chapman High School
Bircher, Jacob 2:03.07 Southeast of Saline High School
Augustine, Drake 2:03.15 Southeast of Saline High School
Garcia, Alan 2:04.94 Concordia High School
Trout, Thayne 2:05.30 Bennington High School
Miesner, Owen 2:06.01 Riley County High School
Towner, Joshua 2:06.55 Tipton Catholic High School
Zerger, Garrison 2:07.00h Ell-Saline High School
Dye, Tristen 2:07.14 Marion High School
Smith, Grant 2:07.20 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Douglas, Jace 2:07.44 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Jackson, Damion 2:07.45 Southeast of Saline High School
Baker, Mason 2:07.97 Thunder Ridge High School
Johnson, Chase 2:08.79 Minneapolis High School
Hamel, Jonny 2:08.80h Osborne High School
Sharp, Cody 2:09.16 Riley County High School
Cool, Levi 2:10.18 Southern Cloud High School
Rickard, Miles 2:11.58 Pike Valley High School
Espinoza, Oscar 2:12.66 Abilene High School
Callaway, Hayden 2:13.16 Republic County High School
Hager, Levi 2:13.53 Abilene High School
Wolf, Karter 2:14.06 Hoisington High School
Lee, Dawson 2:14.37 Tescott High School
Bales, Graham 2:14.69 Osborne High School
Letourneau, Jonas 2:15.00h Beloit-St. John High School
Enochs, Mason 2:15.10 Smith Center High School
Palenske, Brayden 2:16.29 Bennington High School
Morris, Isaac 2:16.98 Republic County High School
Woodworth, Jensen 2:17.89 Abilene High School
Sinclair, Branden 2:19.53 Lincoln High School
May, Landon 2:20.00h Ell-Saline High School
Kindel, Bergun 2:20.73 Concordia High School
Lewis, Elijah 2:20.84 Hoisington High School
Becker, Caden 2:21.16 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Avalos, Fernando 2:21.39 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Bowers, Kobi 2:22.05 Rock Hills High School
Obermueller, Riley 2:24.02 Lincoln High School
Cowing, Alex 2:24.04 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Billinger, Trace 2:24.51 Smith Center High School
Applegarth, Brody 2:25.00h Washington County High School
Salsbury, Jaxon 2:28.94 Marion High School
Nisbeth, Dakota 2:31.46 Chapman High School
Vahling, Mayson 2:34.50 Logan High School
Corman, Cleveland 2:38.70 Phillipsburg High School
Thompson, Lucas 2:44.22 Washington County High School
Barnes, Gunner 2:45.27 Concordia High School
White, Markus 2:47.18 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
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Boys Discus 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seyfert, Grady 195-8 Beloit High School
Johnson, Eli 156-8 Beloit High School
Hanchett, Trace 152-4 Phillipsburg High School
Shelly, Josh 147-4 Republic County High School
Shaw, Brian 142-10 Thunder Ridge High School
Young, Luke 137-10.5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Gilmore, Brayden 133-5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Aurand, Jaren 133-5 Pike Valley High School
Cardenas, Octavien 133-4.25 Washington County High School
Haresnape, Cauy 133-4 Smith Center High School
Ferguson, Joshua 133-0 Thunder Ridge High School
Rodriguez, Rad 129-11 Phillipsburg High School
Hoffman, Caiden 129-1 Hoisington High School
Bates, Luke 128-5 Beloit-St. John High School
Hoffman, Layton 127-8 Hoisington High School
Langvardt, Weston 123-10 Chapman High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 120-7 Ellsworth High School
Feight, Locklund 119-9 Clifton-Clyde High School
Litton, Brody 117-10 Beloit High School
McFadden, Kyle 117-1 Concordia High School
Ryals, Paxton 117-1 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Chase, Kye 116-0 Southern Cloud High School
Hughes, Kyron 115-10 Phillipsburg High School
Walters, Gabe 115-8 Clifton-Clyde High School
Bitonti, Jackson 115-1 Marion High School
Bishop, Stewart 114-8 Riley County High School
Ortiz, Alonzo 114-5 Logan High School
Evert, Wyatt 114-2 Rock Hills High School
Hays, Trenton 113-3 Ellsworth High School
Sasse, Jakob 112-11 Smith Center High School
Heise, Chris 111-5 Osborne High School
Nguyen, Brian 111-1 Marion High School
Riley, Jadrian 109-4 Concordia High School
Blake, Keaton 108-7 Southeast of Saline High School
Bartholomew, Colton 107-7 Southeast of Saline High School
Prewo, Ryan 106-7 Logan High School
Baird, Austin 103-7 Lincoln High School
Albrecht, Hunter 103-2 Lakeside High School
Underwood, Aaron 103-1 Rock Hills High School
Webber, Trent 103-0 Riley County High School
Gillett, Logan 102-5 Bennington High School
Kramer, Levi 101-1.5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Gordon, Elias 100-11 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Copp, Elliott 98-9 Hoisington High School
Good, Easton 96-7 Lincoln High School
Hubbard, Tanner 96-5 Bennington High School
Douglas, Kanyon 95-3 Southeast of Saline High School
Yeauger, Xander 95-1 Chapman High School
Gradig, Gage 93-7 Lakeside High School
Homolka, Sumner 91-8 Ellsworth High School
Runyon, Gavin 90-3 Abilene High School
Rodriguez, Gabriel 88-5.5 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Hendershott, Jax 86-5 Concordia High School
Boggs, Marshall 85-5.5 Chapman High School
LeDuc, Gavyn 77-4 Washington County High School
Mendenhall, Clayton 62-7 Pike Valley High School
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Boys High Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rowley, Brogan 6-10 Ell-Saline High School
Nurnberg, Tate 6-6 Southeast of Saline High School
Collins, Trey 6-4 Tipton Catholic High School
Green, Tyler 6-4 Abilene High School
Whitley, Aiden 6-0 Chapman High School
Cash, Aceyn 6-0 Concordia High School
Skocny, Jack 6-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Holm, cj 5-10 Chapman High School
Cool, Levi 5-10 Southern Cloud High School
Scott, Mason 5-8 Minneapolis High School
Garcia, Alan 5-8 Concordia High School
Ward, Camden 5-8 Rock Hills High School
Hopkins, Malachi 5-8 Southeast of Saline High School
Peterson, Dante 5-8 Southern Cloud High School
Fahey, Payton 5-8 Clifton-Clyde High School
Allen, Ryder 5-6 Tipton Catholic High School
Thielen, Sam 5-6 Wilson High School
Jones, Cooper 5-6 Smith Center High School
Rodenbeek, Payge 5-6 Bennington High School
Schemper, Eli 5-6 Phillipsburg High School
Massell, Gavin 5-6 Pike Valley High School
Morris, Aden 5-4 Republic County High School
Mellies, Brody 5-2 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Walters, Colton 5-2 Beloit High School
Corman, Cleveland 5-2 Phillipsburg High School
Fagan, Joel 5-0 Smith Center High School
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Boys Javelin 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hanchett, Trace 183-10 Phillipsburg High School
Wagenblast, Kaleb 167-10 Thunder Ridge High School
Leduc, Payton 167-5 Washington County High School
Rowley, Brogan 158-11 Ell-Saline High School
Wilson, Brant 158-0 Smith Center High School
Hudson, Kayden 155-7 Phillipsburg High School
Randall, Jace 153-6 Thunder Ridge High School
Suther, Ian 151-8 Chapman High School
Aurand, Jaren 150-3 Pike Valley High School
Randles, Tristan 147-2.25 Abilene High School
Holm, cj 145-4 Chapman High School
Smith, Mason 143-0 Minneapolis High School
Hutchinson, Parker 142-7 Smith Center High School
Howell, Hunter 142-4 Osborne High School
Nguyen, Brian 137-0 Marion High School
Sumpter, Q 136-8 Osborne High School
Hughes, Kyron 136-2 Phillipsburg High School
Jones, Brooks 135-10 Beloit High School
Sharp, Cody 134-1 Riley County High School
Riley, Jadrian 133-8 Concordia High School
Pasley, Justin 131-6 Tescott High School
Ashland, Michael 131-1 Concordia High School
Evert, Wyatt 129-8 Rock Hills High School
Williams, Quade 128-3 Marion High School
Blake, Keaton 127-3 Southeast of Saline High School
Homolka, Sumner 126-7 Ellsworth High School
Zenger, Trenton 123-9 Washington County High School
Mellies, Brody 121-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Palenske, Brayden 121-1.25 Bennington High School
Litzinger, Braden 120-6 Chapman High School
Hays, Trenton 120-6 Ellsworth High School
Spellman, Colton 119-11 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Rickard, Miles 118-3 Pike Valley High School
Wildeman, Alec 117-7 Concordia High School
Litton, Brody 117-5 Beloit High School
Bishop, Stewart 117-4 Riley County High School
Good, Easton 116-11 Lincoln High School
Mcdill, Cooper 116-0 Rock Hills High School
Weishaar, Adam 115-10 Abilene High School
Johnson, Slade 115-5 Southeast of Saline High School
Just, Owen 114-11.5 Minneapolis High School
Gordon, Elias 114-8 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
George, Tiernan 114-7.5 Ellsworth High School
Gradig, Gage 114-7 Lakeside High School
Walters, Gabe 112-11 Clifton-Clyde High School
Feight, Locklund 110-2 Clifton-Clyde High School
Birzer, Caleb 108-9 Hoisington High School
Baird, Austin 108-7 Lincoln High School
Mater, Colin 107-7 Hoisington High School
Gillett, Logan 107-2 Bennington High School
LeDuc, Gavyn 107-0 Washington County High School
Tillberg, Jake 107-0 Ell-Saline High School
Prewo, Ryan 101-5 Logan High School
Schultze, Zane 99-0 Abilene High School
Rodriguez, Gabriel 91-11 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Ashmore, Case 83-3 Logan High School
Towner, Joshua 80-0 Tipton Catholic High School
Webber, Trent 77-7 Riley County High School
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Boys Long Jump 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mckenzie, Tegan 22-0.75 Smith Center High School
Murray, Michael 21-4 Southeast of Saline High School
Hiechel, Joseph 21-3 Ell-Saline High School
Raccagno, Jaden 21-1.25 Bennington High School
Meyers, Nate 20-9.5 Rock Hills High School
Francis, Alec 20-6.5 Concordia High School
Titgemeyer, Jack 20-6.5 Riley County High School
Robinson, Jason 20-6 Hoisington High School
Rowley, Brogan 20-6 Ell-Saline High School
Whitley, Aiden 20-4 Chapman High School
Bowell, Judah 20-2.75 Abilene High School
Huckett, Monte 20-2 Washington County High School
Cooper, Andy 19-11.5 Pike Valley High School
Hopkins, Malachi 19-7 Southeast of Saline High School
McVay, Manny 19-5.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Kindel, Torxsten 19-3.75 Concordia High School
VanMeter, Isaac 19-2.5 Chapman High School
Schroeder, Koevin 19-1.25 Tipton Catholic High School
Mccoy, Kaden 18-11.5 Lakeside High School
Morales, Taylen 18-11 Hoisington High School
McGowan, Cooper 18-9.75 Ellsworth High School
Hall, Ej 18-7.75 Phillipsburg High School
Cottone, Triston 18-6 Abilene High School
Jones, Cooper 18-5.75 Smith Center High School
Mcdill, Cooper 18-5.5 Rock Hills High School
Anderson, Scott 18-2 Wilson High School
Smith, Ian 18-1.5 Hoisington High School
Smith, Mason 18-0.75 Minneapolis High School
Horinek, Edward 18-0.5 Beloit-St. John High School
Greenwood, Nick 17-11 Beloit-St. John High School
Babcock, Ryan 17-10 Phillipsburg High School
Johnson, Chase 17-9.5 Minneapolis High School
Kresin, Ian 17-8.5 Lakeside High School
Taylor, Zordyn 17-8.5 Phillipsburg High School
Haas, Will 17-7.75 Clifton-Clyde High School
Spurlin, Wade 17-6.5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Woehl, Joseph 17-4.5 Minneapolis High School
Kramer, Tristan 17-3.75 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Sloan, Jennings 17-2.5 Beloit High School
Kindel, Bergun 17-1.75 Concordia High School
Henke, Kash 17-1.5 Republic County High School
Mellies, Brody 16-7 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Ines, Ethan 16-0.25 Republic County High School
White, Markus 15-11.5 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Palmer, Kolton 15-9.5 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Hollerich, Luke 14-9.5 Tipton Catholic High School
Thompson, Lucas 14-9.5 Washington County High School
Pasilas, Ryan 14-7.5 Osborne High School
DeWitt, Stanley Logan High School
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Boys Pole Vault 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ball, Josiah 14-6 Hoisington High School
Ohlson, Jace 13-0 Bennington High School
Huelsman, Trey 12-6 Bennington High School
Reeves, Teagon 12-6 Pike Valley High School
Peters, Carter 12-1 Tescott High School
Smith, Mason 12-0 Minneapolis High School
Shults, Chance 12-0 Marion High School
Fahey, Payton 12-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Smith, Braylon 11-6 Minneapolis High School
Liles, Carson 11-6 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Morris, Isaac 11-6 Republic County High School
Kindel, Bergun 11-0 Concordia High School
Hobrock, Cole 11-0 Concordia High School
Blue, Evan 11-0 Beloit High School
Monday, Josiah 11-0 Southeast of Saline High School
Meitl, Carsen 11-0 Phillipsburg High School
Farr, Parker 10-6 Abilene High School
Girton, Eissac 10-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Enochs, Mason 10-6 Smith Center High School
Kendig, Sam 10-6 Osborne High School
Sisson, Kaden 10-6 Phillipsburg High School
Waner, Kellen 10-0 Marion High School
McCoy, Gannon 10-0 Smith Center High School
Anderson, Caden 10-0 Beloit High School
Corman, Cleveland 10-0 Phillipsburg High School
Morales, Taylen 9-6 Hoisington High School
Nelson, Zach 9-0 Minneapolis High School
Eck, William 9-0 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Kircher, Ben 9-0 Beloit High School
Beck, Cory 9-0 Pike Valley High School
Hoover, Noah 8-6 Washington County High School
Piroutek, Zach 8-6 Republic County High School
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Boys Shot Put 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seyfert, Grady 61-1.5 Beloit High School
Johnson, Eli 49-10 Beloit High School
Hoffman, Caiden 49-3 Hoisington High School
Litton, Brody 47-3.5 Beloit High School
Langvardt, Weston 44-11 Chapman High School
Hanchett, Trace 44-8 Phillipsburg High School
Deines, Noah 43-9 Hoisington High School
Williams, Quade 43-2.25 Marion High School
Rodriguez, Rad 43-1.75 Phillipsburg High School
Sasse, Jakob 42-10.75 Smith Center High School
Aurand, Jaren 42-9 Pike Valley High School
Ferguson, Joshua 42-6.5 Thunder Ridge High School
Wagenblast, Kaleb 41-8.5 Thunder Ridge High School
Feight, Locklund 41-0.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Shelly, Josh 40-9.5 Republic County High School
Hoffman, Layton 40-7.75 Hoisington High School
Leduc, Payton 40-7 Washington County High School
Haresnape, Cauy 40-5.5 Smith Center High School
Ford, Dylan 39-10.5 Bennington High School
Shaw, Brian 39-4.5 Thunder Ridge High School
Cardenas, Octavien 39-3.5 Washington County High School
Ortiz, Alonzo 39-2 Logan High School
Ashland, Michael 39-1.5 Concordia High School
Chase, Kye 38-11.5 Southern Cloud High School
Walters, Gabe 38-8.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Good, Easton 38-8 Lincoln High School
Sumpter, Q 38-7.5 Osborne High School
Girton, Eissac 38-7 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Baird, Austin 38-5 Lincoln High School
Underwood, Aaron 38-2 Rock Hills High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 38-0.25 Ellsworth High School
Nguyen, Brian 37-9 Marion High School
Young, Luke 37-4 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Bartholomew, Colton 37-2.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Kern, Matthew 37-2 Washington County High School
Hughes, Kyron 37-1.5 Phillipsburg High School
Gradig, Gage 37-0 Lakeside High School
Marquis, Kael 36-9 Pike Valley High School
Randles, Tristan 36-4 Abilene High School
Yeauger, Xander 36-3 Chapman High School
Seifried, Gage 36-2.5 Osborne High School
Brockman, Dakota 36-0.5 Concordia High School
Riley, Jadrian 35-8.5 Concordia High School
Hays, Trenton 35-6 Ellsworth High School
West, Loden 35-3.75 Ellsworth High School
Gordon, Elias 35-2.75 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Webber, Trent 35-1 Riley County High School
Sayers, Ian 34-0 Chapman High School
Albrecht, Hunter 33-11 Lakeside High School
Rodriguez, Gabriel 32-6.5 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Vance, Eli 31-2.25 Rock Hills High School
Gilmore, Brayden 30-11 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Runyon, Gavin 30-7.5 Abilene High School
Ashmore, Case 30-4 Logan High School
Hubbard, Tanner 29-10 Bennington High School
Tillberg, Jake 29-2 Ell-Saline High School
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Boys Triple Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morrical-Palmer, Nakari 42-10 Southeast of Saline High School
Francis, Alec 41-1.75 Concordia High School
Trost, Cody 40-11.5 Concordia High School
Robinson, Jason 40-11.25 Hoisington High School
Mckenzie, Tegan 40-9 Smith Center High School
Czarnek, Kyler 40-8 Hoisington High School
Raccagno, Jaden 40-6 Bennington High School
Davis, Kj 40-4 Riley County High School
Parry, Caden 40-3.5 Southeast of Saline High School
McVay, Manny 39-7.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Funston, Taygen 39-7.5 Abilene High School
Ward, Camden 39-3.25 Rock Hills High School
Gruver, Kelan 39-3 Chapman High School
Morales, Taylen 38-8 Hoisington High School
McGowan, Cooper 38-1 Ellsworth High School
Haas, Will 38-1 Clifton-Clyde High School
Horinek, Edward 37-11.75 Beloit-St. John High School
Hall, Ej 37-9.5 Phillipsburg High School
Remus, Reece 37-9 Lakeside High School
Greenwood, Nick 37-7.25 Beloit-St. John High School
Scott, Mason 37-2.5 Minneapolis High School
Woehl, Joseph 37-1.25 Minneapolis High School
Huckett, Monte 36-11.75 Washington County High School
Cool, Levi 36-11 Southern Cloud High School
Thielen, Sam 36-10.75 Wilson High School
Welch, Trenton 36-10 Southern Cloud High School
Cash, Aceyn 36-8.25 Concordia High School
VanMeter, Isaac 36-7 Chapman High School
Mesalles, Ethan 36-5.5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Orr, Daveyon 36-5 Smith Center High School
Sloan, Jennings 34-10.5 Beloit High School
Gradig, Gage 34-8.5 Lakeside High School
Glendening, Jaxon 34-3 Phillipsburg High School
Soyez, Wyatt 32-6 Marion High School
Pasillas, Ryan 29-0.5 Osborne High School
Allen, Jaidon Phillipsburg High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heintz, Renatta 12.63 Abilene High School
Miles, Rori 12.65 Bennington High School
Litzinger, Haley 12.66 Chapman High School
Hamel, Kynlee 12.94 Concordia High School
Knight, Ashlyn 13.00 Beloit High School
Peschka, Lainey 13.07 Ellsworth High School
Brown, Miley 13.20 Beloit High School
Simmelink, Bethany 13.20h Rock Hills High School
Metz, Hazel 13.28 Lincoln High School
Mikkelson, Lauryn 13.30 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Osterman, Jessica 13.40 Clifton-Clyde High School
Basgall, Emma 13.41 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Johnson, Mia 13.45 Abilene High School
Ayers, Grace 13.46 Rock Hills High School
Wehrmeister, Emma 13.57 Chapman High School
Hicks, Danica 13.63 Ellsworth High School
Labertew, Maggie 13.65 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Alexander, Kaitlyn 13.69 Logan High School
Wright, Megan 13.70 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Cowing, Alissa 13.71 Clay Center Community High Schoo
McPhail, Kayla 13.72 Marion High School
Watson, Taleigh 13.72 Bennington High School
Brantley, MaLaney 13.77 Ellsworth High School
VanDerVeen, Chloe 13.80 Phillipsburg High School
Bliss, Chandler 13.81 Chapman High School
McClure, Maci 13.92 Minneapolis High School
Betzner, Kaitlyn 13.93 Ell-Saline High School
Knight, Lundyn 13.95 Beloit High School
Winter, Jaci 14.00 Clifton-Clyde High School
Calhoon, Tasia 14.00 Phillipsburg High School
Stahlman, Aubrey 14.02 Concordia High School
Stout, Samantha 14.02 Abilene High School
Cline, Emma 14.14 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Weigel, Nevaeh 14.16 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Brummer, Katie 14.18 Tipton Catholic High School
Jueneman, Alyssa 14.20 Washington County High School
Johnson, Ayla 14.27 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Bonilla, Holly 14.37 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Carlin, Katzel 14.50 Osborne High School
Kenney, Kyla 14.52 Phillipsburg High School
Chase, Kyndra 14.58 Southern Cloud High School
Dlabal, Abby 14.91 Wilson High School
Ochoa, Jerrica 15.12 Smith Center High School
Meier, Mackensi 15.36 Washington County High School
Kendig, Annie 15.64h Osborne High School
El Harrati Bouharrat, Chifae 15.73 Marion High School
Godsey, Kenya 16.00h Smith Center High School
Douglas, Bentley 16.46 Concordia High School
Lara, Fernanda 17.22 Ell-Saline High School
Uhland, Kylee 17.4 Logan High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gray, Dakota 15.88 Beloit High School
Goeckel, Addy 16.08 Washington County High School
Hahn, Kylee 16.23 Hoisington High School
Kirkpatrick, Maya 16.39 Chapman High School
Gottschalk, Shalee 16.41 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Farmer, Shellamae 16.50 Hoisington High School
Bender, Tessa 16.86 Abilene High School
Watson, Taleigh 17.35 Bennington High School
Newell, Gabby 17.51 Marion High School
Haxton, Elyse 17.62 Ellsworth High School
Church, Mallorie 17.82 Tescott High School
Bunch, Macy 17.91 Southeast of Saline High School
Wacker, LeeAllie 18.26 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Peterson, Courtney 18.39 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Schoen, Kim 18.42 Beloit High School
Cash, Charlize 18.55 Concordia High School
Stindt, Avery 18.63 Republic County High School
Weigel, Nevaeh 18.64 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Griffin, Maleah 18.80 Minneapolis High School
Schultz, Jessa 19.38 Ellsworth High School
Mata, Nailea 19.50 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Tholstrup, Layla 19.62 Washington County High School
McClurg, Hailey 19.67 Logan High School
Lutters, Tianna 19.90 Osborne High School
Laflen, Jayden 20.00 Washington County High School
Kraus, Taryn 20.13 Marion High School
Hartsock, Cale 20.15 Osborne High School
Wogomon, Airiana 20.55 Concordia High School
Davis, Karleigh 21.32 Concordia High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frieze, Elyssa 5:06.17 Chapman High School
Bathurst, Eden 5:23.85 Abilene High School
Prochazka, Ashley 5:27.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Cossaart, Alayna 5:41.32 Minneapolis High School
Stone, Caroline 5:43.08 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Krueger, Maddy 5:44.01 Minneapolis High School
Letourneau, Jane 5:44.78 Beloit-St. John High School
Reeves, Breanna 5:50.73 Pike Valley High School
CALLAWAY, Ellie 5:52.50 Republic County High School
Matteucci, Eva 5:53.08 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Goertzen, Rosalie 5:56.90 Republic County High School
Salazar, Lily 5:57.82 Ell-Saline High School
Higgins, Avery 5:58.75 Riley County High School
Peterson, Breonna 6:01.42 Tescott High School
Franklin, Sadie 6:02.26 Southeast of Saline High School
Bertuccelli, Ryah 6:08.93 Osborne High School
Frese, Mikaila 6:09.00 Riley County High School
Kendig, Kate 6:09.62 Osborne High School
Begnoche, Hailey 6:10.94 Clifton-Clyde High School
Campa, Bethany 6:11.68 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Coyle, Jadence 6:11.90 Abilene High School
Biggs, Jaci 6:16.24 Minneapolis High School
Baumann, Meredith 6:16.72 Riley County High School
Heller, Molly 6:21.18 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Janssen, Adelia 6:23.13 Bennington High School
Koehn, Erika 6:28.41 Bennington High School
Bain, Ainsleigh 6:37.70 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Poels, Gabby 6:40.59 Phillipsburg High School
Schneider, Jewell 6:42.89 Ell-Saline High School
Thomas, Addison 6:55.85 Ellsworth High School
Anderson, Hattie 7:00.00h Beloit High School
Schmeidler, Grace 7:03.12 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Kaiser, Vada 7:10 Hoisington High School
Howland, Emma 7:21.20 Smith Center High School
Moreno, Aitana 7:36.93 Beloit High School
Sloan, Ava 8:14.13 Beloit High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maya, Ilyssa Concordia High School
Schemper, Heather 26.24 Phillipsburg High School
Miles, Rori 26.29 Bennington High School
Sides, Taryn 26.40 Phillipsburg High School
Litzinger, Haley 26.66 Chapman High School
Wurtz, Sevy 26.71 Clifton-Clyde High School
Smith, Darby 27.50h Ell-Saline High School
Hamel, Kynlee 27.72 Concordia High School
Tholstrup, Kiersten 27.72 Washington County High School
Metz, Hazel 27.72 Lincoln High School
Gross, Trinitti 28.00 Phillipsburg High School
Simmelink, Bethany 28.00h Rock Hills High School
Knight, Ashlyn 28.01 Beloit High School
Elliott, Tanith 28.02 Chapman High School
Osterman, Jessica 28.05 Clifton-Clyde High School
Brown, Miley 28.30 Beloit High School
Peck, Jordan 28.31 Minneapolis High School
Hammond, Madison 28.31 Riley County High School
Betzner, Kaitlyn 28.86 Ell-Saline High School
Brantley, MaLaney 28.96 Ellsworth High School
Winter, Jaci 29.04 Clifton-Clyde High School
Labertew, Maggie 29.09 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Stahlman, Aubrey 29.25 Concordia High School
Alexander, Kaitlyn 29.47 Logan High School
Boudreaux, Brecken 29.52 Beloit High School
Bliss, Chandler 29.58 Chapman High School
Brummer, Katie 29.68 Tipton Catholic High School
Sharpton, Emma 29.70 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Richards, Nicole 29.72 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Bowers, Hannah 29.80 Republic County High School
Thumann, Ava 29.82 Republic County High School
Cline, Emma 29.86 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Schrader, Josi 30.14 Minneapolis High School
Cline, Macy 30.28 Minneapolis High School
Englart, Hayden 30.49 Washington County High School
Cappuccio, Anna 30.51 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Newell, Gabby 30.80 Marion High School
Dlabal, Abby 31.47 Wilson High School
Togersen, Cadence 31.68 Ellsworth High School
Ochoa, Jerrica 31.70 Smith Center High School
Watson, Tambryn 31.78 Bennington High School
Kendig, Annie 32.38 Osborne High School
Godsey, Kenya 32.90 Smith Center High School
El Harrati Bouharrat, Chifae 33.40h Marion High School
Nabity, Autumn 33.48 Pike Valley High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goeckel, Addy 48.04 Washington County High School
Kirkpatrick, Maya 48.25 Chapman High School
Gray, Dakota 48.28 Beloit High School
Cash, Charlize 48.51 Concordia High School
Hahn, Kylee 49.11 Hoisington High School
Lambert, Anna 50.04 Riley County High School
Gottschalk, Shalee 50.70 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Mikkelson, Lauryn 50.71 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Farmer, Shellamae 51.19 Hoisington High School
Wurtz, Shea 51.78 Clifton-Clyde High School
Jacobs, Kayla 51.93 Phillipsburg High School
Hutchinson, Camryn 51.96 Smith Center High School
Weigel, Nevaeh 52.00 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Johnson, Amara 52.23 Abilene High School
Bunch, Macy 52.67 Southeast of Saline High School
Haxton, Elyse 53.22 Ellsworth High School
Carlin, Katzel 53.25 Osborne High School
Wingo, Christina 53.34 Southeast of Saline High School
Schultz, Jessa 53.36 Ellsworth High School
Williams, Mara 53.41 Riley County High School
Wehrmeister, Emma 53.56 Chapman High School
Mata, Nailea 53.72 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Kraus, Taryn 53.74 Marion High School
Church, Mallorie 54.20 Tescott High School
Lutters, Tianna 54.67 Osborne High School
Watson, Tambryn 55.34 Bennington High School
Stindt, Avery 55.42 Republic County High School
Obermueller, Avery 55.65 Lincoln High School
Wacker, LeeAllie 56.07 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Schoen, Kim 56.60 Beloit High School
Griffin, Maleah 57.45 Minneapolis High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Janssen, Adelia Bennington High School
Frieze, Elyssa 11:06.80 Chapman High School
Prochazka, Ashley 12:04.87 Southeast of Saline High School
Letourneau, Jane 12:10.59 Beloit-St. John High School
Alderson, Breckyn 12:15.83 Southeast of Saline High School
Cossaart, Alayna 12:16.61 Minneapolis High School
Commerford, Abby 12:23.58 Southeast of Saline High School
Matteucci, Eva 12:27.00 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Pfizenmaier, Kylie 12:32.91 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Cathey, Arissa 13:01.10 Abilene High School
Sleichter, Lainie 13:06.67 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Peterson, Breonna 13:16.4 Tescott High School
Kendig, Kate 13:28.20 Osborne High School
Goertzen, Rosalie 13:36.47 Republic County High School
Bain, Ella 13:44.23 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Dickman, Michaela 13:53.79 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Balluch, Jenna 14:05.00 Beloit High School
Biggs, Jaci 14:05.05 Minneapolis High School
Briggs, Hailey 14:06.52 Chapman High School
Schneider, Jewell 14:11.87 Ell-Saline High School
Mckain, Clare 15:13.90 Minneapolis High School
Melton, Tallyn 15:27.79 Republic County High School
Hayes, Gwen 16:28.50 Ell-Saline High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sides, Taryn 1:00.38 Phillipsburg High School
Tholstrup, Kiersten 1:01.70 Washington County High School
Catlin, Tovah 1:01.81 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Smith, Darby 1:02.47 Ell-Saline High School
Dorzweiler, Gracy 1:02.48 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Rock, Chloe 1:02.66 Abilene High School
Poore, Addison 1:04.69 Osborne High School
Rohr, Macara 1:04.91 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Metz, Hazel 1:05.03 Lincoln High School
Sikes, Whitley 1:05.40h Clifton-Clyde High School
Peschka, Lainey 1:05.63 Ellsworth High School
Clausen-Peters, Dakota 1:05.69 Republic County High School
Jones, Keira 1:05.85 Chapman High School
Wehrmeister, Emma 1:05.88 Chapman High School
Jacobs, Kayla 1:06.20 Phillipsburg High School
Wolf, Janae 1:06.78 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Thumann, Ava 1:06.89 Republic County High School
Soukup, Makenna 1:07.16 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Simmelink, Hannah 1:07.84 Rock Hills High School
Simmelink, Bethany 1:07.84 Rock Hills High School
Hornseth, Kaylin 1:08.00h Ell-Saline High School
Brummer, Katie 1:08.88 Tipton Catholic High School
Maier,, Kelsi 1:08.97 Hoisington High School
Simmons, Madison 1:09.00h Bennington High School
Jaderborg, Paisly 1:09.26 Chapman High School
Stephenson, Katie 1:10.51 Southeast of Saline High School
Petersilie, Lexus 1:10.92 Hoisington High School
Gomel-Osthoff, Ruby 1:10.99 Smith Center High School
Staab, Rachel 1:11.00 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Pruden, Emily 1:11.84 Smith Center High School
Cullens, Skylar 1:12.00 Wilson High School
Carlson, Maria 1:13.40h Marion High School
Schrader, Josi 1:14.72 Minneapolis High School
Garcia, Asia 1:16.05 Concordia High School
Carlin, Mary 1:19.44h Osborne High School
Nabity, Autumn 1:21.47 Pike Valley High School
Schemper, Heather 57.97 Phillipsburg High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.11 Logan High School
Relay Team A 50.90 Beloit High School
Relay Team A 51.08 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 51.75 Bennington High School
Relay Team A 51.93 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 51.99 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 52.08 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 52.49 Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 52.74 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Relay Team A 52.75 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 53.05 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 53.72 Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 54.11 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Relay Team A 55.58 Marion High School
Relay Team A 55.84h Rock Hills High School
Relay Team A 56.54 Washington County High School
Relay Team A 57.32 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:10.51 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 4:13.96 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 4:17.04 Washington County High School
Relay Team A 4:18.93 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 4:22.19 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Relay Team A 4:25.26 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 4:25.50h Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 4:26.64 Beloit High School
Relay Team A 4:29.55 Riley County High School
Relay Team A 4:32.41 Ell-Saline High School
Relay Team A 4:32.59 Bennington High School
Relay Team A 4:32.83 Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 4:36.05 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 4:36.20 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Relay Team A 4:38.07 Minneapolis High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00 Marion High School
Relay Team A 4:42.03 Republic County High School
Relay Team A 4:42.63 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 5:16.10 Concordia High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:24.52 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 10:36.50 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 10:37.32 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Relay Team A 10:40.88 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 10:43.50 Clifton-Clyde High School
Relay Team A 10:51.52 Republic County High School
Relay Team A 11:00.47 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 11:02.13 Smith Center High School
Relay Team A 11:17.10 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 11:32.69 Washington County High School
Relay Team A 11:57.23 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Relay Team A 12:34.56 Beloit High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frieze, Elyssa 2:19.27 Chapman High School
Crowdis, Kynlie 2:27.83 Hoisington High School
Smith, Lauren 2:29.41 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Augustine, Cali 2:30.44 Southeast of Saline High School
Poore, Addison 2:31.00 Osborne High School
Dorzweiler, Gracy 2:31.73 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Baker, McKenzie 2:31.85 Washington County High School
Wilson, Keala 2:32.30 Ell-Saline High School
Clausen-Peters, Dakota 2:36.41 Republic County High School
Cossaart, Alayna 2:37.37 Minneapolis High School
Kattenberg, Dakota 2:37.80 Smith Center High School
Salazar, Lily 2:38.72 Ell-Saline High School
Krueger, Maddy 2:40.57 Minneapolis High School
Sorell, Elisa 2:40.65 Clifton-Clyde High School
BEARY, Jade 2:41.35 Chapman High School
Thielen, Anna 2:41.66 Wilson High School
Janssen, Adelia 2:42.74 Bennington High School
Briggs, Hailey 2:42.80 Chapman High School
Frese, Mikaila 2:43.18 Riley County High School
Reeves, Breanna 2:43.24 Pike Valley High School
Higgins, Avery 2:43.54 Riley County High School
Schultz, ashlyn 2:44.40 Osborne High School
Coyle, Jadence 2:45.18 Abilene High School
Weber, Allison 2:45.22 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Peterson, Breonna 2:46.0 Tescott High School
Cathey, Arissa 2:46.25 Abilene High School
Gray, Katyanna 2:46.33 Beloit High School
Carlson, Maria 2:47.08 Marion High School
Simmelink, Hannah 2:48.18 Rock Hills High School
Baumann, Meredith 2:48.45 Riley County High School
Olson, Ellie 2:48.60 Beloit High School
Douglas, Skylar 2:48.97 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Franklin, Sadie 2:50.81 Southeast of Saline High School
VanDerVeen, Chloe 2:51.05 Phillipsburg High School
Kaiser, Vada 2:51.72 Hoisington High School
Bain, Ainsleigh 2:53.40 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Goertzen, Rosalie 2:55.01 Republic County High School
Sleichter, Lainie 2:57.05 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Herrdsberg, Ellie 3:03.99 Smith Center High School
Koehn, Erika 3:05.67 Bennington High School
Lieb, Erica 3:08.01 Pike Valley High School
Swaim, Saige 3:12.33 Washington County High School
Stuchlik, Gabrielle 3:17.65 Marion High School
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Girls Discus 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Slavik, Toree 141-0.5 Thunder Ridge High School
Seyfert, Tatum 140-5 Beloit High School
Means, Kaelyn 131-2 Phillipsburg High School
Elliott, Tanith 119-1 Chapman High School
Thompson, Cassandra 115-2 Beloit High School
Baker, Calyn 111-10 Clifton-Clyde High School
Schnell, Jordyn 110-2.5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Waner, Mckinnon 109-0 Marion High School
Riner, Gracie 108-7 Osborne High School
Kaser, Kalli 107-5 Osborne High School
Dierking, Austin 105-5 Phillipsburg High School
Benne, Halle 103-3.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Yost, Shyanne 102-11 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Jones, Callie 102-0 Abilene High School
Riner, Leavie 101-8 Osborne High School
Goddard, Kylie 100-0 Beloit High School
Hansen, Reagan 99-2 Ellsworth High School
Holling, Alexis 98-11 Thunder Ridge High School
Hulett, Madisyn 98-9 Marion High School
Wallace, Addie 97-5 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Dye, Sophia 96-6 Marion High School
Bloomdahl, Savanah 96-5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Rust, Sydney 94-8 Thunder Ridge High School
Gieber, Lindsay 91-3.5 Republic County High School
Gormley, Grace 91-0 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Turnipseed, Kylan 90-3 Ellsworth High School
Billings, Brynn 89-10 Phillipsburg High School
Kuntz, Clare 89-2 Chapman High School
Jones, Emma 88-9 Tipton Catholic High School
Hoover, Jesse 85-6 Washington County High School
Seiler, Breanna 85-1 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Sasse, Madison 84-8 Smith Center High School
Kats, Mara 84-4 Logan High School
Gaston, Abigail 82-1 Chapman High School
Pflughoeft, Keeley 81-2 Ellsworth High School
Bryson, Kambree 79-3 Abilene High School
Johnson, Marlie 78-11 Concordia High School
Torres, Rosie 78-8 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Rose, Allison 78-6 Abilene High School
Heiland, Lillie 78-1 Smith Center High School
Reinert, Faith 73-5 Rock Hills High School
Thielen, Hallie 72-5 Wilson High School
Lieb, Erica 72-3 Pike Valley High School
Esquivel, Yessica 70-5 Hoisington High School
Letourneau, Jori 70-1.25 Concordia High School
Meier, Mackensi 66-0 Washington County High School
Deronnet, Myka 65-9 Minneapolis High School
Petersilie, Kassy 64-5 Hoisington High School
Worlock, Kaitlyn 62-4 Minneapolis High School
Alexander, Kendra 51-9.5 Logan High School
Jessup, Rylie Concordia High School
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Girls High Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cavanaugh, Sophie 5-4 Chapman High School
Gray, Dakota 5-2 Beloit High School
Thompson, Sophia 5-2 Beloit High School
Johnson, Amara 5-0 Abilene High School
Wurtz, Shea 5-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Cochrun, Jennifer 5-0 Thunder Ridge High School
Brummet, Lauren 5-0 Lakeside High School
Baer, Avery 5-0 Chapman High School
Soukup, Katelyn 4-11 Ellsworth High School
Schultz, ashlyn 4-11 Osborne High School
Hamel, Kynlee 4-10 Concordia High School
Yost, Shyanne 4-10 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Wentling, Tessa 4-10 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Seib, Aliya 4-10 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Lambert, Anna 4-8 Riley County High School
Melton, Tallyn 4-8 Republic County High School
Mizner, Halle 4-8 Rock Hills High School
Whelchel, Lauren 4-8 Rock Hills High School
Thompson, Cassandra 4-8 Beloit High School
Hahn, Kylee 4-8 Hoisington High School
Bunch, Macy 4-8 Southeast of Saline High School
Corman, Caydence 4-8 Phillipsburg High School
Bisnette, Jesika 4-6 Concordia High School
Englart, Hayden 4-6 Washington County High School
Hartsock, Cale 4-6 Osborne High School
Howland, Emma 4-2 Smith Center High School
Heller, Molly 4-2 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Lewis, Elliana 4-0 Ell-Saline High School
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Girls Javelin 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hutchinson, Camryn 136-7 Smith Center High School
Hoover, Jesse 135-4 Washington County High School
Riner, Gracie 128-8 Osborne High School
Turnipseed, Kylan 125-7 Ellsworth High School
Lorenz, Autumn 123-3 Beloit High School
Thompson, Cassandra 120-11 Beloit High School
Bartlett, Jordan 120-1 Bennington High School
Brummet, Lauren 120-0 Lakeside High School
Keeten, Karissa 117-1 Phillipsburg High School
Heiland, Lillie 114-0 Smith Center High School
Budke, Addison 113-7 Beloit High School
Stindt, Avery 109-6 Republic County High School
Pflughoeft, Keeley 108-6.5 Ellsworth High School
Kaser, Kalli 108-0 Osborne High School
Talkington, Lexus 107-0 Republic County High School
Koppes, Gabi 105-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Benne, Halle 104-10 Clifton-Clyde High School
Hammond, Mylee 104-10 Clifton-Clyde High School
Dye, Sophia 104-7 Marion High School
Hull, Emalie 101-8 Lincoln High School
Goeckel, Addy 100-9 Washington County High School
Waner, Mckinnon 100-2 Marion High School
Brummer, Carlie 99-7 Tipton Catholic High School
Wallace, Addie 99-2 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Rignell, Cj 98-8 Riley County High School
Riner, Leavie 98-2 Osborne High School
McClure, Maci 97-11 Minneapolis High School
Ohl, Rylan 97-4 Ellsworth High School
Bryson, Kambree 96-7 Abilene High School
Jones, Emma 95-2 Tipton Catholic High School
Obermueller, Avery 95-0.5 Lincoln High School
Dannefer, Claira 94-2 Abilene High School
Kirkpatrick, Adelynn 93-7 Chapman High School
Ediger, Emilee 88-7 Abilene High School
Letourneau, Jori 86-8 Concordia High School
Billings, Jocelyn 86-0 Phillipsburg High School
Stein, Celsie 85-3 Southern Cloud High School
Deronnet, Myka 83-6 Minneapolis High School
Petersilie, Lexus 80-9 Hoisington High School
Billings, Brynn 80-5 Phillipsburg High School
Mikkelson, Lauryn 80-2 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Gaston, Abigail 78-5 Chapman High School
Wentling, Tessa 77-9 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Almendarez, Natalya 77-3 Washington County High School
Johnson, Marlie 76-2 Concordia High School
Kuntz, Clare 73-11 Chapman High School
Vizner, Carsyn 73-6 Rock Hills High School
Voss, Lylah 72-5 Logan High School
Bergman, Kaeleighann 70-8 Bennington High School
Petersilie, Kassy 68-9 Hoisington High School
Reinert, Faith 67-1 Rock Hills High School
Coil, Savannah 62-11 Rock Hills High School
Alexander, Kendra 52-11 Logan High School
Lewis, Elliana 42-6 Ell-Saline High School
Jessup, Rylie Concordia High School
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Girls Long Jump 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kirkpatrick, Maya 17-4 Chapman High School
Dannefer, Claira 17-3.5 Abilene High School
Litzinger, Haley 16-9.5 Chapman High School
McClure, Maci 16-7 Minneapolis High School
Wurtz, Sevy 16-7 Clifton-Clyde High School
Basgall, Emma 16-6.25 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Seib, Aliya 16-5.5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Koester, Jaida 16-4.75 Concordia High School
Lorenz, Autumn 15-11.5 Beloit High School
Mooney, Mallory 15-9.5 Hoisington High School
Metz, Hazel 15-7.5 Lincoln High School
Weigel, Nevaeh 15-6.75 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Wasylk, Claire 15-6 Chapman High School
Boudreaux, Brecken 15-5 Beloit High School
Cowing, Alissa 15-4.75 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Wesner, Kenna 15-4 Marion High School
Jueneman, Alyssa 15-2.5 Washington County High School
Labertew, Maggie 15-2.5 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Ayers, Grace 15-1.5 Rock Hills High School
Wingo, Christina 15-1.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Cline, Macy 15-1.25 Minneapolis High School
Craig, Ruth 15-0 Washington County High School
Corman, Caydence 14-10.5 Phillipsburg High School
Steinbrock, Lillian 14-10 Clifton-Clyde High School
Hammond, Madison 14-10 Riley County High School
Boydston, Lexi 14-9.25 Phillipsburg High School
Maya, Ilyssa 14-7.5 Concordia High School
Rockers, Destiny 14-7 Clifton-Clyde High School
Griffin, Maleah 14-6 Minneapolis High School
McClurg, Hailey 14-5.5 Logan High School
Galicia, Jennifer 14-5.5 Thunder Ridge High School
Caswell, Adalynn 14-5 Bennington High School
Knight, Lundyn 14-3 Beloit High School
Maier,, Kelsi 14-1.5 Hoisington High School
Mata, Nailea 14-0.5 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Simmelink, Hannah 13-11.5 Rock Hills High School
Togersen, Cadence 13-10.25 Ellsworth High School
Sharpton, Emma 13-9 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Wacker, LeeAllie 13-8.75 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Brummer, Carlie 13-8 Tipton Catholic High School
Laflen, Jayden 13-8 Washington County High School
Douglas, Kieran 13-7 Southeast of Saline High School
Thumann, Ava 13-6 Republic County High School
Cooper, Addison 13-5 Marion High School
Kenney, Kyla 13-1.25 Phillipsburg High School
Cullens, Skylar 12-10.5 Wilson High School
Bowers, Hannah 12-10 Republic County High School
Garcia, Asia 12-2.25 Concordia High School
Uhland, Kylee 11-4.5 Logan High School
Carlin, Mary 9-10.5 Osborne High School
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Girls Pole Vault 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Farmer, Shellamae 11-6 Hoisington High School
Loomis, Ashlyn 10-0 Beloit High School
Richard, Lillee 9-6 Washington County High School
Bathurst, Eden 9-0 Abilene High School
Sikes, Whitley 9-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Fahey, Jordi 9-0 Clifton-Clyde High School
Corman, Caydence 9-0 Phillipsburg High School
Mcgivney, Jentree 8-6 Abilene High School
Craig, Boston 8-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Cappuccio, Anna 8-6 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Rockers, Destiny 8-6 Clifton-Clyde High School
Simmons, Madison 8-6 Bennington High School
Whelchel, Lauren 8-6 Rock Hills High School
Reeves, Breanna 8-6 Pike Valley High School
Kindel, Keely 8-0 Concordia High School
Baker, McKenzie 8-0 Washington County High School
Koppes, Gabi 8-0 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Johnston, Tatum 8-0 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Kirkpatrick, Adelynn 8-0 Chapman High School
Peck, Jordan 7-7 Minneapolis High School
Kindel, Acacia 7-6 Concordia High School
Harshman, Hailey 7-6 Marion High School
Knight, Lundyn 7-6 Beloit High School
Schrader, Josi 7-0 Minneapolis High School
Koenig, Hannah 7-0 Beloit High School
Kendig, Annie 6-0 Osborne High School
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Girls Shot Put 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seyfert, Tatum 43-10.5 Beloit High School
Budke, Addison 43-6 Beloit High School
William, Grace 38-6.75 Osborne High School
Dierking, Austin 37-9.75 Phillipsburg High School
Means, Kaelyn 36-6.25 Phillipsburg High School
Slavik, Toree 36-1.5 Thunder Ridge High School
Kats, Mara 35-3.25 Logan High School
Hull, Emalie 35-3 Lincoln High School
Waner, Mckinnon 34-1 Marion High School
Hill, Gretchen 34-0 Chapman High School
Long, Ashleigh 33-11 Chapman High School
Johnson, Ayla 33-10 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Ryser, Kyera 33-3 Beloit High School
Holling, Alexis 33-2.5 Thunder Ridge High School
Ohl, Rylan 33-1 Ellsworth High School
Sasse, Madison 32-7 Smith Center High School
Gormley, Grace 31-7 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Hulett, Madisyn 31-6.5 Marion High School
Baker, Calyn 31-6 Clifton-Clyde High School
Elliott, Tanith 31-4 Chapman High School
Bloomdahl, Savanah 31-3.5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Billings, Jocelyn 31-0.75 Phillipsburg High School
Hansen, Reagan 30-5 Ellsworth High School
Ediger, Emilee 30-2.75 Abilene High School
Gieber, Lindsay 30-2.5 Republic County High School
Petersilie, Lexus 30-1 Hoisington High School
Cole, Allison 29-10.5 Osborne High School
Jones, Emma 29-9 Tipton Catholic High School
Bartlett, Jordan 29-9 Bennington High School
Guzman, Ieesha 29-3 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Voss, Lylah 29-2.25 Logan High School
Esquivel, Yessica 28-8.5 Hoisington High School
Schnell, Jordyn 28-8 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Reinert, Faith 28-3 Rock Hills High School
Jones, Callie 27-11 Abilene High School
Rose, Allison 27-4.75 Abilene High School
Worlock, Kaitlyn 27-1.5 Minneapolis High School
Mangiameli, Maria 25-10 Smith Center High School
Damman, Polly 25-9 Clifton-Clyde High School
Deronnet, Myka 25-2 Minneapolis High School
Letourneau, Jori 25-1.75 Concordia High School
Thielen, Hallie 24-5 Wilson High School
Seiler, Breanna 24-5 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Torres, Rosie 23-9 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Lieb, Erica 22-10 Pike Valley High School
Johnson, Marlie 22-3.5 Concordia High School
Lara, Fernanda 15-3.25 Ell-Saline High School
Jessup, Rylie Concordia High School
Wolff, Alyssa Bennington High School
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Girls Triple Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wurtz, Sevy 35-1.5 Clifton-Clyde High School
Rohr, Macara 34-10.25 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Gottschalk, Shalee 34-7 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Mooney, Mallory 34-5 Hoisington High School
Kirkpatrick, Maya 34-4.5 Chapman High School
Craig, Ruth 34-2.5 Washington County High School
Wasylk, Claire 34-1 Chapman High School
Brummet, Lauren 33-9.5 Lakeside High School
Seib, Aliya 33-9 Thomas More Prep-Marian High Sch
Koester, Jaida 33-6 Concordia High School
Cash, Charlize 33-5.25 Concordia High School
Boudreaux, Brecken 33-3.25 Beloit High School
Wesner, Kenna 33-1 Marion High School
Johnston, Tatum 32-7 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Wingo, Christina 32-0.75 Southeast of Saline High School
Brummer, Carlie 31-6.75 Tipton Catholic High School
Schoen, Kim 31-3.75 Beloit High School
Jones, Keira 31-1.5 Chapman High School
Boydston, Lexi 31-1.5 Phillipsburg High School
Coil, Savannah 30-11.5 Rock Hills High School
Stahlman, Aubrey 30-9.25 Concordia High School
Cline, Emma 30-8.5 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Thielen, Anna 30-8 Wilson High School
Thompson, Cassandra 30-7.5 Beloit High School
Billings, Brynn 30-5.75 Phillipsburg High School
McPhail, Kayla 29-11.5 Marion High School
Mata, Nailea 29-10.5 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Maier,, Kelsi 29-3.25 Hoisington High School
Cline, Macy 29-0.5 Minneapolis High School
Kenney, Kyla 28-8.25 Phillipsburg High School
Douglas, Kieran 28-8 Southeast of Saline High School
Lutters, Tianna 28-7 Osborne High School
Vizner, Carsyn 26-0.75 Rock Hills High School
Bergman, Kaeleighann 25-9.5 Bennington High School
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