1A Regional 23 - Waverly 2022

Burlington, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Hudson Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Turner, Bryson 10.53 Madison High School
Smith, Damien 11.33 Argonia High School
Brogan, Tony 11.45 Burden Central High School
Reese, Corey 11.59 Lebo High School
Edgerton, Brenton 11.63 Colony Crest High School
Smith, Kacen 11.65 Goessel High School
Granere, Jaedon 11.68 Marmaton Valley High School
Thompson, Teagan 11.86 Caldwell High School
Ward, Jeremiah 11.96 Dexter
Partridge, Jake 11.97 Peabody-Burns High School
Hall, Ethan 12.04 Madison High School
Rodgruiez, Gonzalo 12.20h Dexter
Shore, Alex 12.26 South Haven High School
Duncan, Guy 12.39 Classical School of Wichita
Moore, George 12.45 Marmaton Valley High School
Mcghee, Gentry 12.83 Colony Crest High School
Irey, Colby 13.02 South Haven High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Keiondre 15.39 Caldwell High School
Bartley, Lane 16.01 Waverly High School
Bryant, Grant 16.24 Goessel High School
Gardea, Noel 16.54 Oxford High School
Wiens, Cole 16.67 South Haven High School
Darbro, Lane 16.89 Madison High School
Cleveland, Cody 20.63 Hartford High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Olson, Ben 4:55.14 Goessel High School
Whalen, Colin 4:57.21 Lebo High School
Long, Ben 4:57.51 Burden Central High School
Walker, Trayton 4:58.24 Oswego High School
Durst, Caleb 4:59.68 Lebo High School
Schrag, Timothy 5:11.83 Goessel High School
Cleveland, Cody 5:13.59 Hartford High School
Henderson, Austin 5:16.60 Burden Central High School
Dailey, Grayson 5:16.69 Hartford High School
Ellington, Gunner 5:30.74 Colony Crest High School
Catlin, Adam 5:36.99 Oxford High School
Watts, Paxton 5:42.19 Madison High School
Wolfe, Micaiah 5:43.54 Classical School of Wichita
Roush, Andrew 5:43.89 Classical School of Wichita
Robinson, Colton 5:52.27 Burrton High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Raynor, Wyatt Elk Valley High School
Clark, Hudson Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Turner, Bryson 21.61 Madison High School
Edgerton, Brenton 23.80 Colony Crest High School
Howell, Grady 24.21 South Haven High School
Brogan, Tony 24.40 Burden Central High School
Granere, Jaedon 24.55 Marmaton Valley High School
Lapp, Joey 24.69 Goessel High School
Lawlis, Michael 24.74 Oxford High School
Boden, Eli 24.74 Goessel High School
Ward, Jeremiah 25.02 Dexter
Shore, Alex 25.36 South Haven High School
Hall, Ethan 25.42 Madison High School
Schott, James 25.54 Elyria Christian High School
Morrison, Dalton 25.75 Argonia High School
Smith, Garrett 27.02 Lebo High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Keiondre 41.74 Caldwell High School
Bartley, Lane 42.07 Waverly High School
Darbro, Lane 44.31 Madison High School
Gardea, Noel 44.38 Oxford High School
Smith, Kacen 45.00 Goessel High School
Kueser, Connor 45.33 Olpe High School
Davies, Luke 46.60h Lebo High School
Dolloff, Jordy 46.93 Classical School of Wichita
Flaming, Jake 47.64 Goessel High School
Whiteman, Trent 48.51 Udall High School
Wilson, Brock 48.72 Burden Central High School
Whitson, Zane 49.21 Oxford High School
Shelton, Augustus 50.86 Dexter
Cleveland, Cody 51.25 Hartford High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Durst, Caleb 11:10.00 Lebo High School
Cleveland, Cody 11:20.30 Hartford High School
Whalen, Colin 11:24.78 Lebo High School
Petersen, Brantley 11:28.95 Waverly High School
Olsen, Daniel 11:33.70 Elyria Christian High School
Baker, Jace 11:44.38 Caldwell High School
George, Levi 12:02.19 Oswego High School
Long, Ben 12:10.42 Burden Central High School
Watts, Paxton 12:11.61 Madison High School
Schmidt, Javin 12:27.14 Goessel High School
Wolfe, Micaiah 12:36.99 Classical School of Wichita
Lewis, Kass 12:46.53 Oswego High School
Ellington, Gunner 12:46.64 Colony Crest High School
Mcclung, Noah 12:47.69 Burden Central High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Raynor, Wyatt Elk Valley High School
Carpenter, Cayden 1:00.93 Oxford High School
Stackhouse, William 1:02.52 Altoona-Midway High School
Long, Ivan 1:04.96 Burden Central High School
Boucher, Ethan 1:05.11 Burden Central High School
Bryant, Grant 53.47 Goessel High School
Howell, Grady 54.55 South Haven High School
Cole, Jed 54.64 Olpe High School
Barnes, Hayden 55.24 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Dailey, Grayson 55.26 Hartford High School
Riley, Dylan 56.34 Goessel High School
Paulie, Dylan 56.46 St. Paul High School
Lawlis, Michael 56.48 Oxford High School
Morrison, Dalton 56.55 Argonia High School
Helm, Hayden 58.00 Madison High School
Partridge, Jake 58.06 Peabody-Burns High School
Long, Alex 58.93 Oswego High School
Schott, James 59.80 Elyria Christian High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 45.41 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 46.42 Caldwell High School
Relay Team A 48.05 Waverly High School
Relay Team A 48.24 South Haven High School
Relay Team A 48.25 Madison High School
Relay Team A 48.58 Oswego High School
Relay Team A 48.73 Burrton High School
Relay Team A 49.03 Burden Central High School
Relay Team A 56.30 Dexter
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:39.22 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 3:48.91 Waverly High School
Relay Team A 3:51.13 Olpe High School
Relay Team A 3:51.20 South Haven High School
Relay Team A 3:52.95 Burden Central High School
Relay Team A 3:53.36 Classical School of Wichita
Relay Team A 3:59.55 Burrton High School
Relay Team A 4:08.15 Oswego High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 9:03.06 Olpe High School
Relay Team A 9:08.95 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 9:10.00h Lebo High School
Relay Team A 9:39.32 Burrton High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buller, Roger Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Heins, Darren 2:08.88 Olpe High School
Voorhees, Aiden 2:09.77 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Olson, Ben 2:10.40 Goessel High School
Walker, Trayton 2:10.91 Oswego High School
Schrag, Jacob 2:11.22 Goessel High School
Long, Ben 2:13.06 Burden Central High School
Schrag, Timothy 2:14.35 Goessel High School
Preston, Andrew 2:14.43 Udall High School
Whalen, Colin 2:17.63 Lebo High School
Cole, Jed 2:18.26 Olpe High School
Durst, Caleb 2:18.45 Lebo High School
Sinclair, Tate 2:19.55 Classical School of Wichita
Dailey, Grayson 2:19.82 Hartford High School
Dannels, Trace 2:21.04 Hamilton High School
Alle, Zach 2:22.00 Marmaton Valley High School
Lind, Brayton 2:29.69 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Alan Garcia, Fernando 2:31.00h Dexter
Bass, Curtis 2:40.51 Burden Central High School
Roush, Andrew 2:43.23 Classical School of Wichita
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Boys Discus 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Helm, Casey 214-1 Madison High School
Stuck, Tyler 159-01.5 Hartford High School
Stutesman, Drew 147-10.5 Hamilton High School
Eames, Matrix 143-3 Caldwell High School
Weiss, Brayden 142-3.5 Olpe High School
Gleue, Wade 131-7 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Harness, Jenson 126-8 Udall High School
Bailey, Austin 125-0 Lebo High School
Glover, Jeff 124-0 Peabody-Burns High School
Robertson, Blake 119-4 Elyria Christian High School
Dick, Alex 118-0 Burrton High School
Kent, Evan 114-10 Marmaton Valley High School
Dauber, Klaxton 112-7 Burden Central High School
Brite, Cody 109-7 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Schmidt, Kaiden 109-6 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Kiesel, Dameon 109-6 Elk Valley High School
Morrison, Dalton 109-0 Argonia High School
Ragan, Ryder 106-9 Argonia High School
Fields, Axton 100-6 Elyria Christian High School
Kelly, Tanner 100-1 South Haven High School
Oswald, Zach 96-0 Lebo High School
Dodds, Parker 92-7 South Haven High School
Bolinger, Packer 90-4 Madison High School
Stacy, Kolby 84-1 Udall High School
Roach, Triatian 83-10 Hartford High School
Pendergrass, Cooper 81-10 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Alan Garcia, Fernando 72-7 Dexter
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Boys High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Voorhees, Aiden 6-2.5 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Jordan, Cordell 5-10 Oxford High School
Long, Ben 5-10 Burden Central High School
Smith, Damien 5-10 Argonia High School
Wilson, Brock 5-8 Burden Central High School
Burkholder, Caleb 5-6 Goessel High School
Clark, Hudson 5-2 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
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Boys Javelin 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dannels, Trace 155-1 Hamilton High School
Konrade, Jonas 148-11 Lebo High School
Smith, Alex 148-10 South Haven High School
Meehan, Ben 145-02 Waverly High School
Locke, Tucker 140-0 South Haven High School
Harness, Jenson 139-0 Udall High School
Bailey, Austin 138-8 Lebo High School
Brogan, Tony 134-9 Burden Central High School
Foster, Damian 133-8 Waverly High School
Riley, Dylan 131-6 Goessel High School
Morrison, Dalton 128-8 Argonia High School
Helm, Hayden 127-8 Madison High School
Long, Alex 127-5 Oswego High School
Lawson, Brayden 127-4 Marmaton Valley High School
Gleue, Wade 126-4 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Flaming, Jake 123-7 Goessel High School
Cox, Reeston 116-3 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Torrens, Trade 114-0 Hartford High School
Isch, Colton 107-5 Madison High School
Stokes, Draven 102-9 Hartford High School
Dauber, Klaxton 100-0 Burden Central High School
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Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Turner, Bryson 22-8 Madison High School
Smith, Keiondre 20-10 Caldwell High School
Godderz, Ethan 19-11.5 Colony Crest High School
Partridge, Jake 19-4.5 Peabody-Burns High School
Thompson, Teagan 19-3 Caldwell High School
Landis, Jace 19-3 Oswego High School
Lapp, Joey 19-1 Goessel High School
Lingenfelter, Wyatt 19-0 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Edgerton, Brenton 19-0 Colony Crest High School
Davis, Max 18-11 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Barnes, Hayden 18-7.5 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Whiteman, Trent 18-5 Udall High School
Johnson, Isaac 18-0.75 Udall High School
Boden, Eli 17-11.5 Goessel High School
Wiens, Cole 17-10.25 South Haven High School
Ward, Jeremiah 17-9 Dexter
Grimmett, Landon 17-8.5 Lebo High School
Irey, Colby 17-0 South Haven High School
Torrens, Trade 16-9 Hartford High School
Raynor, Wyatt 16-3 Elk Valley High School
Brown, Anakin 16-1.25 Burden Central High School
Bartley, Luke 13-7.5 Waverly High School
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Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reese, Kyle 12-7 Lebo High School
Perkins, Brody 11-7 Caldwell High School
Henderson, Austin 11-6 Burden Central High School
Reese, Corey 11-0 Lebo High School
Smith, Kacen 10-0 Goessel High School
Caruthers, Layton 9-1 Caldwell High School
Pyle, Gannon 9-0 Madison High School
Boucher, Ethan 8-6 Burden Central High School
Hurlburt, Cade 8-6 Madison High School
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Boys Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Helm, Casey 60-5.5 Madison High School
Stutesman, Drew 45-4.25 Hamilton High School
Bailey, Austin 43-8.5 Lebo High School
Weiss, Brayden 42-10.5 Olpe High School
Kent, Evan 41-3 Marmaton Valley High School
Dick, Alex 40-10 Burrton High School
Stuck, Tyler 40-4 Hartford High School
Glover, Jeff 39-7 Peabody-Burns High School
Eames, Matrix 39-5 Caldwell High School
Ramirez, Angel 39-5 Oxford High School
Heineken, Kevin 39-5 Madison High School
Torrens, Trade 38-07 Hartford High School
Ragan, Ryder 37-6 Argonia High School
Nickel, Thomas 37-2 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Oswald, Zach 36-4.75 Lebo High School
Robertson, Blake 36-4.5 Elyria Christian High School
Riley, Dylan 36-2.5 Goessel High School
Schmidt, Kaiden 36-2.5 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Dauber, Klaxton 35-10 Burden Central High School
Fields, Axton 34-05.5 Elyria Christian High School
Wilkey, Sam 34-4.5 Classical School of Wichita
Pendergrass, Cooper 34-0 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Burley, Jaxson 33-7 Udall High School
Kiesel, Dameon 33-3 Elk Valley High School
Kelly, Tanner 33-0 South Haven High School
Dodds, Parker 32-2 South Haven High School
Gaddis, Ian 31-10 Waverly High School
Webb, James 29-8 Udall High School
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Boys Triple Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Turner, Bryson 45-4 Madison High School
Godderz, Ethan 42-0.5 Colony Crest High School
Thompson, Teagan 41-3.75 Caldwell High School
Schrag, Jacob 40-4 Goessel High School
Voorhees, Aiden 39-1 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Landis, Jace 39-0 Oswego High School
Dolloff, Jordy 38-2.5 Classical School of Wichita
Grimmett, Landon 38-0 Lebo High School
Barnes, Hayden 37-7 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Whiteman, Trent 37-4 Udall High School
Shelton, Augustus 37-2 Dexter
Edgerton, Brenton 37-0.5 Colony Crest High School
Davis, Max 36-10 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Wiens, Cole 36-2.5 South Haven High School
Lingenfelter, Wyatt 36-0.75 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Johnson, Isaac 36-0.5 Udall High School
Isch, Colton 35-4 Madison High School
Smith, Garrett 35-0 Lebo High School
Brite, Cody 33-9.5 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Spencer, Chris 33-3.5 Peabody-Burns High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weakley, Jalynn Madison High School
Harris, Josey 12.57 St. Paul High School
Bridges, Alyssa 12.79 South Haven High School
Funk, Aimee 13.04 Goessel High School
Jones, Brooklyn 13.18 Lebo High School
Maupin, Makhila 13.21 Oxford High School
Snovelle, Ross 13.34 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Dold, Kirsten 13.38 Burrton High School
Funk, Abbigail 13.57 Goessel High School
Kircher, Eva 13.80h Dexter
Hughes, Meredith 13.96 Burden Central High School
McAvoy, Brooke 15.42 Hartford High School
Dennis, Daesie 15.52 Cedar Vale High School
Giesken-Mears, Chloe 15.85 Hartford High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sawyer, Cheyenne 17.24 Goessel High School
Albertini, Sophia 17.42 St. Paul High School
Peek, Abby 17.80 Lebo High School
Bryant, Logan 18.34 Goessel High School
Matthews, Anna 18.5 Waverly High School
Coleman, Mia 18.52 Colony Crest High School
Gardea, Magdalena 18.66 Oxford High School
Weers, Josie 19.17 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Dunlavy, Cassie 20.39 Burrton High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johns, Ashlynn Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Zickafoose, Kate 6:08.89 Classical School of Wichita
Voelker, Ana 6:12.15 Burden Central High School
Hudson, Lily 6:22.65 Madison High School
Marini, Aurora 6:27.62 Dexter
Peek, Audrey 6:28.00h Lebo High School
Williams, Kayleigh 6:28.67 Oswego High School
Griffin, Jaicee 6:29.74 Goessel High School
McIntire, Jacey 6:33.00 Dexter
Peek, Abby 6:45.00 Lebo High School
Jones, Maya 6:45.29 Argonia High School
Winter, Mya 7:00.85 Peabody-Burns High School
Nelson, Rorie 7:03.14 Burden Central High School
Pupanek, Emmalyn 7:14.51 Altoona-Midway High School
Christian, Amelia 7:15.33 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Josey 27.14 St. Paul High School
Bridges, Alyssa 27.43 South Haven High School
Maupin, Makhila 27.46 Oxford High School
Orear, Josie 27.79 Olpe High School
Coleman, Mia 27.89 Colony Crest High School
Wuest, Brooklyn 28.14 Goessel High School
Miles, Bridgette 28.26 Dexter
Smith, Jade 28.61 Olpe High School
Snovelle, Ross 28.82 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Hiben, Zoe 28.93 Oswego High School
Pond, Macey 29.02 South Haven High School
Weakley, Jalynn 29.64 Madison High School
McAvoy, Brooke 35.07 Hartford High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Embree, Lucy 1:03.95 Burrton High School
Barney, Piper 49.19 Marmaton Valley High School
Sawyer, Cheyenne 50.04 Goessel High School
Bryant, Logan 52.15 Goessel High School
Romig, Josie 53.31 Waverly High School
Williams, Kaitlyn 54.02 Oswego High School
Gardea, Magdalena 55.09 Oxford High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Voelker, Ana 13:09.00 Burden Central High School
Zickafoose, Kate 13:56.00 Classical School of Wichita
Johns, Ashlynn 14:00.41 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Hudson, Lily 14:10.20 Madison High School
Bacon, Alivia 14:26.00 South Haven High School
Olsen, Londyn 14:29.90 Elyria Christian High School
Thery, Pauline 14:36 Marmaton Valley High School
Jones, Maya 14:38.0 Argonia High School
Hoopes, Braylyn 15:44.23 Goessel High School
Tucker, Adriana 16:12.88 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tucker, Adriana Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Granere, Janae 1:02 Marmaton Valley High School
Bridges, Alyssa 1:03.26 South Haven High School
Jones, Abigail 1:03.89 Lebo High School
Jones, Brooklyn 1:04.90 Lebo High School
Scheve, Addie 1:07.01 Olpe High School
Baumann, Hannah 1:07.71 Burrton High School
Gardea, Yacinia 1:08.39 Oxford High School
Windle, Trininty 1:08.45 Hartford High School
Garriott, Aubryn 1:09.10 Olpe High School
Kircher, Eva 1:10.80h Dexter
Geisken-Mears, Lexi 1:12.75 Hartford High School
Haden, Kinlee 1:14.00 Cedar Vale High School
Theurer, Jacee 1:14.49 South Haven High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.00 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 54.48 Oxford High School
Relay Team A 55.06 Olpe High School
Relay Team A 55.11 Burrton High School
Relay Team A 55.25 South Haven High School
Relay Team A 56.67 Southern Coffey County High Scho
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Relay Team A 4:34.08 Lebo High School
Relay Team A 4:39.00h Waverly High School
Relay Team A 4:39.03 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 4:55.76 Burrton High School
Relay Team A 5:05.96 Hartford High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Relay Team A 11:51.04 Goessel High School
Relay Team A 12:23.23 Classical School of Wichita
Relay Team A 12:34.18 Cedar Vale High School
Relay Team A 13:50.00 Hartford High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reiff, Macy 2:43.49 Elyria Christian High School
Geisken-Mears, Lexi 2:47.26 Hartford High School
Baumann, Hannah 2:48.17 Burrton High School
Hudson, Lily 2:51.97 Madison High School
Williams, Kayleigh 2:52.70 Oswego High School
Tong, Makayla 2:53.20 Oxford High School
Black, Flannery 2:53.63 Classical School of Wichita
Sweigart, Ava 2:55.95 Classical School of Wichita
Nelson, Rorie 2:57.04 Burden Central High School
Mack, Sophie 2:58.20 Marmaton Valley High School
Scheve, Gracie 2:58.33 Olpe High School
Griffin, Jaicee 3:00.41 Goessel High School
McIntire, Jacey 3:00.45 Dexter
Dennis, Kailee 3:04.00h Cedar Vale High School
Bonnell, Shyann 3:05.00 Cedar Vale High School
Marini, Aurora 3:15.00h Dexter
Bower, Hannah 3:17.76 Elyria Christian High School
Christian, Amelia 3:19.17 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
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Girls Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sapp, Brianna 105-10 Hartford High School
Ott, Katie 104-2 Lebo High School
Sonsteng, Heather 104-0 Lebo High School
True, Jalea 101-7 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Cook, Katie 96-8 Burden Central High School
Ludolph, Emily 94-10 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Ryan, Shelby 94-3 Burrton High School
Freund, Elizabeth 94-1 Hamilton High School
Romig, Bonnie 93-4 Waverly High School
Bailey, Lili 93-4 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
Buchman, Elizabeth 93-3.75 Madison High School
Cole, Hana 86-7 Olpe High School
Pond, Macey 86-0 South Haven High School
Johnson, Ella 84-1 Udall High School
Matlack, Malloree 82-9 Burrton High School
Godderz, Lindsey 80-0 Colony Crest High School
Cass, Kenna 79-1 Elyria Christian High School
Sade, Anna 78-6 Udall High School
Hudson, Kimber 77-3 Hamilton High School
Peake, Hailey 59-7 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
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Girls High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Windle, Trininty 5-2 Hartford High School
Love, Lakelyn 5-0 Argonia High School
Weers, Josie 5-0 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Graber, Riley 5-0 Goessel High School
Barry, Tarissa 4-10 Udall High School
Weakley, Jalynn 4-10 Madison High School
Romig, Josie 4-8 Waverly High School
Gardea, Yacinia 4-8 Oxford High School
Drake, Kaitlyn 4-8 Marmaton Valley High School
Froese, Hannah 4-6 Elyria Christian High School
Bower, Hannah 4-6 Elyria Christian High School
Hughes, Meredith Burden Central High School
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Girls Javelin 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Brooklyn 143-4 Lebo High School
Romig, Bonnie 124-2 Waverly High School
Weers, Josie 124-0 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Payne, Lauren 115-4 Oxford High School
Pond, Macey 113-11.5 South Haven High School
Peek, Audrey 111-6 Lebo High School
Hawkinson, Ryland 109-4 Elyria Christian High School
Meehan, Chloe 104-5 Waverly High School
Ohl, Karley 98-8 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Harris, Jorja 96-2 St. Paul High School
Sapp, Brianna 95-08.50 Hartford High School
Matlack, Malloree 95-4 Burrton High School
Weakley, Jalynn 94-8 Madison High School
Cook, Katie 92-10 Burden Central High School
Godderz, Lindsey 89-6 Colony Crest High School
Bacon, Alivia 88-4 South Haven High School
Smith, Jenna 87-4 Olpe High School
Gaines, Brooke 83-6 Madison High School
Cass, Kenna 79-11 Elyria Christian High School
Stackhouse, Mariah 79-3.5 Altoona-Midway High School
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Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Granere, Janae 17-2 Marmaton Valley High School
Harris, Josey 16-1 St. Paul High School
Funk, Aimee 16-1 Goessel High School
Dold, Kirsten 16-0 Burrton High School
Hiben, Zoe 15-9 Oswego High School
Barry, Tarissa 15-7 Udall High School
Peek, Abby 15-6.5 Lebo High School
Barney, Piper 15-2 Marmaton Valley High School
Graber, Riley 15-1.5 Goessel High School
Theurer, Jacee 15-0.5 South Haven High School
Lockwood, Serenity 14-5.75 Waverly High School
Jirak, Elizabeth 14-5 Udall High School
Watts, Rowdie 14-0.5 Hamilton High School
Reiff, Macy 13-9 Elyria Christian High School
Cormode, Madison 13-8 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Luthi, Judy 13-6 Madison High School
Froese, Hannah 13-5.75 Elyria Christian High School
Vogts, Morgan 13-5 Waverly High School
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Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peek, Abby 8-6 Lebo High School
Peek, Audrey 8-6 Lebo High School
Voelker, Ana 4-11 Burden Central High School
Locke, Callie South Haven High School
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Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Freund, Elizabeth 35-1 Hamilton High School
Sonsteng, Heather 34-9.75 Lebo High School
True, Jalea 34-6 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Sapp, Brianna 33-07 Hartford High School
Ludolph, Emily 33-4 Southern Coffey County High Scho
Buchman, Elizabeth 32-9 Madison High School
Ott, Katie 32-9 Lebo High School
Romig, Bonnie 31-6 Waverly High School
Perkins, Olivia 31-1.5 Burrton High School
Lehrman, Lyna 30-11.75 Goessel High School
Hawkinson, Ryland 30-0.5 Elyria Christian High School
Cook, Katie 29-9.5 Burden Central High School
Blythe, Mady 29-7 Peabody-Burns High School
Hudson, Kimber 29-3 Hamilton High School
Klein, Sophia 27-10 Burrton High School
Davidson, Brooke 26-09.5 Elyria Christian High School
Bailey, Lili 26-5.5 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
House, Avery 25-04.50 Hartford High School
Bonnell, Ava 24-10.5 Udall High School
Peake, Hailey 18-0 Wichita - Central Christian Acad
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Girls Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Granere, Janae 35-3 Marmaton Valley High School
Dold, Kirsten 34-03.5 Burrton High School
Wuest, Brooklyn 33-8.5 Goessel High School
Scheve, Addie 33-2.25 Olpe High School
Williams, Kaitlyn 32-9 Oswego High School
Barney, Piper 32-3.5 Marmaton Valley High School
Graber, Riley 31-2.75 Goessel High School
Winter, Mya 30-7.5 Peabody-Burns High School
Theurer, Jacee 30-3 South Haven High School
Cormode, Madison 30-2.5 Marais des Cygnes Valley High Sc
Celte, Lucie 30-0 Madison High School
Luthi, Judy 28-10 Madison High School
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