Winfield Invitational 2018

Winfield, KS

Winfield Invitational 2018 vs Winfield Invitational 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -64 271 335
Overall Average -14.05 23:15.42 23:29.47
1st-10th Place -18.68 17:17.31 17:35.98
1st-25th Place -5.17 17:47.89 17:53.06
1st-50th Place +2.11 18:25.14 18:23.04
1st-100th Place +17.01 19:25.45 19:08.43
Common Athletes -- -- 106
Ran Faster 42 74 32
Ran Season Best 16 58 42
Average Time -35.48 22:16.61 22:52.10
Median Time -49.25 21:21.95 22:11.20
Middle 80% Times -36.79 21:54.27 22:31.07
Top 10% Times -40.36 17:28.04 18:08.40
Top 25% Times -42.19 18:10.06 18:52.25
Top 50% Times -40.47 19:12.99 19:53.46
Bottom 50% Times -30.50 25:20.24 25:50.73
Bottom 25% Times -25.18 27:57.78 28:22.96
Bottom 10% Times -19.84 30:29.55 30:49.39
Average Difference -35.48 -- --
Median Difference -9.73 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -36.66 -- --
Top 10% Difference -30.24 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.30 -- --
Top 25% Difference -35.88 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.30 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -34.67 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -32.37 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -43.57 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Treyson True Emporia High School -1:30.43 16:15.67 17:46.10
Craig Labrue Winfield High School -59.65 16:45.65 17:45.30
Caleb Liermann Arkansas City High School -46.64 17:20.36 18:07.00
Brayden Rohr Wichita Northwest High School -1:31.86 17:23.64 18:55.50
Patrick Matson Wichita Heights High School -20.16 17:32.24 17:52.40
Logan Anglemyer Wichita Northwest High School -21.52 17:38.28 17:59.80
Zach Proehl Emporia High School -20.58 17:46.52 18:07.10
Pierce Klaassen Arkansas City High School -1:23.15 17:47.55 19:10.70
Dylan Davis Emporia High School -1:57.45 17:48.85 19:46.30
Caleb Hollenbeck Emporia High School -13.31 17:49.59 18:02.90
Kyle Silmon Wichita South High School -27.46 18:00.04 18:27.50
Clark Loewer Burden Central High School -1:29.04 18:02.76 19:31.80
Darius Stewart Arkansas City High School + 18:03.90 18:03.90
Nate Standley Wichita Heights High School -1:49.76 18:10.24 20:00.00
Joseph Kitchen Wichita Northwest High School -24.31 18:10.49 18:34.80
Trenton Nusz Rose Hill High School -1:09.49 18:11.61 19:21.10
John Kaiser Winfield High School -1:49.17 18:27.93 20:17.10
Challen Jimenez Burden Central High School -18.49 18:30.71 18:49.20
Alan Ramirez Wichita Northwest High School -8.56 18:37.04 18:45.60
Wyatt Biddle Arkansas City High School -1:43.96 18:44.64 20:28.60
Brandon Hedrick Wichita Northwest High School -26.14 18:44.86 19:11.00
Lane Manners Labette County High School -1:55.45 18:55.45 20:50.90
Carter Kreger Wichita Southeast High School -27.70 18:55.70 19:23.40
John Jones Labette County High School +32.36 19:37.06 19:04.70
Sage Nottingham Rose Hill High School +4.90 19:12.70 19:07.80
Michael Kelty Wichita Southeast High School -9.03 19:10.87 19:19.90
Peter Stout Winfield High School +12.95 19:24.05 19:11.10
Lane Wullschleger Emporia High School -1:17.38 19:11.82 20:29.20
Shahid Harris Wichita South High School -1:16.95 19:12.45 20:29.40
Trevor Davis Wichita Heights High School +20.23 19:38.13 19:17.90
Austin Jones Caldwell High School -29.46 19:20.74 19:50.20
Edwin Ordonez Wichita South High School -3:05.46 19:27.44 22:32.90
Nicholas Thomas Emporia High School -35.09 19:31.41 20:06.50
Trevor Brack Rose Hill High School -1:53.32 19:41.98 21:35.30
Ryan Bruce Wichita Heights High School -3:57.65 19:44.45 23:42.10
Angel Ibarra Wichita Northwest High School -1:00.70 19:45.40 20:46.10
Ethan Woodrome Rose Hill High School -1:46.87 19:46.63 21:33.50
Anthony Torres Wichita Southeast High School -1:12.19 19:48.71 21:00.90
Easton Bradbury Andale High School -2:54.42 19:52.38 22:46.80
Tanner Mcguire Emporia High School -1:49.93 19:56.57 21:46.50
Francisco Ibarra Wichita North High School +1:21.15 21:19.45 19:58.30
Alfonso Lopez Wichita North High School +1:00.31 20:59.71 19:59.40
Arron Russell Wichita Northwest High School +2:39.69 22:40.59 20:00.90
Daniel Torres Wichita North High School +13.33 20:14.43 20:01.10
Nathan Brainard Wichita Heights High School +45.79 20:50.19 20:04.40
Victor Berumen Wichita Northwest High School -47.25 20:31.35 21:18.60
Brendon Green Wichita Northwest High School +11.66 20:57.06 20:45.40
Jose Garcia Wichita Southeast High School -1:01.65 20:48.45 21:50.10
Michael Chavez Wichita Northwest High School -20.93 20:52.57 21:13.50
Joey Bowlby Winfield High School -14.46 21:01.14 21:15.60
Larry Brannan Wichita North High School +1:44.89 22:52.49 21:07.60
Levi Larson Wichita Northwest High School -21.29 21:08.41 21:29.70
Christian Eliot Wichita Northwest High School -1:01.87 21:09.33 22:11.20
Michael Vargas Winfield High School -0.82 21:13.68 21:14.50
Caleb Spencer Andale High School +48.92 22:03.42 21:14.50
Taryn West Emporia High School -1:26.30 21:16.00 22:42.30
Christina Peterjohn Wichita Northwest High School -1:28.55 21:21.95 22:50.50
Oscar Rivas Wichita Heights High School -1:06.86 21:25.24 22:32.10
Reese Hock Wichita Heights High School -1:29.60 21:36.50 23:06.10
Max Flickinger Wichita Warriors Homeschool +3:23.63 25:03.53 21:39.90
Daegiona Wilson Wichita South High School -34.60 21:42.30 22:16.90
Socorro Stephens Wichita South High School -3:00.68 21:46.72 24:47.40
Sophia Sisk Winfield High School -1:01.45 21:48.55 22:50.00
Joy Stanton Wichita Northwest High School -48.02 21:49.08 22:37.10
Miranda Taylor Emporia High School +1:16.95 23:19.85 22:02.90
Elontae Hackney-co Wichita Southeast High School -34.69 22:05.41 22:40.10
Minh-tri Bui Wichita Southeast High School +2.23 22:17.13 22:14.90
Eleanor Breen Wichita Southeast High School -9.53 22:16.67 22:26.20
Katie Rothwell Wichita Northwest High School -9.73 22:22.27 22:32.00
Titus Lee Caldwell High School +45.73 23:14.93 22:29.20
Kylie Mouser Wichita Northwest High School +4.74 22:47.74 22:43.00
Caroline Fincham Wichita Northwest High School -1:24.07 22:46.53 24:10.60
Justin Clingerman Burden Central High School -50.65 22:50.45 23:41.10
Michelle Gage Andale High School -1:05.49 23:10.71 24:16.20
Joe Mendoza Labette County High School -4:13.54 23:14.06 27:27.60
Maddie Bryant Rose Hill High School -0.64 23:27.16 23:27.80
Sandy Nguyen Emporia High School -1:35.01 23:27.59 25:02.60
Alyssa McNany Wichita South High School -1:03.66 23:37.44 24:41.10
Suzy Hagar Caldwell High School +6.13 23:58.33 23:52.20
Jonathan Wessel Wichita Heights High School -1:39.37 23:53.53 25:32.90
Bayliegh Harris Winfield High School -2:24.36 23:54.14 26:18.50
Kayla Lee Wichita Heights High School +57.46 25:26.46 24:29.00
Delani Agnew Wichita Southeast High School +1:56.20 26:46.20 24:50.00
Jessie Toon Winfield High School +53.95 25:49.75 24:55.80
Shay Pippitt Burden Central High School +1:06.22 26:30.92 25:24.70
Lainee Eck Andale High School -2:36.37 25:24.73 28:01.10
Ismari Martinez Wichita Northwest High School -1:22.67 25:27.93 26:50.60
Luis Ruiz Wichita Northwest High School -27.57 25:30.73 25:58.30
Abi Schmidt Caldwell High School +1:51.54 27:55.14 26:03.60
Vivian Booker Wichita Southeast High School -58.01 26:16.59 27:14.60
Kimberly Ourada Labette County High School +2:06.75 28:45.05 26:38.30
Alex Rodriguez Wichita Heights High School +1:06.06 27:46.96 26:40.90
Jaycee Allen Wichita Northwest High School -5:24.11 26:41.29 32:05.40
Josee Vogt Rose Hill High School -2:46.73 26:48.57 29:35.30
Maria Ibarra Wichita Northwest High School -1:43.80 26:50.60 28:34.40
Esabel Talavera Wichita Heights High School -4:46.48 27:17.32 32:03.80
Sunny Webb Labette County High School -23.74 28:05.96 28:29.70
Payton Keiss Emporia High School +14.14 28:31.04 28:16.90
Rylee Baker Caldwell High School +2:02.03 30:22.63 28:20.60
Athena Fleig Wichita Southeast High School -1:20.80 28:21.90 29:42.70
Emily Maldonado Emporia High School +2:51.25 31:55.75 29:04.50
Ariel Johnson Wichita North High School +1:12.28 30:33.98 29:21.70
David Watts Wichita Northwest High School +58.15 30:29.55 29:31.40
Lexi Vanek Caldwell High School -32.68 29:42.32 30:15.00
Alysha Stevens Burden Central High School -1:19.46 33:40.44 34:59.90
Leilani Lemus Wichita Northwest High School +1:07.23 34:56.43 33:49.20