Cailie Logue, is a home grown girl she arguably is Kansas best female distance runner and continues to add to her resume. While in high school Cailie was a 9X Kansas state champion on the track (4x 3200m, 3x 1600m, 2x 800m) and a 4X Kansas state cross country champion.. Now at Iowa State she has earned All American honors and like the rest of us is coming to terms and learning to deal with the "new normal" that we now face.Cailie has graciously decided to help us out in this year with out a season and take a dive into the writing world. We thank Cailie from the bottom of our heart for taking the time from her training and studies to fit this into her busy schedule and do this for us.
Blog 6: The Little Things become Big Things
YAY! I did not have any classes this week, and I really enjoyed the first week of summer break. I feel this is what a professional runner's life must be like. Currently I'm doing nothing but running, cooking, stretching, and taking care of the little things.
My training this week consisted of two track workouts to get ready for the time trials our team is preparing for in a few weeks. Because of the extra time I was able to try out some yoga and extra stretching this week too. Not to dog on the weather, but it rained most of the week, so I am looking forward to some sunshine soon!
Just as important as logging the miles of training is making sure that I am recovering, building strength and preventing injuries.
Here it is again, my training for this week:
Before each run I perform a glute and hip activation routine to help avoid injury. I also encourage myself to stretch after.
Monday: 13 miles
AM-9 miles
Post run: Core
PM-4 miles
Post run: Strides, in-home gym routine, and stretching
Tuesday: 10 miles
Warm up: 3 miles
10 x 600m with 2min. recovery between each
Cool down: 3 miles
Post run: Stretching
Wednesday: 11 miles
MW long run, nice and easy
Post run: 10 min. core, stretching, yoga, lower lumbar stabilization drills
Thursday: 12 miles
AM-8 miles
Post run: Core
PM-4 miles
Post run: Strides, in-home gym, and stretching.
Friday: 10 miles
Warm up: 3 miles
Ladder: Mile-(2:30-3 min recovery) 1200 (2:30-3 min recovery) - 800 (2:00-2:30 recovery) - 800 (2:00-2:30 recovery)- 600 (2:00 recovery)- 400
Cool down: 3 miles
Post run: stretching, lower lumbar stabilization drills, core
Saturday: 14 miles
14-mile long run
Post run: stretching
Sunday: Optional Off Day
These drills and videos are some of the little things I have done throughout my running career to help build general strength and prevent injuries.
Iowa State Women's Pre-Run Glute and Hip Activation:
On days when the team drives out to a gravel road, we use the abbreviated activation which consists of ankle band walks, knee band walks, and glute medius activation. During all of these, think about keeping your pelvis in a neutral position and contract your abdominal muscles.
Abbreviated:All exercises done on each leg. Routine done 2x through.
Band Walks "Side to Side" at ankles (12x each leg)
Band Walks "Side to Side" at knees (12x each leg)
"Kick Backs" for glute medius (12x each leg)
Full: All exercises done on each leg. Routine done 2x through.
Band Walks "Side to Side" at ankles (12x)
Band Walks "Side to Side" at knees (12x)
"Kick Backs" for glute medius (12x)
Band Bridges (15x)
Single-Leg Bridge (12x each side)
Dead Bugs (12x each side)
Donkey Kicks (10x)
Fire Hydrants (10x)
Dynamic Bird Dogs (10x)
Iowa State Women's Distance Twice-a-week Core:
Our team does this after our morning runs on Mondays and Thursdays. During all of these exercises, keep your core tight and think about pulling your bellybutton to your spine. Repeat 2x through.
Plank (30 second to 1 minute)
Scissor Kicks (30 second to 1 minute)
Clam shells (15 each side)
Supermans (x 12)
Windshield Wipers (15-20)
Butterflies (30 second to 1 minute)
Russian Twists (30 each side)
Overhead Sit Ups (10-15)
Side Pushups (15 each side)
Supermans (x 12)
Lower Lumbar Stabilization from "The Prehab Guys":
This is the lower lumbar stabilization I do. I started this after bulging my disc, and now I don't feel the disc at all. See the following link:
Shin Splint and Injury Prevention Drills from Girard High School:
These were the drills we did twice a week in high school. Since starting them, my dad has seen a decrease in the amount of shin splints he sees within his team. They are really quick and simple. These drills can be done every day, and as you do them more, you can gradually progress your distance and reps.
Inch worms (5-8x)[These aren't exactly for your shins, but still something you can do].
Duck walks (30 yards forward and backward)
Toes in
Heel off the ground
Calves engaged
Heel Walks (30 yards forward and backward)
Toes off of the ground
Toes dorsiflexed
Super Grovers (15x or 30 yards)
Toes Dorsiflexed
Running Motion with arms
Use ball of foot
These are done by my brother, Cormick Logue. We would usually do them out on the track, but since we are quarantined, as you can see, they can also be one in a living room.
While I may have my goals set high, and it may not seem like core or lumbar stabilization have any effect on my aerobic fitness, every part of my training comes together to help me to run my personal bests. I know I quoted Coach Amy at the end of last week's blog, but I'm quoting her again because the concept has become so important to me now,"Take care of the little things, the little things add up to become big things."