Manhattan Invitational 2024

Manhattan, KS

Manhattan Invitational 2024 vs Manhattan Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -2 175 177
Overall Average -53.30 19:53.34 20:46.64
1st-10th Place -31.44 16:30.02 17:01.46
1st-25th Place -34.79 16:57.27 17:32.06
1st-50th Place -43.04 17:24.89 18:07.93
1st-100th Place -43.83 18:12.34 18:56.17
Common Athletes -- -- 79
Ran Faster 70 75 5
Ran Season Best 3 3 --
Average Time -1:05.71 19:03.83 20:09.54
Median Time -1:19.50 18:26.00 19:45.50
Middle 80% Times -1:03.73 18:56.31 20:00.05
Top 10% Times -52.14 16:27.15 17:19.29
Top 25% Times -59.10 16:57.42 17:56.52
Top 50% Times -1:07.29 17:32.31 18:39.60
Bottom 50% Times -1:02.48 20:06.76 21:09.24
Bottom 25% Times -1:06.40 21:50.03 22:56.43
Bottom 10% Times -1:33.67 23:01.49 24:35.16
Average Difference -1:05.72 -- --
Median Difference -1:01.28 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:03.96 -- --
Top 10% Difference -38.39 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:04.63 -- --
Top 25% Difference -42.43 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:04.63 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:06.82 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:07.10 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:47.18 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Brody Anderson Topeka Seaman High School -1:30.93 15:35.77 17:06.70
Peyton Parker Wamego High School -35.17 16:03.83 16:39.00
Adrian Lehman Topeka West High School -1:54.14 16:12.16 18:06.30
EVAN ARNOLD Manhattan High School -49.43 16:36.47 17:25.90
Isaac Ibendahl Wamego High School -1:29.19 16:41.81 18:11.00
Oliver Schwartz Lawrence High School -36.59 16:46.81 17:23.40
Braxton Williams Wamego High School -2:10.53 16:48.77 18:59.30
Xavier Klish Lawrence High School -29.11 16:51.59 17:20.70
Jack SPIEGEL Manhattan High School -38.04 16:53.66 17:31.70
Ryin Miller Topeka Seaman High School -2:29.64 16:59.46 19:29.10
Isaac Hutchins Olathe Northwest High School -1:38.55 17:01.95 18:40.50
ANDREI MAZIN Manhattan High School -30.31 17:08.39 17:38.70
Benjamin Herbst Olathe Northwest High School -47.79 17:12.41 18:00.20
Francis Alexander Lawrence High School -1:45.50 17:16.70 19:02.20
Leigham Alexander Lawrence High School -2:04.60 17:20.10 19:24.70
Gideon Lowery Emporia High School -1:06.96 17:21.94 18:28.90
WILL RICHARDS Manhattan High School +2.45 17:30.65 17:28.20
WILSON WESCH Manhattan High School -2:13.38 17:29.22 19:42.60
Dexter Favreau Olathe Northwest High School -17.90 17:35.80 17:53.70
Tony Lloyd Topeka West High School -1:52.73 17:40.87 19:33.60
James Bearman Wamego High School -58.57 17:42.03 18:40.60
Conner Bloom Topeka Seaman High School -1:33.87 17:44.33 19:18.20
BENJAMIN HUSER Manhattan High School -2:08.37 17:45.93 19:54.30
Conner Popp Lawrence High School -1:45.98 17:46.62 19:32.60
ANDREW MENG Manhattan High School -54.96 17:48.64 18:43.60
Mark Wilkie Topeka West High School -1:32.04 17:56.56 19:28.60
PATRICK HUSER Manhattan High School -1:10.45 17:56.85 19:07.30
Benjamin Eckert Olathe Northwest High School -1:06.79 17:59.41 19:06.20
HENRY WITT Manhattan High School +46.73 18:46.83 18:00.10
Jonathan Moon Manhattan High School -13.99 18:09.61 18:23.60
Stuart Campbell Topeka High School -1:34.79 18:10.11 19:44.90
Jackson Annan Wamego High School -1.08 18:11.72 18:12.80
Jacob LeMire Olathe Northwest High School -1:22.03 18:12.27 19:34.30
Luke Ault Wamego High School -1:31.04 18:18.46 19:49.50
Hewitt Kardis Olathe Northwest High School -1:09.25 18:20.25 19:29.50
Jayden Sigle Topeka West High School -1:31.21 18:21.09 19:52.30
Breckin Musyoki Wamego High School -1:46.08 18:23.22 20:09.30
Finnegan Thomas Olathe Northwest High School -1:10.53 18:23.47 19:34.00
Jude SAY Manhattan High School -45.48 18:23.62 19:09.10
Edgar Gomez Emporia High School -1:06.20 18:23.70 19:29.90
Corbin Murrow Topeka Seaman High School -1:23.50 18:26.00 19:49.50
Tony Shea Wamego High School -25.12 18:29.58 18:54.70
TRENT SWANSON Manhattan High School -26.50 18:30.80 18:57.30
Griffin Reynolds Olathe Northwest High School -33.77 18:30.93 19:04.70
Drake Spurlock Topeka Seaman High School -1:02.40 18:43.10 19:45.50
Tyler Osborn Olathe Northwest High School -1:09.39 18:44.01 19:53.40
Will Toland Topeka High School -1:01.28 18:45.42 19:46.70
Ezra Phelps Topeka West High School -1:32.99 18:56.51 20:29.50
Alex Newell Topeka Seaman High School -1:04.62 19:09.78 20:14.40
Paul Radley Lawrence High School -1:04.17 19:21.43 20:25.60
Jake Oldfather Lawrence High School -1:24.54 19:25.36 20:49.90
Brenden Thomas Olathe Northwest High School -8.84 19:45.46 19:54.30
Brynn Spencer Topeka Seaman High School -1:56.47 19:54.63 21:51.10
Emil Wolfe Wamego High School -1:22.08 19:57.72 21:19.80
Parker Alexander Olathe Northwest High School -14.72 20:01.58 20:16.30
Josh Pugh Wamego High School +1:45.83 21:47.73 20:01.90
Brayden Shaw Emporia High School -48.86 20:04.94 20:53.80
Stella Appelhanz Topeka Seaman High School -1:04.82 20:10.38 21:15.20
Madison Evans Emporia High School -54.80 20:15.30 21:10.10
Shayne Pittinger-Reed Wamego High School -1:07.10 20:16.00 21:23.10
Emma Beatty Emporia High School -1:04.66 20:22.34 21:27.00
Kate Schneider Olathe Northwest High School -1:35.99 20:24.61 22:00.60
Tegan Mitchell Emporia High School -46.28 20:36.62 21:22.90
Evan Bennett Emporia High School -2:17.53 20:46.77 23:04.30
Bryce Heinen Emporia High School -1:07.93 20:54.17 22:02.10
Peyton Collette Topeka West High School -31.10 20:59.60 21:30.70
REBEKAH PICKERING Manhattan High School -37.79 21:05.01 21:42.80
Payton Rice Topeka West High School -6.04 21:09.06 21:15.10
Samantha Fuller Olathe Northwest High School -1:45.91 21:09.19 22:55.10
MIRA GURGEL Manhattan High School -1:09.52 21:29.38 22:38.90
Caris Goering Manhattan High School +24.56 21:56.26 21:31.70
Andie Garrett Lawrence High School -14.81 21:44.29 21:59.10
Tayleon Flores Topeka High School -1:34.07 21:50.53 23:24.60
Rachel Barber Wamego High School -2:04.49 21:59.61 24:04.10
AVERIE PHILLIPS Manhattan High School -10.71 22:34.49 22:45.20
Bailee Van Sickle Emporia High School +58.36 23:35.66 22:37.30
Allison Curtis Emporia High School -1:16.25 22:46.35 24:02.60
Katherine Shea Wamego High School -1:22.10 23:06.00 24:28.10
Sebastian Homerding Topeka High School -5:34.28 26:23.02 31:57.30