Hugoton Invitational 2024

Hugoton, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 153 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leader, Justin Holcomb High School
OLVERA, Giovanni Southwestern Heights High School
Ehrlich, Seth Stanton County HS
Deenok, Dominik Guymon High School
Martinez, Gabe Satanta High School
KISNER, Nehemiah Southwestern Heights High School
Pacheco, Jesus Liberal High School
Holguin, Jesus Ulysses High School
Hernandez, Jesus Ulysses High School
BAHR, Rylan Southwestern Heights High School
Escobar, Elian Liberal High School
PUENTES, Samuel Southwestern Heights High School
Padgett, Jordy Meade High School
Gomez, Axiel Southwestern Heights High School
McNemer, Jacob Meade High School
Hockett, Deacon Satanta High School
Wesley, Tyler Liberal High School
HARPER, Jermiah Deerfield
Deniston, Brody 15:51.40 Holcomb High School
Luce, Alex 16:00.40 Lakin High School
Ritsema, Austin 16:12.30 Lakin High School
Leonard, Landen 16:36.71 Holcomb High School
Vieux, Ryker 16:42.80 Meade High School
Stoppel, Jeb 16:55.28 Holcomb High School
Arbuthnot, Parker 17:09.64 Springfield High School
Baker, Weston 17:10.59 Holcomb High School
Zortman, Alex 17:21.90 Meade High School
Koerner, Alex 17:29.89 Liberal High School
Crane, David 17:30.80 Stanton County HS
Mendoza, Saul 17:39.30 Meade High School
McClure, Breckin 17:39.76 Holcomb High School
Kisner, Elijah 17:41.62 Southwestern Heights High School
Stoppel, Logan 17:44.04 Scott Community High School
English, Asher 17:53.27 Cimarron High School
Hermosillo, Michael 17:58.90 Scott Community High School
Bermudez, Zael 18:00.60 Lakin High School
Miller, Jace 18:11.80 Scott Community High School
Godfrey, Anthony 18:13.20 Meade High School
Harmon, Ian 18:15.12 Cimarron High School
Wren, Kasten 18:23.56 Scott Community High School
Sullivan, Brady 18:25.50 Holcomb High School
Sims, Calan 18:32.70 Stanton County HS
Cramer, Spencer 18:39.00 Scott Community High School
Seyb, Carter 18:41.38 Stanton County HS
Gomez, Brandon 18:42.55 Hugoton High School
Roman, Miguel 18:50.22 Holcomb High School
Edgar, Jaydon 18:51.73 Stanton County HS
Ferch, Draven 18:52.56 Springfield High School
Cox, Gabe 18:57.29 Lakin High School
Wilson, Corey 18:58.23 Stanton County HS
Burns, Jared 19:03.70 Ulysses High School
Ricker, Waylon 19:04.74 Scott Community High School
Sullivan, Austin 19:06.00 Holcomb High School
Matthews, Blake 19:11.05 Lakin High School
O'Brien, Zach 19:12.00 Scott Community High School
Martinez, Angel 19:16.29 Southwestern Heights High School
Onley, Andrew 19:19.76 Stanton County HS
Darza, Emir 19:21.55 Liberal High School
Koons, Walker 19:21.62 Meade High School
Najera, Edgar 19:26.83 Satanta High School
Sholtz, Josiah 19:26.86 Lakin High School
Gonzalez, Daniel 19:28.41 Hugoton High School
Thomas, Seth 19:34.07 South Gray High School
Lattimore, Waylan 19:34.62 Ulysses High School
Munson, Eric 19:37.27 Lakin High School
Bergkamp, Camden 19:42.60 Lakin High School
Foster, Lake 19:44.33 Meade High School
Frank, Trenton 19:49.78 Scott Community High School
Simmons, John 19:51.86 South Gray High School
Ayala Hernandez, Jonathan 19:58.26 Stanton County HS
Meza, Yossen 19:58.76 Hugoton High School
Ramsey, Kason 19:58.84 Holcomb High School
DeHerrera, Carlos 20:01.77 Elkhart High School
Contreras, Luis 20:02.60 Ulysses High School
Alvarado, Isaac 20:14.50 Hugoton High School
Radke, Avery 20:16.38 Scott Community High School
Martinez, Jair 20:19.71 Stanton County HS
Yost, Kelby 20:24.33 South Gray High School
Hollingswoth, Jess 20:30.73 South Gray High School
Alvarado, Dave 20:36.22 Guymon High School
Sierra, Quincy 20:41.33 Ulysses High School
Lee, Marcus 20:41.53 Sublette High School
Mader, Blake 20:41.94 Holcomb High School
Alarcon, Emilio 20:43.60 Scott Community High School
Melendez, Josue 20:44.90 Ulysses High School
MARTINEZ, Javier 20:45.17 Southwestern Heights High School
Willis, Lorance (L.J.) 20:45.27 Springfield High School
Bless, Brennen 20:48.11 Lakin High School
Jaquez-Garcia, Isaac 20:49.70 Lakin High School
Gutierrez-Rodriguez, Jahir 21:00.08 Guymon High School
Olivas, Joel 21:02.40 Holcomb High School
Zamora, Caleb 21:04.81 Liberal High School
Rodriguez, Miguel 21:07.85 Holcomb High School
Rogers, Isaiah 21:09.50 Scott Community High School
Conner, Aiden 21:11.95 Hugoton High School
Folger, Chris 21:14.68 Stanton County HS
Delgado, Malaki 21:14.80 Ulysses High School
Rodriguez, Oziel 21:27.38 Hugoton High School
Hernandez, Jesse 21:29.38 Guymon High School
Wiebe, Kaiden 21:34.54 Sublette High School
Ward, Kellen 21:35.23 Cimarron High School
Ostberg, Owen 21:41.55 Lakin High School
Ramos, Fredy 22:04.16 Guymon High School
Gomez, Abel 22:04.59 Liberal High School
Langfield, Gavin 22:12.30 Holcomb High School
Novelo, Diego 22:14.39 Hugoton High School
Garetson, Ian 22:17.81 Sublette High School
Orosco, Dominic 22:19.14 Ulysses High School
Hockett, Jalynn 22:21.69 Satanta High School
Bermudez, Zalvador 22:22.11 Lakin High School
VanPelt, Ian 22:27.10 Holcomb High School
Gonzalez, Diego 22:30.48 Sublette High School
Waldron, Landry 22:32.11 Stanton County HS
Toole, Nash 22:33.56 Stanton County HS
Hollis, Drake 22:33.60 Meade High School
Koehn, Ben 22:38.50 Cimarron High School
Williams, Brayden 22:42.56 Cimarron High School
Rivas, Marco 22:44.56 Liberal High School
Martinez, Daniel 23:00.10 Ulysses High School
Woodruff, James 23:09.50 Meade High School
Sabillon, Anthony 23:14.90 Ulysses High School
Oakes, Benjamin 23:42.81 Guymon High School
Cassas, Ezquiel 23:50.77 Cimarron High School
Foster, Mason 23:56.70 Cimarron High School
Correa, Israel 23:58.10 Ulysses High School
Robles, Gerardo 23:59.01 Stanton County HS
Kite, Garrison 24:06.96 Cimarron High School
Martinez, Easton 24:08.57 Liberal High School
Alexander, Malachi 24:12.04 Ulysses High School
Hennings, Eric 24:12.70 Cimarron High School
Villeda, Steven 24:29.40 Ulysses High School
Tarango, Jonathan 24:36.80 Ulysses High School
Villarreal, Demarcus 24:36.91 Guymon High School
Fisher, Aiden 24:37.30 Lakin High School
Ground, Will 24:48.00 Ulysses High School
Hartman, Kade 24:50.50 Lakin High School
Soc Batz, Andrez 24:55.25 Guymon High School
Garcia, Helios 25:02.30 Ulysses High School
Acosta, Mairicio 25:16.90 Ulysses High School
Catlett, Dezi 25:24.83 Stanton County HS
Tarango, George 25:29.28 Liberal High School
Krier, Keaton 25:42.89 Stanton County HS
Alvarado, Angel 26:17.50 Guymon High School
Pol-Panjoj, Parrish 27:15.63 Guymon High School
Vogel, Issak 27:49.62 Cimarron High School
Dominguez, Bryan 27:53.10 Stanton County HS
Reed, Alton 27:57.60 Cimarron High School
Ruiz, Carlos 28:29.02 Stanton County HS
Ruiz, Julio 28:58.02 Stanton County HS
Salinas, Leonardo 29:13.50 Ulysses High School
Velo, Angel 30:15.00 Ulysses High School
Bernabe, Johnny 31:47.55 Guymon High School
Marquez, Darren 32:43.20 Ulysses High School
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Boys Two Mile Run 197 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pavia, Santiago Seymour Rogers Middle School
Vazquez, Andres Ulysses High School
Roach, William (Bentley Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Wise, Nickolas Kepley Middle School
Gomez, Elijah Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Garcia, Johnathan Holcomb Middle School
Lux-Mendoza, Anibal Guymon Junior High School
Landa, Alexis Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Almanza, Gian Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
McDowell, Chase Meade High School
Ailon, Wilmar Dodge City Middle School
Martin, Quinten Hugoton Middle School
Marquez, Thiago Dodge City Middle School
Phillips, Moses Stanton County HS
Eidson, Cephas Seymour Rogers Middle School
Vance, Grady Scott City Middle School
Hermosillo, Sebastian Ulysses High School
Torres, Xavier Guymon Junior High School
Hermosillo, Sebastian Kepley Middle School
Lopez, Emilio Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Varela, Ayden Southwestern Heights Junior High
Knight, Satchel Springfield High School
Cadena, Emilio Comanche Middle School
Dominguez, Kael Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Castenada, JeZiah Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Lopez, Aydenn Dodge City Middle School
Soto, Gabe Satanta High School
Rodriguez, Uriel Dodge City Middle School
Lux, Bernardino Dodge City Middle School
Naz-Tum, Alexzander Guymon Junior High School
Jaramillo, Nehemiah Seymour Rogers Middle School
Torres, Jose Ulysses High School
Vargas, Matthew Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Santiago, Jaydyn Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Lopez, Oscar Deerfield
Torres, Jose Kepley Middle School
Gomez, Marcos Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Schreibvogel, Parker Holcomb Middle School
Lux-Muz, Jonathan Guymon Junior High School
Franco, Jaime Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Arias, Andres Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Cervantes, Jayden Holcomb Middle School
Sanchez, Arian Dodge City Middle School
Moore, Brayton Dodge City Middle School
Alonzo, Caleb Stanton County HS
Castro, Antonio Guymon Junior High School
Nevarez, Joel Seymour Rogers Middle School
Beaton, Landry Scott City Middle School
Collins, Justice Elkhart High School
Guzman, Hector Guymon Junior High School
Wise, Nickolase Ulysses High School
Maldonado, Brandon Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Galvez, Javier Kepley Middle School
Smith, Brevon Holcomb Middle School
Figgins, Blake Springfield High School
Foster, Mason Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Balderrama, Jonathan Guymon Junior High School
Drummer, Alex Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Brown, Caleb Kepley Middle School
King, Kayden Satanta High School
Cruz, Alexis Dodge City Middle School
Macias, Aiden Hugoton Middle School
Araya, Meron Guymon Junior High School
Schroeder, Talon Dodge City Middle School
Perez, Daniel Guymon Junior High School
Luz, Alexander Seymour Rogers Middle School
Hegwood, Aubrey Ulysses High School
Corono, Uriel Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Tran, Nyhia Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Hegwood, Aubrey Kepley Middle School
Gonzalez, Jeraldo Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Villatoro, Abel Holcomb Middle School
Loya, James Southwestern Heights Junior High
Mijares, Isai Guymon Junior High School
Lopez, Carlos Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Claypool, Evan Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Calvillo, Oscar Dodge City Middle School
Velazquez, Moises Dodge City Middle School
Caro, Sebastian Stanton County HS
Ordonez, Jason Seymour Rogers Middle School
Cox, Casey Scott City Middle School
Hernandez, Xavier Dodge City Middle School
Mendoza-Castro, Jessy Guymon Junior High School
Mejia, Luis Seymour Rogers Middle School
Galvez, Javier Ulysses High School
Ramirez, Michael Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Vazquez, Andres Kepley Middle School
Garcia, Jacob Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Collins, Keith Holcomb Middle School
Herbert, Waco Springfield High School
Chavez, Samuel Guymon Junior High School
Rodriguez, Elijah Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Yost, Asher South Gray High School
Cooley, Rawlin Meade High School
Ask, Calvin Kepley Middle School
Duncan, Greyson Dodge City Middle School
Fann, Henry Hugoton Middle School
Hintergardt, Paul Guymon Junior High School
Gutierrez, Jacob Dodge City Middle School
Sierra, Christian Stanton County HS
Cerda, Dylan Seymour Rogers Middle School
Elliott, Brody Ulysses High School
Soto, Dominique Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Elliott, Brody Kepley Middle School
Helsel, Jax Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Gonzalez, Jeremiah Holcomb Middle School
Rodriguez, Gaberial Southwestern Heights Junior High
Ramos-Herrera, Alejandro Guymon Junior High School
Torres, Juanicio Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Denoyer, Elijah Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Williams, Kellen Dodge City Middle School
Kraemer, Makennan Satanta High School
Hernandez, Saul Dodge City Middle School
Barrajas, Natanael Seymour Rogers Middle School
Vargas, Alan Dodge City Middle School
Muz-Tohon, Ronaldo Guymon Junior High School
Rodriguez, Gabriel 10:38.59 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Fajardo, Roman 12:00.52 Dodge City Middle School
Guerrero, Alejandro 12:26.42 Dodge City Middle School
Gabel, Carson 12:31.34 Scott City Middle School
Parker, Lucas 12:37.88 Holcomb Middle School
Johnson, Tyler 12:38.42 Lakin Middle School
Rodriguez, Kaesyn 12:44.22 Dodge City Middle School
Dyas, Gavin 12:44.65 Lakin Middle School
Wenta, Kace 12:44.87 Satanta High School
Morales, Jose 12:49.01 Guymon Junior High School
Ramirez, Lorenzo 12:51.02 Dodge City Middle School
Rosales, Keanu 12:52.00 Dodge City Middle School
Alonso, Miguel 12:52.66 Dodge City Middle School
Lopez, Josue 12:55.65 Guymon Junior High School
Salmans, Blake 12:56.90 Hugoton Middle School
Vedoy, Adrian 12:59.39 Dodge City Middle School
Robles, Daniel 13:06.26 Deerfield
Maddux, Clark 13:10.00 Lakin Middle School
Seger, Austin 13:14.00 Stanton County HS
White, Ethan 13:18.61 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Baeza, Eric 13:19.08 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Guerrera, Gael 13:22.30 Comanche Middle School
Martinez, Leonardo 13:41.44 Dodge City Middle School
Tzun, Lolo 13:52.18 Dodge City Middle School
Radke, Aaren 13:52.65 Scott City Middle School
Wiebe, Kyler 13:53.80 Sublette High School
Macy, Chance 13:56.74 Seymour Rogers Middle School
Marino, Jiovany 13:57.20 Dodge City Middle School
Lux, Juan 14:02.26 Guymon Junior High School
Lux, Leonardo 14:08.99 Guymon Junior High School
Vasquez, Blake 14:11.00 Lakin Middle School
Rivera, Jaime 14:15.14 Dodge City Middle School
Lopez, Edgar 14:17.20 Dodge City Middle School
Martin, Brantley 14:18.00 Lakin Middle School
Schwindt, Jaxon 14:19.73 Seymour Rogers Middle School
Delatorre, Ramon 14:29.59 Southwestern Heights Junior High
Castilleja, Jonathan 14:41.81 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
McMurphy, Kip 14:47.41 Guymon Junior High School
Cuevas, Ramon 14:47.45 Dodge City Middle School
Terrazas III, Francisco 14:51.87 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Martinez, Dominic 14:54.59 Dodge City Middle School
Kane, Levi 14:54.72 Southwestern Heights Junior High
Beers, Kylan 14:55.80 Dodge City Middle School
Demers, David 15:01.01 Hugoton Middle School
Naz, Ronaldo 15:06.57 Guymon Junior High School
Castillo, Leonardo 15:20.26 Seymour Rogers Middle School
Carrasco, Alexander 15:29.57 Stanton County HS
Ortiz, Erick 15:38.82 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Vasquez, Leonardo 15:59.48 Dodge City Middle School
Ramirez, Jorge 15:59.75 Dodge City Middle School
Olivarez, Charlie 16:22.15 Dodge City Middle School
Alvarez, Jaziel 16:22.78 Guymon Junior High School
Alvarez, Adrian 16:24.17 Comanche Middle School
Mendoza, Damian 16:25.28 Guymon Junior High School
Alonzo, Pablo 16:25.81 Guymon Junior High School
Guerrero-Soto, Juan 16:30.16 Guymon Junior High School
McDonald, Aiden 16:39.44 Satanta High School
Nelson, Jack 16:51.62 Stanton County HS
Hernandez, Arjen 16:55.98 Dodge City Middle School
Barboza, Abel 16:59.95 Guymon Junior High School
Torres, Fernando 17:11.07 Dodge City Middle School
Medina, Sebastian 17:13.04 Dodge City Middle School
Simmons, Jayden 17:30.29 South Gray High School
Milligan, Conner 17:44.13 Holcomb Middle School
Morales, Adolfo 17:44.73 Dodge City Middle School
Miller, Jaden 17:52.32 Dodge City Middle School
Valverde, Adan 17:57.72 Dodge City Middle School
Hernandez, Luis 18:24.97 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Harmon, Everett 19:30.22 Deerfield
Avalos Martinez, Jesus 20:17.10 Comanche Middle School
Vasquez, Elliot 20:56.91 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Sanchez, Itzhak 21:03.06 Dodge City Middle School
Bridenstine, Callen 21:05.09 Seymour Rogers Middle School
Myers, Grant 21:31.60 Guymon Junior High School
Hicks, Hank 21:33.29 Guymon Junior High School
Jackson, Yohun 22:06.72 Deerfield
Alvarez, Jose 7:12.79 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Stucky, Logan 7:27.79 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Castro, Damien 7:32.47 Comanche Middle School
Montoya, Davian 8:13.04 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Martinez, Jason 9:55.37 Comanche Middle School
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 83 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ortega, Arianna Liberal High School
NAVA, Sandra Southwestern Heights High School
Zizumbo, Ximena Hugoton High School
Santos, Candy Guymon High School
Batista, Ashley Liberal High School
Jiang, Angela Guymon High School
Munoz, Yaretzi Liberal High School
PALACIO, Bianney Southwestern Heights High School
Teodoro, Jakelin Guymon High School
HARMON, Brynn Deerfield
Jiang, Katrina Guymon High School
Navarro, Zailee Liberal High School
Hernandez, Lilianna Guymon High School
Fugitt, Janae 19:27.80 Cimarron High School
Kisner, Layla 20:07.92 Southwestern Heights High School
Stapleton, Kylie 20:13.30 South Gray High School
Devorce, Janaya 20:18.95 Liberal High School
Ardery, Jenera 20:21.64 Holcomb High School
Deges, Jacee 20:24.90 South Gray High School
Jantz, Gwyn 20:35.40 South Gray High School
Trout, Belle 20:49.90 Scott Community High School
Simmons, Jenna 21:25.00 South Gray High School
Gutierrez, Isabela 21:27.51 Liberal High School
Santos, Katie 21:29.36 Holcomb High School
Garcia, Cinthya 21:33.90 Southwestern Heights High School
Parker, Ella 21:43.92 Holcomb High School
Nairn, Kenzington 21:45.10 Stanton County HS
Miller, Emma 22:06.55 Lakin High School
Erazo, Halle 22:12.30 Scott Community High School
Wilson, Jyntri 22:17.80 Cimarron High School
Cook, Brailey 22:23.90 Scott Community High School
O'Brien, Jayden 22:31.00 Scott Community High School
Alvarez, Rubi 22:41.42 Liberal High School
Cerda, Ariana 22:48.59 Liberal High School
Winderlin, Kami 22:51.60 Scott Community High School
FIESER, Hannah 22:55.80 Southwestern Heights High School
Barnhardt, Claire 23:04.10 Lakin High School
Meairs, Reegan 23:09.70 South Gray High School
Lucena, Sofia 23:29.70 Liberal High School
Cervantez, Lexi 23:36.82 Holcomb High School
Baier, Blanca 23:42.07 Holcomb High School
Burkhart, Madilyn 23:45.60 Cimarron High School
Lara, Maci 23:49.80 Scott Community High School
Lamas, Jennifer 23:51.20 Southwestern Heights High School
VanPelt, Camryn 23:53.54 Holcomb High School
Maltbie, Emma 24:20.97 Elkhart High School
VanPelt, Jayln 24:21.80 Holcomb High School
Winter, Hannah 24:38.50 Scott Community High School
Williamson, Emelin 24:48.79 Stanton County HS
Hollingsworth, Holly 25:08.10 Elkhart High School
Ramirez, Kimberly 25:27.52 Guymon High School
Rangel, Angelica 25:30.70 Cimarron High School
Esquibel, Amari 25:43.10 Lakin High School
Polzin, Anessa 25:53.68 Stanton County HS
Santana, Xitlali 25:59.90 Holcomb High School
Vazquez, Luna 26:00.94 Lakin High School
Cruz, Jhovana 26:10.03 Liberal High School
Perez, America 26:11.40 Holcomb High School
Vasquez, Miranda 26:18.16 Ulysses High School
Holmes, Abby 26:20.10 Lakin High School
Martinez, Galilea 26:31.60 Ulysses High School
Ontiveros, Selena 26:34.19 Liberal High School
Palomares, Tina 26:40.41 Guymon High School
Kentner, Shillelagh 26:44.32 Lakin High School
Jantz, Sloane 26:49.90 South Gray High School
Miller, Kaylee 26:55.25 Holcomb High School
Grusing, Addison 26:57.18 Lakin High School
Penson, Alexis 27:21.14 Springfield High School
Garcia, Camila 27:27.03 Elkhart High School
Romero, Gisele 27:50.36 Lakin High School
Navarro, Zureidy 27:52.97 Liberal High School
Ortega, Destiny 27:55.71 Liberal High School
Bradford, Atalissa 29:17.95 Lakin High School
Perez, Liccy 29:34.10 Ulysses High School
WIEBERG, Ashley 29:56.40 Deerfield
Delgado, Viridiana 30:21.00 Ulysses High School
Vera, Roxanna 31:32.99 Sublette High School
Hancock, Holly 31:58.87 Springfield High School
Urena, Lizabeth 32:20.90 Ulysses High School
Onley, Abigail 32:37.48 Stanton County HS
Clubb, Serenity 32:43.46 Sublette High School
Barrios, Heidi 34:08.99 South Gray High School
Rodriguez, Sarai 34:44.86 Stanton County HS
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Girls Two Mile Run 141 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Jocelyn Scott City Middle School
Baten, Paula Dodge City Middle School
Seger, Juliet Stanton County HS
Chajal-Jimon, Yoselin Guymon Junior High School
Martinez, Evy Seymour Rogers Middle School
Paredes, Donna Dodge City Middle School
Holguin, Ruby Southwestern Heights Junior High
Preciado Prieto, Luciana Comanche Middle School
Peitz, Faith Holcomb Middle School
Perez, Juana Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Carter, Gentry Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Heatherman, Harley Satanta High School
Aguirre, Mildred Seymour Rogers Middle School
Huckins, Paisley Guymon Junior High School
Hawley, Mia Satanta High School
Cruz, Azalea Dodge City Middle School
Sanchez, Mia Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Gallegos, Summer Seymour Rogers Middle School
Quinonez, Sophia Dodge City Middle School
Smith, Bailey Kepley Middle School
Zamora, Liliana Seymour Rogers Middle School
Mendoza-Lux, Juana Guymon Junior High School
Reyes, Mariah Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Gibbs, Aaliyah Comanche Middle School
Harris, Dusti Hugoton Middle School
Lopez, Amanda Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Heinrich, Jozlynn Lakin Middle School
Dickson, Collins Stanton County HS
Armendariz, Maryali Scott City Middle School
Lopez, Julissa Dodge City Middle School
Carcamo, Danna Dodge City Middle School
Casados, Isabella Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Flores, Nayrin Guymon Junior High School
Robertson, Kaylene Seymour Rogers Middle School
Timmer, Neelie Southwestern Heights Junior High
Duran, Addison Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Limbocker, Ava Seymour Rogers Middle School
Mesta, Angely Guymon Junior High School
Anderson, Avery Satanta High School
Banuelos, Noemi Dodge City Middle School
Ortega, Stephanie Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Bourell, Alexanderia Seymour Rogers Middle School
Hughes, Ava Scott City Middle School
Chaverria, Natalie Dodge City Middle School
Peterson, Brylie Stanton County HS
Madrid, Briseis Guymon Junior High School
Villa, Francely Seymour Rogers Middle School
Pelton, Emma Dodge City Middle School
Riemann, Sydney Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Ramos, Melany Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Thompson, Brooklynne Stanton County HS
Harris, Anni Scott City Middle School
Armendariz, Jacky Dodge City Middle School
Arostegui, Valentina Dodge City Middle School
Diego, Raquel Seymour Rogers Middle School
Lobmeyer, Katie Holcomb Middle School
Perez, Maria Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Santos, Darina Guymon Junior High School
Acosta, Jimena Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Meyers, Kayslie Lakin Middle School
Alvarado, Melanie Scott City Middle School
Treto, Paloma Dodge City Middle School
Jackson, Makinli Deerfield
Torres, Dayanara Stanton County HS
Veslaquez, Kacie Guymon Junior High School
Huerta, Kamila Seymour Rogers Middle School
Pablo, Viviana Dodge City Middle School
Alexander, Macie Southwestern Heights Junior High
Sanchez, Alondra Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Mead, Jeci Holcomb Middle School
Kotze, Simone Stanton County HS
Rendon, Bridgette Seymour Rogers Middle School
Alvarado, Violeta Satanta High School
Ruiz, Jaliyah Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Villarreal, Ashle Scott City Middle School
Garibay, Keidy Dodge City Middle School
Garcia, Izabelle Dodge City Middle School
Gonzalez, Kim Seymour Rogers Middle School
Medina, Yazline Seymour Rogers Middle School
Ramirez, Abriee Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Velasquez, Jenni Guymon Junior High School
Tamyo, Mierya Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Barnhardt, Tess Lakin Middle School
Miller, Kate 12:56.67 Lakin Middle School
Nairn, Kodie 13:27.40 Stanton County HS
Springer, Olivia 13:28.88 Dodge City Middle School
Pike, Kenzi 14:03.03 Hugoton Middle School
Faurot, Haylen 14:34.62 South Gray High School
Rodriguez, Aracely 14:42.19 Stanton County HS
Clevenger, Anna 15:04.16 Comanche Middle School
Ocampo, Josalyn 15:13.31 Stanton County HS
Mercado, Sophia 15:26.74 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Reppart, Aurora 15:27.51 Kepley Middle School
Ames, Hadleigh 15:29.00 Scott City Middle School
Conway, Kailyn 15:29.87 Southwestern Heights Junior High
Fieser, Josie 15:33.95 Southwestern Heights Junior High
Ramos, Cruz 15:34.92 Dodge City Middle School
Lopez, Greisy 15:36.60 Deerfield
Roberts, Reagyn 15:41.70 Southwestern Heights Junior High
Gonzalez, Yaretzy 16:11.78 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Martinez, Camila 16:14.05 Kepley Middle School
Keeler, Addyson 16:15.13 Cimarron Middle School
Pineda, Sophia 16:25.19 Dodge City Middle School
Groves, Rachelle 16:28.73 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Guida, Adelyn 16:32.21 Southwestern Heights Junior High
Alvarado, Jazmin 16:35.87 Satanta High School
Camacho, Isabella 16:43.27 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Velasquez, Priscila 17:04.19 Dodge City Middle School
Brown, Zoe 17:09.25 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Stratzer, Raeya 17:10.85 Cimarron Middle School
Valdivia, Annette 17:12.80 Dodge City Middle School
Ontiveros, Yazelyn 17:13.21 Kepley Middle School
Wieberg, Andrea 17:14.38 Deerfield
McMurphy, Andi 17:54.59 Guymon Junior High School
Jordan, Victoria 18:04.55 South Gray High School
Guerra, Luisa 18:08.65 Dodge City Middle School
Sanchez, Janette 18:19.40 Dodge City Middle School
Smith, Trinity 18:24.45 Guymon Junior High School
Escobedo, Jocelyn 18:42.99 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Calderon, Alize 18:49.48 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Escarsea, Evelyn 18:51.76 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Morales, Abigail 18:57.23 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Anton, Ciara 18:58.33 Hugoton Middle School
Landon, Adelyn 19:11.38 Deerfield
Enamorado, Keren 19:13.98 Kepley Middle School
Ramirez, Jimenna 19:36.21 Dodge City Middle School
Wheaton, Jordyn 19:55.58 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Timmer, Eileen 20:11.08 Southwestern Heights Junior High
Mendoza, Yareli 20:41.21 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Zizumbo, Patty 20:54.44 Hugoton Middle School
Meairs, Madilynn 21:24.08 Cimarron Middle School
Romo, Magali 21:59.63 Seymour Rogers Middle School
Vermillion, Maddy 23:10.84 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Stegman, Aniya 23:10.94 Liberal Eisenhower Middle School
Portillo, Jazmin 24:45.30 Seymour Rogers Middle School
Harman, Laura 6:35.65 Comanche Middle School
Solorzano-Mejia, Aliyn 7:50.80 Comanche Middle School
Rayo Moyorga, Linnay 8:08.18 Comanche Middle School
Hernandez Sandoval, Carolina 8:32.35 Comanche Middle School
Ramirez Gutierrez, Alexandra 9:14.98 Comanche Middle School
Murillo, Isabella 9:25.36 Comanche Middle School
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