Southeast of Saline Invitational 2024

Gypsum, KS

Southeast of Saline Invitational 2024 vs Southeast of Saline Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -11 207 218
Overall Average +42.69 23:07.02 22:24.32
1st-10th Place +24.29 17:22.86 16:58.57
1st-25th Place +29.62 18:05.24 17:35.61
1st-50th Place +34.04 19:01.12 18:27.09
1st-100th Place +41.25 20:10.08 19:28.83
Common Athletes -- -- 53
Ran Faster 15 34 19
Ran Season Best 31 50 19
Average Time -21.59 21:54.94 22:16.54
Median Time -35.19 21:36.21 22:11.40
Middle 80% Times -29.36 21:57.62 22:26.98
Top 10% Times -26.50 17:14.45 17:40.95
Top 25% Times -38.26 18:22.11 19:00.37
Top 50% Times -34.28 19:30.10 20:04.38
Bottom 50% Times -8.10 23:31.09 23:39.18
Bottom 25% Times +27.45 26:10.07 25:42.62
Bottom 10% Times +54.48 27:48.92 26:54.43
Average Difference -21.59 -- --
Median Difference +58.28 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -30.45 -- --
Top 10% Difference -26.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.76 -- --
Top 25% Difference -22.29 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.76 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -15.46 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +13.78 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +39.15 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Brayden Walker Southeast of Saline High School -13.34 16:33.96 16:47.30
Jacob Bircher Southeast of Saline High School -56.68 16:42.82 17:39.50
Jeremiah Briscoe Berean Academy -43.50 16:58.70 17:42.20
Casey Heinrichs Hesston High School -38.42 17:22.48 18:00.90
Elias Simkins Berean Academy +19.64 18:04.04 17:44.40
Brady Wells Salina-Sacred Heart High School -26.70 17:44.70 18:11.40
Chase Allmon Halstead High School -2:31.11 18:27.79 20:58.90
Mykia Finegan Solomon High School +8.50 19:06.10 18:57.60
Kaden Hitz Chapman High School -1:45.47 19:04.63 20:50.10
Jonathon Bell Lincoln High School -1:54.96 19:05.24 21:00.20
Ethan Wilcox Halstead High School -41.13 19:07.07 19:48.20
Caden Harmon Halstead High School -37.42 19:19.48 19:56.90
Logan Hammersmith Solomon High School -43.90 19:38.10 20:22.00
Trenton Holmes Ellsworth High School -22.26 19:54.44 20:16.70
Addisen Wills Halstead High School +1:35.08 21:31.08 19:56.00
Cole Unruh Buhler High School -1:21.83 19:58.37 21:20.20
Esther Clark Smoky Valley High School -5:12.96 19:58.54 25:11.50
Ethan Calovich Chapman High School -19.53 20:10.27 20:29.80
Colin LeFevre Hesston High School +4.29 20:16.59 20:12.30
Jack Sharp Hesston High School -3:03.52 20:14.38 23:17.90
Justin Blocker Chapman High School -16.60 20:30.10 20:46.70
Ashley Lehman Hesston High School -1.56 20:33.14 20:34.70
Hope Willems Smoky Valley High School -35.81 20:43.19 21:19.00
Caden Zimmerman Berean Academy +42.74 21:37.44 20:54.70
Cali Augustine Southeast of Saline High School -13.38 21:14.82 21:28.20
Paisly Jaderborg Chapman High School -1:09.57 21:17.63 22:27.20
Donovan Brabender Chapman High School -2:29.67 21:18.93 23:48.60
Marcus Kern Ell-Saline High School +58.28 22:22.78 21:24.50
Elijah Spooner Smoky Valley High School +10.60 21:38.00 21:27.40
Autumn Hirsch Berean Academy -1:36.49 21:36.21 23:12.70
Ramsey Brin Ell-Saline High School +1:19.70 22:56.90 21:37.20
Caroline Stone Salina-Sacred Heart High School -20.63 21:50.77 22:11.40
Sophia Fruits Smoky Valley High School -23.37 21:51.83 22:15.20
Jerome Conner Salina Central High School -2:04.23 22:08.37 24:12.60
Libby Kierscht Salina-Sacred Heart High School -6.99 22:28.01 22:35.00
Jackson Briggs Berean Academy -1:51.96 22:31.44 24:23.40
Ellie Good Berean Academy -50.30 22:35.40 23:25.70
Isaak Neighbor Buhler High School +1:15.15 23:54.35 22:39.20
Jade BEARY Chapman High School -34.26 22:54.34 23:28.60
Kendyn Biggs Minneapolis High School +3.39 23:43.09 23:39.70
Gracia Peterson Smoky Valley High School +1:00.95 24:44.95 23:44.00
Kinsey Thurlow Chapman High School -4:06.98 23:55.22 28:02.20
Mila Sims Smoky Valley High School +1:35.73 25:43.23 24:07.50
Zoe Mayfield Halstead High School +3:38.24 27:52.34 24:14.10
Bethany Campa Salina-Sacred Heart High School -8.09 24:20.01 24:28.10
Amare Nedich Halstead High School +1:18.14 25:44.44 24:26.30
Carly Thurlow Chapman High School -2:36.75 24:38.65 27:15.40
Serena Harder Berean Academy +3:14.74 28:53.94 25:39.20
Kate Rathbun Ellsworth High School +40.49 26:35.39 25:54.90
Addison Thomas Ellsworth High School +18.92 26:26.62 26:07.70
Samantha Brooks Buhler High School +1:07.66 27:16.16 26:08.50
Ethan Gustin Abilene High School -15.11 26:30.49 26:45.60
Jillian Bender Berean Academy +2:37.97 29:45.17 27:07.20