Rose Hill MS 7/8 Girls/Boys Pentangular 2024

Rose Hill, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goodrich, Lucas Rose Hill Middle School
Akpan, Kaicen Circle Middle School
Gordon, Briston Clearwater Middle School
Akpan, Kortney Circle Middle School
Goodrich, Owen El Dorado Middle School
Stewart, Trevor Circle Middle School
Bouaravong, Kenzo 11.75 Clearwater Middle School
Manheim, Noah 12.79 Clearwater Middle School
Klein, Kingston 13.21 El Dorado Middle School
Hernandez, Elias 13.25 Rose Hill Middle School
Jones, Nick 13.41 Rose Hill Middle School
Myers, Gage 13.63 Circle Middle School
Riggins, Easton 13.80 Clearwater Middle School
Helmer, Carson 13.89 Circle Middle School
Rice, Travis 13.94 El Dorado Middle School
Hammer, Cole 14.20 Circle Middle School
Stareck, Kody 14.26 Circle Middle School
Meyer, Easton 14.40 Rose Hill Middle School
Martin, Mason 14.76 Circle Middle School
Zaitz, Jacob 14.96 Clearwater Middle School
Baird, Aiden 14.98 El Dorado Middle School
Seau, Zachary 15.00h Haysville West Middle School
Lam, Michael 15.00h Haysville West Middle School
Nguyen, Kevin 15.00h Haysville West Middle School
Williams, John 15.00h Haysville West Middle School
Dushane, Trenton 15.00h Haysville West Middle School
Coleman, Camden 15.02 Haysville West Middle School
Moore, Kannen 15.49 Rose Hill Middle School
Pate, Kierce 15.66 Rose Hill Middle School
Davis, Knox 15.69 Clearwater Middle School
Manion, Jameson 15.83 El Dorado Middle School
Pauly, Tyson 15.89 Clearwater Middle School
Morley, Reece 16.07 Rose Hill Middle School
Evans, Silas 16.08 Clearwater Middle School
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Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cotton, Cooper Clearwater Middle School
Wisinger, Kamden Clearwater Middle School
Warren, Cameron 19.24 Circle Middle School
Rupe, Talon 19.64 Clearwater Middle School
Short, Hayden 19.77 Circle Middle School
Coons, Quentin 19.84 Circle Middle School
Pantleo, Michaell 19.87 Circle Middle School
Kirkbride, Jacoby 21.06 Clearwater Middle School
Smith, Aidan 22.00h Haysville West Middle School
Fichtl, Gavin 22.15 Clearwater Middle School
Pearson, Oliver 23.53 Circle Middle School
Mellen, Grant 26.48 Clearwater Middle School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
King, Caden Clearwater Middle School
Ewertz, Luke Clearwater Middle School
McIntosh, Jacob Circle Middle School
Elliott, Gary Circle Middle School
Hansen, Quinn Circle Middle School
Evans, Silas Clearwater Middle School
Wilbur, Cole 5:25.78 Circle Middle School
Kirk, Alex 5:27.42 Circle Middle School
McDonald, Colton 5:33.53 Rose Hill Middle School
Fullerton, Cameron 5:43.44 El Dorado Middle School
Tjaden, Talen 6:05.52 Clearwater Middle School
Speer, Braxtyn 6:07.22 Circle Middle School
Cordts, Carter 6:30.73 Circle Middle School
Meritt, Colton 6:31.79 Haysville West Middle School
Bruner, William 6:38.66 Circle Middle School
Thomas, Kaden 8:10.79 Rose Hill Middle School
Stobart, Owen 8:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Khuc, Alan 8:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Brugada, Grayson 9:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Boys 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A El Dorado Middle School
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 4:04.90h Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 4:50.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hammer, Cole Circle Middle School
McMurtrey, Gomorrah El Dorado Middle School
Smith, Edward Clearwater Middle School
Goodrich, Owen El Dorado Middle School
Manion, Jameson El Dorado Middle School
Helmer, Carson Circle Middle School
Wood, Kooper Clearwater Middle School
WIlson, Knox Circle Middle School
Stareck, Kody Circle Middle School
Moore, Kannen Rose Hill Middle School
Akpan, Kortney Circle Middle School
McClure, Clayton El Dorado Middle School
Smith, Jason 24.27 Circle Middle School
Bouaravong, Kenzo 25.99 Clearwater Middle School
Williams, Nelleion 26.09 El Dorado Middle School
Manheim, Noah 26.20h Clearwater Middle School
Oliver, Aymon 26.64 Circle Middle School
Jones, Nick 27.03 Rose Hill Middle School
Bettles, Brad 27.60h Clearwater Middle School
Hernandez, Elias 28.82 Rose Hill Middle School
Dieker, Cody 28.99 Clearwater Middle School
Myers, Gage 29.64 Circle Middle School
Riggins, Easton 30.20h Clearwater Middle School
Coleman, Camden 31.61 Haysville West Middle School
Fields, Colten 32.00h Haysville West Middle School
Shipley, Mason 32.41 Rose Hill Middle School
Seau, Zachary 33.00h Haysville West Middle School
Nguyen, Kevin 34.00h Haysville West Middle School
Williams, John 34.00h Haysville West Middle School
Lam, Michael 34.00h Haysville West Middle School
Dushane, Trenton 35.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pearson, Oliver Circle Middle School
Coons, Quentin Circle Middle School
Pantleo, Michaell Circle Middle School
Wisinger, Kamden Clearwater Middle School
Akpan, Kaicen Circle Middle School
Goodrich, Lucas 29.38 Rose Hill Middle School
Warren, Cameron 32.69 Circle Middle School
Short, Hayden 34.62 Circle Middle School
Kirkbride, Jacoby 37.00h Clearwater Middle School
Craig, Ryan 37.18 Haysville West Middle School
Mellen, Grant 38.00h Clearwater Middle School
Rupe, Talon 39.00h Clearwater Middle School
Fichtl, Gavin 40.81 Clearwater Middle School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gardner, Aiden 14:34.42 Circle Middle School
Munoz, Skyler 15:28.09 El Dorado Middle School
Chrisman, Zachary 16:10.08 Circle Middle School
Kerschen, Gage 16:38.40 Circle Middle School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McMurtrey, Gomorrah El Dorado Middle School
Wisinger, Kamden Clearwater Middle School
Akpan, Kaicen Circle Middle School
Rice, Travis El Dorado Middle School
Rupe, Talon Clearwater Middle School
Kirk, Alex Circle Middle School
Baird, Aiden El Dorado Middle School
Emberson, Jaxson Clearwater Middle School
WIlson, Knox Circle Middle School
Skach, Carter Circle Middle School
Beck, Jesse 1:07.80 Circle Middle School
Martin, Hunter 1:09.53 Clearwater Middle School
Coleman, Camden 1:10.07 Haysville West Middle School
Seau, Zachary 1:12.00h Haysville West Middle School
Shipley, Mason 1:14.63 Rose Hill Middle School
Pearson, Oliver 1:16.62 Circle Middle School
Martin, Mason 1:17.76 Circle Middle School
Williams, John 1:20.00h Haysville West Middle School
Lam, Michael 1:20.00h Haysville West Middle School
Nguyen, Kevin 1:20.00h Haysville West Middle School
Dushane, Trenton 1:25.00h Haysville West Middle School
Davis, Caden 56.27 Rose Hill Middle School
Williams, Nelleion 57.28 El Dorado Middle School
Kirkbride, Jacoby 59.90h Clearwater Middle School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team B Circle Middle School
Relay Team A El Dorado Middle School
Relay Team A Rose Hill Middle School
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 51.50h Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 54.40h Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team B 59.90h Clearwater Middle School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A El Dorado Middle School
Relay Team B Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 1:55.00h Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 2:10.00h Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team B 2:11.10h Clearwater Middle School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A El Dorado Middle School
Relay Team A Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team B Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team B Circle Middle School
Relay Team A Rose Hill Middle School
Relay Team A Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 4:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 4:50.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Luke Clearwater Middle School
Kennedy, Conner Clearwater Middle School
Cordts, Carter Circle Middle School
Cotton, Cooper Clearwater Middle School
Kirk, Alex Circle Middle School
Gerberding, Jaxon Clearwater Middle School
Shadden, Jewlius El Dorado Middle School
Speer, Braxtyn Circle Middle School
Hawkins, Canton 2:26.95 Circle Middle School
McDonald, Colton 2:32.99 Rose Hill Middle School
Fullerton, Cameron 2:33.34 El Dorado Middle School
Hansen, Quinn 2:52.98 Circle Middle School
McIntosh, Jacob 3:02.29 Circle Middle School
Khuc, Alan 4:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
Stobart, Owen 4:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
Brugada, Grayson 4:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 1:56.60h Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 2:20.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Boys Discus 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oliver, Aymon 99-10 Circle Middle School
Craddock, Jonathan 87-7 Rose Hill Middle School
Clevenger, Blaze 86-4 Clearwater Middle School
Patty, Blake 85-9 Circle Middle School
Christiansen, Bryce 85-2 Clearwater Middle School
Duree, Chase 80-3 Circle Middle School
Johnson, Weston 73-1 Circle Middle School
Remsberg, Jackson 69-1 El Dorado Middle School
Pike, Carter 65-0 Clearwater Middle School
Hampton, Karter 64-10 Haysville West Middle School
McClaskey, Grayson 64-8 Circle Middle School
Wood, Kooper 63-2 Clearwater Middle School
Waldmeier, Lawson 61-5 Circle Middle School
Huelsman, Kegan 59-5 Rose Hill Middle School
Cosby, Ryder 59-0 Circle Middle School
Litton, Teagan 58-6 Clearwater Middle School
Idell, Breckin 58-6 Rose Hill Middle School
Toney, Jett 57-2 El Dorado Middle School
Skach, Carter 57-1 Circle Middle School
Pate, Kierce 51-8 Rose Hill Middle School
Baker, Curtis 30-0 Haysville West Middle School
White, Van 30-0 Haysville West Middle School
Steubing, Izaac 30-0 Haysville West Middle School
Bayless, James 20-0 Haysville West Middle School
Wilson, Luke Clearwater Middle School
Kirkwood, Wrangler Clearwater Middle School
Dickens, William Clearwater Middle School
McGowan, Seth El Dorado Middle School
Meese, Cooper El Dorado Middle School
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Boys High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanchez, Julian 5-4 Clearwater Middle School
Warren, Cameron 5-0 Circle Middle School
Short, Hayden 5-0 Circle Middle School
Klein, Kingston 4-10 El Dorado Middle School
Cruce, Austin 4-0 Haysville West Middle School
Phetkhamchanh, Paxton 4-0 Haysville West Middle School
Seau, Zachary 4-0 Haysville West Middle School
Dushane, Trenton 4-0 Haysville West Middle School
Spencer, Roman 3-10 Circle Middle School
Tjaden, Talen Clearwater Middle School
Dieker, Cody Clearwater Middle School
Chmieleski, Noll Clearwater Middle School
Manheim, Noah Clearwater Middle School
Martin, Hunter Clearwater Middle School
Clevenger, Blaze Clearwater Middle School
Lucero, Nate El Dorado Middle School
Beck, Jesse Circle Middle School
Cosby, Ryder Circle Middle School
Johnson, Weston Circle Middle School
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Boys Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Jason 17-11.5 Circle Middle School
Williams, Nelleion 17-8 El Dorado Middle School
Sanchez, Julian 16-9 Clearwater Middle School
Stareck, Kody 15-4 Circle Middle School
Lucero, Nate 15-2 El Dorado Middle School
Napier, Carter 15-0 Clearwater Middle School
Jones, Nick 15-0 Rose Hill Middle School
Myers, Gage 14-9 Circle Middle School
Meyer, Easton 14-8 Rose Hill Middle School
Martin, Mason 14-4.5 Circle Middle School
Hole, Kenyin 13-8 El Dorado Middle School
Moore, Kannen 13-8 Rose Hill Middle School
Cortest, Mason 12-0 Haysville West Middle School
Lam, Michael 12-0 Haysville West Middle School
Nguyen, Kevin 12-0 Haysville West Middle School
Williams, John 12-0 Haysville West Middle School
Dickens, William 11-10 Clearwater Middle School
Morley, Reece 10-8 Rose Hill Middle School
Meritt, Colton 10-6 Haysville West Middle School
Chmieleski, Noll Clearwater Middle School
Evans, Silas Clearwater Middle School
Gerberding, Jaxon Clearwater Middle School
Wood, Kooper Clearwater Middle School
Manion, Jameson El Dorado Middle School
Craddock, Jonathan Rose Hill Middle School
McClure, Clayton El Dorado Middle School
Emond, Brackstand Circle Middle School
Pantleo, Michaell Circle Middle School
Brown, Zaqris Circle Middle School
Akpan, Kortney Circle Middle School
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Boys Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bayless, James 40-0 Haysville West Middle School
Oliver, Aymon 38-3 Circle Middle School
Bright, Landon 37-5 El Dorado Middle School
Patty, Blake 34-5.5 Circle Middle School
Duree, Chase 33-11 Circle Middle School
Jenkins, Carter 33-3 Circle Middle School
Clevenger, Blaze 32-5 Clearwater Middle School
Ohlde, Emmit 32-3 Clearwater Middle School
Craddock, Jonathan 31-3 Rose Hill Middle School
Hampton, Karter 31-0 Haysville West Middle School
Johnson, Weston 30-5 Circle Middle School
Cherry, Braxtyn 30-0 Clearwater Middle School
McClaskey, Grayson 27-9 Circle Middle School
Toney, Jett 27-4 El Dorado Middle School
Christiansen, Bryce 26-10 Clearwater Middle School
Pike, Carter 26-5 Clearwater Middle School
Idell, Breckin 25-0 Rose Hill Middle School
Wood, Kooper 24-1 Clearwater Middle School
Remsberg, Jackson 23-1 El Dorado Middle School
Bruner, William 21-8 Circle Middle School
Castleman, Rayden 21-8 Circle Middle School
Huelsman, Kegan 21-5.5 Rose Hill Middle School
Baker, Curtis 20-0 Haysville West Middle School
Steubing, Izaac 20-0 Haysville West Middle School
White, Van 20-0 Haysville West Middle School
Pate, Kierce 19-9 Rose Hill Middle School
Davis, Knox Clearwater Middle School
Dickens, William Clearwater Middle School
Meese, Cooper El Dorado Middle School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shipman, Averi Clearwater Middle School
Peffly, Elise El Dorado Middle School
Smith, Jai Clearwater Middle School
Walker, Macie Circle Middle School
Mull, Emma Clearwater Middle School
Thompson, Alivia Clearwater Middle School
Hinshaw, Reanna Clearwater Middle School
Cherry, Kailyn Clearwater Middle School
Morgan, Hadley El Dorado Middle School
Lies, Lauren Rose Hill Middle School
Fitzwilliams, Bria Circle Middle School
Hottovy, Avery 12.70 Rose Hill Middle School
Edwards, Elleanore 13.89 El Dorado Middle School
Everitt, Avery 14.00h Haysville West Middle School
Haines, Perry 14.19 Circle Middle School
Douglas, Chanel 14.88 El Dorado Middle School
Bell, Kara 15.00h Haysville West Middle School
Markley, Audrey 15.02 Rose Hill Middle School
Beavers, Meredith 15.14 Rose Hill Middle School
Murphy, Jewelsuna 15.29 El Dorado Middle School
Whitley, Emilee 15.46 Circle Middle School
Pickett, Nevada 15.52 Rose Hill Middle School
Hall, Harper 15.73 Circle Middle School
Martin, Emma 16.00h Haysville West Middle School
Salazar, Alivia 16.00h Haysville West Middle School
Hough, Kymber 16.00h Haysville West Middle School
Budd, Delaney 16.21 Circle Middle School
Kingsley, Adrianna 16.27 Rose Hill Middle School
Rollefson, Azure 16.88 Rose Hill Middle School
Uhlik, Regan 18.23 Rose Hill Middle School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguilar, Aubrey Circle Middle School
Childers, Kyla Clearwater Middle School
Konkel, Tenley Clearwater Middle School
Wulf, Kylee Clearwater Middle School
Cherry, Kailyn Clearwater Middle School
Markley, Audrey 19.43 Rose Hill Middle School
Wight, Bella 20.36 El Dorado Middle School
Rozar, Lottie 20.50 Rose Hill Middle School
Martinez, Chloe 20.57 Rose Hill Middle School
Waldorf, Macy 20.63 Circle Middle School
Brown Hackler, Samarah 21.01 Circle Middle School
McCulloch, Isabella 21.49 Rose Hill Middle School
Martin-Reed, Tessa 22.60 Circle Middle School
Hough, Kymber 23.00h Haysville West Middle School
Bell, Kara 23.00h Haysville West Middle School
Daily, Myah 23.00h Haysville West Middle School
Brugada, Sawyer 23.00h Haysville West Middle School
Zieser, Lilian 23.00h Haysville West Middle School
Jacobs, Shawna 23.00h Haysville West Middle School
Brittingham, Stella 23.37 Rose Hill Middle School
Brown Hackler, Randi 23.41 Circle Middle School
Marley, Aubrey 23.87 Circle Middle School
Pena, Avelina 24.24 Rose Hill Middle School
Corne, Evelyn 24.72 Circle Middle School
Rubright, Luci 28.69 Circle Middle School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moyer, Madison Clearwater Middle School
Waldorf, Macy Circle Middle School
Kline, Lila Clearwater Middle School
Sesock, Adrianna Circle Middle School
Pal, Priyanka Circle Middle School
Weirich, Bently Circle Middle School
Petersen, Audrianna Circle Middle School
Shipman, Sydney Clearwater Middle School
Craig, Joslen 5:43.65 Haysville West Middle School
Estell, Taityn 6:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
Swearingen, Evelyn 6:30.48 Rose Hill Middle School
Herod, Edisyn 6:39.78 Rose Hill Middle School
McCrea, Mya 6:41.73 Rose Hill Middle School
Beggs, Kathryn 6:46.34 Circle Middle School
McArtor, Noelle 6:46.45 Clearwater Middle School
Martin, Teddy 7:04.41 Circle Middle School
Martinez, Grace 7:10.16 Circle Middle School
Brittingham, Stella 7:28.08 Rose Hill Middle School
Storm, Reese 8:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
Zieser, Lilian 8:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
Chastain, Kaleigh 8:07.30 El Dorado Middle School
McHatton, Darbi 8:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Blount, Zoe 8:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Girls 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team B Circle Middle School
Relay Team A Rose Hill Middle School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Uhlik, Regan Rose Hill Middle School
Walker, Macie Circle Middle School
Breeden, Lilli El Dorado Middle School
Mull, Emma Clearwater Middle School
Aguilar, Aubrey Circle Middle School
Lane, Eleanor El Dorado Middle School
Fitzwilliams, Bria Circle Middle School
Konkel, Tenley Clearwater Middle School
Reese, Charlee El Dorado Middle School
Childers, Kyla Clearwater Middle School
Cockrum, Rozlynn El Dorado Middle School
Haines, Perry Circle Middle School
McCulloch, Isabella Rose Hill Middle School
Thompson, Alivia Clearwater Middle School
Wight, Bella El Dorado Middle School
Kline, Lila Clearwater Middle School
Pla, Lilyahna Circle Middle School
Peffly, Elise El Dorado Middle School
Hottovy, Avery 25.95 Rose Hill Middle School
Douglas, Chanel 30.98 El Dorado Middle School
Edwards, Elleanore 31.04 El Dorado Middle School
Pickett, Nevada 31.40 Rose Hill Middle School
Whitley, Emilee 32.11 Circle Middle School
Mellinger, Keelie 32.43 Rose Hill Middle School
Guinn, Kiernan 33.38 Haysville West Middle School
Engels, Sophie 33.70 Circle Middle School
Everitt, Avery 34.00h Haysville West Middle School
Bell, Kara 34.00h Haysville West Middle School
Brugada, Sawyer 34.00h Haysville West Middle School
Brittingham, Stella 34.10 Rose Hill Middle School
Hough, Kymber 35.00h Haysville West Middle School
Martin, Emma 35.00h Haysville West Middle School
Salazar, Alivia 35.00h Haysville West Middle School
Pena, Avelina 37.54 Rose Hill Middle School
Kingsley, Adrianna 38.64 Rose Hill Middle School
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Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Macie Circle Middle School
Thompson, Alivia Clearwater Middle School
Brown Hackler, Samarah Circle Middle School
Rubright, Luci Circle Middle School
Haines, Perry Circle Middle School
Murphy, Jewelsuna El Dorado Middle School
Cherry, Kailyn Clearwater Middle School
Rowland, Leah Clearwater Middle School
Oliver, Lily Circle Middle School
Gillespie, Reagan Clearwater Middle School
Thomas, Katy 36.56 Clearwater Middle School
Martinez, Chloe 37.58 Rose Hill Middle School
Marley, Aubrey 37.69 Circle Middle School
Rozar, Lottie 37.96 Rose Hill Middle School
Turcotte, Faith 38.00h Haysville West Middle School
Estell, Taityn 38.00h Haysville West Middle School
Everitt, Avery 38.00h Haysville West Middle School
Jacobs, Shawna 38.00h Haysville West Middle School
Fulk, Kinsley 40.00h Haysville West Middle School
Salazar, Alivia 40.00h Haysville West Middle School
Zieser, Lilian 40.00h Haysville West Middle School
Daily, Myah 40.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chastain, Kaleigh El Dorado Middle School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Douglas, Rylee Clearwater Middle School
Petersen, Audrianna Circle Middle School
Lamb, Haeley Circle Middle School
Lies, Lauren Rose Hill Middle School
Oliver, Lily Circle Middle School
Gillespie, Reagan Clearwater Middle School
Horyna, Malory Circle Middle School
Williams, Ellie 1:14.62 Rose Hill Middle School
Everitt, Avery 1:25.00h Haysville West Middle School
Uhlik, Regan 1:25.69 Rose Hill Middle School
Martin, Emma 1:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Bell, Kara 1:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Salazar, Alivia 1:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Hough, Kymber 1:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Hottovy, Avery 58.77 Rose Hill Middle School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Rose Hill Middle School
Relay Team A Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A El Dorado Middle School
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A Rose Hill Middle School
Relay Team A El Dorado Middle School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A Rose Hill Middle School
Relay Team A El Dorado Middle School
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 2:15.00h Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 2:15.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A Rose Hill Middle School
Relay Team A 5:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sesock, Adrianna Circle Middle School
Kline, Lila Clearwater Middle School
Horyna, Malory Circle Middle School
Weirich, Bently Circle Middle School
Martin, Teddy Circle Middle School
Merseal, Zoey Clearwater Middle School
Beggs, Kathryn Circle Middle School
Martinez, Grace Circle Middle School
Craig, Joslen 2:29.67 Haysville West Middle School
Swearingen, Evelyn 2:52.40 Rose Hill Middle School
McArtor, Noelle 2:58.04 Clearwater Middle School
Rowland, Leah 3:04.28 Clearwater Middle School
Herod, Edisyn 3:24.18 Rose Hill Middle School
Zieser, Lilian 3:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Blount, Zoe 4:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
McHatton, Darbi 4:00.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Circle Middle School
Relay Team A Rose Hill Middle School
Relay Team A Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 2:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Girls Discus 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jeardoe, Abigail 71-7 Clearwater Middle School
Barger, Kate 71-0 Rose Hill Middle School
Lindal, Brooklyn 59-11 Clearwater Middle School
Lamb, Haeley 59-8 Circle Middle School
Mahlandt, Kiera 58-4 Rose Hill Middle School
Kiser, Breckyn 57-9 Rose Hill Middle School
McKee, Kenadee 57-3 Circle Middle School
Lane, Eleanor 56-11.5 El Dorado Middle School
Smith, Harper 56-1.5 Circle Middle School
Rice, Brynli 53-5 El Dorado Middle School
Langstaff, Cambria 53-0 Circle Middle School
Hall, Harper 51-8.75 Circle Middle School
Dushane, Tegan 51-0 Haysville West Middle School
Sigler, Stella 50-2.5 Circle Middle School
Wolf, Chloe 49-9.75 Circle Middle School
Temple, Miracle 46-3.25 El Dorado Middle School
Wytch, Alaysia 45-5 Haysville West Middle School
Engels, Maddie 42-3.5 Circle Middle School
Carr, Annabelle 40-1.5 Rose Hill Middle School
Cockrum, Rozlynn 40-0 El Dorado Middle School
Winter, Taylor 39-7 Rose Hill Middle School
Murrell, Olivia 38-9 Rose Hill Middle School
Ramsey, Madelyn 20-0 Haysville West Middle School
Glass, Jocelyn 20-0 Haysville West Middle School
Wheelock, Kaylana 20-0 Haysville West Middle School
Whisler, Chloe 20-0 Haysville West Middle School
Rowland, Emma Clearwater Middle School
Douglas, Rylee Clearwater Middle School
Shipman, Sydney Clearwater Middle School
Titterington, Alexis Clearwater Middle School
Shipman, Averi Clearwater Middle School
Merseal, Zoey Clearwater Middle School
Breeden, Lilli El Dorado Middle School
Reese, Charlee El Dorado Middle School
Besco, Olyvia Rose Hill Middle School
LeMay, Phoebe Rose Hill Middle School
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Girls High Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Craig, Joslen 4-8 Haysville West Middle School
Edwards, Elleanore 4-6 El Dorado Middle School
Peffly, Elise 4-5 El Dorado Middle School
Douglas, Chanel 4-5 El Dorado Middle School
Thomas, Katy 4-2 Clearwater Middle School
Marley, Aubrey 4-0 Circle Middle School
Martin-Reed, Tessa 4-0 Circle Middle School
Barkley, Hayden 3-10 Haysville West Middle School
Martin, Emma 3-10 Haysville West Middle School
Storm, Reese 3-10 Haysville West Middle School
Burger, Lily 3-10 Circle Middle School
Corne, Evelyn 3-8 Circle Middle School
Morgan, Hadley 3-4 El Dorado Middle School
Ryan, Faith Clearwater Middle School
Hinshaw, Reanna Clearwater Middle School
Rowland, Leah Clearwater Middle School
Smith, Jai Clearwater Middle School
Wulf, Kylee Clearwater Middle School
Moyer, Madison Clearwater Middle School
Gillespie, Reagan Clearwater Middle School
Cockrum, Rozlynn El Dorado Middle School
Jefferis, Bryli El Dorado Middle School
Ahmed, Ava Circle Middle School
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Girls Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jensen, Marissa 14-3 Rose Hill Middle School
Markley, Audrey 13-7.5 Rose Hill Middle School
Budd, Delaney 13-0.5 Circle Middle School
McCulloch, Isabella 12-6 Rose Hill Middle School
Whitley, Emilee 12-6 Circle Middle School
Davis, Caleigh 12-3 Rose Hill Middle School
Engels, Sophie 12-2 Circle Middle School
Pickett, Nevada 11-7 Rose Hill Middle School
Guinn, Kiernan 11-0 Haysville West Middle School
Rollefson, Azure 10-9.5 Rose Hill Middle School
McArtor, Noelle 10-9 Clearwater Middle School
Rowland, Leah Clearwater Middle School
Thomas, Katy Clearwater Middle School
Childers, Kyla Clearwater Middle School
Titterington, Alexis Clearwater Middle School
Smith, Jai Clearwater Middle School
Wulf, Kylee Clearwater Middle School
Konkel, Tenley Clearwater Middle School
Wight, Bella El Dorado Middle School
Lane, Eleanor El Dorado Middle School
Temple, Miracle El Dorado Middle School
Smith, Brooke Circle Middle School
Fitzwilliams, Bria Circle Middle School
Domebo, Tatum Circle Middle School
Sanderson, Nichole Circle Middle School
Stareck, Kinley Circle Middle School
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Girls Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kiser, Breckyn 38-4.75 Rose Hill Middle School
Barger, Kate 35-2 Rose Hill Middle School
Murphy, Jewelsuna 30-3 El Dorado Middle School
Jeardoe, Abigail 29-3 Clearwater Middle School
Smith, Brooke 29-0 Circle Middle School
Wytch, Alaysia 27-5 Haysville West Middle School
Reese, Charlee 25-10 El Dorado Middle School
Farner, Isabella 25-5.5 Circle Middle School
Davis, Caleigh 25-5 Rose Hill Middle School
Wolf, Chloe 24-6 Circle Middle School
Lindal, Brooklyn 24-5.5 Clearwater Middle School
Mahlandt, Kiera 24-1 Rose Hill Middle School
Sigler, Stella 24-0 Circle Middle School
Dushane, Tegan 23-8 Haysville West Middle School
Rice, Brynli 23-0 El Dorado Middle School
Lamb, Haeley 23-0 Circle Middle School
Winter, Taylor 21-9 Rose Hill Middle School
Smith, Harper 21-4 Circle Middle School
McKee, Kenadee 21-0 Circle Middle School
Carr, Annabelle 17-3 Rose Hill Middle School
Cockrum, Rozlynn 16-7 El Dorado Middle School
Fernandez, Jazmine 15-0 Haysville West Middle School
Ramsey, Madelyn 15-0 Haysville West Middle School
Stork, Charlee 15-0 Haysville West Middle School
Waller, Victoria 15-0 Haysville West Middle School
Rowland, Emma Clearwater Middle School
Shipman, Averi Clearwater Middle School
Merseal, Zoey Clearwater Middle School
Moyer, Madison Clearwater Middle School
Jefferis, Bryli El Dorado Middle School
Lane, Eleanor El Dorado Middle School
Besco, Olyvia Rose Hill Middle School
Engels, Maddie Circle Middle School
LeMay, Phoebe Rose Hill Middle School
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