Haysville West Participation 2024

Haysville, KS

Athlete Entries

1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Maize Middle School
Relay Team A 4:30.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 4:58.00h Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 5:07.77 Goddard Middle School
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Boys 100 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wellman, Tate Maize Middle School
Tettah, Micheal Maize Middle School
Crump, Camden Maize Middle School
Barrett, Kaiden Hutchinson Middle School
Vo, Jacob Maize Middle School
DeLazoir, Andre Maize Middle School
Babjak, Connor Goddard Middle School
Helus, Jackson Hutchinson Middle School
Willliams, Parker Maize Middle School
Jenkinson, Daniel Maize Middle School
Wallis, Cole Haysville Middle School
Bettles, Brad Clearwater Middle School
Wood, Kooper Clearwater Middle School
Johnson, Jamier 12.26 Maize Middle School
Riggins, Easton 13.39 Clearwater Middle School
Lam, Michael 13.97 Haysville West Middle School
Seau, Zachary 14.00 Haysville West Middle School
Zaitz, Jacob 14.25 Clearwater Middle School
Riley , Gavin 14.62 Maize South Middle School
Morley, Reece 14.62 Rose Hill Middle School
Smith, Rajon 14.63 Maize South Middle School
Juarez-Ontiveros, Anthony 14.69 Goddard Middle School
Nguyen, Kevin 14.81 Haysville West Middle School
Cherry, Braxtyn 14.88 Clearwater Middle School
Sanborn, Wyatt 14.90 Goddard Middle School
Pate, Kierce 14.92 Rose Hill Middle School
Cox, William 15.00 Hutchinson Middle School
Parker, Matthew 15.07 Hutchinson Middle School
Coleman, Tysen 15.17 Goddard Middle School
Whitley-Roth, Elijah 15.28 Hutchinson Middle School
Nguyen, Phong 15.36 Goddard Middle School
Pauly, Tyson 15.40 Clearwater Middle School
Sayler, William 15.60 Hutchinson Middle School
Area, Tristen 15.60 Maize South Middle School
Nguyen, Jaxson 15.74 Maize South Middle School
Garrett, Mickey 15.77 Maize South Middle School
Williams, John 15.89 Haysville West Middle School
Evans, Silas 16.03 Clearwater Middle School
Shipley, Mason 16.11 Rose Hill Middle School
Kinsey, Gage 16.24 Hutchinson Middle School
Dushane, Trenton 16.50 Haysville West Middle School
McCullers, Jude 16.63 Hutchinson Middle School
Lawrence, Everett 17.14 Goddard Middle School
Nguyen, Cohen 17.93 Maize South Middle School
Wadud, Brendan 18.00h Maize South Middle School
Warstler, Dallas 18.50 Haysville Middle School
Stevens, Andrew 19.20 Goddard Middle School
Gil, Jasiel 19.32 Maize South Middle School
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Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Elliot Maize Middle School
Kemp, Chauncy Maize Middle School
Lindberg, Gabriel Maize Middle School
Davis, Jayden Maize Middle School
Watkins, Hayden Maize Middle School
Kyle, Parker Haysville Middle School
Craig, Ryan 17.70 Haysville West Middle School
Bunton, Mason 18.07 Goddard Middle School
York, Anthony 19.41 Goddard Middle School
Fichtl, Gavin 20.01 Clearwater Middle School
Layton, Max 20.85 Maize South Middle School
Goodman, Gryphon 21.00 Maize Middle School
Reiss , Rylan 21.00h Maize South Middle School
Cotton, Cooper 21.73 Clearwater Middle School
Busenitz, James 22.18 Maize South Middle School
Wisinger, Kamden 22.54 Clearwater Middle School
Shokaryev, Gavriil 22.57 Goddard Middle School
Clark, Liam 22.75 Hutchinson Middle School
Freund, Cooper 22.94 Goddard Middle School
Mellen, Grant 23.71 Clearwater Middle School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Owen Maize Middle School
Silver, Prestyn Maize Middle School
Culver, Reid Maize Middle School
Burns, Landon Maize Middle School
Anderson, Colton Maize Middle School
Balthazor, Camden Haysville Middle School
Hernandez, Jeremias Maize Middle School
Peck, Liam Maize Middle School
Waugh, Paxton 6:08.65 Haysville Middle School
Kerbs, Ruben 6:09.86 Maize South Middle School
Anderson, Dalton 6:16.28 Goddard Middle School
Wright, Mason 6:22.16 Goddard Middle School
Soles, Maddox 6:22.96 Maize South Middle School
taylor, reese 6:24.07 Haysville Middle School
Mellen, Grant 6:25.21 Clearwater Middle School
Paden, Noah 6:28.79 Maize Middle School
Patterson, Samuel 6:32.50 Goddard Middle School
Copridge, Paxton 6:32.53 Goddard Middle School
Mansfield, Luke 6:36.46 Maize South Middle School
Phillips , Landyn 6:44.25 Maize South Middle School
Kelly, Levi 6:45.18 Maize South Middle School
Moore, Kellen 6:46.01 Goddard Middle School
Salas-Triana, Jayro 6:50.13 Goddard Middle School
Ondimu, Wesley 7:00.06 Goddard Middle School
Wilson, Luke 7:06.82 Clearwater Middle School
Stobart, Owen 7:06.93 Haysville West Middle School
Jabara, Lukas 7:11.82 Haysville Middle School
Bravo-Bautista, Efren 7:19.18 Goddard Middle School
Khuc, Alan 7:20.31 Haysville West Middle School
Thomas, Kaden 7:26.78 Rose Hill Middle School
Walker, Ethan 7:41.22 Maize South Middle School
Brugada, Grayson 7:58.04 Haysville West Middle School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gillispie, Max Maize Middle School
Tettah, Micheal Maize Middle School
Babjak, Connor Goddard Middle School
Gorman, Christopher Maize Middle School
Longbine, Connor Maize Middle School
Gordon, Briston Clearwater Middle School
Lawrence, Everett Goddard Middle School
Burns, Landon Maize Middle School
Silver, Prestyn Maize Middle School
McCullers, Jude Hutchinson Middle School
Cramb, Gavin Maize Middle School
Wellman, Tate Maize Middle School
Bettles, Brad 27.52 Clearwater Middle School
Fiser, Nixon 27.70 Haysville West Middle School
Wallis, Cole 28.26 Haysville Middle School
Fields, Colten 28.29 Haysville West Middle School
Riggins, Easton 29.22 Clearwater Middle School
Riley , Gavin 29.87 Maize South Middle School
Whitley-Roth, Elijah 30.03 Hutchinson Middle School
Nguyen, Kevin 30.11 Haysville West Middle School
Coleman, Camden 30.20 Haysville West Middle School
Lam, Michael 30.50 Haysville West Middle School
Cox, William 31.05 Hutchinson Middle School
Smith, Rajon 31.65 Maize South Middle School
Shipley, Mason 31.80 Rose Hill Middle School
Fuller, Kyrin 31.94 Hutchinson Middle School
SanRoman, Cruz 32.00h Maize South Middle School
Carrol, Zach 32.00h Maize South Middle School
Barrett, Kaiden 32.44 Hutchinson Middle School
Parker, Matthew 32.53 Hutchinson Middle School
Nguyen, Thompson 32.83 Goddard Middle School
Smith, Edward 32.99 Clearwater Middle School
Riggs, Hayden 33.49 Goddard Middle School
Brankle, Urijah 33.98 Goddard Middle School
Collins, Camden 34.26 Goddard Middle School
Everitt, Owen 34.37 Goddard Middle School
Area, Tristen 34.71 Maize South Middle School
Williams, John 34.90 Haysville West Middle School
Warstler, Dallas 34.92 Haysville Middle School
Wood, Kooper 35.69 Clearwater Middle School
Kinsey, Gage 35.79 Hutchinson Middle School
Sayler, William 36.50 Hutchinson Middle School
Nguyen, Cohen 40.39 Maize South Middle School
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Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goodman, Gryphon Maize Middle School
Baker, Elliot Maize Middle School
Davis, Jayden Maize Middle School
Kemp, Chauncy Maize Middle School
Watkins, Hayden Maize Middle School
Cotton, Cooper Clearwater Middle School
Lindberg, Gabriel Maize Middle School
Craig, Ryan 31.80 Haysville West Middle School
Bunton, Mason 32.65 Goddard Middle School
Papacek, Asher 32.74 Maize South Middle School
York, Anthony 33.97 Goddard Middle School
Layton, Max 35.14 Maize South Middle School
Reiss , Rylan 36.00h Maize South Middle School
Busenitz, James 37.50 Maize South Middle School
Shokaryev, Gavriil 37.54 Goddard Middle School
Fichtl, Gavin 37.55 Clearwater Middle School
Clark, Liam 40.40 Hutchinson Middle School
Freund, Cooper 41.81 Goddard Middle School
Wisinger, Kamden 41.91 Clearwater Middle School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cross, Cayden Goddard Middle School
Lehl, Briar Maize South Middle School
Meritt, Colton 12:58.97 Haysville West Middle School
Pruett, Kaidin 13:40.52 Goddard Middle School
Hemmelgarn, Jackie 14:28.76 Maize South Middle School
Stelling, Cooper 15:36.92 Goddard Middle School
Nance, Aiden 15:46.83 Goddard Middle School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrelts, Christian Goddard Middle School
Glenn, Hudson Maize Middle School
Zaitz, Jacob Clearwater Middle School
West, Jaxson Maize Middle School
Broyles, Brandon Maize Middle School
Paden, Noah Maize Middle School
Trotter, Bayler Goddard Middle School
Litton, Teagan Clearwater Middle School
Cramb, Gavin Maize Middle School
Gillispie, Max Maize Middle School
Wright, Mason Goddard Middle School
Tettah, Micheal Maize Middle School
Longbine, Connor Maize Middle School
Wallis, Cole 1:05.61 Haysville Middle School
Pike, Seth 1:08.00h Maize South Middle School
Papacek, Gabe 1:08.21 Maize South Middle School
Carrol, Zach 1:08.82 Maize South Middle School
Nguyen, Kevin 1:08.90 Haysville West Middle School
Lam, Michael 1:09.10 Haysville West Middle School
Martin, Hunter 1:09.53 Clearwater Middle School
Kohlmeier, Henry 1:09.76 Maize South Middle School
Burkhart, Jack 1:12.16 Goddard Middle School
Anderson, Dalton 1:14.12 Goddard Middle School
Shipley, Mason 1:14.63 Rose Hill Middle School
Fino, Avery 1:15.25 Clearwater Middle School
Davis, Trenton 1:16.53 Goddard Middle School
taylor, reese 1:16.80 Haysville Middle School
Garrett, Mickey 1:16.99 Maize South Middle School
Sayler, William 1:18.62 Hutchinson Middle School
Caylor, Gavin 1:21.81 Goddard Middle School
Williams, John 1:25.10 Haysville West Middle School
Nance, Aiden 1:26.43 Goddard Middle School
Gil, Jasiel 1:29.42 Maize South Middle School
Aruajo, Logann 1:32.63 Hutchinson Middle School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 47.12 Maize Middle School
Relay Team A 47.12 Maize Middle School
Relay Team A 50.39 Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 50.39 Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 55.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 55.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 55.89 Goddard Middle School
Relay Team A 56.00 Hutchinson Middle School
Relay Team A 59.04 Goddard Middle School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:43.27 Maize Middle School
Relay Team A 1:43.27 Maize Middle School
Relay Team A 1:46.41 Hutchinson Middle School
Relay Team A 1:47.30 Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 1:47.30 Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 1:51.13 Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 2:06.02 Goddard Middle School
Relay Team A 2:07.96 Goddard Middle School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 4:20.60 Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 4:20.60 Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 4:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 4:30.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 4:33.99 Goddard Middle School
Relay Team A 5:00.60 Goddard Middle School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Owen Maize Middle School
Parks, Sawyer Goddard Middle School
Silver, Prestyn Maize Middle School
Glenn, Hudson Maize Middle School
Mellen, Grant Clearwater Middle School
Lehl, Briar Maize South Middle School
Burns, Landon Maize Middle School
Crump, Camden Maize Middle School
Westerfield, Talan 2:42.71 Maize Middle School
Ashley, Wade 2:44.11 Maize Middle School
Gerberding, Jaxon 2:47.10 Clearwater Middle School
Waugh, Paxton 2:48.02 Haysville Middle School
Balthazor, Camden 2:48.09 Haysville Middle School
Zaitz, Jacob 2:49.30 Clearwater Middle School
Soles, Maddox 2:50.67 Maize South Middle School
Gillispie, Max 2:56.26 Maize Middle School
Mansfield, Luke 2:58.52 Maize South Middle School
Hemmelgarn, Jackie 2:58.86 Maize South Middle School
Kelly, Levi 3:00.00h Maize South Middle School
Phillips , Landyn 3:00.12 Maize South Middle School
Kerbs, Ruben 3:00.12 Maize South Middle School
Collins, Camden 3:00.88 Goddard Middle School
Cotton, Cooper 3:03.26 Clearwater Middle School
Lawler, Cameron 3:04.88 Goddard Middle School
Freund, Cooper 3:06.49 Goddard Middle School
Garrelts, Christian 3:10.80 Goddard Middle School
Nguyen, Thompson 3:11.21 Goddard Middle School
Stobart, Owen 3:13.70 Haysville West Middle School
Wilson, Luke 3:15.55 Clearwater Middle School
Thomas, Kaden 3:20.71 Rose Hill Middle School
Wadud, Brendan 3:23.29 Maize South Middle School
Jabara, Lukas 3:23.72 Haysville Middle School
Brugada, Grayson 3:24.59 Haysville West Middle School
Cape, Samuel 3:30.62 Goddard Middle School
Khuc, Alan 3:31.50 Haysville West Middle School
Aruajo, Logann 3:34.96 Hutchinson Middle School
Copridge, Paxton 3:36.40 Goddard Middle School
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Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:04.10 Maize Middle School
Relay Team A 2:06.45 Clearwater Middle School
Relay Team A 2:11.14 Goddard Middle School
Relay Team A 2:20.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 2:20.00h Hutchinson Middle School
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Boys Discus 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Traeson 90-4 Maize Middle School
Hampton, Karter 87-9 Haysville West Middle School
Phillips, Gevari 84-7 Hutchinson Middle School
Shelinbarger, Kanden 82-1 Haysville Middle School
Dickens, William 80-5 Clearwater Middle School
Boysen, Lincoln 79-6.5 Maize South Middle School
Coe, Paden 79-6 Haysville Middle School
Keller, Carson 77-3.5 Maize South Middle School
Smith, Andrew 74-8 Goddard Middle School
Babjak, Connor 74-2 Goddard Middle School
Lozano, Angel 74-0 Goddard Middle School
Garcia, Landyn 72-2.5 Hutchinson Middle School
Gillispie, Max 68-4 Maize Middle School
Womack, Jason 68-3 Maize South Middle School
Pate, Kierce 66-3 Rose Hill Middle School
Kirkwood, Wrangler 65-9 Clearwater Middle School
Burden, Carter 65-5 Haysville Middle School
Pike, Carter 65-0 Clearwater Middle School
McDonald, Jacob 64-5 Goddard Middle School
Pike, Seth 63-7 Maize South Middle School
Wood, Kooper 63-2 Clearwater Middle School
Cleeves, Alexander 61-9.5 Goddard Middle School
Kennedy, Conner 59-10 Clearwater Middle School
Chesney, Kolton 58-6 Goddard Middle School
Litton, Teagan 58-6 Clearwater Middle School
Lukens, Cannon 58-5.5 Goddard Middle School
Mugasa, Jackson 58-1 Maize South Middle School
White, Van 55-5 Haysville West Middle School
Kastens, Leo 52-2 Maize South Middle School
Evans, Silas 50-7 Clearwater Middle School
Baker, Curtis 50-3.5 Haysville West Middle School
Gifford, Ryder 50-2 Hutchinson Middle School
Byard, Ames 49-11.5 Hutchinson Middle School
Gilbert, Uriah 47-8 Hutchinson Middle School
Phillips , Landyn 47-7.5 Maize South Middle School
Davis, Knox 41-4 Clearwater Middle School
Morley, Reece 40-11 Rose Hill Middle School
Stevens, Andrew 40-9 Goddard Middle School
Bush, Jacob Hutchinson Middle School
isham, Rhys Maize Middle School
Williams, Andrew Maize Middle School
Munro, Holden Maize Middle School
Mania, Ashton Maize Middle School
Baker, Elliot Maize Middle School
Ontivaros, Damien Maize Middle School
Keller, Cameron Maize South Middle School
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Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parks, Daylen 4-8 Maize South Middle School
Walterscheid , Eric 4-8 Maize South Middle School
Chmieleski, Noll 4-6 Clearwater Middle School
Dushane, Trenton 4-4 Haysville West Middle School
Seau, Zachary 4-4 Haysville West Middle School
Martin, Hunter 4-4 Clearwater Middle School
Baker, Elliot 4-4 Maize Middle School
Watkins, Hayden 4-2 Maize Middle School
Clark, Liam 3-10 Hutchinson Middle School
SanRoman, Cruz 3-10 Maize South Middle School
Peck, Liam Maize Middle School
Crump, Camden Maize Middle School
DeLazoir, Andre Maize Middle School
West, Jaxson Maize Middle School
Tettah, Micheal Maize Middle School
Papacek, Gabe Maize South Middle School
Baker, Zac Maize South Middle School
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Boys Long Jump 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bunton, Mason 14-9.5 Goddard Middle School
Meritt, Colton 14-6.75 Haysville West Middle School
Kyle, Parker 14-3.75 Haysville Middle School
Riley , Gavin 14-3.75 Maize South Middle School
SanRoman, Cruz 14-1.25 Maize South Middle School
Wallis, Cole 13-10 Haysville Middle School
Lam, Michael 13-8 Haysville West Middle School
Sanborn, Wyatt 13-4 Goddard Middle School
Burkhart, Jack 13-2 Goddard Middle School
Kohlmeier, Henry 13-0 Maize South Middle School
Whitley-Roth, Elijah 12-11.5 Hutchinson Middle School
Coleman, Tysen 12-10 Goddard Middle School
Chmieleski, Noll 12-10 Clearwater Middle School
Martin, Hunter 12-9 Clearwater Middle School
Evans, Silas 12-8.25 Clearwater Middle School
Morley, Reece 12-8.25 Rose Hill Middle School
Nguyen, Kevin 12-4 Haysville West Middle School
Nguyen, Phong 12-2.5 Goddard Middle School
Dickens, William 11-10 Clearwater Middle School
Warstler, Dallas 11-1 Haysville Middle School
Fino, Avery 10-8 Clearwater Middle School
Williams, John 10-7.5 Haysville West Middle School
Anderson, Dalton Goddard Middle School
Lawler, Cameron Goddard Middle School
Crump, Camden Maize Middle School
Coble, Dylan Maize Middle School
Tettah, Mitchell Maize Middle School
Davis, Jayden Maize Middle School
Johnson, Jamier Maize Middle School
Curnett, Brock Maize Middle School
Broyles, Brandon Maize Middle School
Westerfield, Talan Maize Middle School
Pike, Seth Maize South Middle School
Baker, Zac Maize South Middle School
Hiebert-Barnes, Tristen Maize South Middle School
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Boys Shot Put 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Phillips, Gevari 34-8.5 Hutchinson Middle School
Sponsel, Scott 33-6 Maize Middle School
Hampton, Karter 33-5 Haysville West Middle School
Keller, Carson 30-10 Maize South Middle School
Shelinbarger, Kanden 30-7 Haysville Middle School
Smith, Andrew 30-0.5 Goddard Middle School
Cherry, Braxtyn 30-0 Clearwater Middle School
Mah, Elijah 29-0 Goddard Middle School
Payton, Jonah 28-8 Maize South Middle School
Burden, Carter 28-2 Haysville Middle School
Baker, Curtis 28-0 Haysville West Middle School
Garcia, Landyn 27-7 Hutchinson Middle School
Pike, Carter 26-5 Clearwater Middle School
Wood, Kooper 26-2.5 Clearwater Middle School
Kennedy, Conner 25-9.5 Clearwater Middle School
Kastens, Leo 25-8.5 Maize South Middle School
Mugasa, Jackson 25-4 Maize South Middle School
McDonald, Jacob 24-6 Goddard Middle School
Pike, Seth 23-10 Maize South Middle School
Davis, Knox 23-9 Clearwater Middle School
Coe, Paden 23-6 Haysville Middle School
Dickens, William 23-4 Clearwater Middle School
Sievisa, Traxtyn 23-0 Goddard Middle School
Pate, Kierce 22-7 Rose Hill Middle School
Phillips , Landyn 22-7 Maize South Middle School
Marti, Jacob 22-6.5 Goddard Middle School
Bravo-Bautista, Efren 22-4.5 Goddard Middle School
Evans, Silas 22-1 Clearwater Middle School
White, Van 21-6 Haysville West Middle School
Gilbert, Uriah 20-5 Hutchinson Middle School
Gifford, Ryder 19-8.5 Hutchinson Middle School
Lott, Braiden 16-0 Goddard Middle School
Byard, Ames 14-10 Hutchinson Middle School
Bush, Jacob Hutchinson Middle School
Babjak, Connor Goddard Middle School
Litton, Teagan Clearwater Middle School
isham, Rhys Maize Middle School
Williams, Andrew Maize Middle School
Munro, Holden Maize Middle School
Anderson, Colton Maize Middle School
Mania, Ashton Maize Middle School
Amuneqas, Alexis Maize Middle School
Martinez, Julian Maize Middle School
Bupp, Jace Maize South Middle School
Boysen, Lincoln Maize South Middle School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Minson, Jozlynn Haysville Middle School
Ross, Holly Rose Hill Middle School
Hogan, Isabella Hutchinson Middle School
Eye, Annabelle Hutchinson Middle School
Brown, Preslie Hutchinson Middle School
Kitston, Daci Hutchinson Middle School
Zubke, Mackenzie Goddard Middle School
Patterson, Drew Maize South Middle School
Hunsucker, Brailee Haysville Middle School
Bowman, Kensley 14.98 Maize South Middle School
Sefeke, Sophie 15.32 Maize South Middle School
Matthews, Ivy 15.37 Maize South Middle School
Hinshaw, Reanna 15.68 Clearwater Middle School
Rowland, Emma 15.71 Clearwater Middle School
Treaster, Jocelynn 15.83 Hutchinson Middle School
Blackman, Wylee 15.84 Goddard Middle School
Schlegel, Meliya 16.13 Maize Middle School
Block, Isla 16.30 Goddard Middle School
Rollefson, Azure 16.43 Rose Hill Middle School
Mull, Emma 16.58 Clearwater Middle School
Ramirez, Sophia 16.59 Goddard Middle School
Martin, Emma 16.60 Haysville West Middle School
Irving, Lilly 16.61 Hutchinson Middle School
Bock, Violet 16.67 Maize Middle School
Mertens, Kaliyah 16.68 Maize Middle School
Galaviz, Darianna 16.81 Maize South Middle School
Hayes, Caspian 16.84 Hutchinson Middle School
Uhlik, Regan 16.94 Rose Hill Middle School
Collins, Zoe 17.00h Maize Middle School
Ryan, Faith 17.13 Clearwater Middle School
Titterington, Alexis 17.14 Clearwater Middle School
Daniel, Nadia 17.34 Hutchinson Middle School
Johnson, Audriana 17.35 Maize Middle School
Phillips, Sophia 17.40 Goddard Middle School
Hunter, Taylor 17.40h Maize Middle School
Coleman, Morley 17.41 Maize South Middle School
Sanford, Braelyn 17.49 Maize South Middle School
Lies, Lauren 17.54 Rose Hill Middle School
Woodford, Belle 17.60h Maize Middle School
Stork, Charlee 17.80 Haysville West Middle School
Rutledge, Parker 17.80h Maize Middle School
Harding, Olivia 17.92 Goddard Middle School
Salome, Nayeli 17.97 Goddard Middle School
Robertson, Danielle 19.52 Goddard Middle School
Whisler, Chloe 22.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bowman, Kensley 19.24 Maize South Middle School
Figuero, Addilyn 19.42 Maize South Middle School
Leslie, Kendall 20.08 Maize South Middle School
Gillespie, Reagan 20.64 Clearwater Middle School
Woodworth, Julia 20.67 Goddard Middle School
Malakar, Anh 20.93 Goddard Middle School
Rivers, Olivia 20.94 Maize Middle School
Collins, Zoe 20.95 Maize Middle School
Everitt, Avery 21.05 Haysville West Middle School
Salazar, Alivia 21.20 Haysville West Middle School
Bell, Gwyneth 21.45 Maize Middle School
Madison, Annelise 22.00 Goddard Middle School
Lickly, Ally 22.00 Goddard Middle School
Nguyen, Nancy 22.37 Maize South Middle School
Hunsucker, Brailee 22.67 Haysville Middle School
Jones, Alexis 22.99 Hutchinson Middle School
Armstrong, Ellie 23.00h Maize South Middle School
Pena, Avelina 23.40 Rose Hill Middle School
Runnion, Harper 23.59 Goddard Middle School
Small, Ashley 23.70h Maize Middle School
Thompson, Evelyn 24.19 Hutchinson Middle School
Wulf, Kylee 24.49 Clearwater Middle School
Wytch, Alaysia 26.00h Haysville West Middle School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salome, Nayeli Goddard Middle School
Hargrove, Grace Maize South Middle School
Wiles, Lilly Haysville Middle School
Horsch , Lola Maize South Middle School
Orth, Abigail 11:44.40 Goddard Middle School
Hough, Kymber 6:36.57 Haysville West Middle School
Petrocci, Ashlyn 6:43.57 Maize South Middle School
Hinojosa, Addison 6:47.11 Maize South Middle School
Shipman, Sydney 7:02.75 Clearwater Middle School
Cooley, Lily 7:04.74 Goddard Middle School
Jones, Brooklyn 7:05.58 Goddard Middle School
Blount, Zoe 7:09.16 Haysville West Middle School
Gonzalez, Victoria 7:26.31 Haysville West Middle School
Edwards, Bryli 7:35.81 Goddard Middle School
Brewster, Zalie 7:50.78 Goddard Middle School
Bowen, Jenna 7:50.86 Maize Middle School
Moyer, Madison 8:14.17 Clearwater Middle School
Sutter, Audrey 8:33.80 Goddard Middle School
Gray, Azariah 8:53.79 Goddard Middle School
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Girls 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 6:00.00h Maize Middle School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Figuero, Addilyn Maize South Middle School
Rollefson, Azure Rose Hill Middle School
Ramirez, Sophia Goddard Middle School
Pharis, Kourtnee Goddard Middle School
Ross, Holly Rose Hill Middle School
Galaviz, Darianna Maize South Middle School
Weaver, Autumn 29.50 Goddard Middle School
Everitt, Avery 31.35 Haysville West Middle School
Leslie, Kendall 31.89 Maize South Middle School
Small, Ashley 32.10 Maize Middle School
Sacket, Ella 32.14 Maize South Middle School
Brown, Preslie 32.65 Hutchinson Middle School
Matthews, Ivy 33.10 Maize South Middle School
Bock, Violet 34.60h Maize Middle School
Martin, Emma 34.71 Haysville West Middle School
Jessup, Adalyn 34.92 Goddard Middle School
Veatch, Ashlen 35.00h Maize Middle School
Woodford, Belle 35.00h Maize Middle School
Minson, Jozlynn 35.03 Haysville Middle School
Wells, Wren 35.05 Goddard Middle School
Nguyen, Celia 35.13 Goddard Middle School
Hunter, Taylor 35.70h Maize Middle School
Wellbrock, Daylee 36.00h Maize Middle School
Johnson, Audriana 36.20h Maize Middle School
Uhlik, Regan 36.34 Rose Hill Middle School
Hansen, Kenadee 36.40h Maize Middle School
Hogan, Isabella 36.87 Hutchinson Middle School
Burgess, Megan 37.46 Maize South Middle School
Irving, Lilly 37.69 Hutchinson Middle School
Hunsucker, Brailee 38.44 Haysville Middle School
Estrada, Ashley 38.60 Hutchinson Middle School
Stork, Charlee 38.93 Haysville West Middle School
Lies, Lauren 39.64 Rose Hill Middle School
Robertson, Danielle 42.43 Goddard Middle School
Whisler, Chloe 43.60 Haysville West Middle School
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Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pena, Avelina Rose Hill Middle School
Nguyen, Nancy Maize South Middle School
Leslie, Kendall 35.56 Maize South Middle School
Figuero, Addilyn 36.08 Maize South Middle School
Everitt, Avery 36.24 Haysville West Middle School
Bowman, Kensley 36.25 Maize South Middle School
Collins, Zoe 36.46 Maize Middle School
Gillespie, Reagan 36.93 Clearwater Middle School
Malakar, Anh 36.97 Goddard Middle School
Lickly, Ally 37.23 Goddard Middle School
Woodworth, Julia 38.12 Goddard Middle School
Rivers, Olivia 38.13 Maize Middle School
Jones, Alexis 39.96 Hutchinson Middle School
Bell, Gwyneth 40.39 Maize Middle School
Madison, Annelise 41.20 Goddard Middle School
Salazar, Alivia 42.71 Haysville West Middle School
Wytch, Alaysia 43.00h Haysville West Middle School
Runnion, Harper 43.59 Goddard Middle School
Thompson, Evelyn 44.95 Hutchinson Middle School
Sutter, Audrey 45.10 Goddard Middle School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Risser, Kaylee Goddard Middle School
Ross, Holly Rose Hill Middle School
Shipman, Averi Clearwater Middle School
Douglas, Rylee Clearwater Middle School
Everitt, Avery 1:10.10 Haysville West Middle School
Hough, Kymber 1:12.92 Haysville West Middle School
Matthews, Ivy 1:13.24 Maize South Middle School
Petrocci, Ashlyn 1:13.25 Maize South Middle School
Gillespie, Reagan 1:13.63 Clearwater Middle School
Sacket, Ella 1:14.39 Maize South Middle School
Gillespie, Molly 1:15.93 Goddard Middle School
Martin, Emma 1:17.30 Haysville West Middle School
Fisher, Zoe 1:19.88 Goddard Middle School
Kitson, Kahlan 1:20.30h Maize Middle School
Salazar, Alivia 1:20.70 Haysville West Middle School
Ramos, Alanah 1:21.90h Maize Middle School
Dexter, Jayden 1:22.50h Maize Middle School
Wellbrock, Daylee 1:22.80h Maize Middle School
Poling, Lilian 1:23.80 Goddard Middle School
Nguyen, Taelynn 1:23.80h Maize Middle School
Shrach, Annalyse 1:24.70h Maize Middle School
Titterington, Alexis 1:24.96 Clearwater Middle School
Inskeep, Libby 1:38.44 Hutchinson Middle School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:02.08 Goddard Middle School
Relay Team A 1:03.82 Goddard Middle School
Relay Team A 1:04.70h Maize Middle School
Relay Team A 1:05.60h Maize Middle School
Relay Team A 54.73 Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 54.73 Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 55.44 Hutchinson Middle School
Relay Team A 59.00 Hutchinson Middle School
Relay Team A 59.40 Clearwater Middle School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:57.88 Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 1:57.88 Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 2:07.14 Hutchinson Middle School
Relay Team A 2:07.23 Hutchinson Middle School
Relay Team A 2:13.65 Goddard Middle School
Relay Team A 2:14.56 Goddard Middle School
Relay Team A 2:25.60h Maize Middle School
Relay Team A 2:35.16 Maize Middle School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:33.28 Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 4:46.38 Goddard Middle School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Inskeep, Libby Hutchinson Middle School
Douglas, Rylee Clearwater Middle School
Horsch , Lola Maize South Middle School
Robertson, Danielle Goddard Middle School
Gonzalez, Victoria 3:04.67 Haysville West Middle School
Petrocci, Ashlyn 3:05.79 Maize South Middle School
Hinojosa, Addison 3:07.01 Maize South Middle School
Cooley, Lily 3:07.54 Goddard Middle School
Jones, Brooklyn 3:10.19 Goddard Middle School
Shipman, Sydney 3:13.46 Clearwater Middle School
Fisher, Zoe 3:15.37 Goddard Middle School
Griffin, Isabella 3:16.03 Goddard Middle School
Blount, Zoe 3:18.60 Haysville West Middle School
Hargrove, Grace 3:22.63 Maize South Middle School
Merseal, Zoey 3:23.81 Clearwater Middle School
Ramos, Alanah 3:24.70h Maize Middle School
Edwards, Bryli 3:26.18 Goddard Middle School
Nguyen, Taelynn 3:26.80h Maize Middle School
Slaughter, Ava 3:30.70h Maize Middle School
Potter, Kristen 3:32.80h Maize Middle School
Wiles, Lilly 3:40.07 Haysville Middle School
Risser, Kaylee 3:40.77 Goddard Middle School
Poling, Lilian 3:41.54 Goddard Middle School
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Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:17.10 Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 2:23.00h Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 2:39.93 Goddard Middle School
Relay Team A 2:40.30h Maize Middle School
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Girls Discus 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dushane, Tegan 66-10 Haysville West Middle School
Giltner, Kynleigh 65-4 Maize Middle School
Douglas, Rylee 63-5 Clearwater Middle School
Lindal, Brooklyn 60-6 Clearwater Middle School
Rowland, Emma 56-2.75 Clearwater Middle School
LeMay, Phoebe 55-7 Rose Hill Middle School
Sponsel, McKenna 53-6 Goddard Middle School
Fernandez, Jazmine 53-0 Haysville West Middle School
Dennis, Violet 52-11 Goddard Middle School
Mason, Taylah 52-5 Hutchinson Middle School
Richards, Katheryn 50-9 Hutchinson Middle School
Montez, Scarlet 49-9 Goddard Middle School
Winter, Taylor 49-7 Rose Hill Middle School
Butler, Addison 48-2 Haysville Middle School
Phillips, Sophia 47-11.5 Goddard Middle School
Liu, Ivy 47-8 Maize South Middle School
Wytch, Alaysia 47-6 Haysville West Middle School
Coppock, Martha 47-6 Maize South Middle School
Ryan, Faith 47-1 Clearwater Middle School
Glass, Jocelyn 46-11.5 Haysville West Middle School
Willits, Paige 45-11 Maize Middle School
Mayes, Hayden 45-9.5 Hutchinson Middle School
Wheelock, Kaylana 45-2 Haysville West Middle School
McArthur, Kylie 45-0 Maize Middle School
Gable, Emily 43-11 Hutchinson Middle School
Neal, Anita 43-3 Maize South Middle School
Merseal, Zoey 42-8 Clearwater Middle School
Strausberg, Ellie 42-7 Goddard Middle School
Robertson, Paytonanne 41-5 Maize Middle School
Kitson, Kahlan 40-0 Maize Middle School
Mengelkoch, Emma 40-0 Maize Middle School
Wilson, Atoteaonna 36-3 Hutchinson Middle School
Dawson, Macey 36-0 Maize Middle School
Widener, Evynn 35-10 Maize South Middle School
Mcdaniel, Harper 35-8 Haysville Middle School
Bernard, Lexi 35-0 Maize Middle School
Shipman, Averi 33-9 Clearwater Middle School
Weese, Elena 31-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Titterington, Alexis 30-8.5 Clearwater Middle School
Newkirk, Micah 29-6 Hutchinson Middle School
Edwards, Aryanna 28-4 Haysville Middle School
Jackson, Kamber 28-4 Maize South Middle School
Meade, Alyssa 24-11 Maize South Middle School
Borst, Tasha 18-1 Maize South Middle School
Hopkins, Isabella Rose Hill Middle School
Madrid, Ava Hutchinson Middle School
Waller, Victoria Haysville West Middle School
Clanton, Alivia Maize South Middle School
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Girls High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weaver, Autumn 4-4 Goddard Middle School
Gillespie, Reagan 4-0 Clearwater Middle School
Wulf, Kylee 3-10 Clearwater Middle School
Jones, Alexis 3-10 Hutchinson Middle School
Foos, Leah 3-10 Hutchinson Middle School
Hinojosa, Addison 3-10 Maize South Middle School
Potter, Kristen 3-6 Maize Middle School
Moyer, Madison 3-4 Clearwater Middle School
Gillespie, Molly Goddard Middle School
Blevins, Aliyah Goddard Middle School
Burkhart, Emerson Maize South Middle School
Patterson, Drew Maize South Middle School
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Girls Long Jump 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Small, Ashley 12-11 Maize Middle School
Nguyen, Celia 12-6 Goddard Middle School
Blevins, Aliyah 12-2.5 Goddard Middle School
Burkhart, Emerson 11-8.5 Maize South Middle School
Rollefson, Azure 11-7.25 Rose Hill Middle School
Minson, Jozlynn 11-7 Haysville Middle School
Wulf, Kylee 11-4 Clearwater Middle School
Fabrizius, Olivia 11-3 Maize Middle School
Hunsucker, Brailee 10-10.5 Haysville Middle School
Lies, Lauren 10-10 Rose Hill Middle School
Wells, Wren 10-10 Goddard Middle School
Blackman, Wylee 10-9 Goddard Middle School
Treaster, Jocelynn 10-7.75 Hutchinson Middle School
Runnion, Harper 10-7 Goddard Middle School
Delgado, Brianna 10-4.5 Maize South Middle School
Truex, Lucy 10-4.25 Maize South Middle School
Figuero, Addilyn 10-3.5 Maize South Middle School
Gonzalez, Victoria 10-1 Haysville West Middle School
Hansen, Kenadee 10-0 Maize Middle School
Merseal, Zoey 9-11.25 Clearwater Middle School
Eye, Annabelle 9-8.5 Hutchinson Middle School
Heath, Avery 9-7 Maize Middle School
Johnson, Claire 9-6 Maize Middle School
Stork, Charlee 9-5.5 Haysville West Middle School
Blount, Zoe 9-3.75 Haysville West Middle School
Dawson, Macey 9-3 Maize Middle School
Bernard, Lexi 9-0 Maize Middle School
Jones, Alexis 8-10.25 Hutchinson Middle School
Mulford, Chaya 8-10 Hutchinson Middle School
Daniel, Nadia 8-0.75 Hutchinson Middle School
Kitston, Daci 4-8.5 Hutchinson Middle School
Ross, Holly Rose Hill Middle School
Sponsel, McKenna Goddard Middle School
Mull, Emma Clearwater Middle School
Clanton, Alivia Maize South Middle School
Sanford, Braelyn Maize South Middle School
Schwind, Alexis Maize South Middle School
Sefeke, Sophie Maize South Middle School
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Girls Shot Put 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wytch, Alaysia 27-5 Haysville West Middle School
Dennis, Violet 26-7 Goddard Middle School
Shipman, Averi 25-7 Clearwater Middle School
Dushane, Tegan 25-5 Haysville West Middle School
Giltner, Kynleigh 25-0.5 Maize Middle School
Lindal, Brooklyn 24-8.5 Clearwater Middle School
Robertson, Paytonanne 23-9 Maize Middle School
Winter, Taylor 23-6 Rose Hill Middle School
Rowland, Emma 23-5 Clearwater Middle School
Gilchrist, Talleyann 23-1 Goddard Middle School
Butler, Addison 22-6 Haysville Middle School
Kitson, Kahlan 22-0 Maize Middle School
Ball, Brynn 21-9 Goddard Middle School
Willits, Paige 21-9 Maize Middle School
Montez, Scarlet 21-8 Goddard Middle School
Mason, Taylah 21-8 Hutchinson Middle School
Strausberg, Ellie 21-3 Goddard Middle School
McArthur, Kylie 21-2 Maize Middle School
Fernandez, Jazmine 21-1.5 Haysville West Middle School
Glass, Jocelyn 21-0 Haysville West Middle School
Liu, Ivy 20-11.5 Maize South Middle School
Widener, Evynn 20-11.5 Maize South Middle School
LeMay, Phoebe 20-8 Rose Hill Middle School
Moyer, Madison 20-7 Clearwater Middle School
Richards, Katheryn 20-6.5 Hutchinson Middle School
Mengelkoch, Emma 20-0 Maize Middle School
Gable, Emily 19-7.25 Hutchinson Middle School
Merseal, Zoey 19-4 Clearwater Middle School
Kitch, Liby 19-2 Hutchinson Middle School
Madrid, Ava 18-9 Hutchinson Middle School
Waller, Victoria 18-9 Haysville West Middle School
Coppock, Martha 18-8.25 Maize South Middle School
Meade, Alyssa 18-5.5 Maize South Middle School
Dawson, Macey 18-0 Maize Middle School
Edwards, Aryanna 17-10.5 Haysville Middle School
Bernard, Lexi 17-0 Maize Middle School
Campbell, MacKenzie 16-9 Hutchinson Middle School
Jackson, Kamber 16-6.5 Maize South Middle School
Hensley , Claire 16-1 Maize South Middle School
Jaso, Alexiz 14-7 Hutchinson Middle School
Hopkins, Isabella Rose Hill Middle School
Mcdaniel, Harper Haysville Middle School
Newkirk, Micah Hutchinson Middle School
Titterington, Alexis Clearwater Middle School
Whisler, Chloe Haysville West Middle School
Clanton, Alivia Maize South Middle School
Borst, Tasha Maize South Middle School
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