Holcomb HS Invitational 2024

Holcomb, KS

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Toole, Nash Stanton County HS
Bastin, Braydon 10.99 Holcomb High School
Jimenez, Alexis 11.05 Hugoton High School
McVey, Avery 11.12 Holcomb High School
Zizumbo, Christian 11.15 Hugoton High School
Alvarado, Aden 11.19 Ulysses High School
Munoz, Dominic 11.28 Holcomb High School
Goodwin, Chayton 11.39 Goodland High School
Salinas, Braysen 11.46 Ulysses High School
Jones, Jordan 11.56 Colby High School
Ferman, German 11.58 Garden City High School
Beltran, Maddux 11.59 Lakin High School
Salcido, Armando 11.64 Lakin High School
Munoz, David 11.74 Holcomb High School
Gardner, Wyatt 11.81 Wichita County High School
Oropeza, Jeremy 11.89 Lakin High School
Wright, Cody 11.90 Colby High School
Carr, Ryder 12.09 Garden City High School
Saldana, Jair 12.09 Hugoton High School
Wederski, Sean 12.16 Colby High School
Meraz, Julian 12.16 Ulysses High School
Reyes, Pablo 12.17 Wichita County High School
Berls, Mason 12.20 Goodland High School
Price, Gavin 12.25 Goodland High School
Montemayor, Andru 12.28 Sublette High School
Foster, Lake 12.29 Meade High School
pena, carlos 12.33 Sublette High School
Mader, Blake 12.34 Holcomb High School
Mercado, Omar 12.35 Southwestern Heights High School
LeBlanc, Gabriel 12.41 Stanton County HS
Gonzalez, Arihm 12.50 Stanton County HS
Luna, Dylan 12.50h Wichita County High School
Mendoza, Eddy 12.56 Meade High School
Rome, Reese 12.68 Holcomb High School
Funes, Adan 12.69 Southwestern Heights High School
Loya, Joel 13.12 Sublette High School
Jacquez, Javier 13.27 Southwestern Heights High School
Peralta, Angel 13.28 Syracuse High School
Kuntzelman, Justin 13.36 Holcomb High School
Gomez, Logan 13.60 Syracuse High School
Hobson, Malakai 14.66 Syracuse High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cure, Linkon 14.85 Goodland High School
Reyes, Manny 15.11 Holcomb High School
Holloway, Tyelor 15.40 Lakin High School
Niehues, Grant 15.76 Hugoton High School
Esquibel, Quincy 15.84 Lakin High School
Martinez, Greg 16.09 Holcomb High School
Friesen, Caleb 16.58 Sublette High School
Johnson, Timmy 16.94 Lakin High School
LeBlanc, Gabriel 17.69 Stanton County HS
Prieto, Kenn 19.85 Holcomb High School
Garcia, Malikah 20.50 Ulysses High School
Browning, Parker 20.77 Ulysses High School
Martinez, Lorenzo 21.12 Hugoton High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Luce, Alex 4:37.63 Lakin High School
Ritsema, Austin 4:46.42 Lakin High School
Vieux, Ryker 4:49.66 Meade High School
Kisner, Elijah 4:55.88 Southwestern Heights High School
Zortman, Alex 4:56.82 Meade High School
McClure, Breckin 5:03.64 Holcomb High School
Mendoza, Saul 5:08.00h Meade High School
Sauseda, Thomas 5:08.01 Holcomb High School
Sullivan, Brady 5:10.52 Holcomb High School
Sullivan, Austin 5:13.03 Holcomb High School
Roman-Gonzalez, Miguel 5:21.61 Holcomb High School
Cruz, Victor 5:25.94 Ulysses High School
Lattimore, Waylan 5:32.22 Ulysses High School
Wiebe, Kaiden 5:32.42 Sublette High School
Meza, Yossen 5:33.63 Hugoton High School
Davenport, Wyatt 5:35.36 Colby High School
Testa, Victor 5:37.49 Southwestern Heights High School
Bermudez, Zael 5:40.00 Lakin High School
Edgar, Jaydon 5:41.47 Stanton County HS
Rodriguez, Miguel 5:42.13 Holcomb High School
Ramsey, Kason 5:42.76 Holcomb High School
Ocampo, Luis 5:43.15 Stanton County HS
Leader, Justin 5:45.82 Holcomb High School
Conner, Aiden 5:50.06 Hugoton High School
Stang, Bannor 5:50.34 Hugoton High School
Melendez, Josue 5:51.40 Ulysses High School
Macias, Dominic 5:52.58 Holcomb High School
Wolak, Ben 5:59.38 Goodland High School
CORRAL, Dylan 5:59.59 Southwestern Heights High School
Flores, Wyatt 6:02.21 Sublette High School
Langenfield, Gavin 6:04.01 Holcomb High School
Chaffin, Andru 6:34.78 Sublette High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dale, Jordan Wichita County High School
Cure, Linkon 22.45 Goodland High School
Goodwin, Chayton 23.16 Goodland High School
Bastin, Braydon 23.36 Holcomb High School
Mendez, Danzel 23.50 Ulysses High School
Jimenez, Alexis 23.52 Hugoton High School
Salcido, Armando 23.56 Lakin High School
Ferman, German 23.86 Garden City High School
McVey, Avery 24.02 Holcomb High School
Carr, Ryder 24.21 Garden City High School
Shinette, Noah 24.23 Goodland High School
James, Samuel 24.45 Garden City High School
Hernandez, Miguel 24.56 Hugoton High School
Morales, Kade 24.61 Sublette High School
Foster, Lake 24.96 Meade High School
Grimaldo, Johnathan 25.14 Southwestern Heights High School
Tubbs, Guy 25.20 Colby High School
Rome, Reese 25.24 Holcomb High School
Camacho, Eli 25.27 Hugoton High School
Munoz, David 25.28 Holcomb High School
Mason, Keaton 25.28 Sublette High School
pena, carlos 25.46 Sublette High School
Miranda-Rascon, Jesus 25.61 Ulysses High School
Lancaster, Jesse 25.79 Lakin High School
Caldwell, Jayce 25.87 Ulysses High School
Gardner, Wyatt 25.90h Wichita County High School
Mitchell, Connor 26.21 Southwestern Heights High School
Luna, Dylan 26.23 Wichita County High School
Mendoza, Eddy 26.79 Meade High School
Niblock, Breck 26.82 Colby High School
Toole, Nash 27.00h Stanton County HS
Kuntzelman, Justin 27.20 Holcomb High School
Funes, Roberto 27.84 Southwestern Heights High School
Peralta, Angel 28.11 Syracuse High School
Gomez, Logan 28.64 Syracuse High School
Corrales, Alan 30.63 Holcomb High School
Salazar, JuanPablo 31.87 Syracuse High School
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cure, Linkon 39.32 Goodland High School
Reyes, Manny 41.91 Holcomb High School
Holloway, Tyelor 42.15 Lakin High School
Friesen, Caleb 43.15 Sublette High School
Martinez, Greg 44.02 Holcomb High School
Niehues, Grant 44.06 Hugoton High School
LeBlanc, Gabriel 46.10 Stanton County HS
Johnson, Timmy 46.17 Lakin High School
Garcia, Malikah 47.52 Ulysses High School
Prieto, Kenn 48.37 Holcomb High School
Martin, Achilles 48.79 Garden City High School
Mason, Keaton 49.00 Sublette High School
Martinez, Lorenzo 50.49 Hugoton High School
Browning, Parker 50.51 Ulysses High School
Amerin, Jason 51.36 Southwestern Heights High School
Bell, Dalton 52.06 Colby High School
Allen, Tripp 53.22 Hugoton High School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wiebe, Kaiden Sublette High School
Seyb, Carter Stanton County HS
McNemer, Jacob Meade High School
Luce, Alex 10:06.08 Lakin High School
Vieux, Ryker 10:26.15 Meade High School
Ritsema, Austin 10:26.54 Lakin High School
Deniston, Brody 10:39.27 Holcomb High School
Zortman, Alex 10:43.81 Meade High School
Sauseda, Thomas 11:42.49 Holcomb High School
Sims, Calan 11:55.69 Stanton County HS
Bermudez, Zael 11:59.87 Lakin High School
Lattimore, Waylan 12:02.33 Ulysses High School
Rodriguez, Miguel 12:09.99 Holcomb High School
Macias, Dominic 12:25.61 Holcomb High School
MARTINEZ, Javier 12:27.41 Southwestern Heights High School
Melendez, Josue 12:48.63 Ulysses High School
Gomez, Brandon 13:12.90 Hugoton High School
Alvarado, Isaac 13:13.63 Hugoton High School
Conner, Aiden 13:15.75 Hugoton High School
Wolak, Ben 13:44.62 Goodland High School
Mendoza, Anthony 15:00.00 Ulysses High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conde, Dominic Goodland High School
Wiebe, Kaiden Sublette High School
Agboka, Senam 1:01.22 Goodland High School
Peachey, Isaiah 1:01.34 Hugoton High School
Miranda-Rascon, Jesus 1:01.37 Ulysses High School
LANGHOFER, Cole 1:01.57 Southwestern Heights High School
HERNANDEZ, Ethan 1:02.12 Southwestern Heights High School
Bemis, Eli 1:02.14 Lakin High School
Ramsey, Kason 1:02.63 Holcomb High School
Peralta, Angel 1:02.84 Syracuse High School
Rosales, Miguel 1:02.85 Lakin High School
Funes, Roberto 1:02.89 Southwestern Heights High School
Corrales, Alan 1:04.17 Holcomb High School
Orozco , Jose 1:09.73 Syracuse High School
Martinez, Bryan 1:14.68 Syracuse High School
Orosco, Dominique 51.34 Holcomb High School
Munoz, Dominic 52.41 Holcomb High School
Leonard, Landen 52.44 Holcomb High School
Goodwin, Chayton 53.58 Goodland High School
Tabor, Trevin 53.62 Garden City High School
Alvarado, Aden 53.90 Ulysses High School
Zizumbo, Christian 54.65 Hugoton High School
Zundt, Emilio 54.69 Garden City High School
Woodruff, Michael 54.91 Meade High School
Herrera, Damion 55.12 Garden City High School
Caldwell, Jayce 56.49 Ulysses High School
Koons, Walker 56.88 Meade High School
Woodruff, James 56.88 Meade High School
Jorde, Jack 57.00 Hugoton High School
Carroll, Casen 57.00 Colby High School
Wilson, Corey 57.43 Stanton County HS
pena, carlos 58.00h Sublette High School
Lamm, Braydon 58.12 Holcomb High School
Toole, Nash 58.38 Stanton County HS
Ruiz, Adan 58.62 Holcomb High School
Clymer, Adriel 58.99 Lakin High School
Roman-Gonzalez, Miguel 59.24 Holcomb High School
McVey, Isaac 59.64 Sublette High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.48 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 44.11 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 44.14 Ulysses High School
Relay Team A 44.61 Goodland High School
Relay Team A 44.92 Hugoton High School
Relay Team A 45.01 Colby High School
Relay Team A 46.21 Sublette High School
Relay Team B 46.48 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 47.35 Meade High School
Relay Team A 47.71 Southwestern Heights High School
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:26.58 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 3:36.83 Ulysses High School
Relay Team A 3:37.79 Garden City High School
Relay Team A 3:39.97 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 3:41.62 Colby High School
Relay Team A 3:41.65 Meade High School
Relay Team A 3:43.44 Sublette High School
Relay Team A 3:43.98 Stanton County HS
Relay Team A 3:48.15 Southwestern Heights High School
Relay Team B 3:52.58 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 3:58.33 Hugoton High School
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wichita County High School
Relay Team C 10:09.15 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 7:59.15 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 8:54.53 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 8:58.79 Meade High School
Relay Team B 9:10.05 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 9:11.53 Stanton County HS
Relay Team A 9:28.65 Ulysses High School
Relay Team A 9:29.59 Hugoton High School
Relay Team A 9:32.24 Southwestern Heights High School
Relay Team A 9:48.97 Sublette High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Weston 2:00.07 Holcomb High School
Luce, Alex 2:02.32 Lakin High School
Godfrey, Anthony 2:02.46 Meade High School
Stoppel, Jeb 2:07.76 Holcomb High School
Kisner, Elijah 2:08.52 Southwestern Heights High School
Hittle, Preston 2:14.94 Ulysses High School
Vazquez, Adan 2:16.28 Lakin High School
Sullivan, Brady 2:17.50 Holcomb High School
Penner, Levi 2:18.03 Sublette High School
Romero, Kado 2:18.90 Goodland High School
Salinas, Jaxsen 2:20.39 Ulysses High School
Gomez, Brandon 2:22.18 Hugoton High School
McClure, Breckin 2:22.57 Holcomb High School
Sullivan, Austin 2:22.90 Holcomb High School
Leader, Justin 2:24.06 Holcomb High School
Davenport, Wyatt 2:24.38 Colby High School
Hernandez, Johnathan 2:24.53 Stanton County HS
Bergkamp, Camden 2:25.22 Lakin High School
Ocampo, Luis 2:25.40 Stanton County HS
Aguilar Cano, Angel 2:26.57 Ulysses High School
Alvarado, Isaac 2:27.30 Hugoton High School
Macias, Dominic 2:28.77 Holcomb High School
Stang, Bannor 2:32.04 Hugoton High School
Langenfield, Gavin 2:36.58 Holcomb High School
LANGHOFER, Cole 2:38.88 Southwestern Heights High School
Owens, Greyson 2:40.54 Wichita County High School
Flores, Wyatt 2:41.61 Sublette High School
West, Gannon 2:43.12 Wichita County High School
Bell, Dalton 2:45 Colby High School
McNemer, Jacob 2:45.31 Meade High School
Chaffin, Andru 2:45.54 Sublette High School
Orozco , Jose 2:50.00h Syracuse High School
Martinez, Bryan 3:02.17 Syracuse High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knoll, Drayton 137-6.75 Holcomb High School
Kitch, Zachary 132-9 Garden City High School
Medina, Simon 132-0 Wichita County High School
Sullivan, Autry 122-11 Hugoton High School
Mendoza, Anthony 122-5 Ulysses High School
Grubbs, Von 122-4 Hugoton High School
Wiedeman, Brady 121-9 Colby High School
McMillan, Ethan 118-6 Garden City High School
Lopez, Sebastian 115-0 Garden City High School
Berls, Mason 110-10.5 Goodland High School
Scripsick, Kooper 109-0 Southwestern Heights High School
Barraza, Samir 103-1 Colby High School
Miller, Blake 99-6 Hugoton High School
Horinek, Ethan 98-10 Goodland High School
Moya, Alvaro 98-7 Ulysses High School
Almaraz, Keven 96-8 Holcomb High School
Rosen, Matt 96-1 Holcomb High School
West, Tadyn 93-11 Wichita County High School
Chaffin, Andru 93-9 Sublette High School
Anglesey, Jaden 92-3 Holcomb High School
Obregon, Colton 89-8 Holcomb High School
Bishop, James 89-6 Holcomb High School
Gerstberger, Zane 89-3 Wichita County High School
Klein, Trenton 89-0 Meade High School
Gomez, Brayan 85-10 Syracuse High School
Fisher, Aiden 84-11 Lakin High School
Ostberg, Owen 83-7 Lakin High School
Leighty, Bradon 83-4.5 Lakin High School
Britton, Brody 79-9 Ulysses High School
Gutierrez, Jesus 74-5.5 Syracuse High School
Amerin, Jason 70-5 Southwestern Heights High School
Froese, Kyle 65-9 Sublette High School
Parr, Tregan 65-0 Sublette High School
Hobson, Malakai 63-2 Syracuse High School
Dixon, Bryton 59-9 Colby High School
Cabrera, Kevin 57-10 Stanton County HS
Krull, Alex 51-3 Southwestern Heights High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ritsema, Austin 6-4 Lakin High School
Koehn, Ashton 6-2 Sublette High School
James, Samuel 6-0 Garden City High School
McClure, Breckin 5-10 Holcomb High School
Martinez, Greg 5-10 Holcomb High School
Romero, Kado 5-10 Goodland High School
West, Corbin 5-10 Garden City High School
Tubbs, Guy 5-10 Colby High School
Moquett, Landon 5-8 Garden City High School
Cersovsky, Caleb 5-8 Colby High School
Friesen, Noah 5-6 Sublette High School
Jorde, Jack 5-6 Hugoton High School
Clymer, Adriel 5-4 Lakin High School
Allen, Tripp 5-4 Hugoton High School
Autry, Baylor 5-2 Holcomb High School
Garcia, Malikah 5-2 Ulysses High School
Penner, Levi 5-0 Sublette High School
Lamm, Braydon 5-0 Holcomb High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tubbs, Guy 158-6 Colby High School
Knoll, Drayton 156-4 Holcomb High School
Paul, Lane 151-1 Meade High School
Smith, Angus 140-10 Holcomb High School
Horinek, Ethan 138-8 Goodland High School
Mendoza, Anthony 131-5 Ulysses High School
Jacquez, Javier 129-10 Southwestern Heights High School
Grubbs, Von 128-11 Hugoton High School
Sullivan, Autry 126-1 Hugoton High School
Barraza, Samir 124-6 Colby High School
Almaraz, Keven 123-2 Holcomb High School
McCombs, Lucas 120-8 Lakin High School
Price, Brandon 120-0 Wichita County High School
Koehn, Ashton 119-8 Sublette High School
Moreno Gonzalez, Andrew 119-4 Garden City High School
Holguin, Dio 118-10 Garden City High School
Obregon, Colton 116-11 Holcomb High School
Montes, Noel 115-2 Southwestern Heights High School
Wright, McCager 114-4 Colby High School
Hill, Brayden 112-8 Garden City High School
Price, Gavin 110-0 Goodland High School
Britton, Brody 108-2 Ulysses High School
Figueroa, Francisco 106-5 Wichita County High School
Froese, Kyle 103-6 Sublette High School
Miller, Blake 102-6 Hugoton High School
Bishop, James 100-10 Holcomb High School
Rosales, Miguel 100-4 Lakin High School
Autry, Baylor 98-4 Holcomb High School
Moya, Alvaro 97-4 Ulysses High School
Brown, Ayden 96-2 Holcomb High School
Gerstberger, Zane 92-5 Wichita County High School
Prieto, Kenn 89-9 Holcomb High School
Scripsick, Kooper 89-7 Southwestern Heights High School
Cantu, Norian 89-5 Lakin High School
Cabrera, Kevin 89-1 Stanton County HS
Gutierrez, Jesus 86-4 Syracuse High School
Klein, Trenton 85-3 Meade High School
Salazar, JuanPablo 80-0 Syracuse High School
Concepcion, Hayden 71-10 Sublette High School
Gomez, Brayan 64-0 Syracuse High School
Seyb, Carter Stanton County HS
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alvarado, Aden 22-1 Ulysses High School
Rider, Ross 21-9 Lakin High School
Shinette, Noah 21-1.5 Goodland High School
Esquibel, Quincy 20-5.5 Lakin High School
Morales, Kade 20-2 Sublette High School
Salazar, Gavin 20-0.5 Hugoton High School
Zundt, Emilio 19-11 Garden City High School
Beltran, Maddux 19-8 Lakin High School
Fierro, Ervin 19-6 Garden City High School
Mercado, Omar 19-4 Southwestern Heights High School
Carr, Ryder 19-2 Garden City High School
Camacho, Eli 18-11.75 Hugoton High School
Funes, Adan 18-6 Southwestern Heights High School
LeBlanc, Gabriel 18-4.5 Stanton County HS
Carroll, Casen 18-4 Colby High School
Montemayor, Andru 18-3 Sublette High School
Aguilar Cano, Angel 18-3 Ulysses High School
Conde, Dominic 18-1.5 Goodland High School
Sauseda, Thomas 17-1.5 Holcomb High School
Niblock, Breck 17-1.5 Colby High School
Lamm, Braydon 17-1 Holcomb High School
Peachey, Isaiah 17-1 Hugoton High School
Porras, Edgar 17-0 Ulysses High School
Agboka, Senam 16-7 Goodland High School
Lee, Gage 16-6 Sublette High School
Gomez, Logan 15-2.5 Syracuse High School
Peralta, Angel 14-8.5 Syracuse High School
Mendoza, Eddy 14-6 Meade High School
Toole, Nash 14-2.25 Stanton County HS
Salazar, JuanPablo 10-4.75 Syracuse High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Greg 13-9 Holcomb High School
Granado, Javian 12-6 Lakin High School
Hittle, Preston 11-6 Ulysses High School
Salinas, Jaxsen 11-0 Ulysses High School
Schroeder, Eric 11-0 Colby High School
Guerrero, Isaac 10-6 Garden City High School
Mata, Dominic 10-6 Garden City High School
Browning, Parker 10-0 Ulysses High School
Lancaster, Jesse 10-0 Lakin High School
Loya, Joel 9-6 Sublette High School
Fraire, Criss 9-6 Garden City High School
Mader, Blake 9-0 Holcomb High School
Baeza, Eilian 9-0 Southwestern Heights High School
Davis, Alex 9-0 Lakin High School
Guerra, Tayson 7-6 Wichita County High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Medina, Simon 51-9.25 Wichita County High School
Knoll, Drayton 45-8 Holcomb High School
Mendoza, Anthony 44-4.5 Ulysses High School
Lopez, Sebastian 43-8 Garden City High School
Moreno Gonzalez, Andrew 43-2.5 Garden City High School
Flores, Michael 41-7.5 Garden City High School
Sullivan, Autry 41-2 Hugoton High School
Berls, Mason 40-5 Goodland High School
Rosen, Matt 39-9 Holcomb High School
Davis, Alex 39-8 Lakin High School
Wiedeman, Brady 38-8 Colby High School
Smith, Angus 37-8.75 Holcomb High School
Aguilera, Aquiles 37-7 Hugoton High School
Friesen, Noah 37-5.75 Sublette High School
Horinek, Ethan 37-3 Goodland High School
Saenz, Edgar 36-4.5 Sublette High School
Anglesey, Jaden 35-3 Holcomb High School
Price, Gavin 35-2.5 Goodland High School
Froese, Jonathan 35-1.25 Sublette High School
Martinez, Junior 34-11 Hugoton High School
Price, Brandon 34-9.25 Wichita County High School
Scripsick, Kooper 34-6 Southwestern Heights High School
Parr, Tregan 34-5.5 Sublette High School
Obregon, Colton 34-2 Holcomb High School
Britton, Brody 34-2 Ulysses High School
Gomez, Brayan 34-2 Syracuse High School
Dixon, Bryton 33-10.5 Colby High School
Montes, Noel 33-7.75 Southwestern Heights High School
Ostberg, Owen 33-1.75 Lakin High School
Leighty, Bradon 32-11 Lakin High School
West, Tadyn 32-10 Wichita County High School
Moya, Alvaro 32-8.5 Ulysses High School
Bishop, James 32-6 Holcomb High School
Wright, McCager 32-1 Colby High School
Almaraz, Keven 31-2 Holcomb High School
Klein, Trenton 31-1 Meade High School
Cabrera, Kevin 26-2.5 Stanton County HS
Gutierrez, Jesus 26-0 Syracuse High School
Krull, Alex 20-4.5 Southwestern Heights High School
LeBlanc, Gabriel Stanton County HS
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rider, Ross 47-1 Lakin High School
Esquibel, Quincy 44-3 Lakin High School
Reyes, Manny 43-6.5 Holcomb High School
Shinette, Noah 42-8.5 Goodland High School
Hernandez, Miguel 42-6.5 Hugoton High School
Grimaldo, Johnathan 41-9 Southwestern Heights High School
Friesen, Noah 41-6.5 Sublette High School
James, Samuel 41-2 Garden City High School
Tubbs, Boston 40-7.25 Colby High School
Meraz, Julian 39-11.75 Ulysses High School
Niehues, Grant 39-8 Hugoton High School
Fierro, Ervin 39-3.5 Garden City High School
Aguilar Cano, Angel 38-6.5 Ulysses High School
Jorde, Jayson 37-4.25 Hugoton High School
Cersovsky, Caleb 36-11.75 Colby High School
Porras, Edgar 35-8 Ulysses High School
Tabor, Trevin 35-5 Garden City High School
Lee, Gage 34-10 Sublette High School
Wiebe, Kaiden 33-7.5 Sublette High School
Alvarado, Aden Ulysses High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Hailey 12.44 Garden City High School
Esquibel, Amari 12.59 Lakin High School
Purvis, Kamie 12.62 Goodland High School
Sifuentes, Natalya 12.80 Ulysses High School
Mcallister, Rylee 13.16 Sublette High School
Ysac, Aja 13.18 Ulysses High School
Porter, McKenzie 13.29 Wichita County High School
SANCHEZ, Magda 13.31 Southwestern Heights High School
Despaigne, Jhany 13.33 Garden City High School
Cox, Vaelynn 13.39 Hugoton High School
Brown, Natalie 13.42 Garden City High School
Canny, Hannah 13.43 Stanton County HS
Alvidrez, Mary Jane 13.46 Southwestern Heights High School
Mitchek, Jaxi 13.50h Goodland High School
Magana, Sammie 13.54h Holcomb High School
Myers, Madeleine 13.55 Wichita County High School
Wright, Bella 13.77 Goodland High School
Alfaro, Daniella 13.81 Hugoton High School
Tirado, Lucia 13.90h Lakin High School
Rodriguez, Julia 14.05 Ulysses High School
Dyck, Lindsey 14.06 Sublette High School
Jewett, Janaye 14.08 Holcomb High School
Hinojosa, Mia 14.18 Hugoton High School
Basham, Brooke 14.26 Holcomb High School
Cervantes, Hilary 14.45 Lakin High School
Gray, Heidi 14.51 Colby High School
Hernandez, Exayli 14.84 Sublette High School
Ruiz, Jackie 14.93 Syracuse High School
Bjork, Siri 15.37 Meade High School
Halanke, Lara 15.66 Holcomb High School
Baker, Alodie 15.77 Holcomb High School
Benitez, Alexia 15.81 Holcomb High School
Valenzuela, Alejandra 15.96 Meade High School
Carrillo, Marisol 18.29 Southwestern Heights High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Escalera, Alexa Hugoton High School
Edgington, Alyssa 15.20 Lakin High School
Kisner, Layla 15.92 Southwestern Heights High School
Michaelis, Aryn 16.26 Lakin High School
Carr, Kamdyn 17.35 Garden City High School
Curl, Chloe 17.49 Ulysses High School
McCombs, Jordan 17.64 Lakin High School
Baca, Julianne 17.87 Garden City High School
Savolt, Brooke 18.06 Garden City High School
Barton, Alisabeth 18.24 Colby High School
Kruleski, Jera 18.30 Holcomb High School
Koehn, Clara 18.30 Wichita County High School
Flores, Mia 18.47 Holcomb High School
Stapleton, Sayler 18.59 Meade High School
Lewis , Bronwyn 18.86 Syracuse High School
Linn, Kiara 18.99 Goodland High School
Remington, Ashlynn 19.68 Colby High School
Lerma, Yoselyn 20.61 Ulysses High School
Spresser, Makalynn 20.78 Goodland High School
Gerstberger, Austin 20.95 Colby High School
Ennns, Hailey 20.96 Sublette High School
Simons, Addison 21.30 Wichita County High School
Eddie, Lyla 21.35 Ulysses High School
Hernandez, Allie 22.58 Wichita County High School
Wright, Bailey 23.40 Holcomb High School
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Don Juan, Galilea Stanton County HS
Ardery, Jenera 5:41.75 Holcomb High School
Saucedo, Hailey 5:56.09 Southwestern Heights High School
Seyb, Madison 5:59.84 Stanton County HS
Wiese, Cara 6:17.30 Garden City High School
Ricke, Breanne 6:17.52 Wichita County High School
Schears, Audrey 6:20.47 Goodland High School
Santos, Katie 6:21.89 Holcomb High School
Torres, Chelsea 6:22.55 Garden City High School
Miller, Emma 6:25.51 Lakin High School
FIESER, Hannah 6:25.92 Southwestern Heights High School
Nairn, Kenzington 6:27.71 Stanton County HS
Davis, Ivy 6:28.29 Lakin High School
Medina, Abrielle 6:38.49 Hugoton High School
Lamas, Jennifer 6:41.04 Southwestern Heights High School
Parker, Ella 6:43.78 Holcomb High School
Valdez, Angelina 6:43.90 Holcomb High School
Renteria, Kimberly 6:48.88 Sublette High School
Zortman, Eliana 6:52.91 Meade High School
Mazanec, Joleigh 7:04.91 Wichita County High School
VanPelt, Jayln 7:17.70 Holcomb High School
Dierking, Joey 7:22.16 Sublette High School
Barajas, Patricia 7:27.34 Holcomb High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Remington, Ashlynn Colby High School
Brown, Hailey 26.22 Garden City High School
Schreibvogel, Madyson 26.64 Holcomb High School
Esquibel, Amari 26.90 Lakin High School
Canny, Lauren 26.93 Stanton County HS
Mitchek, Jaxi 27.33 Goodland High School
Sifuentes, Natalya 27.47 Ulysses High School
Ysac, Aja 27.51 Ulysses High School
Purvis, Kamie 27.61 Goodland High School
Canny, Hannah 28.16 Stanton County HS
Mcallister, Rylee 28.17 Sublette High School
Porter, McKenzie 28.23 Wichita County High School
Alvidrez, Mary Jane 28.27 Southwestern Heights High School
Garcia, Cinthya 28.35 Southwestern Heights High School
Despaigne, Jhany 28.38 Garden City High School
Alexander, Kenadie 28.51 Meade High School
Conner, Camryn 28.54 Holcomb High School
SANCHEZ, Magda 28.68 Southwestern Heights High School
Dyck, Lindsey 28.92 Sublette High School
Cox, Vaelynn 29.78 Hugoton High School
Woodrow, Halle 29.81 Lakin High School
Bauck, Tessa 29.93 Wichita County High School
Rybak, Willow 29.96 Garden City High School
Rodriguez, Julia 30.04 Ulysses High School
Magana, Sammie 30.05 Holcomb High School
Stupka, Braelyn 30.38 Colby High School
Jewett, Janaye 30.64 Holcomb High School
Barreras, Angela 31.00h Wichita County High School
Gray, Heidi 31.19 Colby High School
Burger, Katelyn 31.20 Stanton County HS
Ruiz, Jackie 31.28 Syracuse High School
Alfaro, Daniella 31.47 Hugoton High School
Landa, Genesis 31.82 Hugoton High School
Ennns, Hailey 31.90 Sublette High School
Bradford, Atalissa 32.27 Lakin High School
Owens, Lanee 32.36 Syracuse High School
Baker, Alodie 32.71 Holcomb High School
Cure, Libby 33.32 Goodland High School
Halanke, Lara 33.71 Holcomb High School
Hooper, Laken 33.87 Meade High School
Valenzuela, Alejandra 34.07 Meade High School
Benitez, Alexia 34.26 Holcomb High School
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Escalera, Alexa 1:01.54 Hugoton High School
Kisner, Layla 49.39 Southwestern Heights High School
Powers, ThayLee 49.60 Garden City High School
Barton, Alisabeth 49.65 Colby High School
Michaelis, Aryn 50.40 Lakin High School
Carr, Kamdyn 50.70 Garden City High School
Curl, Chloe 52.76 Ulysses High School
Simon, Stella 52.96 Syracuse High School
Porter, Jentri 53.13 Wichita County High School
Savolt, Brooke 53.21 Garden City High School
Stapleton, Sayler 53.65 Meade High School
Kruleski, Jera 54.15 Holcomb High School
Lerma, Yoselyn 54.35 Ulysses High School
Linn, Kiara 54.64 Goodland High School
Flores, Mia 55.03 Holcomb High School
Spresser, Makalynn 56.72 Goodland High School
Gerstberger, Austin 58.67 Colby High School
Eddie, Lyla 59.40 Ulysses High School
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wiese, Cate 12:04.27 Garden City High School
Gabel, Jayslin 12:44.64 Goodland High School
Ardery, Jenera 12:47.21 Holcomb High School
Saucedo, Hailey 13:06.51 Southwestern Heights High School
Seyb, Madison 13:07.95 Stanton County HS
Schears, Audrey 13:43.17 Goodland High School
FIESER, Hannah 13:53.90 Southwestern Heights High School
Miller, Emma 13:54.17 Lakin High School
Parker, Ella 14:22.61 Holcomb High School
Don Juan, Galilea 14:45.21 Stanton County HS
Lamas, Jennifer 15:20.34 Southwestern Heights High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Canny, Hannah 1:01.85 Stanton County HS
Thomeczek, Kimber 1:03.50 Syracuse High School
Puentes, Juanita 1:04.12 Southwestern Heights High School
Alexander, Kenadie 1:04.51 Meade High School
Santana, Jaylee 1:04.60 Holcomb High School
Ostberg, Grace 1:04.77 Lakin High School
Finch, Erin 1:04.90 Garden City High School
Soukup, Lynissa 1:05.31 Holcomb High School
Luna, Ava 1:05.32 Garden City High School
Myers, Madeleine 1:05.95 Wichita County High School
Korf, Myah 1:06.00h Garden City High School
Cure, Libby 1:06.32 Goodland High School
Schultz, Piper 1:07.29 Ulysses High School
Dyck, Lindsey 1:08 Sublette High School
Cunningham, Kate 1:08.46 Meade High School
SANCHEZ, Magda 1:09.25 Southwestern Heights High School
Rodriguez, Julia 1:09.27 Ulysses High School
Gipson, Abbie 1:10.32 Meade High School
Lopez, Jalyssa 1:10.47 Holcomb High School
Nairn, Kenzington 1:11.00h Stanton County HS
Cox, Vaelynn 1:11.29 Hugoton High School
Santana, Xitlali 1:11.88 Holcomb High School
McCormick, Corley 1:12.21 Ulysses High School
Hinojosa, Mia 1:13.00 Hugoton High School
Vos, Nikayla 1:15.00 Hugoton High School
Wright, Bella 1:15.85 Goodland High School
Burger, Katelyn 1:16.00h Stanton County HS
Hernandez, Anahi 1:16.01 Goodland High School
Bradford, Atalissa 1:16.88 Lakin High School
Leonard, Cara 1:30.00h Sublette High School
Acosta, Michelle 1:30.79 Southwestern Heights High School
Schreibvogel, Madyson 58.44 Holcomb High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 51.65 Ulysses High School
Relay Team A 52.55 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 52.79 Goodland High School
Relay Team A 53.26 Southwestern Heights High School
Relay Team A 53.95 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 54.58 Meade High School
Relay Team A 55.22 Hugoton High School
Relay Team A 56.08 Sublette High School
Relay Team B 56.55 Holcomb High School
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:24.44 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 4:27.93 Southwestern Heights High School
Relay Team A 4:33.69 Ulysses High School
Relay Team A 4:36.66 Meade High School
Relay Team A 4:39.50 Stanton County HS
Relay Team A 4:45.83 Lakin High School
Relay Team B 4:55.50h Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 5:03.71 Hugoton High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:46.67 Colby High School
Relay Team A 10:49.27 Garden City High School
Relay Team A 10:59.00 Stanton County HS
Relay Team A 11:03.05 Goodland High School
Relay Team A 11:04.59 Wichita County High School
Relay Team A 11:19.23 Southwestern Heights High School
Relay Team A 11:50.18 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 11:58.19 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 12:09.34 Ulysses High School
Relay Team B 12:48.18 Holcomb High School
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nanninga, Quincy 2:33.54 Garden City High School
Mueller, Ruby 2:34.52 Garden City High School
Gallegos, Michelle 2:38.10 Wichita County High School
Canny, Hannah 2:39.94 Stanton County HS
Romero, Nayeli 2:40.32 Ulysses High School
Thomeczek, Kimber 2:40.63 Syracuse High School
Biermann, Hope 2:41.26 Goodland High School
Dautel, Danica 2:43.95 Goodland High School
Bartlett, Joslyn 2:46.47 Colby High School
Lamas, Jennifer 2:47.13 Southwestern Heights High School
Harris, Sapphire 2:48.60 Lakin High School
Santos, Katie 2:48.86 Holcomb High School
Torres, Chelsea 2:49.89 Garden City High School
Saucedo, Hailey 2:52.96 Southwestern Heights High School
Valdez, Angelina 2:53.02 Holcomb High School
Dierking, Joey 2:56.28 Sublette High School
Don Juan, Galilea 2:56.87 Stanton County HS
Medina, Abrielle 2:57.22 Hugoton High School
Davis, Ivy 3:00.35 Lakin High School
Renteria, Kimberly 3:00.48 Sublette High School
Nairn, Kenzington 3:00.70 Stanton County HS
FIESER, Hannah 3:01.25 Southwestern Heights High School
Ardery, Jade 3:02.03 Holcomb High School
McCormick, Corley 3:06.23 Ulysses High School
Martin, Marie 3:06.87 Goodland High School
Zortman, Eliana 3:06.89 Meade High School
Flanagin, Emily 3:07.03 Colby High School
Roth, Miley 3:07.05 Lakin High School
Rinehart, Lyssa 3:08.51 Colby High School
Barajas, Patricia 3:17.43 Holcomb High School
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Varsity Girls Discus 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perez, Brylee 102-5 Southwestern Heights High School
Stanley, Brenn 100-6 Colby High School
Biermann, Sidney 99-9 Wichita County High School
Wilson, Jenna 98-11 Garden City High School
Sherman, Dallas 98-2 Meade High School
Lucas, Breckyn 92-5 Garden City High School
Russell, Autumn 92-0 Goodland High School
Baker, Marcy 90-6 Wichita County High School
Nichols, Klarissa 89-9 Goodland High School
Simons, Anna 87-2 Wichita County High School
Koksal, Lily 83-4 Garden City High School
Shirk, Addison 81-0 Stanton County HS
Zermeno, Tailee 80-7 Ulysses High School
Simon, McKenzie 78-6 Holcomb High School
Watson, Isabelle 75-2 Syracuse High School
Stapleton, Taylor 75-0 Meade High School
Zermeno, Taicee 73-10 Ulysses High School
Mercado, Jazlynn 71-0 Southwestern Heights High School
Vaughn, Harper 70-8 Colby High School
Aller, Marissa 70-3 Lakin High School
Polzin, Rylee 70-3 Stanton County HS
TRUJILLO, Olis 69-5 Southwestern Heights High School
Barraza, Yatzhira 68-8 Colby High School
Pena, Audriana 66-11 Ulysses High School
Spresser, Makalynn 65-8 Goodland High School
Martinez, Maria 65-6 Sublette High School
Resendiz, Emily 64-11 Holcomb High School
Webb, Paige 61-0 Lakin High School
Eslinger, Peytyn 52-11 Holcomb High School
Villalobos, Maggie 52-8 Sublette High School
Ruiz, Daisy 50-2.5 Stanton County HS
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Varsity Girls High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Michaelis, Aryn 5-7 Lakin High School
Wederski, Natalie 5-2 Colby High School
Baker, Kerrigan 5-1 Syracuse High School
Lewis , Bronwyn 5-0 Syracuse High School
Powers, ThayLee 5-0 Garden City High School
Swartz, Brittany 5-0 Colby High School
Luna, Ava 4-10 Garden City High School
Magana, Sammie 4-8 Holcomb High School
Donovan, Deneee 4-8 Holcomb High School
Dautel, Danica 4-8 Goodland High School
Ysac, Aja 4-8 Ulysses High School
Curl, Chloe 4-8 Ulysses High School
Castillo, Meeca 4-8 Garden City High School
Mcallister, Rylee 4-6 Sublette High School
Conner, Camryn 4-6 Holcomb High School
Hernandez, Anahi 4-6 Goodland High School
Eddie, Lyla 4-6 Ulysses High School
Halanke, Lara 4-4 Holcomb High School
Hernadez, Mia 4-4 Goodland High School
Roth, Miley 4-4 Lakin High School
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Varsity Girls Javelin 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flanagin, Ali 124-6 Colby High School
Riley, Addy 112-1 Syracuse High School
Sherman, Dallas 109-11 Meade High School
Vaughn, Harper 107-3 Colby High School
Mitchek, Jaxi 103-3 Goodland High School
Cure, Libby 101-4 Goodland High School
Simon, McKenzie 95-3.75 Holcomb High School
Baker, Marcy 94-10 Wichita County High School
Simon, Stella 94-6 Syracuse High School
Flanagin, Emily 92-7 Colby High School
Simons, Anna 91-6 Wichita County High School
Anderson, Ailynn 89-7 Garden City High School
Finch, Erin 86-6 Garden City High School
Eslinger, Peytyn 85-0.5 Holcomb High School
Lara, Ava 79-10 Stanton County HS
Spresser, Makalynn 79-5 Goodland High School
Lucas, Breckyn 71-4 Garden City High School
Case, Jayah 71-0 Wichita County High School
Resendiz, Emily 69-2 Holcomb High School
Mercado, Jazlynn 67-1 Southwestern Heights High School
Watson, Isabelle 64-9 Syracuse High School
Leonard, Cara 62-2 Sublette High School
Zermeno, Tailee 61-8 Ulysses High School
Zermeno, Taicee 60-2 Ulysses High School
Pena, Audriana 59-1 Ulysses High School
TRUJILLO, Olis 57-7 Southwestern Heights High School
Martinez, Maria 56-1 Sublette High School
Lewis, Chanell 48-0.5 Stanton County HS
Villalobos, Maggie 47-5.5 Sublette High School
Onley, Abigail 33-7 Stanton County HS
Hooper, Laken Meade High School
Martin, Carlie Meade High School
Gutierrez, Yanet Southwestern Heights High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Hailey 17-5 Garden City High School
Goodwin, Ellie 16-9 Goodland High School
Edgington, Alyssa 16-4 Lakin High School
Kruleski, Jera 15-10.7 Holcomb High School
Esquibel, Amari 15-9.5 Lakin High School
Holzmeister, Shaylee 15-9.25 Colby High School
Purvis, Kamie 15-6.5 Goodland High School
Hernandez, Exayli 15-6.25 Sublette High School
Martin, Carlie 15-6 Meade High School
Savolt, Brooke 15-6 Garden City High School
Puentes, Juanita 15-5 Southwestern Heights High School
Canny, Hannah 15-2.25 Stanton County HS
Simons, Addison 15-1.5 Wichita County High School
Alvarado, Erisbelie 14-10.25 Ulysses High School
Romero, Nayeli 14-10 Ulysses High School
Martinez, Miraya 14-6.5 Garden City High School
McCombs, Jordan 14-5.25 Lakin High School
Swartz, Brittany 14-4.5 Colby High School
Ruiz, Jackie 13-9 Syracuse High School
Donovan, Deneee 13-7 Holcomb High School
McCormick, Corley 13-7 Ulysses High School
Hinojosa, Mia 13-6 Hugoton High School
Wederski, Natalie 13-5 Colby High School
Wickwar, Jaylee 13-4.5 Holcomb High School
Hooper, Laken 13-4 Meade High School
Owens, Lanee 13-1.5 Syracuse High School
Halanke, Lara 12-11 Holcomb High School
Hernandez, Allie 12-9.5 Wichita County High School
Koehn, Clara 12-8 Wichita County High School
Hernandez, Paola 12-7 Hugoton High School
Baker, Kerrigan 12-2.5 Syracuse High School
Wright, Bailey 12-1.5 Holcomb High School
Valenzuela, Alejandra 11-10.25 Meade High School
Burger, Katelyn 11-7 Stanton County HS
Carrillo, Marisol 9-7 Southwestern Heights High School
Acosta, Michelle 9-4.75 Southwestern Heights High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Edgington, Alyssa 10-0 Lakin High School
Martin, Marie 9-6 Goodland High School
Lewis , Bronwyn 9-0 Syracuse High School
Just, Avery 9-0 Garden City High School
Duffey, Korrynne 9-0 Colby High School
Phipps, Hailey 8-6 Garden City High School
Burger, Katelyn 8-0 Stanton County HS
Stapleton, Sayler 7-6 Meade High School
Basham, Brooke 7-6 Holcomb High School
Canny, Lauren 7-6 Stanton County HS
Hernandez, Anahi 7-6 Goodland High School
Porter, Jentri 7-6 Wichita County High School
Anderson, Ailynn 7-6 Garden City High School
Schultz, Piper 7-0 Ulysses High School
Bauck, Tessa 7-0 Wichita County High School
Harris, Sapphire 6-6 Lakin High School
Bradford, Atalissa 6-0 Lakin High School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zermeno, Tailee 37-8.75 Ulysses High School
Wilson, Jenna 37-8.75 Garden City High School
Biermann, Sidney 35-1.25 Wichita County High School
Nichols, Klarissa 34-5.5 Goodland High School
Bandy, Kalyssa 33-10 Colby High School
Stanley, Brenn 32-6.25 Colby High School
Perez, Brylee 31-2 Southwestern Heights High School
Canny, Lauren 30-6.75 Stanton County HS
Vaughn, Harper 30-1 Colby High School
Biel, Delaney 29-2 Wichita County High School
Martinez, Maria 28-4.25 Sublette High School
Shirk, Addison 28-3.5 Stanton County HS
Stapleton, Taylor 27-1 Meade High School
Koksal, Lily 27-1 Garden City High School
Resendiz, Emily 26-5.5 Holcomb High School
Russell, Autumn 25-11 Goodland High School
Arredondo, Saedy 25-7 Hugoton High School
Aller, Marissa 25-5 Lakin High School
Riley, Addy 25-0.25 Syracuse High School
Watson, Isabelle 25-0 Syracuse High School
Lara, Ava 24-10.5 Stanton County HS
Simon, McKenzie 24-5 Holcomb High School
Gutierrez, Yanet 24-2.75 Southwestern Heights High School
Zermeno, Taicee 23-10 Ulysses High School
Mercado, Jazlynn 23-5.25 Southwestern Heights High School
Eslinger, Peytyn 22-4 Holcomb High School
Purcella, Mary 22-1 Wichita County High School
Webb, Paige 21-10.75 Lakin High School
Pena, Audriana 21-7 Ulysses High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Hailey 36-0 Garden City High School
Goodwin, Ellie 35-10.5 Goodland High School
Martin, Carlie 35-9.25 Meade High School
Simon, Stella 34-10 Syracuse High School
Michaelis, Aryn 34-6.5 Lakin High School
Savolt, Brooke 33-8 Garden City High School
Swartz, Brittany 33-4 Colby High School
Garcia, Cinthya 33-3 Southwestern Heights High School
Holzmeister, Shaylee 32-10 Colby High School
Finch, Erin 32-8 Garden City High School
Dautel, Danica 31-11.5 Goodland High School
Donovan, Deneee 29-9.25 Holcomb High School
Vos, Nikayla 29-0 Hugoton High School
Hooper, Laken 24-11.75 Meade High School
Leonard, Cara 24-7 Sublette High School
Hernandez, Allie Wichita County High School
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