Ellsworth Invitational 2023

Ellsworth, KS

Athlete Entries

7th Grade Mixed 2 Mile 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ringwald, Eden Ellinwood Middle School
Fern, Brady Tescott Junior High
Anderson, Isaac Republic County High School
Sauber, Reed Sacred Heart Junior High
Jensen, Korbyn Ellsworth Jr High Bearcats
Lundstrom, Carter Smoky Valley High School
Toll, Huck Smoky Valley Middle School
Miner, Trey Beloit High School
Vaupel, Chloe Ellinwood Middle School
Luker, Zarron Ellinwood Middle School
Riemann, Parker McPherson Middle School
Yates, Caroline Tescott Junior High
Simmons, Jackson Republic County High School
Siefers, Averie Ellinwood Middle School
Zook, Joshua Ellinwood Middle School
Weiser, Paxton McPherson Middle School
Rodriguez, Octavio Ellsworth Jr High Bearcats
McNett, Carter Smoky Valley High School
Hyde, Colbey Minneapolis High School
Spears, Levi Smoky Valley Middle School
Underwood, Clayton Beloit High School
Knop, Cody Ellinwood Middle School
Panning, Avery Ellinwood Middle School
Schoming, Elliott McPherson Middle School
Adams, Ethan Tescott Junior High
King, Adalena Ell-Saline High School
Gentet, Keaton Chapman Middle School
Pachta, Michael Republic County High School
Steffan, Leah Ellinwood Middle School
Lundstrom, Carter Smoky Valley Middle School
Herman, Caleb Ellinwood Middle School
Estes, Colton McPherson Middle School
Hunley, Stinna Tescott Junior High
Mog, August Ellsworth Jr High Bearcats
Spears, Levi Smoky Valley High School
Johnson, kAdalynn Minneapolis High School
Perron, Emmalynn Ellinwood Middle School
Schuckman, Thatcher McPherson Middle School
Dawson, Bennett Tescott Junior High
Bedell, Jacob Republic County High School
Thomas, Remi Ellinwood Middle School
McNett, Carter Smoky Valley Middle School
Kirkpatrick, Madison Ellinwood Middle School
Friesen, Nathan McPherson Middle School
Thompson, Alexis Tescott Junior High
Schultz, Owen Ellsworth Jr High Bearcats
Toll, Huck Smoky Valley High School
Ellis, Truxton 13:00.40 Chapman Middle School
Beck, Jance 14:15.00 Chapman Middle School
Kramer, Adeline 14:18.34 McPherson Middle School
Engle, Elliott 14:26.90 Abilene Middle School
Pickerign, Emil 14:51.10 Abilene Middle School
McAsey, Eden 15:30.30 Abilene Middle School
Feist, Evan 16:05.00 Sacred Heart Junior High
Mendoza, Ava 16:05.96 McPherson Middle School
Tate, Mahthius 16:08.50 Abilene Middle School
Brabender, Kaylee 16:09.00 Chapman Middle School
Koksal, Jake 16:44.00 Sacred Heart Junior High
Whitehair, Wesley 16:54.50 Chapman Middle School
Wuthnow, Alec 17:06.00 Abilene Middle School
King, Emily 17:07.35 Lincoln Junior High
Relph, Easton 17:10.50 Sacred Heart Junior High
Jackson, Victoria 18:03.50 Chapman Middle School
Gustin, Joshua 18:37.20 Abilene Middle School
Amos, Kylah 19:31.00 Abilene Middle School
Doctor, Ashlyn 20:07.25 Lincoln Junior High
Esterl, Anton 20:24.50 Lincoln Junior High
Bowen, Reyna 21:02.30 McPherson Middle School
Vosburg, Olivia 22:57.80 Chapman Middle School
Fisher, Lowry 27:09.00 Chapman Middle School
Bella, Brinkley 6:51.5 Reno Valley Middle School
Ward, Carson 7:02.7 Reno Valley Middle School
Luke, Shelton 7:09.3 Reno Valley Middle School
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8th Grade Mixed 2 Mile 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
LePon, Brylee Beloit High School
Johnson, Rylin Minneapolis High School
Pachta, Paul Republic County High School
Kemmerer, Miley Beloit High School
Larson, Izabelle Minneapolis High School
Becker, Kolt 12:30.30 Abilene Middle School
Dorzweiler, Leo 12:32.30 Sacred Heart Junior High
Wilson, Josie 12:35.10 Abilene Middle School
Rathbun, Wesley 12:37.85 Ellsworth Jr High Bearcats
Aiden, Brinkley 12:41.8 Reno Valley Middle School
Wilson, Jade 12:49.40 Abilene Middle School
Gonzalez, Ali 12:55.90 Ellinwood Middle School
Wuthnow, Noah 13:05.00 Abilene Middle School
Schale, Matthew 13:05.80 Lincoln Junior High
Lundine, Rilee 13:08.79 Beloit High School
Renner, Hawks 13:18.40 Reno Valley Middle School
Hanback, Jaydon 13:20.60 Abilene Middle School
Issitt, Zane 13:22.90 Abilene Middle School
Hartman, Kaden 13:24.40 Abilene Middle School
McCormick, Kyla 13:41.80 Ellinwood Middle School
Starks, Logan 13:49.96 McPherson Middle School
Wright, Gavin 13:52.00 Beloit High School
Borror, Jenna 14:10.5 Ellinwood Middle School
Cuevas, Liberty 14:15.10 Chapman Middle School
Joiner, Eleanor 14:15.6 Ellinwood Middle School
Rocco, DiDomenico 14:23.40 Reno Valley Middle School
Beckman, Lakyn 14:27.13 Ellsworth Jr High Bearcats
Just, Aubryn 14:28.79 Minneapolis High School
Bowman, Henry 14:29.50 Smoky Valley High School
Bowman, Henry 14:29.50 Smoky Valley Middle School
Gray, Sage 14:32.14 Ellsworth Jr High Bearcats
Douglas, Tyson 14:33.00 Republic County High School
Dlabal, Caleb 14:35.00 Lucas-Sylvan Junior High
Cochran, Bryar 14:36.10 Chapman Middle School
Oltean, Jacob 14:38.40 Lucas-Sylvan Junior High
Marsh, Cael 14:38.95 Minneapolis High School
IBARRA, Aundrea 14:50.80 Sacred Heart Junior High
Jex, Eliza 14:56.58 McPherson Middle School
ROBINSON, Dominic 15:10.90 Abilene Middle School
Muehler, Nickson 15:12.02 McPherson Middle School
Thompson, Brody 15:17.80 Tescott Junior High
Jaycie, Ohnmacht 15:18.60 Reno Valley Middle School
Morales, Alan 15:21.40 Sacred Heart Junior High
Sawyer, Jackson 15:24.10 Abilene Middle School
Long, Nixon 15:28.50 Sacred Heart Junior High
Pryor, Henry 15:51.30 Smoky Valley High School
Pryor, Henry 15:51.30 Smoky Valley Middle School
Woody, Brogan 15:52.70 Abilene Middle School
Moler, Aleece 16:34.50 Lincoln Junior High
Gruen, Lily 16:35.20 Abilene Middle School
Huseman, Hadley 16:35.77 Ellsworth Jr High Bearcats
Butcher, Kepple 16:42.89 McPherson Middle School
Cooper, Johnathan 16:55.30 Smoky Valley Middle School
Cooper, Johnathan 16:55.30 Smoky Valley High School
ROBLEDO DIAZ, Kyle 16:58.60 Smoky Valley Middle School
Benton, Lily 17:04.20 Abilene Middle School
Robledo-Diaz, Kyle 17:28.42 Smoky Valley High School
Nichols, Liam 17:45.40 Abilene Middle School
Lauber, Madlyn 17:53.00 Republic County High School
Wesner, Kynlee 18:08.90 Ellinwood Middle School
Unruh, Charlie 18:18.39 McPherson Middle School
Splichal, Peyton 18:37.00 Republic County High School
Peters, Taylor 18:42.00 Republic County High School
Schmitz, Ben 20:16.00 McPherson Middle School
Romero, Airy 23:33.20 Sacred Heart Junior High
Vanouhiden, Solros 26:05.47 Republic County High School
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JV Boys 5K 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crouse, Seth 19:46.67 Chapman High School
Calovich, Ethan 19:47.90 Chapman High School
Weishaar, Adam 20:01.90 Abilene High School
Blocker, Justin 20:09.79 Chapman High School
Moody, Jed 20:26.80 Chapman High School
Rowley, Cael 20:26.93 Chapman High School
Brabender, Donovan 20:48.56 Chapman High School
Leasure, Travis 20:50.50 Chapman High School
Strauss, Charlie 20:59.50 Chapman High School
Crouse, Slayde 21:08.80 Chapman High School
Ayala, Isaiah 21:13.59 Smoky Valley High School
Woodworth, Carson 21:27.90 Abilene High School
Smith, Blain 21:28.30 Smoky Valley High School
Jeardoe, Colton 22:01.00 Beloit High School
Sedlacek, Cole 22:05.80 Beloit High School
Pearson, Kade 22:09.90 Beloit High School
Caceras, Alex 22:13.30 Abilene High School
Bathurst, Wyatt 22:20.34 Abilene High School
George, Tegan 22:32.49 Ellsworth High School
Marshall, Keith 22:51.88 Chapman High School
Sauers, Chasyn 23:10.90 Minneapolis High School
Keller, Pierce 23:14.51 Smoky Valley High School
Nelson, Hayden 23:31.5 Nickerson High School
Jones, Hunter 24:11.30 Abilene High School
Crank, Kaeden 24:25.6 Nickerson High School
Buus, Mark 24:50.28 Chapman High School
Dean, James 24:53.95 Chapman High School
WHITE, DORIAN 26:05.80 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Jundt, Anthony 26:19.91 Ellsworth High School
Gustin, Ethan 26:45.60 Abilene High School
Frees, Connor 28:45.90 Smoky Valley High School
GEITZ, SAMMY 29:14.10 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Meier, Mikhail 30:05.50 Ellsworth High School
Gustus, Hudson 30:49.28 Smoky Valley High School
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JV Girls 5K 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberts, Emma 21:15.00 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
THOMPSON, KARRIGAN 24:49.08 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Hall, Emily 26:34.60 Nickerson High School
CAMPA, ELI 27:04.80 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Young, Leah 27:15.10 Minneapolis High School
Williams, Harlei 32:32.5 Nickerson High School
Goss, Nell 33:47.02 Ellsworth High School
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Varsity Boys 5K 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elliott, Drew 16:11.25 Chapman High School
Klukas, Dereck 16:41.92 Chapman High School
Wells, Brady 16:42.10 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Lundine, Lance 16:45.40 Beloit High School
Becker, Britton 17:36.40 Smoky Valley High School
Abell, Joel 17:40.89 Minneapolis High School
Espinoza, Oscar 17:55.51 Abilene High School
Peterson, Samuel 18:02.20 Smoky Valley High School
Hager, Levi 18:03.94 Abilene High School
Pauley, Levi 18:05.4 Nickerson High School
Eyer, Brayden 18:12.00 Smoky Valley High School
Nisbeth, Dakota 18:15.74 Chapman High School
Pancost, Harlan 18:36.73 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Hitz, Kaden 18:40.00 Chapman High School
Schultze, Zeb 18:42.20 Abilene High School
Taphorn, Hunter 18:45.72 Chapman High School
Roth, Daniel 18:53.90 Minneapolis High School
Monty, Brogan 18:54.40 Beloit High School
Pohlman, Ryan 18:55.61 Ellinwood High School
Gibson, Chase 18:57.60 Ellinwood High School
Brinkley, Dakota 18:58.90 Nickerson High School
Ringwald, Cole 19:03.30 Ellinwood High School
Gonzales, Ethan 19:07.30 Abilene High School
Pavlovich, Sebastian 19:10.80 Smoky Valley High School
Thompson, Mason 19:16.70 Beloit High School
Bishop, Kaden 19:32.79 Smoky Valley High School
Short, Braden 19:40.48 Abilene High School
Ehrlich, Max 19:40.60 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Holmes, Trenton 19:57.78 Ellsworth High School
Zook, Caleb 20:04.50 Ellinwood High School
White, Oliver 20:05.90 Minneapolis High School
Wyma, Cyras 20:07.00 Chapman High School
Engelland, Taylor 20:13.53 Nickerson High School
Huggard, Andy 20:17.3 Nickerson High School
Hoskins, Shae 20:20.10 Ellinwood High School
Brauer, Joe 20:25.84 Ellinwood High School
Falls, Ethan 20:28.00 Chapman High School
Brin, Ramsey 20:28.50 Ell-Saline High School
Anderson, Samuel 20:40.00 Republic County High School
King, Jaden 20:42.10 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Spooner, Elijah 20:48.00 Smoky Valley High School
Oppenheim, Aiden 20:48.30 Minneapolis High School
Ketterl, Kaden 21:06.38 Nickerson High School
Affolter, Kamdyn 21:17.00 Abilene High School
Kern, Marcus 21:24.50 Ell-Saline High School
Evert, Isaiah 21:28.00 Republic County High School
Luker, Dallon 21:37.83 Ellinwood High School
Bartley, Jake 21:39.30 Abilene High School
Stout, Logan 22:06.5 Nickerson High School
Brown, Mason 22:08.30 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Dawson, Cameron 22:15.79 Minneapolis High School
Bowman, Charlie 22:21.00 Smoky Valley High School
Schultz, Eli 25:16.40 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Jones, Jett 25:43.46 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
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Varsity Girls 5K 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bathurst, Eden 19:59.00 Abilene High School
Krueger, Maddy 20:09.60 Minneapolis High School
Salazar, Lily 20:36.20 Ell-Saline High School
CALLAWAY, Ellie 20:39.80 Republic County High School
Mullen, Keira 20:54.00 Smoky Valley High School
Cathey, Arissa 21:01.94 Abilene High School
Matteucci, Eva 21:05.00 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Dorzweiler, Gracy 21:15.04 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Stone, Caroline 21:28.04 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Mikkelson, Lauryn 21:38.10 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
BEARY, Jade 21:54.60 Chapman High School
Clausen-Peters, Dakota 21:58.70 Republic County High School
Coyle, Jadence 21:59.73 Abilene High School
Fruits, Sophia 22:02.40 Smoky Valley High School
Kierscht, Libby 22:17.81 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Jaderborg, Paisly 22:27.20 Chapman High School
Griffin, Maleah 22:28.72 Minneapolis High School
Ehrlich, Molly 22:36.22 Ellsworth High School
Eyer, Sophia 22:42.04 Smoky Valley High School
Hamilton, Mia 22:48.20 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Campa, Bethany 22:48.70 Salina-Sacred Heart High School
Clark Pavlovich, Esther 22:53.58 Smoky Valley High School
Knoll, Serenity 22:57.60 Minneapolis High School
Winget, Hannah 23:06.00 Ellinwood High School
Henke, Kadence 23:14.82 Republic County High School
Peterson, Gracia 23:25.00 Smoky Valley High School
Biggs, Kendyn 23:39.70 Minneapolis High School
Thurlow, Kinsey 23:55.54 Chapman High School
Gibson, Addison 24:06.09 Chapman High School
Ricker, Allison 24:06.68 Ellinwood High School
Hickman, Phaedra 24:25.31 Abilene High School
Rathbun, Kate 24:29.46 Ellsworth High School
Mckain, Clare 24:32.30 Minneapolis High School
Thurlow, Carly 24:38.00 Chapman High School
Calovich, Elyssa 24:57.50 Chapman High School
Teichmann, Ashley 25:01.00 Nickerson High School
Brauer, Heidi 25:15.40 Ellinwood High School
Chaput, Emma 25:32.65 Smoky Valley High School
JOHNS, Grace 25:35.50 Minneapolis High School
Huehl, Codie 25:39.35 Sylvan Grove-Sylvan Lucas High S
Grothusen, Reese 25:57.39 Ellsworth High School
Peil, Ameila 26:07.5 Nickerson High School
Thomas, Addison 26:07.70 Ellsworth High School
McKain, May 26:08.70 Minneapolis High School
Thompson, Cass 26:10.70 Beloit High School
Gage, Celia 26:16.25 Chapman High School
Robertson, Autumn 26:26.73 Abilene High School
Dombroski, Madison 26:47.87 Ellinwood High School
Bombardier, Ally 27:12.40 Republic County High School
Riedel, Roxie 27:31.80 Smoky Valley High School
Stone, Kylie 27:54.00 Republic County High School
Jackson, Reese 27:58.30 Abilene High School
Wright, Olivia 28:00.10 Beloit High School
Baxa, Schola 28:18.10 Republic County High School
Olson, Rebekah 29:42.39 Abilene High School
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