Emporia Invitational 2009

Emporia, KS

Emporia Invitational 2009 vs Emporia Invitational 2008

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +184 242 58
Overall Average +1:39.57 21:22.50 19:42.93
1st-10th Place -1:03.79 16:56.06 17:59.85
1st-25th Place -1:08.48 17:20.66 18:29.14
1st-50th Place -1:29.60 17:54.43 19:24.03
1st-100th Place +7:19.29 18:45.39 11:26.10
Common Athletes -- -- 27
Ran Faster 25 26 1
Ran Season Best 25 27 2
Average Time -1:09.58 18:31.07 19:40.64
Median Time -1:10.52 18:17.20 19:27.72
Middle 80% Times -1:13.33 18:28.47 19:41.79
Top 10% Times -1:15.80 16:42.93 17:58.74
Top 25% Times -1:13.93 17:04.21 18:18.14
Top 50% Times -1:15.00 17:30.39 18:45.39
Bottom 50% Times -59.19 18:12.38 19:11.56
Bottom 25% Times -54.52 20:21.01 21:15.54
Bottom 10% Times -33.01 21:12.63 21:45.65
Average Difference -1:09.58 -- --
Median Difference -1:53.82 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:15.11 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:02.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:08.16 -- --
Top 25% Difference -52.01 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:08.16 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:14.16 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:06.31 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -48.21 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Adam Porter McPherson High School -1:09.76 16:39.40 17:49.16
Aaron Pope Washburn Rural High School -1:24.95 16:40.20 18:05.15
Peter Ramundo Manhattan High School -1:19.60 16:49.20 18:08.80
Alex Mahaffey Washburn Rural High School -1:40.98 17:12.60 18:53.58
Tyler Tilton Emporia High School -1:53.84 17:19.30 19:13.14
Tyler Smith Manhattan High School -2:03.33 17:20.30 19:23.63
Jacob Morgan Washburn Rural High School -33.40 17:28.50 18:01.90
Alex Leeds Washburn Rural High School -1:53.82 17:33.90 19:27.72
Morgan Peterson McPherson High School -2:01.19 17:36.90 19:38.09
Collin Erbert Washburn Rural High School -1:05.59 17:55.70 19:01.29
Alex Hanson St. Thomas Aquinas High School -52.74 17:56.00 18:48.74
David Glenski St. Thomas Aquinas High School -30.41 18:00.10 18:30.51
Nikilous Rempe McPherson High School -2:02.04 18:16.20 20:18.24
Alex Bolin St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:18.17 18:17.20 19:35.37
Caleb Porter McPherson High School -1:39.21 18:22.40 20:01.61
Jose Garcia Great Bend High School -13.22 18:29.50 18:42.72
Eli Schneider Washburn Rural High School -52.53 18:34.20 19:26.73
Connor Smith Washburn Rural High School -20.03 18:42.40 19:02.43
Tyler Green Olathe South High School -2:07.19 18:51.70 20:58.89
Derrick Greenlee Olathe South High School -23.70 19:26.00 19:49.70
Skylar Janda McPherson High School -1:46.63 19:28.60 21:15.23
Donny Tennal Emporia High School -1:06.04 19:38.00 20:44.04
Kamp Wiebe Lawrence Free State High School -54.39 19:40.30 20:34.69
Alex Koval Olathe South High School -1:11.90 20:02.30 21:14.20
Bryce Coyan Olathe South High School -15.93 20:14.20 20:30.13
Juan Garcia Great Bend High School -1:45.71 20:35.50 22:21.21
Simon Sullivan Great Bend High School +1:07.70 22:48.20 21:40.50