KSHSAA 3A Regional - Garden City 2023

Garden City, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Albright, Avery 10.87 Kingman High School
Stone, Riley 11.12 Ellsworth High School
Bastin, Braydon 11.14 Holcomb High School
Ney, Jacob 11.15 Russell High School
Horinek, Tanner 11.30 Phillipsburg High School
Auble, Kaden 11.38 Larned High School
Saenz, Freddy 11.40 Scott Community High School
Guzman, Julian 11.41 Lyons High School
Munoz, Dominic 11.49 Holcomb High School
Alderdice, Mason 11.51 Hoisington High School
Goodwin, Chayton 11.54 Goodland High School
Cardiel, Gael 11.66 Cimarron High School
Colgazier, David 11.70 Larned High School
Salcido, Armando 11.75 Lakin High School
Dominguez, Omar 11.76 Lyons High School
BIRKENBAUGH, TY 11.79 Kingman High School
Saucedo, Jesus 11.86 Goodland High School
Oropeza, Jeremy 11.89 Lakin High School
Jacobs, Charlie 11.92 Chaparral
Arjona, Juan 11.93 Cimarron High School
West, Loden 11.94 Ellsworth High School
Kaiser, Taylor 12.02 Hoisington High School
Giesenhagen, Kasey 12.15 Colby High School
Vallejo, Pierce 12.24 Scott Community High School
Sisson, Hunter 12.32 Phillipsburg High School
Brooks, Collin 12.90 Norton Community High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cure, Linkon 15.04 Goodland High School
Ball, Josiah 15.15 Hoisington High School
Reyes, Manny 15.20 Holcomb High School
SMITH, ETHAN 15.60 Kingman High School
Backman, Tyler 15.61 Norton Community High School
Holloway, Tyelor 15.93 Lakin High School
Vainerere, Hawk 16.14 Holcomb High School
Blair, Dalen 16.17 Chaparral
Martinez, Greg 16.17 Holcomb High School
Esquibel, Quincy 16.21 Lakin High School
Horinek, Tanner 16.26 Phillipsburg High School
Van Allen, Alex 16.73 Phillipsburg High School
Bradshaw, Ben 16.81 Kingman High School
Jacobs, Charlie 17.01 Chaparral
Thompson, Brier 17.56 Hoisington High School
Corwin, Drew 18.34 Goodland High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deniston, Brody 4:27.41 Holcomb High School
Luce, Alex 4:43.93 Lakin High School
Armendariz, Ivan 4:46.31 Scott Community High School
Leonard, Landen 4:48.24 Holcomb High School
Ritsema, Austin 4:49.25 Lakin High School
Tarlton, Kamden 4:50.19 Hoisington High School
Fikan, Taden 4:53.47 Colby High School
Briggs, Trenton 4:53.59 Cimarron High School
Zorn, Trey 4:54.22 Russell High School
Kisner, Elijah 4:59.15 Southwestern Heights High School
Shelden, Leo 5:02.76 Lakin High School
Villasenor, Cain 5:03.82 Lyons High School
Lewis, Elijah 5:06.34 Hoisington High School
Allen, Jaidon 5:10.00 Phillipsburg High School
Holstein, Brodie 5:10.00 Scott Community High School
Stewart, Tyler 5:21.90 Norton Community High School
Schroeder, Eric 5:24.43 Colby High School
Schears, Noah 5:28.09 Goodland High School
Hugunin, Dayton 5:46.00 Phillipsburg High School
McCammon, Dravin 5:59.46 Chaparral
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Dean 22.50 Norton Community High School
Albright, Avery 22.66 Kingman High School
Stanley, Dionte 22.98 Lyons High School
Guzman, Julian 23.14 Lyons High School
Cure, Linkon 23.19 Goodland High School
Bastin, Braydon 23.22 Holcomb High School
Debes, Jeron 23.29 Larned High School
Ney, Jacob 23.30 Russell High School
Czarnek, Kyler 23.46 Hoisington High School
Stone, Riley 23.50 Ellsworth High School
Luna, Alex 23.60 Lakin High School
Van Allen, Alex 23.90 Phillipsburg High School
Munoz, Dominic 23.94 Holcomb High School
Salcido, Armando 24.01 Lakin High School
Arjona, Juan 24.11 Cimarron High School
Tubbs, Boston 24.36 Colby High School
Goodwin, Chayton 24.54 Goodland High School
Andersen, Gabe 24.55 Kingman High School
Stolsworth, Jimmy 24.70 Chaparral
Kaiser, Taylor 24.74 Hoisington High School
Schemper, Eli 24.82 Phillipsburg High School
Cardiel, Gael 24.97 Cimarron High School
Zavala, Christian 25.14 Chaparral
Johnson, Landin 25.32 Ellsworth High School
Wilder, Mikel 25.83 Larned High School
Wright, Cody 26.31 Colby High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cure, Linkon 40.14 Goodland High School
Ball, Josiah 40.35 Hoisington High School
Reyes, Manny 40.84 Holcomb High School
SMITH, ETHAN 41.06 Kingman High School
Cook, Kelton 41.59 Scott Community High School
Holloway, Tyelor 42.26 Lakin High School
Jacobs, Charlie 42.88 Chaparral
Davidson, Cody 43.05 Chaparral
Elam, Lane 43.80 Larned High School
Martinez, Greg 44.11 Holcomb High School
Blair, Dalen 44.16 Chaparral
Thompson, Brier 44.35 Hoisington High School
Horinek, Tanner 44.57 Phillipsburg High School
Bradshaw, Ben 44.98 Kingman High School
Corwin, Drew 48.20 Goodland High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Luce, Alex 10:24.94 Lakin High School
Ritsema, Austin 10:29.16 Lakin High School
Tarlton, Kamden 10:34.80 Hoisington High School
Fikan, Taden 10:44.75 Colby High School
Stoppel, Logan 10:46.65 Scott Community High School
Stoppel, Jeb 10:47.30 Holcomb High School
Rodriguez, Alex 10:55.53 Scott Community High School
Johnson, Byron 11:12.81 Ellsworth High School
Kats, Ayston 11:18.35 Norton Community High School
McClure, Breckin 11:22.99 Holcomb High School
Espinoza, Francisco 11:44.11 Lyons High School
Mater, Alex 11:47.26 Hoisington High School
McDonald, Caleb 11:55.83 Larned High School
Schears, Noah 12:09.61 Goodland High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendez, Monce 1:00.63 Goodland High School
Albright, Avery 49.22 Kingman High School
Vulgamore, Camden 50.80 Scott Community High School
Thomas, Jace 51.74 Scott Community High School
Long, Tyler 52.39 Holcomb High School
Yott, Deryk 52.54 Hoisington High School
Swartz, Jackson 52.59 Chaparral
Pontius, Riley 53.43 Larned High School
Jones, Silas 53.55 Norton Community High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 53.72 Ellsworth High School
Bergner, Peyton 54.34 Scott Community High School
Stanley, Dionte 54.59 Lyons High School
Briggs, Trenton 54.92 Cimarron High School
Romero, Kado 54.94 Goodland High School
Pelzel, Wyatt 55.09 Ellsworth High School
Doan, Grant 56.00h Hoisington High School
DAVIDSON, TRISTEN 56.17 Kingman High School
Litsinberger, Haydin 56.18 Colby High School
Babcock, Ryan 56.34 Phillipsburg High School
Orosco, Dominique 56.50 Holcomb High School
Arreola, Pablo 57.37 Lakin High School
Bergman, Cole 57.53 Chaparral
Wright, Cody 57.84 Colby High School
Buresh, Blake 58.21 Phillipsburg High School
Wilder, Mikel 58.83 Larned High School
Ornelas, Anthony 59.05 Lakin High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.63 Russell High School
Relay Team A 43.64 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 44.14 Norton Community High School
Relay Team A 44.39 Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 44.39 Larned High School
Relay Team A 44.42 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 44.56 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 44.64 Kingman High School
Relay Team A 44.70 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 44.82 Lyons High School
Relay Team A 45.07 Goodland High School
Relay Team A 45.62 Chaparral
Relay Team A 45.94 Colby High School
Relay Team A 45.96 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 46.02 Cimarron High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:25.51 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 3:30.98 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 3:30.99 Kingman High School
Relay Team A 3:32.86 Chaparral
Relay Team A 3:36.15 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 3:38.41 Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 3:39.61 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 3:43.20 Colby High School
Relay Team A 3:43.66 Norton Community High School
Relay Team A 3:44.83 Goodland High School
Relay Team A 3:46.99 Phillipsburg High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:21.99 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 8:24.52 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 8:33.51 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 8:38.62 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 8:40.69 Chaparral
Relay Team A 8:52.17 Norton Community High School
Relay Team A 9:12.49 Colby High School
Relay Team A 9:19.61 Lyons High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deniston, Brody 1:58.66 Holcomb High School
Vulgamore, Camden 1:59.14 Scott Community High School
Clark, Jacob 2:01.61 Chaparral
Leonard, Landen 2:02.06 Holcomb High School
Luce, Alex 2:06.14 Lakin High School
Wolf, Karter 2:07.91 Hoisington High School
Kisner, Elijah 2:08.79 Southwestern Heights High School
Bailey, Bryndan 2:12.70 Scott Community High School
Zorn, Trey 2:12.78 Russell High School
Garcia, Martin 2:15.20 Southwestern Heights High School
Vazquez, Adan 2:16.71 Lakin High School
Blair, Dalen 2:17.50h Chaparral
Stephens, Grant 2:18.45 Colby High School
Keeten, Cole 2:18.89 Phillipsburg High School
Bhend, Harrison 2:19.67 Goodland High School
Lampert, Tyler 2:20.25 Russell High School
Villasenor, Cain 2:21.07 Lyons High School
Pinkston, Grady 2:21.47 Larned High School
Barraza, Derek 2:23.34 Colby High School
Munden, Maverick 2:50.03 Larned High School
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Boys Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oldham, Colter 170-4 Lakin High School
Willour, Logan 157-2 Norton Community High School
Hanchett, Trace 150-8 Phillipsburg High School
Chavira, Dravin 148-11 Lakin High School
Kenney, Lucas 138-5 Norton Community High School
Otter, Jefferson 137-7 Norton Community High School
Rodriguez, Rad 137-3 Phillipsburg High School
Hoffman, Caiden 135-9 Hoisington High School
Hoffman, Layton 133-8.75 Hoisington High School
DAVIDSON, TRISTEN 128-0 Kingman High School
RODRIGUEZ, Jordan 124-10 Ellsworth High School
BARBER, DALTON 120-2 Kingman High School
Knoll, Drayton 119-8.5 Holcomb High School
Cereceres, Jorge 118-10.2 Lyons High School
Barton, Breon 115-6 Colby High School
Lares, JP 114-5.5 Holcomb High School
Starbuck, Hendrix 111-2 Lyons High School
Strobel, Ian 103-3 Russell High School
Berls, Mason 103-2.5 Goodland High School
Seeman, James 97-10 Larned High School
McCartney, Aiden 94-9 Russell High School
Barraza, Samir 94-0 Colby High School
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Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peerman, Jace 6-9 Russell High School
Strobel, Brayden 6-4 Russell High School
Ritsema, Austin 6-4 Lakin High School
Cure, Linkon 6-2 Goodland High School
Wilder, Donavan 6-0 Larned High School
McClure, Breckin 5-10 Holcomb High School
DAVIDSON, TRISTEN 5-10 Kingman High School
Martinez, Greg 5-8 Holcomb High School
Corman, Cleveland 5-8 Phillipsburg High School
Jones, Silas 5-8 Norton Community High School
Luna, Alex 5-8 Lakin High School
Bradshaw, Ben 5-8 Kingman High School
Cersovsky, Caleb 5-6 Colby High School
Schemper, Eli 5-6 Phillipsburg High School
Romero, Kado 5-6 Goodland High School
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Boys Javelin 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hammond, Wyatt 196-5 Norton Community High School
Hanchett, Trace 183-10 Phillipsburg High School
Rumford, Jackson 181-9 Scott Community High School
Dunn, Rowdy 171-3 Ellsworth High School
Mesa, Damon 165-6 Holcomb High School
Anderson, Sean 163-6.5 Norton Community High School
Hudson, Kayden 156-6 Phillipsburg High School
Knoll, Drayton 156-4 Holcomb High School
Tubbs, Guy 156-1 Colby High School
Pontius, Riley 149-7 Larned High School
BARBER, DALTON 135-11 Kingman High School
Sonday, Cade 135-7 Cimarron High School
Barton, Breon 130-8 Colby High School
Homolka, Sumner 129-6 Ellsworth High School
Fall, Issac 126-7 Lyons High School
Rasmussen, Dalen 123-8 Larned High School
Johnson, Timmy 118-7 Lakin High School
Hammond, Kaden 117-7 Lyons High School
Mater, Colin 117-2 Hoisington High School
Moreno, Elvin 113-3 Lakin High School
Zavala, Christian 94-8 Chaparral
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Boys Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Dean 21-10 Norton Community High School
Rider, Ross 21-9 Lakin High School
Peerman, Jace 21-3.75 Russell High School
Guzman, Julian 20-7.5 Lyons High School
Robinson, Jason 20-6 Hoisington High School
Shinette, Noah 20-5 Goodland High School
WEBSTER, CHASE 20-3.5 Kingman High School
Strobel, Brayden 20-0 Russell High School
Beery, Lane 19-9 Cimarron High School
Giesenhagen, Kasey 19-8 Colby High School
Lebeau, Nathan 19-7 Scott Community High School
Cress, Donovan 19-4 Kingman High School
Mercado, Omar 19-4 Southwestern Heights High School
Barranca, Matrik 19-2.5 Cimarron High School
Elam, Lane 19-1.5 Larned High School
Tubbs, Guy 19-0 Colby High School
Ricker, Waylon 19-0 Scott Community High School
McGowan, Cooper 18-10.75 Ellsworth High School
Hall, Ej 18-7.75 Phillipsburg High School
Bergman, Cole 18-2.5 Chaparral
Purvis, LJ 18-1.75 Goodland High School
Funes, Adan 18-1 Southwestern Heights High School
Stolsworth, Jimmy 17-10.5 Chaparral
Babcock, Ryan 17-10 Phillipsburg High School
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Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ball, Josiah 14-6 Hoisington High School
Vulgamore, Camden 14-6 Scott Community High School
Murdock, Tate 13-9 Colby High School
Martinez, Greg 13-9 Holcomb High School
McDaniel, Collin 13-9 Scott Community High School
Vainerere, Hawk 13-6 Holcomb High School
Dierking, Trevor 12-0 Phillipsburg High School
Granado, Javian 12-0 Lakin High School
Ricker, Waylon 11-6 Scott Community High School
Strobel, Brayden 11-1 Russell High School
Schroeder, Eric 11-0 Colby High School
McCammon, Dravin 11-0 Chaparral
Keeten, Seth 11-0 Phillipsburg High School
Belden, Kade 10-9 Goodland High School
Peraza, Josue 9-6 Lakin High School
Purvis, LJ 9-6 Goodland High School
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Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oldham, Colter 54-11.5 Lakin High School
Kenney, Lucas 49-7.5 Norton Community High School
Hoffman, Caiden 49-1.5 Hoisington High School
Ihrig, Rhett 47-0 Goodland High School
Willour, Logan 46-11.5 Norton Community High School
Rodriguez, Rad 46-6 Phillipsburg High School
Cereceres, Jorge 45-9.25 Lyons High School
Knoll, Drayton 45-8 Holcomb High School
DAVIDSON, TRISTEN 43-2.75 Kingman High School
Fischer, Luke 42-10 Larned High School
BARBER, DALTON 42-7.5 Kingman High School
Edgington, Daryan 42-6.5 Lakin High School
Deines, Noah 42-4.5 Hoisington High School
Mesa, Damon 41-7 Holcomb High School
RODRIGUEZ, Jordan 41-2 Ellsworth High School
Berls, Mason 38-8.5 Goodland High School
Seeman, James 37-5 Larned High School
Starbuck, Hendrix 35-11.75 Lyons High School
Chesney, Derek 34-2 Russell High School
McCartney, Aiden 33-10.75 Russell High School
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Boys Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rider, Ross 47-1 Lakin High School
Clark, Dean 45-7.5 Norton Community High School
Reyes, Manny 43-6.5 Holcomb High School
Beery, Lane 42-3 Cimarron High School
Esquibel, Quincy 41-11 Lakin High School
Cravens, Will 41-4.5 Ellsworth High School
Shinette, Noah 41-0 Goodland High School
Clark, Jacob 40-9 Chaparral
Lebeau, Nathan 40-3.5 Scott Community High School
Tubbs, Boston 40-0 Colby High School
Pummell, Thomas 39-9.75 Russell High School
Czarnek, Kyler 39-8.5 Hoisington High School
Morales, Taylen 39-5 Hoisington High School
McGowan, Cooper 39-3 Ellsworth High School
Hall, Ej 39-0 Phillipsburg High School
Barranca, Matrik 39-0 Cimarron High School
WEBSTER, CHASE 39-0 Kingman High School
Elam, Lane 38-8.5 Larned High School
Mendez, Monce 38-2 Goodland High School
Salcido, Simon 37-3.25 Colby High School
Cress, Donovan 36-9.5 Kingman High School
Clydesdale, Derek 36-4.5 Norton Community High School
Glendening, Jaxon 31-6.5 Phillipsburg High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Purvis, Kamie 12.62 Goodland High School
Schemper, Heather 12.65 Phillipsburg High School
Urie, Erin 12.88 Lakin High School
Esquibel, Amari 12.98 Lakin High School
DEWEESE, MARISSA 13.04 Kingman High School
Mollendor, Addysin 13.07 Colby High School
Walker, Teagan 13.11 Larned High School
Beltz, Alexa 13.18 Larned High School
Santana, Jaylee 13.19 Holcomb High School
Mertens, Avery 13.21 Kingman High School
Jaeger, Amanda 13.36 Colby High School
Alvidrez, Mary Jane 13.46 Southwestern Heights High School
Belote, Caitlyn 13.52 Lyons High School
SANCHEZ, Magda 13.53 Southwestern Heights High School
Magana, Sammie 13.54 Holcomb High School
Goetz, Emily 13.54 Cimarron High School
Cervantes, Aleah 13.55 Cimarron High School
Hicks, Danica 13.63 Ellsworth High School
Merlau, Reese 13.68 Hoisington High School
Kastens, Emmery 13.71 Chaparral
Meecham, Grace 13.74 Chaparral
Clark, Ella 13.80 Norton Community High School
VanDerVeen, Chloe 13.80 Phillipsburg High School
Wright, Bella 13.84 Goodland High School
Loughry, Acelynn 13.94 Norton Community High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Edgington, Alyssa 15.63 Lakin High School
Herbert, Cara 15.77 Larned High School
Cure, Lindsey 15.78 Goodland High School
Hahn, Kylee 16.23 Hoisington High School
Ruder, Jenessa 16.36 Norton Community High School
Farmer, Shellamae 16.61 Hoisington High School
Kisner, Layla 16.70 Southwestern Heights High School
Peregrino, Priscilla 16.76 Scott Community High School
Smith, Elizabeth 17.24 Kingman High School
Hill, Auburn 17.28 Chaparral
Haxton, Elyse 17.34 Ellsworth High School
Francis, Tipton 17.41 Chaparral
Lundgren, Payton 17.74 Goodland High School
Walker, Teagan 17.76 Larned High School
Cox, Cara 17.77 Norton Community High School
McCombs, Jordan 17.90 Lakin High School
Schultz, Jessa 18.72 Ellsworth High School
Kaufman, Sophia 18.76 Kingman High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trujillo, Ozia 5:27.13 Southwestern Heights High School
PEARCE, MARY 5:32.41 Kingman High School
Fugitt, Janae 5:35.61 Cimarron High School
ALBRIGHT, ERIN 5:37.78 Kingman High School
Gabel, Jayslin 6:00.62 Goodland High School
Ardery, Jenera 6:01.67 Holcomb High School
Rumback, Savana 6:13.88 Norton Community High School
Collins, Ainsley 6:16.15 Norton Community High School
Poels, Gabby 6:24.26 Phillipsburg High School
Ortiz, Jordan 6:25.86 Lakin High School
Brown, Michaela 6:40.33 Phillipsburg High School
Schears, Audrey 6:41.64 Goodland High School
Kaiser, Vada 6:46.14 Hoisington High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schemper, Heather 25.88 Phillipsburg High School
Hagerman, Kaylee 26.49 Larned High School
Edgington, Alyssa 26.55 Lakin High School
Esquibel, Amari 27.00 Lakin High School
Schreibvogel, Madyson 27.05 Holcomb High School
Sides, Taryn 27.24 Phillipsburg High School
DEWEESE, MARISSA 27.34 Kingman High School
Urie, Erin 27.38 Lakin High School
Collins, Akielah 27.39 Larned High School
Martinez, Merlina 27.54 Southwestern Heights High School
Herbert, Cara 27.62 Larned High School
Purvis, Kamie 27.64 Goodland High School
Gross, Trinitti 27.66 Phillipsburg High School
Belote, Caitlyn 27.80 Lyons High School
Merlau, Reese 28.40h Hoisington High School
Holzmeister, Shaylee 28.77 Colby High School
Conner, Camryn 28.94 Holcomb High School
Meng, Claire 29.07 Kingman High School
Loughry, Acelynn 29.38 Norton Community High School
Linn, Kiara 29.44 Goodland High School
Kastens, Emmery 29.78 Chaparral
Meecham, Grace 29.95 Chaparral
Wederski, Natalie 30.17 Colby High School
Wait, Alise 30.77 Norton Community High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cure, Lindsey 47.34 Goodland High School
Rumback, Jaelyn 48.04 Norton Community High School
Jaeger, Amanda 48.99 Colby High School
Barton, Alisabeth 49.33 Colby High School
Kisner, Layla 49.39 Southwestern Heights High School
Farmer, Shellamae 49.44 Hoisington High School
Eskam, Taegan 49.65 Cimarron High School
Peregrino, Priscilla 49.89 Scott Community High School
Smith, Elizabeth 50.95 Kingman High School
Hahn, Kylee 51.78 Hoisington High School
Haxton, Elyse 52.01 Ellsworth High School
Jacobs, Kayla 52.40 Phillipsburg High School
Schultz, Jessa 52.97 Ellsworth High School
Vanderknapp, Annesophie 53.77 Lakin High School
Cox, Cara 53.79 Norton Community High School
Francis, Tipton 54.09 Chaparral
Kaufman, Sophia 57.11 Kingman High School
Spresser, Makalynn 59.26 Goodland High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
PEARCE, MARY 12:07.65 Kingman High School
Trujillo, Ozia 12:17.43 Southwestern Heights High School
Fugitt, Janae 12:32.14 Cimarron High School
Trout, Belle 12:41.48 Scott Community High School
Macias, Katrina 12:49.25 Holcomb High School
Saucedo, Hailey 13:06.51 Southwestern Heights High School
Gabel, Jayslin 13:29.39 Goodland High School
Greene, Veronica 13:34.78 Cimarron High School
Granberry, Lorelei 13:54.18 Norton Community High School
Ortiz, Jordan 14:00.21 Lakin High School
Schears, Audrey 14:30.69 Goodland High School
Parker, Ella 14:34.35 Holcomb High School
Rathbun, Kate 14:35.78 Ellsworth High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sides, Taryn 1:00.56 Phillipsburg High School
Gross, Trinitti 1:02.62 Phillipsburg High School
Elliott, Emma 1:02.82 Lyons High School
Ortiz, Josiah 1:04.51 Lakin High School
Ostberg, Grace 1:06.01 Lakin High School
Cure, Libby 1:07.41 Goodland High School
Meng, Claire 1:07.64 Kingman High School
Moore, Ja'Nee 1:07.69 Norton Community High School
Mollendor, Lillyin 1:07.99 Colby High School
Newell, Madison 1:08.31 Ellsworth High School
McDorman, Gracie 1:08.50h Kingman High School
Herrera, Elizabeth 1:09.00h Larned High School
Owens, Addison 1:09.74 Goodland High School
Schemper, Heather 57.52 Phillipsburg High School
Schreibvogel, Madyson 59.65 Holcomb High School
Wren, Kinleigh 59.74 Scott Community High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.44 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 50.98 Larned High School
Relay Team A 51.08 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 51.25 Kingman High School
Relay Team A 51.41 Colby High School
Relay Team A 52.13 Hoisington High School
Relay Team A 52.30 Southwestern Heights High School
Relay Team A 52.44 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 52.54 Cimarron High School
Relay Team A 52.57 Norton Community High School
Relay Team A 52.80 Lyons High School
Relay Team A 53.04 Goodland High School
Relay Team A 54.12 Chaparral
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:08.47 Phillipsburg High School
Relay Team A 4:12.34 Norton Community High School
Relay Team A 4:18.31 Kingman High School
Relay Team A 4:20.01 Holcomb High School
Relay Team A 4:20.25 Colby High School
Relay Team A 4:21.36 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 4:23.58 Southwestern Heights High School
Relay Team A 4:24.77 Larned High School
Relay Team A 4:27.58 Lakin High School
Relay Team A 4:29.61 Goodland High School
Relay Team A 4:34.81 Hoisington High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:09.43 Norton Community High School
Relay Team A 10:23.05 Southwestern Heights High School
Relay Team A 10:32.27 Kingman High School
Relay Team A 10:34.10 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 10:40.10 Goodland High School
Relay Team A 11:09.70 Holcomb High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
ALBRIGHT, ERIN 2:25.84 Kingman High School
Clydesdale, Mackenzie 2:25.87 Norton Community High School
Kisner, Layla 2:26.54 Southwestern Heights High School
Fugitt, Janae 2:26.59 Cimarron High School
Trujillo, Ozia 2:26.90 Southwestern Heights High School
Crowdis, Kynlie 2:28.83 Hoisington High School
Gabel, Jayslin 2:37.95 Goodland High School
VanDerVeen, Chloe 2:40.94 Phillipsburg High School
Biermann, Hope 2:41.26 Goodland High School
Ortiz, Josiah 2:42.50h Lakin High School
Carothers, Avry 2:43.89 Chaparral
Flanagin, Ali 2:44.92 Colby High School
Christner, Cora 2:46.72 Chaparral
Ardery, Jenera 2:47.23 Holcomb High School
Gossman, Brooklyn 2:49.40 Scott Community High School
Castillo, Valerya 2:50.20 Scott Community High School
White, Maile 2:54.22 Lakin High School
Kenney, Kyla 2:59.25 Phillipsburg High School
Birkenbaugh, Claire 3:00.36 Kingman High School
Kaiser, Vada 3:00.88 Hoisington High School
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Girls Discus 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Means, Kaelyn 131-2 Phillipsburg High School
Trout, Megan 108-11 Scott Community High School
Upson, Cadee 108-6 Larned High School
Dierking, Austin 107-0 Phillipsburg High School
BELL, MACKENZIE 106-2 Kingman High School
Stanley, Brenn 105-8 Colby High School
Perez, Brylee 102-5 Southwestern Heights High School
Hawks, Dylan 101-3 Norton Community High School
Sonday, Caitlyn 101-2 Cimarron High School
Hansen, Reagan 100-3 Ellsworth High School
Ney, Jaden 100-0 Russell High School
Lehman, Olivia 99-5 Goodland High School
Patterson, Macy 99-5 Russell High School
Bachman, Taegan 98-7.5 Lakin High School
Schilling, Jaylee 98-6 Cimarron High School
Owens, Jordin 97-5 Goodland High School
Puga, Libbi 96-9 Norton Community High School
Freund, Morgan 95-6 Kingman High School
Turnipseed, Kylan 94-4 Ellsworth High School
Upson, Cammy 93-4 Larned High School
Wahlmeier, Breckyn 87-11 Colby High School
Mijarez, Heidi 86-9.75 Southwestern Heights High School
Petersilie, Lexus 73-3 Hoisington High School
Petersilie, Kassy 69-9.5 Hoisington High School
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Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Cydney 5-4 Colby High School
Wederski, Natalie 5-2 Colby High School
Eskam, Taegan 5-2 Cimarron High School
Brown, Tatum 5-0 Scott Community High School
Ruder, Jenessa 5-0 Norton Community High School
Vanderknapp, Annesophie 5-0 Lakin High School
Birney, Aubrey 5-0 Russell High School
Newell, Madison 4-10 Ellsworth High School
Soukup, Katelyn 4-10 Ellsworth High School
Swartz, Brittany 4-10 Colby High School
Boese, Marianna 4-10 Lyons High School
Hahn, Kylee 4-8 Hoisington High School
Carrillo, Paola 4-8 Lakin High School
White, Maile 4-8 Lakin High School
Spresser, Makalynn 4-4 Goodland High School
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Girls Javelin 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cure, Lindsey 152-0 Goodland High School
Ruder, Jenessa 144-8 Norton Community High School
Turnipseed, Kylan 125-7 Ellsworth High School
Keeten, Karissa 117-1 Phillipsburg High School
Flanagin, Ali 116-11 Colby High School
Boyd, Nevaeh 111-1 Lyons High School
WENINGER, VALERIE 110-9 Kingman High School
Rose, Tara 110-2 Scott Community High School
Pflughoeft, Keeley 108-6.5 Ellsworth High School
Ney, Jaden 105-6 Russell High School
Miller, Mckayla 103-6 Cimarron High School
Galliart, Bella 101-5 Holcomb High School
Sowers, Johnna 101-0 Scott Community High School
Cure, Libby 100-9 Goodland High School
Hawks, Dylan 100-4.5 Norton Community High School
Freund, Morgan 100-3 Kingman High School
Groth, Brooke 99-2 Lakin High School
Stanley, Brenn 97-10 Colby High School
Koerner, Charlie 95-10 Holcomb High School
Bachman, Taegan 93-9 Lakin High School
Swartz, Kaylee 90-6 Chaparral
Boese, Marianna 89-6 Lyons High School
Billings, Jocelyn 83-0 Phillipsburg High School
Petersilie, Kassy 75-6 Hoisington High School
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Girls Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hagerman, Kaylee 17-9 Larned High School
Hagerman, Jayme 17-3 Larned High School
Mollendor, Addysin 16-11.5 Colby High School
Cervantes, Aleah 16-11 Cimarron High School
Mertens, Avery 16-9 Kingman High School
Tubbs, Liv 16-4.5 Colby High School
Hanlon, Dahn 16-4.5 Norton Community High School
Miller, Mckayla 16-3.25 Cimarron High School
Elliott, Emma 16-2.75 Lyons High School
Ramirez, Yamyle 15-11.25 Lyons High School
Vanderknapp, Annesophie 15-10.75 Lakin High School
Kruleski, Jera 15-10.7 Holcomb High School
Mollendor, Lillyin 15-7.25 Colby High School
Purvis, Kamie 15-5 Goodland High School
Hill, Auburn 15-5 Chaparral
Dautel, Danica 15-3.25 Goodland High School
Corman, Caydence 15-1 Phillipsburg High School
Keiswetter, KcAnna 14-8.25 Norton Community High School
White, Leah 14-5 Kingman High School
Davidson, Jara 14-3 Lakin High School
Billings, Brynn 13-8.75 Phillipsburg High School
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Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Farmer, Shellamae 11-9 Hoisington High School
Jarnagin, Kennedy 10-7 Cimarron High School
Edgington, Alyssa 10-0 Lakin High School
Martin, Marie 9-6 Goodland High School
Ney, Jaden 9-6 Russell High School
Corman, Caydence 9-3 Phillipsburg High School
Quintana, Gwenyth 9-0 Norton Community High School
Eskam, Morgan 8-6 Cimarron High School
Brooks, Hallie 8-3 Norton Community High School
Koerner, Charlie 8-0 Holcomb High School
Chavira, Reagan 8-0 Lakin High School
Banman, Samantha 8-0 Southwestern Heights High School
Macias, Katrina 7-6 Holcomb High School
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Girls Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dierking, Austin 39-6.75 Phillipsburg High School
Groth, Brooke 38-4.75 Lakin High School
Upson, Cadee 37-7.5 Larned High School
Puga, Libbi 36-10.75 Norton Community High School
Sonday, Caitlyn 36-6.5 Cimarron High School
Means, Kaelyn 36-6.25 Phillipsburg High School
Owens, Jordin 36-1 Goodland High School
Sowers, Johnna 35-11.75 Scott Community High School
Bachman, Taegan 35-1.25 Lakin High School
Felker, Erika 35-0 Scott Community High School
Upson, Cammy 34-9 Larned High School
Hansen, Reagan 33-11.25 Ellsworth High School
Stanley, Brenn 33-8 Colby High School
Nichols, Klarissa 33-5 Goodland High School
BELL, MACKENZIE 33-4 Kingman High School
Ohl, Rylan 33-0.75 Ellsworth High School
Patterson, Macy 31-9 Russell High School
Freund, Morgan 31-7 Kingman High School
Perez, Brylee 31-2 Southwestern Heights High School
Morales, Sonia 30-9.75 Southwestern Heights High School
Petersilie, Lexus 30-1 Hoisington High School
Gassmann, Abbie 29-9.25 Norton Community High School
Dreiling, Norah 28-11 Russell High School
Wahlmeier, Breckyn 27-5 Colby High School
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Girls Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hagerman, Jayme 37-7.75 Larned High School
Clydesdale, Mackenzie 35-4.5 Norton Community High School
Mertens, Avery 35-1 Kingman High School
Hagerman, Kaylee 34-8.5 Larned High School
Mooney, Mallory 34-8 Hoisington High School
Hanlon, Dahn 33-8 Norton Community High School
Swartz, Kaylee 33-4.75 Chaparral
Elliott, Emma 33-4.75 Lyons High School
Holzmeister, Shaylee 33-4.5 Colby High School
Vanderknapp, Annesophie 33-1.75 Lakin High School
McKee, Brylee 33-1.5 Colby High School
Swartz, Brittany 32-11.5 Colby High School
Esquibel, Amari 32-9 Lakin High School
Ramirez, Yamyle 32-7 Lyons High School
Dautel, Danica 31-11.5 Goodland High School
Kruleski, Jera 31-9.5 Holcomb High School
Birney, Aubrey 31-8.5 Russell High School
Owens, Addison 31-6 Goodland High School
Watkins, Shay 31-3 Kingman High School
Billings, Brynn 31-02.5 Phillipsburg High School
Boydston, Lexi 31-1.5 Phillipsburg High School
Carothers, Avry 30-7.5 Chaparral
Maier,, Kelsi 30-7 Hoisington High School
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