KSHSAA 4A Regional - Towanda Circle 2023

Towanda, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Rylan 10.93 Andale High School
Harp-Jackson, Gabe 10.93 El Dorado High School
Summers, Barry 11.06 El Dorado High School
McLaughlin, Luke 11.09 Rose Hill High School
Blackwell, Isaiah 11.09 Augusta High School
Williams, Cooper 11.16 Clearwater High School
Tate, Montel 11.26 Wellington High School
Branam, Skyler 11.43 Wellington High School
Colbert, Will 11.46 Clearwater High School
Bentley, Nicolas 11.56 Rose Hill High School
Kaus, Gage 11.67 Augusta High School
Kirby, Zach 11.69 Clearwater High School
Harp, Landon 11.70 Andale High School
Martin, Kayden 11.78 Wellington High School
Crank, Braxton 11.80 El Dorado High School
Bonewitz, Jay 11.87 Circle High School
Casa, Allesio 11.91 Andale High School
Oshea, Patrick 12.37 Rose Hill High School
Walker, Jackson 13.08 Mulvane High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cobb, Teagan 14.57 Rose Hill High School
Eck, Kelby 14.82 Andale High School
Potucek, Harrison 15.16 Andale High School
Johnson, Thomas 15.45 Augusta High School
Wallis, Connor 15.86 Rose Hill High School
Thiel, Trey 16.24 Winfield High School
Henry, Dylan 16.33 Rose Hill High School
Vallejo, Isaiah 16.44 Circle High School
Hommertzheim, Trey 16.77 Andale High School
Smith, Isaac 18.40 Clearwater High School
Caruthers, Kurtis 19.27 Mulvane High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Logan, Blake 4:26.04 Circle High School
Hunter, Dylan 4:40.09 Circle High School
White, Ryker 4:40.24 Augusta High School
Thompson, Mark 4:40.74 Winfield High School
Schmidt, Dawson 4:42.04 Augusta High School
Wilson, Jacob 4:50.71 Mulvane High School
Woods, Korbin 5:08.96 Rose Hill High School
Lovell, Sam 5:10.02 Rose Hill High School
Walker, Connor 5:15.11 Wellington High School
Arheart, Anthen 5:21.95 Rose Hill High School
Wylie, Luke 5:24.36 Wellington High School
Lough, Brodee 5:26.98 Wellington High School
Smith, Nikolas 5:28.59 Winfield High School
Madorin, Steven 5:38.77 Andale High School
Aronis, Morgan 5:43.29 Andale High School
Mohr, Joshua 5:48.58 Andale High School
Nolan, Chance 5:55.07 Mulvane High School
Waterman, Isaac 6:07.43 Mulvane High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Summers, Barry 22.38 El Dorado High School
White, Rylan 22.64 Andale High School
Harp-Jackson, Gabe 22.64 El Dorado High School
McLaughlin, Luke 22.69 Rose Hill High School
Tate, Montel 22.76 Wellington High School
Trosclair, Isaac 23.13 Clearwater High School
Blackwell, Isaiah 23.41 Augusta High School
Peffly, Ty 23.87 El Dorado High School
Peck, Ben 23.95 Rose Hill High School
Kaus, Gage 24.01 Augusta High School
Butts, Karson 24.01 Andale High School
Andree, Cale 24.08 Andale High School
Bentley, Nicolas 24.23 Rose Hill High School
Bonewitz, Jay 24.73 Circle High School
Caruthers, Kurtis 25.32 Mulvane High School
Armstrong, Jalik 25.45 Wellington High School
Beckwith, Tattan 25.66 Winfield High School
Inkelaar, James 25.66 Mulvane High School
Walker, Jackson 26.70 Mulvane High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Potucek, Harrison 41.00 Andale High School
Eck, Kelby 41.76 Andale High School
Wallis, Connor 41.96 Rose Hill High School
Johnson, Thomas 42.01 Augusta High School
Krehbiel, Jak 42.11 Andale High School
Thiel, Trey 43.04 Winfield High School
Henry, Dylan 43.33 Rose Hill High School
Lemasters, Jonah 46.46 Rose Hill High School
Inkelaar, James 48.24 Mulvane High School
Caruthers, Kurtis 49.44 Mulvane High School
Smith, Isaac 49.87 Clearwater High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hunter, Dylan 10:16.42 Circle High School
Thompson, Mark 10:19.58 Winfield High School
Schmidt, Dawson 10:23.68 Augusta High School
Owens, Andru 10:24.97 Winfield High School
Wilson, Johnathan 10:29.23 Mulvane High School
Lough, Hunter 10:36.70 Wellington High School
White, Ryker 10:37.83 Augusta High School
Cutler, Jack 10:44.69 Andale High School
Lovell, Sam 11:00.14 Rose Hill High School
Barry, Max 11:04.76 Clearwater High School
Hunt, Rome 11:30.50 Wellington High School
Wylie, Luke 11:51.98 Wellington High School
Logan, Blake 9:36.51 Circle High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harp-Jackson, Gabe 50.65 El Dorado High School
Landis, Hunter 51.52 Mulvane High School
Dieter, Patrick 51.71 Augusta High School
Peck, Ben 53.24 Rose Hill High School
Hatfield, Cooper 53.34 Wellington High School
LOEWEN, Myles 53.71 Circle High School
Woods, Korbin 53.73 Rose Hill High School
Schrandt, Ian 54.06 Andale High School
Jensen, Duke 54.18 El Dorado High School
Bentley, Nicolas 54.40 Rose Hill High School
Craft, Emery 55.80 Andale High School
Eggleston, Matthew 56.01 Mulvane High School
Aouad, Ian 56.55 Andale High School
Strader, Zander 57.52 Wellington High School
Heckert, Hunter 57.76 Mulvane High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.66 Rose Hill High School
Relay Team A 44.51 Andale High School
Relay Team A 44.59 Wellington High School
Relay Team A 44.82 Clearwater High School
Relay Team A 45.15 Augusta High School
Relay Team A 45.41 Circle High School
Relay Team A 47.20 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 47.48 Mulvane High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:32.51 Rose Hill High School
Relay Team A 3:36.00 Augusta High School
Relay Team A 3:36.44 Andale High School
Relay Team A 3:41.26 Clearwater High School
Relay Team A 3:41.31 Mulvane High School
Relay Team A 3:42.68 Wellington High School
Relay Team A 3:46.89 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 3:49.17 Circle High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:37.40 Augusta High School
Relay Team A 8:48.32 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 8:49.50 Wellington High School
Relay Team A 8:52.20 Rose Hill High School
Relay Team A 8:55.18 Andale High School
Relay Team A 9:05.45 Mulvane High School
Relay Team A 9:27.11 Clearwater High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Logan, Blake 1:57.74 Circle High School
Woods, Korbin 2:01.70 Rose Hill High School
Wilson, Jacob 2:04.80 Mulvane High School
Broadbent, Aiden 2:05.63 Augusta High School
Winter, Nicholas 2:06.71 Andale High School
Johnson, Michael 2:07.70 Augusta High School
Brown, Jaden 2:10.25 Winfield High School
Jensen, Duke 2:11 El Dorado High School
Thomas, Jase 2:11.21 Augusta High School
Burnison, Gage 2:16.24 Rose Hill High School
Easter, Toben 2:19.20 Andale High School
LaRue, Jonah 2:19.21 Mulvane High School
Arheart, Anthen 2:19.66 Rose Hill High School
Walker, Connor 2:22.27 Wellington High School
Baalmann, Kaden 2:24.85 Clearwater High School
Graff, Seth 2:25.20 Andale High School
Goff, Lex 2:29.63 Wellington High School
Lough, Brodee 2:30.00 Wellington High School
Smith, Nikolas 2:30.35 Winfield High School
Waterman, Isaac 2:46.16 Mulvane High School
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Boys Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marx, Riley 175-1 Andale High School
Marx, Cooper 149-9 Andale High School
Kraus, Jackson 149-5 Andale High School
Larimer, Bronson 134-0 El Dorado High School
Higdon, Kallen 124-0 Rose Hill High School
Tien, Andrew 122-4 Circle High School
Ede, Brogan 122-2 Clearwater High School
Haslett, Jackson 120-0 Clearwater High School
Elder, Milo 117-6 Wellington High School
Helpingstine, Andrew 114-4 Wellington High School
Dietrich, Chris 111-5 Mulvane High School
Kermode, Brayden 110-5 Circle High School
Stevens, Brody 110-3 Rose Hill High School
Armstrong, Jalik 108-6 Wellington High School
Schanz, Kampman 104-8 Mulvane High School
Hogan, Quinn 103-6 Circle High School
Jones, Sawyer 97-7 Augusta High School
Ford, Brodyn 97-0 Rose Hill High School
Ede, Tristan 94-10 Clearwater High School
Heersche, Rocky 92-9 Mulvane High School
Tipton, Corbin 89-1 Augusta High School
Stamback, Devon 82-3 Augusta High School
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Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harp-Jackson, Gabe 6-5 El Dorado High School
Richeson, Brayden 6-2 Andale High School
Blackwell, Isaiah 6-2 Augusta High School
Ayers, Morice 6-0 Wellington High School
Henry, Dylan 6-0 Rose Hill High School
Vallejo, Isaiah 5-10 Circle High School
Brown, Laykin 5-10 Wellington High School
Kelp, Brody 5-9 Andale High School
Smith, Kurtis 5-8 Augusta High School
Evans, Jace 5-8 Rose Hill High School
Dome, Bo 5-6 Andale High School
Bergkamp, Brayden 5-6 Clearwater High School
Oshea, Patrick 5-4 Rose Hill High School
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Boys Javelin 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marx, Riley 202-1 Andale High School
Meyer, Jonah 191-11 Andale High School
Marx, Cooper 176-0 Andale High School
Wittenberg, Levi 166-8 El Dorado High School
Martin, Caleb 154-1 Augusta High School
Haslett, Jackson 154-0 Clearwater High School
Evans, Jace 153-11 Rose Hill High School
Pfeifer, Logan 153-9.5 Augusta High School
Gibson, Kellen 149-9 Winfield High School
Ford, Brodyn 132-6 Rose Hill High School
Young, Gavin 132-4 Mulvane High School
Snell, Aiden 128-8 Clearwater High School
Schanz, Kampman 127-3 Mulvane High School
Ede, Brogan 126-7 Clearwater High School
Highbarger, Jaxon 125-11 Wellington High School
Gonzalez, Bryant 125-2 Winfield High School
Helpingstine, Andrew 120-1 Wellington High School
Ralston, Gavin 119-2 Augusta High School
Kelly, Evan 117-1 Wellington High School
Huynh, Andrew 116-10 Mulvane High School
Kline, Braden 113-5 Circle High School
Berryman, Drew 111-6 Circle High School
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Boys Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cobb, Teagan 23-7.25 Rose Hill High School
Tate, Montel 21-9 Wellington High School
Stillwell, Caden 20-8 Augusta High School
Rose, Westin 20-7.5 Circle High School
Wallis, Connor 20-6.5 Rose Hill High School
Walter, Jack 20-4 Clearwater High School
Schrandt, Ian 20-3 Andale High School
Eck, Kelby 20-2 Andale High School
Branam, Skyler 20-1.25 Wellington High School
Kline, Austin 19-4.5 Circle High School
Henry, Dylan 19-3 Rose Hill High School
White, Shay 18-11 Andale High School
Layton, Hunter 18-10 Clearwater High School
Gibson, Kellen 18-7.5 Winfield High School
Beckwith, Tattan 18-1 Winfield High School
Price, Sam 17-11 Augusta High School
Kaus, Gage 17-9.75 Augusta High School
Heckert, Hunter 17-8 Mulvane High School
Walker, Jackson 16-1.75 Mulvane High School
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Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Rylan 14-6 Andale High School
Horsch, Noah 13-0 Andale High School
Lane, Colt 13-0 Andale High School
Harmon, Logan 10-1 Winfield High School
Walter, Jack 10-0 Clearwater High School
Trosclair, Isaac 10-0 Clearwater High School
Sawyer, Dominic 9-3 Circle High School
Heckert, Hunter 9-3 Mulvane High School
Hall, Andy 8-9 Circle High School
Batten, Saben 8-3 Clearwater High School
Smith, Nikolas 7-5 Winfield High School
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Boys Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kraus, Jackson 51-10.5 Andale High School
Marx, Cooper 48-1 Andale High School
Larimer, Bronson 48-0 El Dorado High School
Jay, Cooper 45-8 Augusta High School
Bruce, Noah 43-0 Andale High School
Carroll, Devin 42-2 Augusta High School
Tien, Andrew 41-9 Circle High School
Madry, Kros 40-11 Winfield High School
Ralston, Gavin 40-0 Augusta High School
Higdon, Kallen 39-9.75 Rose Hill High School
Haslett, Jackson 39-1 Clearwater High School
Armstrong, Jamar 38-11.5 Wellington High School
Kline, Braden 38-10.5 Circle High School
Huynh, Andrew 37-5 Mulvane High School
Ramirez, Cayson 37-4 Wellington High School
Allred, Will 37-4 Clearwater High School
Schanz, Kampman 36-9.5 Mulvane High School
Berryman, Drew 36-5.5 Circle High School
Helpingstine, Andrew 35-11.5 Wellington High School
Taylor, Keegan 35-1 Rose Hill High School
Snell, Aiden 33-7 Clearwater High School
Heersche, Rocky 33-5 Mulvane High School
Cullom, Cavern 33-3.75 Rose Hill High School
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Boys Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eck, Kelby 43-4 Andale High School
Rose, Westin 41-6.25 Circle High School
Ayers, Morice 41-1.25 Wellington High School
Evans, Jace 40-3.5 Rose Hill High School
Stolz, Eli 40-3 Andale High School
Smith, Isaac 39-3.75 Clearwater High School
Layton, Hunter 39-1.5 Clearwater High School
Davis, Miles 38-10.75 Augusta High School
Scott, Max 38-7 Andale High School
Bergkamp, Brayden 37-11.5 Clearwater High School
D'Angelo, Ayden 36-7.5 Circle High School
Lemasters, Jonah 36-6.5 Rose Hill High School
Armstrong, Jalik 35-10.75 Wellington High School
Price, Sam 34-3.25 Augusta High School
Campbell, Landon 34-0 Wellington High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dare, Kate 12.47 Rose Hill High School
Winter, Camryn 12.50 Andale High School
Reichenberger, Betsy 12.65 Andale High School
Noland, Callie 12.83 Clearwater High School
Reichenberger, Kami 12.94 Wellington High School
Kelp, Laci 13.12 Andale High School
Gerten, Ashlyn 13.18 Wellington High School
Palmer, Keia 13.51 Rose Hill High School
Roberts, Jenna 13.75 Augusta High School
Harris, Leyla 13.75 Winfield High School
Gerber, Jaida 13.76 Mulvane High School
Johnston, Emmie 13.80 Augusta High School
Martin, Kynlee 13.84 Clearwater High School
Lee (25), Kyndal 13.87 Circle High School
Brown, Bridget 13.95 Augusta High School
Stanley, Cadence 14.32 Winfield High School
Everhart, Elle 14.33 Mulvane High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Madison 14.77 Clearwater High School
Walker, Bri 15.64 Wellington High School
McArtor, Kenzy 15.67 Clearwater High School
Meyer, Rylee 15.93 Andale High School
Camp, Piper 16.71 Andale High School
Lopez, Tatayanna 16.81 Winfield High School
Barb, Kaityn 17.00 Rose Hill High School
Moon, Cora 17.71 Winfield High School
Wooten, Lexi 18.12 Rose Hill High School
Horsch, Lauren 18.70 Andale High School
Nice, Layne 18.87 Circle High School
Flaton, Addison 19.34 Winfield High School
Storment, McKenzie 21.24 Mulvane High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trotter, Hayley 5:10.14 Clearwater High School
Jacobson, Brett 5:17.14 Circle High School
Myers, Kayli 5:27.31 Winfield High School
Unruh, Alison 5:41.43 Circle High School
Benavides, Gracelynn 5:44.42 Winfield High School
Lovell, Kimberlin 5:49.51 Rose Hill High School
Herod, Elliot 5:51.78 Rose Hill High School
Busch, Madison 5:59.61 Augusta High School
Marshall, Alexa 6:01.03 Rose Hill High School
Liess, Brynn 6:13.63 El Dorado High School
Brogan, Brooke 6:22.85 Winfield High School
OTTO, Adriana 6:31.26 Augusta High School
Earl, Taylor 6:34.69 Wellington High School
Vallejo, Marissa 6:34.70 Circle High School
Rau, Addi 6:37.04 Andale High School
Suiter, Kaitlyn 6:50.37 Andale High School
Parkey, Sawyer 6:52.49 Wellington High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schrandt, Maddie 25.03 Andale High School
Williams, Madison 25.85 Clearwater High School
Dare, Kate 26.14 Rose Hill High School
Reichenberger, Betsy 26.25 Andale High School
Wooten, Rylee 27.50 Rose Hill High School
Noland, Callie 27.58 Clearwater High School
Steven, Ava 28.66 Andale High School
Gerber, Jaida 29.10 Mulvane High School
Cundell, Haivynn 29.11 Circle High School
Roberts, Jenna 29.30 Augusta High School
Brown, Bridget 29.39 Augusta High School
Bilhimer, Mahalee 29.65 Rose Hill High School
Stanley, Cadence 29.90 Winfield High School
Everhart, Elle 31.02 Mulvane High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Storment, McKenzie 1:02.88 Mulvane High School
Williams, Madison 45.43 Clearwater High School
Meyer, Rylee 47.08 Andale High School
McArtor, Kenzy 47.19 Clearwater High School
Reichenberger, Kami 48.61 Wellington High School
Wooten, Rylee 49.95 Rose Hill High School
Meyer, Emma 51.63 Andale High School
Barb, Kaityn 51.96 Rose Hill High School
Wegerer, Katelyn 52.08 Andale High School
Wooten, Lexi 53.01 Rose Hill High School
Gocela, Sheena 54.00 Winfield High School
Lopez, Tatayanna 54.66 Winfield High School
Cotham, Ava 54.88 Clearwater High School
Flaton, Addison 56.98 Winfield High School
Moore, Jenna 59.82 Circle High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jacobson, Brett 11:11.17 Circle High School
Myers, Kayli 12:08.34 Winfield High School
Marshall, Alexa 12:27.03 Rose Hill High School
Unruh, Alison 12:30.83 Circle High School
Lovell, Kimberlin 12:33.43 Rose Hill High School
Busch, Madison 12:47.23 Augusta High School
Otto, Sophia 13:06.48 Augusta High School
Turner, Lauryn 13:10.62 Winfield High School
Herod, Emersyn 13:18.46 Rose Hill High School
Aimes, Electra 13:43.16 Clearwater High School
Ralph, Maddy 13:49.08 Andale High School
Stevens, Megan 14:34.91 Clearwater High School
Vallejo, Marissa 14:38.91 Circle High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Steven, Ava 1:02.50 Andale High School
Edwards, Tatum 1:02.91 Wellington High School
Metcalf, Presley 1:03.48 Wellington High School
Bilhimer, Mahalee 1:05.67 Rose Hill High School
Liess, Brynn 1:06.12 El Dorado High School
Fleming, Maeve 1:07.04 Augusta High School
Waltner, Sydney 1:07.23 Andale High School
Woods, Ryelle 1:07.60 Rose Hill High School
Sparks, Reagan 1:08.54 Mulvane High School
Larouche, Hailey 1:09.29 Clearwater High School
Edgerle, Lyric 1:09.62 Circle High School
Gerber, Jaida 1:10.85 Mulvane High School
Smith, Mattie 1:11.54 Winfield High School
Schrandt, Maddie 58.54 Andale High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.91 Andale High School
Relay Team A 50.67 Rose Hill High School
Relay Team A 50.68 Wellington High School
Relay Team A 51.26 Clearwater High School
Relay Team A 53.05 Circle High School
Relay Team A 54.10 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 54.71 Augusta High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:58.84 Andale High School
Relay Team A 4:04.78 Clearwater High School
Relay Team A 4:22.34 Wellington High School
Relay Team A 4:23.30 Rose Hill High School
Relay Team A 4:27.81 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 4:48.45 Circle High School
Relay Team A 4:49.12 Mulvane High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:17.65 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 10:19.12 Rose Hill High School
Relay Team A 11:06.41 Andale High School
Relay Team A 11:11.85 Circle High School
Relay Team A 11:35.98 Augusta High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trotter, Hayley 2:17.82 Clearwater High School
Jacobson, Brett 2:32.28 Circle High School
Benavides, Gracelynn 2:33.95 Winfield High School
Lee, Jessa 2:34.94 Rose Hill High School
Richert, Rhyanna 2:38.42 Winfield High School
Eck, Kate 2:40.57 Andale High School
Brogan, Brooke 2:41.93 Winfield High School
Liess, Brynn 2:42.25 El Dorado High School
Schwartz, Whitney 2:42.38 Andale High School
Wheeler, Lila 2:42.95 Rose Hill High School
Herod, Elliot 2:44.25 Rose Hill High School
Sparks, Reagan 2:45.81 Mulvane High School
Hennessy, Arwyn 2:46.45 Andale High School
OTTO, Adriana 2:52.30 Augusta High School
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Girls Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fairchild, Mckenzie 136-2 Andale High School
May, Emery 127-1 Andale High School
Jarmer, Jessa 108-3 Andale High School
Peters, Mason 108-2 Winfield High School
Jones, Cheyenne 106-4 El Dorado High School
Faudere, Keylee 106-0 El Dorado High School
Rockley, Addison 100-7 Rose Hill High School
Strange, Dalee 98-5 Wellington High School
Gregory, Kylan 98-0 Wellington High School
Westmorland, Kadence 97-5 Wellington High School
Barger, Mady 97-2 Rose Hill High School
Johnson, Emma 94-2 Circle High School
Woodrome, Zoe 93-0 Rose Hill High School
Hicks, Kasea 88-11 El Dorado High School
Dennison, Kylie 87-5 Circle High School
Flaton, Addison 83-1 Winfield High School
Patty, Brookelyn 81-3 Circle High School
Gonzalez, Loren 75-7 Mulvane High School
Miller, Hallacy 66-9 Mulvane High School
Smith, Brooke 62-9.5 Augusta High School
Smith, Nevaeh 60-6.5 Augusta High School
Fox, Payton 58-1 Mulvane High School
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Girls High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Erdwein, Piper 5-4 Circle High School
Horsch, Lexi 5-4 Andale High School
Gregory, Kylan 5-4 Wellington High School
Page, Lanie 5-2 Rose Hill High School
Zeka, Whitney 5-1 Wellington High School
Berlin, Justine 5-0 Clearwater High School
Lopez, Tatayanna 4-10 Winfield High School
Neely, Regan 4-10 Andale High School
Chmieleski, Kaiya 4-10 Clearwater High School
Barger, Dayleigh 4-10 Rose Hill High School
Barb, Kaityn 4-10 Rose Hill High School
Richert, Rhyanna 4-8 Winfield High School
Keller, Carly 4-8 Andale High School
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Girls Javelin 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fairchild, Mckenzie 155-9.75 Andale High School
Kuepker, Jenna 131-6.25 Andale High School
Kerschen, Kyrie 111-10 Andale High School
Clevenger, Camryn 110-6 Clearwater High School
Kirchoff-Jones, Kaelyn 105-7 Rose Hill High School
Cullens, Isabelle 104-9 Wellington High School
Johnson, Emma 103-0 Circle High School
Chmieleski, Autumn 102-0 Clearwater High School
Ybarra, Mikayla 100-5 Wellington High School
Kessler, Katelyn 95-0 Wellington High School
Richert, Rozlyn 93-8 Winfield High School
Hicks, Kasea 93-4 El Dorado High School
Barger, Dayleigh 92-0 Rose Hill High School
Kern, Emma 90-1 Circle High School
Rockley, Addison 88-2 Rose Hill High School
Miller, Hallacy 85-2 Mulvane High School
Mcginnis, Alicyn 85-0 Winfield High School
Smith, Brooke 62-9.5 Augusta High School
Gonzalez, Loren 60-2 Mulvane High School
Sweeney, Samantha 53-7 Mulvane High School
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Girls Long Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rowland, Grace 16-11 Andale High School
Meyer, Rylee 16-9 Andale High School
Orth, Taya 16-7 Andale High School
Page, Lanie 15-8.75 Rose Hill High School
Zeka, Whitney 15-4 Wellington High School
Johnston, Emmie 15-1 Augusta High School
Palmer, Keia 15-0 Rose Hill High School
Harris, Leyla 14-11.5 Winfield High School
Bilhimer, Mahalee 14-7.5 Rose Hill High School
Schnelle, Addison 14-6 Wellington High School
Stanley, Cadence 13-9.5 Winfield High School
Fairbairn, Giya 13-5.5 Circle High School
Dodd, Alyssa 13-5.5 Circle High School
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Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cutler, JoJo 11-0 Andale High School
Rowland, Claire 10-6 Andale High School
Cullens, Isabelle 10-3 Wellington High School
McCune, Sophia 9-6 Circle High School
Gocela, Sheena 9-0 Winfield High School
Horsch, Hally 8-6 Andale High School
Ginter, Claire 8-6 Wellington High School
Walker, Bri 8-0 Wellington High School
Chmieleski, Autumn 7-9 Clearwater High School
Chmieleski, Kaiya 7-6 Clearwater High School
Goldsmith, Carlee 7-0 Circle High School
Moon, Cora 6-5 Winfield High School
Smith, Mattie 5-6 Winfield High School
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Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fairchild, Mckenzie 42-9.25 Andale High School
Jones, Cheyenne 40-3 El Dorado High School
Dennison, Kylie 38-6.5 Circle High School
May, Emery 37-6 Andale High School
Struckman, Emily 35-1.5 Andale High School
Faudere, Keylee 33-9 El Dorado High School
Barger, Mady 33-3.5 Rose Hill High School
Hampton, Kaylee 33-3.5 Clearwater High School
Burnett, Natalie 33-2.25 Wellington High School
Ybarra, Mikayla 31-7 Wellington High School
Johnson, Emma 31-3.5 Circle High School
Sholander, Payton 30-10 Rose Hill High School
Rockley, Addison 30-4.5 Rose Hill High School
Richardson, Marianna 29-8 El Dorado High School
Mcginnis, Alicyn 28-2 Winfield High School
Richmond, Kasiah 26-5.75 Wellington High School
Miller, Hallacy 25-8 Mulvane High School
Smith, Nevaeh 25-5 Augusta High School
Gonzalez, Loren 24-8 Mulvane High School
Smith, Brooke 22-9.5 Augusta High School
Shriner, Laura 21-9 Winfield High School
Fox, Payton 19-9 Mulvane High School
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Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cullens, Isabelle 36-5 Wellington High School
Rowland, Grace 36-4 Andale High School
McArtor, Kenzy 35-10.5 Clearwater High School
Barb, Kaityn 33-7 Rose Hill High School
Waltner, Sydney 33-4 Andale High School
Norwood, Val 32-0.5 Wellington High School
Johnston, Emmie 32-0 Augusta High School
Barger, Dayleigh 31-4 Rose Hill High School
Schnelle, Addison 30-7 Wellington High School
Hamel, Lily 29-11 Circle High School
Aouad, Mia 29-11 Andale High School
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