Prairie Hills MS Participation Meet 2023

Buhler, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 5:00.00h McPherson Middle School
Relay Team A 5:30.00h Maize South Middle School
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Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:14.86 Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 2:28.17 Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 2:40.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 2:40.00h McPherson Middle School
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Girls 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Maize South Middle School
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Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A Valley Center Middle School
Relay Team A 2:20.00h McPherson Middle School
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Great Bend Middle School
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Middle School Boys 100 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Poole, Cameron Valley Center Middle School
Hunter, Brody Valley Center Middle School
Schomaker, Cannon Valley Center Middle School
Koehn, Devin Valley Center Middle School
Hartman, Jaydon 12.50h Maize South Middle School
Guevara-Chavez, Israel 13.00h Maize South Middle School
Riley, Lane 13.20h Maize South Middle School
Buzard, Quintin 13.57 Great Bend Middle School
Hansen, Quinn 14.20h Circle Middle School
Stevenson, Riley 14.30h Circle Middle School
Grove, Gage 14.30h Great Bend Middle School
Gomez, Lorenzo 14.50h Hutchinson Middle School
Shultz, Jackson 14.50h Circle Middle School
Bui, Gavin 14.50h Circle Middle School
Ford, Nakota 14.60 Hutchinson Middle School
Janzen, Tucker 14.60h Circle Middle School
Riley , Gavin 14.60h Maize South Middle School
Barlow, Mason 14.61 Hutchinson Middle School
Holinde, Corbyn 14.62 Great Bend Middle School
Fanshier, Cole 14.70h Great Bend Middle School
Johnson-Millirons, Xavier 14.76 Great Bend Middle School
Garcia, Noah 14.80h McPherson Middle School
Allen, Andy 14.90h Great Bend Middle School
Papacek, Asher 15.00h Maize South Middle School
Whitley-Roth, Elijah 15.03 Hutchinson Middle School
Williams, Kale 15.06 Prairie Hills Middle School
Simmelink, Bryant 15.10h McPherson Middle School
Phillips, Gevari 15.13 Hutchinson Middle School
Unruh, Adrian 15.14 McPherson Middle School
Wondra, Jaxon 15.16 Great Bend Middle School
Cheek, Traye 15.20h Circle Middle School
Urban, Cade 15.20h Great Bend Middle School
Maxwell, Lucas 15.30h Prairie Hills Middle School
Logan, Beau 15.32 Hutchinson Middle School
Hancock, Kynasen 15.56 McPherson Middle School
Gunn, Dylan 15.60h McPherson Middle School
Fetsch, Dylan 16.19 McPherson Middle School
Nelson, Isaac 16.47 McPherson Middle School
Sanders, Kelton 16.72 McPherson Middle School
Speaks, Kyler 16.90 Hutchinson Middle School
Conley, Tyler 17.00h Maize South Middle School
Coleman, Camden 17.19 Haysville West Middle School
Adams, Brandon 17.69 Prairie Hills Middle School
Chet, Jaime 18.00 Hutchinson Middle School
Anderson, Chevy 19.01 Prairie Hills Middle School
Theriot, Aiden 19.93 Prairie Hills Middle School
Gil, Jasiel 20.00h Maize South Middle School
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Middle School Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flinn, Charles Valley Center Middle School
Wedel, Ashton Valley Center Middle School
Morris, Abram Valley Center Middle School
Holinde, Corbyn 18.99 Great Bend Middle School
Fetsch, Dylan 20.00h McPherson Middle School
Unruh, Adrian 20.00h McPherson Middle School
Nelson, Isaac 20.00h McPherson Middle School
Postier, Kaleb 20.00h McPherson Middle School
Jeter, John 20.00h Maize South Middle School
Keener, Heath 20.00h Maize South Middle School
Berggren, McKoy 20.00h McPherson Middle School
Harding, Trenton 20.44 Prairie Hills Middle School
Boysen, Lincoln 21.00h Maize South Middle School
Ibarra, Cruz 21.32 Hutchinson Middle School
Burger, Conor 21.84 Circle Middle School
Bui, Gavin 21.87 Circle Middle School
Burns, Paxton 23.00h Maize South Middle School
Spencer, Roman 23.10h Circle Middle School
Leiker, Jackson 23.45 Great Bend Middle School
Waldmeier, Lawson 23.50h Circle Middle School
McNary, Isaiah 23.90h Circle Middle School
Keshchen, Connor 24.30h Circle Middle School
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Middle School Boys 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richter, Kaito 5:39.00h Great Bend Middle School
Aldana, Issac 6:01.00h Great Bend Middle School
Coleman, Parker 6:02.00h Great Bend Middle School
Gazaway, Ben 6:02.15 Prairie Hills Middle School
Hutton, Eli 6:20.00h Maize South Middle School
Rakestraw, Thatcher 6:30.00h Maize South Middle School
Harrington, Blake 6:35.00h McPherson Middle School
Spencer, Roman 6:40.86 Circle Middle School
Blazewicz, Til 6:48.00h Circle Middle School
Johnson, Lennon 6:51.00h Great Bend Middle School
Hijazi, Rafy 7:00.00h Maize South Middle School
Thomas, D'Vonte 7:02.00h Great Bend Middle School
Meritt, Colton 7:03.14 Haysville West Middle School
Harding, Trenton 7:14.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Castruita, Ramon 7:34.00h Great Bend Middle School
Lira, Edwardo 7:41.96 Haysville West Middle School
Lawrence, Anthony 7:46.00h Great Bend Middle School
Kalivoda, Dylon 7:58.00h Great Bend Middle School
Garrett, Mickey 8:00.00h Maize South Middle School
Weaver, Elijah 8:17.12 Haysville West Middle School
Sheler, Dawson 8:20.18 Haysville West Middle School
May, Collin 8:38.44 Circle Middle School
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Middle School Boys 200 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Koehn, Devin Valley Center Middle School
Poole, Cameron Valley Center Middle School
Johnson, Blake Valley Center Middle School
Hunter, Brody Valley Center Middle School
Lentz, Talon Valley Center Middle School
Hartman, Jaydon 27.00h Maize South Middle School
Krier, Leo 27.35 Great Bend Middle School
Buzard, Quintin 28.25 Great Bend Middle School
Garcia, Noah 29.80h McPherson Middle School
Gomez, Lorenzo 30.00 Hutchinson Middle School
Valadez, Yahir 30.00h McPherson Middle School
Hancock, Kynasen 30.00h McPherson Middle School
Simmelink, Bryant 30.00h McPherson Middle School
Postier, Kaleb 30.00h McPherson Middle School
Hansen, Quinn 30.20h Circle Middle School
Riley, Lane 30.30h Maize South Middle School
Nelson, Isaac 31.00h McPherson Middle School
Keller, Cameron 31.00h Maize South Middle School
Papacek, Asher 31.00h Maize South Middle School
Urban, Cade 31.04 Great Bend Middle School
Harding, Trenton 31.10h Prairie Hills Middle School
Shultz, Jackson 31.20h Circle Middle School
Wondra, Jaxon 31.30h Great Bend Middle School
Phillips, Gevari 31.63 Hutchinson Middle School
Simon, Kolyn 32.00h McPherson Middle School
Janzen, Tucker 32.00h Circle Middle School
Grove, Gage 32.00h Great Bend Middle School
Whitley-Roth, Elijah 32.03 Hutchinson Middle School
Mazouch, Mark 32.12 Great Bend Middle School
Allen, Andy 32.60h Great Bend Middle School
Davis, James 32.87 Prairie Hills Middle School
Barlow, Mason 32.87 Hutchinson Middle School
Williams, Kale 33.26 Prairie Hills Middle School
Ford, Nakota 33.37 Hutchinson Middle School
Logan, Beau 33.65 Hutchinson Middle School
Keller, Carson 34.00h Maize South Middle School
Speaks, Kyler 34.20 Hutchinson Middle School
Cheek, Traye 34.20h Circle Middle School
Nugent, Nate 34.48 Prairie Hills Middle School
Stevenson, Riley 34.50h Circle Middle School
Maxwell, Lucas 34.51 Prairie Hills Middle School
Leiker, Jackson 34.60h Great Bend Middle School
Ward, Ryker 35.00h McPherson Middle School
Coleman, Camden 35.00h Haysville West Middle School
Johnson, Kyren 37.00h Maize South Middle School
Cornette, Trent 37.00h Maize South Middle School
Chet, Jaime 39.64 Hutchinson Middle School
Anderson, Chevy 44.69 Prairie Hills Middle School
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Middle School Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris, Abram Valley Center Middle School
Wedel, Ashton Valley Center Middle School
Flinn, Charles Valley Center Middle School
Holinde, Corbyn 33.81 Great Bend Middle School
Jeter, John 34.00h Maize South Middle School
Guinn, Brandon 35.00 Haysville West Middle School
Keener, Heath 35.00h Maize South Middle School
Melton, Carter 37.00h McPherson Middle School
Burger, Conor 38.40 Circle Middle School
Leiker, Jackson 38.81 Great Bend Middle School
Craig, Ryan 39.37 Haysville West Middle School
Williams, Kale 39.58 Prairie Hills Middle School
Berggren, McKoy 40.00h McPherson Middle School
Harlin, Colt 40.00h McPherson Middle School
Burns, Paxton 41.00h Maize South Middle School
Bui, Gavin 41.64 Circle Middle School
Waldmeier, Lawson 41.72 Circle Middle School
McNary, Isaiah 42.30h Circle Middle School
Spencer, Roman 43.00h Circle Middle School
Keshchen, Connor 43.00h Circle Middle School
Ibarra, Cruz 45.00h Hutchinson Middle School
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Middle School Boys 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gazaway, Ben 12:40.11 Prairie Hills Middle School
Coleman, Parker 12:49.00 Great Bend Middle School
Galvez, Alex 13:15.00 Great Bend Middle School
Dalton, Keegan 13:30.00 Maize South Middle School
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Middle School Boys 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Krier, Leo 1:01.00h Great Bend Middle School
Andrasek, Colton 1:07.00h Great Bend Middle School
Hartman, Jaydon 1:10.00h Maize South Middle School
Nugent, Nate 1:12.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Baker, Zac 1:12.00h Maize South Middle School
Mendez, Brady 1:12.00h Great Bend Middle School
Boysen, Lincoln 1:13.00h Maize South Middle School
Riley , Gavin 1:13.00h Maize South Middle School
Winkelbauer, Will 1:14.00h Maize South Middle School
Mansfield, Elliott 1:14.00h Maize South Middle School
Davis, James 1:15.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Gomez, Lorenzo 1:15.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Burger, Conor 1:17.15 Circle Middle School
Bauer, Finn 1:18.00h McPherson Middle School
Smith, Chace 1:18.00h McPherson Middle School
Harrington, Blake 1:18.00h McPherson Middle School
Maxwell, Lucas 1:18.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Burk, Grady 1:18.00h McPherson Middle School
Rosas, Kaden 1:18.00h McPherson Middle School
Hansen, Quinn 1:19.15 Circle Middle School
Francisco-Pedro, Jorge 1:20.00h McPherson Middle School
Blazewicz, Til 1:20.00h Circle Middle School
Coleman, Camden 1:23.07 Haysville West Middle School
Hamilton, Kristian 1:24.20h Circle Middle School
Lehl, Briar 1:25.00h Maize South Middle School
Lehr, Gunnar 1:25.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Packard, Blake 1:30.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Speaks, Kyler 1:30.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Anderson, Chevy 1:30.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Lawrence, Anthony 1:31.00h Great Bend Middle School
Johnson, Kyren 1:35.00h Maize South Middle School
Adams, Brandon 1:42.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
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Middle School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Valley Center Middle School
Relay Team A 1:00.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 1:00.00h McPherson Middle School
Relay Team A 1:05.00h McPherson Middle School
Relay Team A 1:30.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 48.85 Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 53.65 Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 53.65 Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 57.26 Great Bend Middle School
Relay Team A 58.16 Great Bend Middle School
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Middle School Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Valley Center Middle School
Relay Team A 1:54.09 Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 1:57.48 Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 1:57.48 Haysville West Middle School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h McPherson Middle School
Relay Team A 2:15.00h Great Bend Middle School
Relay Team A 2:20.00h McPherson Middle School
Relay Team A 2:40.00h Maize South Middle School
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Middle School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:21.00h Great Bend Middle School
Relay Team A 4:43.00h Great Bend Middle School
Relay Team A 5:00.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 5:10.00h Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 5:20.00h McPherson Middle School
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Middle School Boys 800 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richter, Kaito 2:34.00h Great Bend Middle School
Blazewicz, Til 2:41.21 Circle Middle School
Guinn, Brandon 2:50.00h Haysville West Middle School
Aldana, Issac 2:56.00h Great Bend Middle School
Rakestraw, Thatcher 2:58.00h Maize South Middle School
Hutton, Eli 2:58.00h Maize South Middle School
Galvez, Alex 2:59.00h Great Bend Middle School
Palacious, Achilles 3:00.00h McPherson Middle School
Lehr, Gunnar 3:00.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Harding, Trenton 3:07.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Hijazi, Rafy 3:09.00h Maize South Middle School
Dalton, Keegan 3:10.00h Maize South Middle School
Hansen, Quinn 3:11.13 Circle Middle School
Bui, Gavin 3:12.50 Circle Middle School
Harrington, Blake 3:13.00h McPherson Middle School
Edwards, Noah 3:14.31 Circle Middle School
Meritt, Colton 3:15.82 Haysville West Middle School
Smith, Chace 3:17.00h McPherson Middle School
Johnson, Lennon 3:17.00h Great Bend Middle School
Thomas, D'Vonte 3:24.00h Great Bend Middle School
Lira, Edwardo 3:30.67 Haysville West Middle School
Lawrence, Anthony 3:33.00h Great Bend Middle School
Weaver, Elijah 3:37.74 Haysville West Middle School
Castruita, Ramon 3:38.00h Great Bend Middle School
Sheler, Dawson 3:42.99 Haysville West Middle School
Kalivoda, Dylon 3:50.00h Great Bend Middle School
Burk, Grady 4:00.00h McPherson Middle School
Rosas, Kaden 4:00.00h McPherson Middle School
Garrett, Mickey 4:00.00h Maize South Middle School
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Middle School Boys Discus 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stein, Blake 74-2 Great Bend Middle School
Maddox, Gavynn 73-10.5 Great Bend Middle School
Kern, Kale 67-2.25 Great Bend Middle School
Phillips, Gevari 67-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Francisco-Pedro, Jorge 66-11 McPherson Middle School
Apley, Slayde 66-2.25 Great Bend Middle School
Hein, Braxton 64-0 Maize South Middle School
Ditch, Antonio 63-10 Haysville West Middle School
Steffan, Maxx 63-0 Great Bend Middle School
Melton, Carter 62-9 McPherson Middle School
Payton, Jonah 62-0 Maize South Middle School
Harlin, Colt 61-3 McPherson Middle School
Shultz, Jackson 61-1.5 Circle Middle School
Bray, Keeton 61-0 Great Bend Middle School
Luttrell, Sullivan 59-0 Great Bend Middle School
Ediger, Henry 58-7 Hutchinson Middle School
Keller, Cameron 58-0 Maize South Middle School
Smith, Gavin 58-0 Maize South Middle School
Lira, Edwardo 57-4.5 Haysville West Middle School
Marrs, Carson 56-9 Haysville West Middle School
Diaz, Jean 56-8 McPherson Middle School
Fenske, Alex 55-10.75 Circle Middle School
Bauer, Finn 55-0 McPherson Middle School
Palacious, Achilles 54-4 McPherson Middle School
Hampton, Karter 53-5 Haysville West Middle School
Fiser, Nixon 53-2 Haysville West Middle School
Berggren, McKoy 53-1 McPherson Middle School
Owen, Hogan 50-2 Circle Middle School
Railey, Theron 50-0 Haysville West Middle School
Davis, James 50-0 Prairie Hills Middle School
Stockman, Alex 50-0 Maize South Middle School
Stockman, Eddie 50-0 Maize South Middle School
Nugent, Nate 48-8 Prairie Hills Middle School
Vega, Ethan 48-1 Circle Middle School
Merrick, Corey 48-0.5 Circle Middle School
Spence, Hunter 47-5 Circle Middle School
Adams, Brandon 46-0 Prairie Hills Middle School
Theriot, Aiden 45-7 Prairie Hills Middle School
Gobel, Cord 45-3 Circle Middle School
Marr, Drayden 45-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Williams, Kale 44-10 Prairie Hills Middle School
Achilles, Daniel 42-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Wadud, Nick 40-0 Maize South Middle School
Clark, Reggie 24-11 McPherson Middle School
Howe, Gavin 20-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Bryant, Trey 20-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Child, Jackson Valley Center Middle School
Wert, Dylan Valley Center Middle School
Morse, Jalen Valley Center Middle School
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Middle School Boys High Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Krier, Leo 4-10 Great Bend Middle School
Weaver, Elijah 4-4 Haysville West Middle School
Richter, Kaito 4-2 Great Bend Middle School
Maxwell, Lucas 4-0 Prairie Hills Middle School
Dalton, Keegan 4-0 Maize South Middle School
Berggren, McKoy 4-0 McPherson Middle School
Mendez, Kurt 4-0 McPherson Middle School
Burk, Grady 4-0 McPherson Middle School
Mazouch, Mark 4-0 Great Bend Middle School
Urban, Cade 4-0 Great Bend Middle School
Luttrell, Sullivan 4-0 Great Bend Middle School
Berger, Eli 3-8 Hutchinson Middle School
Edwards, Noah 3-8 Circle Middle School
Minton, Jackson 3-2 Circle Middle School
Spencer, Roman 3-2 Circle Middle School
Pelnar, Liam 3-2 Circle Middle School
Lindberg, Gabe 3-2 Circle Middle School
Hunter, Brody Valley Center Middle School
Fehrenbach, Barrett Valley Center Middle School
Johnson, Blake Valley Center Middle School
Kepley, Griffin Valley Center Middle School
Lentz, Talon Valley Center Middle School
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Middle School Boys Long Jump 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Andrasek, Colton 15-0 Great Bend Middle School
Kern, Kale 14-9 Great Bend Middle School
Holinde, Corbyn 14-5 Great Bend Middle School
Stevenson, Riley 14-1 Circle Middle School
Johnson-Millirons, Xavier 14-0 Great Bend Middle School
Thomas, D'Vonte 14-0 Great Bend Middle School
Simon, Kolyn 13-7 McPherson Middle School
Winkelbauer, Will 13-0 Maize South Middle School
Unruh, Adrian 13-0 McPherson Middle School
Melton, Carter 12-8 McPherson Middle School
Harrington, Blake 12-8 McPherson Middle School
Bauer, Finn 12-5 McPherson Middle School
Dalton, Keegan 12-0 Maize South Middle School
Spotted Elk, Carson 12-0 McPherson Middle School
Valadez, Yahir 11-8 McPherson Middle School
Ward, Ryker 11-6 McPherson Middle School
Speaks, Kyler 11-2 Hutchinson Middle School
Barlow, Mason 11-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Logan, Beau 11-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Minton, Jackson 10-5 Circle Middle School
Baker, Zac 10-0 Maize South Middle School
Chet, Jaime 10-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Miller, Rick 10-0 Circle Middle School
Burger, Conor 10-0 Circle Middle School
Edwards, Noah 10-0 Circle Middle School
Calhoun, Mason 9-11 Haysville West Middle School
Hamilton, Kristian 9-9 Circle Middle School
Narcisco-, Pablo 9-7 Circle Middle School
Adams, Brandon 9-5 Prairie Hills Middle School
Bui, Gavin 9-3.5 Circle Middle School
Sheler, Dawson 9-0 Haysville West Middle School
Fields, Colten 9-0 Haysville West Middle School
Meritt, Colton 9-0 Haysville West Middle School
Greenwood, Graden Valley Center Middle School
Koehn, Devin Valley Center Middle School
Poole, Cameron Valley Center Middle School
Avila, Deakon Valley Center Middle School
Morris, Abram Valley Center Middle School
Schomaker, Cannon Valley Center Middle School
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Middle School Boys Shot Put 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keller, Cameron 31-1 Maize South Middle School
Smith, Gavin 30-0 Maize South Middle School
Kern, Kale 29-0 Great Bend Middle School
Hein, Braxton 28-0 Maize South Middle School
Maddox, Gavynn 27-2.5 Great Bend Middle School
Lira, Edwardo 27-1.5 Haysville West Middle School
Payton, Jonah 26-3 Maize South Middle School
Stockman, Alex 26-2 Maize South Middle School
Apley, Slayde 26-0.25 Great Bend Middle School
Marrs, Carson 25-7 Haysville West Middle School
Phillips, Gevari 25-4 Hutchinson Middle School
Ditch, Antonio 25-0 Haysville West Middle School
Stein, Blake 24-6.5 Great Bend Middle School
Shultz, Jackson 22-11.5 Circle Middle School
Railey, Theron 22-9 Haysville West Middle School
Nugent, Nate 22-8 Prairie Hills Middle School
Bauer, Finn 22-2.5 McPherson Middle School
Pankratz, Elijah 22-2 McPherson Middle School
Hampton, Karter 21-9 Haysville West Middle School
Diaz, Jean 21-8 McPherson Middle School
Hamblin, Holton 21-6.5 McPherson Middle School
Phillips, Hayden 21-6 McPherson Middle School
Spence, Hunter 20-11 Circle Middle School
Corcoran, Eli 20-6 McPherson Middle School
Davis, James 20-5 Prairie Hills Middle School
Marr, Drayden 20-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Tuchardt, Jayden 20-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Steffan, Maxx 20-0 Great Bend Middle School
Luttrell, Sullivan 20-0 Great Bend Middle School
Bray, Keeton 20-0 Great Bend Middle School
Theriot, Aiden 19-8 Prairie Hills Middle School
Bohlen, Lucas 19-6 Hutchinson Middle School
Achilles, Daniel 19-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Fenske, Alex 19-0 Circle Middle School
Stockman, Eddie 18-11 Maize South Middle School
Waldmeier, Lawson 18-7 Circle Middle School
Malashuchk, Gibson 18-7 Hutchinson Middle School
Gobel, Cord 18-6 Circle Middle School
Mendez, Kurt 17-1.5 McPherson Middle School
Clark, Reggie 15-0 McPherson Middle School
Perez, Aidan 15-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Vega, Ethan 15-0 Circle Middle School
Narcisco-, Pablo 14-8 Circle Middle School
Wadud, Nick 13-1 Maize South Middle School
Child, Jackson Valley Center Middle School
Wert, Dylan Valley Center Middle School
Morse, Jalen Valley Center Middle School
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Middle School Girls 100 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
L'Ecuyer, Makayla Valley Center Middle School
Winter, Emberlynn Valley Center Middle School
Casad, Anabelle Valley Center Middle School
Gibbs, Paige Valley Center Middle School
White, Rhea 0 Valley Center Middle School
Bouthillette, Addison 0 Valley Center Middle School
Banuelos, Deisy 0 Valley Center Middle School
Rounsaville, Araeya 0 Valley Center Middle School
Leu, Karys 13.69 Great Bend Middle School
Moen, Emma 14.59 Maize South Middle School
Cram, Anni 14.80h Prairie Hills Middle School
Mazouch, Meredith 14.84 Great Bend Middle School
Fisher, Emma 14.90h Prairie Hills Middle School
Unruh, Kinley 14.96 Maize South Middle School
Goodspeed, Annaleese 15.00h Haysville West Middle School
Kerschen, Sophie 15.00h Haysville West Middle School
Guinn, Kiernan 15.00h Haysville West Middle School
McEachern, Lillian 15.10h Maize South Middle School
Shull, Kortny 15.20h Great Bend Middle School
Feist, Brooklyn 15.21 Maize South Middle School
Stokes-Rose, Jordyn 15.30h Prairie Hills Middle School
Allen, Emily 15.40h Prairie Hills Middle School
Hickel, Bella 15.50h Prairie Hills Middle School
Cabrera, Deznie 15.58 Hutchinson Middle School
Bartholomew, Adriana 15.60h Prairie Hills Middle School
Mencl, Lainey 15.70h Prairie Hills Middle School
Garcia, Addi 15.71 Maize South Middle School
Whitley, Emilee 15.90 Circle Middle School
Smith, Adelle 16.17 Great Bend Middle School
Miller, Sadie 16.25 Maize South Middle School
Loewen, Kiera 16.36 Circle Middle School
Wilson, Chloe 16.40h McPherson Middle School
Flora, Lexi 16.58 Circle Middle School
Feil, Ally 16.75 Great Bend Middle School
Perez, Valeria 17.00 Hutchinson Middle School
Clanton, Aaliyah 17.00h Maize South Middle School
Dickman, Kira 17.12 Hutchinson Middle School
Miller, Ava 17.19 McPherson Middle School
Riggle, Phoenix 17.39 Circle Middle School
Crawford, Alexandria 17.50h Circle Middle School
Farley, Christy 17.53 McPherson Middle School
Wall, Taylen 17.69 McPherson Middle School
Pogue, Harper 17.70h Circle Middle School
Banker, Karter 17.75 Hutchinson Middle School
Pal, Priyanka 17.90h Circle Middle School
Stewart, Loni 18.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Rubright, Luci 18.00h Circle Middle School
Parkins, Avah 18.30h McPherson Middle School
Reno, Emily 18.47 McPherson Middle School
Morris, Jaci 18.54 Great Bend Middle School
Weigel, Caydence 19.88 Hutchinson Middle School
Moeder, Victoria 20.09 Great Bend Middle School
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Middle School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Youngers, Kinslee Valley Center Middle School
Woolsoncroft, Lauren Valley Center Middle School
Bott-Williams, Drea Maize South Middle School
Moore, Tatum Valley Center Middle School
Wint, Lexi Valley Center Middle School
Rains, Rhyz 0.00 Maize South Middle School
Hatch, Megan 20.03 Prairie Hills Middle School
Mayers, Alexandra 20.17 Great Bend Middle School
Odom, Chloe 20.85 Circle Middle School
Ellegood, Micah 21.00h Great Bend Middle School
Minton, Mikala 21.00h Great Bend Middle School
Whitley, Emilee 23.38 Circle Middle School
Baker, Brenna 23.78 Circle Middle School
Nokes, Ella 25.00h Great Bend Middle School
Schaub, Lydia 25.50h Great Bend Middle School
Demel, Kaydence 25.50h Great Bend Middle School
Barker, Aryia 26.01 Circle Middle School
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Middle School Girls 1600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dalton, Kiersten 10:00.00 Valley Center Middle School
Negaard, Samantha 6:35.00h Great Bend Middle School
Cooley, Brooklyn 7:00.00h Great Bend Middle School
James, Sydney 7:00.00h Great Bend Middle School
Poblano, Melanie 7:00.00h Great Bend Middle School
Liebl, Quinn 7:23.00h McPherson Middle School
Carey, Rylynn 7:36.60 Hutchinson Middle School
Burns, Andrea 7:36.60 Hutchinson Middle School
Meier, Layla 8:00.00h Maize South Middle School
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Middle School Girls 200 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Casad, Anabelle Valley Center Middle School
L'Ecuyer, Makayla Valley Center Middle School
Rounsaville, Araeya 0 Valley Center Middle School
Brookshire, Nathalia 0 Valley Center Middle School
Bogle, Vera 0 Valley Center Middle School
Olivares, Jasmine 0 Valley Center Middle School
Leu, Karys 31.08 Great Bend Middle School
Cabrera, Deznie 31.16 Hutchinson Middle School
Post, Camdyn 31.92 Great Bend Middle School
Banker, Karter 32.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Wilson, Chloe 32.40h McPherson Middle School
Leyva, Keira 32.54 Great Bend Middle School
Miller, Ava 32.72 McPherson Middle School
Teter, Koralyn 33.00h Maize South Middle School
Loewen, Kiera 33.20h Circle Middle School
Fisher, Emma 33.40h Prairie Hills Middle School
McDowell, Kalia 33.84 Prairie Hills Middle School
Goodspeed, Annaleese 34.00h Haysville West Middle School
Kerschen, Sophie 34.00h Haysville West Middle School
Guinn, Kiernan 34.00h Haysville West Middle School
Shull, Kortny 34.07 Great Bend Middle School
Espinoza, Jasmine 34.18 Maize South Middle School
Flora, Lexi 34.36 Circle Middle School
Thiessen, Ella 34.40h Prairie Hills Middle School
Stokes-Rose, Jordyn 34.70h Prairie Hills Middle School
Hickel, Bella 34.70h Prairie Hills Middle School
Major, Jaylinn 34.90h McPherson Middle School
Reed, Jayla 34.90h Maize South Middle School
Smith, Adelle 34.93 Great Bend Middle School
Jones, Alexis 35.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Reno, Emily 35.00h McPherson Middle School
Mason, Brlynne 35.20h Maize South Middle School
Bowman, Kensley 35.61 Maize South Middle School
Crawford, Alexandria 36.00h Circle Middle School
Parkins, Avah 36.00h McPherson Middle School
Pal, Priyanka 36.00h Circle Middle School
Sanford, Braelyn 36.38 Maize South Middle School
Riggle, Phoenix 37.00h Circle Middle School
Perez, Valeria 37.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Farley, Christy 37.10h McPherson Middle School
Pogue, Harper 38.00h Circle Middle School
Fedders-Stolfi, Chloe 38.30h Circle Middle School
Bartholomew, Adriana 38.40h Prairie Hills Middle School
Feil, Ally 38.64 Great Bend Middle School
Stewart, Loni 39.70h Prairie Hills Middle School
Morris, Jaci 39.80h Great Bend Middle School
Rubright, Luci 39.90h Circle Middle School
Dickman, Kira 41.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Moeder, Victoria 43.50h Great Bend Middle School
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Middle School Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rains, Rhyz Maize South Middle School
Youngers, Kinslee Valley Center Middle School
Bott-Williams, Drea Maize South Middle School
Unruh, Kinley Maize South Middle School
Moore, Tatum Valley Center Middle School
Morales, Layla Maize South Middle School
Wint, Lexi Valley Center Middle School
Ellegood, Micah 35.00h Great Bend Middle School
Minton, Mikala 35.00h Great Bend Middle School
Hatch, Megan 36.17 Prairie Hills Middle School
Mayers, Alexandra 40.20h Great Bend Middle School
Kerschen, Sophie 41.00h Haysville West Middle School
Goodspeed, Annaleese 41.00h Haysville West Middle School
Odom, Chloe 41.71 Circle Middle School
Mencl, Lainey 42.60h Prairie Hills Middle School
Demel, Kaydence 42.80h Great Bend Middle School
Nokes, Ella 45.00h Great Bend Middle School
Patel, Rishita 45.30 Hutchinson Middle School
Whitley, Emilee 48.30h Circle Middle School
Baker, Brenna 48.90h Circle Middle School
Barker, Aryia 49.17 Circle Middle School
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Middle School Girls 3200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
King, Teah 16:16.00 Great Bend Middle School
Carey, Rylynn 18:00.00 Hutchinson Middle School
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Middle School Girls 400 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dreiling, Laila Valley Center Middle School
Bogle, Vera 0 Valley Center Middle School
Dewey, Alivia 0 Valley Center Middle School
Black, Ava 0 Valley Center Middle School
Jantz, Breckyn 1:10.00h Maize South Middle School
Cunningham, Esther 1:10.00h Maize South Middle School
Miller, Sadie 1:10.00h Maize South Middle School
Feist, Brooklyn 1:14.00h Maize South Middle School
Morales, Layla 1:15.00h Maize South Middle School
Thiessen, Ella 1:15.10h Prairie Hills Middle School
Leyva, Keira 1:17.00h Great Bend Middle School
Mayers, Alexandra 1:18.00h Great Bend Middle School
Teter, Koralyn 1:19.00h Maize South Middle School
Holmes, Anne-Marie 1:20.00 McPherson Middle School
Goodspeed, Annaleese 1:20.00h Haysville West Middle School
Kaufman, Reyne 1:22.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Skelton, Ryla 1:25.00 McPherson Middle School
Negaard, Samantha 1:25.00h Great Bend Middle School
Guinn, Kiernan 1:25.00h Haysville West Middle School
Liebl, Quinn 1:26.00h McPherson Middle School
Mencl, Lainey 1:27.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Stewart, Loni 1:29.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Major, Jaylinn 1:29.00h McPherson Middle School
Barker, Aryia 1:29.22 Circle Middle School
Kerschen, Sophie 1:30.00h Haysville West Middle School
Weigel, Caydence 1:30.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Montes, Jimena 1:31.00h Great Bend Middle School
Feil, Ally 1:34.00h Great Bend Middle School
Cooley, Brooklyn 1:34.00h Great Bend Middle School
Everhart, Alayna 1:40.00 Hutchinson Middle School
Poblano, Melanie 1:42.00h Great Bend Middle School
Sexton, Faith 1:44.00h Great Bend Middle School
Mayes, Hayden 1:45.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Hudson, Amaya 1:45.00h Hutchinson Middle School
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Middle School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A Valley Center Middle School
Relay Team A Valley Center Middle School
Relay Team A 1:00.00h Great Bend Middle School
Relay Team A 1:04.30h Prairie Hills Middle School
Relay Team A 1:05.25 McPherson Middle School
Relay Team A 1:12.00h McPherson Middle School
Relay Team A 57.04 Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 57.04 Circle Middle School
Relay Team A 58.45 Great Bend Middle School
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Middle School Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Valley Center Middle School
Relay Team A Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A Valley Center Middle School
Relay Team A 2:05.00h Great Bend Middle School
Relay Team A 2:05.50h Prairie Hills Middle School
Relay Team A 2:20.00h McPherson Middle School
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Middle School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Valley Center Middle School
Relay Team A Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A Maize South Middle School
Relay Team A 5:25.00h Great Bend Middle School
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Middle School Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Liebl, Quinn 3:13.00h McPherson Middle School
Rowe, Kandycee 3:26.51 Circle Middle School
Cano, Naomi 3:27.00h Prairie Hills Middle School
Everhart, Alayna 3:30.00 Hutchinson Middle School
Meier, Layla 3:30.00h Maize South Middle School
Major, Jaylinn 3:31.00h McPherson Middle School
King, Teah 3:33.00h Great Bend Middle School
Holmes, Anne-Marie 3:35.00h McPherson Middle School
Moore, Addyson 3:36.00h Great Bend Middle School
James, Sydney 3:41.00h Great Bend Middle School
Schaub, Lydia 3:47.00h Great Bend Middle School
Hudson, Amaya 4:00.00h Hutchinson Middle School
Sexton, Faith 4:18.00h Great Bend Middle School
Tammen, Skylar 4:18.00h Great Bend Middle School
Dalton, Kiersten 5:00.00h Valley Center Middle School
James, Jessiana 5:00.00h Valley Center Middle School
Rodriguez, Leann 7:45.00h Maize South Middle School
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Middle School Girls Discus 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thiessen, Ella 61-0 Prairie Hills Middle School
Skillman, Kylea 54-1 Circle Middle School
Steele, Alexis 52-10 Prairie Hills Middle School
Umphres, Callie 51-1.5 Great Bend Middle School
Scherbarth, Reagan 51-0 Prairie Hills Middle School
Lane, Sophia 49-2.5 Circle Middle School
Nelson, Victoria 48-1.5 Great Bend Middle School
Drewel, Madison 47-6 Great Bend Middle School
Thomas, A'Tejia 45-9 Great Bend Middle School
Oard, Natalie 45-1 Prairie Hills Middle School
Borg, Kimber 45-0 Circle Middle School
Pio, Alexis 44-5 Great Bend Middle School
Krebaum, Mya 43-1 Great Bend Middle School
Dushane, Tegan 42-0 Haysville West Middle School
Wolf, Chloe 39-4 Circle Middle School
Wytch, Alaysia 36-2 Haysville West Middle School
Maddox, Mylee 35-10 Great Bend Middle School
Bordayo, Adriana 35-7 McPherson Middle School
Miller, Grace 31-10 Great Bend Middle School
Skelton, Ryla 31-1 McPherson Middle School
Kearn, Louella 30-2 Haysville West Middle School
Schrag, Piper 28-2 Prairie Hills Middle School
Baker, Destiny 27-8 Haysville West Middle School
Ward, Kylie 25-0 Circle Middle School
Eddington, Selena 21-4 Hutchinson Middle School
Langstaff, Cambria 20-0 Circle Middle School
Engels, Noelle 19-0 Circle Middle School
Mason, Taylah 11-5.75 Hutchinson Middle School
Mayes, Hayden 10-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Kurth, Carmela 5-5 Maize South Middle School
Burgess, Megan 5-5 Maize South Middle School
Rodriguez, Leann Maize South Middle School
Kelly, Paige Maize South Middle School
Bailey, Alexis Maize South Middle School
Bouthillette, Addison Valley Center Middle School
Freeman, Bailey Valley Center Middle School
Hansen, Abbigail Valley Center Middle School
Prince, Sophia Valley Center Middle School
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Middle School Girls High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moen, Emma 5-5 Maize South Middle School
Scott, Hadley 5-5 Maize South Middle School
Gould, Jaylee 5-5 Maize South Middle School
Karst, Britlee 5-5 Maize South Middle School
Smith, Adelle 4-6 Great Bend Middle School
Tech, Addyson 3-10 Prairie Hills Middle School
McDowell, Kalia 3-10 Prairie Hills Middle School
Flora, Lexi 3-10 Circle Middle School
Razey, Lily 3-10 Circle Middle School
Kaufman, Reyne 3-8 Prairie Hills Middle School
Baker, Brenna 3-8 Circle Middle School
Guinn, Kiernan 3-6 Haysville West Middle School
Jones, Alexis 3-6 Hutchinson Middle School
Varner, Raylie 3-4 Circle Middle School
Dalrymple, Miley Valley Center Middle School
L'Ecuyer, Makayla Valley Center Middle School
Walker, Miranda Valley Center Middle School
Carrillo, Payton Valley Center Middle School
Freeman, Bailey Valley Center Middle School
Owen, Linley Valley Center Middle School
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Middle School Girls Long Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leu, Karys 13-4 Great Bend Middle School
Minton, Mikala 13-0 Great Bend Middle School
Post, Camdyn 13-0 Great Bend Middle School
Ellegood, Micah 12-4.5 Great Bend Middle School
Montes, Jimena 12-0 Great Bend Middle School
Mazouch, Meredith 12-0 Great Bend Middle School
Leyva, Keira 12-0 Great Bend Middle School
Weeks, Skye 11-9 Prairie Hills Middle School
Regier, Sabella 11-9 Prairie Hills Middle School
Cram, Anni 11-5 Prairie Hills Middle School
Cabrera, Deznie 11-2 Hutchinson Middle School
Patel, Rishita 11-1 Hutchinson Middle School
Bernd, Taylor 11-0 McPherson Middle School
Borg, Kimber 10-0 Circle Middle School
Razey, Lily 10-0 Circle Middle School
Pal, Priyanka 9-7 Circle Middle School
Baker, Brenna 9-4 Circle Middle School
Barker, Aryia 9-3 Circle Middle School
Melton, McKinlee 9-2 Circle Middle School
Riggle, Phoenix 9-1 Circle Middle School
Cano, Naomi 8-11 Prairie Hills Middle School
Bartholomew, Adriana 8-1 Prairie Hills Middle School
Perez, Valeria 8-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Coke, Devyn 8-0 Hutchinson Middle School
TenBraak, Izzabell 8-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Truex, Lucy 5-5 Maize South Middle School
Smith, Hazel 5-5 Maize South Middle School
McVay, Mia Maize South Middle School
Casad, Anabelle Valley Center Middle School
Dean, Arabella Valley Center Middle School
Sandoval, Ana Valley Center Middle School
Woolsoncroft, Lauren Valley Center Middle School
Banuelos, Deisy Valley Center Middle School
Bouthillette, Addison Valley Center Middle School
Sandoval, Sophia Valley Center Middle School
Youngers, Kinslee Valley Center Middle School
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Middle School Girls Shot Put 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Umphres, Callie 27-0.5 Great Bend Middle School
Krebaum, Mya 26-2 Great Bend Middle School
Austin, Abby 25-8 Circle Middle School
Rodriguez, Leann 24-6 Maize South Middle School
Borg, Kimber 24-0 Circle Middle School
Thomas, A'Tejia 23-11 Great Bend Middle School
Nelson, Victoria 23-1 Great Bend Middle School
Burgess, Megan 22-11 Maize South Middle School
Scherbarth, Reagan 22-11 Prairie Hills Middle School
Schieffer, Kenley 22-8 Prairie Hills Middle School
Wolf, Chloe 22-6 Circle Middle School
Drewel, Madison 22-5.5 Great Bend Middle School
Bailey, Alexis 22-2 Maize South Middle School
Baker, Destiny 20-7 Haysville West Middle School
Kurth, Carmela 20-3 Maize South Middle School
Wytch, Alaysia 20-1 Haysville West Middle School
Pio, Alexis 20-0 Great Bend Middle School
Bordayo, Adriana 19-7 McPherson Middle School
Dushane, Tegan 19-6 Haysville West Middle School
Patel, Rishita 18-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Langstaff, Cambria 17-11.5 Circle Middle School
Eddington, Selena 17-11 Hutchinson Middle School
Schrag, Piper 17-10 Prairie Hills Middle School
Oard, Natalie 17-9 Prairie Hills Middle School
Miller, Grace 17-1.5 Great Bend Middle School
Maddox, Mylee 16-8 Great Bend Middle School
Ward, Kylie 16-2.5 Circle Middle School
Engels, Noelle 16-2 Circle Middle School
Mason, Taylah 15-11 Hutchinson Middle School
Steele, Alexis 15-10 Prairie Hills Middle School
Kearn, Louella 15-3 Haysville West Middle School
Skelton, Ryla 12-8 McPherson Middle School
Mayes, Hayden 8-0 Hutchinson Middle School
Kelly, Paige Maize South Middle School
Johnson, Trinity Valley Center Middle School
Olivares, Jasmine Valley Center Middle School
Taylor, Elaina Valley Center Middle School
Owen, Linley Valley Center Middle School
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