Smoky Valley Invitational 2023

Gypsum, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys Rumble 4 X 100 Relay (Throwers Only) 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Relay Team A McPherson High School
Relay Team A Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A Concordia High School
Relay Team A Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A Buhler High School
Relay Team A Pratt High School
Relay Team A 48.00h Chapman High School
Relay Team A 51.65 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 51.78 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 58.00 Abilene High School
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Girls Rumble 4 X 100 Relay (Throwers Only) 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Abilene High School
Relay Team A Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A Buhler High School
Relay Team A Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 1:00.13 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 1:05.00h Pratt High School
Relay Team A 57.75 Southeast of Saline High School
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Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murray, Michael 10.67 Southeast of Saline High School
Alexander, Javyn 11.29 McPherson High School
Stone, Riley 11.30 Ellsworth High School
Gantt, Kaden 11.40 McPherson High School
Stambaugh, Gavin 11.47 Smoky Valley High School
Autry, Justice 11.49 Smoky Valley High School
Schubert, Eli 11.56 Abilene High School
Gross, Zach 11.57 Smoky Valley High School
Huffman, Devon 11.57 McPherson High School
Gotti, Luca 11.62 Buhler High School
Witte, Cameron 11.63 Southeast of Saline High School
Cunningham, Nicholas 11.70 Hillsboro High School
Whitley, Aiden 11.71 Chapman High School
Lebeau, Nathan 11.78 Scott Community High School
Barker, Jack 11.79 Pratt High School
Friesen, Nathan 11.81 Southeast of Saline High School
Alquist-Pennell, Chayton 11.81 Concordia High School
Saenz, Freddy 11.83 Scott Community High School
Signer, Kellen 11.84h Abilene High School
Wiening, Brody 11.89 Bluestem
Martinez, Johnny 11.94 Pratt High School
Suther, Ian 12.01 Chapman High School
McElgunn, Kaid 12.02 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Gotti, Brady 12.10 Buhler High School
Krogman, Kameron 12.11 Chapman High School
Francis, Alec 12.27 Concordia High School
Gooch, Jesiah 12.30 Hillsboro High School
Neal, Colten 12.62 Bluestem
Schultze, Zeb 12.64 Abilene High School
Vallejo, Pierce 12.94 Scott Community High School
Stambaugh, Vincent 13.00h Ellsworth High School
Defore, Drake 13.10 Bluestem
Minor, Julius 13.23 Pratt High School
Frees, Payton 13.24 Buhler High School
Dozier, Jackson 13.37 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Eakins, Carter 13.98 Concordia High School
Heinze, Wyatt 14.00h Ellsworth High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bowell, Judah 15.35 Abilene High School
Denholm, Zachary 15.89 Hillsboro High School
Fredrick, Myles 15.98 Buhler High School
Keough, Asa 16.11 McPherson High School
Muehler, Cory 16.76 McPherson High School
Rupe, Gavin 16.79 Pratt High School
Parry, Caden 16.89 Southeast of Saline High School
Brewer, Lucky 17.68 McPherson High School
Hobrock, Cole 17.77 Concordia High School
Kindel, Torxsten 17.78 Concordia High School
Friesen, Zach 18.20 Buhler High School
Hopkins, Malachi 19.00 Southeast of Saline High School
Gruver, Kelan 19.10 Chapman High School
Clark, Ryan 19.69 Chapman High School
Kinsley, Hunter 25.00h Ellsworth High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Metzger, Hunter Buhler High School
Walker, Brayden 4:35.74 Southeast of Saline High School
Whisler, Layne 4:36.92 Buhler High School
Elliott, Drew 4:40.94 Chapman High School
Jackson, Damion 4:41.60 Southeast of Saline High School
Armendariz, Ivan 4:46.31 Scott Community High School
Wuthnow, Dayton 4:50.88 Abilene High School
Kiser, Brendan 4:51.25 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Mai, Roman 4:52.95 McPherson High School
Yutzy, Cameron 4:54.06 Buhler High School
Mendez, Roberto 4:55.84 McPherson High School
Muehler, Caleb 4:57.56 McPherson High School
Eyer, Brayden 5:02.41 Smoky Valley High School
Klukas, Darren 5:03.14 Chapman High School
Woodworth, Jensen 5:06.65 Abilene High School
Lindstrom, Jacob 5:06.78 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Grauerholz, Ben 5:07.65 Southeast of Saline High School
Ryan, Max 5:10.00h Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Miller, Jace 5:13.42 Scott Community High School
Wren, Kasten 5:18.77 Scott Community High School
Hager, Levi 5:20.99 Abilene High School
Bishop, Kaden 5:26.26 Smoky Valley High School
Crouse, Seth 5:27.31 Chapman High School
Holmes, Trenton 5:27.68 Ellsworth High School
Pavlovich, Sebastian 5:38.27 Smoky Valley High School
Worrell, Evan 6:14.84 Bluestem
Kinsley, Hunter 6:23.26 Ellsworth High School
Bascombe, Harley 6:25.97 Bluestem
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Murray, Michael 22.63 Southeast of Saline High School
Driggers, Seth 23.45 Hillsboro High School
Stone, Riley 23.61 Ellsworth High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 23.68 Ellsworth High School
Picking, Gage 23.77 Chapman High School
Funston, Taygen 23.85 Abilene High School
Gantt, Kaden 23.93 McPherson High School
Friesen, Nathan 23.96 Southeast of Saline High School
Stambaugh, Gavin 24.03 Smoky Valley High School
Gross, Zach 24.04 Smoky Valley High School
Green, Tyler 24.04 Abilene High School
Huffman, Devon 24.06 McPherson High School
Johnson, J'Air 24.10h Pratt High School
Witte, Cameron 24.16 Southeast of Saline High School
Saenz, Freddy 24.20 Scott Community High School
McDaniel, Collin 24.22 Scott Community High School
Schubert, Eli 24.61 Abilene High School
Cunningham, Nicholas 24.64 Hillsboro High School
Koehn, Chase 24.64 McPherson High School
Morrell, Arley 24.70 Pratt High School
Gotti, Luca 24.81 Buhler High School
Hornaday, Blake 24.83 Chapman High School
Penrose, Caleb 24.83 Buhler High School
Krogman, Kameron 24.89 Chapman High School
McElgunn, Kaid 24.92 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Alquist-Pennell, Chayton 25.08 Concordia High School
Johnson, Landin 25.33 Ellsworth High School
Gilliam, Tavian 25.67 Buhler High School
Wiening, Brody 25.75 Bluestem
Silva, Lucas 26.21 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Vallejo, Pierce 26.41 Scott Community High School
Pickering, Vincent 26.50h Smoky Valley High School
Dozier, Jackson 27.12 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Defore, Drake 27.36 Bluestem
Eakins, Carter 27.62 Concordia High School
Caywood, Jaxson 28.30 Bluestem
Minor, Julius 28.76 Pratt High School
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fredrick, Myles 40.82 Buhler High School
Bowell, Judah 41.57 Abilene High School
Muehler, Cory 43.59 McPherson High School
Keough, Asa 43.89 McPherson High School
Pickering, Vincent 44.14 Smoky Valley High School
Parry, Caden 44.64 Southeast of Saline High School
Hopkins, Malachi 44.64 Southeast of Saline High School
Barker, Kaden 44.65 Pratt High School
Hobrock, Cole 44.95 Concordia High School
Rupe, Gavin 45.35 Pratt High School
Brewer, Lucky 46.75 McPherson High School
Clark, Ryan 47.34 Chapman High School
Friesen, Zach 47.76 Buhler High School
Gruver, Kelan 49.49 Chapman High School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lohrentz, Kaden 10:02.95 Buhler High School
Walker, Cayden 10:09.70 Southeast of Saline High School
Lindahl, Austin 10:15.70 Buhler High School
Elliott, Drew 10:20.39 Chapman High School
Klukas, Dereck 10:41.79 Chapman High School
Klukas, Darren 10:43.18 Chapman High School
Kiser, Brendan 10:51.18 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Lara, Carlito 10:51.40 Pratt High School
Wuthnow, Dayton 10:51.49 Abilene High School
Trumpp, Henry 10:59.70 Buhler High School
Stoppel, Logan 11:12.95 Scott Community High School
Elder, Ethan 11:15.93 McPherson High School
Floyd, Garrett 11:20.59 McPherson High School
Heskett, Palmer 11:21.76 McPherson High School
Lindstrom, Jacob 11:22.66 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Holmes, Trenton 11:30.00 Ellsworth High School
Alvarez, Malachiey 11:30.73 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Kejr, Isaiah 11:33.89 Southeast of Saline High School
Pavlovich, Sebastian 11:39.78 Smoky Valley High School
Hunter, Jack 11:41.58 Abilene High School
Wren, Kasten 11:58.18 Scott Community High School
Bailey, Bryndan 12:13.58 Scott Community High School
Bascombe, Harley 12:46.62 Bluestem
Kinsley, Hunter 15:01.05 Ellsworth High School
Worrell, Evan 16:04.64 Bluestem
Allen, Levi 9:56.99 Southeast of Saline High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shahan, Easton Hillsboro High School
Wannamaker, Noah Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Silva, Lucas 1:00.06 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Patton, Gavin 1:02.46 Buhler High School
Caywood, Jaxson 1:06.11 Bluestem
Morrical-Palmer, Nakari 49.96 Southeast of Saline High School
Johnson, Wyatt 51.23 Smoky Valley High School
Elliott, Drew 51.61 Chapman High School
Hines, Spencer 52.25 Buhler High School
Calzada, Omar 52.34 Southeast of Saline High School
Thomas, Jace 52.50 Scott Community High School
Blanchat, Ki 52.54 Smoky Valley High School
Gantt, Kaden 52.62 McPherson High School
Pihl, Karson 52.93 Smoky Valley High School
Sommer, Chris 53.27 Chapman High School
Schultze, Zeb 53.50 Abilene High School
Saenz, Freddy 54.80 Scott Community High School
Lyon, Simon 55.12 McPherson High School
Cash, Aceyn 55.21 Concordia High School
Pelzel, Wyatt 55.83 Ellsworth High School
Crouse, Seth 55.94 Chapman High School
Espinoza, Oscar 56.45 Abilene High School
Gooch, Jesiah 56.5 Hillsboro High School
Veatch, Dakota 56.89 Bluestem
Guajardo, Alex 57.01 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Wildeman, Alec 57.11 Concordia High School
Schumacher, Gunner 57.33 McPherson High School
Vallejo, Pierce 57.46 Scott Community High School
Carlin, Cooper 57.69 Southeast of Saline High School
Kindel, Bergun 57.82 Concordia High School
Barker, Jack 58.57 Pratt High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.21 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 44.64 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 45.06 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 45.24 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 45.24 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 45.26 Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 45.62 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 45.70 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 46.02 Pratt High School
Relay Team A 46.14 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 47.13 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 48.40 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Relay Team A 49.31 Bluestem
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:31.98 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:35.10 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 3:36.92 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 3:37.96 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 3:38.64 Pratt High School
Relay Team A 3:39.97 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 3:41.32 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 3:42.97 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 3:45.02 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 3:49.69 Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 3:57.57 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:30.76 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 8:32.13 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 8:34.38 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 8:35.75 Pratt High School
Relay Team A 8:35.83 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 8:35.98 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 8:39.90 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 8:48.00 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 8:59.77 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reed, Tytus 2:01.87 Smoky Valley High School
Vulgamore, Camden 2:02.41 Scott Community High School
Augustine, Drake 2:03.15 Southeast of Saline High School
Hines, Spencer 2:03.27 Buhler High School
Waite, Grant 2:04.51 Abilene High School
Chavez, Natanael 2:04.54 Pratt High School
Klukas, Darren 2:06.07 Chapman High School
Garcia, Alan 2:06.39 Concordia High School
Yutzy, Christopher 2:06.57 Buhler High School
Cottone, Triston 2:06.78 Abilene High School
Bircher, Jacob 2:06.93 Southeast of Saline High School
Elliott, Drew 2:09.31 Chapman High School
Friesen, Kayden 2:11.99 McPherson High School
Winsor, Blake 2:12.43 Pratt High School
Veatch, Dakota 2:13.95 Bluestem
Muehler, Caleb 2:14.31 McPherson High School
Mai, Roman 2:15.31 McPherson High School
Crouse, Seth 2:16.18 Chapman High School
Peterson, Samuel 2:17.80 Smoky Valley High School
Woodworth, Jensen 2:17.89 Abilene High School
Eyer, Brayden 2:18.75 Smoky Valley High School
Guerrero, Roberto 2:20.00h Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Shahan, Easton 2:22.12 Hillsboro High School
Morgan, Andrew 2:23.23 Buhler High School
Lindstrom, John 2:23.70 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Kindel, Bergun 2:24.84 Concordia High School
Kiser, Cameron 2:25.09 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Friesen, James 2:38.02 Southeast of Saline High School
Worrell, Evan 2:45.19 Bluestem
Bascombe, Harley 2:47.91 Bluestem
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Varsity Boys Discus 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weisbeck, Anders 146-7 Hillsboro High School
Van Scoyoc, Drake 138-9 Pratt High School
Stambaugh, Trystan 137-6 Smoky Valley High School
Strong, Kollyn 135-8 Pratt High School
Bourgeois, Brock 132-3 Pratt High School
Regier, Bryan 129-2 Buhler High School
Dunn, Rowdy 123-8 Ellsworth High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 120-7 Ellsworth High School
Rivera, Angel 119-8 Hillsboro High School
McFadden, Kyle 117-1 Concordia High School
Morel, Mason 116-0 Smoky Valley High School
Nutt, Joseph 113-10 McPherson High School
Griffith, Gus 113-8 Smoky Valley High School
Langvardt, Weston 111-7 Chapman High School
Nutt, Shawn 111-0 McPherson High School
Wenderott, Caden 109-10 McPherson High School
Riley, Jadrian 109-4 Concordia High School
Holm, cj 109-3 Chapman High School
Brown, Tanner 108-8 Buhler High School
Bartholomew, Colton 107-7 Southeast of Saline High School
Blake, Keaton 107-5 Southeast of Saline High School
Bailey, Dylan 106-8 Bluestem
Hays, Trenton 103-1 Ellsworth High School
Tholstrup, Jace 103-0.5 Concordia High School
Faudoa, Angel 100-11 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Mendez, Oscar 95-6 Scott Community High School
Yeauger, Xander 95-1 Chapman High School
Douglas, Kanyon 93-3 Southeast of Saline High School
Wilson, Gavin 93-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Couey, Noah 91-7 Bluestem
Hammersmith, Isaac 89-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Vulgamore, Breven 83-11 Scott Community High School
Runyon, Gavin 83-3 Abilene High School
Rogers, Logan 78-2 Hillsboro High School
Vasquez, Baylor 75-8 Scott Community High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nurnberg, Tate 6-4 Southeast of Saline High School
Morrell, Arley 6-3 Pratt High School
Schriner, Jayce 6-2 McPherson High School
Gilliam, Tavian 6-1 Buhler High School
Whitley, Aiden 6-0 Chapman High School
Hammeke, Blake 6-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Cash, Aceyn 6-0 Concordia High School
Green, Tyler 6-0 Abilene High School
Holm, cj 5-10 Chapman High School
Hammersmith, Isaac 5-10 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Armour, Aidan 5-10 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Kanitz, Kreighton 5-10 McPherson High School
Hoeme, Carson 5-10 Pratt High School
Kanitz, Kaizer 5-8 McPherson High School
Garcia, Alan 5-8 Concordia High School
Obermeyer, Luke 5-8 Southeast of Saline High School
Morrical-Palmer, Nakari 5-6 Southeast of Saline High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rumford, Jackson 179-8 Scott Community High School
Dunn, Rowdy 163-11.5 Ellsworth High School
Van Scoyoc, Drake 154-4 Pratt High School
Suther, Ian 151-8 Chapman High School
Randles, Tristan 147-2.25 Abilene High School
Holm, cj 145-4 Chapman High School
Becker, Samuel 139-11 McPherson High School
Spicer, Isaac 139-7 Buhler High School
Wedel, Gavin 136-8 McPherson High School
Riley, Jadrian 133-8 Concordia High School
Stambaugh, Trystan 133-3 Smoky Valley High School
Ashland, Michael 130-8 Concordia High School
Blake, Keaton 127-3 Southeast of Saline High School
Holt, Justin 123-6 Smoky Valley High School
Neal, Colten 121-7 Bluestem
Homolka, Sumner 120-10 Ellsworth High School
Litzinger, Braden 120-6 Chapman High School
Griffith, Gus 118-2 Smoky Valley High School
Wildeman, Alec 117-7 Concordia High School
Rivera, Angel 117-0 Hillsboro High School
Thul, Carter 116-8 McPherson High School
Johnson, Slade 115-5 Southeast of Saline High School
George, Tiernan 114-7.5 Ellsworth High School
Wilson, Gavin 112-9 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Morgan, Andrew 109-2 Buhler High School
Minneman, Kendall 103-8 Southeast of Saline High School
Mendez, Oscar 99-0 Scott Community High School
Schultze, Zane 99-0 Abilene High School
Gotti, Brady 96-9 Buhler High School
Runyon, Gavin 88-1 Abilene High School
Rogers, Logan 85-9 Hillsboro High School
Bailey, Dylan 53-11 Bluestem
Defore, Drake 50-2 Bluestem
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alexander, Javyn 21-6.25 McPherson High School
Koehn, Chase 20-8.2 McPherson High School
Kanitz, Kreighton 20-8 McPherson High School
Johnson, J'Air 20-7.5 Pratt High School
Francis, Alec 20-6.5 Concordia High School
Whitley, Aiden 20-4 Chapman High School
Hammeke, Blake 20-3.5 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Bowell, Judah 20-2.75 Abilene High School
Cunningham, Nicholas 20-2 Hillsboro High School
Driggers, Seth 20-1 Hillsboro High School
Hines, Spencer 19-11.25 Buhler High School
Hoeme, Carson 19-9 Pratt High School
Martinez, Johnny 19-7.5 Pratt High School
McVay, Manny 19-5.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Lebeau, Nathan 19-5 Scott Community High School
Kindel, Torxsten 19-3.75 Concordia High School
Hopkins, Malachi 19-3 Southeast of Saline High School
Suther, Ian 19-1 Chapman High School
Thaxton, Tucker 19-0.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Picking, Gage 19-0 Chapman High School
Cravens, Will 19-0 Ellsworth High School
McGowan, Cooper 18-9.75 Ellsworth High School
Jimenez, Malachi 18-2 Bluestem
Gotti, Luca 18-2 Buhler High School
Frees, Payton 18-1 Buhler High School
McElgunn, Kaid 17-9.5 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Signer, Kellen 17-5.25 Abilene High School
Kiser, Cameron 17-3.5 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Gooch, Jesiah 17-3.5 Hillsboro High School
Kindel, Bergun 17-1.75 Concordia High School
Wuthnow, Dayton 16-9.75 Abilene High School
Wiening, Brody Bluestem
Veatch, Dakota Bluestem
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vulgamore, Camden 13-0 Scott Community High School
Spencer, Jayce 13-0 Buhler High School
McDaniel, Collin 12-6 Scott Community High School
Penrose, Caleb 12-6 Buhler High School
Lohrentz, Kaden 11-6 Buhler High School
Harms, Alec 11-0 McPherson High School
Kindel, Bergun 11-0 Concordia High School
Monday, Josiah 11-0 Southeast of Saline High School
Hobrock, Cole 10-6 Concordia High School
Friesen, Nathan 10-6 Southeast of Saline High School
Farr, Parker 10-6 Abilene High School
Peterson, Samuel 9-6 Smoky Valley High School
Jennings, Daniel 9-0 McPherson High School
Ryan, Max 7-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Dozier, Jackson 6-6 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Lindstrom, John 6-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Hein, Landen Hillsboro High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Langvardt, Weston 44-11 Chapman High School
Van Scoyoc, Drake 44-9.5 Pratt High School
Holt, Justin 44-6.75 Smoky Valley High School
Strong, Kollyn 42-4.75 Pratt High School
Bourgeois, Brock 42-3.5 Pratt High School
Weisbeck, Anders 41-11.75 Hillsboro High School
Stambaugh, Trystan 41-0.25 Smoky Valley High School
Simmons, Kalvin 39-6.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Faudoa, Angel 38-3 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Wenderott, Caden 38-3 McPherson High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 38-0.25 Ellsworth High School
Nutt, Shawn 37-9 McPherson High School
Judy, Gavin 37-8.75 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Ashland, Michael 37-6.25 Concordia High School
Byrd, Krayton 37-6 McPherson High School
Bartholomew, Colton 37-2.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Regier, Bryan 37-2 Buhler High School
George, Tiernan 36-9 Ellsworth High School
Mendez, Oscar 36-6.25 Scott Community High School
Randles, Tristan 36-4 Abilene High School
Rivera, Angel 36-1 Hillsboro High School
Morel, Mason 35-9.25 Smoky Valley High School
Riley, Jadrian 35-8.5 Concordia High School
Wilson, Gavin 35-1.25 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Hays, Trenton 35-0 Ellsworth High School
Yeauger, Xander 34-10.5 Chapman High School
Brown, Tanner 34-4 Buhler High School
Vasquez, Baylor 33-10.5 Scott Community High School
Vulgamore, Breven 33-5.75 Scott Community High School
Bailey, Dylan 32-4 Bluestem
Hendershott, Jax 31-4.5 Concordia High School
Couey, Noah 31-4.5 Bluestem
Runyon, Gavin 30-7.5 Abilene High School
Baier, Deacon 30-7 Southeast of Saline High School
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gilliam, Tavian 43-9.5 Buhler High School
Morrical-Palmer, Nakari 42-10 Southeast of Saline High School
Driggers, Seth 42-6 Hillsboro High School
Johnson, J'Air 42-0 Pratt High School
Cravens, Will 41-3 Ellsworth High School
Francis, Alec 41-1.75 Concordia High School
Kanitz, Kaizer 40-11.7 McPherson High School
Trost, Cody 40-11.5 Concordia High School
Caselman, Connor 40-10 Southeast of Saline High School
Parry, Caden 40-3.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Kanitz, Kreighton 40-2.25 McPherson High School
Morrell, Arley 40-1 Pratt High School
Jimenez, Malachi 39-9.5 Bluestem
Cottone, Triston 39-8.5 Abilene High School
Lebeau, Nathan 39-3.5 Scott Community High School
Gruver, Kelan 39-3 Chapman High School
Holm, cj 38-4.5 Chapman High School
Sommer, Chris 38-2.5 Chapman High School
Funston, Taygen 38-0 Abilene High School
McGowan, Cooper 37-4.75 Ellsworth High School
Brown, Bishop 37-3 McPherson High School
Cash, Aceyn 36-4 Concordia High School
Shahan, Easton Hillsboro High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schafer, Rachel Hillsboro High School
Peters, Breanne 12.31 Smoky Valley High School
Chapman, Addison 12.82 McPherson High School
Peshcka, Lainey 13.22 Ellsworth High School
Heintz, Renatta 13.23 Abilene High School
Peters, Noelle 13.25 Smoky Valley High School
Litzinger, Haley 13.25 Chapman High School
Lang, Kyla 13.58 McPherson High School
Hamel, Kynlee 13.67 Concordia High School
Clarkson, Tess 13.72 Pratt High School
Friesen, Ceeley 13.74 Smoky Valley High School
Brantley, MaLaney 13.77 Ellsworth High School
Hicks, Danica 13.85 Ellsworth High School
Bliss, Chandler 13.86 Chapman High School
Candia, Wendy 13.86 Pratt High School
Goertz, Camryn 13.88 Buhler High School
Castillo, Dayanara 13.88 Scott Community High School
Stephenson, Katie 13.91 Southeast of Saline High School
Wilson, Hunter 14.05 McPherson High School
Wehrmeister, Emma 14.07 Chapman High School
Sowers, Johnna 14.09 Scott Community High School
Donnenwerth, Corinne 14.10h Pratt High School
Stahlman, Aubrey 14.32 Concordia High School
Johnson, Mia 14.33 Abilene High School
Blackwell, Khloe 14.36 Buhler High School
Crenshaw, Makell 14.54 Bluestem
Caywood, Jazmen 14.56 Bluestem
Gleason, Maddison 14.58 Buhler High School
Ortiz, Sofia 14.81 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Frank, Ella 14.85 Scott Community High School
Cunningham, Kassandra 15.02 Hillsboro High School
Bisnette, Jesika 15.13 Concordia High School
Batista, Angelina 15.39 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seely, Caylin 15.04 Buhler High School
Soukup, Aislyn 15.97 McPherson High School
Koehn, Arihanna 16.07 McPherson High School
Kirkpatrick, Maya 16.29 Chapman High School
Peregrino, Priscilla 16.45 Scott Community High School
McElroy, Clara 16.80 Smoky Valley High School
Bender, Tessa 16.86 Abilene High School
Holmes, Mallory 16.98 McPherson High School
Duncan, Hope 17.91 Smoky Valley High School
Haxton, Elyse 17.92 Ellsworth High School
Sterling, Konli 17.94 Pratt High School
Smith, Elliana 18.14 Southeast of Saline High School
Fleming, Rielyn 18.17 Pratt High School
Loewen, Karley 18.87 Hillsboro High School
Schultz, Jessa 19.64 Ellsworth High School
Newell, Madison 19.96 Ellsworth High School
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frieze, Elyssa 5:06.17 Chapman High School
Bathurst, Eden 5:23.85 Abilene High School
Prochazka, Ashley 5:27.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Briggs, Hailey 5:53.42 Chapman High School
Oard, Gracie 6:04.55 Buhler High School
Willems, Hope 6:06.54 Smoky Valley High School
Stevens, Brinlie 6:08.79 Scott Community High School
BEARY, Jade 6:10.32 Chapman High School
Patterson, Lexi 6:11.86 McPherson High School
Coyle, Jadence 6:11.90 Abilene High School
Clark, Esther 6:39.48 Smoky Valley High School
Porter, Kayla 6:40.00 McPherson High School
Hoeme, Allie 6:40.00h Pratt High School
Davis, Teigan 6:41.57 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Hein, Nora 6:45.50 Hillsboro High School
Rathbun, Kate 6:51.84 Ellsworth High School
Heimerman, Taitlyn 6:55.06 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Hendricks, Renae 6:59.15 McPherson High School
Thomas, Addison 7:06.49 Ellsworth High School
Combs, Jacey 7:18.59 Buhler High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 26.12 Smoky Valley High School
Litzinger, Haley 26.67 Chapman High School
McLeod, Jayla 26.72 McPherson High School
Heintz, Renatta 27.20 Abilene High School
Lackey, Jenna 27.20 Buhler High School
Buschbom, Andi 27.67 McPherson High School
Rock, Chloe 27.87 Abilene High School
Casebeer, Alexa 27.94 McPherson High School
Elliott, Tanith 28.02 Chapman High School
Behanna, Gabby 28.06 Smoky Valley High School
Hamel, Kynlee 28.24 Concordia High School
Blanchat, Katja 28.50h Smoky Valley High School
Stout, Samantha 28.54 Abilene High School
Krafels, Natalya 28.97 Buhler High School
Stahlman, Aubrey 29.25 Concordia High School
Koster, Ava 29.55 Buhler High School
Stephenson, Katie 29.69 Southeast of Saline High School
Webb, Miranda 29.82 Pratt High School
Castillo, Dayanara 30.34 Scott Community High School
Heller, Josie 30.37 Southeast of Saline High School
Sowers, Johnna 30.40 Scott Community High School
Wasylk, Claire 30.52 Chapman High School
Ortiz, Sofia 30.68 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Frank, Ella 30.89 Scott Community High School
Caywood, Jazmen 31.26 Bluestem
Cunningham, Kassandra 32.16 Hillsboro High School
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Koehn, Arihanna McPherson High School
Seely, Caylin 46.71 Buhler High School
Kirkpatrick, Maya 48.22 Chapman High School
Cash, Charlize 49.35 Concordia High School
McElroy, Clara 49.82 Smoky Valley High School
Peregrino, Priscilla 49.89 Scott Community High School
Thibault, Quinn 51.43 Pratt High School
Soukup, Aislyn 51.74 McPherson High School
Schultz, Jessa 52.00 Ellsworth High School
Johnson, Amara 52.23 Abilene High School
Sterling, Konli 53.15 Pratt High School
Holmes, Mallory 53.33 McPherson High School
Fleming, Rielyn 53.49 Pratt High School
Wehrmeister, Emma 53.56 Chapman High School
Haxton, Elyse 54.22 Ellsworth High School
Wingo, Christina 54.37 Southeast of Saline High School
Reed, Taytum 54.41 Smoky Valley High School
Duncan, Hope 55.74 Smoky Valley High School
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Little, Makayla Buhler High School
Frieze, Elyssa 11:06.88 Chapman High School
Commerford, Abby 12:23.58 Southeast of Saline High School
Willems, Hope 12:35.81 Smoky Valley High School
Alderson, Breckyn 12:40.94 Southeast of Saline High School
Horning, Taryn 12:42.32 Buhler High School
Cathey, Arissa 13:26.12 Abilene High School
Stevens, Brinlie 13:27.31 Scott Community High School
Duecy, Kamryn 13:30.00 Pratt High School
Hoeme, Allie 14:00.00 Pratt High School
Davis, Teigan 14:02.21 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Khan, Hannah 14:07.26 Buhler High School
Briggs, Hailey 14:14.74 Chapman High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fields, Adelyn 1:01.68 Pratt High School
Wren, Kinleigh 1:02.09 Scott Community High School
Backhus, Izabel 1:03.31 McPherson High School
Koester, Jaida 1:04.17 Concordia High School
Blanchat, Katja 1:05.03 Smoky Valley High School
Jones, Keira 1:05.85 Chapman High School
Sharp, Karsyn 1:07.53 Pratt High School
Peshcka, Lainey 1:08.00 Ellsworth High School
Krafels, Natalya 1:08.86 Buhler High School
Webb, Miranda 1:09.00h Pratt High School
Jaderborg, Paisly 1:09.26 Chapman High School
Knopf, Charlotte 1:09.26 Southeast of Saline High School
Castillo, Valerya 1:09.26 Scott Community High School
Brown, Tatum 1:09.41 Scott Community High School
Heller, Josie 1:10.58 Southeast of Saline High School
Lang, Kyla 1:11.00 McPherson High School
Baer, Avery 1:12.22 Chapman High School
Krueger, Megan 1:12.82 Buhler High School
Gleason, Maddison 1:15.46 Buhler High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.97 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Relay Team A 50.64 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 51.99 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 52.08 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 52.68 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 53.21 Pratt High School
Relay Team A 53.63 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 53.70 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 53.83 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 54.31 Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 57.34 Bluestem
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:20.32 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 4:23.28 Pratt High School
Relay Team A 4:23.35 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 4:23.71 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 4:25.26 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 4:26.57 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 4:32.83 Ellsworth High School
Relay Team A 4:34.95 Smoky Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:36.05 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 4:45.50 Bluestem
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:39.05 Scott Community High School
Relay Team A 10:54.58 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 11:07.54 Southeast of Saline High School
Relay Team A 11:17.96 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 11:18.38 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 11:33.02 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 12:01.55 Hillsboro High School
Relay Team A 12:09.74 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frieze, Elyssa 2:19.27 Chapman High School
Prochazka, Ashley 2:28.70 Southeast of Saline High School
Augustine, Cali 2:30.44 Southeast of Saline High School
Jost, Moriah 2:30.72 Hillsboro High School
Hamby, Krysten 2:31.10 Buhler High School
Gentry, Kendall 2:37.10 Scott Community High School
Jost, Addison 2:38.12 Hillsboro High School
Clevenger, Chloe 2:40.02 McPherson High School
Lovesee, Taytum 2:40.29 Bluestem
Duecy, Kamryn 2:40.65 Pratt High School
Penner, Lauren 2:41.32 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Sandbo, Maryn 2:41.81 McPherson High School
Briggs, Hailey 2:42.80 Chapman High School
BEARY, Jade 2:44.62 Chapman High School
Coyle, Jadence 2:45.18 Abilene High School
Jessup, Rylie 2:45.52 Concordia High School
Prose, Ada 2:45.81 McPherson High School
Oard, Gracie 2:45.93 Buhler High School
Franklin, Sadie 2:57.06 Southeast of Saline High School
Clark, Esther 3:01.22 Smoky Valley High School
Arnold, Gabbie 3:09.12 Hillsboro High School
Davis, Maleah 3:10.87 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Combs, Jacey 3:17.75 Buhler High School
Lorden, Aissa 3:19.70 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
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Varsity Girls Discus 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elliott, Tanith 119-1 Chapman High School
Lovesee, Taytum 112-3 Bluestem
Schweizer, Emilie 110-11 Buhler High School
Rose, Sophia 110-1 Buhler High School
Thompson, Keimarla 104-9 Pratt High School
Starks, Grace 102-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Jones, Callie 102-0 Abilene High School
Trout, Megan 98-2 Scott Community High School
Winburn, Nevaeha 96-9 McPherson High School
Cook, Jordan 90-10 Pratt High School
Turnipseed, Kylan 90-7 Ellsworth High School
Alfonso, Lidia 87-5 Scott Community High School
Douglas, Suttyn 87-5 Southeast of Saline High School
Hill, Gretchen 86-5.5 Chapman High School
Pflughoeft, Keeley 85-2 Ellsworth High School
Holland, Lauryn 82-5 Buhler High School
Gottschalk, Addison 81-3 Southeast of Saline High School
Riedel, Maggie 79-0 Smoky Valley High School
Rose, Allison 78-6 Abilene High School
Felker, Erika 77-9 Scott Community High School
Gibson, Hattie 72-6 McPherson High School
Long, Ashleigh 72-5 Chapman High School
Kutina, Erin 71-7 McPherson High School
Hansen, Reagan 70-3 Ellsworth High School
Ortiz, Aleah 69-10 Abilene High School
Cunningham, Kassandra 68-4 Hillsboro High School
Schleltzbaum, Gillian 61-8 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Dieval, Laly 54-3.5 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
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Varsity Girls High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cavanaugh, Sophie 5-4 Chapman High School
Smith, Elliana 5-2 Southeast of Saline High School
Potter, Mallory 5-1 Bluestem
Johnson, Amara 5-0 Abilene High School
Baer, Avery 4-10 Chapman High School
Newell, Madison 4-10 Ellsworth High School
Hamel, Kynlee 4-10 Concordia High School
Krafels, Natalya 4-10 Buhler High School
Koster, Ava 4-10 Buhler High School
Soukup, Katelyn 4-8 Ellsworth High School
Brown, Tatum 4-8 Scott Community High School
Willison, Maddie 4-8 Buhler High School
Shipman, Kamri 4-6 McPherson High School
Eastes, Ryann 4-6 Pratt High School
Spitler, Trista 4-6 Smoky Valley High School
Springer, Alexis 4-4 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Bisnette, Jesika 4-4 Concordia High School
Holt, Rylee 4-2 Ellsworth High School
O'Farrell, Oria 4-0 Smoky Valley High School
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Varsity Girls Javelin 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Turnipseed, Kylan 131-6 Ellsworth High School
Rose, Sophia 119-1 Buhler High School
Donnenwerth, Corinne 114-7 Pratt High School
Ohl, Rylan 110-7 Ellsworth High School
Cavanaugh, Sophie 108-5 Chapman High School
Rose, Tara 108-2 Scott Community High School
Pflughoeft, Keeley 105-10 Ellsworth High School
Cook, Jordan 104-6.5 Pratt High School
Oakes, Madison 96-11 Smoky Valley High School
Holub, Destiny 95-11 Southeast of Saline High School
Eastes, Ryann 95-7.25 Pratt High School
Steele, Dani 92-3 Buhler High School
Trout, Megan 89-5 Scott Community High School
Ediger, Emilee 86-0 Abilene High School
Caselman, Avery 80-11 Southeast of Saline High School
Willis, Micah 79-1 Southeast of Saline High School
Breugrm, Haddie 78-5 Hillsboro High School
Combs, Jacey 78-4 Buhler High School
Rose, Allison 75-0 Abilene High School
Western, Kaylee 74-6 McPherson High School
Felker, Erika 73-1 Scott Community High School
Dannefer, Claira 73-0 Abilene High School
Gibson, Hattie 60-4 McPherson High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 18-0 Smoky Valley High School
Chapman, Addison 17-2.5 McPherson High School
Buschbom, Andi 17-2.25 McPherson High School
Krafels, Natalya 16-11 Buhler High School
Litzinger, Haley 16-9.5 Chapman High School
Casebeer, Alexa 16-7 McPherson High School
Goertz, Camryn 16-6.25 Buhler High School
McCoy, Alycea 16-6.25 Buhler High School
Koester, Jaida 16-4.75 Concordia High School
Cox, D'myia 16-3.5 Hillsboro High School
Dannefer, Claira 16-3.5 Abilene High School
Cavanaugh, Sophie 16-1.75 Chapman High School
Sharp, Karsyn 15-10.5 Pratt High School
Bridges, Jaelynn 15-4 Pratt High School
Wingo, Christina 15-1.5 Southeast of Saline High School
Spitler, Trista 15-0.5 Smoky Valley High School
Oakes, Madison 14-5.5 Smoky Valley High School
Wasylk, Claire 14-3 Chapman High School
Just, Gracelyn 13-11.5 Hillsboro High School
Ortiz, Sofia 12-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Holt, Rylee 10-1 Ellsworth High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Peters, Breanne 11-3 Smoky Valley High School
Peters, Noelle 10-0 Smoky Valley High School
Smith, Amber 9-0 McPherson High School
Thompson, Jadyn 9-0 Pratt High School
Bathurst, Eden 9-0 Abilene High School
McCoy, Alycea 9-0 Buhler High School
Mcgivney, Jentree 8-6 Abilene High School
Korte, Brooklyn 8-3 Bluestem
Kindel, Keely 8-0 Concordia High School
Candia, Wendy 8-0 Pratt High School
Lackey, Jenna 8-0 Buhler High School
Kindel, Acacia 7-6 Concordia High School
Clarkson, Tess 7-6 Pratt High School
Smith, Elliana 7-6 Southeast of Saline High School
Black, Maddi 7-6 Abilene High School
Friesen, Ceeley 7-6 Smoky Valley High School
Hicks, Danica 7-0 Ellsworth High School
Frank, Ella 7-0 Scott Community High School
Heller, Josie 7-0 Southeast of Saline High School
Blackwell, Khloe 7-0 Buhler High School
Penner, Lauren 6-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Springer, Alexis 5-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Batista, Angelina 5-0 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schweizer, Emilie 37-7 Buhler High School
Schleltzbaum, Gillian 34-5.5 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Ohl, Rylan 34-3 Ellsworth High School
Sowers, Johnna 34-1 Scott Community High School
Long, Ashleigh 33-11 Chapman High School
Felker, Erika 31-7.75 Scott Community High School
Hill, Gretchen 31-5.5 Chapman High School
Williams, Abbigail 31-1.25 Hillsboro High School
Rose, Tara 31-1 Scott Community High School
Wilson, Hunter 30-7.75 McPherson High School
Cook, Jordan 30-7.5 Pratt High School
Starks, Grace 30-7 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Hansen, Reagan 30-4.25 Ellsworth High School
Thibault, Quinn 30-0 Pratt High School
Steele, Dani 29-1 Buhler High School
Lowery, Kaya 28-10 McPherson High School
Holland, Lauryn 28-10 Buhler High School
Elliott, Tanith 28-9 Chapman High School
Douglas, Suttyn 28-6.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Jones, Callie 27-11 Abilene High School
Kutina, Erin 27-5 McPherson High School
Rose, Allison 27-4.75 Abilene High School
Ediger, Emilee 27-4 Abilene High School
Meisinger, Kenzie 25-10.5 Hillsboro High School
Riedel, Maggie 25-4.75 Smoky Valley High School
Donnenwerth, Corinne 25-0 Pratt High School
Willis, Micah 23-11 Southeast of Saline High School
Schafer, Rachel 23-0 Hillsboro High School
Dieval, Laly 22-10.75 Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic
Baier, Madeline 19-3.5 Southeast of Saline High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kirkpatrick, Maya 37-4.5 Chapman High School
McCoy, Alycea 35-3.5 Buhler High School
Holmes, Mallory 35-1.5 McPherson High School
Frank, Brynlee 34-7 Buhler High School
Wasylk, Claire 34-2 Chapman High School
Cox, D'myia 34-2 Hillsboro High School
Davidson, Maggie 34-1.5 Buhler High School
Duncan, Hope 33-11.5 Smoky Valley High School
Vogts, Anna 33-8 McPherson High School
Koester, Jaida 33-6 Concordia High School
Cash, Charlize 33-5.25 Concordia High School
Sharp, Karsyn 33-3.5 Pratt High School
Donnenwerth, Corinne 33-0 Pratt High School
Fishback, Jillian 32-2.5 Smoky Valley High School
Wren, Kinleigh 32-2 Scott Community High School
Eastes, Ryann 32-0 Pratt High School
Wingo, Christina 31-2.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Jones, Keira 31-1.5 Chapman High School
Shipman, Kamri 30-11.5 McPherson High School
Caselman, Avery 30-11.25 Southeast of Saline High School
Stahlman, Aubrey 30-9.25 Concordia High School
Jost, Addison 30-8 Hillsboro High School
Newell, Madison 30-3.5 Ellsworth High School
Spitler, Trista 28-11.5 Smoky Valley High School
Arnold, Gabbie 27-10 Hillsboro High School
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