Meet Information
CNC invitational Track Meet
Thursday May 11, 2023
1. Entries - limited to three (3) per event. Because we are using fully automatic timing, we ask that you make your entries on by 6pm Wed. 5/11. Coaches will be able to edit entries by emailing me or calling me until 10:00am on Thur. 5/12. At the coaches meeting coaches will only be allowed to scratch athletes.
2. Please list best times in meters (conversions are acceptable).
3. The coaches' meeting will be held at the Girard High School Cafeteria (east of the stadium) at 2:30 PM. Scratches will be made at this time.
4. There will be (3) trials in the shot, discus, long jump, triple jump, and javelin. The top seven (7) from prelims will get three (3) more trials in the finals immediately following the completion of the preliminaries. We will measure all throws for all athletes.
5. Please have contestants come dressed.
6. Shot and discus will be thrown from concrete surfaces. The javelin will be thrown off grass. All other event runways are all-weather surfaces.
7. No spikes longer than 1/4 inchare allowed! (This does not include the javelin)
8.In field events, the judges have been instructed to pass a trial for any contestant who wastes time in taking a regular turn.
9. Boys and girls 300m IHM and 400m will be run against time. No preliminaries. The fastest entry times will make up the fast heat. We will not run a heat with fewer than 2 athletes but will attempt to put the fastest seven athletes in the fast heat.
10.There will be prelims in the 100, 200, and high hurdles (if needed). The winners of each heat will advance with the number advancing dependent on the number of heats. This will be decided in the coaches meeting. In all other races, the fastest heat will be the last heat.
11. Busses may parallel park on the North and South side of the football field, or inside the fence behind the North football bleachers. If there isn't any space available in the above areas, a parking lot is also available across the street and east of the school.
12. Scoring will be 10,8,6,4,2,1 Medals will be awarded to the top three places in individual events and the top three places in relay events.
13. The starter will be Mike Cook. Meet Director will be Matt Logue. Rules committee for the boys will be Columbus, Riverton, and Frontenac coaches. The girls' committee will be Colgan, Baxter Springs, and Galena coaches.
14. Any protests or suggestions will be made to the Meet Director (Matt Logue).
15. We will start the boys' high jump at 5' 0", the girls' high jump at 4' 0" and the boys' pole vault at 7' 6". Starting height for girls pole vault will be 6' 6".
16. The pole vault mat will be set according to the wind direction at the start of the competition and will remain set up like this until the conclusion of the meet. We will set up the mat so that the wind is at the athlete's back if our facility allows for this.
17. Competitors excused to compete in another event shall have a maximum of 10 minutes from the time they complete their trial or race until they must make themselves available for the next trial. Track events take priority over field events and the vertical jumps take priority over horizontal jumps and throws. Athletes must follow these guidelines for our meet to run smoothly.
18. Field event judges will continue trials in the long jump, triple jump, shot put, disc, and javelin after an athlete leaves to compete in another event. Athletes will be required to complete their remaining trials when they return. Athletes will be allowed all of their trials if they return in a timely manner.
19. All medals and result sheets will be passed out in the cafeteria following the meet. Unless you have an important reason to be there, we ask that you and all participants stay out of the press box.
20. Spectators are to be in the stands observing not in the jumping event areas. Athletes may warm up on the infield and coaches may be on the infield and in the field event areas.
21. A hospitality room will be open to coaches, bus drivers, and meet workers starting at 4:30pm in the cafeteria.
22. If you have any questions call me at (620)-724-4326, (620)-763-2126, or (620)-212-8153 or email me at We look forward to seeing you on Thur. May 10th for the CNC track and field meet
3:00 p.m.
DiscusBoys-- North Ring
Girls -South Ring
Shot Boys - West Ring
Girls-East Ring
Girls' Javelin--- North Javelin Sector
Boys' Javelin--- South Javelin Sector
Boy's High Jump followed by Girls'
Girls' Pole Vault followed by Boys'
Girls' Long Jump followed Girls Triple Jump-south runway
Boys' Long Jump followed by Boys Triple Jump
4:30 p.m.
Girls' 100 M Dash
Boys' 100 M Dash
Girls' 4X800 M Relay
Boys' 4X800 M Relay
Girls' 200 M Dash
Boys' 200 M Dash
Boys 110 M Highs
Girls' 100m Highs
40 Minutes after Prelims (APX. 6pm)
Girls' 100 M Highs
Boys' 110 M Highs
Girls' 100 M Dash
Boys' 100 M Dash
Girls' 1600 M Run
Boys' 1600 M Run
Girls' 4X100 M Relay
Boys' 4X100 M Relay
Girls' 400 M Dash
Boys' 400 M Dash
Girls' 300 M Lows
Boys' 300 M Intermediates
Girls' 800 M Run
Boys' 800 M Run
Girls' 200 M Dash
Boys' 200 M Dash
Girls' 3200 M Run
Boys' 3200 M Run
Girls' 4X400 Relay
Boys' 4X400 Relay