Ark Valley-Chisolm Trail League (AVCTL) Division III 2022

Towanda, KS

Athlete Entries

Varsity Boys 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campbell, Cameron 10.78 Buhler High School
Campbell, Diante 10.90 Buhler High School
Summers, Barry 10.92 El Dorado High School
Smith, Tyrus 10.96 Circle High School
Schriner, Sky 11.11 McPherson High School
Blackwell, Isaiah 11.25 Augusta High School
Harp-Jackson, Gabe 11.42 El Dorado High School
Boettcher, Dylan 11.44 Circle High School
Towles, Kyan 11.52 Winfield High School
Rose, Westin 11.54 Circle High School
Crank, Braxton 11.91 El Dorado High School
Kaus, Gage 11.93 Augusta High School
Gotti, Luca 11.95 Buhler High School
Washington, Julian 12.07 Winfield High School
Tapia, Gabriel 12.14 Winfield High School
Murphy, Hunter 12.59 Augusta High School
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Varsity Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Birney, Marshall Buhler High School
Johnson, Thomas 15.45 Augusta High School
Ostrom, Javohn 15.96 Buhler High School
Pfeifer, Chase 16.19 Augusta High School
Fredrick, Myles 16.45 Buhler High School
Thiel, Trey 16.69 Winfield High School
Muehler, Cory 16.85 McPherson High School
Keough, Asa 16.91 McPherson High School
Brewer, Lucky 18.08 McPherson High School
Locke, Blayke 19.80 Augusta High School
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Varsity Boys 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Sawyer 4:16.76 Augusta High School
Keller, Hayden 4:27.94 Buhler High School
Priest, Corban 4:45.19 Winfield High School
Hunter, Ian 4:46.12 Circle High School
Logan, Blake 4:47.90 Circle High School
Whisler, Layne 4:49.99 Buhler High School
Lindahl, Austin 4:50.18 Buhler High School
Thompson, Mark 4:52.22 Winfield High School
Mai, Roman 4:52.95 McPherson High School
Johnson, Michael 4:56.42 Augusta High School
Mendez, Roberto 4:57.09 McPherson High School
Reed, Heath 5:02.16 Winfield High School
Dieter, Jacob 5:02.62 Augusta High School
Bixenman, Tyler 5:04.74 Circle High School
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Varsity Boys 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Summers, Barry 22.37 El Dorado High School
Smith, Tyrus 22.50 Circle High School
Campbell, Cameron 22.66 Buhler High School
Campbell, Diante 22.75 Buhler High School
Taylor, Cooper 23.28 Buhler High School
Buckbee, Trey 23.36 McPherson High School
Boettcher, Dylan 24.24 Circle High School
Gantt, Kaden 24.29 McPherson High School
Kaus, Gage 24.35 Augusta High School
Peffly, Ty 24.54 El Dorado High School
Towles, Kyan 24.54 Winfield High School
Solyom, Koppany 24.70 Winfield High School
Crank, Braxton 24.83 El Dorado High School
Becker, Samuel 24.91 McPherson High School
Rose, Westin 25.38 Circle High School
Blackwell, Isaiah 25.53 Augusta High School
Scott, Dustin 26.12 Augusta High School
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Varsity Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Thomas 41.31 Augusta High School
Fredrick, Myles 41.95 Buhler High School
Thiel, Trey 42.75 Winfield High School
Keough, Asa 43.89 McPherson High School
Muehler, Cory 44.12 McPherson High School
Vallejo, Isaiah 44.51 Circle High School
Patton, Gavin 45.06 Buhler High School
Galli, Lorenzo 45.07 Winfield High School
Brewer, Lucky 46.75 McPherson High School
Pfeifer, Chase 46.87 Augusta High School
Locke, Blayke 51.68 Augusta High School
Birney, Marshall 51.96 Buhler High School
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Varsity Boys 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lohrentz, Kaden 10:12.29 Buhler High School
Hunter, Ian 10:12.44 Circle High School
Priest, Corban 10:12.62 Winfield High School
Lindahl, Austin 10:31.83 Buhler High School
Thompson, Mark 10:47.90 Winfield High School
Dieter, Patrick 11:06.30 Augusta High School
Schmidt, Dawson 11:06.87 Augusta High School
Reed, Heath 11:08.86 Winfield High School
Mendez, Roberto 11:10.17 McPherson High School
Elder, Ethan 11:15.93 McPherson High School
Floyd, Garrett 11:23.80 McPherson High School
Broadbent, Aiden 11:28.31 Augusta High School
Gomez, Gage 12:03.10 El Dorado High School
Hunter, Dylan 12:24.44 Circle High School
Lindahl, Tanner 9:23.38 Buhler High School
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Varsity Boys 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hannen, Will 1:00.54 Buhler High School
Price, Sam 1:01.17 Augusta High School
Stevens, Travis 1:02.07 Augusta High School
Scott, Dustin 1:03.79 Augusta High School
Ashihi, Tylen 51.04 El Dorado High School
Gantt, Kaden 52.62 McPherson High School
Gilliam, Tavian 54.79 Buhler High School
LOEWEN, Myles 55.17 Circle High School
Lyon, Simon 55.80 McPherson High School
Hardgrave, Caden 56.02 McPherson High School
Kline, Austin 57.24 Circle High School
Suleimen, Daniyal 57.48 Winfield High School
Rose, Westin 57.80 Circle High School
Spicer, Isaac 58.70 Buhler High School
Tapia, Gabriel 58.78 Winfield High School
Jensen, Duke 59.45 El Dorado High School
Jensen, Joe 59.77 El Dorado High School
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Varsity Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.16 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 44.41 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 45.20 Circle High School
Relay Team A 45.28 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 45.32 El Dorado High School
Relay Team A 46.47 Augusta High School
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Varsity Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Augusta High School
Relay Team A 3:35.68 El Dorado High School
Relay Team A 3:36.23 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 3:42.98 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 3:47.43 Circle High School
Relay Team A 3:54.25 Winfield High School
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Varsity Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:32.15 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 8:51.65 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 8:58.63 Circle High School
Relay Team A 8:58.71 Augusta High School
Relay Team A 9:25.00h McPherson High School
Relay Team A 9:37.61 El Dorado High School
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Varsity Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Sawyer 1:56.14 Augusta High School
Keller, Hayden 2:02.83 Buhler High School
Ashihi, Tylen 2:04.57 El Dorado High School
Hines, Spencer 2:04.70 Buhler High School
Broadbent, Aiden 2:07.65 Augusta High School
Johnson, Michael 2:11.45 Augusta High School
Brown, Jaden 2:11.83 Winfield High School
Bixenman, Tyler 2:12.85 Circle High School
Logan, Blake 2:14.02 Circle High School
Mai, Roman 2:15.31 McPherson High School
Koller, David 2:16.55 Winfield High School
Trumpp, Henry 2:19.02 Buhler High School
Smith, Nikolas 2:30.65 Winfield High School
Hunter, Dylan 2:37.98 Circle High School
Dillner, Thomas 2:42.78 El Dorado High School
Dillner, Michael 2:48.55 El Dorado High School
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Varsity Boys Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bailey, Braxton 141-1 McPherson High School
Williams, Holt 137-1 Augusta High School
Teeter, Keagun 133-3 Buhler High School
Schell, Brock 131-1 El Dorado High School
Angle, Jackson 127-8 Winfield High School
Larimer, Bronson 125-6 El Dorado High School
Miller, Wesley 121-6 Buhler High School
Regier, Bryan 120-11 Buhler High School
Tien, Andrew 118-5 Circle High School
Landrum, Curtis 117-10 McPherson High School
Nutt, Joseph 113-10 McPherson High School
Wright, Garrick 108-6 Circle High School
Parscal, Tanner 104-0 Augusta High School
Mays, Aiden 91-0 El Dorado High School
Caley, Devon 90-8 Winfield High School
Tipton, Corbin 80-9 Augusta High School
Widner, Mason 80-3 Winfield High School
Uhlman, Sam 71-6 Circle High School
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Varsity Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Madron, Seth 6-5 McPherson High School
Gilliam, Tavian 6-1 Buhler High School
Vallejo, Isaiah 6-0 Circle High School
Kanitz, Kreighton 5-10 McPherson High School
Acosta, Armon 5-10 Winfield High School
Blackwell, Isaiah 5-8 Augusta High School
Thiel, Trey 5-8 Winfield High School
Routh, Easton 5-6 Augusta High School
Hannen, Will 5-4 Buhler High School
Willard-Trass, Deidrick 5-4 Buhler High School
Smith, Kurtis 5-2 Augusta High School
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Varsity Boys Javelin 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Cooper 175-0 Buhler High School
Wittenberg, Levi 161-2 El Dorado High School
Rose, Rylan 152-10 Circle High School
Washington, Julian 148-5 Winfield High School
Manke, Ethan 147-8 El Dorado High School
Williams, Holt 144-2 Augusta High School
Spicer, Isaac 138-4 Buhler High School
Scott, Collin 136-11 El Dorado High School
Wedel, Gavin 136-8 McPherson High School
Martin, Caleb 135-5 Augusta High School
Tien, Andrew 132-2 Circle High School
Yingling, Riley 127-4 Winfield High School
Wright, Garrick 127-1 Circle High School
Becker, Samuel 125-10 McPherson High School
Ediger, Braeden 121-10 McPherson High School
Parscal, Tanner 118-0 Augusta High School
Gonzalez, Bryant 115-11 Winfield High School
Morgan, Andrew 94-1 Buhler High School
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Varsity Boys Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harp-Jackson, Gabe 21-2.5 El Dorado High School
Solyom, Koppany 21-0.5 Winfield High School
Alexander, Javyn 20-11.75 McPherson High School
Galli, Lorenzo 20-7.75 Winfield High School
Acosta, Armon 20-7 Winfield High School
Koehn, Chase 20-6 McPherson High School
Kanitz, Kreighton 20-0 McPherson High School
Penrose, Caleb 19-5.25 Buhler High School
Krahn, Connor 19-1.75 Circle High School
Kline, Austin 18-8.75 Circle High School
Patton, Gavin 18-8.5 Buhler High School
Price, Sam 18-7 Augusta High School
Compton, Thomas 18-3.5 Buhler High School
Ohl, Tyson 18-1.5 Augusta High School
Peffly, Ty 17-6.5 El Dorado High School
Ridder, Jude 17-2 Augusta High School
D'Angelo, Ayden 15-11.5 Circle High School
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Varsity Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tustian, Tanner 13-3 Buhler High School
Dossett, Ryker 13-0 McPherson High School
Spencer, Jayce 13-0 Buhler High School
Penrose, Caleb 11-7.75 Buhler High School
Harms, Alec 10-6 McPherson High School
Harmon, Logan 10-1 Winfield High School
Marion, Malone 9-0 McPherson High School
Brown, Jaden 7-6 Winfield High School
Reed, Heath 7-0 Winfield High School
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Varsity Boys Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Angle, Jackson 55-7.5 Winfield High School
Miller, Wesley 48-10 Buhler High School
Williams, Holt 46-10 Augusta High School
Larimer, Bronson 46-9.5 El Dorado High School
Bell, Gavin 44-8 El Dorado High School
Scott, Collin 44-4 El Dorado High School
Tien, Andrew 40-9.5 Circle High School
Madry, Kros 40-4 Winfield High School
Teeter, Keagun 40-2.5 Buhler High School
Rose, Rylan 39-10 Circle High School
Wright, Garrick 38-7 Circle High School
Bailey, Braxton 38-6 McPherson High School
Erwin, Zander 36-9 Augusta High School
Redenbaugh, Bodey 36-7.75 Buhler High School
Carroll, Devin 36-3.25 Augusta High School
Caley, Devon 35-10.25 Winfield High School
Nutt, Joseph 34-9.75 McPherson High School
Valadez, Daniel 33-7.5 McPherson High School
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Varsity Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gilliam, Tavian 43-9.25 Buhler High School
Gibbs, Darriene 41-6.5 McPherson High School
Kanitz, Kreighton 40-2.25 McPherson High School
Washington, Julian 39-10 Winfield High School
Willard-Trass, Deidrick 38-10.5 Buhler High School
Compton, Thomas 37-8 Buhler High School
Krahn, Connor 37-5.75 Circle High School
D'Angelo, Ayden 33-9.75 Circle High School
Ridder, Jude 31-11.5 Augusta High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCloud, Jayla 12.69 McPherson High School
Chapman, Addison 12.82 McPherson High School
Ross, Anna 13.20 Winfield High School
Koster, Ava 13.61 Buhler High School
Hemphill, Erica 13.64 Buhler High School
Krafels, Natalya 13.70 Buhler High School
Lang, Kyla 13.72 McPherson High School
Riedel, Avery 14.09 Augusta High School
Roberts, Jenna 14.22 Augusta High School
Coiner, Chloe 14.32 El Dorado High School
Toon, Grace 14.39 Winfield High School
Christy, Natalya 14.70 Circle High School
Winzer, Catryna 14.71 Augusta High School
Barnes, Samantha 15.56 Circle High School
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Varsity Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Malbec, Melissandre Winfield High School
Seely, Caylin 15.25 Buhler High School
Smith, Harper 15.96 McPherson High School
Soukup, Aislyn 16.13 McPherson High School
Koehn, Arihanna 16.32 McPherson High School
Combs, Ava 17.29 Buhler High School
Moon, Cora 17.48 Winfield High School
Lopez, Tatayanna 18.15 Winfield High School
Keeton, Ellie 19.07 Buhler High School
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Varsity Girls 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Myers, Kayli 5:42.78 Winfield High School
Benavides, Gracelynn 5:43.50 Winfield High School
Clevenger, Chloe 5:46.00 McPherson High School
Turner, Lauryn 5:55.09 Winfield High School
Hamby, Krysten 5:55.28 Buhler High School
Elder, Evie 5:57.76 McPherson High School
Unruh, Alison 6:00.20 Circle High School
Houghtaling, Kayla 6:06.58 Augusta High School
Eagleson, Emmary 6:07.92 Augusta High School
Busch, Madison 6:10.50 Augusta High School
Liess, Brynn 6:11.22 El Dorado High School
Little, Makayla 6:19.35 Buhler High School
Oard, Graci 6:39.55 Buhler High School
Ott, Lyla 6:39.78 Circle High School
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Varsity Girls 200 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCloud, Jayla 25.87 McPherson High School
Casebeer, Alexa 28.38 McPherson High School
Roussel, Maiwenn 28.77 Buhler High School
Koehn, Arihanna 29.02 McPherson High School
Ross, Anna 29.25 Winfield High School
Riedel, Avery 29.61 Augusta High School
Frank, Brynlee 29.82 Buhler High School
Gleason, Maddison 30.59 Buhler High School
Roberts, Jenna 30.74 Augusta High School
Johnston, Emmie 30.95 Augusta High School
Christy, Natalya 31.86 Circle High School
Scott, Brooklynn 33.12 El Dorado High School
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Varsity Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seely, Caylin 47.34 Buhler High School
Smith, Harper 49.61 McPherson High School
Combs, Ava 50.87 Buhler High School
Soukup, Aislyn 52.42 McPherson High School
Richert, Rhyanna 53.21 Winfield High School
Holmes, Mallory 53.33 McPherson High School
Waldren, Serenity 57.69 Circle High School
Keeton, Ellie 57.73 Buhler High School
Inamura, Shino 57.74 Winfield High School
Goyer, Gracie 58.37 Winfield High School
Barnes, Samantha 59.06 Circle High School
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Varsity Girls 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Myers, Kayli 12:18.00 Winfield High School
Horning, Taryn 12:42.32 Buhler High School
Elder, Evie 12:42.84 McPherson High School
Warner, Lindsay 12:44.31 Buhler High School
Unruh, Alison 13:01.35 Circle High School
Busch, Madison 13:11.30 Augusta High School
Turner, Lauryn 13:14.17 Winfield High School
Dorantes, Maya 13:15.37 Buhler High School
Otto, Sophia 13:18.54 Augusta High School
Liess, Brynn 13:30.59 El Dorado High School
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Varsity Girls 400 Meter Dash 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roussel, Maiwenn Buhler High School
Backhus, Izabel 1:04.65 McPherson High School
Moon, Cora 1:06.14 Winfield High School
Mintzer, Katelyn 1:08.09 McPherson High School
Willison, Maddie 1:10.24 Buhler High School
Dodd, Alyssa 1:12.17 Circle High School
Krueger, Megan 1:12.97 Buhler High School
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Varsity Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.50 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 53.02 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 55.20 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 55.44 Circle High School
Relay Team A 57.06 Augusta High School
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Varsity Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:19.68 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 4:26.42 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 4:34.31 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 4:50.12 Circle High School
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Varsity Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:35.64 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 10:45.41 Winfield High School
Relay Team A 10:48.26 Circle High School
Relay Team A 10:58.74 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 11:22.71 Augusta High School
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Varsity Girls 800 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benavides, Gracelynn 2:30.72 Winfield High School
Choriego, Rebekah 2:32.82 Circle High School
Hamby, Krysten 2:42.03 Buhler High School
Edgerle, Lyric 2:42.11 Circle High School
Whorton, Emily 2:44.22 McPherson High School
Patterson, Lexi 2:46.44 McPherson High School
Liess, Brynn 2:48.03 El Dorado High School
Prose, Ada 2:49.16 McPherson High School
Eagleson, Emmary 2:50.23 Augusta High School
OTTO, Adriana 2:52.64 Augusta High School
Houghtaling, Kayla 2:53.60 Augusta High School
Little, Makayla 2:54.04 Buhler High School
Ott, Lyla 2:58.29 Circle High School
Oard, Gracie 2:59.29 Buhler High School
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Varsity Girls Discus 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rose, Sophia 110-1 Buhler High School
Peters, Mason 108-8 Winfield High School
Buettgenbach, Tailynn 108-1 McPherson High School
Scott, Sydney 102-3 Augusta High School
Schweizer, Emilie 101-8 Buhler High School
Faudere, Keylee 98-1 El Dorado High School
Jones, Cheyenne 92-0 El Dorado High School
Dennison, Delaynie 90-10 Circle High School
Rawson, Ciara 90-0 McPherson High School
Rice, Aubree 88-1 McPherson High School
Johnson, Emma 87-0 Circle High School
Richert, Rozlyn 86-1 Winfield High School
Dennison, Kylie 84-6 Circle High School
Holland, Lauryn 82-5 Buhler High School
Carrell, Kyra 76-10.5 Augusta High School
Allar, Addison 72-1 El Dorado High School
Smith, Karlee 65-3 Augusta High School
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Varsity Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Soukup, Aislyn 4-10 McPherson High School
Krafels, Natalya 4-10 Buhler High School
Koster, Ava 4-10 Buhler High School
McCauley, Kinsley 4-10 Winfield High School
Lopez, Tatayanna 4-10 Winfield High School
Brundege, Emily 4-8 Augusta High School
Willison, Maddie 4-8 Buhler High School
Richert, Rhyanna 4-6 Winfield High School
Coiner, Chloe 4-4 El Dorado High School
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Varsity Girls Javelin 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rose, Sophia 119-1 Buhler High School
Dennison, Delaynie 100-6 Circle High School
Richert, Rozlyn 94-3 Winfield High School
Jahn, Brooklyn 93-8 El Dorado High School
Steele, Dani 92-3 Buhler High School
Kern, Emma 90-1 Circle High School
Carrell, Kyra 86-11 Augusta High School
Webb, Brooke 86-1 Winfield High School
Johnson, Emma 85-9 Circle High School
Moree, Aliah 82-10 Winfield High School
Sandbo, Kyndall 82-8 McPherson High School
Hicks, Kasea 79-2 El Dorado High School
Hartnett, Delaney 78-4 Buhler High School
Malm, Carley 78-2.5 McPherson High School
Smith, Amber 77-5 McPherson High School
Wernli, Bella 77-3 El Dorado High School
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Varsity Girls Long Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chapman, Addison 17-2.5 McPherson High School
Krafels, Natalya 16-11 Buhler High School
McCoy, Alycea 16-6.25 Buhler High School
Lang, Kyla 16-3.5 McPherson High School
Casebeer, Alexa 15-7.5 McPherson High School
Davidson, Maggie 14-6 Buhler High School
Johnston, Emmie 14-5 Augusta High School
Dodd, Alyssa 13-5 Circle High School
Scott, Brooklynn 11-7.75 El Dorado High School
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Varsity Girls Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCune, Sophia 9-1 Circle High School
Smith, Amber 9-0 McPherson High School
McCoy, Alycea 8-6 Buhler High School
Bonnell, Joscalyne 7-0 Winfield High School
Brogan, Brooke 7-0 Winfield High School
Keeton, Ellie 6-6 Buhler High School
Ward, Kyla 6-6 Buhler High School
Sandbo, Kyndall 6-6 McPherson High School
Wedel, Landree 6-0 McPherson High School
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Varsity Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Buettgenbach, Tailynn 36-8.25 McPherson High School
Dennison, Kylie 36-6.5 Circle High School
Schweizer, Emilie 36-3.5 Buhler High School
Jones, Cheyenne 35-7 El Dorado High School
Carrell, Kyra 32-7 Augusta High School
Dennison, Delaynie 31-9.5 Circle High School
Johnson, Emma 31-3.5 Circle High School
Rose, Sophia 31-2 Buhler High School
Rice, Aubree 30-7 McPherson High School
Faudere, Keylee 30-0 El Dorado High School
Rawson, Ciara 29-9.5 McPherson High School
Witcher, Zacara 29-0.75 Winfield High School
Richert, Rozlyn 28-9.5 Winfield High School
Hicks, Kasea 28-9 El Dorado High School
Holland, Lauryn 28-6 Buhler High School
Peters, Mason 27-9.5 Winfield High School
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Varsity Girls Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCoy, Alycea 35-3.5 Buhler High School
Frank, Brynlee 34-0 Buhler High School
Vogts, Anna 33-8 McPherson High School
Holmes, Mallory 32-9.5 McPherson High School
Davidson, Maggie 31-10.5 Buhler High School
Smith, Amber 31-5.25 McPherson High School
Barnes, Samantha 26-9 Circle High School
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