St. Marys Ray Kovar Invite 2022 2022

St. Marys, KS

Complete Results

Women's 4 x 800m Relay
Pl Team Time Pts
1 Sabetha (A) 11:00.84 10
#2 Men's 4 x 800m Relay
Pl Team Time Pts
1 Sabetha (A) 9:19.90 10
2 St. Marys (A) 9:37.94 8
3 Silver Lake (A) 9:45.48 6
4 St. George-Rock Creek (A) 10:15.12 4
5 St. Marys (B) 10:50.01 2
#3 Women's 100m Hurdles
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 MURPHY, Danielle Alma-Wabaunsee 18.45 (NW) 2(1) 10
2 LAROSA, Harley Herington 18.48 (NW) 2(2) 8
3 DOLLINGER, Dejah Herington 19.25 (NW) 2(3) 6
4 SALEH, Melanie Herington 19.53 (NW) 2(4) 4
5 MCCANN, Isabelle St. Marys 19.88 (NW) 1(1) 2
6 STARK, Campbell Osage City 21.13 (NW) 2(5) 1
7 LAMB, Avery Meriden-Jefferson 21.13 (NW) 1(2)
8 GATZ, McKenna Sabetha 21.74 (NW) 1(3)
9 HAYNES, Ean Rossville 21.74 (NW) 2(6)
10 HENDERSON, Sam St. Marys 21.84 (NW) 2(7)
11 BAILEY, Eve Sabetha 22.39 (NW) 1(4)
12 DONALDSON, Jenna Alma-Wabaunsee 22.44 (NW) 1(5)
DRESSLER, Millie Cornerstone Famil DNS (NW) 1
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 2 Wind: (NW)
1 MCCANN, Isabelle St. Marys 19.88
2 LAMB, Avery Meriden-Jefferson 21.13
3 GATZ, McKenna Sabetha 21.74
4 BAILEY, Eve Sabetha 22.39
5 DONALDSON, Jenna Alma-Wabaunsee 22.44
DRESSLER, Millie Cornerstone Famil DNS
Section 2 of 2 Wind: (NW)
1 MURPHY, Danielle Alma-Wabaunsee 18.45
2 LAROSA, Harley Herington 18.48
3 DOLLINGER, Dejah Herington 19.25
4 SALEH, Melanie Herington 19.53
5 STARK, Campbell Osage City 21.13
6 HAYNES, Ean Rossville 21.74
7 HENDERSON, Sam St. Marys 21.84
#4 Men's 110m Hurdles
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 TOENJES, Alex St. Marys 16.20 (NW) 2(1) 10
2 CULBERTH, Eli Cornerstone Famil 16.94 (NW) 2(2) 8

#4 Men's 110m Hurdles (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
3 PRADO, Jose St. George-Rock 17.36 (NW) 2(3) 6
4 MCINTYRE, Colson Herington 17.56 (NW) 2(4) 4
5 LEE, Bricen Effingham-Atchiso 17.75 (NW) 2(5) 2
6 JOHNSON, Spencer Silver Lake 18.14 (NW) 1(1) 1
7 WIDLER, Justin Herington 18.16 (NW) 1(2)
8 FRAZEE, Tyse Sabetha 18.17 (NW) 1(3)
9 WAINWRIGHT, Matthew St. George-Rock 18.28 (NW) 1(4)
10 DISBERGER, Bryce St. George-Rock 18.76 (NW) 2(6)
11 BISWELL, Connor St. Marys 18.96 (NW) 1(5)
12 HERNANDEZ, Miguel Alma-Wabaunsee 19.54 (NW) 2(7)
13 LINGENFELSER, William Herington 19.70 (NW) 1(6)
14 HOFFMAN, Pazio Cornerstone Famil 20.27 (NW) 1(7)
BALL, Clifford Cornerstone Famil DNS (NW) 2
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 2 Wind: (NW)
1 JOHNSON, Spencer Silver Lake 18.14
2 WIDLER, Justin Herington 18.16
3 FRAZEE, Tyse Sabetha 18.17
4 WAINWRIGHT, Matthew St. George-Rock 18.28
5 BISWELL, Connor St. Marys 18.96
6 LINGENFELSER, William Herington 19.70
7 HOFFMAN, Pazio Cornerstone Famil 20.27
Section 2 of 2 Wind: (NW)
1 TOENJES, Alex St. Marys 16.20
2 CULBERTH, Eli Cornerstone Famil 16.94
3 PRADO, Jose St. George-Rock 17.36
4 MCINTYRE, Colson Herington 17.56
5 LEE, Bricen Effingham-Atchiso 17.75
6 DISBERGER, Bryce St. George-Rock 18.76
7 HERNANDEZ, Miguel Alma-Wabaunsee 19.54
BALL, Clifford Cornerstone Famil DNS
#5 Women's 100 Meters
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 GARLAND, Hope St. Marys 12.86 (NW) 3(1) 10
2 MCCANN, Guin St. Marys 13.26 (NW) 3(2) 8
3 SCOTT, Olivia Meriden-Jefferson 13.44 (NW) 3(3) 6
4 HURD, Josie St. Marys 13.60 (NW) 3(4) 4
5 KVASNICA, Brynne St. George-Rock 13.67 (NW) 2(1) 2
6 SANER, Olivia Sabetha 13.88 (NW) 3(5) 1
7 WASINGER, Bayley Sabetha 13.91 (NW) 3(6)
8 WALLACE, Mallory St. George-Rock 14.02 (NW) 2(2)
9 WALLER, Tamia Osage City 14.13 (NW) 3(7)
10 BALDRIDGE, Kayleen Northern Heights 14.46 (NW) 2(3)
11 MEYER, Emily Alma-Wabaunsee 14.63 (NW) 2(4)

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 1

#5 Women's 100 Meters (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
12 EDELMAN, Brecken Sabetha 14.63 (NW) 2(5)
13 O'BYRNE, Woodlyn Cornerstone Famil 14.93 (NW) 2(6)
14 MILLER, Fallon Rossville 15.15 (NW) 1(1)
15 MACHON, Sarah Rossville 15.47 (NW) 1(2)
16 DELGADO, Makenna Northern Heights 15.56 (NW) 2(7)
17 POLLUM, Kimber Meriden-Jefferson 16.51 (NW) 1(3)
BALL, Gloria Cornerstone Famil DNS (NW) 3
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 3 Wind: (NW)
1 MILLER, Fallon Rossville 15.15
2 MACHON, Sarah Rossville 15.47
3 POLLUM, Kimber Meriden-Jefferson 16.51
Section 2 of 3 Wind: (NW)
1 KVASNICA, Brynne St. George-Rock 13.67
2 WALLACE, Mallory St. George-Rock 14.02
3 BALDRIDGE, Kayleen Northern Heights 14.46
4 MEYER, Emily Alma-Wabaunsee 14.63
5 EDELMAN, Brecken Sabetha 14.63
6 O'BYRNE, Woodlyn Cornerstone Famil 14.93
7 DELGADO, Makenna Northern Heights 15.56
Section 3 of 3 Wind: (NW)
1 GARLAND, Hope St. Marys 12.86
2 MCCANN, Guin St. Marys 13.26
3 SCOTT, Olivia Meriden-Jefferson 13.44
4 HURD, Josie St. Marys 13.60
5 SANER, Olivia Sabetha 13.88
6 WASINGER, Bayley Sabetha 13.91
7 WALLER, Tamia Osage City 14.13
BALL, Gloria Cornerstone Famil DNS
#6 Men's 100 Meters
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 JUKES, Levi St. Marys 11.23 (NW) 3(1) 10
2 WINANS, Jaydon St. George-Rock 11.46 (NW) 3(2) 8
3 WEBB, Hunter Rossville 11.79 (NW) 3(3) 6
4 ROLLENHAGEN, Trent Silver Lake 11.80 (NW) 3(4) 4
5 DEDONDER, Cody St. Marys 11.82 (NW) 3(5) 2
6 RANKIN, Dawson St. George-Rock 12.21 (NW) 3(6) 1
7 BURTON, Wayde Northern Heights 12.38 (NW) 2(1)
8 VANDEVELDE, Ryan St. Marys 12.41 (NW) 2(2)
9 ELLIOTT, Wyatt Cornerstone Famil 12.47 (NW) 2(3)
10 MCGEE, Shayne Northern Heights 12.53 (NW) 1(1)
11 GILLETTE, Damian Sabetha 12.56 (NW) 2(4)
12 EUSTICE, Tucker Rossville 12.97 (NW) 2(5)
13 MATTIA, Christian Rossville 12.98 (NW) 1(2)

#6 Men's 100 Meters (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
14 SHEPARD, Izaiah Silver Lake 13.18 (NW) 2(6)
15 HAVERKAMP, Kean Sabetha 13.35 (NW) 2(7)
16 REVES, Carson Alma-Wabaunsee 13.40 (NW) 1(3)
17 WHITE, Logan Osage City 13.54 (NW) 2(8)
18 RIDDLE, Michael Cornerstone Famil 14.39 (NW) 1(4)
19 PORTER, Jose Cornerstone Famil 14.69 (NW) 1(5)
20 WITTWER, Aidan Sabetha 16.63 (NW) 1(6)
REESE, Jess Osage City DNS (NW) 3
BOSS, Landon Osage City DNS (NW) 3
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 3 Wind: (NW)
1 MCGEE, Shayne Northern Heights 12.53
2 MATTIA, Christian Rossville 12.98
3 REVES, Carson Alma-Wabaunsee 13.40
4 RIDDLE, Michael Cornerstone Famil 14.39
5 PORTER, Jose Cornerstone Famil 14.69
6 WITTWER, Aidan Sabetha 16.63
Section 2 of 3 Wind: (NW)
1 BURTON, Wayde Northern Heights 12.38
2 VANDEVELDE, Ryan St. Marys 12.41
3 ELLIOTT, Wyatt Cornerstone Famil 12.47
4 GILLETTE, Damian Sabetha 12.56
5 EUSTICE, Tucker Rossville 12.97
6 SHEPARD, Izaiah Silver Lake 13.18
7 HAVERKAMP, Kean Sabetha 13.35
8 WHITE, Logan Osage City 13.54
Section 3 of 3 Wind: (NW)
1 JUKES, Levi St. Marys 11.23
2 WINANS, Jaydon St. George-Rock 11.46
3 WEBB, Hunter Rossville 11.79
4 ROLLENHAGEN, Trent Silver Lake 11.80
5 DEDONDER, Cody St. Marys 11.82
6 RANKIN, Dawson St. George-Rock 12.21
REESE, Jess Osage City DNS
BOSS, Landon Osage City DNS
#7 Women's 1600 Meters
Pl Name Team Time Pts
1 WURTZ, Payton Alma-Wabaunsee 5:31.15 10
2 STUHLSATZ, Rebekah Alma-Wabaunsee 5:58.75 8
3 HINE, Teagan Northern Heights 6:30.58 6
4 ZABALA, Alexis Rossville 6:34.63 4
5 LITTLE, Mila Osage City 6:41.90 2
6 SCHAFFER, Davanne Herington 6:44.72 1
7 SHOEMAKER, Sadie Osage City 6:52.27

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 2

#7 Women's 1600 Meters (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time Pts
8 PORTER, Ashley Cornerstone Famil 7:01.03
9 BOWLES, Lauren Sabetha 7:01.61
10 SCHNACKER, Jacenda Meriden-Jefferson 7:17.33
11 BURK, Paige Osage City 7:27.25
12 VOGT, Jaiden Herington 7:48.62
GIAR, Maggie Cornerstone Famil DNS
#8 Men's 1600 Meters
Pl Name Team Time Pts
1 BRENNER, Jayce Osage City 5:02.22 10
2 HAMLIN, Cooper Northern Heights 5:14.45 8
3 FERGUSON, Eli Silver Lake 5:17.42 6
4 WILKINSON, David St. George-Rock 5:21.16 4
5 TWOMBLY, Lucas Meriden-Jefferson 5:24.33 2
6 MUELLER, Koy Herington 5:34.24 1
7 JOHNSON, Jared Silver Lake 5:37.30
8 BROCE, Mason Rossville 5:41.33
9 BUCKMAN, Trent St. George-Rock 5:48.45
10 ARZOZ, Landor Northern Heights 5:52.78
11 DELONG, Layne St. Marys 5:53.67
12 BACHELOR, Tabor Sabetha 5:55.57
13 KERNS, Luke Osage City 6:03.51
14 BUFORD, Jason Cornerstone Famil 6:07.32
15 LOHMANN, Payton Meriden-Jefferson 6:10.06
16 POTTER, Robert Alma-Wabaunsee 6:16.15
17 SCHLESENER, Sumner Herington 6:30.97
18 VANSTORY, Matthew Alma-Wabaunsee 6:30.97
19 TIFFANY, Grady Northern Heights 6:35.53
20 MARSHALL, Joshua Cornerstone Famil 8:27.53
ELLIOTT, Gunner Cornerstone Famil DNS
CLARK, Ian St. George-Rock DNS
DEITER, Brody Silver Lake DNS
#9 Women's 4 x 100m Relay
Pl Team Time Pts
1 St. Marys (A) 52.93 10
2 St. George-Rock Creek (A) 55.13 8
3 Alma-Wabaunsee (A) 55.33 6
4 Osage City (A) 57.06 4
5 Herington (A) 57.56 2
6 Cornerstone Family School (A) 57.83 1
7 Rossville (A) 57.85
8 Sabetha (A) 57.99

#10 Men's 4 x 100m Relay
Pl Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 St. Marys (A) 45.62 2(1) 10
2 Osage City (A) 46.95 2(2) 8
3 Effingham-Atchison Co Comm (A) 48.58 2(3) 6
4 Silver Lake (A) 49.08 2(4) 4
5 St. Marys (B) 49.46 2(5) 2
6 Herington (A) 49.82 1(1) 1
7 Rossville (A) 50.79 1(2)
8 Cornerstone Family School (A) 50.92 2(6)
St. George-Rock Creek (A) FS 2
Sabetha (A) DNS 1
Pl Team Time
Section 1 of 2
1 Herington (A) 49.82
2 Rossville (A) 50.79
Sabetha (A) DNS
Section 2 of 2
1 St. Marys (A) 45.62
2 Osage City (A) 46.95
3 Effingham-Atchison Co Comm (A) 48.58
4 Silver Lake (A) 49.08
5 St. Marys (B) 49.46
6 Cornerstone Family School (A) 50.92
St. George-Rock Creek (A) FS
#11 Girl's 4 x 100 Thrower's Relay
Pl Team Time Pts
1 St. George-Rock Creek (A) 1:04.45 10
St. Marys (A) DNS
#12 Boy's 4 x 100 Throwers Relay
Pl Team Time Pts
1 St. Marys (A) 52.81 10
2 Herington (A) 57.84 8
3 St. George-Rock Creek (A) 57.92 6
4 Alma-Wabaunsee (A) 58.45 4
#13 Women's 400 Meters
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 LUKERT, Mary Sabetha 1:05.95 2(1) 10
2 WURTZ, Payton Alma-Wabaunsee 1:06.10 2(2) 8
3 ROENNE, Mellany Meriden-Jefferson 1:07.00 2(3) 6
4 HEIM, Hayden St. Marys 1:07.99 2(4) 4
5 SCHMELZLE, Aubrey Sabetha 1:11.57 1(1) 2
6 CASTLEBERRY, Kenzie Herington 1:15.72 1(2) 1
7 MCCANN, Isabelle St. Marys 1:18.04 1(3)
8 WEBB, Ashlyn Cornerstone Famil 1:19.72 1(4)

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 3

#13 Women's 400 Meters (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
9 RAND, Peyton Herington 1:21.17 2(5)
10 ARNOLD, Mallory Herington 1:23.25 1(5)
11 RAINEY, Catherine St. Marys 1:33.18 1(6)
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 2
1 SCHMELZLE, Aubrey Sabetha 1:11.57
2 CASTLEBERRY, Kenzie Herington 1:15.72
3 MCCANN, Isabelle St. Marys 1:18.04
4 WEBB, Ashlyn Cornerstone Famil 1:19.72
5 ARNOLD, Mallory Herington 1:23.25
6 RAINEY, Catherine St. Marys 1:33.18
Section 2 of 2
1 LUKERT, Mary Sabetha 1:05.95
2 WURTZ, Payton Alma-Wabaunsee 1:06.10
3 ROENNE, Mellany Meriden-Jefferson 1:07.00
4 HEIM, Hayden St. Marys 1:07.99
5 RAND, Peyton Herington 1:21.17
#14 Men's 400 Meters
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 BISHOP, Tyrese Sabetha 54.49 2(1) 10
2 LI, Jack Northern Heights 57.63 2(2) 8
3 GOMEZ, Kason St. Marys 58.17 2(3) 6
4 HENSLEY, Braiden Rossville 58.59 2(4) 4
5 HURLA, Keller St. Marys 58.89 2(5) 2
6 BUFORD, Jonas Cornerstone Famil 59.07 2(6) 1
7 WEBB, Hunter Rossville 1:01.96 1(1)
8 VANDEVELDE, Ryan St. Marys 1:02.82 1(2)
9 STRAUSBAUGH, Braden Silver Lake 1:03.26 1(3)
10 CULBERTH, Gabe Cornerstone Famil 1:03.53 2(7)
11 GILLETTE, Damian Sabetha 1:04.50 1(4)
12 BROCE, Mason Rossville 1:07.83 1(5)
13 MCGEE, Shayne Northern Heights 1:08.42 1(6)
14 DALLINGA, David Herington 1:11.47 1(7)
15 RIDDLE, Michael Cornerstone Famil 1:12.14 1(8)
GRAGG, Tyson Osage City DNS 2
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 2
1 WEBB, Hunter Rossville 1:01.96
2 VANDEVELDE, Ryan St. Marys 1:02.82
3 STRAUSBAUGH, Braden Silver Lake 1:03.26
4 GILLETTE, Damian Sabetha 1:04.50
5 BROCE, Mason Rossville 1:07.83
6 MCGEE, Shayne Northern Heights 1:08.42

#14 Men's 400 Meters (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time
7 DALLINGA, David Herington 1:11.47
8 RIDDLE, Michael Cornerstone Famil 1:12.14
Section 2 of 2
1 BISHOP, Tyrese Sabetha 54.49
2 LI, Jack Northern Heights 57.63
3 GOMEZ, Kason St. Marys 58.17
4 HENSLEY, Braiden Rossville 58.59
5 HURLA, Keller St. Marys 58.89
6 BUFORD, Jonas Cornerstone Famil 59.07
7 CULBERTH, Gabe Cornerstone Famil 1:03.53
GRAGG, Tyson Osage City DNS
#15 Women's 300m Hurdles
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 LETT, Sarah St. Marys 55.17 2(1) 10
2 STARK, Campbell Osage City 59.05 2(2) 8
3 STUHLSATZ, Isabelle Alma-Wabaunsee 59.20 1(1) 6
4 HENDERSON, Sam St. Marys 59.68 2(3) 4
5 SALEH, Melanie Herington 1:00.41 2(4) 2
6 DOLLINGER, Dejah Herington 1:01.14 1(2) 1
7 LAROSA, Harley Herington 1:04.10 2(5)
8 BAILEY, Eve Sabetha 1:04.58 2(6)
9 LAMB, Avery Meriden-Jefferson 1:04.65 2(7)
DONALDSON, Jenna Alma-Wabaunsee DNS 1
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 2
1 STUHLSATZ, Isabelle Alma-Wabaunsee 59.20
2 DOLLINGER, Dejah Herington 1:01.14
DONALDSON, Jenna Alma-Wabaunsee DNS
Section 2 of 2
1 LETT, Sarah St. Marys 55.17
2 STARK, Campbell Osage City 59.05
3 HENDERSON, Sam St. Marys 59.68
4 SALEH, Melanie Herington 1:00.41
5 LAROSA, Harley Herington 1:04.10
6 BAILEY, Eve Sabetha 1:04.58
7 LAMB, Avery Meriden-Jefferson 1:04.65
#16 Men's 300m Hurdles
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 MCINTYRE, Colson Herington 45.17 3(1) 10
2 TOENJES, Alex St. Marys 45.34 3(2) 8
3 PRADO, Jose St. George-Rock 47.62 3(3) 6
4 CULBERTH, Eli Cornerstone Famil 47.93 3(4) 4
5 BALL, Clifford Cornerstone Famil 48.53 2(1) 2
6 HUARACHA, Abram St. Marys 49.62 3(5) 1

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 4

#16 Men's 300m Hurdles (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
7 WAINWRIGHT, Matthew St. George-Rock 49.93 2(2)
8 HERRINGTON, Shane St. Marys 50.20 2(3)
9 HOFFMAN, Pazio Cornerstone Famil 50.53 1(1)
10 JOHNSON, Spencer Silver Lake 50.79 3(6)
11 MONTENEGRO, Corbin St. George-Rock 51.36 2(4)
12 BESTWICK, Drew Sabetha 51.76 1(2)
13 ARB, Connor Northern Heights 53.20 2(5)
14 HERNANDEZ, Miguel Alma-Wabaunsee 53.78 3(7)
15 FRAZEE, Tyse Sabetha 54.66 2(6)
REEVES, Landon Osage City DNS 1
LEE, Bricen Effingham-Atchiso DNS 3
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 3
1 HOFFMAN, Pazio Cornerstone Famil 50.53
2 BESTWICK, Drew Sabetha 51.76
REEVES, Landon Osage City DNS
Section 2 of 3
1 BALL, Clifford Cornerstone Famil 48.53
2 WAINWRIGHT, Matthew St. George-Rock 49.93
3 HERRINGTON, Shane St. Marys 50.20
4 MONTENEGRO, Corbin St. George-Rock 51.36
5 ARB, Connor Northern Heights 53.20
6 FRAZEE, Tyse Sabetha 54.66
Section 3 of 3
1 MCINTYRE, Colson Herington 45.17
2 TOENJES, Alex St. Marys 45.34
3 PRADO, Jose St. George-Rock 47.62
4 CULBERTH, Eli Cornerstone Famil 47.93
5 HUARACHA, Abram St. Marys 49.62
6 JOHNSON, Spencer Silver Lake 50.79
7 HERNANDEZ, Miguel Alma-Wabaunsee 53.78
LEE, Bricen Effingham-Atchiso DNS
#17 Women's 800 Meters
Pl Name Team Time Pts
1 WURTZ, Payton Alma-Wabaunsee 2:39.06 10
2 LUKERT, Leah Sabetha 2:41.71 8
3 NIPPERT, Kyra St. George-Rock 2:45.57 6
4 HINRICHS, Aubrey Northern Heights 2:52.87 4
5 SMITTICK, Kalana Cornerstone Famil 2:55.25 2
6 LITTLE, Mila Osage City 2:57.50 1
7 METZGER, Laura Sabetha 2:57.55
8 SMITTICK, Talia Cornerstone Famil 3:03.15
9 ZABALA, Alexis Rossville 3:12.52
10 SCHNACKER, Jacenda Meriden-Jefferson 3:18.39

#17 Women's 800 Meters (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time Pts
11 BURK, Paige Osage City 3:25.99
12 GILLIAN, Krystal Herington 4:04.79
PORTER, Ashley Cornerstone Famil DNS
#18 Men's 800 Meters
Pl Name Team Time Pts
1 BRENNER, Jayce Osage City 2:10.36 10
2 FORBES, Haeden Effingham-Atchiso 2:20.01 8
3 WILSON, Tug St. Marys 2:22.19 6
4 MENOLD, Nate Sabetha 2:22.66 4
5 WURTZ, Wyatt Alma-Wabaunsee 2:24.71 2
6 TWOMBLY, Lucas Meriden-Jefferson 2:26.78 1
7 COFFMAN, Aeomon Silver Lake 2:32.31
8 CHEEVER, Brandon St. George-Rock 2:33.32
9 ARZOZ, Landor Northern Heights 2:43.81
10 LOHMANN, Payton Meriden-Jefferson 2:44.36
11 BEAM, Colter Silver Lake 2:51.02
12 VANSTORY, Matthew Alma-Wabaunsee 2:57.40
13 ELLIOTT, Gunner Cornerstone Famil 2:58.46
14 BLUBAUGH, Jaxon Silver Lake 3:00.70
15 TIFFANY, Grady Northern Heights 3:01.20
16 PORTER, Jose Cornerstone Famil 3:03.98
17 SCHLESENER, Sumner Herington 3:04.13
DELONG, Coleton St. Marys DNS
BUFORD, Jason Cornerstone Famil DNS
KERNS, Luke Osage City DNS
GERBER, Justin St. George-Rock DNS
CLARK, Ian St. George-Rock DNS
#19 Women's 200 Meters
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 GARLAND, Hope St. Marys 26.98 (NW) 4(1) 10
2 KLINGENBERG, Ayla St. George-Rock 27.72 (NW) 4(2) 8
3 LUKERT, Mary Sabetha 27.76 (NW) 4(3) 6
4 KLINGENBERG, Kya St. George-Rock 29.30 (NW) 4(4) 4
5 NEAL, Deja St. Marys 29.54 (NW) 3(1) 2
6 BALL, Gloria Cornerstone Famil 30.05 (NW) 4(5) 1
7 WASINGER, Bayley Sabetha 30.22 (NW) 3(2)
8 THOMPSON, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 30.26 (NW) 3(3)
9 GATZ, McKenna Sabetha 30.31 (NW) 3(4)
10 CASTLEBERRY, Kenzie Herington 31.02 (NW) 3(5)
11 BOILEAU, Jerzi Meriden-Jefferson 31.24 (NW) 3(6)
12 MURPHY, Danielle Alma-Wabaunsee 31.92 (NW) 2(1)
13 KOSINSKI, Dylan Northern Heights 32.11 (NW) 3(7)
14 URBANEK, Tyler Herington 32.36 (NW) 2(2)
15 O'BYRNE, Woodlyn Cornerstone Famil 33.44 (NW) 2(3)

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 5

#19 Women's 200 Meters (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
16 POTTORF, Brinley Rossville 33.82 (NW) 2(4)
17 MACHON, Sarah Rossville 33.85 (NW) 2(5)
18 ARNOLD, Mallory Herington 34.45 (NW) 1(1)
19 RIDDLE, Josie Cornerstone Famil 38.06 (NW) 1(2)
20 RAINEY, Catherine St. Marys 39.15 (NW) 1(3)
MEYER, Emily Alma-Wabaunsee DNS (NW) 2
WALLER, Tamia Osage City DNS (NW) 3
SCOTT, Olivia Meriden-Jefferson NT (NW) 4
DELGADO, Makenna Northern Heights NT (NW) 4
BALDRIDGE, Kayleen Northern Heights NT (NW) 4
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 4 Wind: (NW)
1 ARNOLD, Mallory Herington 34.45
2 RIDDLE, Josie Cornerstone Famil 38.06
3 RAINEY, Catherine St. Marys 39.15
Section 2 of 4 Wind: (NW)
1 MURPHY, Danielle Alma-Wabaunsee 31.92
2 URBANEK, Tyler Herington 32.36
3 O'BYRNE, Woodlyn Cornerstone Famil 33.44
4 POTTORF, Brinley Rossville 33.82
5 MACHON, Sarah Rossville 33.85
MEYER, Emily Alma-Wabaunsee DNS
Section 3 of 4 Wind: (NW)
1 NEAL, Deja St. Marys 29.54
2 WASINGER, Bayley Sabetha 30.22
3 THOMPSON, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 30.26
4 GATZ, McKenna Sabetha 30.31
5 CASTLEBERRY, Kenzie Herington 31.02
6 BOILEAU, Jerzi Meriden-Jefferson 31.24
7 KOSINSKI, Dylan Northern Heights 32.11
WALLER, Tamia Osage City DNS
Section 4 of 4 Wind: (NW)
1 GARLAND, Hope St. Marys 26.98
2 KLINGENBERG, Ayla St. George-Rock 27.72
3 LUKERT, Mary Sabetha 27.76
4 KLINGENBERG, Kya St. George-Rock 29.30
5 BALL, Gloria Cornerstone Famil 30.05
SCOTT, Olivia Meriden-Jefferson NT
DELGADO, Makenna Northern Heights NT
BALDRIDGE, Kayleen Northern Heights NT
#20 Men's 200 Meters
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 JUKES, Levi St. Marys 23.83 (NW) 3(1) 10
2 LOTRIDGE, Tamaureon St. Marys 24.31 (NW) 3(2) 8

#20 Men's 200 Meters (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Time H(Pl) Pts
3 ROLLENHAGEN, Trent Silver Lake 24.77 (NW) 3(3) 6
4 JACOBSON, Noah St. Marys 24.78 (NW) 3(4) 4
5 WAINWRIGHT, Matthew St. George-Rock 26.25 (NW) 3(5) 2
6 LI, Jack Northern Heights 26.34 (NW) 3(6) 1
7 JONES, Kris Herington 26.64 (NW) 1(1)
8 ARB, Connor Northern Heights 26.68 (NW) 2(1)
9 BUFORD, Jonas Cornerstone Famil 27.27 (NW) 2(2)
10 CULBERTH, Gabe Cornerstone Famil 27.30 (NW) 2(3)
11 MATTIA, Christian Rossville 27.58 (NW) 1(2)
12 LEES, Allen Silver Lake 27.59 (NW) 2(4)
13 STRAIT, Connor Alma-Wabaunsee 27.74 (NW) 1(3)
14 MCGEE, Shayne Northern Heights 28.36 (NW) 2(5)
15 HOFFMAN, Pazio Cornerstone Famil 28.42 (NW) 2(6)
16 HAVERKAMP, Kean Sabetha 28.71 (NW) 1(4)
17 DALLINGA, David Herington 28.75 (NW) 2(7)
REESE, Jess Osage City DNS (NW) 3
SHEPARD, Izaiah Silver Lake DNS (NW) 1
WITTWER, Aidan Sabetha DNS (NW) 1
FORBES, Haeden Effingham-Atchiso DNS (NW) 3
Pl Name Team Time
Section 1 of 3 Wind: (NW)
1 JONES, Kris Herington 26.64
2 MATTIA, Christian Rossville 27.58
3 STRAIT, Connor Alma-Wabaunsee 27.74
4 HAVERKAMP, Kean Sabetha 28.71
SHEPARD, Izaiah Silver Lake DNS
WITTWER, Aidan Sabetha DNS
Section 2 of 3 Wind: (NW)
1 ARB, Connor Northern Heights 26.68
2 BUFORD, Jonas Cornerstone Famil 27.27
3 CULBERTH, Gabe Cornerstone Famil 27.30
4 LEES, Allen Silver Lake 27.59
5 MCGEE, Shayne Northern Heights 28.36
6 HOFFMAN, Pazio Cornerstone Famil 28.42
7 DALLINGA, David Herington 28.75
Section 3 of 3 Wind: (NW)
1 JUKES, Levi St. Marys 23.83
2 LOTRIDGE, Tamaureon St. Marys 24.31
3 ROLLENHAGEN, Trent Silver Lake 24.77
4 JACOBSON, Noah St. Marys 24.78
5 WAINWRIGHT, Matthew St. George-Rock 26.25
6 LI, Jack Northern Heights 26.34
REESE, Jess Osage City DNS
FORBES, Haeden Effingham-Atchiso DNS

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 6

#21 Women's 3200 Meters
Pl Name Team Time Pts
1 STUHLSATZ, Rebekah Alma-Wabaunsee 13:22.75 10
2 HINE, Teagan Northern Heights 15:14.17 8
3 SHOEMAKER, Sadie Osage City 15:26.44 6
4 SCHAFFER, Davanne Herington 16:07.76 4
5 BOWLES, Lauren Sabetha 16:16.19 2
6 GIAR, Maggie Cornerstone Famil 17:13.75 1
7 VOGT, Jaiden Herington 17:56.90
#22 Men's 3200 Meters
Pl Name Team Time Pts
1 EVANS, Kalvin Sabetha 11:33.23 10
2 HAMLIN, Cooper Northern Heights 12:06.95 8
3 MUELLER, Koy Herington 12:19.00 6
4 BUCKMAN, Trent St. George-Rock 12:51.67 4
5 FERGUSON, Eli Silver Lake 12:56.76 2
6 COFFMAN, Aeomon Silver Lake 13:21.20 1
7 BUFORD, Jason Cornerstone Famil 14:58.29
8 ROOKS, William Silver Lake 15:07.16
ELLIOTT, Gunner Cornerstone Famil DNS
#23 Women's 4 x 400m Relay
Pl Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 St. George-Rock Creek (A) 4:25.17 2(1) 10
2 St. Marys (A) 4:30.06 2(2) 8
3 Sabetha (A) 4:37.53 2(3) 6
4 Alma-Wabaunsee (A) 4:45.08 2(4) 4
5 Osage City (A) 4:59.88 1(1) 2
6 Meriden-Jefferson West (A) 5:00.21 2(5) 1
7 Cornerstone Family School (A) 5:07.32 2(6)
8 Alma-Wabaunsee (B) 5:17.33 1(2)
9 Herington (A) 5:19.48 2(7)
10 St. Marys (B) 5:24.14 1(3)
Pl Team Time
Section 1 of 2
1 Osage City (A) 4:59.88
2 Alma-Wabaunsee (B) 5:17.33
3 St. Marys (B) 5:24.14
Section 2 of 2
1 St. George-Rock Creek (A) 4:25.17
2 St. Marys (A) 4:30.06
3 Sabetha (A) 4:37.53
4 Alma-Wabaunsee (A) 4:45.08
5 Meriden-Jefferson West (A) 5:00.21
6 Cornerstone Family School (A) 5:07.32
7 Herington (A) 5:19.48

#24 Men's 4 x 400m Relay
Pl Team Time H(Pl) Pts
1 Osage City (A) 3:46.91 2(1) 10
2 St. Marys (A) 3:49.48 2(2) 8
3 Northern Heights (A) 3:52.50 2(3) 6
4 St. George-Rock Creek (A) 3:55.46 2(4) 4
5 Sabetha (A) 3:56.00 2(5) 2
6 St. Marys (B) 4:03.87 1(1) 1
7 Herington (A) 4:13.10 2(6)
8 Silver Lake (A) 4:18.11 2(7)
9 Cornerstone Family School (A) 4:21.61 1(2)
10 Alma-Wabaunsee (A) 4:33.09 1(3)
Pl Team Time
Section 1 of 2
1 St. Marys (B) 4:03.87
2 Cornerstone Family School (A) 4:21.61
3 Alma-Wabaunsee (A) 4:33.09
Section 2 of 2
1 Osage City (A) 3:46.91
2 St. Marys (A) 3:49.48
3 Northern Heights (A) 3:52.50
4 St. George-Rock Creek (A) 3:55.46
5 Sabetha (A) 3:56.00
6 Herington (A) 4:13.10
7 Silver Lake (A) 4:18.11
#25 Women's Pole Vault
Pl Name Team Mark Pts
1 KVASNICA, Brynne St. George-Rock 9' 0" 10
2J SANER, Olivia Sabetha 8' 6" 8
3J WICK, Abby St. George-Rock 8' 6" 6
4J SCOTT, Olivia Meriden-Jefferson 6' 0" 4
5J HENDERSON, Sam St. Marys 6' 0" 2
#26 Men's Pole Vault
Pl Name Team Mark Pts
1 SKINNER, Brad St. George-Rock 11' 6" 10
2 CHRISTENSEN, Trevor St. George-Rock 11' 0" 8
3 DELONG, Aydin St. Marys 10' 6" 6
4 DELONG, Layne St. Marys 9' 6" 4
5J TROYER, Bradon St. George-Rock 9' 0" 2
6J EVANS, Kalvin Sabetha 9' 0" 1
7J BLACKWELL, Michael Silver Lake 9' 0"
8 REEVES, Landon Osage City 8' 6"
8 NERIA, Braden Silver Lake 8' 6"
10 KERNS, Luke Osage City 8' 0"
HOLZ, Kane Silver Lake NH

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 7

#26 Men's Pole Vault (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark Pts
JACKSON, Rowdy Herington NH
BESTWICK, Drew Sabetha NH
THEEL, Tanner Osage City NH
NIEHUES, Nohl Sabetha NH
#27 Women's Long Jump
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
1 SCHUTTER, Lauren Alma-Wabaunsee 16' 93/4 (NW) 2(1) 10
2 BISSEN, Shelby St. George-Rock 15' 33/4 (NW) 2(2) 8
3 KVASNICA, Brynne St. George-Rock 15' 1" (NW) 2(3) 6
4 SCHMELZLE, Aubrey Sabetha 15' 01/2 (NW) 2(4) 4
5 BALDRIDGE, Kayleen Northern Heights 14' 101/2 (NW) 2(5) 2
6 ROENNE, Mellany Meriden-Jefferson 14' 10" (NW) 2(6) 1
7 MCCANN, Guin St. Marys 14' 03/4 (NW) 1(1)
8 HAYNES, Ean Rossville 13' 101/4 (NW) 2(7)
9 CASTILLO, Sophia Alma-Wabaunsee 13' 91/4 (NW) 1(2)
10 THOMPSON, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 13' 61/4 (NW) 1(3)
11 RAND, Peyton Herington 12' 91/4 (NW) 1(4)
12 MILLER, Fallon Rossville 12' 9" (NW) 1(5)
13 RIPPE, Kylie St. Marys 12' 8" (NW) 1(6)
14 PORTER, Ashley Cornerstone Famil 12' 6" (NW) 1(7)
15 SMITH, Lily Effingham-Atchiso 9' 81/2 (NW) 1(8)
LETT, Sarah St. Marys NM (NW) 2
JONES, Sienna Alma-Wabaunsee NM (NW) 2
Pl Name Team Mark
Flight 1 of 2
1 MCCANN, Guin St. Marys 14' 03/4 (NW)
2 CASTILLO, Sophia Alma-Wabaunsee 13' 91/4 (NW)
3 THOMPSON, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 13' 61/4 (NW)
4 RAND, Peyton Herington 12' 91/4 (NW)
5 MILLER, Fallon Rossville 12' 9" (NW)
6 RIPPE, Kylie St. Marys 12' 8" (NW)
7 PORTER, Ashley Cornerstone Famil 12' 6" (NW)
8 SMITH, Lily Effingham-Atchiso 9' 81/2 (NW)
Flight 2 of 2
1 SCHUTTER, Lauren Alma-Wabaunsee 16' 93/4 (NW)
2 BISSEN, Shelby St. George-Rock 15' 33/4 (NW)
3 KVASNICA, Brynne St. George-Rock 15' 1" (NW)
4 SCHMELZLE, Aubrey Sabetha 15' 01/2 (NW)
5 BALDRIDGE, Kayleen Northern Heights 14' 101/2 (NW)
6 ROENNE, Mellany Meriden-Jefferson 14' 10" (NW)
7 HAYNES, Ean Rossville 13' 101/4 (NW)
LETT, Sarah St. Marys NM (NW)
JONES, Sienna Alma-Wabaunsee NM (NW)

#28 Men's Long Jump
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
1 HINES, Braden Northern Heights 21' 21/2 (NW) 2(1) 10
2 JACOBSON, Noah St. Marys 20' 1" (NW) 2(2) 8
3 WURTZ, Wyatt Alma-Wabaunsee 19' 6" (NW) 2(3) 6
4 MOON, Kason Osage City 19' 3" (NW) 2(4) 4
5 COURTER, Kieran Effingham-Atchiso 19' 21/2 (NW) 2(5) 2
6 HERNANDEZ, Miguel Alma-Wabaunsee 19' 2" (NW) 2(6) 1
7 ARB, Connor Northern Heights 18' 73/4 (NW) 2(7)
8 DEITER, Brody Silver Lake 18' 61/2 (NW) 2(8)
9 CRAIN, Kaden St. George-Rock 18' 11/2 (NW) 1(1)
10 RANKIN, Dawson St. George-Rock 18' 01/2 (NW) 2(9)
11 JOHNSON, Jared Silver Lake 17' 81/4 (NW) 1(2)
12 ANDERSON, Colton St. George-Rock 17' 5" (NW) 1(3)
13 GRAGG, Tyson Osage City 16' 81/4 (NW) 1(4)
14 MATTIA, Christian Rossville 16' 71/2 (NW) 1(5)
15 GOMEZ, Kason St. Marys 16' 6" (NW) 2(10)
16 DALLINGA, David Herington 16' 53/4 (NW) 1(6)
17 WHITE, Logan Osage City 16' 0" (NW) 1(7)
18 VANSTORY, Matthew Alma-Wabaunsee 15' 91/2 (NW) 1(8)
19 TWOMBLY, Lucas Meriden-Jefferson 15' 63/4 (NW) 1(9)
20 SHEPARD, Izaiah Silver Lake 15' 2" (NW) 1(10)
21 HAVERKAMP, Kean Sabetha 12' 111/2 (NW) 1(11)
JACKSON, Rowdy Herington NM (NW) 1
LOTRIDGE, Tamaureon St. Marys NM (NW) 2
Pl Name Team Mark
Flight 1 of 2
1 CRAIN, Kaden St. George-Rock 18' 11/2 (NW)
2 JOHNSON, Jared Silver Lake 17' 81/4 (NW)
3 ANDERSON, Colton St. George-Rock 17' 5" (NW)
4 GRAGG, Tyson Osage City 16' 81/4 (NW)
5 MATTIA, Christian Rossville 16' 71/2 (NW)
6 DALLINGA, David Herington 16' 53/4 (NW)
7 WHITE, Logan Osage City 16' 0" (NW)
8 VANSTORY, Matthew Alma-Wabaunsee 15' 91/2 (NW)
9 TWOMBLY, Lucas Meriden-Jefferson 15' 63/4 (NW)
10 SHEPARD, Izaiah Silver Lake 15' 2" (NW)
11 HAVERKAMP, Kean Sabetha 12' 111/2 (NW)
JACKSON, Rowdy Herington NM (NW)
Flight 2 of 2
1 HINES, Braden Northern Heights 21' 21/2 (NW)
2 JACOBSON, Noah St. Marys 20' 1" (NW)
3 WURTZ, Wyatt Alma-Wabaunsee 19' 6" (NW)
4 MOON, Kason Osage City 19' 3" (NW)
5 COURTER, Kieran Effingham-Atchiso 19' 21/2 (NW)
6 HERNANDEZ, Miguel Alma-Wabaunsee 19' 2" (NW)

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 8

#28 Men's Long Jump (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark
7 ARB, Connor Northern Heights 18' 73/4 (NW)
8 DEITER, Brody Silver Lake 18' 61/2 (NW)
9 RANKIN, Dawson St. George-Rock 18' 01/2 (NW)
10 GOMEZ, Kason St. Marys 16' 6" (NW)
LOTRIDGE, Tamaureon St. Marys NM (NW)
#29 Women's Triple Jump
Pl Name Team Mark Pts
1 ROENNE, Mellany Meriden-Jefferson 34' 71/2 (NW) 10
2 SCHUTTER, Lauren Alma-Wabaunsee 34' 51/4 (NW) 8
3 BISSEN, Shelby St. George-Rock 32' 6" (NW) 6
4 HEIM, Hayden St. Marys 32' 53/4 (NW) 4
5 BREES, Breanna St. Marys 29' 1" (NW) 2
6 HURD, Josie St. Marys 29' 0" (NW) 1
7 SCOTT, Ainsley Meriden-Jefferson 28' 83/4 (NW)
8 EDELMAN, Brecken Sabetha 28' 8" (NW)
9 POTTORF, Brinley Rossville 27' 3" (NW)
DAVIS, Danica Rossville NM (NW)
JONES, Sienna Alma-Wabaunsee NM (NW)
#30 Men's Triple Jump
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
1 SPILLER, Yanci St. George-Rock 41' 91/4 (NW) 2(1) 10
2 JACOBSON, Noah St. Marys 40' 61/4 (NW) 2(2) 8
3 RAZZANO, Deondre Silver Lake 40' 4" (NW) 2(3) 6
4 HINES, Braden Northern Heights 40' 13/4 (NW) 1(1) 4
5 COURTER, Kieran Effingham-Atchiso 39' 43/4 (NW) 2(4) 2
6 HURLA, Keller St. Marys 37' 111/4 (NW) 2(5) 1
7 WURTZ, Wyatt Alma-Wabaunsee 37' 91/2 (NW) 2(6)
8 CHRISTENSEN, Trevor St. George-Rock 36' 93/4 (NW) 2(7)
9 GRAGG, Tyson Osage City 35' 9" (NW) 1(2)
10 LARSON, John Cornerstone Famil 35' 51/2 (NW) 1(3)
11 STRAIT, Connor Alma-Wabaunsee 33' 93/4 (NW) 1(4)
12 REINERS, Brayden St. Marys 32' 1" (NW) 1(5)
13 JACKSON, Rowdy Herington 29' 31/2 (NW) 1(6)
REEVES, Landon Osage City NM (NW) 1
SCHUTTER, Ryan Alma-Wabaunsee NM (NW) 1
WORLEY, Matthew Effingham-Atchiso NM (NW) 2
NIEHUES, Nohl Sabetha NM (NW) 2
Pl Name Team Mark
Flight 1 of 2
1 HINES, Braden Northern Heights 40' 13/4 (NW)
2 GRAGG, Tyson Osage City 35' 9" (NW)
3 LARSON, John Cornerstone Famil 35' 51/2 (NW)
4 STRAIT, Connor Alma-Wabaunsee 33' 93/4 (NW)

#30 Men's Triple Jump (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark
5 REINERS, Brayden St. Marys 32' 1" (NW)
6 JACKSON, Rowdy Herington 29' 31/2 (NW)
REEVES, Landon Osage City NM (NW)
SCHUTTER, Ryan Alma-Wabaunsee NM (NW)
Flight 2 of 2
1 SPILLER, Yanci St. George-Rock 41' 91/4 (NW)
2 JACOBSON, Noah St. Marys 40' 61/4 (NW)
3 RAZZANO, Deondre Silver Lake 40' 4" (NW)
4 COURTER, Kieran Effingham-Atchiso 39' 43/4 (NW)
5 HURLA, Keller St. Marys 37' 111/4 (NW)
6 WURTZ, Wyatt Alma-Wabaunsee 37' 91/2 (NW)
7 CHRISTENSEN, Trevor St. George-Rock 36' 93/4 (NW)
WORLEY, Matthew Effingham-Atchiso NM (NW)
NIEHUES, Nohl Sabetha NM (NW)
#31 Women's Shot Put
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
1 FRENCH, Makenna Northern Heights 34' 6" 3(1) 10
2 SCOBY, Halle Sabetha 30' 4" 3(2) 8
3 FOSTER, Margaret St. Marys 29' 21/2 3(3) 6
4 FOSTER, Claire St. Marys 27' 8" 3(4) 4
5 IMTHURN, Aubrey Alma-Wabaunsee 27' 7" 2(1) 2
6 STRAUSS, Destiney Herington 27' 61/2 3(5) 1
7 DALTON, Paige St. George-Rock 26' 11" 3(6)
8 KIMBLE, Chloe Meriden-Jefferson 26' 10" 3(7)
9 HENSON, Shelby Herington 26' 71/2 3(8)
10 SANDERS, Verlee Meriden-Jefferson 26' 41/2 3(9)
11 HUSKE, Ava Alma-Wabaunsee 26' 4" 2(2)
12 FOSTER, Kellyn Rossville 26' 11/2 1(1)
13 KVASNICA, Karisa St. George-Rock 25' 10" 2(3)
14 CHRISTENSEN, Zola St. George-Rock 25' 1" 2(4)
15 DAY, Ella Silver Lake 24' 10" 3(10)
16 YORK, Emily Silver Lake 24' 9" 2(5)
17 THARMAN, Baylie Alma-Wabaunsee 24' 7" 1(2)
18 STARR, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 24' 31/2 2(6)
19 PURKEYPYLE, Adrianna Herington 23' 11" 2(7)
20 SMITTICK, Kalana Cornerstone Famil 23' 9" 2(8)
21 BLATCHFORD, Kyla Cornerstone Famil 23' 5" 2(9)
22 KENNEY, Madelyn Rossville 23' 0" 1(3)
23 GOODMAN, Laura Sabetha 22' 4" 1(4)
24 SMITH, Emme Effingham-Atchiso 22' 11/2 1(5)
25 DRESSLER, Millie Cornerstone Famil 21' 61/2 1(6)
26 CHANCELLOR, Samantha Rossville 20' 11" 1(7)
27 KOCH, Paige Sabetha 17' 7" 1(8)
FISCHER, Katharine Silver Lake NM 1

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 9

#31 Women's Shot Put (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark
Flight 1 of 3
1 FOSTER, Kellyn Rossville 26' 11/2
2 THARMAN, Baylie Alma-Wabaunsee 24' 7"
3 KENNEY, Madelyn Rossville 23' 0"
4 GOODMAN, Laura Sabetha 22' 4"
5 SMITH, Emme Effingham-Atchiso 22' 11/2
6 DRESSLER, Millie Cornerstone Famil 21' 61/2
7 CHANCELLOR, Samantha Rossville 20' 11"
8 KOCH, Paige Sabetha 17' 7"
FISCHER, Katharine Silver Lake NM
Flight 2 of 3
1 IMTHURN, Aubrey Alma-Wabaunsee 27' 7"
2 HUSKE, Ava Alma-Wabaunsee 26' 4"
3 KVASNICA, Karisa St. George-Rock 25' 10"
4 CHRISTENSEN, Zola St. George-Rock 25' 1"
5 YORK, Emily Silver Lake 24' 9"
6 STARR, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 24' 31/2
7 PURKEYPYLE, Adrianna Herington 23' 11"
8 SMITTICK, Kalana Cornerstone Famil 23' 9"
9 BLATCHFORD, Kyla Cornerstone Famil 23' 5"
Flight 3 of 3
1 FRENCH, Makenna Northern Heights 34' 6"
2 SCOBY, Halle Sabetha 30' 4"
3 FOSTER, Margaret St. Marys 29' 21/2
4 FOSTER, Claire St. Marys 27' 8"
5 STRAUSS, Destiney Herington 27' 61/2
6 DALTON, Paige St. George-Rock 26' 11"
7 KIMBLE, Chloe Meriden-Jefferson 26' 10"
8 HENSON, Shelby Herington 26' 71/2
9 SANDERS, Verlee Meriden-Jefferson 26' 41/2
10 DAY, Ella Silver Lake 24' 10"
#32 Men's Shot Put
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
1 LOTT, Keegan Effingham-Atchiso 53' 51/2 3(1) 10
2 BOSS, Landon Osage City 48' 9" 3(2) 8
3 WILLIAMS, Chase Osage City 45' 81/4 3(3) 6
4 DEITER, Josh St. Marys 43' 23/4 3(4) 4
5J SMITH, Dawson Cornerstone Famil 42' 41/2 3(5) 2
6J GRIMM, Joshua Sabetha 42' 41/2 3(5) 1
7 HINCK, Riley Cornerstone Famil 39' 7" 2(1)
8 PATTERSON, Riley Osage City 39' 3" 2(2)
9 BELL, Malachi St. George-Rock 38' 53/4 3(7)
10 MONSON, Cooper Meriden-Jefferson 37' 11" 3(8)
11 CARLSON, Justin Alma-Wabaunsee 37' 8" 3(9)
12 LIETZ, Barrett Rossville 37' 71/2 3(10)
13 MCCARTHY, Benedict St. Marys 35' 41/2 2(3)

#32 Men's Shot Put (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
14 HOWARD, Kody St. George-Rock 35' 11/2 2(4)
15 MURPHY, Blake Alma-Wabaunsee 35' 11/4 2(5)
16 LOTT, Aiden Effingham-Atchiso 34' 53/4 1(1)
17 DELGADO, Joshua Herington 34' 4" 2(6)
18 GERBER, Justin St. George-Rock 34' 01/4 1(2)
19 RENYER, Luke Sabetha 33' 81/4 2(7)
20 MORTENSEN, Mason Herington 33' 73/4 2(8)
21 KEITH, Ryan Effingham-Atchiso 33' 43/4 2(9)
22 ENGLISH, Gavin Silver Lake 32' 101/2 1(3)
23 KING, Gabe Northern Heights 32' 31/2 1(4)
24 STRAWN, Tristan Meriden-Jefferson 32' 01/2 1(5)
25 FIELDS, Jake St. Marys 29' 21/4 1(6)
26 ABBOTT, Andon Cornerstone Famil 25' 91/2 1(7)
27 MCCOLLUM, Mason Meriden-Jefferson 24' 51/4 1(8)
STILLION, Abe Rossville NM 1
MALCOLM, Brett Northern Heights NM 1
BARLOW-MCKENNA, Kwinton Herington NM 2
Pl Name Team Mark
Flight 1 of 3
1 LOTT, Aiden Effingham-Atchiso 34' 53/4
2 GERBER, Justin St. George-Rock 34' 01/4
3 ENGLISH, Gavin Silver Lake 32' 101/2
4 KING, Gabe Northern Heights 32' 31/2
5 STRAWN, Tristan Meriden-Jefferson 32' 01/2
6 FIELDS, Jake St. Marys 29' 21/4
7 ABBOTT, Andon Cornerstone Famil 25' 91/2
8 MCCOLLUM, Mason Meriden-Jefferson 24' 51/4
STILLION, Abe Rossville NM
MALCOLM, Brett Northern Heights NM
Flight 2 of 3
1 HINCK, Riley Cornerstone Famil 39' 7"
2 PATTERSON, Riley Osage City 39' 3"
3 MCCARTHY, Benedict St. Marys 35' 41/2
4 HOWARD, Kody St. George-Rock 35' 11/2
5 MURPHY, Blake Alma-Wabaunsee 35' 11/4
6 DELGADO, Joshua Herington 34' 4"
7 RENYER, Luke Sabetha 33' 81/4
8 MORTENSEN, Mason Herington 33' 73/4
9 KEITH, Ryan Effingham-Atchiso 33' 43/4
BARLOW-MCKENNA, Kwinton Herington NM
Flight 3 of 3
1 LOTT, Keegan Effingham-Atchiso 53' 51/2
2 BOSS, Landon Osage City 48' 9"
3 WILLIAMS, Chase Osage City 45' 81/4

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 10

#32 Men's Shot Put (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark
4 DEITER, Josh St. Marys 43' 23/4
5 SMITH, Dawson Cornerstone Famil 42' 41/2
5 GRIMM, Joshua Sabetha 42' 41/2
7 BELL, Malachi St. George-Rock 38' 53/4
8 MONSON, Cooper Meriden-Jefferson 37' 11"
9 CARLSON, Justin Alma-Wabaunsee 37' 8"
10 LIETZ, Barrett Rossville 37' 71/2
#35 Women's Javelin
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
1 FRENCH, Makenna Northern Heights 102' 11" 3(1) 10
2 HUSKE, Ava Alma-Wabaunsee 83' 1" 3(2) 8
3 FOSTER, Margaret St. Marys 83' 0" 3(3) 6
4 HINRICHS, Aubrey Northern Heights 82' 9" 3(4) 4
5 GOODMAN, Laura Sabetha 81' 11" 3(5) 2
6 IMTHURN, Aubrey Alma-Wabaunsee 81' 9" 3(6) 1
7 SCOBY, Halle Sabetha 81' 7" 3(7)
8 BOSS, Lexi Osage City 80' 6" 3(8)
9 GRIMES, Mya Sabetha 79' 0" 3(9)
10 KIMBLE, Chloe Meriden-Jefferson 78' 2" 2(1)
11 CHRISTENSEN, Zola St. George-Rock 75' 3" 3(10)
12 DALTON, Paige St. George-Rock 74' 10" 2(2)
13 SMITH, Lily Effingham-Atchiso 71' 10" 1(1)
14 THARMAN, Baylie Alma-Wabaunsee 68' 7" 2(3)
15 HARRISON, Adrian Herington 66' 1" 2(4)
16 STARR, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 62' 7" 2(5)
17 BROWNLEE, Addie Cornerstone Famil 62' 6" 2(6)
18 KVASNICA, Karisa St. George-Rock 62' 5" 1(2)
19 KELLEY, Sam Silver Lake 62' 0" 1(3)
20 PODLENA, Kensley Silver Lake 60' 7" 2(7)
21 PANTLE, Lainey Effingham-Atchiso 60' 5" 2(8)
22 THOMAS, Keira St. Marys 60' 0" 1(4)
23 TRAYLOR, McKayla Meriden-Jefferson 57' 10" 1(5)
24 TRAUSCH, Elizabeth St. Marys 55' 4" 1(6)
25 DRESSLER, Millie Cornerstone Famil 50' 7" 1(7)
26 RIDDLE, Josie Cornerstone Famil 46' 7" 2(9)
27 CHANCELLOR, Samantha Rossville 46' 3" 1(8)
28 STREIT, Alyssa Silver Lake 44' 3" 1(9)
29 STOVER, Jasmine Rossville 43' 4" 1(10)
BUTTERFIELD, Jerra Osage City NM 2
Pl Name Team Mark
Flight 1 of 3
1 SMITH, Lily Effingham-Atchiso 71' 10"
2 KVASNICA, Karisa St. George-Rock 62' 5"
3 KELLEY, Sam Silver Lake 62' 0"

#35 Women's Javelin (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark
4 THOMAS, Keira St. Marys 60' 0"
5 TRAYLOR, McKayla Meriden-Jefferson 57' 10"
6 TRAUSCH, Elizabeth St. Marys 55' 4"
7 DRESSLER, Millie Cornerstone Famil 50' 7"
8 CHANCELLOR, Samantha Rossville 46' 3"
9 STREIT, Alyssa Silver Lake 44' 3"
10 STOVER, Jasmine Rossville 43' 4"
Flight 2 of 3
1 KIMBLE, Chloe Meriden-Jefferson 78' 2"
2 DALTON, Paige St. George-Rock 74' 10"
3 THARMAN, Baylie Alma-Wabaunsee 68' 7"
4 HARRISON, Adrian Herington 66' 1"
5 STARR, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 62' 7"
6 BROWNLEE, Addie Cornerstone Famil 62' 6"
7 PODLENA, Kensley Silver Lake 60' 7"
8 PANTLE, Lainey Effingham-Atchiso 60' 5"
9 RIDDLE, Josie Cornerstone Famil 46' 7"
BUTTERFIELD, Jerra Osage City NM
Flight 3 of 3
1 FRENCH, Makenna Northern Heights 102' 11"
2 HUSKE, Ava Alma-Wabaunsee 83' 1"
3 FOSTER, Margaret St. Marys 83' 0"
4 HINRICHS, Aubrey Northern Heights 82' 9"
5 GOODMAN, Laura Sabetha 81' 11"
6 IMTHURN, Aubrey Alma-Wabaunsee 81' 9"
7 SCOBY, Halle Sabetha 81' 7"
8 BOSS, Lexi Osage City 80' 6"
9 GRIMES, Mya Sabetha 79' 0"
10 CHRISTENSEN, Zola St. George-Rock 75' 3"
#36 Men's Javelin
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
1 BOSS, Landon Osage City 169' 4" 3(1) 10
2 SCHAEFER, Dalton Osage City 140' 6" 3(2) 8
3 LOTT, Keegan Effingham-Atchiso 132' 11" 3(3) 6
4 KEITH, Ryan Effingham-Atchiso 127' 4" 2(1) 4
5 JACKSON, Cyprian St. Marys 116' 11" 2(2) 2
6 CAMPBELL, Jerrod Northern Heights 116' 4" 3(4) 1
7 JONES, Kris Herington 116' 3" 2(3)
8 CULBERTH, Gabe Cornerstone Famil 114' 11" 2(4)
9 THIEMANN, Alex St. George-Rock 113' 10" 3(5)
10 CHRISTENSEN, Trevor St. George-Rock 113' 9" 3(6)
11 BARLOW-MCKENNA, Kwinton Herington 112' 11" 3(7)
12 MICHAEL, Preston Sabetha 112' 9" 3(8)
13 BURTON, Wayde Northern Heights 111' 7" 3(9)
14 MYERS, Coltin Effingham-Atchiso 109' 8" 2(5)
15 HOWARD, Kody St. George-Rock 108' 5" 2(6)

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 11

#36 Men's Javelin (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
16 STRAWN, Tristan Meriden-Jefferson 104' 2" 2(7)
17 VINDUSKA, Gabe Herington 101' 4" 2(8)
18 HAGER, Brayden St. Marys 99' 4" 1(1)
19 REVES, Carson Alma-Wabaunsee 91' 0" 2(9)
20 MCCOLLUM, Mason Meriden-Jefferson 90' 6" 1(2)
21 PATTERSON, Riley Osage City 85' 7" 1(3)
22 LEES, Allen Silver Lake 84' 9" 1(4)
23 EUSTICE, Tucker Rossville 79' 5" 1(5)
24 RIDDLE, Michael Cornerstone Famil 78' 1" 1(6)
25 FIELDS, Jake St. Marys 75' 0" 1(7)
26 POTTER, Robert Alma-Wabaunsee 49' 0" 1(8)
ABBOTT, Andon Cornerstone Famil NM 1
Pl Name Team Mark
Flight 1 of 3
1 HAGER, Brayden St. Marys 99' 4"
2 MCCOLLUM, Mason Meriden-Jefferson 90' 6"
3 PATTERSON, Riley Osage City 85' 7"
4 LEES, Allen Silver Lake 84' 9"
5 EUSTICE, Tucker Rossville 79' 5"
6 RIDDLE, Michael Cornerstone Famil 78' 1"
7 FIELDS, Jake St. Marys 75' 0"
8 POTTER, Robert Alma-Wabaunsee 49' 0"
ABBOTT, Andon Cornerstone Famil NM
Flight 2 of 3
1 KEITH, Ryan Effingham-Atchiso 127' 4"
2 JACKSON, Cyprian St. Marys 116' 11"
3 JONES, Kris Herington 116' 3"
4 CULBERTH, Gabe Cornerstone Famil 114' 11"
5 MYERS, Coltin Effingham-Atchiso 109' 8"
6 HOWARD, Kody St. George-Rock 108' 5"
7 STRAWN, Tristan Meriden-Jefferson 104' 2"
8 VINDUSKA, Gabe Herington 101' 4"
9 REVES, Carson Alma-Wabaunsee 91' 0"
Flight 3 of 3
1 BOSS, Landon Osage City 169' 4"
2 SCHAEFER, Dalton Osage City 140' 6"
3 LOTT, Keegan Effingham-Atchiso 132' 11"
4 CAMPBELL, Jerrod Northern Heights 116' 4"
5 THIEMANN, Alex St. George-Rock 113' 10"
6 CHRISTENSEN, Trevor St. George-Rock 113' 9"
7 BARLOW-MCKENNA, Kwinton Herington 112' 11"
8 MICHAEL, Preston Sabetha 112' 9"
9 BURTON, Wayde Northern Heights 111' 7"

#37 Women's High Jump
Pl Name Team Mark Pts
1 KLINGENBERG, Ayla St. George-Rock 5' 1" 10
2 STARK, Campbell Osage City 4' 10" 8
3 HEIM, Hayden St. Marys 4' 8" 6
4J LETT, Sarah St. Marys 4' 6" 4
5J HURLA, Kendra Rossville 4' 6" 2
6J RIPPE, Kylie St. Marys 4' 6" 1
7 SMITTICK, Talia Cornerstone Famil 4' 4"
8 HENSON, Shelby Herington 4' 2"
8 EDELMAN, Brecken Sabetha 4' 2"
8 BLATCHFORD, Kyla Cornerstone Famil 4' 2"
8 POLLUM, Kimber Meriden-Jefferson 4' 2"
12 VOGT, Jaiden Herington 4' 0"
DAVIS, Danica Rossville NH
PORTER, Ashley Cornerstone Famil NH
#38 Men's High Jump
Pl Name Team Mark Pts
1 DISBERGER, Bryce St. George-Rock 5' 10" 10
2J CAMPBELL, Jerrod Northern Heights 5' 8" 8
3J RAZZANO, Deondre Silver Lake 5' 8" 6
4J HUARACHA, Abram St. Marys 5' 6" 4
5J JOHNSON, Jared Silver Lake 5' 6" 2
6J DETERS, Brody Sabetha 5' 6" 1
7 WIDLER, Justin Herington 5' 4"
7 STRAIT, Connor Alma-Wabaunsee 5' 4"
7 DUGAN, Grant St. George-Rock 5' 4"
10 LINGENFELSER, William Herington 5' 2"
11 CULBERTH, Eli Cornerstone Famil 5' 0"
11 LARSON, John Cornerstone Famil 5' 0"
JACKSON, Cyprian St. Marys NH
WHITE, Logan Osage City NH
ELLIOTT, Wyatt Cornerstone Famil NH
SIGNORE, Giovanni St. George-Rock NH
SCHUTTER, Ryan Alma-Wabaunsee NH
#39 Men's Discus
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
1 LOTT, Keegan Effingham-Atchiso 154' 8" 3(1) 10
2 BOSS, Landon Osage City 151' 9" 3(2) 8
3 DEITER, Josh St. Marys 130' 4" 3(3) 6
4 GRIMM, Joshua Sabetha 129' 1" 3(4) 4
5 HINCK, Riley Cornerstone Famil 120' 4" 3(5) 2
6 WILLIAMS, Chase Osage City 118' 2" 3(6) 1
7 SMITH, Dawson Cornerstone Famil 114' 3" 3(7)
8 DUGAN, Grant St. George-Rock 104' 4" 3(8)
9 RENYER, Luke Sabetha 103' 0" 2(1)

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 12

#39 Men's Discus (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
10 THIEMANN, Alex St. George-Rock 100' 6" 3(9)
11 CARLSON, Justin Alma-Wabaunsee 99' 5" 2(2)
12 MONSON, Cooper Meriden-Jefferson 98' 1" 1(1)
13 LIETZ, Barrett Rossville 96' 6" 3(10)
14 STRAWN, Tristan Meriden-Jefferson 92' 6" 2(3)
15 FIELDS, Jake St. Marys 87' 7" 1(2)
16 JACKSON, Cyprian St. Marys 87' 6" 2(4)
17 RAMIREZ, Ethan Effingham-Atchiso 86' 9" 1(3)
18 MORTENSEN, Mason Herington 85' 4" 2(5)
19 ENGLISH, Gavin Silver Lake 83' 8" 2(6)
20 BELL, Malachi St. George-Rock 83' 2" 2(7)
21 MICHAEL, Preston Sabetha 80' 0" 2(8)
22 MURPHY, Blake Alma-Wabaunsee 79' 6" 2(9)
23 DELGADO, Joshua Herington 79' 4" 2(10)
24 KING, Gabe Northern Heights 78' 3" 1(4)
25 VINDUSKA, Gabe Herington 75' 9" 1(5)
26 MCCOLLUM, Mason Meriden-Jefferson 73' 6" 1(6)
27 PATTERSON, Riley Osage City 69' 0" 1(7)
28 ABBOTT, Andon Cornerstone Famil 67' 0" 1(8)
STILLION, Abe Rossville NM 1
MALCOLM, Brett Northern Heights NM 1
LOTT, Aiden Effingham-Atchiso NM 3
Pl Name Team Mark
Flight 1 of 3
1 MONSON, Cooper Meriden-Jefferson 98' 1"
2 FIELDS, Jake St. Marys 87' 7"
3 RAMIREZ, Ethan Effingham-Atchiso 86' 9"
4 KING, Gabe Northern Heights 78' 3"
5 VINDUSKA, Gabe Herington 75' 9"
6 MCCOLLUM, Mason Meriden-Jefferson 73' 6"
7 PATTERSON, Riley Osage City 69' 0"
8 ABBOTT, Andon Cornerstone Famil 67' 0"
STILLION, Abe Rossville NM
MALCOLM, Brett Northern Heights NM
Flight 2 of 3
1 RENYER, Luke Sabetha 103' 0"
2 CARLSON, Justin Alma-Wabaunsee 99' 5"
3 STRAWN, Tristan Meriden-Jefferson 92' 6"
4 JACKSON, Cyprian St. Marys 87' 6"
5 MORTENSEN, Mason Herington 85' 4"
6 ENGLISH, Gavin Silver Lake 83' 8"
7 BELL, Malachi St. George-Rock 83' 2"
8 MICHAEL, Preston Sabetha 80' 0"
9 MURPHY, Blake Alma-Wabaunsee 79' 6"

#39 Men's Discus (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark
10 DELGADO, Joshua Herington 79' 4"
Flight 3 of 3
1 LOTT, Keegan Effingham-Atchiso 154' 8"
2 BOSS, Landon Osage City 151' 9"
3 DEITER, Josh St. Marys 130' 4"
4 GRIMM, Joshua Sabetha 129' 1"
5 HINCK, Riley Cornerstone Famil 120' 4"
6 WILLIAMS, Chase Osage City 118' 2"
7 SMITH, Dawson Cornerstone Famil 114' 3"
8 DUGAN, Grant St. George-Rock 104' 4"
9 THIEMANN, Alex St. George-Rock 100' 6"
10 LIETZ, Barrett Rossville 96' 6"
LOTT, Aiden Effingham-Atchiso NM
#40 Women's Discus
Pl Name Team Mark F(Pl) Pts
1 CRAWFROD, Greta Osage City 105' 11" 3(1) 10
2 SCOBY, Halle Sabetha 91' 2" 3(2) 8
3 BOSS, Lexi Osage City 91' 1" 3(3) 6
4 STARR, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 80' 8" 3(4) 4
5 BURK, Paige Osage City 80' 0" 3(5) 2
6 FOSTER, Claire St. Marys 75' 1" 3(6) 1
7 BROWNLEE, Addie Cornerstone Famil 73' 2" 2(1)
8 HUSKE, Ava Alma-Wabaunsee 71' 10" 2(2)
9 STRAUSS, Destiney Herington 71' 5" 3(7)
10 DRESSLER, Millie Cornerstone Famil 71' 1" 3(8)
11 KIMBLE, Chloe Meriden-Jefferson 71' 0" 1(1)
12 COX, Rosemary Silver Lake 70' 1" 2(3)
13 SMITH, Emme Effingham-Atchiso 69' 6" 2(4)
14 BREWSTER, Alana Silver Lake 69' 5" 1(2)
15 CHRISTENSEN, Zola St. George-Rock 68' 5" 2(5)
16 FOSTER, Kellyn Rossville 66' 10" 1(3)
16 KOSINSKI, Dylan Northern Heights 66' 10" 2(6)
18 GRIMES, Mya Sabetha 65' 10" 1(4)
18 SANDERS, Verlee Meriden-Jefferson 65' 10" 1(4)
20 DAY, Ella Silver Lake 64' 9" 2(7)
21 PURKEYPYLE, Adrianna Herington 64' 4" 2(8)
22 MILLER, Lilly Rossville 64' 1" 2(9)
23 FRIESEN, Saydee Herington 62' 8" 3(9)
24 NONNAST, Reve Sabetha 61' 10" 2(10)
25 YORK, Emily Silver Lake 59' 11" 1(6)
26 DERN, Faith St. Marys 58' 4" 1(7)
27 DALTON, Paige St. George-Rock 57' 10" 1(8)
28 BREES, Breanna St. Marys 56' 10" 1(9)
29 KENNEY, Madelyn Rossville 55' 3" 1(10)
WEBB, Ashlyn Cornerstone Famil NM 3
IMTHURN, Aubrey Alma-Wabaunsee NM 3

St. Mary's, KS
St. Mary's HS
Friday, April 29, 2022

printed: 4/29/2022 6:09 PM


DirectAthletics MeetPro 13

#40 Women's Discus (cont'd)
Pl Name Team Mark
Flight 1 of 3
1 KIMBLE, Chloe Meriden-Jefferson 71' 0"
2 BREWSTER, Alana Silver Lake 69' 5"
3 FOSTER, Kellyn Rossville 66' 10"
4 GRIMES, Mya Sabetha 65' 10"
4 SANDERS, Verlee Meriden-Jefferson 65' 10"
6 YORK, Emily Silver Lake 59' 11"
7 DERN, Faith St. Marys 58' 4"
8 DALTON, Paige St. George-Rock 57' 10"
9 BREES, Breanna St. Marys 56' 10"
10 KENNEY, Madelyn Rossville 55' 3"
Flight 2 of 3
1 BROWNLEE, Addie Cornerstone Famil 73' 2"
2 HUSKE, Ava Alma-Wabaunsee 71' 10"
3 COX, Rosemary Silver Lake 70' 1"
4 SMITH, Emme Effingham-Atchiso 69' 6"
5 CHRISTENSEN, Zola St. George-Rock 68' 5"
6 KOSINSKI, Dylan Northern Heights 66' 10"
7 DAY, Ella Silver Lake 64' 9"
8 PURKEYPYLE, Adrianna Herington 64' 4"
9 MILLER, Lilly Rossville 64' 1"
10 NONNAST, Reve Sabetha 61' 10"
Flight 3 of 3
1 CRAWFROD, Greta Osage City 105' 11"
2 SCOBY, Halle Sabetha 91' 2"
3 BOSS, Lexi Osage City 91' 1"
4 STARR, Sydney Meriden-Jefferson 80' 8"
5 BURK, Paige Osage City 80' 0"
6 FOSTER, Claire St. Marys 75' 1"
7 STRAUSS, Destiney Herington 71' 5"
8 DRESSLER, Millie Cornerstone Famil 71' 1"
9 FRIESEN, Saydee Herington 62' 8"
WEBB, Ashlyn Cornerstone Famil NM
IMTHURN, Aubrey Alma-Wabaunsee NM