Southeast of Saline MS Invitational 2022

Gypsum, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Geitz, Sammy Sacred Heart Junior High
Penn, Tyler Sacred Heart Junior High
Decker, Luke Halstead Middle School
Crider, Tyler Lyons Middle School
Douglas, Kanyon 11.87 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Deering, Daxon 11.88 Hesston Middle School
Myers, Jacob 12.07 Haven Middle School
Guzman, Julian 12.15 Lyons Middle School
Loewen, Jaeten 12.7 Hillsboro Middle School
Wray, Brogan 12.87 Haven Middle School
D'Albini, Preston 12.90h Hillsboro Middle School
Schubert, Logan 12.91 Lyons Middle School
Wise, Kane 12.98 Halstead Middle School
Williams, Devin 13.09 Hesston Middle School
Gragg, Noah 13.18 Sacred Heart Junior High
Alvidrez, Derek 13.32 Lyons Middle School
Corona, Miguel 13.33 Lyons Middle School
Heitschmidt, Ty 13.50h Smoky Valley Middle School
Reyes, Ayden 13.59 Smoky Valley Middle School
Hein, Aaron 13.64 Hillsboro Middle School
Ontiveroz, Rowen 13.68 Sacred Heart Junior High
Beard, Brody 13.79 Hesston Middle School
Hansen, Braden 13.80h Hesston Middle School
Hines, Noah 13.83 Sacred Heart Junior High
Werner, Ben 13.90h Hillsboro Middle School
Reed, Chandler 13.94 Smoky Valley Middle School
Lazaro, Elias 13.95 Hesston Middle School
Johnson, Finich 14.20h Smoky Valley Middle School
Farha, Peter 14.20h Hillsboro Middle School
Oelke, Nate 14.27 Hillsboro Middle School
Hamilton, Quanick 14.27 Lyons Middle School
Calzada, Edgar 14.30 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Haslett, Zayne 14.34 Hillsboro Middle School
Loughrie, Tanner 14.46 Haven Middle School
Jones, Evan 14.50h Hillsboro Middle School
Bramblett, Austin 14.53 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Willis-Dirks, Kole 14.56 Hillsboro Middle School
Kuhn, Garrett 14.68 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Bramblett, Tyler 14.70 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Bontrager, Cade 14.70h Hesston Middle School
Koland, Luke 14.77 Sacred Heart Junior High
Redger, Sutton 14.78 Hillsboro Middle School
Ronning, Eli 14.85 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Banda, Johnathen 14.85 Sacred Heart Junior High
Regier, Talon 14.89 Hillsboro Middle School
Logue, Maverick 14.90h Hesston Middle School
Krause, Carson 15.01 Hillsboro Middle School
Blackwell, Trent 15.02 Sacred Heart Junior High
Turner, Kurtis 15.19 Smoky Valley Middle School
Casey, Robbie 15.37 Hesston Middle School
Hammel, Hayden 15.62 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Marrs, Ben 15.68 Sacred Heart Junior High
Armstrong, Graham 15.72 Sacred Heart Junior High
Stanley, Detrell 15.86 Lyons Middle School
Warner, Zane 16.00h Smoky Valley Middle School
Jones, Jett 16.12 Sacred Heart Junior High
Ivey, Cayson 16.28 Sacred Heart Junior High
Pawloski, Koren 16.78 Hillsboro Middle School
Learn, Aaron 16.85 Halstead Middle School
Kemp, Laven 17.19 Hesston Middle School
Dankenbring, Jordan 17.31 Smoky Valley Middle School
Lilley, Lyrik 17.50 Southeast of Saline Junior High
King, Jordyn 17.76 Sacred Heart Junior High
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Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Newman, Reggie Halstead Middle School
Stanley, Detrell Lyons Middle School
Hopkins, Malachi 15.39 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Kejr, Isaiah 17.52 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Schubert, Logan 17.70 Lyons Middle School
Fuqua, Riley 17.76 Hesston Middle School
Klover, Casson 17.99 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Koland, Luke 18.13 Sacred Heart Junior High
Rhodes, Timmy 18.37 Hesston Middle School
Unruh, Ty 18.63 Hesston Middle School
Haug, Eli 18.78 Hesston Middle School
Folks, Jesse 18.85 Hesston Middle School
Link, Tegan 19.18 Lyons Middle School
Smith, Blain 19.26 Smoky Valley Middle School
Odendahl, Brock 19.49 Halstead Middle School
Ryan, Kristian 19.66 Smoky Valley Middle School
Vaughan, Killian 19.77 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Recindiz, Jose 19.93 Lyons Middle School
Wendling, Jackson 20.19 Halstead Middle School
Bergen, Diesel 20.33 Hesston Middle School
Morares, Jace 21.47 Hillsboro Middle School
Hopkins, Lavone 21.65 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Wilson, Harrison 21.98 Halstead Middle School
Towes, Tyler 24.85 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Kidwell, Anthony 25.93 Southeast of Saline Junior High
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Detweiler, Michael Halstead Middle School
Sibayan, Jake Hillsboro Middle School
Walker, Brayden 4:54.55 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Bircher, Jacob 4:56.36 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Kejr, Isaiah 5:35.07 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Bishop, Kaden 5:37.29 Smoky Valley Middle School
Ventura, Anthony 5:41.51 Lyons Middle School
Wells, Maddox 5:41.80 Sacred Heart Junior High
Thompson, Jace 5:48.20 Lyons Middle School
TUTTLE, Will 5:48.30 Sacred Heart Junior High
Powell, Landon 5:50.93 Haven Middle School
Matteucci, Dominic 5:53.59 Sacred Heart Junior High
Alvater, Kolton 5:57.77 Haven Middle School
Silva, Gilberto 5:57.93 Lyons Middle School
Healey, Gavin 5:58.96 Halstead Middle School
Ortega, Miguel 5:59.09 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Lange, Keldon 6:02.56 Hesston Middle School
Larson, Gavin 6:07.77 Hesston Middle School
Recindiz, Jose 6:17.82 Lyons Middle School
Kempke, Tyler 6:17.95 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Altum, Jett 6:21.71 Hesston Middle School
Courtney, Cayden 6:24.84 Halstead Middle School
Landes, Kason 6:25.39 Hesston Middle School
Hernandez, Zach 6:25.40 Sacred Heart Junior High
Kueker, Jacob 6:25.77 Hesston Middle School
Normis, Cameron 6:29.84 Haven Middle School
Lee, Liam 6:45.01 Halstead Middle School
Gamez, Diego 6:46.21 Lyons Middle School
Zuniga, Edgard 6:47.90 Lyons Middle School
Franklin, Cole 6:57.29 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Timberlake, Levi 7:04.07 Lyons Middle School
Muir, Nicholas 7:05.08 Haven Middle School
Olander, Eli 7:17.44 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hawes, Wesley 8:00.18 Hesston Middle School
Gustus, Hudson 9:33.67 Smoky Valley Middle School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sibayan, Jake Hillsboro Middle School
Morares, Jace Hillsboro Middle School
Wiedeman, Evan Halstead Middle School
Simmons, Kalvin Southeast of Saline Junior High
Regier, Talon Hillsboro Middle School
Guzman, Julian 25.73 Lyons Middle School
Myers, Jacob 26.04 Haven Middle School
Patry, Grant 26.21 Haven Middle School
Hein, Landen 27.23 Hillsboro Middle School
Gardner, Parker 27.50h Smoky Valley Middle School
Loewen, Jaeten 27.52 Hillsboro Middle School
Wise, Kane 27.57 Halstead Middle School
D'Albini, Preston 27.60 Hillsboro Middle School
Wray, Brogan 27.64 Haven Middle School
Disberger, Ben 28.01 Sacred Heart Junior High
Bramblett, Tyler 28.43 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Farha, Peter 28.48 Hillsboro Middle School
Hines, Noah 28.59 Sacred Heart Junior High
Humphreys, Jerick 28.92 Hesston Middle School
Werner, Ben 29.28 Hillsboro Middle School
Turner, Zade 29.42 Haven Middle School
Hansen, Braden 29.90h Hesston Middle School
Lyon, Elijah 29.98 Lyons Middle School
Johnson, Finich 30.20h Smoky Valley Middle School
Penn, Tyler 30.52 Sacred Heart Junior High
Logue, Maverick 30.60 Hesston Middle School
Lange, Keldon 30.70h Hesston Middle School
Haslett, Zayne 30.72 Hillsboro Middle School
Duerksen, Josh 30.89 Hesston Middle School
Reyes, Ayden 31.04 Smoky Valley Middle School
Ontiveroz, Rowen 31.13 Sacred Heart Junior High
Bontrager, Cade 31.18 Hesston Middle School
Chambers, Brody 31.35 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Bramblett, Austin 31.36 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hamilton, Quanick 31.39 Lyons Middle School
Jones, Evan 31.49 Hillsboro Middle School
Redger, Sutton 31.50h Hillsboro Middle School
Turner, Kurtis 31.60h Smoky Valley Middle School
Wilson, Harrison 31.63 Halstead Middle School
Bartel, River 31.70h Hesston Middle School
Reed, Chandler 31.83 Smoky Valley Middle School
Canada, Zane 32.33 Halstead Middle School
Decker, Luke 32.39 Halstead Middle School
Hiebert, Jaden 32.68 Hillsboro Middle School
Hahn, Wyatt 32.69 Halstead Middle School
Jones, Jett 33.39 Sacred Heart Junior High
Weimer, Brady 33.40h Hesston Middle School
Kemp, Laven 33.60h Hesston Middle School
Sharp, Jack 33.67 Hesston Middle School
Harrington, Hudson 33.82 Halstead Middle School
Casey, Robbie 33.97 Hesston Middle School
Krause, Carson 34.08 Hillsboro Middle School
Warner, Zane 34.70h Smoky Valley Middle School
Hammel, Hayden 35.04 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Armstrong, Graham 35.18 Sacred Heart Junior High
Pawloski, Koren 36.37 Hillsboro Middle School
Calvin, Jackson 37.52 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Edgerle, Aric 37.74 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Dankenbring, Jordan 39.40 Smoky Valley Middle School
King, Jordyn 39.98 Sacred Heart Junior High
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Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Newman, Reggie Halstead Middle School
Courtney, Cayden Halstead Middle School
Odendahl, Brock Halstead Middle School
Hopkins, Malachi 29.04 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Kejr, Isaiah 31.20 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Unruh, Ty 31.54 Hesston Middle School
Rhodes, Timmy 31.56 Hesston Middle School
Ortega, Miguel 32.22 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Folks, Jesse 32.50h Hesston Middle School
Vaughan, Killian 32.53 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Bergen, Diesel 33.03 Hesston Middle School
Ryan, Kristian 33.40h Smoky Valley Middle School
Klover, Casson 33.87 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Overton, Logan 35.79 Halstead Middle School
Hopkins, Lavone 37.78 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Braxton, Izaeah 42.19 Lyons Middle School
Kidwell, Anthony 42.32 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Towes, Tyler 43.99 Southeast of Saline Junior High
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Friesen, James Southeast of Saline Junior High
Muir, Nicholas Haven Middle School
Grizzle, Jace Lyons Middle School
Walker, Brayden 10:36.38 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Matteucci, Dominic 12:04.98 Sacred Heart Junior High
Espinoza, Francisco 12:06 Lyons Middle School
Villasenor, Cain 12:10 Lyons Middle School
Ortega, Miguel 12:35.05 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Kempke, Tyler 13:15.69 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Foster, Jacob 14:10.51 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Sharp, Jack 14:41.90 Hesston Middle School
Detweiler, Michael 14:51.66 Halstead Middle School
Smith, Daniel 14:52.10 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Franklin, Cole 15:02.00 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Courtney, Cayden 15:24.16 Halstead Middle School
Schmidt, Riley 15:53.13 Halstead Middle School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prowant, Bear Southeast of Saline Junior High
Oelke, Nate Hillsboro Middle School
Ronning, Eli Southeast of Saline Junior High
Krause, Carson Hillsboro Middle School
Weller, Drew Southeast of Saline Junior High
Gawith, Kyson Hillsboro Middle School
Decker, Luke 1:00.79 Halstead Middle School
Wise, Kane 1:01.43 Halstead Middle School
Villasenor, Cain 1:02.71 Lyons Middle School
Kimani, Michael 1:03.87 Sacred Heart Junior High
Turner, Zade 1:04.00 Haven Middle School
Link, Tegan 1:04.39 Lyons Middle School
Gardner, Parker 1:04.64 Smoky Valley Middle School
Lazaro, Elias 1:04.95 Hesston Middle School
Wray, Brogan 1:06.00 Haven Middle School
Reyes, Ayden 1:07.00h Smoky Valley Middle School
Smith, Blain 1:07.34 Smoky Valley Middle School
Bramblett, Tyler 1:08.00 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Barragan, Kaden 1:08.11 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Becerra, Juan 1:08.61 Lyons Middle School
Friesen, James 1:08.80 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Burr, Cody 1:08.97 Sacred Heart Junior High
Reed, Chandler 1:10.06 Smoky Valley Middle School
Ontiveroz, Rowen 1:10.27 Sacred Heart Junior High
Johnson, Finich 1:10.58 Smoky Valley Middle School
Humphreys, Jerick 1:10.60h Hesston Middle School
Phillips, Max 1:10.62 Hesston Middle School
Turner, Kurtis 1:10.70h Smoky Valley Middle School
Bramblett, Austin 1:12.96 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hernandez, Zach 1:13.08 Sacred Heart Junior High
Hiebert, Braxton 1:14.25 Hillsboro Middle School
Steinert, Casen 1:15.43 Hillsboro Middle School
Gamez, Diego 1:16.38 Lyons Middle School
Hahn, Wyatt 1:16.42 Halstead Middle School
Friesen, Jared 1:17.17 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Jones, Jett 1:17.85 Sacred Heart Junior High
Hernandez, Luis 1:19.67 Sacred Heart Junior High
Watkins, Josh 1:21.81 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Zuniga, Edgard 1:22.10 Lyons Middle School
Pawloski, Koren 1:23.25 Hillsboro Middle School
Dankenbring, Jordan 1:24.50h Smoky Valley Middle School
Timberlake, Levi 1:29.49 Lyons Middle School
Kidwell, Anthony 1:32.46 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Patry, Grant 59.55 Haven Middle School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.48 Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 50.21 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 51.30 Lyons Middle School
Relay Team A 51.30 Lyons Middle School
Relay Team A 51.56 Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A 51.56 Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A 51.68 Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A 51.68 Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A 53.56 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 53.70h Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 56.37 Sacred Heart Junior High
Relay Team A 58.37 Sacred Heart Junior High
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:48.81 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 1:50.68 Sacred Heart Junior High
Relay Team A 1:52.67 Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 1:54.67 Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 1:56.28 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 1:58.80 Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A 1:58.80 Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A 2:00.49 Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A 2:00.49 Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A 2:01.68 Sacred Heart Junior High
Relay Team A 2:12.84 Lyons Middle School
Relay Team A 2:12.84 Lyons Middle School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A Lyons Middle School
Relay Team A Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A Lyons Middle School
Relay Team A 4:13.20 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 4:20.10h Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 4:43.80h Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 5:03.37 Southeast of Saline Junior High
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Boys 800 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schmidt, Riley Halstead Middle School
Whelchel, Matthew Southeast of Saline Junior High
Prowant, Bear Southeast of Saline Junior High
Gawith, Kyson Hillsboro Middle School
Hiebert, Braxton 1:06.97 Hillsboro Middle School
Bircher, Jacob 2:18.13 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Bishop, Kaden 2:26.14 Smoky Valley Middle School
Shahan, Easton 2:28.80 Hillsboro Middle School
Martinez, Carlos 2:29.97 Halstead Middle School
Turner, Zade 2:31.00 Haven Middle School
Powell, Landon 2:34.52 Haven Middle School
Wells, Maddox 2:36.13 Sacred Heart Junior High
Loughrie, Tanner 2:36.67 Haven Middle School
Silva, Gilberto 2:40.09 Lyons Middle School
TUTTLE, Will 2:41.80 Sacred Heart Junior High
Ventura, Anthony 2:42.13 Lyons Middle School
Larson, Gavin 2:43.08 Hesston Middle School
Alvater, Kolton 2:44.07 Haven Middle School
Healey, Gavin 2:44.10 Halstead Middle School
Smith, Daniel 2:44.15 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Ptacek, Tiernan 2:44.47 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Williams, Devin 2:45.60h Hesston Middle School
Friesen, James 2:46.57 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Foster, Jacob 2:51.68 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Landes, Kason 2:53.44 Hesston Middle School
Becerra, Juan 2:56.94 Lyons Middle School
Lee, Liam 2:59.93 Halstead Middle School
Gamez, Diego 3:00.80 Lyons Middle School
Kueker, Jacob 3:03.57 Hesston Middle School
Landeros, Angel 3:12.38 Lyons Middle School
Steinert, Casen 3:13.52 Hillsboro Middle School
Hernandez, Luis 3:15.58 Sacred Heart Junior High
Tapia, Ricardo 3:24.24 Lyons Middle School
Zuniga, Edgard 3:25.06 Lyons Middle School
Timberlake, Levi 3:26.97 Lyons Middle School
Olander, Eli 3:38.74 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hawes, Wesley 3:47.87 Hesston Middle School
Gustus, Hudson 4:08.23 Smoky Valley Middle School
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Boys Discus 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gardner, Parker 124-9.5 Smoky Valley Middle School
Douglas, Kanyon 121-6 Southeast of Saline Junior High
O'Halloran, Emmet 117-4 Hesston Middle School
Gordon, Elias 112-8 Sacred Heart Junior High
Chambers, Brody 106-10 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Goalden, Gunnar 104-10 Hesston Middle School
Smith Bolin, Connor 104-4 Smoky Valley Middle School
Whelchel, Matthew 103-5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Guhr, Spencer 100-0 Hesston Middle School
Willis-Dirks, Kole 98-0 Hillsboro Middle School
Holzrichter, Cody 94-6.5 Halstead Middle School
Harris, Demarcus 94-3 Hillsboro Middle School
Humphreys, Jerick 92-7 Hesston Middle School
Starbuck, Hendrix 90-7 Lyons Middle School
Rodriguez, Gabriel 90-3 Sacred Heart Junior High
Carmichael, Reece 86-5 Halstead Middle School
Coutre, Ethan 86-1 Hesston Middle School
Learn, Aaron 82-4 Halstead Middle School
Bartell, Drew 81-7 Hesston Middle School
Lyon, Elijah 81-6 Lyons Middle School
Haslett, Zayne 81-00.5 Hillsboro Middle School
Jowers, Mason 80-1 Smoky Valley Middle School
Regier, Talon 79-05.5 Hillsboro Middle School
Kemp, Laven 78-7.5 Hesston Middle School
Smith, Brady 78-2 Haven Middle School
Hahn, Wyatt 78-1 Halstead Middle School
Harrington, Hudson 74-5 Halstead Middle School
Bartel, River 74-3 Hesston Middle School
Flaming, Levi 71-11 Hesston Middle School
Hopkins, Lavone 70-4 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Nisly, Steven 69-5 Haven Middle School
Linton, Maxx 69-0 Halstead Middle School
Ivey, Cayson 68-8 Sacred Heart Junior High
Casey, Robbie 68-2 Hesston Middle School
Swift, Greyson 66-11 Halstead Middle School
Edgerle, Aric 64-4 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Sorensen, Lucas 62-07 Hillsboro Middle School
Hiebert, Jaden 60-8 Hillsboro Middle School
Simmons, Kalvin 59-5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Haden, Gage 59-4 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Crider, Tyler 58-5 Lyons Middle School
Banda, Johnathen 57-10.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Steinert, Casen 56-3 Hillsboro Middle School
Logan, Aaron 55-0 Haven Middle School
Braxton, Izaeah 53-11 Lyons Middle School
Weller, Drew 53-9 Southeast of Saline Junior High
King, Jordyn 53-7 Sacred Heart Junior High
Marrs, Ben 51-11 Sacred Heart Junior High
Newell, Ethan 51-5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Blackwell, Trent 51-5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Link, Maddox 50-5 Lyons Middle School
Fulmer, Noah 49-6 Hesston Middle School
Pierce, Zayden 49-3 Smoky Valley Middle School
Carerra, Kevin 45-0 Lyons Middle School
Harper, Slade 44-4 Haven Middle School
Geitz, Sammy 43-10 Sacred Heart Junior High
Kleiber, Jackson 43-3 Hillsboro Middle School
Peter, Kolby 43-2 Lyons Middle School
Lilley, Lyrik Southeast of Saline Junior High
Towes, Tyler Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hamilton, Joshsaun Lyons Middle School
Wald, Alec Hesston Middle School
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Boys High Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wiedeman, Evan 7-6 Halstead Middle School
Jacobson, Gannon 5-4 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hopkins, Malachi 5-2 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Smith, Cyran Jay 5-2 Halstead Middle School
Ryan, Kristian 5-2 Smoky Valley Middle School
Myers, Jacob 5-2 Haven Middle School
Douglas, Kanyon 5-0 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Homewood, Waylon 5-0 Halstead Middle School
Corona, Miguel 5-0 Lyons Middle School
Logue, Maverick 4-10 Hesston Middle School
Wendling, Jackson 4-8 Halstead Middle School
Link, Tegan 4-8 Lyons Middle School
Espinoza, Francisco 4-8 Lyons Middle School
Unruh, Ty 4-8 Hesston Middle School
Ptacek, Tiernan 4-6 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Holub, Amarion 4-6 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Disberger, Ben 4-6 Sacred Heart Junior High
Fulmer, Noah 4-6 Hesston Middle School
Farha, Peter 4-04 Hillsboro Middle School
Brantley, Noah 4-4 Halstead Middle School
Peter, Kolby 4-4 Lyons Middle School
Ventura, Anthony 4-4 Lyons Middle School
Villasenor, Cain 4-4 Lyons Middle School
Reed, Chandler 4-4 Smoky Valley Middle School
Bartel, River 4-4 Hesston Middle School
Hansen, Braden 4-4 Hesston Middle School
Smith, Blain 4-2 Smoky Valley Middle School
Kimani, Michael 4-0 Sacred Heart Junior High
TUTTLE, Will 4-0 Sacred Heart Junior High
Turner, Kurtis 4-0 Smoky Valley Middle School
Bergen, Diesel 4-0 Hesston Middle School
Olander, Eli Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hammel, Hayden Southeast of Saline Junior High
Diehl, Noah Halstead Middle School
Stanley, Detrell Lyons Middle School
Thompson, Jace Lyons Middle School
Dankenbring, Jordan Smoky Valley Middle School
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Boys Javelin 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weller, Drew 116-6 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Whelchel, Matthew 104-7 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Chambers, Brody 85-11 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Banda, Johnathen 84-2 Sacred Heart Junior High
Rodriguez, Gabriel 75-6 Sacred Heart Junior High
Towes, Tyler 73-9 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Calvin, Jackson 71-1 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Marrs, Ben 70-11 Sacred Heart Junior High
Starbuck, Hendrix 67-7.5 Lyons Middle School
Newell, Ethan 64-0 Sacred Heart Junior High
Blackwell, Trent 62-6 Sacred Heart Junior High
Edgerle, Aric 60-5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Friesen, Jared 60-1 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Crider, Tyler 54-8 Lyons Middle School
Geitz, Sammy 54-0 Sacred Heart Junior High
Watkins, Josh 42-2 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hopkins, Lavone Southeast of Saline Junior High
Holzrichter, Cody Halstead Middle School
Swift, Greyson Halstead Middle School
Brantley, Noah Halstead Middle School
Carmichael, Reece Halstead Middle School
Hahn, Wyatt Halstead Middle School
Linton, Maxx Halstead Middle School
Overton, Logan Halstead Middle School
Carerra, Kevin Lyons Middle School
Link, Maddox Lyons Middle School
Peter, Kolby Lyons Middle School
Braxton, Izaeah Lyons Middle School
Hamilton, Joshsaun Lyons Middle School
Bartell, Drew Hesston Middle School
Flaming, Levi Hesston Middle School
Landes, Kason Hesston Middle School
Coutre, Ethan Hesston Middle School
Fulmer, Noah Hesston Middle School
Guhr, Spencer Hesston Middle School
Kemp, Laven Hesston Middle School
O'Halloran, Emmet Hesston Middle School
Wald, Alec Hesston Middle School
Schmidt, Riley Halstead Middle School
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Boys Long Jump 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guzman, Julian 18-4 Lyons Middle School
Hopkins, Malachi 17-7 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Deering, Daxon 17-3 Hesston Middle School
Heitschmidt, Ty 16-11.75 Smoky Valley Middle School
Wray, Brogan 15-10.5 Haven Middle School
Gordon, Elias 15-8 Sacred Heart Junior High
Schubert, Logan 15-8 Lyons Middle School
Turner, Zade 15-5.5 Haven Middle School
Hines, Noah 15-4 Sacred Heart Junior High
Lippold, Bryson 15-2.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Homewood, Waylon 14-11.5 Halstead Middle School
Becerra, Juan 14-9.5 Lyons Middle School
Kuhn, Garrett 14-4.75 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Loughrie, Tanner 14-4 Haven Middle School
Canada, Zane 14-3 Halstead Middle School
Calzada, Edgar 13-9.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Klover, Casson 13-7.75 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Barragan, Kaden 13-7.25 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hamilton, Quanick 13-6.75 Lyons Middle School
Hein, Aaron 13-6.5 Hillsboro Middle School
Smith, Blain 13-6 Smoky Valley Middle School
Fuqua, Riley 13-6 Hesston Middle School
Rhodes, Timmy 13-5 Hesston Middle School
Matteucci, Dominic 13-5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Hiebert, Braxton 13-4 Hillsboro Middle School
Gawith, Kyson 13-2 Hillsboro Middle School
Landeros, Angel 13-1.25 Lyons Middle School
Larson, Gavin 12-11 Hesston Middle School
Heck, Kingston 12-9 Halstead Middle School
Lange, Keldon 12-9 Hesston Middle School
Zuniga, Edgard 12-8.5 Lyons Middle School
Burr, Cody 12-8 Sacred Heart Junior High
Morares, Jace 12-7 Hillsboro Middle School
Ronning, Eli 12-6.75 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Bergen, Diesel 12-6 Hesston Middle School
Weimer, Brady 12-0 Hesston Middle School
Wilson, Harrison 11-10.5 Halstead Middle School
Sibayan, Jake 11-9.25 Hillsboro Middle School
Decker, Luke 11-2 Halstead Middle School
Schmidt, Trestin 11-1.5 Hesston Middle School
Nelson, Brett 10-7.5 Hesston Middle School
Kloster, Jayden 10-6.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Harrington, Hudson 10-5 Halstead Middle School
Benavidez, Easton 10-0.5 Lyons Middle School
Sams, Adam 9-3 Hesston Middle School
Warner, Zane 7-0.5 Smoky Valley Middle School
Alvidrez, Derek Lyons Middle School
Recindiz, Jose Lyons Middle School
Simmons, Kalvin Southeast of Saline Junior High
Ontiveroz, Rowen Sacred Heart Junior High
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Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hein, Landen 9-0 Hillsboro Middle School
Dillon, Lyndon 8-6 Hesston Middle School
Loewen, Jaeten 8-0 Hillsboro Middle School
White, Wade 8-0 Hesston Middle School
Klover, Casson 7-1 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Newman, Reggie 7-0 Halstead Middle School
Phillips, Max 7-0 Hesston Middle School
Lazaro, Elias 7-0 Hesston Middle School
Wald, Alec 7-0 Hesston Middle School
Oelke, Nate 6-6 Hillsboro Middle School
Benavidez, Easton 6-6 Lyons Middle School
Thiel, Adam 6-1 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Foster, Jacob 6-0 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Redger, Sutton 6-0 Hillsboro Middle School
Lee, Liam Halstead Middle School
Landeros, Angel Lyons Middle School
Grizzle, Jace Lyons Middle School
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Boys Shot Put 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heitschmidt, Ty 42-9 Smoky Valley Middle School
Coutre, Ethan 41-6.25 Hesston Middle School
Chambers, Brody 39-4 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Braxton, Izaeah 38-4.75 Lyons Middle School
Simmons, Kalvin 37-2.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Starbuck, Hendrix 36-6 Lyons Middle School
Gardner, Parker 36-5.5 Smoky Valley Middle School
Flaming, Levi 35-5 Hesston Middle School
Peter, Kolby 35-1.25 Lyons Middle School
Gordon, Elias 34-4.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
O'Halloran, Emmet 34-4 Hesston Middle School
Goalden, Gunnar 33-3 Hesston Middle School
D'Albini, Preston 33-1 Hillsboro Middle School
Ivey, Cayson 33-1 Sacred Heart Junior High
Guhr, Spencer 32-10 Hesston Middle School
Gragg, Noah 32-5.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Jones, Evan 32-0 Hillsboro Middle School
Harris, Demarcus 31-11.5 Hillsboro Middle School
Smith Bolin, Connor 31-11 Smoky Valley Middle School
Duerksen, Josh 31-8.5 Hesston Middle School
Hamilton, Joshsaun 31-7 Lyons Middle School
Werner, Ben 31-6 Hillsboro Middle School
Nisly, Steven 31-2 Haven Middle School
Smith, Cyran Jay 31-0 Halstead Middle School
Carmichael, Reece 30-10 Halstead Middle School
Marrs, Ben 30-8 Sacred Heart Junior High
Weller, Drew 30-1.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Whelchel, Matthew 28-10.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hiebert, Jaden 28-7 Hillsboro Middle School
Jowers, Mason 28-0 Smoky Valley Middle School
Bartell, Drew 27-6.5 Hesston Middle School
Logan, Aaron 27-2.25 Haven Middle School
Blackwell, Trent 26-9.75 Sacred Heart Junior High
Smith, Brady 26-9 Haven Middle School
Sorensen, Lucas 26-04.5 Hillsboro Middle School
Holzrichter, Cody 26-3.75 Halstead Middle School
Casey, Robbie 26-2.5 Hesston Middle School
Link, Maddox 25-2 Lyons Middle School
Fulmer, Noah 24-10.75 Hesston Middle School
Learn, Aaron 24-10 Halstead Middle School
Rodriguez, Gabriel 24-8 Sacred Heart Junior High
Lilley, Lyrik 24-7 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Banda, Johnathen 24-5.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Swift, Greyson 23-5 Halstead Middle School
Brantley, Noah 23-3 Halstead Middle School
Linton, Maxx 23-0 Halstead Middle School
Haden, Gage 22-0 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Geitz, Sammy 21-11.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Kleiber, Jackson 21-10 Hillsboro Middle School
Crider, Tyler 21-1 Lyons Middle School
Friesen, Jared 21-0 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Newell, Ethan 19-3 Sacred Heart Junior High
Harper, Slade 18-7 Haven Middle School
Pierce, Zayden 18-5 Smoky Valley Middle School
Carerra, Kevin 18-1 Lyons Middle School
Edgerle, Aric Southeast of Saline Junior High
Calvin, Jackson Southeast of Saline Junior High
King, Jordyn Sacred Heart Junior High
Redger, Sutton Hillsboro Middle School
Lange, Keldon Hesston Middle School
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Boys Triple Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heitschmidt, Ty 34-9 Smoky Valley Middle School
Shahan, Easton 33-9.75 Hillsboro Middle School
Ryan, Kristian 33-0 Smoky Valley Middle School
Disberger, Ben 31-11.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Folks, Jesse 31-7.5 Hesston Middle School
Schrag, Ethan 31-3.5 Hesston Middle School
Unruh, Ty 30-11 Hesston Middle School
Overton, Logan 30-5 Halstead Middle School
Vaughan, Killian 30-1.25 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Barragan, Kaden 29-7.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Bramblett, Tyler 29-6.75 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hansen, Braden 29-4.5 Hesston Middle School
Ptacek, Tiernan 29-2 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Becerra, Juan 29-2 Lyons Middle School
Thompson, Jace 29-1.75 Lyons Middle School
Thiel, Adam 29-0.25 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Alvidrez, Derek 28-6 Lyons Middle School
Wilson, Harrison 28-3.25 Halstead Middle School
Watkins, Josh 28-2.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Gamez, Diego 27-3.75 Lyons Middle School
Wiedeman, Evan 26-11 Halstead Middle School
Heck, Kingston 26-5 Halstead Middle School
Kloster, Jayden 25-8.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Detweiler, Michael 22-11.25 Halstead Middle School
Schmidt, Trestin 22-5 Hesston Middle School
Courtney, Cayden 22-0.5 Halstead Middle School
Nelson, Brett 21-1 Hesston Middle School
Sams, Adam 20-7.5 Hesston Middle School
Odendahl, Brock Halstead Middle School
Recindiz, Jose Lyons Middle School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kanyi, Ivy Sacred Heart Junior High
Moss, Phoebe Hillsboro Middle School
Kaumans, Maja Sacred Heart Junior High
Gilkey, Hailey Hillsboro Middle School
Rump, Madison Halstead Middle School
Smith, Jocilyn Hillsboro Middle School
Lehman, Ashley 13.14 Hesston Middle School
Divine, Callyn 13.46 Halstead Middle School
Brawner, Avery 13.58 Haven Middle School
Zurfluh, Karlee 13.64 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Friesen, Ceeley 13.90h Smoky Valley Middle School
Grizzle, Kenedy 13.96 Lyons Middle School
Gilkey, Emily 14.04 Hillsboro Middle School
Beavers, Abby 14.21 Hillsboro Middle School
Wohlgemuth, London 14.27 Sacred Heart Junior High
DeFrain, Sorrel 14.33 Haven Middle School
Ervin, Mackenzie 14.41 Halstead Middle School
Warden, Kylie 14.45 Hesston Middle School
Shaw, Licia 14.51 Sacred Heart Junior High
Villalaz, Anabell 14.53 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Klein, Daisy 14.80 Hillsboro Middle School
Plenert, Cheyanne 14.89 Hillsboro Middle School
Witte, McKenzie 14.94 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Boese, Thea 15.01 Halstead Middle School
D'Albini, Mackenzie 15.06 Hillsboro Middle School
Lawson, Rylee 15.06 Smoky Valley Middle School
Bonilla, Holly 15.11 Sacred Heart Junior High
French, Kasyn 15.16 Smoky Valley Middle School
Corona, Maleigha 15.21 Halstead Middle School
Morales, Ema 15.28 Sacred Heart Junior High
Driggers, Austyn 15.62 Hillsboro Middle School
Cooper, Hayla 15.67 Halstead Middle School
Forster, Kylie 15.70 Haven Middle School
Riedel, Makenzie 15.73 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Reed, Maren 16.16 Hillsboro Middle School
Tiller, Makinzie 16.20 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Deering, Aira 16.20 Hesston Middle School
Ryan, Kamryn 16.33 Smoky Valley Middle School
Becerra, Nicole 16.36 Lyons Middle School
Beatty, Natalie 16.50 Hesston Middle School
Clark, Echo 16.51 Smoky Valley Middle School
Carrazco, Eliana 16.61 Sacred Heart Junior High
Jost, Talia 16.65 Hillsboro Middle School
Seehafer, Addison 16.71 Smoky Valley Middle School
Mendez, Miranda 16.81 Sacred Heart Junior High
Metoyer, Parker 16.87 Halstead Middle School
Moore, Callie 16.87 Sacred Heart Junior High
Benda, Abi 16.89 Hillsboro Middle School
Riedel, Roxie 17.06 Smoky Valley Middle School
Wilson, Jazzlyn 17.06 Sacred Heart Junior High
Gormley, Olivia 17.07 Sacred Heart Junior High
Dirks, Chloe 17.08 Hillsboro Middle School
Lund, Layla 17.14 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Rodriguez, Fernanda 17.32 Lyons Middle School
Estrella, Jazmina 18.10 Lyons Middle School
Silva, Carlin 18.12 Lyons Middle School
Weishaar, Kynzie 18.94 Halstead Middle School
Deatherage, Emma 20.24 Southeast of Saline Junior High
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Elliana 18.70 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Schroeder, Piper 18.85 Halstead Middle School
Ervin, Mackenzie 19.01 Halstead Middle School
Haxton, Kenzley 19.18 Smoky Valley Middle School
Leep, Macy 19.65 Halstead Middle School
Dawes, Addie 19.92 Hesston Middle School
Showalter, Greta 20.35 Lyons Middle School
Thalmann, Abby 20.36 Haven Middle School
Lara, Celina 20.69 Lyons Middle School
Schauf, Khloey 20.98 Halstead Middle School
Nisly, Abby 21.13 Haven Middle School
DeWitt, Isabella 21.38 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Zrubek, Carly 21.76 Halstead Middle School
Ryan, Kamryn 21.80h Smoky Valley Middle School
Lee, Addy 22.14 Sacred Heart Junior High
Stewart, Delia 22.32 Halstead Middle School
Soohoo, Claudia 23.62 Hillsboro Middle School
Lippold, Alyssa 24.45 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Krehbeil, Sydnie 25.73 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Carrazco, Eliana 26.15 Sacred Heart Junior High
Rincon, Mily 28.65 Lyons Middle School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wills, Addisen 5:25.21 Halstead Middle School
Brown, Piper 5:41.00 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Douglas, Skylar 5:55.15 Sacred Heart Junior High
Alderson, Breckyn 6:16.78 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Jackson, Anna 6:26.00 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Eyer, Sophia 6:27.08 Smoky Valley Middle School
Bernal, Bailey 6:30.26 Halstead Middle School
Quinn, Reese 6:33.27 Hesston Middle School
Pearson, Abigail 6:43.16 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Richert, Riley 6:46.77 Hillsboro Middle School
Funk, Brynley 7:01.34 Hesston Middle School
Allmon, Briley 7:01.99 Halstead Middle School
Gonzalez, Dayana 7:07.75 Lyons Middle School
Silva, Ariah 7:13.28 Lyons Middle School
Ledford, Bethany 7:14.71 Hesston Middle School
McGlothlin, Whitney 7:15.67 Halstead Middle School
Vogt, Chloe 7:18.64 Hesston Middle School
Barnaby, Annika 7:44.98 Southeast of Saline Junior High
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Merrill, Paedyn Southeast of Saline Junior High
Moss, Phoebe Hillsboro Middle School
Soell, Annabelle Southeast of Saline Junior High
Wilson, Jazzlyn Sacred Heart Junior High
Gilkey, Hailey Hillsboro Middle School
Brawner, Avery 28.10 Haven Middle School
Divine, Callyn 29.04 Halstead Middle School
Zurfluh, Karlee 29.05 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Spitler, Trista 29.28 Smoky Valley Middle School
Davis, Keirah 29.73 Lyons Middle School
Beavers, Abby 30.35 Hillsboro Middle School
Just, Gracelyn 30.63 Hillsboro Middle School
Shaw, Licia 30.72 Sacred Heart Junior High
Williams, Jaden 30.83 Hesston Middle School
Richards, Nicole 30.85 Sacred Heart Junior High
Wohlgemuth, London 30.87 Sacred Heart Junior High
Witte, McKenzie 30.88 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Gales, Tayleighiia 31.10 Halstead Middle School
Anderson, Lilly 31.30 Smoky Valley Middle School
DeFrain, Sorrel 31.61 Haven Middle School
Gilkey, Emily 31.82 Hillsboro Middle School
Hunninghake, Caeli 31.91 Haven Middle School
Villalaz, Anabell 31.96 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hauck, Emma 32.40h Smoky Valley Middle School
Klein, Daisy 32.51 Hillsboro Middle School
Bonilla, Holly 32.62 Sacred Heart Junior High
Fenske, Makenna 32.71 Hillsboro Middle School
D'Albini, Mackenzie 32.81 Hillsboro Middle School
Sims, Mila 33.32 Smoky Valley Middle School
Lawson, Rylee 33.43 Smoky Valley Middle School
Rodriguez, Fernanda 33.56 Lyons Middle School
Riedel, Makenzie 33.63 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Rump, Madison 33.78 Halstead Middle School
Driggers, Austyn 33.81 Hillsboro Middle School
Corona, Maleigha 33.98 Halstead Middle School
Ryan, Kamryn 34.00h Smoky Valley Middle School
Williams, Grace 34.03 Lyons Middle School
Morales, Ema 34.20 Sacred Heart Junior High
Reed, Maren 34.32 Hillsboro Middle School
Plenert, Cheyanne 34.40h Hillsboro Middle School
Mendez, Miranda 34.92 Sacred Heart Junior High
Greenemeyer, Emma 34.97 Sacred Heart Junior High
Willis-Dirks, Khloe 35.05 Hillsboro Middle School
Solis, Alli 35.34 Lyons Middle School
Hefley, Alivia 35.52 Hillsboro Middle School
Duckett, Khloe 36.00 Haven Middle School
Grissom, Brooklyn 36.46 Lyons Middle School
Smith, Jocilyn 36.5 Hillsboro Middle School
Gormley, Olivia 36.54 Sacred Heart Junior High
Tiller, Makinzie 36.57 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Becerra, Nicole 36.76 Lyons Middle School
Lund, Layla 36.77 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Seehafer, Addison 36.84 Smoky Valley Middle School
Benda, Abi 37.33 Hillsboro Middle School
Riedel, Roxie 37.39 Smoky Valley Middle School
Hiebert, Pyper 38.99 Hillsboro Middle School
Cooper, Hayla 39.63 Halstead Middle School
Dirks, Chloe 40.36 Hillsboro Middle School
Kanyi, Ivy 40.49 Sacred Heart Junior High
Burge, Aryana 41.79 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Silva, Carlin 44.03 Lyons Middle School
Estrella, Jazmina 44.35 Lyons Middle School
Deatherage, Emma 44.64 Southeast of Saline Junior High
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Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schauf, Khloey Halstead Middle School
Stewart, Delia Halstead Middle School
Schroeder, Jordy Halstead Middle School
Zrubek, Carly Halstead Middle School
Haxton, Kenzley 33.62 Smoky Valley Middle School
Ervin, Mackenzie 33.83 Halstead Middle School
Dawes, Addie 34.47 Hesston Middle School
Smith, Elliana 34.97 Southeast of Saline Junior High
THOMPSON, KARRIGAN 35.51 Sacred Heart Junior High
Leep, Macy 36.58 Halstead Middle School
Thalmann, Abby 36.86 Haven Middle School
Nisly, Abby 37.21 Haven Middle School
DeWitt, Isabella 37.23 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Lee, Addy 37.65 Sacred Heart Junior High
Ryan, Kamryn 37.81 Smoky Valley Middle School
Showalter, Greta 38.94 Lyons Middle School
Heller, Raegan 40.85 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Carrazco, Eliana 42.18 Sacred Heart Junior High
Krehbeil, Sydnie 42.33 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Lippold, Alyssa 42.57 Southeast of Saline Junior High
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wills, Addisen 11:50.60 Halstead Middle School
Duran, Regan 13:03.66 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Alderson, Breckyn 13:22.70 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Jackson, Anna 14:00.00 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Funk, Quinlyn 14:40.39 Hillsboro Middle School
Hein, Nora 14:55.00 Hillsboro Middle School
Hauck, Emma 15:04.00 Smoky Valley Middle School
Sims, Mila 15:22 Smoky Valley Middle School
Allmon, Briley 16:00.00 Halstead Middle School
McGlothlin, Whitney 17:00.62 Halstead Middle School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moss, Phoebe Hillsboro Middle School
Popp, Kenzi Haven Middle School
Benda, Abi Hillsboro Middle School
Lehman, Ashley 1:02.54 Hesston Middle School
Schroeder, Piper 1:04.25 Halstead Middle School
Brawner, Avery 1:07.25 Haven Middle School
Peterson, Gracia 1:10.00h Smoky Valley Middle School
Potucek, Ella 1:10.29 Hillsboro Middle School
THOMPSON, KARRIGAN 1:12.62 Sacred Heart Junior High
Farmer, Ainsley 1:12.99 Halstead Middle School
Garcia, Emily 1:13.45 Lyons Middle School
Loop, Brooke 1:14.00 Haven Middle School
Duckett, Khloe 1:14.28 Haven Middle School
Garcia, Abi 1:15.23 Sacred Heart Junior High
McQuillan, Scarlett 1:15.35 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Douglas, Suttyn 1:16.26 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Smith, Jocilyn 1:16.54 Hillsboro Middle School
Campa, Eli 1:16.88 Sacred Heart Junior High
Greenemeyer, Emma 1:17.62 Sacred Heart Junior High
Vazquez, Emily 1:19.85 Lyons Middle School
Willis, Jordan 1:19.94 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Carrazco, Eliana 1:23.44 Sacred Heart Junior High
Solis, Alli 1:26.00h Lyons Middle School
Tiller, Makinzie 1:27.98 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Parry, Brynn 1:28.57 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hamilton, Mia 1:29.52 Sacred Heart Junior High
Rodriguez, Fernanda 1:31.62 Lyons Middle School
Gilkey, Hailey 1:36.79 Hillsboro Middle School
Estrella, Jazmina 1:42.90 Lyons Middle School
Deatherage, Emma 1:46.02 Southeast of Saline Junior High
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.02 Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 1:00.02 Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 1:00.28 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 1:01.08 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 1:01.26 Lyons Middle School
Relay Team A 56.40h Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A 57.05 Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A 58.15 Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A 58.15 Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A 58.46 Sacred Heart Junior High
Relay Team A 58.46 Sacred Heart Junior High
Relay Team A 58.71 Lyons Middle School
Relay Team A 59.65 Haven Middle School
Relay Team A 59.65 Haven Middle School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:02.28 Sacred Heart Junior High
Relay Team A 2:03.75 Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 2:03.75 Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 2:11.11 Haven Middle School
Relay Team A 2:11.11 Haven Middle School
Relay Team A 2:12.28 Sacred Heart Junior High
Relay Team A 2:12.62 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 2:12.62 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 2:14.77 Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A 2:14.77 Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A 2:20.64 Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A 2:20.64 Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A 2:30.26 Lyons Middle School
Relay Team A 2:30.26 Lyons Middle School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lyons Middle School
Relay Team A Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A Halstead Middle School
Relay Team A Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A Hillsboro Middle School
Relay Team A 4:41.20h Hesston Middle School
Relay Team A 4:46.95 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 5:03.00h Smoky Valley Middle School
Relay Team A 5:03.00h Smoky Valley Middle School
Relay Team A 5:09.83 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Relay Team A 5:32.34 Sacred Heart Junior High
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Girls 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Popp, Kenzi Haven Middle School
Vazquez, Emily Lyons Middle School
Brown, Piper 2:34.48 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Jost, Addison 2:37.87 Hillsboro Middle School
Duran, Regan 2:43.91 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Douglas, Skylar 2:48.76 Sacred Heart Junior High
Bernal, Bailey 2:52.92 Halstead Middle School
Richert, Riley 2:54.13 Hillsboro Middle School
Roth, Wendy 2:56.07 Hesston Middle School
Lee, Addy 2:57.44 Sacred Heart Junior High
Butts, Olivia 2:58.25 Lyons Middle School
Mabry, Addison 2:58.50 Halstead Middle School
Pearson, Abigail 3:00.17 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Heller, Raegan 3:00.22 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hamilton, Mia 3:03.54 Sacred Heart Junior High
Loop, Brooke 3:03.76 Haven Middle School
Duerksen, Reese 3:05.05 Hillsboro Middle School
Gonzalez, Dayana 3:07.83 Lyons Middle School
Funk, Brynley 3:08.19 Hesston Middle School
Vogt, Chloe 3:10.13 Hesston Middle School
Williams, Tess 3:10.24 Halstead Middle School
Hein, Nora 3:10.91 Hillsboro Middle School
DeWitt, Isabella 3:10.96 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Willis, Jordan 3:12.72 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Silva, Ariah 3:14.77 Lyons Middle School
Ledford, Bethany 3:23.80 Hesston Middle School
Rodriguez, Fernanda 3:53.20 Lyons Middle School
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Girls Discus 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Engle, Katharine 92-3 Halstead Middle School
Douglas, Suttyn 85-5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
White, Kyiara 79-0 Hesston Middle School
Soell, Annabelle 72-4 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Riedel, Maggie 69-3 Smoky Valley Middle School
Williams, Tess 68-2 Halstead Middle School
Jost, Addison 67-2 Hillsboro Middle School
O'Neal, Morgan 64-10 Haven Middle School
Yoder, Sierra 64-8 Haven Middle School
Belote, Sierra 61-7 Lyons Middle School
Gomez, Mitzy 60-11 Lyons Middle School
Willis-Dirks, Khloe 59-10 Hillsboro Middle School
Hoskinson, Gabby 59-1 Haven Middle School
Whelchel, Ashley 57-4.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Swank, Faith 56-7 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Armstrong, Ava 55-0 Halstead Middle School
Maknojia, Maleigha 54-7 Halstead Middle School
Hefley, Alivia 54-7 Hillsboro Middle School
Metoyer, Parker 51-7 Halstead Middle School
Haury, Morgan 51-7 Halstead Middle School
Steffen, Gracie 51-7 Haven Middle School
Merrill, Paedyn 51-6.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Sharpton, Edyn 50-2.25 Sacred Heart Junior High
Richmond, Brenlyn 47-7 Hesston Middle School
Moore, Callie 47-5.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Coon, Keegan 47-3 Hesston Middle School
Bohm, Lili 47-2.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Adams, Joy 47-0 Lyons Middle School
Bickerstaff, Samantha 46-10 Lyons Middle School
Hickman, Sophia 46-7 Hesston Middle School
Gales, Tajtijana 45-8 Halstead Middle School
Garcia, Jenny 45-4 Sacred Heart Junior High
Rincon, Mily 43-10 Lyons Middle School
D'Albini, Mackenzie 43-4 Hillsboro Middle School
Ford, Elizabeth 43-1 Haven Middle School
Kaumans, Sophia 42-8.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Watkins, Zandri 42-8 Halstead Middle School
Morgan, Piper 41-5 Halstead Middle School
Hein, Rylie 41-0 Hillsboro Middle School
Burge, Aryana 40-11 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Klein, Daisy 39-3 Hillsboro Middle School
Thompson, Danika 39-3 Hesston Middle School
Hiebert, Pyper 37-4 Hillsboro Middle School
Tan-Awon, Cassandra 37-0.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Eshelman, Addison 36-5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Silva, Jailynn 32-5 Lyons Middle School
Barry, Tarryn 29-9 Halstead Middle School
Weishaar, Kynzie 28-8 Halstead Middle School
Bogart, Addison Sacred Heart Junior High
Kaumans, Maja Sacred Heart Junior High
Wohlgemuth, Peyton Sacred Heart Junior High
Campa, Karina Sacred Heart Junior High
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Girls High Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Elliana 5-0 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Brawner, Avery 4-8 Haven Middle School
Duran, Regan 4-6 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Schroeder, Jordy 4-6 Halstead Middle School
Spitler, Trista 4-6 Smoky Valley Middle School
Gillespie, Madison 4-6 Hesston Middle School
Nikkel, Aubree 4-6 Haven Middle School
Farmer, Ainsley 4-4 Halstead Middle School
Friesen, Ceeley 4-4 Smoky Valley Middle School
French, Kasyn 4-2 Smoky Valley Middle School
Quinn, Reese 4-2 Hesston Middle School
Grilliot, Rhianne 4-2 Hesston Middle School
Kluver, Kylie 4-2 Hesston Middle School
Thalmann, Abby 4-2 Haven Middle School
Williams, Grace 4-0 Lyons Middle School
Schauf, Khloey 4-0 Halstead Middle School
Duerksen, Reese 4-0 Hillsboro Middle School
Ryan, Kamryn 4-0 Smoky Valley Middle School
Parry, Brynn 3-10 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Clark, Echo 3-10 Smoky Valley Middle School
Fenske, Makenna 3-8 Hillsboro Middle School
Gish, Maddy 3-8 Hesston Middle School
Moore, Callie 3-4 Sacred Heart Junior High
Wilson, Jazzlyn 3-2 Sacred Heart Junior High
Dirks, Chloe Hillsboro Middle School
Lara, Celina Lyons Middle School
Grizzle, Kenedy Lyons Middle School
Beatty, Natalie Hesston Middle School
Kanyi, Ivy Sacred Heart Junior High
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Girls Javelin 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whelchel, Ashley 76-9 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Soell, Annabelle 69-8 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Swank, Faith 68-6 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Sharpton, Edyn 50-6 Sacred Heart Junior High
Campa, Karina 44-1.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Bohm, Lili 42-1.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Kaumans, Sophia 42-0.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Merrill, Paedyn 41-4 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Willis, Jordan 38-10 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Eshelman, Addison 38-3 Sacred Heart Junior High
Burge, Aryana Southeast of Saline Junior High
Belote, Sierra Lyons Middle School
Gomez, Mitzy Lyons Middle School
Adams, Joy Lyons Middle School
Bickerstaff, Samantha Lyons Middle School
Rincon, Mily Lyons Middle School
Showalter, Greta Lyons Middle School
Silva, Jailynn Lyons Middle School
Schroeder, Piper Halstead Middle School
Watkins, Zandri Halstead Middle School
Barry, Tarryn Halstead Middle School
Metoyer, Parker Halstead Middle School
Armstrong, Ava Halstead Middle School
Engle, Katharine Halstead Middle School
Gales, Tajtijana Halstead Middle School
Williams, Tess Halstead Middle School
Maknojia, Maleigha Halstead Middle School
Hickman, Sophia Hesston Middle School
White, Kyiara Hesston Middle School
Bogart, Addison Sacred Heart Junior High
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Girls Long Jump 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hunninghake, Caeli 14-4.25 Haven Middle School
Spitler, Trista 14-2.75 Smoky Valley Middle School
Villalaz, Anabell 14-2.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Divine, Callyn 14-0 Halstead Middle School
Kluver, Kylie 13-10.5 Hesston Middle School
Zurfluh, Karlee 13-9 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Warden, Kylie 13-9 Hesston Middle School
French, Kasyn 13-6.5 Smoky Valley Middle School
Just, Gracelyn 13-3 Hillsboro Middle School
Haxton, Kenzley 13-3 Smoky Valley Middle School
Lara, Celina 13-1.5 Lyons Middle School
Garcia, Emily 12-11 Lyons Middle School
Cooper, Hayla 12-11 Halstead Middle School
Douglas, Skylar 12-10 Sacred Heart Junior High
Beavers, Abby 12-7 Hillsboro Middle School
Dawes, Addie 12-4.5 Hesston Middle School
Eyer, Sophia 12-3.75 Smoky Valley Middle School
Richards, Nicole 12-3.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Vazquez, Emily 12-3.5 Lyons Middle School
Clark, Echo 12-2 Smoky Valley Middle School
Nikkel, Aubree 11-10.5 Haven Middle School
Farmer, Emmerson 11-10 Halstead Middle School
Jost, Talia 11-9.5 Hillsboro Middle School
Potucek, Ella 11-8 Hillsboro Middle School
Hamilton, Mia 11-7 Sacred Heart Junior High
Morgan, Piper 11-4.5 Halstead Middle School
Becerra, Nicole 11-4 Lyons Middle School
Whelchel, Ashley 11-1.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Anderson, Lilly 10-11 Smoky Valley Middle School
Curran, Kaelyn 10-11 Hesston Middle School
Zrubek, Carly 10-10 Halstead Middle School
Dryden, Berkley 10-9 Hesston Middle School
Greenemeyer, Emma 10-8.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Deering, Aira 10-8 Hesston Middle School
Vogt, Chloe 10-6.25 Hesston Middle School
Seehafer, Addison 10-5 Smoky Valley Middle School
Butts, Olivia 10-4 Lyons Middle School
Reed, Maren 10-2 Hillsboro Middle School
Provo, Adalley 9-11 Halstead Middle School
Grissom, Brooklyn 9-10.5 Lyons Middle School
Haury, Morgan 9-6 Halstead Middle School
Lawson, Rylee 7-10 Smoky Valley Middle School
Barnaby, Annika 7-4.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Gilkey, Hailey 7-4 Hillsboro Middle School
Deatherage, Emma 6-3.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Beatty, Natalie Hesston Middle School
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Girls Pole Vault 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lehman, Ashley 9-0 Hesston Middle School
Friesen, Ceeley 7-0 Smoky Valley Middle School
Smith, Elliana 6-6 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Driggers, Austyn 6-6 Hillsboro Middle School
Peterson, Gracia 6-6 Smoky Valley Middle School
Donnelly, Riley 6-0 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Frantz, Jaidyn 6-0 Hillsboro Middle School
Sims, Mila 6-0 Smoky Valley Middle School
Roth, Wendy 6-0 Hesston Middle School
Heller, Raegan 5-6 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Richert, Riley 5-6 Hillsboro Middle School
Soohoo, Claudia 5-6 Hillsboro Middle School
Williams, Jaden 5-6 Hesston Middle School
Lund, Layla 5-0 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Jackson, Anna Southeast of Saline Junior High
Mabry, Addison Halstead Middle School
McGlothlin, Whitney Halstead Middle School
Stewart, Delia Halstead Middle School
Just, Gracelyn Hillsboro Middle School
Hauck, Emma Smoky Valley Middle School
Eyer, Sophia Smoky Valley Middle School
Lawson, Rylee Smoky Valley Middle School
Riedel, Roxie Smoky Valley Middle School
Dryden, Berkley Hesston Middle School
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Girls Shot Put 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richmond, Brenlyn 37-8.75 Hesston Middle School
Hoskinson, Gabby 37-8.75 Haven Middle School
Engle, Katharine 36-0 Halstead Middle School
Vogt, Lauryn 34-0 Hillsboro Middle School
Belote, Sierra 33-11 Lyons Middle School
DeFrain, Sorrel 33-7.5 Haven Middle School
Douglas, Suttyn 33-4 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Yoder, Sierra 33-1 Haven Middle School
Riedel, Maggie 30-11.5 Smoky Valley Middle School
White, Kyiara 29-8.5 Hesston Middle School
Gomez, Mitzy 28-9.5 Lyons Middle School
Hickman, Sophia 28-0.5 Hesston Middle School
Maknojia, Maleigha 27-10.75 Halstead Middle School
Soell, Annabelle 27-2 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Williams, Tess 26-11 Halstead Middle School
Plenert, Cheyanne 26-9.5 Hillsboro Middle School
Gales, Tajtijana 26-6.5 Halstead Middle School
Steffen, Gracie 25-8 Haven Middle School
D'Albini, Mackenzie 24-11.25 Hillsboro Middle School
Coon, Keegan 24-7.25 Hesston Middle School
Hefley, Alivia 24-5 Hillsboro Middle School
Sharpton, Edyn 23-8 Sacred Heart Junior High
Bickerstaff, Samantha 23-5 Lyons Middle School
Hiebert, Pyper 23-4.75 Hillsboro Middle School
Rincon, Mily 22-7.5 Lyons Middle School
Armstrong, Ava 22-6 Halstead Middle School
Ford, Elizabeth 22-6 Haven Middle School
Bohm, Lili 22-2 Sacred Heart Junior High
Merrill, Paedyn 22-2 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Swank, Faith 22-0 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Campa, Karina 22-0 Sacred Heart Junior High
Silva, Jailynn 21-2 Lyons Middle School
Burge, Aryana 20-11.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Watkins, Zandri 20-10 Halstead Middle School
Adams, Joy 20-6.5 Lyons Middle School
Garcia, Jenny 20-4.5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Kaumans, Maja 20-3 Sacred Heart Junior High
Moore, Callie 19-11 Sacred Heart Junior High
Kaumans, Sophia 19-6 Sacred Heart Junior High
Whelchel, Ashley 19-4.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Hein, Rylie 19-1 Hillsboro Middle School
Bogart, Addison 18-7 Sacred Heart Junior High
Metoyer, Parker 18-1 Halstead Middle School
Wohlgemuth, Peyton 16-5 Sacred Heart Junior High
Thompson, Danika 16-3 Hesston Middle School
Barry, Tarryn 15-5 Halstead Middle School
Eshelman, Addison Sacred Heart Junior High
Tan-Awon, Cassandra Sacred Heart Junior High
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Girls Triple Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yoder, Callie 32-0 Hesston Middle School
Spitler, Trista 30-6 Smoky Valley Middle School
Grizzle, Kenedy 30-5 Lyons Middle School
Jost, Addison 29-0.25 Hillsboro Middle School
Morales, Ema 28-4 Sacred Heart Junior High
Davis, Keirah 27-4 Lyons Middle School
Frick, Taylin 26-8 Hesston Middle School
Donnelly, Riley 26-4 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Friesen, Ceeley 26-1 Smoky Valley Middle School
Peterson, Gracia 25-9.5 Smoky Valley Middle School
Mabry, Addison 25-3.5 Halstead Middle School
Silva, Ariah 25-3 Lyons Middle School
Clark, Echo 24-5 Smoky Valley Middle School
Butts, Olivia 24-2.5 Lyons Middle School
Williams, Grace 24-1.75 Lyons Middle School
Engle, Katharine 24-1 Halstead Middle School
Rump, Madison 23-9.5 Halstead Middle School
McQuillan, Scarlett 22-11 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Haury, Morgan 22-9.25 Halstead Middle School
Morgan, Piper 22-6 Halstead Middle School
Parry, Brynn 21-5.5 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Riedel, Roxie 21-5.5 Smoky Valley Middle School
Jackson, Anna 20-10 Southeast of Saline Junior High
Barry, Tarryn 19-1.5 Halstead Middle School
Carbon, Hayden Southeast of Saline Junior High
Schroeder, Jordy Halstead Middle School
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