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HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/20/2022 10:29 PM
KSHSAA Class 1A - 5/20/2022
Regional (#23) Track & Field Meet
Burlington High School
Event 1 Girls High Jump
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Windle, Trinity Hartford Hig 5-00.00 10 Jump off
4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 5-02
2 Love, Lakelyn Argonia High J5-00.00 8 Jump off
4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 5-02
3 Drake, Kaitlyn Marmaton Val 4-10.00 6
4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00
4 Graber, Riley Goessel High J4-10.00 4
4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00
5 Weakley, Jalynn Madison High 4-08.00 2
4-06 4-08 4-10
6 Bower, Hannah Elyria Chris J4-08.00 1
4-06 4-08 4-10
7 Weers, Josie Southern Cof J4-08.00
4-06 4-08 4-10
7 Barry, Tarissa Udall High J4-08.00
4-06 4-08 4-10
9 Gardea, Yasmin Oxford High 4-06.00
4-06 4-08
9 Froese, Hannah Elyria Chris 4-06.00
4-06 4-08
-- Hughes, Meredith Burden Centr DNS
-- Romig, Josie Waverly High DNS
Event 2 Boys High Jump
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Jordan, Cordell Oxford High 5-10.00 10
5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00
2 Burkholder, Caleb Goessel High J5-10.00 8
5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00
3 Long, Ben Burden Centr J5-10.00 6
5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00
4 Smith, Damien Argonia High 5-08.00 4 Jump off
5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10
5 Wilson, Brock Burden Centr J5-08.00 2 Jump off
5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10
6 Clark, Hudson Wichita - Ce 5-02.00 1
5-02 5-04
-- Voorhees, Aiden Southern Cof DNS
Event 3 Girls Pole Vault
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Peek, Abby Lebo High Sc 8-06.00 10
4-00 4-06 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 8-06 9-00
2 Peek, Audrey Lebo High Sc J8-06.00 8
4-00 4-06 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 8-06 9-00
3 Locke, Callie South Haven 6-00.00 6
4-00 4-06 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06
4 Voelker, Ana Burden Centr J6-00.00 4
4-00 4-06 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06
Event 4 Boys Pole Vault
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Reese, Kyle Lebo High Sc 12-00.00 10
8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06
2 Henderson, Austin Burden Centr 11-06.00 8
8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00
3 Perkins, Brody Caldwell Hig 10-00.00 5
8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06
3 Reese, Corey Lebo High Sc 10-00.00 5
8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06
5 Caruthers, Layton Caldwell Hig 9-06.00 2
8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00
6 Boucher, Ethan Burden Centr 9-00.00 1
8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06
7 Pyle, Gannon Madison High J9-00.00
8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06
-- Hurlburt, Cade Madison High NH
-- Smith, Kacen Goessel High DNS
Event 5 Girls Long Jump
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Harris, Josey St. Paul Hig 16-08.00 10
16-03 16-08 15-00 16-01.75 FOUL FOUL
2 Granere, Janae Marmaton Val 16-06.50 8
16-06.50 FOUL 16-02.50 16-03.25 16-02 15-08.25
3 Funk, Aimee Goessel High 15-05.00 6
14-09.25 14-09.50 15-05 14-05.25 14-02.25 15-05
4 Hiben, Zoe Oswego High 15-02.75 4
14-04.75 15-02.75 14-10.25 13-11 FOUL 15-02.50
5 Dold, Kirsten Burrton High 15-01.00 2
15-01 FOUL FOUL 14-10 14-07.25 14-02
6 Theurer, Jacee South Haven 14-08.50 1
14-08.50 FOUL 14-01.50 13-02.50 14-01.50 FOUL
7 Peek, Abby Lebo High Sc 14-07.00
13-10.75 13-10.50 14-04 14-07 13-11.75 FOUL
8 Graber, Riley Goessel High 14-03.25
13-06.50 14-03.25 13-07
9 Jirak, Elizabeth Udall High 14-03.00
13-05.50 14-03 13-07.75
10 Barney, Piper Marmaton Val 14-02.00
14-02 13-02.50 12-10.75
11 Luthi, Judy Madison High 14-00.75
FOUL FOUL 14-00.75
12 Lockwood, Serenity Waverly High 13-11.75
13-08.25 FOUL 13-11.75
13 Watts, Rowdie Hamilton Hig 13-11.25
FOUL 13-11.25 13-06
14 Froese, Hannah Elyria Chris 13-11.00
13-11 12-10.25 12-07
15 Barry, Tarissa Udall High 13-03.00
16 Vogts, Morgan Waverly High 12-11.50
12-05 12-11.50 FOUL
17 Reiff, Macy Elyria Chris 12-11.00
12-06.75 12-09 12-11
18 Cormode, Madison Marais des C 12-00.50
11-02.50 12-00.50 11-09
Event 6 Boys Long Jump
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Turner, Bryson Madison High 22-08.25 10
21-08.75 22-08.25 22-04 FOUL FOUL FOUL
2 Smith, Keiondra Caldwell Hig 20-03.00 8
20-03 20-02.25 20-00.50 19-00.75 19-11.25 FOUL
3 Godderz, Ethan Colony Crest 19-09.75 6
19-07.50 19-09.75 19-08.25 19-08 FOUL 19-05.75
4 Partridge, Jake Peabody-Burn 19-04.75 4
19-02.25 19-02.75 19-04.75 FOUL 18-07.50 FOUL
5 Landis, Jace Oswego High 18-09.75 2
17-06 FOUL 18-09.50 FOUL FOUL 18-09.75
6 Edgerton, Brenton Colony Crest 18-09.50 1
17-11 17-10.50 18-09.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL
7 Barnes, Hayden Wichita - Ce 18-09.00
18-09 18-00.25 FOUL 17-06.50 17-09.50 16-07
8 Whiteman, Trent Udall High 18-04.25
18-04.25 17-01.25 17-07.75
9 Lapp, Joey Goessel High 18-04.00
10 Thompson, Teagan Caldwell Hig 18-02.25
17-01.25 18-02.25 17-08.50
11 Lingenfelter, Wyatt Marais des C 17-09.00
17-07.50 17-07.75 17-09
12 Davis, Max Marais des C 17-06.00
FOUL 17-03.50 17-06
13 Johnson, Isaac Udall High 17-03.25
15-11.50 17-03.25 16-07.75
14 Ward, Jeremiah Dexter 16-07.25
16-07.25 16-01.75 16-00.50
15 Brown, Anakin Burden Centr 16-05.75
16-01 15-11.50 16-05.75
16 Boden, Eli Goessel High 16-04.50
FOUL 16-04.50 15-04.50
17 Wiens, Cole South Haven 16-04.00
16-02.50 15-06.50 16-04
18 Irey, Colby South Haven 16-03.00
15-11 16-00.75 16-03
19 Raynor, Wyatt Elk Valley H 14-08.50
14-00.50 13-06 14-08.50
20 Torrens, Trade Hartford Hig 14-07.25
14-07.25 FOUL FOUL
21 Bartley, Luke Waverly High 13-02.75
13-02.75 FOUL 12-10
-- Grimmett, Landon Lebo High Sc FOUL
Event 7 Girls Triple Jump
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Granere, Janae Marmaton Val 34-03.00 10
32-09 32-07 34-03 33-01.75 33-08.75 33-07.50
2 Scheve, Addie Olpe High Sc 32-09.00 8
32-06.75 32-09 32-03 32-03 32-04 30-08.50
3 Barney, Piper Marmaton Val 31-10.75 6
30-08 30-10.50 30-00 29-09.25 30-03.75 31-10.75
4 Graber, Riley Goessel High 31-08.50 4
30-07 31-08.50 31-01 29-11 30-08.75 FOUL
5 Dold, Kirsten Burrton High 31-07.75 2
30-05.25 FOUL 31-07.75 30-06 30-07.50 30-06
6 Williams, Kaitlyn Oswego High 31-06.50 1
30-11.25 FOUL FOUL 29-09 31-06.50 FOUL
7 Winter, Mya Peabody-Burn 30-10.50
29-09.50 30-00.75 30-05.50 FOUL 30-10.50 30-01.50
8 Luthi, Judy Madison High 29-06.75
29-06.75 27-10 28-00.50
9 Celte, Lucie Madison High 29-03.00
FOUL 29-03 28-06.75
10 Theurer, Jacee South Haven 28-05.50
FOUL 28-05.50 FOUL
11 Cormode, Madison Marais des C 28-03.00
FOUL 27-07.50 28-03
-- Wuest, Brooklyn Goessel High DNS
Event 8 Boys Triple Jump
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Turner, Bryson Madison High 44-11.50 10
43-05.25 FOUL 44-11.50 FOUL 43-00.50 44-11
2 Godderz, Ethan Colony Crest 41-06.00 8
40-01 41-02 40-07.50 40-11.50 41-06 40-11.50
3 Schrag, Jacob Goessel High 39-11.75 6
39-07.50 39-08 39-07 38-10 39-04.75 39-11.75
4 Thompson, Teagan Caldwell Hig 39-09.00 4
38-04.50 39-09 39-04 38-04.50 FOUL 39-01
5 Grimmett, Landon Lebo High Sc 39-06.50 2
39-03.75 39-06.50 37-09 38-00 FOUL FOUL
6 Barnes, Hayden Wichita - Ce 39-03.75 1
37-10.25 33-00 39-03.75 37-00.50 37-05.50 38-00
7 Edgerton, Brenton Colony Crest 38-08.25
35-05.50 37-04.50 38-08.25 35-11 37-07.50 37-04.50
8 Davis, Max Marais des C 37-06.00
36-01.25 37-06 36-02
9 Dolloff, Jordy Classical Sc 37-05.25
37-05.25 36-04.50 37-02.75
10 Shelton, Augustus Dexter 37-02.25
FOUL 37-02.25 FOUL
11 Whiteman, Trent Udall High 36-10.50
FOUL 34-10.25 36-10.50
12 Johnson, Isaac Udall High 36-10.25
36-07 36-10.25 36-07
13 Landis, Jace Oswego High 36-08.00
36-08 35-08.50 FOUL
14 Wiens, Cole South Haven 35-09.00
35-04.50 35-09 FOUL
15 Lingenfelter, Wyatt Marais des C 35-06.75
FOUL FOUL 35-06.75
16 Isch, Colton Madison High 34-09.75
34-06.50 34-09.75 34-02.75
17 Spencer, Chris Peabody-Burn 34-08.75
32-11 34-08.75 34-06
18 Brite, Cody Southern Cof 34-03.00
34-03 FOUL 33-10
-- Smith, Garrett Lebo High Sc DNS
-- Voorhees, Aiden Southern Cof DNS
Event 9 Girls Discus Throw
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Sonsteng, Heather Lebo High Sc 117-07 10
103-05 FOUL 88-05 FOUL 106-03 117-07
2 Sapp, Brianna Hartford Hig 100-03 8
98-07 94-03 100-03 94-01 FOUL 87-09
3 Ott, Katie Lebo High Sc 98-07 6
87-07 88-00 84-05 98-07 97-11 93-01
4 Bailey, Lili Wichita - Ce 93-05 4
93-05 87-08 84-06 91-00 85-08 89-02
5 Cook, Katie Burden Centr 92-09 2
92-09 90-10 89-11 87-00 88-10 86-09
6 Cole, Hana Olpe High Sc 91-01 1
84-05 91-01 90-11 88-00 FOUL 89-05
7 Pond, Macey South Haven 89-05
79-11 89-05 82-03 86-06 80-00 84-03
8 Ryan, Shelby Burrton High 88-09
88-09 88-02 86-02
9 Johnson, Ella Udall High 87-04
83-01 84-10 87-04
10 Christiansen, Emily Southern Cof J87-04
11 Cass, Kenna Elyria Chris 86-02
85-05 86-02 FOUL
12 Buchman, Elizabeth Madison High 85-11
75-04 85-11 FOUL
13 True, Jalea Southern Cof 83-09
81-03 83-09 83-02
14 Freund, Elizabeth Hamilton Hig 79-01
15 Sade, Anna Udall High 77-00
77-00 74-05 76-09
16 Godderz, Lindsey Colony Crest 76-00
76-00 FOUL 75-09
17 Matlack, Malloree Burrton High 74-11
74-11 74-06 FOUL
18 Peake, Hailey Wichita - Ce 60-01
58-03 56-00 60-01
-- Hudson, Kimber Hamilton Hig DNS
-- Romig, Bonnie Waverly High DNS
Event 10 Boys Discus Throw
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Helm, Casey Madison High 190-04 10
183-03 188-06 FOUL 184-08 189-07 190-04
2 Eames, Matrix Caldwell Hig 142-08 8
142-07 133-04 FOUL 142-08 141-00 140-07
3 Stuck, Tyler Hartford Hig 139-00 6
135-06 FOUL 129-01 131-11 139-00 136-02
4 Weiss, Brayden Olpe High Sc 129-08 4
129-08 125-02 126-11 128-08 FOUL 118-08
5 Stutesman, Drew Hamilton Hig 126-11 2
113-11 FOUL 104-04 123-00 126-11 FOUL
6 Bailey, Austin Lebo High Sc 122-09 1
FOUL 122-09 FOUL FOUL 112-05 FOUL
7 Gleue, Wade Southern Cof 118-09
111-11 98-07 118-09 FOUL 113-05 FOUL
8 Kent, Evan Marmaton Val 111-03
102-08 90-09 111-03
9 Harness, Jenson Udall High 107-02
FOUL FOUL 107-02
10 Glover, Jeff Peabody-Burn 105-01
94-04 94-05 105-01
11 Kiesel, Dameon Elk Valley H 104-02
99-04 104-02 FOUL
12 Dick, Alex Burrton High 102-09
FOUL 102-09 FOUL
13 Brite, Cody Southern Cof 102-05
96-01 FOUL 102-05
14 Fields, Axton Elyria Chris 100-08
FOUL 100-08 77-10
15 Kelly, Tanner South Haven 97-04
91-07 97-04 91-11
16 Oswald, Zach Lebo High Sc 97-01
89-02 97-01 94-03
17 Schmidt, Kaiden Wichita - Ce 93-08
93-08 FOUL 89-00
18 Pendergrass, Cooper Wichita - Ce 84-02
84-02 83-10 FOUL
19 Bolinger, Packer Madison High 83-02
74-09 80-01 83-02
20 Roach, Triatian Hartford Hig 80-03
73-10 80-03 62-07
21 Alan Garcia, Fernando Dexter 80-00
FOUL 80-00 79-00
22 Dauber, Klaxton Burden Centr 77-08
23 Stacy, Kolby Udall High 76-05
24 Dodds, Parker South Haven 64-08
54-08 64-08 55-06
-- Ragan, Ryder Argonia High DNS
-- Morrison, Dalton Argonia High DNS
-- Robertson, Blake Elyria Chris DNS
Event 11 Girls Javelin Throw
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Jones, Brooklyn Lebo High Sc 127-10 10
100-10 110-04 103-00 127-02 127-10 118-05
2 Romig, Bonnie Waverly High 118-00 8
95-08 109-11 110-01 108-04 107-03 118-00
3 Weers, Josie Southern Cof 117-09 6
117-09 100-08 100-10 108-06 117-05 105-11
4 Pond, Macey South Haven 114-03 4
108-02 101-00 109-04 114-03 106-02 104-02
5 Payne, Lauren Oxford High 112-11 2
105-05 112-11 106-10 FOUL FOUL 108-04
6 Hawkinson, Ryland Elyria Chris 111-03 1
102-07 105-03 110-10 108-08 111-03 100-05
7 Meehan, Chloe Waverly High 102-11
102-11 85-06 97-05 99-08 93-10 97-01
8 Peek, Audrey Lebo High Sc 98-07
97-06 89-06 98-07
9 Godderz, Lindsey Colony Crest 94-03
93-10 94-03 89-06
10 Harris, Jorja St. Paul Hig 91-00
77-11 91-00 FOUL
11 Weakley, Jalynn Madison High 90-05
83-06 90-05 FOUL
12 Matlack, Malloree Burrton High 86-10
83-04 86-10 72-09
13 Ohl, Karley Southern Cof 85-08
85-08 71-05 78-07
14 Gaines, Brooke Madison High 83-08
74-06 78-07 83-08
15 Bacon, Alivia South Haven 82-10
82-10 76-00 72-11
16 Cass, Kenna Elyria Chris 81-03
69-00 68-03 81-03
17 Smith, Jenna Olpe High Sc 74-08
66-11 69-05 74-08
18 Cook, Katie Burden Centr 72-08
72-08 69-08 61-08
-- Sapp, Brianna Hartford Hig FOUL
Event 12 Boys Javelin Throw
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Konrade, Jonas Lebo High Sc 153-09 10
142-03 FOUL 130-07 153-09 134-00 FOUL
2 Smith, Alex South Haven 145-09 8
122-04 131-10 119-08 138-08 134-09 145-09
3 Locke, Tucker South Haven 141-07 6
135-11 139-06 130-03 135-05 140-03 141-07
4 Brogan, Tony Burden Centr 141-03 4
132-05 132-09 141-03 FOUL 135-05 134-09
5 Meehan, Ben Waverly High 139-03 2
128-11 130-08 FOUL 119-03 139-03 137-11
6 Dannels, Trace Hamilton Hig 138-03 1
138-03 134-06 131-01 134-08 129-11 FOUL
7 Harness, Jenson Udall High 135-08
130-02 128-11 130-05 131-09 132-01 135-08
8 Bailey, Austin Lebo High Sc 128-04
123-09 128-04 126-07
9 Helm, Hayden Madison High 124-05
114-00 106-01 124-05
10 Foster, Damian Waverly High 121-07
104-02 121-07 114-09
11 Gleue, Wade Southern Cof 120-03
107-08 120-03 116-09
12 Long, Alex Oswego High 120-00
120-00 117-00 97-03
13 Morrison, Dalton Argonia High 119-07
119-07 108-00 109-08
14 Lawson, Brayden Marmaton Val 119-03
95-09 119-03 118-01
15 Riley, Dylan Goessel High 117-10
114-06 117-08 117-10
16 Torrens, Trade Hartford Hig 115-01
115-01 114-08 104-11
17 Flaming, Jake Goessel High 109-10
109-02 106-01 109-10
18 Cox, Reeston Southern Cof 104-04
104-04 99-02 93-05
19 Isch, Colton Madison High 102-04
91-06 98-00 102-04
20 Stokes, Draven Hartford Hig 101-04
101-04 FOUL FOUL
21 Dauber, Klaxton Burden Centr 100-00
92-07 100-00 95-07
Event 13 Girls Shot Put
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Sonsteng, Heather Lebo High Sc 33-10.00 10
29-10 31-02.25 FOUL 33-10 32-03.50 33-00
2 Freund, Elizabeth Hamilton Hig 33-05.50 8
31-11.50 32-08.50 33-05.50 32-03.50 31-05.75 31-07
3 Sapp, Brianna Hartford Hig 33-05.00 6
33-05 32-05 32-01.50 32-08.75 32-05.50 33-03
4 Romig, Bonnie Waverly High 33-02.00 4
32-06.25 33-02 FOUL 31-06.75 31-02.50 32-01.75
5 Lehrman, Lyna Goessel High 32-05.50 2
30-05 30-04 30-02 28-08.50 30-00 32-05.50
6 True, Jalea Southern Cof 32-04.75 1
31-01.50 FOUL 29-05 29-09.50 32-04.75 32-02
7 Christiansen, Emily Southern Cof 31-03.50
31-01.50 30-05.25 31-01.25 29-10.50 30-03 31-03.50
8 Perkins, Olivia Burrton High 30-03.50
30-03.50 30-00.25 28-08
9 Hawkinson, Ryland Elyria Chris 30-03.00
30-03 28-07.50 27-06
10 Buchman, Elizabeth Madison High 30-02.25
28-08 29-00 30-02.25
11 Ott, Katie Lebo High Sc 30-00.50
FOUL 30-00.50 FOUL
12 Bonnell, Ava Udall High 28-10.75
28-10.75 27-11 25-03.50
13 Cook, Katie Burden Centr 28-05.25
27-10.25 26-09 28-05.25
14 Klein, Sophia Burrton High 27-06.00
27-06 27-00 FOUL
15 House, Avery Hartford Hig 27-00.50
27-00.50 25-06.75 24-09.50
16 Bailey, Lili Wichita - Ce 26-08.00
23-09.50 26-08 25-02
17 Blythe, Mady Peabody-Burn 26-04.50
26-04 25-08.50 26-04.50
18 Davidson, Brooke Elyria Chris 25-09.50
25-06.50 25-07.50 25-09.50
19 Peake, Hailey Wichita - Ce 19-10.50
19-10.50 FOUL 18-05
-- Hudson, Kimber Hamilton Hig DNS
Event 14 Boys Shot Put
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Helm, Casey Madison High 57-05.00 10
56-11.50 FOUL 57-05 56-04.50 56-06.50 57-01
2 Eames, Matrix Caldwell Hig 44-10.00 8
42-09 44-06.75 44-10 FOUL FOUL FOUL
3 Stutesman, Drew Hamilton Hig 44-09.00 6
FOUL 44-03.25 44-06 43-05 44-09 43-09
4 Weiss, Brayden Olpe High Sc 44-01.00 4
41-05.25 FOUL 41-03.75 44-01 43-07.50 43-04.50
5 Kent, Evan Marmaton Val 43-11.00 2
41-05 FOUL FOUL 42-11.50 43-01 43-11
6 Bailey, Austin Lebo High Sc 42-03.00 1
FOUL FOUL 40-05.50 FOUL FOUL 42-03
7 Dick, Alex Burrton High 41-04.00
38-03.75 37-10 39-11.50 FOUL FOUL 41-04
8 Heineken, Kevin Madison High 39-07.75
39-07.75 36-09 38-11
9 Glover, Jeff Peabody-Burn 39-02.25
39-02.25 38-00 38-03.50
10 Stuck, Tyler Hartford Hig 38-04.50
FOUL 38-04.50 FOUL
11 Nickel, Thomas Southern Cof 36-09.25
34-00.25 36-09.25 35-05.75
12 Pendergrass, Cooper Wichita - Ce 36-08.50
36-08.50 34-00.75 FOUL
13 Torrens, Trade Hartford Hig 36-07.00
36-00.75 36-07 35-03.50
14 Oswald, Zach Lebo High Sc 36-01.25
32-10.75 35-09.50 36-01.25
15 Riley, Dylan Goessel High 34-11.00
34-05.25 34-10 34-11
16 Schmidt, Kaiden Wichita - Ce 34-05.25
34-00.75 33-07.50 34-05.25
17 Dauber, Klaxton Burden Centr 33-11.00
31-09.75 33-03.25 33-11
18 Kelly, Tanner South Haven 33-10.75
32-07.25 31-08 33-10.75
19 Wilkey, Sam Classical Sc 33-05.75
33-05.25 33-05.75 30-10
20 Ramirez, Angel Oxford High 33-05.25
29-02.25 32-06.50 33-05.25
21 Fields, Axton Elyria Chris 32-02.75
FOUL 30-06.75 32-02.75
22 Kiesel, Dameon Elk Valley H 31-10.50
FOUL 30-06 31-10.50
23 Gaddis, Ian Waverly High 31-00.25
31-00.25 28-11 28-09
24 Dodds, Parker South Haven 29-02.50
29-02 29-02.50 28-00.75
-- Webb, James Udall High DNS
-- Burley, Jaxson Udall High DNS
-- Ragan, Ryder Argonia High DNS
-- Robertson, Blake Elyria Chris DNS
Event 15 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Sawyer, Cheyenne Goessel High 16.75 2 10
2 Coleman, Mia Colony Crest 17.46 2 8
3 Peek, Abby Lebo High Sc 17.47 2 6
4 Albertini, Sophia St. Paul Hig 17.65 2 4
5 Bryant, Logan Goessel High 17.84 2 2
6 Gardea, Magdalena Oxford High 18.16 1 1
7 Matthews, Anna Waverly High 18.25 2
8 Weers, Josie Southern Cof 18.43 1
9 Dunlavy, Cassie Burrton High 20.60 1
Event 16 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Smith, Keiondra Caldwell Hig 15.26 10
2 Bartley, Lane Waverly High 15.49 8
3 Bryant, Grant Goessel High 15.86 6
4 Wiens, Cole South Haven 16.48 4
5 Gardea, Noel Oxford High 16.53 2
6 Darbro, Lane Madison High 17.69 1
7 Cleveland, Cody Hartford Hig 20.51
Event 17 Girls 100 Meter Dash
8 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
Name Year School Prelims H#
1 Maupin, Makhila Oxford High 12.73Q 2
2 Bridges, Alyssa South Haven 13.08Q 1
3 Harris, Josey St. Paul Hig 12.89Q 2
4 Funk, Aimee Goessel High 13.36Q 1
5 Jones, Brooklyn Lebo High Sc 13.45q 2
6 Funk, Abbigail Goessel High 13.53q 2
7 Dold, Kirsten Burrton High 13.59q 1
8 Snovelle, Ross Southern Cof 13.86q 1
9 Weakley, Jalynn Madison High 14.01 2
10 Giesken-Mears, Chloe Hartford Hig 15.25 2
11 Dennis, Daesie Cedar Vale H 16.61 1
-- Kircher, Eva Dexter FS 2
Event 17 Girls 100 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Maupin, Makhila Oxford High 12.82 10
2 Bridges, Alyssa South Haven 13.04 8
3 Harris, Josey St. Paul Hig 13.12 6
4 Dold, Kirsten Burrton High 13.34 4
5 Funk, Aimee Goessel High 13.39 2
6 Jones, Brooklyn Lebo High Sc 13.58 1
7 Snovelle, Ross Southern Cof 13.75
8 Funk, Abbigail Goessel High 13.80
Event 18 Boys 100 Meter Dash
8 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
Name Year School Prelims H#
1 Turner, Bryson Madison High 11.03Q 3
2 Edgerton, Brenton Colony Crest 11.59Q 2
3 Brogan, Tony Burden Centr 11.69Q 1
4 Granere, Jaedon Marmaton Val 11.52Q 3
5 Ward, Jeremiah Dexter 11.85Q 1
6 Smith, Damien Argonia High 11.87Q 2
7 Smith, Kacen Goessel High 11.61q 3
8 Partridge, Jake Peabody-Burn 11.90q 1
9 Reese, Corey Lebo High Sc 11.92 1
10 Thompson, Teagan Caldwell Hig 11.97 2
11 Hall, Ethan Madison High 12.08 2
12 Duncan, Guy Classical Sc 12.39 2
13 Shore, Alex South Haven 12.46 3
14 Rodgruiez, Gonzalo Dexter 12.55 3
15 Moore, George Marmaton Val 12.96 1
16 Mcghee, Gentry Colony Crest 12.97 1
17 Irey, Colby South Haven 12.98 2
18 Clark, Hudson Wichita - Ce 13.51 3
Event 18 Boys 100 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Turner, Bryson Madison High 11.05 10
2 Brogan, Tony Burden Centr 11.52 8
3 Smith, Kacen Goessel High 11.60 6
4 Edgerton, Brenton Colony Crest 11.75 4
5 Ward, Jeremiah Dexter 11.78 2
6 Partridge, Jake Peabody-Burn 11.88 1
7 Smith, Damien Argonia High 11.89
-- Granere, Jaedon Marmaton Val FS
Event 19 Girls 200 Meter Dash
8 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
Name Year School Prelims H#
1 Bridges, Alyssa South Haven 26.67Q 1
2 Orear, Josie Olpe High Sc 27.65Q 2
3 Maupin, Makhila Oxford High 27.62Q 1
4 Harris, Josey St. Paul Hig 27.84Q 2
5 Smith, Jade Olpe High Sc 28.42q 2
6 Coleman, Mia Colony Crest 28.47q 2
7 Miles, Bridgette Dexter 28.55q 1
8 Weakley, Jalynn Madison High 29.38q 2
9 Snovelle, Ross Southern Cof 29.55 2
10 Hiben, Zoe Oswego High 29.64 1
11 Wuest, Brooklyn Goessel High 31.55 1
-- Pond, Macey South Haven FS 1
Event 19 Girls 200 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Harris, Josey St. Paul Hig 27.01 10
2 Orear, Josie Olpe High Sc 27.34 8
3 Bridges, Alyssa South Haven 27.50 6
4 Maupin, Makhila Oxford High 27.51 4
5 Coleman, Mia Colony Crest 28.30 2
6 Smith, Jade Olpe High Sc 28.38 1
7 Miles, Bridgette Dexter 28.47
8 Weakley, Jalynn Madison High 28.84
Event 20 Boys 200 Meter Dash
8 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
Name Year School Prelims H#
1 Turner, Bryson Madison High 22.62Q 2
2 Howell, Grady South Haven 24.03Q 1
3 Granere, Jaedon Marmaton Val 23.65Q 2
4 Boden, Eli Goessel High 24.36Q 1
5 Lawlis, Michael Oxford High 24.11q 2
6 Lapp, Joey Goessel High 24.39q 1
7 Brogan, Tony Burden Centr 24.50q 2
8 Ward, Jeremiah Dexter 24.63q 2
9 Edgerton, Brenton Colony Crest 24.73 1
10 Hall, Ethan Madison High 25.13 1
11 Schott, James Elyria Chris 25.38 2
12 Raynor, Wyatt Elk Valley H 25.62 2
13 Shore, Alex South Haven 26.48 1
14 Clark, Hudson Wichita - Ce 28.01 1
Event 20 Boys 200 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Turner, Bryson Madison High 22.40 10
2 Granere, Jaedon Marmaton Val 23.58 8
3 Lawlis, Michael Oxford High 24.16 6
4 Brogan, Tony Burden Centr 24.18 4
5 Ward, Jeremiah Dexter 24.27 2
6 Howell, Grady South Haven 24.31 1
7 Lapp, Joey Goessel High 24.32
8 Boden, Eli Goessel High 24.45
Event 21 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
School Finals Points
1 Goessel High School 'A' 11:53.49 10
1) Griffin, Jaicee 2) Walker, Rylee
3) Hoopes, Braylyn 4) Flaming, Emily
2 Classical School of Wichita 'A' 11:57.04 8
1) Zickafoose, Kate 2) Sweigart, Ava
3) Kohn, Betsy 4) Black, Flannery
3 Hartford High School 'A' 12:50.62 6
1) Geisken-Mears, Lexi 2) Windle, Trinity
3) Westhoff, Emma 4) Giesken-Mears, Chloe
4 Cedar Vale High School 'A' 13:09.12 4
1) Dennis, Kailee 2) Dennis, Daesie
3) Bonnell, Shyann 4) Haden, Kinlee
Event 22 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
School Finals Points
1 Goessel High School 'A' 9:01.70 10
1) Olson, Ben 2) Schrag, Jacob
3) Schrag, Timothy 4) Wuest, Skyler
2 Olpe High School 'A' 9:12.20 8
1) Cole, Jed 2) Kueser, Connor
3) Temeyer, Andon 4) Heins, Darren
3 Lebo High School 'A' 9:19.40 6
1) Davies, Luke 2) Durst, Caleb
3) Kiefer, Kord 4) Whalen, Colin
4 Burrton High School 'A' 9:34.14 4
1) Barnes, Jude 2) Schmidt, Camden
3) Phillips, Noble 4) Hoopes, Aiden
Event 23 Girls 1600 Meter Run
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Hudson, Lily Madison High 6:10.34 10
2 Johns, Ashlynn Wichita - Ce 6:15.62 8
3 Zickafoose, Kate Classical Sc 6:16.70 6
4 Griffin, Jaicee Goessel High 6:26.97 4
5 McIntire, Jacey Dexter 6:29.27 2
6 Peek, Audrey Lebo High Sc 6:40.02 1
7 Williams, Kayleigh Oswego High 6:46.40
8 Christian, Amelia Wichita - Ce 6:54.33
9 Winter, Mya Peabody-Burn 7:12.59
10 Marini, Aurora Dexter 7:14.74
Event 24 Boys 1600 Meter Run
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Olson, Ben Goessel High 5:04.68 10
2 Walker, Trayton Oswego High 5:05.70 8
3 Long, Ben Burden Centr 5:05.98 6
4 Cleveland, Cody Hartford Hig 5:06.98 4
5 Whalen, Colin Lebo High Sc 5:08.52 2
6 Schrag, Timothy Goessel High 5:11.88 1
7 Ellington, Gunner Colony Crest 5:35.32
8 Catlin, Adam Oxford High 5:37.40
9 Wolfe, Micaiah Classical Sc 5:42.70
10 Robinson, Colton Burrton High 5:56.91
-- Henderson, Austin Burden Centr DNS
-- Durst, Caleb Lebo High Sc DNS
Event 25 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
School Finals Points
1 Goessel High School 'A' 52.70 10
1) Funk, Aimee 2) Wuest, Brooklyn
3) Bryant, Logan 4) Sawyer, Cheyenne
2 Olpe High School 'A' 53.25 8
1) Scheve, Adalina 2) Garriott, Aubren
3) Orear, Josie 4) Smith, Jade
3 Oxford High School 'A' 54.58 6
1) Payne, Lauren 2) Gardea, Magdalena
3) Gardea, Yasmin 4) Maupin, Makhila
4 South Haven High School 'A' 54.65 4
1) Bacon, Alivia 2) Bridges, Alyssa
3) Locke, Callie 4) Pond, Macey
5 Burrton High School 'A' 54.83 2
1) Perkins, Olivia 2) Embree, Lucy
3) Baumann, Hannah 4) Dold, Kirsten
6 Southern Coffey County High Sc 'A' 56.53 1
1) Weers, Josie 2) Snovelle, Ross
3) Mattheis, Rylee 4) Ohl, Karley
Event 26 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
School Finals H# Points
1 Goessel High School 'A' 45.26 2 10
1) Bryant, Grant 2) Wuest, Skyler
3) Lapp, Joey 4) Smith, Kacen
2 Caldwell High School 'A' 46.30 2 8
1) Perkins, Brody 2) Smith, Keiondra
3) Lee, Tatum 4) Thompson, Teagan
3 Waverly High School 'A' 47.08 2 6
1) Foster, Damian 2) Wallace, Brady
3) Meehan, Ben 4) Petersen, Brantley
4 Madison High School 'A' 48.23 2 4
1) Helm, Hayden 2) Darbro, Lane
3) Hurlburt, Cade 4) Hall, Ethan
5 Dexter 'A' 48.32 1 2
1) Shelton, Augustus 2) Alan Garcia, Fernando
3) Rodgruiez, Gonzalo 4) Ward, Jeremiah
6 Burrton High School 'A' 48.42 1 1
1) Barnes, Jude 2) Schmidt, Camden
3) Phillips, Noble 4) Hoopes, Aiden
7 South Haven High School 'A' 48.43 2
1) Locke, Tucker 2) Shore, Alex
3) Smith, Alex 4) Howell, Grady
8 Oswego High School 'A' 49.18 2
1) Landis, Jace 2) Figura, David
3) Walker, Trayton 4) Kelley, Hunter
-- Burden Central High School 'A' DQ 1
1) Boucher, Ethan 2) Brown, Anakin
3) Norris, Boston 4) Wilson, Brock
Event 27 Girls 400 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Hiben, Zoe Oswego High 1:04.33 2 10
2 Granere, Janae Marmaton Val 1:04.40 2 8
3 Bridges, Alyssa South Haven 1:04.44 2 6
4 Jones, Brooklyn Lebo High Sc 1:04.48 2 4
5 Jones, Abigail Lebo High Sc 1:05.15 2 2
6 Scheve, Addie Olpe High Sc 1:06.98 2 1
7 Gardea, Yasmin Oxford High 1:07.91 2
8 Garriott, Aubren Olpe High Sc 1:09.64 1
9 Kircher, Eva Dexter 1:12.34 1
10 Tucker, Adriana Wichita - Ce 1:15.94 1
11 Haden, Kinlee Cedar Vale H 1:18.57 1
Event 28 Boys 400 Meter Dash
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Bryant, Grant Goessel High 53.57 2 10
2 Dailey, Grayson Hartford Hig 54.23 2 8
3 Howell, Grady South Haven 54.74 2 6
4 Barnes, Hayden Wichita - Ce 54.77 2 4
5 Cole, Jed Olpe High Sc 55.03 2 2
6 Lawlis, Michael Oxford High 56.26 2 1
7 Morrison, Dalton Argonia High 56.83 1
8 Riley, Dylan Goessel High 57.45 2
9 Paulie, Dylan St. Paul Hig 57.60 2
10 Raynor, Wyatt Elk Valley H 58.62 1
11 Schott, James Elyria Chris 59.60 1
12 Long, Alex Oswego High 59.71 1
13 Helm, Hayden Madison High 1:00.66 1
14 Long, Ivan Burden Centr 1:02.74 1
15 Boucher, Ethan Burden Centr 1:03.64 1
-- Partridge, Jake Peabody-Burn DNS 1
Event 29 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Sawyer, Cheyenne Goessel High 48.38 10
2 Barney, Piper Marmaton Val 49.10 8
3 Romig, Josie Waverly High 50.93 6
4 Bryant, Logan Goessel High 50.98 4
5 Williams, Kaitlyn Oswego High 54.84 2
6 Gardea, Magdalena Oxford High 54.91 1
7 Embree, Lucy Burrton High 58.85
Event 30 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Smith, Keiondra Caldwell Hig 41.06 2 10
2 Bartley, Lane Waverly High 42.64 2 8
3 Darbro, Lane Madison High 43.35 2 6
4 Kueser, Connor Olpe High Sc 43.90 2 4
5 Smith, Kacen Goessel High 44.62 2 2
6 Gardea, Noel Oxford High 44.89 2 1
7 Flaming, Jake Goessel High 45.72 1
8 Davies, Luke Lebo High Sc 46.69 2
9 Shelton, Augustus Dexter 47.28 1
10 Wilson, Brock Burden Centr 47.53 1
11 Whitson, Zane Oxford High 47.55 1
-- Whiteman, Trent Udall High DNS 1
Event 31 Girls 800 Meter Run
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Reiff, Macy Elyria Chris 2:39.96 10
2 Baumann, Hannah Burrton High 2:41.31 8
3 Scheve, Gracie Olpe High Sc 2:45.38 6
4 Tong, Makayla Oxford High 2:51.82 4
5 Sweigart, Ava Classical Sc 2:53.74 2
6 Geisken-Mears, Lexi Hartford Hig 2:55.99 1
7 McIntire, Jacey Dexter 2:59.11
8 Black, Flannery Classical Sc 3:01.49
9 Mack, Sophie Marmaton Val 3:05.67
10 Christian, Amelia Wichita - Ce 3:08.74
11 Bonnell, Shyann Cedar Vale H 3:09.79
12 Dennis, Kailee Cedar Vale H 3:12.20
13 Marini, Aurora Dexter 3:13.11
14 Bower, Hannah Elyria Chris 3:15.47
Event 32 Boys 800 Meter Run
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Heins, Darren Olpe High Sc 2:06.52 10
2 Preston, Andrew Udall High 2:13.63 8
3 Walker, Trayton Oswego High 2:14.83 6
4 Schrag, Jacob Goessel High 2:16.99 4
5 Schrag, Timothy Goessel High 2:17.41 2
6 Sinclair, Tate Classical Sc 2:17.77 1
7 Dannels, Trace Hamilton Hig 2:23.84
8 Alan Garcia, Fernando Dexter 2:26.85
9 Alle, Zach Marmaton Val 2:27.69
10 Lind, Brayton Southern Cof 2:40.48
11 Bass, Curtis Burden Centr 2:41.05
-- Dailey, Grayson Hartford Hig DNS
-- Whalen, Colin Lebo High Sc DNS
-- Olson, Ben Goessel High DNS
-- Durst, Caleb Lebo High Sc DNS
Event 33 Girls 3200 Meter Run
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Voelker, Ana Burden Centr 13:44.08 10
2 Hudson, Lily Madison High 13:53.94 8
3 Johns, Ashlynn Wichita - Ce 13:59.34 6
4 Bacon, Alivia South Haven 14:09.52 4
5 Olsen, Londyn Elyria Chris 14:10.38 2
6 Thery, Pauline Marmaton Val 15:04.11 1
7 Tucker, Adriana Wichita - Ce 15:41.98
8 Hoopes, Braylyn Goessel High 16:00.71
-- Zickafoose, Kate Classical Sc DNS
Event 34 Boys 3200 Meter Run
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Durst, Caleb Lebo High Sc 11:10.51 10
2 Petersen, Brantley Waverly High 11:13.01 8
3 Cleveland, Cody Hartford Hig 11:26.74 6
4 Olsen, Daniel Elyria Chris 11:27.05 4
5 George, Levi Oswego High 11:32.24 2
6 Baker, Jace Caldwell Hig 12:00.91 1
7 Ellington, Gunner Colony Crest 12:02.28
8 Wolfe, Micaiah Classical Sc 12:18.95
9 Lewis, Kass Oswego High 12:23.62
10 Mcclung, Noah Burden Centr 12:36.70
11 Schmidt, Javin Goessel High 12:40.57
-- Whalen, Colin Lebo High Sc DNS
-- Long, Ben Burden Centr DNS
Event 35 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
School Finals Points
1 Waverly High School 'A' 4:35.04 10
1) Matthews, Anna 2) Lockwood, Serenity
3) Romig, Josie 4) Meehan, Chloe
2 Lebo High School 'A' 4:35.61 8
1) Ferguson, Keaira 2) Hadley, Saige
3) Jones, Abigail 4) Jones, Brooklyn
3 Goessel High School 'A' 4:38.80 6
1) Flaming, Emily 2) Bryant, Logan
3) Griffin, Jaicee 4) Sawyer, Cheyenne
4 Burrton High School 'A' 4:52.18 4
1) Perkins, Olivia 2) Henss, Shali
3) Embree, Lucy 4) Baumann, Hannah
-- Hartford High School 'A' DNS
1) Geisken-Mears, Lexi 2) Windle, Trinity
3) Wilkinson, Lilah 4) Giesken-Mears, Chloe
Event 36 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
School Finals Points
1 Goessel High School 'A' 3:43.64 10
1) Bryant, Grant 2) Schrag, Jacob
3) Wuest, Skyler 4) Olson, Ben
2 Burden Central High School 'A' 3:46.70 8
1) Brogan, Tony 2) Long, Ben
3) Long, Ivan 4) Norris, Boston
3 Classical School of Wichita 'A' 3:46.71 6
1) Dolloff, Jordy 2) Duncan, Guy
3) Buckingham, Brett 4) Sinclair, Tate
4 Olpe High School 'A' 3:49.57 4
1) Cole, Jed 2) Kueser, Connor
3) Temeyer, Andon 4) Heins, Darren
5 South Haven High School 'A' 3:50.34 2
1) Locke, Tucker 2) Smith, Alex
3) Shore, Alex 4) Howell, Grady
6 Burrton High School 'A' 3:58.76 1
1) Barnes, Jude 2) Schmidt, Camden
3) Phillips, Noble 4) Hoopes, Aiden
7 Oswego High School 'A' 4:06.50
1) Long, Alex 2) Wolf, Blake
3) Landis, Jace 4) Walker, Trayton
-- Waverly High School 'A' DQ Throwing baton
1) Meehan, Ben 2) Wallace, Brady
3) Foster, Damian 4) Bartley, Lane
Women - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
1) Lebo High School 76 2) Goessel High School 74
3) Marmaton Valley High Schoo 47 4) South Haven High School 39
5) Olpe High School 33 6) Hartford High School 31
7) St. Paul High School 30 8) Oxford High School 28
8) Waverly High School 28 10) Burrton High School 22
11) Madison High School 20 12) Wichita - Central Christi 18
13) Oswego High School 17 14) Burden Central High Schoo 16
14) Classical School of Wichit 16 16) Elyria Christian High Sch 14
17) Colony Crest High School 10 18) Hamilton High School 8
18) Argonia High School 8 18) Southern Coffey County Hi 8
21) Cedar Vale High School 4 22) Dexter 2
Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
1) Goessel High School 85 2) Madison High School 71
3) Caldwell High School 64 4) Lebo High School 47
4) Burden Central High School 47 6) Olpe High School 36
7) Waverly High School 32 8) South Haven High School 27
9) Hartford High School 24 10) Oxford High School 20
11) Colony Crest High School 19 12) Oswego High School 18
13) Marmaton Valley High Schoo 10 14) Hamilton High School 9
15) Udall High School 8 16) Classical School of Wichi 7
17) Dexter 6 17) Burrton High School 6
17) Wichita - Central Christia 6 20) Peabody-Burns High School 5
21) Elyria Christian High Scho 4 21) Argonia High School 4