4A Regional 9 - Abilene 2022

Abilene, KS

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campbell, Cameron 10.78 Buhler High School
Campbell, Diante 10.90 Buhler High School
Wahlmeier, Toby 11.00 Concordia High School
Schriner, Sky 11.26 McPherson High School
Schwab, Nick 11.28 Andale High School
Lies, Ivan 11.39 Andale High School
Miller, Keyan 11.42 Concordia High School
Winans, Jaydon 11.43 Rock Creek High School
Schubert, Eli 11.56 Abilene High School
Gotti, Luca 11.62 Buhler High School
Seiler, Matthew 11.70 Andale High School
Alquist-Pennell, Chayton 11.81 Concordia High School
Kramer, Tristan 11.87 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Green, Tyler 11.87 Abilene High School
Wildman, Blake 11.99 Chapman High School
Rankin, Dawson 12.06 Rock Creek High School
Hornaday, Blake 12.11 Chapman High School
Musselman, Levi 12.27 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Ehrich, Zander 12.34 Abilene High School
Bell, Elijah 12.44 Rock Creek High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eck, Kelby 15.27 Andale High School
Bowell, Judah 15.54 Abilene High School
Ostrom, Javohn 15.89 Buhler High School
Herzog, Mason 16.26 Wamego High School
Hemmen, Lucas 16.43 Andale High School
Fredrick, Myles 16.45 Buhler High School
Kuntz, Rowdy 16.89 Abilene High School
Keough, Asa 16.91 McPherson High School
Muehler, Cory 17.25 McPherson High School
Potucek, Harrison 17.29 Andale High School
Kindel, Torxsten 17.76 Concordia High School
Hobrock, Cole 17.77 Concordia High School
Disberger, Bryce 18.43 Rock Creek High School
Scott, Tristan 19.34 Rock Creek High School
Birney, Marshall 20.86 Buhler High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keller, Hayden 4:27.94 Buhler High School
Lindahl, Tanner 4:32.03 Buhler High School
Morenz, Noah 4:33.88 Wamego High School
Wolfe, Emery 4:36.83 Wamego High School
Smith, Grant 4:38.28 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Whisler, Layne 4:40.65 Buhler High School
Elliott, Drew 4:40.94 Chapman High School
Wuthnow, Dayton 4:50.88 Abilene High School
Mai, Roman 4:52.95 McPherson High School
Klukas, Darren 5:03.14 Chapman High School
Mendez, Roberto 5:04.07 McPherson High School
Wilkinson, David 5:04.40 Rock Creek High School
Woodworth, Jensen 5:07.23 Abilene High School
Avalos, Fernando 5:30.66 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Clark, Ian 5:37.24 Rock Creek High School
Buckman, Trent 5:45.12 Rock Creek High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DeDonder, Lucas 22.37 Abilene High School
Wahlmeier, Toby 22.56 Concordia High School
Campbell, Diante 22.81 Buhler High School
Campbell, Cameron 22.85 Buhler High School
Schwab, Nick 22.98 Andale High School
Taylor, Cooper 23.28 Buhler High School
Schubert, Eli 23.61 Abilene High School
Rinehart, Nick 23.63 Chapman High School
Buckbee, Trey 23.71 McPherson High School
Seck, Nathan 23.85 Andale High School
Woodworth, Carson 23.93 Abilene High School
Gropp, Kaide 24.21 Concordia High School
Kuhn, Luke 24.73 Andale High School
Lubbers, Wyatt 24.88 Rock Creek High School
Perea, Dominick 25.55 Chapman High School
Kramer, Tristan 25.64 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Meyer, Johnathan 25.72 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Mellies, Brody 25.95 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fredrick, Myles 40.82 Buhler High School
Seiler, Matthew 41.00 Andale High School
Carlgren, Cav 41.02 Concordia High School
Eck, Kelby 41.14 Andale High School
Herzog, Mason 42.80 Wamego High School
Gaston, Levi 43.72 Chapman High School
Prado, Jose 43.75 Rock Creek High School
Bowell, Judah 43.83 Abilene High School
Keough, Asa 43.89 McPherson High School
Muehler, Cory 44.12 McPherson High School
Patton, Gavin 44.42 Buhler High School
Hemmen, Lucas 44.46 Andale High School
Hobrock, Cole 45.06 Concordia High School
Francis, Alec 45.20h Concordia High School
Kuntz, Rowdy 46.90 Abilene High School
Clark, Ryan 48.41 Chapman High School
Scott, Tristan 49.73 Rock Creek High School
Birney, Marshall 51.96 Buhler High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stegman, Brady 10:03.09 Wamego High School
Morenz, Noah 10:07.10 Wamego High School
Lohrentz, Kaden 10:12.29 Buhler High School
Smith, Grant 10:18.09 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Elliott, Drew 10:20.39 Chapman High School
Rickstrew, Hayes 10:54.04 Wamego High School
Elder, Ethan 11:15.93 McPherson High School
Hager, Levi 11:17.20 Abilene High School
Floyd, Garrett 11:23.80 McPherson High School
Avalos, Fernando 11:32.47 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Hunter, Jack 11:47.05 Abilene High School
Buckman, Trent 11:51.48 Rock Creek High School
Lindahl, Tanner 9:23.38 Buhler High School
Keller, Hayden 9:59.64 Buhler High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eickmann, Mason 1:00.60 Concordia High School
Cutting, Jonathan 50.67 Wamego High School
Prosser, Gage 50.85 Andale High School
Musselman, Lane 51.92 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Seck, Nathan 52.02 Andale High School
Cutting, Harrison 52.32 Wamego High School
Gantt, Kaden 52.62 McPherson High School
Hines, Spencer 52.66 Buhler High School
Sommer, Chris 53.34 Chapman High School
Gilliam, Tavian 53.36 Buhler High School
Cleveland, Cameron 53.52 Concordia High School
Taylor, Cooper 54.09 Buhler High School
Kuhn, Luke 55.01 Andale High School
Schultze, Zeb 55.55 Abilene High School
Woodworth, Carson 55.57 Abilene High School
Wildeman, Alec 57.11 Concordia High School
Espinoza, Oscar 58.45 Abilene High School
Lubbers, Wyatt 58.90h Rock Creek High School
Tipsword, Alek 59.21 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.43 Andale High School
Relay Team A 43.53 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 44.03 Wamego High School
Relay Team A 44.16 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 44.17 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 44.41 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 44.94 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 45.01 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 46.08 Abilene High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:24.81 Andale High School
Relay Team A 3:27.71 Wamego High School
Relay Team A 3:28.62 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 3:33.96 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 3:35.27 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 3:39.62 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 3:41.05 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 3:41.60 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 3:42.98 McPherson High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:12.93 Wamego High School
Relay Team A 8:19.82 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 8:23.08 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 8:29.61 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 8:33.85 Concordia High School
Relay Team A 8:47.78 Andale High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wolfe, Emery 2:00.57 Wamego High School
Winter, Zach 2:00.75 Andale High School
Waite, Grant 2:01.28 Abilene High School
Keller, Hayden 2:02.83 Buhler High School
Hines, Spencer 2:03.27 Buhler High School
Cottone, Triston 2:05.72 Abilene High School
Klukas, Darren 2:07.33 Chapman High School
Trumpp, Henry 2:07.70 Buhler High School
Garcia, Alan 2:08.29 Concordia High School
Elliott, Drew 2:09.50 Chapman High School
Shea, Joseph 2:10.47 Wamego High School
Hartman, Nathan 2:13.23 Abilene High School
Cash, Aceyn 2:14.08 Concordia High School
Winter, Nicholas 2:14.74 Andale High School
Hoffman, Taryn 2:15.16 Chapman High School
Tipsword, Alek 2:24.93 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Looney, Remy 2:27.28 Andale High School
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Boys Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marx, Riley 156-11 Andale High School
Hobrock, Tyler 148-0 Concordia High School
Kerschen, Beau 146-7 Andale High School
Kraus, Jackson 142-5 Andale High School
Bailey, Braxton 141-0 McPherson High School
Teeter, Keagun 133-3 Buhler High School
Hildebrand, Andrew 131-3.5 Wamego High School
Benfer, Ryan 130-1 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Rose, Connor 127-11 Abilene High School
Young, Luke 126-5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Miller, Wesley 121-6 Buhler High School
Regier, Bryan 120-11 Buhler High School
Surrite, Dawson 119-9 Abilene High School
Sell, Colt 119-8 Chapman High School
Thiemann, Alex 119-7 Rock Creek High School
Landrum, Curtis 116-10 McPherson High School
Ryals, Paxton 116-6.5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Dugan, Grant 116-4 Rock Creek High School
Nutt, Joseph 113-10 McPherson High School
Murdock, Tracer 98-11 Concordia High School
Bell, Malachi 94-8 Rock Creek High School
Retter, Taye 90-1 Concordia High School
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Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Madron, Seth 6-5 McPherson High School
Hobrock, Tyler 6-2 Concordia High School
Carlgren, Cav 6-2 Concordia High School
Landers, Easton 6-2 Andale High School
Gilliam, Tavian 6-1 Buhler High School
Disberger, Bryce 5-10 Rock Creek High School
Whitley, Aiden 5-10 Chapman High School
Cash, Aceyn 5-10 Concordia High School
Ehrich, Zander 5-10 Abilene High School
Green, Tyler 5-10 Abilene High School
Kanitz, Kreighton 5-10 McPherson High School
Deschner, Wesley 5-8 Andale High School
Bell, Elijah 5-8 Rock Creek High School
Dugan, Grant 5-6 Rock Creek High School
Harp, Landon 5-6 Andale High School
Hannen, Will 5-6 Buhler High School
Willard-Trass, Deidrick 5-4 Buhler High School
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Boys Javelin 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marx, Riley 209-9 Andale High School
Taylor, Cooper 175-0 Buhler High School
Meyer, Jonah 168-11 Andale High School
Retter, Taye 146-7 Concordia High School
Aouad, Ian 144-8 Andale High School
Thiemann, Alex 144-6 Rock Creek High School
Spicer, Isaac 138-4 Buhler High School
Randles, Tristan 137-11 Abilene High School
Wedel, Gavin 136-8 McPherson High School
Christensen, Trevor 136-6 Rock Creek High School
Donahue, Colin 136-2 Wamego High School
Barnum, Mason 131-4 Chapman High School
Spellman, Colton 126-10 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Brockman, Dakota 126-3 Concordia High School
Becker, Samuel 125-10 McPherson High School
Howard, Kody 123-6 Rock Creek High School
Ediger, Braeden 121-10 McPherson High School
Litzinger, Braden 120-6 Chapman High School
Evans, Jake 119-10 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Murdock, Tracer 112-5 Concordia High School
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Boys Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seck, Nathan 21-10 Andale High School
Prosser, Gage 20-10.5 Andale High School
Francis, Alec 20-6.5 Concordia High School
Koehn, Chase 20-6 McPherson High School
Fritz, Jake 20-4 Wamego High School
Bowell, Judah 20-1.50 Abilene High School
Kanitz, Kreighton 20-0 McPherson High School
Whitley, Aiden 19-10.5 Chapman High School
Reichert, Daniel 19-9.75 Andale High School
Pettay, Drew 19-8.25 Wamego High School
Rankin, Dawson 19-5.75 Rock Creek High School
Mead, Trevor 19-5.25 Chapman High School
Wildman, Blake 19-5.25 Chapman High School
Penrose, Caleb 19-5.25 Buhler High School
Patton, Gavin 19-1.75 Buhler High School
Kindel, Torxsten 18-10.75 Concordia High School
Gotti, Luca 18-2 Buhler High School
Eickmann, Mason 18-0.5 Concordia High School
Mellies, Brody 17-10 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Searle, Trey 17-3.25 Rock Creek High School
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Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Rylan 13-7 Andale High School
Lee, Simon 13-3 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Tustian, Tanner 13-3 Buhler High School
Spexarth, John 13-2 Andale High School
Poore, Aidan 13-0 Concordia High School
Spencer, Jayce 13-0 Buhler High School
Dossett, Ryker 13-0 McPherson High School
Penrose, Caleb 12-6 Buhler High School
Skinner, Brad 12-0 Rock Creek High School
Schwarz, Toben 11-6 Abilene High School
Pettay, Drew 11-6 Wamego High School
Horsch, Noah 11-2 Andale High School
Christensen, Trevor 11-0 Rock Creek High School
Gose, Aiden 11-0 Abilene High School
Kindel, Bergun 10-0 Concordia High School
Troyer, Braden 10-0 Rock Creek High School
Edwards, Cougar 9-6 Chapman High School
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Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kraus, Jackson 60-0 Andale High School
Kerschen, Beau 50-11.5 Andale High School
Bruce, Noah 50-8.75 Andale High School
Miller, Wesley 48-10 Buhler High School
Surrite, Dawson 46-1 Abilene High School
Miller, Keyan 44-3.5 Concordia High School
Hildebrand, Andrew 43-00.5 Wamego High School
Berry, Braylon 41-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Sell, Colt 41-1 Chapman High School
Tholstrup, Jace 39-08 Concordia High School
Gamino, Ariston 39-6.5 Wamego High School
Bell, Malachi 39-4 Rock Creek High School
Rose, Connor 37-11 Abilene High School
Redenbaugh, Bodey 36-7.75 Buhler High School
Ashland, Michael 36-7 Concordia High School
Regier, Bryan 35-9.5 Buhler High School
Howard, Kody 35-2 Rock Creek High School
Nutt, Joseph 34-9.75 McPherson High School
Gerber, Justin 34-0 Rock Creek High School
Randles, Tristan 33-6 Abilene High School
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Boys Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gilliam, Tavian 43-9.25 Buhler High School
Spiller, Yanci 43-3 Rock Creek High School
Eck, Kelby 42-7 Andale High School
Musselman, Lane 41-8.25 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Trost, Cody 40-11.5 Concordia High School
Pettay, Drew 40-10.5 Wamego High School
Mead, Trevor 40-7 Chapman High School
Gibbs, Darriene 40-4 McPherson High School
Francis, Alec 40-3 Concordia High School
Kanitz, Kreighton 40-2.25 McPherson High School
Potucek, Jacksyn 39-11.5 Andale High School
Cottone, Triston 39-8.5 Abilene High School
Searle, Trey 39-0.5 Rock Creek High School
Willard-Trass, Deidrick 38-10.5 Buhler High School
Compton, Thomas 37-8 Buhler High School
Mesalles, Ethan 37-3.25 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Schrandt, Ian 37-1.5 Andale High School
Woodworth, Carson 36-8.5 Abilene High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reichenberger, Betsy 12.50 Andale High School
Chapman, Addison 12.82 McPherson High School
Winter, Camryn 12.84 Andale High School
McCloud, Jayla 12.86 McPherson High School
Heintz, Renatta 12.97 Abilene High School
Priester, Eva 13.21 Andale High School
Koester, Jaida 13.25 Concordia High School
Catlin, Tovah 13.28 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Lane, Sydney 13.46 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Jones, Sarah 13.51 Wamego High School
Wright, Megan 13.53 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Koster, Ava 13.61 Buhler High School
Hemphill, Erica 13.64 Buhler High School
Krafels, Natalya 13.67 Buhler High School
Kvasnica, Brynne 13.67 Rock Creek High School
Hasenbank, Addie 13.81 Abilene High School
Wallace, Mallory 14.02 Rock Creek High School
Christenson, Tessa 14.03 Concordia High School
Freidline, Paige 14.05 Wamego High School
Bliss, Chandler 14.10 Chapman High School
Johnson, Mia 14.17 Abilene High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kerschen, Cali 14.94 Andale High School
Seely, Caylin 15.52 Buhler High School
Carlgren, Carlie 15.71 Concordia High School
Camp, Piper 15.74 Andale High School
Smith, Harper 15.96 McPherson High School
Soukup, Aislyn 16.13 McPherson High School
Koehn, Arihanna 16.32 McPherson High School
Rowland, Grace 16.58 Andale High School
Kirkpatrick, Maya 16.71 Chapman High School
Clemence, Joy 16.72 Abilene High School
Bender, Tessa 16.86 Abilene High School
Anderson, Shannon 16.91 Chapman High School
Combs, Ava 17.29 Buhler High School
Clayton, Bentley 17.55 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Holloway, Alexis 17.65 Wamego High School
Peterson, Courtney 18.15 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Keeton, Ellie 19.01 Buhler High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frieze, Elyssa 5:07.55 Chapman High School
Bathurst, Eden 5:23.85 Abilene High School
Smith, Lauren 5:34.39 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Donahue, Caroline 5:49.00 Wamego High School
Lind, Charlee 5:49.73 Wamego High School
Nippert, Kyra 5:50.14 Rock Creek High School
Clevenger, Chloe 5:52.56 McPherson High School
Briggs, Hailey 5:53.90 Chapman High School
Hamby, Krysten 5:54.81 Buhler High School
Fulmer, Adaline 6:00.60 Wamego High School
Little, Makayla 6:19.35 Buhler High School
Hennessy, Arwyn 6:29.55 Andale High School
Oard, Graci 6:39.55 Buhler High School
Larson, Annie 6:46.75 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schrandt, Maddie 26.19 Andale High School
Wilber, Isabella 26.33 Wamego High School
McCloud, Jayla 26.34 McPherson High School
Reichenberger, Betsy 26.35 Andale High School
Cross, Allie 26.93 Abilene High School
Litzinger, Haley 27.01 Chapman High School
Heintz, Renatta 27.20 Abilene High School
Koester, Jaida 27.73 Concordia High School
Catlin, Tovah 27.76 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Jones, Sarah 28.05 Wamego High School
Orth, Taya 28.15 Andale High School
Christenson, Tessa 28.75 Concordia High School
Roussel, Maiwenn 28.77 Buhler High School
Klingenberg, Kya 28.82 Rock Creek High School
Casebeer, Alexa 28.85 McPherson High School
Freidline, Paige 29.01 Wamego High School
Koehn, Arihanna 29.02 McPherson High School
Hasenbank, Addie 29.44 Abilene High School
Stahlman, Aubrey 29.52 Concordia High School
Frank, Brynlee 29.55 Buhler High School
Gleason, Maddison 30.34 Buhler High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Camp, Piper 47.25 Andale High School
Seely, Caylin 47.46 Buhler High School
Kirkpatrick, Maya 48.50 Chapman High School
Kerschen, Cali 48.86 Andale High School
Carlgren, Carlie 49.07 Concordia High School
Clemence, Joy 49.35 Abilene High School
Smith, Harper 49.61 McPherson High School
Dannefer, Claira 50.48 Abilene High School
Holloway, Alexis 50.55 Wamego High School
Anderson, Shannon 50.82 Chapman High School
Priester, Eva 51.07 Andale High School
Soukup, Aislyn 51.74 McPherson High School
Clayton, Bentley 52.80 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Combs, Ava 53.26 Buhler High School
Bender, Tessa 54.59 Abilene High School
Keeton, Ellie 57.73 Buhler High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frieze, Elyssa 12:05.73 Chapman High School
Bathurst, Eden 12:21.99 Abilene High School
Smith, Lauren 12:29.83 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Horning, Taryn 12:42.32 Buhler High School
Elder, Evie 12:42.84 McPherson High School
Warner, Lindsay 12:44.15 Buhler High School
Lind, Charlee 12:50.53 Wamego High School
Fulmer, Adaline 12:52.67 Wamego High School
Dorantes, Maya 13:15.37 Buhler High School
Sleichter, Lainie 13:27.55 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Catlin, Tovah 1:01.09 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Cross, Allie 1:01.91 Abilene High School
Klingenberg, Ayla 1:02.56 Rock Creek High School
Steven, Ava 1:03.09 Andale High School
Backhus, Izabel 1:03.31 McPherson High School
Rock, Chloe 1:04.21 Abilene High School
Jones, Sarah 1:04.72 Wamego High School
Jones, Keira 1:05.85 Chapman High School
Cutler, JoJo 1:07.01 Andale High School
Mintzer, Katelyn 1:08.09 McPherson High School
Willison, Maddie 1:10.24 Buhler High School
Morenz, Grace 1:10.61 Wamego High School
Koster, Ava 1:11.14 Buhler High School
Krueger, Megan 1:12.82 Buhler High School
Schrandt, Maddie 58.69 Andale High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.40 Andale High School
Relay Team A 50.50 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 51.22 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 51.79 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 52.80 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 52.85 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 53.44 Rock Creek High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:06.35 Andale High School
Relay Team A 4:12.89 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 4:13.91 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 4:15.27 Rock Creek High School
Relay Team A 4:17.21 Chapman High School
Relay Team A 4:18.90 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 4:27.46 Wamego High School
Relay Team A 4:34.31 Buhler High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:29.50 Abilene High School
Relay Team A 10:35.64 Buhler High School
Relay Team A 10:41.54 Wamego High School
Relay Team A 10:51.47 McPherson High School
Relay Team A 10:59.71 Andale High School
Relay Team A 11:21.30 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Relay Team A 11:39.51 Chapman High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frieze, Elyssa 2:19.27 Chapman High School
Smith, Lauren 2:25.51 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Bathurst, Eden 2:28.84 Abilene High School
Whorton, Emily 2:34.67 McPherson High School
Hamby, Krysten 2:35.47 Buhler High School
Donahue, Caroline 2:35.66 Wamego High School
Nippert, Kyra 2:36.09 Rock Creek High School
Wegerer, Kelli 2:36.92 Andale High School
Umscheid, Taylor 2:38.66 Wamego High School
Larson, Annie 2:42.17 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Briggs, Hailey 2:43.22 Chapman High School
Floersch, Kara 2:44.27 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Prose, Ada 2:45.81 McPherson High School
Porter, Kayla 2:45.83 McPherson High School
Maxwell, Natalie 2:46.07 Andale High School
Patton, Olivia 2:47.36 Andale High School
Pecina, Aelyn 2:51.76 Abilene High School
Cathey, Arissa 2:52.21 Abilene High School
Oard, Gracie 2:52.89 Buhler High School
Little, Makayla 2:54.04 Buhler High School
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Girls Discus 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fairchild, Mckenzie 132-1.5 Andale High School
May, Emery 123-3 Andale High School
Rose, Sophia 110-1 Buhler High School
Jarmer, Jessa 109-10 Andale High School
Elliott, Tanith 109-4 Chapman High School
Buettgenbach, Tailynn 108-1 McPherson High School
Jones, Callie 102-0 Abilene High School
Schweizer, Emilie 101-8 Buhler High School
Springer, Sara 100-8 Wamego High School
McDaniel, Taylor 95-10 Concordia High School
Schnell, Jordyn 95-4 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Bartlett, Ashley 92-2 Concordia High School
Rahe, Mary 92-0.5 Abilene High School
Randles, Grace 90-8 Abilene High School
Rice, Aubree 88-1 McPherson High School
Montgomery, Savannah 83-6 Rock Creek High School
Holland, Lauryn 82-5 Buhler High School
Christensen, Zola 70-1 Rock Creek High School
Galle, Edee 67-1.5 Rock Creek High School
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Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horsch, Lexi 5-4 Andale High School
Cavanaugh, Sophie 5-2 Chapman High School
Klingenberg, Ayla 5-1 Rock Creek High School
Nordell, Jara 5-0 Concordia High School
Johnson, Amara 4-11 Abilene High School
Kelp, Laci 4-10 Andale High School
Soukup, Aislyn 4-10 McPherson High School
Krafels, Natalya 4-10 Buhler High School
Koster, Ava 4-10 Buhler High School
Willison, Maddie 4-8 Buhler High School
Kelp, Kaci 4-6 Andale High School
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Girls Javelin 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fairchild, Mckenzie 169-4 Andale High School
Bent, Hailee 123-8 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Kuepker, Jenna 121-10 Andale High School
Rose, Sophia 119-1 Buhler High School
Cavanaugh, Sophie 108-5 Chapman High School
Jarmer, Jessa 105-5 Andale High School
McDaniel, Taylor 102-4 Concordia High School
Locke, Ava 101-2 Chapman High School
Meinhardt, Rylie 101-2 Wamego High School
Workman, Teggan 100-10 Concordia High School
Christiensen, Reonna 96-10 Abilene High School
Hoerner, Taya 96-5 Abilene High School
Steele, Dani 92-3 Buhler High School
Smith, Sara 91-2 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Nordell, Jara 90-10 Concordia High School
Randles, Grace 90-10 Abilene High School
Christensen, Zola 86-10 Rock Creek High School
Dalton, Paige 84-0 Rock Creek High School
Sandbo, Kyndall 82-8 McPherson High School
Montgomery, Savannah 81-8 Rock Creek High School
Hartnett, Delaney 80-10 Buhler High School
Smith, Amber 77-5 McPherson High School
Malm, Carley 71-1 McPherson High School
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Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilber, Isabella 17-3.5 Wamego High School
Chapman, Addison 17-2.5 McPherson High School
Krafels, Natalya 16-11 Buhler High School
Dannefer, Claira 16-10 Abilene High School
McCoy, Alycea 16-6.25 Buhler High School
Kuepker, Jenna 16-5.5 Andale High School
Koester, Jaida 16-4.75 Concordia High School
Lang, Kyla 16-3.5 McPherson High School
Kirkpatrick, Maya 16-1.75 Chapman High School
Carlgren, Carlie 16-1.75 Concordia High School
Kvasnica, Brynne 15-10 Rock Creek High School
Casebeer, Alexa 15-7.5 McPherson High School
Orth, Taya 15-3 Andale High School
Ward, Kyla 15-2.5 Buhler High School
Bissen, Shelby 15-0 Rock Creek High School
Horsch, Lauren 14-10.5 Andale High School
Wasylk, Claire 14-3 Chapman High School
Galle, Edee 12-8 Rock Creek High School
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Girls Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baalmann, Annabeth 11-1 Andale High School
Rowland, Claire 11-0 Andale High School
Meyer, Mary 10-6 Andale High School
Wick, Abby 9-6 Rock Creek High School
Kvasnica, Brynne 9-0 Rock Creek High School
Bathurst, Eden 9-0 Abilene High School
Smith, Amber 9-0 McPherson High School
Lane, Sydney 8-6 Clay Center Community High Schoo
McCoy, Alycea 8-6 Buhler High School
Mcgivney, Jentree 8-3 Abilene High School
Floersch, Kara 8-0 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Bathurst, Alice 8-0 Abilene High School
Keeton, Ellie 6-6 Buhler High School
Ward, Kyla 6-6 Buhler High School
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Girls Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fairchild, Mckenzie 41-3.75 Andale High School
Buettgenbach, Tailynn 36-8.25 McPherson High School
Schweizer, Emilie 36-3.5 Buhler High School
Johnson, Ayla 35-8.5 Clay Center Community High Schoo
May, Emery 35-2 Andale High School
Bartlett, Ashley 33-6 Concordia High School
Struckman, Emily 33-2.5 Andale High School
Rahe, Mary 31-10 Abilene High School
Long, Ashleigh 31-9.25 Chapman High School
Rose, Sophia 31-2 Buhler High School
Rice, Aubree 30-7 McPherson High School
Hill, Gretchen 30-6.25 Chapman High School
Montgomery, Savannah 29-1 Rock Creek High School
Randles, Grace 29-1 Abilene High School
Holland, Lauryn 28-10 Buhler High School
Kvasnica, Karisa 27-11 Rock Creek High School
Dalton, Paige 27-4 Rock Creek High School
Jones, Callie 27-2.5 Abilene High School
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Girls Triple Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rowland, Grace 35-9.5 Andale High School
Kirkpatrick, Maya 35-8.5 Chapman High School
McCoy, Alycea 35-3.5 Buhler High School
Frank, Brynlee 34-0 Buhler High School
Wilber, Isabella 33-6.5 Wamego High School
Schrandt, Maddie 33-6 Andale High School
Koester, Jaida 33-5 Concordia High School
Cross, Allie 33-03 Abilene High School
Wasylk, Claire 32-10.5 Chapman High School
Bissen, Shelby 32-9.5 Rock Creek High School
Holmes, Mallory 32-9.5 McPherson High School
Vogts, Anna 32-8 McPherson High School
Lane, Sydney 32-7.25 Clay Center Community High Schoo
Cavanaugh, Sophie 32-0.5 Chapman High School
Davidson, Maggie 31-10.5 Buhler High School
Smith, Amber 31-5.25 McPherson High School
Wegerer, Katelyn 30-11 Andale High School
Stahlman, Aubrey 30-9.25 Concordia High School
Martin, Sarabeth 29-9 Clay Center Community High Schoo
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