Holcomb MS Invite 2022

Holcomb, KS

Athlete Entries

7th Grade Boys 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, JR Hugoton Middle School
Devora, Devon 13 Kepley Middle School
Browning, Parker 13 Kepley Middle School
Purma, Martin 13.08 Scott City Middle School
Hernandez, Isaac 13.56 Cimarron Middle School
Robles, Kris 14.16 Cimarron Middle School
Padron, Cristian 14.46 Hugoton Middle School
Eitel, Trey 14.60h Scott City Middle School
Goddard, Taylan 14.65 Hugoton Middle School
Nunez, Joshua 15 Kepley Middle School
Kuntzelman, Justin 15.00h Holcomb Middle School
Day, Isaac 15.07 Scott City Middle School
Stormont, Dillon 15.37 Cimarron Middle School
Eisenhower, Easton 15.87 Scott City Middle School
Robinson, Brayden 16.00h Holcomb Middle School
Cervantes, Alan 17.84 Cimarron Middle School
Sena, Emersyn 18.56 Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Macias, Dominic Holcomb Middle School B
Browning, Parker 19 Kepley Middle School
Prieto, Kenn 19.75 Holcomb Middle School
Kelley, Deric 19.90 Hugoton Middle School
Caldwell, Jayce 20 Kepley Middle School
Devora, Devon 20 Kepley Middle School
Marquez, Valente 20 Kepley Middle School
Hartman, Haegen 20.10h Holcomb Middle School
Baeza, Donavyn 21.96 Hugoton Middle School
Trejo-Gutierrez, Damian 22.00h Holcomb Middle School
Strickert, Sylas 22.10h Holcomb Middle School
Stormont, Dillon 22.15 Cimarron Middle School
Allen, Tripp 23.00 Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Meza, Junior Scott City Middle School
Freeman, Thaxton Kepley Middle School
Spooner, Logan Kepley Middle School
Martinez, Isaiah Scott City Middle School
Melendez, Josue Kepley Middle School
Smith, Phoenix Cimarron Middle School
Bain, Isaac Scott City Middle School
Orosco, Dominic Kepley Middle School
Harmon, Ian 5:49.46 Cimarron Middle School
Gomez, Brandon 5:59.53 Hugoton Middle School
Alvarado, Isaac 6:07.72 Hugoton Middle School
Aguilar, David 6:32.44 Hugoton Middle School
Williams, Brayden 7:15.48 Cimarron Middle School
Yeager, Fisher 7:24.20 Cimarron Middle School
Macias, Dominic 7:30.00h Holcomb Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Louden, Boston 26.60h Scott City Middle School
Dirks, Jaden 26.80h Scott City Middle School
Barranca, Isayah 27.43 Cimarron Middle School
Carrasco, Aaron 28 Kepley Middle School
Faurot, Ethan 28.9 Scott City Middle School
Marquez, Valente 29 Kepley Middle School
Stoecklein, Brody 29.00 Scott City Middle School
Baker, Keeler 30 Kepley Middle School
Reimer, Josh 30 Kepley Middle School
Alvarado, Isaac 30.56 Hugoton Middle School
Padron, Cristian 30.97 Hugoton Middle School
Mauk, Jonas 31.66 Hugoton Middle School
Myers, Jack 34 Holcomb Middle School
Wilson, Braylon 37 Holcomb Middle School
Kuntzelman, Justin 37 Holcomb Middle School
Cervantes, Alan 38.89 Cimarron Middle School
Sena, Emersyn 40.19 Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carrasco, Aaron Kepley Middle School
Hernandez, Isaac Cimarron Middle School
Reimer, Josh Kepley Middle School
Nunez, Joshua Kepley Middle School
Macias, Dominic Holcomb Middle School B
Baker, Keeler Kepley Middle School
Prieto, Kenn 32.12 Holcomb Middle School
Hartman, Haegen 33.45 Holcomb Middle School
Goddard, Taylan 38.40 Hugoton Middle School
Trejo-Gutierrez, Damian 40.00h Holcomb Middle School
Strickert, Sylas 40.00h Holcomb Middle School
Tallman, Wyatt 48.50 Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 3200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Torres, Juan Carlos Kepley Middle School
Garcia, Adrian Scott City Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hernandez, Isaac Cimarron Middle School
Tinoco, Cristopher Hugoton Middle School
Barranca, Isayah 1:01.15 Cimarron Middle School
Dohrman, Coulter 1:04.68 Cimarron Middle School
Burrows, Joshua 1:05.09 Hugoton Middle School
Prieto, Kenn 1:05.12 Holcomb Middle School
Eitel, Trey 1:07.60h Scott City Middle School
Baker, Keeler 1:10 Kepley Middle School
Lattimore, Waylan 1:10 Kepley Middle School
Baeza, Donavyn 1:10.68 Hugoton Middle School
Day, Isaac 1:14.60h Scott City Middle School
Jorde, Jayson 1:16.44 Hugoton Middle School
Faurot, Ethan 1:18.40h Scott City Middle School
McHone, Kolby 1:20.00h Holcomb Middle School
Sauseda, Thomas 1:20.00h Holcomb Middle School
Powelson, Brant 1:21.70h Scott City Middle School
Cervantes, Alan 1:30.79 Cimarron Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A 1:05.00h Holcomb Middle School
Relay Team A 48.53 Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A 1:44.21 Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A 4:14.86 Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
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7th Grade Boys 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wheeler, Matthew 2:25.00h Scott City Middle School
Alvarado, Isaac 2:30.00h Hugoton Middle School
Metzger, Drew 2:30.00h Scott City Middle School
Harmon, Ian 2:37.67 Cimarron Middle School
Meza, Junior 2:40.00h Scott City Middle School
Martinez, Isaiah 2:45.00h Scott City Middle School
Tallman, Wyatt 3:00 Hugoton Middle School
Jorde, Jayson 3:00 Hugoton Middle School
Freeman, Thaxton 3:00 Kepley Middle School
Aguilar, David 3:02.14 Hugoton Middle School
Yeager, Fisher 3:24.26 Cimarron Middle School
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7th Grade Boys Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelley, Deric 76-5 Hugoton Middle School
Mauk, Jonas 70-9 Hugoton Middle School
Skinner, Eli 65-11 Hugoton Middle School
Saldana, Isai 65-7.5 Hugoton Middle School
Keeler, Justin 57-7 Cimarron Middle School
Martinez, Jesus 50-5 Cimarron Middle School
Tatro, Evan 49-8 Cimarron Middle School
Williams, Brayden 41-8 Cimarron Middle School
Anglesey, Jaden Holcomb Middle School
Bishop, James Holcomb Middle School
Rome, Reese Holcomb Middle School
Tapia, Emiliano Holcomb Middle School
Barajas, Ignacio Holcomb Middle School B
Felker, Reid Scott City Middle School
Eisenhower, Easton Scott City Middle School
Powelson, Brant Scott City Middle School
Purma, Martin Scott City Middle School
Hauser, Jaxson Kepley Middle School
Leyva, Austin Kepley Middle School
Hernandez, Edrehik Kepley Middle School
Orosco, Dominic Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Boys High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baeza, Donavyn 4-8 Hugoton Middle School
Allen, Tripp 4-4 Hugoton Middle School
McHone, Kolby Holcomb Middle School
Strickert, Sylas Holcomb Middle School
Day, Isaac Scott City Middle School
Dirks, Jaden Scott City Middle School
Meza, Junior Scott City Middle School
Martinez, Isaiah Scott City Middle School
Browning, Parker Kepley Middle School
Caldwell, Jayce Kepley Middle School
Dohrman, Coulter Cimarron Middle School
Tinoco, Cristopher Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Boys Javelin 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bishop, James Holcomb Middle School
Rome, Reese Holcomb Middle School
Tapia, Emiliano Holcomb Middle School
Anglesey, Jaden Holcomb Middle School
Eisenhower, Easton Scott City Middle School
Garcia, Alex Scott City Middle School
Gossman, Mickey Scott City Middle School
Hauser, Jaxson Kepley Middle School
Leyva, Austin Kepley Middle School
Hernandez, Edrehik Kepley Middle School
Martinez, Jesus Cimarron Middle School
Keeler, Justin Cimarron Middle School
Smith, Phoenix Cimarron Middle School
Stormont, Dillon Cimarron Middle School
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7th Grade Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barranca, Isayah 15-10 Cimarron Middle School
Camacho, Eli 15-10 Hugoton Middle School
Hernandez, Isaac 15-9.5 Cimarron Middle School
Grubbs, Clayton 14-7.5 Hugoton Middle School
Burrows, Joshua 13-8.25 Hugoton Middle School
Gomez, Brandon 12-10.75 Hugoton Middle School
Kuntzelman, Justin Holcomb Middle School
Myers, Jack Holcomb Middle School
Prieto, Kenn Holcomb Middle School
Trejo-Gutierrez, Damian Holcomb Middle School
Dirks, Jaden Scott City Middle School
Garcia, Adrian Scott City Middle School
Louden, Boston Scott City Middle School
Stoecklein, Brody Scott City Middle School
Carrasco, Aaron Kepley Middle School
Nunez, Joshua Kepley Middle School
Freeman, Thaxton Kepley Middle School
Melendez, Josue Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Myers, Jack Holcomb Middle School
Robinson, Brayden Holcomb Middle School
Sauseda, Thomas Holcomb Middle School
Wilson, Braylon Holcomb Middle School
Bain, Isaac Scott City Middle School
Metzger, Drew Scott City Middle School
Wilkinson, Rylan Scott City Middle School
Wheeler, Matthew Scott City Middle School
Lattimore, Waylan Kepley Middle School
Spooner, Logan Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, JR 33-2.5 Hugoton Middle School
Kelley, Deric 31-4 Hugoton Middle School
Saldana, Isai 30-9 Hugoton Middle School
Skinner, Eli 24-3 Hugoton Middle School
Tatro, Evan 23-9.75 Cimarron Middle School
Williams, Brayden 19-5.75 Cimarron Middle School
Smith, Phoenix 18-6.5 Cimarron Middle School
Barajas, Ignacio Holcomb Middle School B
Bishop, James Holcomb Middle School
Anglesey, Jaden Holcomb Middle School
Rome, Reese Holcomb Middle School
Tapia, Emiliano Holcomb Middle School
Garcia, Alex Scott City Middle School
Eisenhower, Easton Scott City Middle School
Felker, Reid Scott City Middle School
Powelson, Brant Scott City Middle School
Hauser, Jaxson Kepley Middle School
Hernandez, Edrehik Kepley Middle School
Leyva, Austin Kepley Middle School
Orosco, Dominic Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Boys Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dohrman, Coulter 32-0 Cimarron Middle School
Allen, Tripp 29-3 Hugoton Middle School
Mauk, Jonas 28-2 Hugoton Middle School
Eitel, Trey Scott City Middle School
Garcia, Adrian Scott City Middle School
Louden, Boston Scott City Middle School
Stoecklein, Brody Scott City Middle School
Devora, Devon Kepley Middle School
Marquez, Valente Kepley Middle School
Reimer, Josh Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fergeson, Rilyn Cimarron Middle School
Holstein, Kayden 13.5 Scott City Middle School
McClure, Lindy 14.66 Hugoton Middle School
Ruiz, Emmie 14.68 Holcomb Middle School
Gaskill, Farrah 15.28 Hugoton Middle School
Molina, Yairen 15.36 Kepley Middle School
Vos, Nikayla 15.59 Hugoton Middle School
Tapia, Abby 15.86 Kepley Middle School
Randa, Ashlynn 15.88 Cimarron Middle School
Cofer, Isabella 15.88 Cimarron Middle School
White, Ryleigh 16.12 Holcomb Middle School
Lerma, Stephanie 16.67 Kepley Middle School
Bogner, Alyssa 16.87 Cimarron Middle School
Farnum, Aleah 16.90 Hugoton Middle School
Aguilera, Ariela 18.50h Holcomb Middle School
Herrada, Isabella 18.50h Holcomb Middle School
Rivero, Helena 18.92 Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ortiz, Audrina Scott City Middle School
Donovan, Denee Holcomb Middle School B
Rodriguez, Mya Holcomb Middle School
Basham, Brooke Holcomb Middle School
Buchholz, Morgan Holcomb Middle School
Deines, Ava Scott City Middle School
Ysac, Aja 19:22.00 Kepley Middle School
Sanchez, Bella 20.41 Kepley Middle School
Novack, Lausyn 21.0 Holcomb Middle School
Gaskill, Farrah 21.18 Hugoton Middle School
Eddie, Lyla 22.23 Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 1600 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDaniel, Haylie Scott City Middle School
Smith, Jara Holcomb Middle School
Carter, Khloe 7:56.00h Kepley Middle School
Rodriguez, Payton 9:18.00h Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 200 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hayes, Myranda Scott City Middle School
Bogner, Alyssa Cimarron Middle School
Holstein, Kayden Scott City Middle School
Serrano, Angelica Holcomb Middle School B
Sena, Jasmine Hugoton Middle School
Stewert, Audrey Cimarron Middle School
Erazo, Halle Scott City Middle School
Walker, Katrina 30.29 Cimarron Middle School
McCormick, Corley 31.83 Kepley Middle School
Hinojosa, Mia 32.35 Hugoton Middle School
Fergeson, Rilyn 32.43 Cimarron Middle School
VanPelt, Camryn 33.00h Holcomb Middle School
Deyoe, Teagan 33.27 Kepley Middle School
Lerma, Stephanie 34.18 Kepley Middle School
Corpus, Genesis 35.92 Holcomb Middle School
Rodriguez, Mya 37.04 Holcomb Middle School
Juarez, Dayamit 37.62 Hugoton Middle School
Carillo-Herrera, Victoria 38.05 Holcomb Middle School
Farnum, Aleah 38.18 Hugoton Middle School
Rivero, Helena 38.18 Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gentry, Peyton Scott City Middle School
Buchholz, Morgan Holcomb Middle School
Weathers, Katie Scott City Middle School
Donovan, Denee Holcomb Middle School
Deines, Ava Scott City Middle School
Basham, Brooke Holcomb Middle School
Novack, Lausyn 34.0 Holcomb Middle School
Ysac, Aja 34.16 Kepley Middle School
Schultz, Piper 34.55 Kepley Middle School
Sanchez, Bella 35.18 Kepley Middle School
Eddie, Lyla 37.17 Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 3200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santos, Katie Holcomb Middle School
Vazquez, Miranda 17:36.00 Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weathers, Katie Scott City Middle School
Flores, Miranda Hugoton Middle School
Erazo, Halle Scott City Middle School
Lightner, Lily Scott City Middle School
Helton, Cassidy Cimarron Middle School
Schultz, Piper 1:06.00h Kepley Middle School
Vitolas, Devany 1:07.00h Kepley Middle School
Walker, Katrina 1:07.38 Cimarron Middle School
Alvarado, Erisbelie 1:08.00h Kepley Middle School
McCormick, Corley 1:10.00h Kepley Middle School
Randa, Ashlynn 1:13.32 Cimarron Middle School
Vos, Nikayla 1:13.55 Hugoton Middle School
Fergeson, Rilyn 1:14.99 Cimarron Middle School
Ruiz, Emmie 1:15.00h Holcomb Middle School
Barr, Rozalyn 1:15.00h Holcomb Middle School
Serrano, Angelica 1:20.00h Holcomb Middle School
Lopez, Jalyssa 1:20.00h Holcomb Middle School
Juarez, Dayamit 1:28.46 Hugoton Middle School
Brooks, Ashlynn 1:33.96 Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Holcomb Middle School
Relay Team A 57.18 Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A 58.00 Hugoton Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Holcomb Middle School
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A 2:07.00h Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Holcomb Middle School
Relay Team A 4:55.00h Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Holcomb Middle School
Relay Team A 13:56.00 Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls 800 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
VanPelt, Camryn Holcomb Middle School
Lightner, Lily Scott City Middle School
Santos, Katie Holcomb Middle School
Ardery, Jade Holcomb Middle School
Ramsey, Kynadee Holcomb Middle School
Gaskill, Farrah Hugoton Middle School
Brown, Samantha 3:12.00h Kepley Middle School
Eddie, Layla 3:18.00h Kepley Middle School
Vazquez, Miranda 3:20.00h Kepley Middle School
Guaderrama, Natalia 3:33.00h Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez, Arabella 56-6 Kepley Middle School
Lara, Ava 53-7 Kepley Middle School
Acuna, Raquel 49-8.5 Hugoton Middle School
Ortiz, Madai 46-1 Hugoton Middle School
Morris, Aneta 45-2.5 Hugoton Middle School
Glenn, Presley 45-1 Cimarron Middle School
Tinoco, Ruby 44-3 Hugoton Middle School
Dwyer, Ava 40-7.75 Cimarron Middle School
Garay, Lizbeth 39-7 Kepley Middle School
Kite, Amelie 39-6 Cimarron Middle School
Almaraz, Nayeli Holcomb Middle School
Eslinger, Peytyn Holcomb Middle School
Evert, Audreana Holcomb Middle School
Murguia, Yarazeth Holcomb Middle School
Estrella, Kaylyn Scott City Middle School
Stromberg, Shannon Scott City Middle School
Edwards, Hayla Scott City Middle School
Murry, Alexis Holcomb Middle School B
Simon, McKenzie Holcomb Middle School B
Padilla, Kayleen Holcomb Middle School B
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7th Grade Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ysac, Aja 4-0 Kepley Middle School
Sanchez, Bella 4-0 Kepley Middle School
Eddie, Layla 4-0 Kepley Middle School
Eddie, Lyla 4-0 Kepley Middle School
McClure, Lindy 3-10 Hugoton Middle School
Vos, Nikayla 3-8 Hugoton Middle School
Barr, Rozalyn Holcomb Middle School
Donovan, Denee Holcomb Middle School
Lightner, Lily Scott City Middle School
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7th Grade Girls Javelin 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Almaraz, Nayeli Holcomb Middle School
Eslinger, Peytyn Holcomb Middle School
Murry, Alexis Holcomb Middle School
Simon, McKenzie Holcomb Middle School
Stromberg, Shannon Scott City Middle School
Estrella, Kaylyn Scott City Middle School
Dwyer, Ava Cimarron Middle School
Glenn, Presley Cimarron Middle School
Kite, Amelie Cimarron Middle School
Carter, Khloe Kepley Middle School
Lara, Ava Kepley Middle School
Rodriguez, Arabella Kepley Middle School
Garay, Lizbeth Kepley Middle School
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7th Grade Girls Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Katrina 13-2 Cimarron Middle School
Vitolas, Devany 12-7 Kepley Middle School
Alvarado, Erisbelie 12-3 Kepley Middle School
McCormick, Corley 11-9 Kepley Middle School
Cofer, Isabella 11-8 Cimarron Middle School
Tapia, Abby 11-6 Kepley Middle School
Randa, Ashlynn 11-4 Cimarron Middle School
Hinojosa, Mia 11-4 Hugoton Middle School
McClure, Lindy 10-11 Hugoton Middle School
Peinado, Valeria 10-10.5 Hugoton Middle School
Sena, Jasmine 8-8.5 Hugoton Middle School
Carillo-Herrera, Victoria Holcomb Middle School
Corpus, Genesis Holcomb Middle School
Lopez, Jalyssa Holcomb Middle School
Santos, Katie Holcomb Middle School
Hayes, Myranda Scott City Middle School
Deines, Ava Scott City Middle School
White, Ryleigh Holcomb Middle School B
Bogner, Alyssa Cimarron Middle School
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7th Grade Girls Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schultz, Piper 6-6 Kepley Middle School
Molina, Yairen 6-0 Kepley Middle School
Deyoe, Teagan 5-0 Kepley Middle School
Aguilera, Ariela Holcomb Middle School
Basham, Brooke Holcomb Middle School
Smith, Jara Holcomb Middle School
Serrano, Angelica Holcomb Middle School
Gentry, Peyton Scott City Middle School
Weathers, Katie Scott City Middle School
Noll, Addi Scott City Middle School
McDaniel, Haylie Scott City Middle School
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7th Grade Girls Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez, Arabella 23-8 Kepley Middle School
Lara, Ava 23-7 Kepley Middle School
Ortiz, Madai 23-2.75 Hugoton Middle School
Morris, Aneta 22-1 Hugoton Middle School
Rodriguez, Payton 20-3 Kepley Middle School
Garay, Lizbeth 20-2 Kepley Middle School
Acuna, Raquel 18-11.5 Hugoton Middle School
Tinoco, Ruby 18-7.5 Hugoton Middle School
Kite, Amelie 18-1.5 Cimarron Middle School
Glenn, Presley 17-8.75 Cimarron Middle School
Dwyer, Ava 16-9.25 Cimarron Middle School
Almaraz, Nayeli Holcomb Middle School
Eslinger, Peytyn Holcomb Middle School
Evert, Audreana Holcomb Middle School
Murguia, Yarazeth Holcomb Middle School
Stromberg, Shannon Scott City Middle School
Estrella, Kaylyn Scott City Middle School
Edwards, Hayla Scott City Middle School
Murry, Alexis Holcomb Middle School B
Simon, McKenzie Holcomb Middle School B
Padilla, Kayleen Holcomb Middle School B
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7th Grade Girls Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCormick, Corley 20-7 Kepley Middle School
Tapia, Abby 20-4 Kepley Middle School
Brown, Samantha 16-3 Kepley Middle School
Ramsey, Kynadee Holcomb Middle School
Deines, Ava Scott City Middle School
Helton, Cassidy Cimarron Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abeyta, Kyran Holcomb Middle School
Madrigal, Chris Kepley Middle School
Avila, Mauricio Kepley Middle School
Corral, Javid 11.65 Holcomb Middle School
Vallejo, Pierce 12.00 Scott City Middle School
Saldana, Jair 13.00 Hugoton Middle School
Jones, Keedrin 13.15 Kepley Middle School
Gough, Beau 13.63 Scott City Middle School
Heger, Soe Lin 13.70 Hugoton Middle School
Cruz, Eduardo 14.11 Kepley Middle School
Garcia, Angel 14.50h Scott City Middle School
Contreras, Emilio 14.50h Scott City Middle School
Sena, Ray 14.52 Hugoton Middle School
Faubert, Jariah 14.61 Cimarron Middle School
Garcia, Luis 14.99 Cimarron Middle School
Mader, Blake 15.67 Holcomb Middle School
Herrada, Christian 15.72 Holcomb Middle School
Evans, Skeeter 16.00 Hugoton Middle School
Salto Padilla, Diego 16.43 Cimarron Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thyne, Luke 17.04 Holcomb Middle School
Saldana, Cylis 17.05 Holcomb Middle School
Lamm, Braydon 17.26 Holcomb Middle School
Smith, Dax 17.68 Cimarron Middle School
Amador, Marco 18.49 Hugoton Middle School
Sullivan, Brady 19.31 Holcomb Middle School
Couchman, Cayden 19.58 Scott City Middle School
Long, Zachary 19.64 Holcomb Middle School B
Gerber, Henco 24.76 Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez, Miguel Holcomb Middle School B
Batterton, Reed Scott City Middle School
Brown, Ian Kepley Middle School
Corrales, Alan Holcomb Middle School B
Davis, Vicente Holcomb Middle School B
Deniston, Brody 5:17.05 Holcomb Middle School
Nelson, Adion 5:30.11 Kepley Middle School
English, Asher 5:33.28 Cimarron Middle School
Bergner, Peyton 5:38.03 Scott City Middle School
Sullivan, Brady 5:42.26 Holcomb Middle School
Wren, Kasten 5:45.62 Scott City Middle School
JOHNSON, Wyatt 5:50.06 Hugoton Middle School
Conner, Aiden 6:08.75 Hugoton Middle School
Brown, Ayden 6:09.00h Holcomb Middle School
Radke, Avery 6:11.75 Scott City Middle School
Otero, Angelo 6:13.80 Holcomb Middle School
CURTISS, Tate 7:45.78 Cimarron Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 200 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Madrigal, Chris Kepley Middle School
Rojas, Eduardo Kepley Middle School
Cruz, Eduardo Kepley Middle School
Camacho, Adriel 26.12 Hugoton Middle School
Wiebe, Kevin 27.00 Scott City Middle School
Munoz, David 27.23 Holcomb Middle School
Varela, Alex 27.50h Scott City Middle School
Unger, Daniel 27.50h Scott City Middle School
McVey, Avery 27.62 Holcomb Middle School
Corral, Javid 27.65 Holcomb Middle School
Pietz, Evan 27.98 Holcomb Middle School
Burrows, Hunter 28.09 Hugoton Middle School
Meraz, Julian 28.89 Kepley Middle School
Garcia, Angel 29.00 Scott City Middle School
Martinez, Lorenzo 30.00 Hugoton Middle School
Sena, Ray 31.75 Hugoton Middle School
Mader, Blake 33.02 Holcomb Middle School B
Garcia, Luis 33.19 Cimarron Middle School
Herrada, Christian 33.29 Holcomb Middle School B
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8th Grade Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Saldana, Cylis 29.67 Holcomb Middle School
Wilson, Colby 30.30 Cimarron Middle School
Thyne, Luke 30.31 Holcomb Middle School
Lamm, Braydon 30.94 Holcomb Middle School
Smith, Dax 31.11 Cimarron Middle School
Amador, Marco 32.40 Hugoton Middle School
Long, Zachary 33.84 Holcomb Middle School
Feely, Teagan 35.52 Scott City Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wren, Kasten Scott City Middle School
Stoppel, Jeb 12:02.95 Holcomb Middle School
JOHNSON, Wyatt 12:35.43 Hugoton Middle School
Sullivan, Austin 12:46.47 Holcomb Middle School
DeLoach, Brenden 13:00.00 Holcomb Middle School
Ornelas, Alan 13:09.34 Hugoton Middle School
CURTISS, Tate 17:27.53 Cimarron Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 400 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gonzales, Jacob Kepley Middle School
Ochoa, David Kepley Middle School
Porras, Edgar Kepley Middle School
CURTISS, Tate Cimarron Middle School
Saldana, Cylis 1:01.79 Holcomb Middle School
Long, Zachary 1:02.00h Holcomb Middle School
Hittle, Preston 1:04.25 Kepley Middle School
Unger, Daniel 1:06.00h Scott City Middle School
Varela, Alex 1:10.00h Scott City Middle School
Heger, Soe Lin 1:12.15 Hugoton Middle School
Feely, Teagan 1:13.00h Scott City Middle School
Munoz, David 1:15.78 Holcomb Middle School
Amador, Marco 1:16.67 Hugoton Middle School
Wallace, Ayden 1:25.00h Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A 48.53 Hugoton Middle School
Relay Team A 51.01 Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A 1:44.21 Hugoton Middle School
Relay Team A 1:51.00h Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A 4:09.00h Holcomb Middle School
Relay Team A 4:14.86 Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A 10:30.00 Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Ayden Holcomb Middle School B
Gonzales, Jacob Kepley Middle School
Davis, Vicente Holcomb Middle School B
Porras, Edgar Kepley Middle School
Corrales, Alan Holcomb Middle School B
Deniston, Brody 2:20.41 Holcomb Middle School
John, Kade 2:28.47 Scott City Middle School
Conner, Aiden 2:30.00 Hugoton Middle School
Ornelas, Alan 2:30.90 Hugoton Middle School
Nelson, Adion 2:30.97 Kepley Middle School
Ruiz, Adan 2:33.33 Holcomb Middle School
Holstein, Brodie 2:34.02 Scott City Middle School
Burch, Dylan 2:34.79 Holcomb Middle School
Cruz, Victor 2:35.09 Kepley Middle School
Stoppel, Jeb 2:46.26 Holcomb Middle School
CURTISS, Tate 3:40.16 Cimarron Middle School
Gerber, Henco 3:40.25 Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Boys Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sonday, Cade 110-10 Cimarron Middle School
Sullivan, Autry 108-6 Hugoton Middle School
Renzelman, Remmington 96-7.5 Cimarron Middle School
Johnson, Korbin 86-10 Holcomb Middle School
Vogel, Ben 86-10 Cimarron Middle School
Williams, Hunter 86-0.5 Hugoton Middle School
Heddlesten, Logan 84-9 Cimarron Middle School
Grubbs, Von 82-1.5 Hugoton Middle School
Moya, Alvaro 82-0 Kepley Middle School
Contreras, Emilio 79-6 Scott City Middle School
Burrows, Hunter 76-9 Hugoton Middle School
Almaraz, Keven 73-9.5 Holcomb Middle School
Rosales, Saven 70-2 Kepley Middle School
Obregon, Colton 58-8 Holcomb Middle School
Collins, Craig 51-5 Holcomb Middle School B
Almaraz, Jasinto Holcomb Middle School
Batterton, Reed Scott City Middle School
Gough, Beau Scott City Middle School
Varela, Alex Scott City Middle School
Fierro, Orlando Kepley Middle School
Salas, Ismael Kepley Middle School
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8th Grade Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cook, Brendan 5-0 Scott City Middle School
John, Kade 4-10 Scott City Middle School
Nelson, Adion 4-10 Kepley Middle School
Hamilton, Tanner 4-10 Cimarron Middle School
Lamm, Braydon 4-8 Holcomb Middle School
Burrows, Hunter 4-8 Hugoton Middle School
Peachey, Isaiah 4-8 Hugoton Middle School
Martinez, Lorenzo 4-4 Hugoton Middle School
Heger, Soe Lin 4-0 Hugoton Middle School
Deniston, Brody Holcomb Middle School
Brown, Ayden Holcomb Middle School
Feely, Teagan Scott City Middle School
Unger, Daniel Scott City Middle School
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8th Grade Boys Javelin 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Korbin 97-1 Holcomb Middle School
Sonday, Cade 95-7 Cimarron Middle School
Wren, Kasten 86-4 Scott City Middle School
Radke, Avery 85-5 Scott City Middle School
Almaraz, Keven 70-10 Holcomb Middle School
Collins, Craig 58-2 Holcomb Middle School B
Almaraz, Jasinto Holcomb Middle School
Obregon, Colton Holcomb Middle School
Abeyta, Kyran Holcomb Middle School B
Moya, Alvaro Kepley Middle School
Rosales, Saven Kepley Middle School
Salas, Ismael Kepley Middle School
Britton, Brody Kepley Middle School
Heddlesten, Logan Cimarron Middle School
Renzelman, Remmington Cimarron Middle School
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8th Grade Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garza, Hunter 18-4.75 Hugoton Middle School
Hernandez, Miguel 18-0.25 Hugoton Middle School
Wilson, Colby 16-6.5 Cimarron Middle School
Peachey, Isaiah 16-4.25 Hugoton Middle School
Faubert, Jariah 16-3.5 Cimarron Middle School
Thyne, Luke 15-6 Holcomb Middle School
Wiebe, Kevin 14-4.75 Scott City Middle School
Heger, Soe Lin 14-4.75 Hugoton Middle School
McVey, Avery 13-0 Holcomb Middle School
Vallejo, Pierce 11-11 Scott City Middle School
Salto Padilla, Diego 11-8.5 Cimarron Middle School
Rodriguez, Miguel Holcomb Middle School
Burch, Dylan Holcomb Middle School
Collins, Craig Holcomb Middle School B
DeLoach, Brenden Holcomb Middle School B
Otero, Angelo Holcomb Middle School B
Stoppel, Jeb Holcomb Middle School B
Couchman, Cayden Scott City Middle School
Cruz, Victor Kepley Middle School
Meraz, Julian Kepley Middle School
Aguilar, Jorge Kepley Middle School
Avila, Mauricio Kepley Middle School
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8th Grade Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hittle, Preston 8-0 Kepley Middle School
Couchman, Cayden 7-6 Scott City Middle School
Wiebe, Kevin 7-6 Scott City Middle School
Ruiz, Adan 6-6 Holcomb Middle School
Feely, Teagan 6-6 Scott City Middle School
Mader, Blake 6-0 Holcomb Middle School
Herrada, Christian Holcomb Middle School
Unger, Daniel Scott City Middle School
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8th Grade Boys Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sullivan, Autry 40-2.25 Hugoton Middle School
Johnson, Korbin 38-4.75 Holcomb Middle School
Corral, Javid 37-8.75 Holcomb Middle School
Rosales, Saven 37-8.75 Kepley Middle School
Burrows, Hunter 36-7 Hugoton Middle School
Gough, Beau 33-5.75 Scott City Middle School
Sonday, Cade 33-5 Cimarron Middle School
Contreras, Emilio 32-5.5 Scott City Middle School
Vogel, Ben 32-1.25 Cimarron Middle School
Renzelman, Remmington 30-11 Cimarron Middle School
Heddlesten, Logan 30-4 Cimarron Middle School
Pennington, Riley 28-11.5 Hugoton Middle School
Regensberg, Kaylor 28-9.5 Hugoton Middle School
Britton, Brody 25-11 Kepley Middle School
Almaraz, Jasinto 24-4 Holcomb Middle School
Obregon, Colton 21-8 Holcomb Middle School B
Almaraz, Keven 20-8 Holcomb Middle School
Abeyta, Kyran Holcomb Middle School B
Batterton, Reed Scott City Middle School
Varela, Alex Scott City Middle School
Moya, Alvaro Kepley Middle School
Fierro, Orlando Kepley Middle School
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8th Grade Boys Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garza, Hunter 37-7 Hugoton Middle School
Hernandez, Miguel 37-2 Hugoton Middle School
Wilson, Colby 36-8.25 Cimarron Middle School
Deniston, Brody 33-11.5 Holcomb Middle School
Nunez, Jaime 30-11 Kepley Middle School
Cook, Brendan 30-9.25 Scott City Middle School
Pietz, Evan 30-0 Holcomb Middle School
Sullivan, Austin 29-0 Holcomb Middle School
Aguilar, Jorge 21-3 Kepley Middle School
Garcia, Angel Scott City Middle School
Rojas, Eduardo Kepley Middle School
Hamilton, Tanner Cimarron Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pantoja, Hailey Kepley Middle School
Lacey, Daisy Cimarron Middle School
Dye, Brooklyn Cimarron Middle School
Valadez, Yarelin Kepley Middle School
Torres, Joselynne Kepley Middle School
Cross, Lana Kepley Middle School
Sparks, Dakota Cimarron Middle School
Perry, Aurie 14.43 Hugoton Middle School
Tinoco, Emily 14.84 Hugoton Middle School
Alfaro, Daniella 14.85 Hugoton Middle School
Garcia, Roselyn 15.43 Cimarron Middle School
Lopez, Josselyn 15.82 Hugoton Middle School
Kennis, Mattea 16.41 Holcomb Middle School
Novack, Katelyn 16.78 Holcomb Middle School
Miller, Zoe 17.40h Holcomb Middle School
Barr, Khilyn 17.55 Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Poulsen, Chaney Hugoton Middle School
Sparks, Dakota Cimarron Middle School
Frank, Ella Scott City Middle School
Meyer, Kamryn Scott City Middle School
Speer, Brodi 18.58 Scott City Middle School
Tolbert, Makayla 19.00h Holcomb Middle School
Garza, Addison 20.68 Hugoton Middle School
Buttry, Reghan 22.49 Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 1600 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Molina, Catalina Kepley Middle School
Winderlin, Kami Scott City Middle School
Trout, Belle 6:18.72 Scott City Middle School
Santana, Xitlali 6:18.79 Holcomb Middle School
Valdez, Angelina 6:34.43 Holcomb Middle School
Cox, Vaelynn 7:05.47 Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lacey, Daisy Cimarron Middle School
Wilken, Rianna Kepley Middle School
May, Emery Cimarron Middle School
Gallegos, Alexa Kepley Middle School
Perry, Aurie 30.46 Hugoton Middle School
Cox, Vaelynn 30.66 Hugoton Middle School
Edwards, Finley 30.95 Scott City Middle School
Meyer, Kamryn 31.73 Scott City Middle School
Alfaro, Daniella 32.00 Hugoton Middle School
Escalera, Alexa 32.28 Hugoton Middle School
Garcia, Roselyn 33.65 Cimarron Middle School
Correa, Noeli 34.46 Kepley Middle School
Penick, Kodie 34.50h Holcomb Middle School
Kennis, Mattea 34.51 Holcomb Middle School
Novack, Katelyn 35.14 Holcomb Middle School
Sparks, Dakota 35.50 Cimarron Middle School
Wozencraft, Syrie 38.33 Kepley Middle School
Miller, Zoe 38.37 Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fox, Piper Scott City Middle School
Eskam, Taegan 31.88 Cimarron Middle School
Dye, Brooklyn 31.91 Cimarron Middle School
Frink, Kynlee 32.95 Cimarron Middle School
Jewett, JaNaye 33.25 Holcomb Middle School
Tolbert, Makayla 34.00h Holcomb Middle School
Speer, Brodi 34.69 Scott City Middle School
Frank, Ella 35.28 Scott City Middle School
Poulsen, Chaney 37.51 Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 3200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trout, Belle 14:00.47 Scott City Middle School
Salmans, Olivia 14:27.39 Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 400 Meter Dash 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gallegos, Alexa Kepley Middle School
Barron, Abi Kepley Middle School
Caro, Karla Kepley Middle School
Garza, Alex Kepley Middle School
Brown, Tatum Scott City Middle School
Magana, Sammie 1:10.00h Holcomb Middle School
Speer, Brodi 1:14.57 Scott City Middle School
Poulsen, Chaney 1:20.00h Hugoton Middle School
Cox, Vaelynn 1:20.00h Hugoton Middle School
Buttry, Reghan 1:20.00h Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A Holcomb Middle School
Relay Team A 58.00 Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A Holcomb Middle School
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kepley Middle School
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Cimarron Middle School
Relay Team A Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Scott City Middle School
Relay Team A Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Girls 800 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Molina, Catalina Kepley Middle School
Parker, Ella Holcomb Middle School
Rodriguez, Adriana Kepley Middle School
Wren, Kinleigh 2:49.55 Scott City Middle School
Turner, Kallyn 3:04.77 Scott City Middle School
Salmans, Olivia 3:18.43 Hugoton Middle School
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8th Grade Girls Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schilling, Jaylee 86-11 Cimarron Middle School
Gonzales, Elsie 69-3 Hugoton Middle School
Kurts, Madison 63-1 Hugoton Middle School
Wilson, Ashland 61-4 Holcomb Middle School B
Becker, Abby 57-11 Cimarron Middle School
Ruda, Malia 56-8 Holcomb Middle School
Cornelsen, Ali 56-6 Holcomb Middle School
Maldonado, Magdalena 56-4 Kepley Middle School
Jimenez, Dayanara 54-8 Scott City Middle School
Felker, Kaylee 53-3 Scott City Middle School
Garcia, Stephanie 52-0 Kepley Middle School
Garcia, Persephanie 51-1.5 Cimarron Middle School
Moore, Tami 50-9 Hugoton Middle School
Eisenbise, Lindsey 42-10 Holcomb Middle School
Hall, Kamryn 40-10.5 Hugoton Middle School
Vazquez, Yuliana 35-5.5 Cimarron Middle School
Edwards, Finley Scott City Middle School
Shellenberger, Kambri Holcomb Middle School
Heili, Samantha Scott City Middle School
Cross, Lana Kepley Middle School
Garza, Alex Kepley Middle School
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8th Grade Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dye, Brooklyn 4-10 Cimarron Middle School
Fox, Piper 4-6 Scott City Middle School
Eskam, Taegan 4-6 Cimarron Middle School
Meyer, Kamryn 4-4 Scott City Middle School
Castillo, Valerya 4-4 Scott City Middle School
Magana, Sammie 3-6 Holcomb Middle School
Escalera, Alexa 3-1 Hugoton Middle School
Brown, Tatum Scott City Middle School
Kennis, Mattea Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Girls Javelin 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Irvin, Crissa 71-6 Scott City Middle School
Garcia, Roselyn 69-7 Cimarron Middle School
Turner, Kallyn 65-9 Scott City Middle School
Schilling, Jaylee 62-6 Cimarron Middle School
Felker, Kaylee 62-5 Scott City Middle School
Penick, Kodie 61-1 Holcomb Middle School
Cornelsen, Ali 58-8 Holcomb Middle School
Ruda, Malia 57-5 Holcomb Middle School
Vazquez, Yuliana 44-8 Cimarron Middle School
Shellenberger, Kambri Holcomb Middle School
Molina, Catalina Kepley Middle School
Wozencraft, Syrie Kepley Middle School
Frias, Ariana Kepley Middle School
Maldonado, Magdalena Kepley Middle School
Arell, Aroha Cimarron Middle School
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8th Grade Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Correa, Noeli 27-10.75 Kepley Middle School
Torres, Joselynne 15-7 Kepley Middle School
Turner, Kallyn 12-8.75 Scott City Middle School
Frink, Kynlee 12-8.5 Cimarron Middle School
Valdez, Angelina 12-7.75 Holcomb Middle School
Garza, Addison 12-7.75 Hugoton Middle School
Lopez, Josselyn 12-7 Hugoton Middle School
Lerma, Yoselyn 12-6.5 Kepley Middle School
Garcia, Roselyn 12-5.75 Cimarron Middle School
Galliart, Bella 12-5.25 Holcomb Middle School
Tinoco, Emily 12-3.5 Hugoton Middle School
Castillo, Valerya 12-2 Scott City Middle School
May, Emery 11-9.75 Cimarron Middle School
Guillen, Briana 11-4.5 Kepley Middle School
Campbell, Quinn 11-4.25 Cimarron Middle School
Tolbert, Makayla Holcomb Middle School
Wickwar, Jaylee Holcomb Middle School
Brown, Tatum Scott City Middle School
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8th Grade Girls Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campbell, Quinn 7-6 Cimarron Middle School
Edwards, Finley 7-0 Scott City Middle School
Frank, Ella 7-0 Scott City Middle School
Powelson, Emma 7-0 Scott City Middle School
Pantoja, Hailey 6-0 Kepley Middle School
Valadez, Yarelin 6-0 Kepley Middle School
Barr, Khilyn Holcomb Middle School
Kennis, Mattea Holcomb Middle School
Penick, Kodie Holcomb Middle School
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8th Grade Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Greene, Tigi 34-5.5 Cimarron Middle School
Jimenez, Dayanara 31-8.75 Scott City Middle School
Gonzales, Elsie 31-4 Hugoton Middle School
Schilling, Jaylee 28-8 Cimarron Middle School
Winderlin, Kami 28-3 Scott City Middle School
Felker, Kaylee 25-5 Scott City Middle School
Ruda, Malia 25-2 Holcomb Middle School
Kurts, Madison 24-3 Hugoton Middle School
Hall, Kamryn 23-1.5 Hugoton Middle School
Garcia, Stephanie 22-9.5 Kepley Middle School
Arell, Aroha 22-8.5 Cimarron Middle School
Cornelsen, Ali 22-5 Holcomb Middle School
Wilson, Ashland 22-3 Holcomb Middle School B
Moore, Tami 19-9.5 Hugoton Middle School
Casas, Judith 18-3.75 Cimarron Middle School
Penick, Kodie Holcomb Middle School
Shellenberger, Kambri Holcomb Middle School
Cross, Lana Kepley Middle School
Wozencraft, Syrie Kepley Middle School
Wilken, Rianna Kepley Middle School
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8th Grade Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wren, Kinleigh 27-1.25 Scott City Middle School
Lerma, Yoselyn 26-2.25 Kepley Middle School
Miller, Zoe 25-9.5 Holcomb Middle School
Irvin, Crissa 25-2.75 Scott City Middle School
Guaderrama, Marisol 24-5 Kepley Middle School
May, Emery 22-11.5 Cimarron Middle School
Guillen, Briana 22-5.5 Kepley Middle School
Brown, Tatum Scott City Middle School
Caro, Karla Kepley Middle School
Perry, Aurie Hugoton Middle School
Tinoco, Emily Hugoton Middle School
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