Topeka West - Joe Schrag Invitational 2021

Topeka, KS

Topeka West - Joe Schrag Invitational 2021 vs Joe Schrag Cross Country Invitational 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +28 221 193
Overall Average +52.03 24:32.59 23:40.57
1st-10th Place -28.10 16:58.76 17:26.86
1st-25th Place -24.87 17:48.92 18:13.79
1st-50th Place -14.17 18:48.52 19:02.69
1st-100th Place +5.74 20:25.65 20:19.91
Common Athletes -- -- 53
Ran Faster 29 41 12
Ran Season Best 4 6 2
Average Time -46.20 22:16.72 23:02.92
Median Time -33.32 21:18.90 21:52.22
Middle 80% Times -25.65 22:11.36 22:37.01
Top 10% Times -37.30 16:59.73 17:37.03
Top 25% Times -30.77 17:53.34 18:24.11
Top 50% Times -36.17 19:04.44 19:40.61
Bottom 50% Times -54.53 24:39.49 25:34.02
Bottom 25% Times -1:47.68 27:44.41 29:32.09
Bottom 10% Times -3:19.29 30:19.04 33:38.33
Average Difference -46.20 -- --
Median Difference +3:18.89 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -21.91 -- --
Top 10% Difference -29.28 -- --
Top 50% Difference -34.90 -- --
Top 25% Difference -28.92 -- --
Top 50% Difference -34.90 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -48.43 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:37.37 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:27.69 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jackson Esquibel Shawnee Heights High School -58.15 16:27.90 17:26.05
Jackson Steger Lansing High School -56.20 16:49.60 17:45.80
Kenneth Howell Lansing High School -11.85 16:52.00 17:03.85
Jace Moore Topeka Seaman High School -32.22 16:55.90 17:28.12
Niklas Schintgen Lansing High School -11.77 17:23.10 17:34.87
Austin Howell Lansing High School -2:47.59 17:29.90 20:17.49
Michael Christopher Topeka High School -40.46 17:43.10 18:23.56
Anson Appelhanz Topeka Seaman High School -45.61 17:46.80 18:32.41
Andrew Storrer Topeka High School -5.50 18:18.00 18:23.50
Landon Stuke Topeka Seaman High School -43.79 18:25.50 19:09.29
Jonas Anderson Lansing High School +32.51 19:21.30 18:48.79
Landon Staniec Shawnee Heights High School -1:51.94 18:50.20 20:42.14
Branen Moore Topeka Seaman High School +3:18.89 22:12.40 18:53.51
Greg Lady Topeka Seaman High School -1:14.06 18:55.60 20:09.66
Elijah Phelps Topeka West High School +1:09.13 20:11.90 19:02.77
Louis Wilson Topeka West High School -2:17.11 19:11.20 21:28.31
Ryan Buckley Topeka Seaman High School -4.13 19:18.00 19:22.13
Zach Clark Cair Paravel Latin School -20.87 19:22.00 19:42.87
Jonah Eckert Cair Paravel Latin School -32.78 19:23.40 19:56.18
Mason Deitcher Shawnee Heights High School -1:55.04 19:43.70 21:38.74
Austin Archambault Lansing High School -1:53.77 20:03.72 21:57.49
Joseph Yorkey Topeka Seaman High School +26.16 20:35.44 20:09.28
Liam Mandeville Leavenworth High School -28.74 20:40.60 21:09.34
Connelly Counter Leavenworth High School -1:09.32 20:42.90 21:52.22
Jackson Phillis Topeka Seaman High School -1:49.57 20:49.00 22:38.57
Anna Phelps Topeka West High School -57.57 21:05.00 22:02.57
Tristan Vila Topeka Seaman High School -33.93 21:15.37 21:49.30
Anya Anderson Lansing High School +3.49 21:18.90 21:15.41
Nathan Walker Cair Paravel Latin School +4:28.99 25:59.50 21:30.51
Micayla Herlihy Leavenworth High School +1:36.55 23:16.90 21:40.35
Aidan Zerr Leavenworth High School +20.78 22:24.40 22:03.62
Jared Cassell Topeka High School +1:29.60 23:40.00 22:10.40
Tristan Scott Shawnee Heights High School -1:18.37 22:14.64 23:33.01
Allison Muzzy Lansing High School -2:31.63 22:36.30 25:07.93
Emma Torres Leavenworth High School -20.45 22:42.90 23:03.35
Jonathan CORRIGAN Lansing High School +1:45.20 24:35.37 22:50.17
Chris Kious Shawnee Heights High School -12.19 23:16.94 23:29.13
Hannah Platt Lansing High School -1:50.81 23:34.30 25:25.11
Lauren Province Topeka West High School -1:05.84 23:35.90 24:41.74
Zach Hohman Shawnee Heights High School -0.87 23:38.99 23:39.86
Sophia Mosher Lansing High School -1:18.08 24:10.90 25:28.98
Kaylin Dunlap Lansing High School -16.44 24:22.90 24:39.34
Cristiana Scillieri Lansing High School -2:16.85 25:06.20 27:23.05
Zoe Klimas Lansing High School +2:39.57 28:36.80 25:57.23
Xavier Homerding Topeka West High School -7:23.12 26:13.28 33:36.40
Marilena Zuniga Topeka High School -1:08.54 26:18.80 27:27.34
Erika Cabral Topeka High School -1:58.92 26:45.30 28:44.22
Elisabeth Wangsgaard Lansing High School -32.38 27:06.20 27:38.58
Katheen Hoang Lansing High School +2:30.82 29:41.90 27:11.08
Mckenna Haltom Shawnee Heights High School -1:06.27 28:37.95 29:44.22
Molly Mandeville Leavenworth High School -2:41.08 28:42.47 31:23.55
Hannah Allen Topeka West High School -2:10.35 32:20.20 34:30.55
Hayden Eddy Topeka West High School -9:56.13 33:54.90 43:51.03