Central Kansas League Cross Country Meet 2020

Halstead, KS
Timing/Results Timer Guys LLC

Athlete Entries

Boys 7th Grade 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rice, Adan Liberty Middle School
Gardner, Parker Smoky Valley Middle School
Zambo, Zayn Lyons High School
Helfrich, Kian Liberty Middle School
Thompson, Tiger Liberty Middle School
Olson, Braylon Smoky Valley Middle School
Silva-Paez, Gilerto Lyons High School
Sharp, Jack Hesston High School
Kendall, AJ Liberty Middle School
Villasenor, Cain Lyons High School
Pavlovich, Atticus Smoky Valley Middle School
Jensen, Kyler Hoisington Middle School
Rodriguez, Roberto Liberty Middle School
Dauer, Diesel Smoky Valley Middle School
Ventura, Anthony Lyons High School
Haas, Ryan Liberty Middle School
Bishop, Kaden Smoky Valley Middle School
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Boys 8th Grade 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wood, Trenton Reno Valley Middle School
Howard, Finneas Halstead Middle School
Messick, Talon Liberty Middle School
Heinrichs, Casey Hesston High School
Shields, Keaston Halstead Middle School
Smith, Zachary Hesston High School
Allmon, Chase Halstead Middle School
Fall, Issac Lyons High School
Fuqua, Finn Hesston High School
Wilcox, Ethan Halstead Middle School
Salas, Saul Liberty Middle School
Yoder, Dallas Reno Valley Middle School
Harmon, Caden Halstead Middle School
Miller, Will Lyons High School
Johnston, Carson Hesston High School
Tarlton, Kamden 12:28.80 Hoisington Middle School
Becker, Britton 12:55.00 Smoky Valley Middle School
Vanfosson, Jackson 13:22.00 Smoky Valley Middle School
Liggett, Wesley 14:26.00 Liberty Middle School
Pauley, Levi 14:49.94 Reno Valley Middle School
Perez, Raul 15:02.00 Liberty Middle School
Kibler, Cael 15:08.00 Smoky Valley Middle School
Kemper, Jesse 15:14.00 Liberty Middle School
Rockenbach, Rylan 15:59.00 Liberty Middle School
Spooner, Elijah 16:18.00 Smoky Valley Middle School
Tatro, Jedi 16:21.00 Liberty Middle School
McDowell, Josh 16:45.00 Liberty Middle School
Brinkley, Dakota 18:31.97 Reno Valley Middle School
Orozco, Andrew 19:44.00 Liberty Middle School
Thurman, Aj 27:04.70 Hoisington Middle School
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Boys JV 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cubbage, Max 20:38.90 Halstead High School
Thompson, Caleb 21:20.36 Hesston High School
Weideman, Isaac 22:20.00 Nickerson High School
Huggard, Dylan 22:21.05 Nickerson High School
Ketterl, Kaden 23:03.60 Nickerson High School
Straub, Raiden 23:54.25 Halstead High School
Bollinger, Nathan 23:56.00 Hesston High School
Roth, Lucas 24:39.40 Hesston High School
Seidel-Pinson, Blake 25:50.10 Lyons High School
Almanza, Aj 26:16.54 Lyons High School
Arrasmith, Jonah 26:30.90 Hesston High School
Carreno, Alejandro 27:34.60 Lyons High School
Rincon, Roberto 35:52.70 Lyons High School
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Boys Varsity 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Levi Hillsboro High School
Bartel, Noah Hillsboro High School
Davis, Hayden 17:03.30 Halstead High School
Porch, Thomas 17:15.34 Halstead High School
Diener, Caleb 17:27.30 Hillsboro High School
Doss, Ian 17:28.00 Hoisington High School
Reed, Tristan 17:31.60 Hillsboro High School
Wolf, Karter 17:42.60 Hoisington High School
Dahlsten, Micah 17:52.60 Hesston High School
Summers, Ayden 17:58.78 Hesston High School
Kueker, Joey 18:03.70 Hesston High School
Hipp, Gabe 18:23.90 Hoisington High School
Johnson, Spencer 18:36.88 Halstead High School
Allmon, Aiden 18:42.27 Halstead High School
Thompson, Bralen 18:49.50 Hoisington High School
Thompson, Ethan 18:54.37 Hesston High School
Miller, Devin 18:57.60 Hesston High School
Diaz, Eric 18:58.30 Lyons High School
Lefevre, Noah 18:58.90 Hesston High School
Magill, Jesse 19:02.20 Hesston High School
Blasdel, Carsen 19:29.40 Nickerson High School
Radke, Austin 19:49.35 Halstead High School
Semple, Kyler 19:54.64 Larned High School
Mendez, Nickolas 20:03.06 Halstead High School
Thompson, Andrew 20:18.02 Halstead High School
Linnens, Carson 20:28.03 Hillsboro High School
Roberds, Dylan 20:44.74 Larned High School
Thomson, Gabriel 20:59.24 Larned High School
Fernandez, Brayan 21:21.45 Lyons High School
Deering, Tyler 22:03.50 Lyons High School
Mater, Alex 22:11.80 Hoisington High School
Gamez, Adrian 23:02.00 Lyons High School
Steele, Sam 23:37.30 Lyons High School
Smith, Jameson 24:17.01 Larned High School
MacMahon, Matthew 24:26.50 Hoisington High School
Burgess, Issac 24:28.80 Hoisington High School
Munden, Maverick 24:57.00 Larned High School
Foster, Ian 25:06.00 Lyons High School
Crandall, Blake 25:34.80 Larned High School
Pando, Gio 25:35.70 Lyons High School
Hamrick, Mark 30:10.70 Larned High School
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Girls 7th Grade 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Funk, Quinlyn Hillsboro High School
Peterson, Gracia Smoky Valley Middle School
Lehman, Ashley Hesston High School
Reazin, Sydney Lyons High School
SooHoo, Claudia Hillsboro High School
Freeman, Emma Liberty Middle School
O'Brien, Emily Halstead Middle School
Hein, Nora Hillsboro High School
Smith, Bessie Liberty Middle School
Wills, Addisen Halstead Middle School
Hauck, Emma Smoky Valley Middle School
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Girls 8th Grade 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hopkins, Allee Liberty Middle School
Mayfield, Zoe Halstead Middle School
Neal, Alexia Hoisington Middle School
Replogle, Tessa Smoky Valley Middle School
Candia, Wendy Liberty Middle School
Nedich, Amare Halstead Middle School
Ferguson, Laka Hoisington Middle School
Fruits, Sophia Smoky Valley Middle School
Hett, Jillian Smoky Valley Middle School
Sullivan, Madison Liberty Middle School
Clark Pavlovich, Esther Smoky Valley Middle School
Mauk, Madelyn Smoky Valley Middle School
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Girls JV 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Alexis 25:23.26 Nickerson High School
Wilkinson, Brooklyn 26:07.00 Halstead High School
Floro, Adrianna 27:38.00 Halstead High School
Hall, Emily 28:02.80 Nickerson High School
Almanza, Mari 31:01.56 Lyons High School
Hardy, Siobahn 37:23.00 Nickerson High School
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Girls Varsity 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hein, Trudy Hillsboro High School
Funk, Emersyn 20:42.40 Hillsboro High School
Clark, Elsie 20:42.90 Hesston High School
Ramirez, Yamyle 21:02.60 Lyons High School
Schroeder, Parker 21:22.40 Halstead High School
Flask, Elena 21:33.31 Halstead High School
Jost, Moriah 21:38.63 Hillsboro High School
Duell, Ainsley 22:29.40 Hillsboro High School
Gocela, Sheena 22:56.50 Hoisington High School
Wyant, Jayla 23:16.51 Hoisington High School
Grandclair , Kiana 23:21.90 Hoisington High School
Lee, Grace 23:23.60 Halstead High School
Mitchell, Madison 23:27.40 Hoisington High School
Fuqua, Allyssa 23:31.00 Hesston High School
Clawson, Aylice 23:38.40 Larned High School
Weber, Leah 23:46.00 Halstead High School
Hawes, Kendall 23:57.00 Hesston High School
Crowdis, Kynlie 23:57.60 Hoisington High School
Mason, Kendall 24:13.90 Hoisington High School
Petersilie, Kassy 24:25.40 Hoisington High School
Teichmann, Ashley 25:10.80 Nickerson High School
Weber, Mattea 25:14.00 Halstead High School
Shields, Kyree 25:18.70 Halstead High School
Seidel-Pinson, Mallory 25:53.30 Lyons High School
Vargas, Geraldine 26:00.90 Lyons High School
Drake, Katelyn 26:27.00 Halstead High School
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