2020 Great Bend Middle School XC Invitational 2020

Great Bend, KS

Athlete Entries

7th Boys Mile Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hileman, Jude Hays Middle School
Steinmetz, Eli Horace J. Good Middle School
Ayala, Alexis Great Bend Middle School
Emberton, Trapper Comanche Middle School
Unruh, Cole Prairie Hills Middle School
Smalley, Noah Hays Middle School
Desaire, Maison Hays Middle School
Vsetecka, Brantley Great Bend Middle School
Mesta, Jared Kenneth Henderson Middle School
North, Breeson Prairie Hills Middle School
Maldonado, Eduardo Hays Middle School
Gurrola, Uriel Horace J. Good Middle School
Rojas, Randdy Dodge City Middle School
Jensen, Kyler Hoisington Middle School
Landers, John Great Bend Middle School
Johnson, Rylan Comanche Middle School
Lusk, Race Prairie Hills Middle School
Zadina, Chase Hays Middle School
Dickman, Zechariah Hays Middle School
Ramirez, Ismael Great Bend Middle School
Pammenter, Jacob Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Nuttmann, Nathan Prairie Hills Middle School
McDaniel, Emmitt Hays Middle School
Martinez, Gabriel Horace J. Good Middle School
Manning, Joshua Great Bend Middle School
Brooks, Holden Prairie Hills Middle School
Fry, Trevor Horace J. Good Middle School
Hernandez, Dominic Hays Middle School
Martinez, Ruben Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Schmidtberger, Dalton Hays Middle School
Chance, Malachi Hays Middle School
Somers, Ethan Great Bend Middle School
DeWeese, Hudson Prairie Hills Middle School
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7th Girls Mile Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crispin, Karlee Hays Middle School
Geesling, Cheyann Prairie Hills Middle School
Johnson, Allie Prairie Hills Middle School
Maupin, Aralen Hays Middle School
Bruce, Addyson Great Bend Middle School
Sosa, Yaritza Horace J. Good Middle School
Friesen, Kara Prairie Hills Middle School
Watson, Addison Hays Middle School
Cunningham, Cara Hays Middle School
Griffin, Jasmine Prairie Hills Middle School
Kinast, Hannah Prairie Hills Middle School
McClure, Ani Hays Middle School
Haag, Kaylee Great Bend Middle School
Jarmer, Lauren Horace J. Good Middle School
Hagley, Layni Prairie Hills Middle School
DeWald, Breckan Hays Middle School
Casey, Meghan Dodge City Middle School
Combs, Jacey Prairie Hills Middle School
Rodriguez, Jaselene Comanche Middle School
Scoby, Kate Hays Middle School
Johnson, Aliya Great Bend Middle School
Negron, Olivia Horace J. Good Middle School
Biggs, Ava Hays Middle School
Blackwell, Khloe Prairie Hills Middle School
Blevins, Josephine Great Bend Middle School
Giles, Ady Prairie Hills Middle School
Harding, Alyssa Hays Middle School
Baca, Julianne Horace J. Good Middle School
Orozco, Naomi Dodge City Middle School
Martin, Jordyn Prairie Hills Middle School
Arroyo, Liliana Comanche Middle School
Zweifel , Brynn Hays Middle School
McMullen, Kaylea Great Bend Middle School
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8th Boys 2 Mile Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mahoney, Ben Horace J. Good Middle School
Negrete, Gabriel Dodge City Middle School
Neighbor, Isaak Prairie Hills Middle School
Jacobs, Clayton Hays Middle School
Schleicher, Mason Hays Middle School
Sandaval, Frankie Dodge City Middle School
Gillespie, Kyler Prairie Hills Middle School
Banuelos Aparicio, Luis Dodge City Middle School
Mendenhall, Kai Prairie Hills Middle School
Dague, Ethan Hays Middle School
Baquera, Aldo Comanche Middle School
Pak, Kaden Horace J. Good Middle School
Parr, Preston Hays Middle School
Rangel, Alex Comanche Middle School
Morgan, Andrew Prairie Hills Middle School
Zimmerman, Madox Hays Middle School
Peterson, Trenton Great Bend Middle School
Zamora, Angel Comanche Middle School
Maupin-Dabney, Taevian Hays Middle School
Fisher, Parker Horace J. Good Middle School
Bunce, Cody Prairie Hills Middle School
Demeyer, Drew Prairie Hills Middle School
Hileman, Feyden Hays Middle School
Tarlton, Kamden Hoisington Middle School
Pilosof, Connor Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Lopez, Francisco Dodge City Middle School
Schmidt, Logan Prairie Hills Middle School
Weisenborn, John Hays Middle School
Dickerson, Akirako Great Bend Middle School
Tallen, Emberton Comanche Middle School
Johnson, Cooper L Hays Middle School
Castro, Taran Horace J. Good Middle School
Frees, Payton Prairie Hills Middle School
Avery, Carson Hays Middle School
Thurman, Aj Hoisington Middle School
Sanchez, Sergio Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Lindahl, Austin 11:04.80 Prairie Hills Middle School
Holinde, Kyler 12:03.23 Great Bend Middle School
Trumpp, Henry 12:52.34 Prairie Hills Middle School
Rojas, Sai 13:30.17 Dodge City Middle School
Unger, Ethan 15:24.05 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Chavez, Christopher 17:04.31 Dodge City Middle School
Pardo, Caeden 17:56.83 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Jorge, Estrella 18:08.65 Comanche Middle School
Loredo Estrada, Aaron 19:07.60 Dodge City Middle School
Rodriguez, Adrian 23:04.60 Comanche Middle School
Avila, Omar 23:32.50 Dodge City Middle School
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8th Girls 2 Mile Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fideldy, Marissa Prairie Hills Middle School
Pablo, Rofina Dodge City Middle School
Stukenholtz, Peyton Comanche Middle School
Steffan, Callie Great Bend Middle School
Bustillos, Allison Horace J. Good Middle School
Ruiz, Ava Hays Middle School
Neal, Alexia Hoisington Middle School
Ketch, Raegan Great Bend Middle School
Koster, Ava Prairie Hills Middle School
Montes, Delia Dodge City Middle School
Braun, Mabel Hays Middle School
Ramiro, Maritza Horace J. Good Middle School
Alonso, Ashley Dodge City Middle School
Vanzant, Val Prairie Hills Middle School
Solida, Avery Hays Middle School
Ferguson, Laka Hoisington Middle School
Smith, McKayla Great Bend Middle School
Carrillo, Juliana Comanche Middle School
Schroeder, Kaylee Prairie Hills Middle School
Wasinger, Marisa Hays Middle School
Boone, Marissa Great Bend Middle School
Guevaro, Natalie Horace J. Good Middle School
Rangel Lopez, Angelica Dodge City Middle School
Brooks, Samantha Prairie Hills Middle School
Piedra, Diana Great Bend Middle School
Rivera, Milagros Comanche Middle School
Trumpp, Libby Prairie Hills Middle School
Augustine, Caira Hays Middle School
Gonzalez, Mayra Great Bend Middle School
Marquina, Betsy Comanche Middle School
Farmer, Kayleen Horace J. Good Middle School
Feist, Darcy 13:58.65 Great Bend Middle School
Alvarez, Diane 14:06.74 Great Bend Middle School
Sekavec, Riley 14:56.35 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
King, Reese 15:16.07 Great Bend Middle School
Merjil, Aniyah 15:23.05 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Welcher, Kate 15:39.56 Great Bend Middle School
Kimbrel, Kelsey 18:54.83 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
Ponce, Arianna 19:00.01 Dodge City Middle School
Vargas, Karen 19:11.86 Dodge City Middle School
Guerra, Giselle 19:40.90 Comanche Middle School
Reimer, Darbey 20:46.44 Kenneth Henderson Middle School
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