Manhattan Invitational 2018

Manhattan, KS

Manhattan Invitational 2018 vs Manhattan Invitational 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +25 220 195
Overall Average +53.48 21:56.51 21:03.02
1st-10th Place +40.74 17:36.85 16:56.11
1st-25th Place +41.66 18:09.47 17:27.81
1st-50th Place +35.73 18:44.08 18:08.34
1st-100th Place +31.77 19:37.80 19:06.03
Common Athletes -- -- 43
Ran Faster -11 21 32
Ran Season Best -3 -- 3
Average Time +13.83 21:06.01 20:52.17
Median Time -0.50 20:58.50 20:59.00
Middle 80% Times +9.35 21:04.63 20:55.28
Top 10% Times -6.16 17:39.92 17:46.08
Top 25% Times -14.14 18:05.52 18:19.65
Top 50% Times -2.72 19:03.26 19:05.98
Bottom 50% Times +29.76 22:11.21 21:41.45
Bottom 25% Times +1:02.28 24:46.19 23:43.91
Bottom 10% Times +1:21.94 26:10.06 24:48.12
Average Difference +27.12 -- --
Median Difference +14.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +6.85 -- --
Top 10% Difference +7.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1.58 -- --
Top 25% Difference -13.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1.58 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:00.05 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:48.19 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:05.92 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Matthew Pickering Manhattan High School +27.80 17:05.70 16:37.90
Samuel Overby Leavenworth High School +1:05.10 18:22.50 17:17.40
Taegan Loy Topeka Seaman High School -1:15.00 17:43.80 18:58.80
Erik Jantz Newton High School -1:14.50 17:46.10 19:00.60
Carson Gros Manhattan High School -46.00 17:46.30 18:32.30
Juan Tovar Junction City High School -1:55.00 17:57.70 19:52.70
Cole Shupert Lawrence High School -19.80 18:09.50 18:29.30
Maliki Pope Topeka Seaman High School -42.30 18:12.20 18:54.50
Ian Coleman-hull Emporia High School +10.90 18:24.30 18:13.40
Dain Yale Junction City High School +2:17.50 20:34.10 18:16.60
John Finnigan Leavenworth High School +10.00 18:35.10 18:25.10
Brandon Falcon Salina Central High School +1:03.80 19:54.10 18:50.30
Clara Mayfield Manhattan High School -1:28.80 18:57.50 20:26.30
Caleb Hollenbeck Emporia High School -3.80 19:10.80 19:14.60
Sebastian Lepage Lawrence High School +2:10.00 21:21.10 19:11.10
Jonah Hodge Newton High School -14.80 19:14.40 19:29.20
Jace Mitchell Topeka Seaman High School +1.80 19:17.90 19:16.10
Zach Proehl Emporia High School -2:03.50 19:20.20 21:23.70
Luke Wichmann Manhattan High School +1:58.20 21:22.30 19:24.10
Griffin Gaggero Shawnee Heights High School +49.30 20:39.00 19:49.70
Gus Rios Topeka High School -2:20.60 20:06.60 22:27.20
Abby Wagemaker Topeka High School +1:49.70 21:57.50 20:07.80
Maverick Steinhoff Topeka Seaman High School -27.50 20:17.30 20:44.80
Ella Rosenkranz Manhattan High School -41.40 20:38.10 21:19.50
Staughton Wintholtz Salina Central High School -26.70 20:58.50 21:25.20
Kenny Hartzell Highland Park High School +20.90 21:19.90 20:59.00
Aaron Reed Lawrence High School -3.00 21:10.30 21:13.30
Madeline Purdom Manhattan High School -47.30 21:14.70 22:02.00
Kadyn Cobb Salina Central High School +14.50 21:31.00 21:16.50
Connor Hauff Emporia High School -44.90 21:36.20 22:21.10
Alaina Stucky Newton High School -17.80 21:37.80 21:55.60
Hannah Gillespie Topeka Seaman High School +3:35.60 25:13.90 21:38.30
Suzanna Mosqueda Topeka Seaman High School +1:23.70 23:17.60 21:53.90
Jennifer Albrecht Shawnee Heights High School +26.80 22:27.70 22:00.90
Sophie Dewitt Lawrence High School +1:14.30 23:58.30 22:44.00
Kelsey Boettcher Emporia High School +1:53.60 24:47.20 22:53.60
Leslie Ostronic Lawrence High School -23.00 23:01.50 23:24.50
Lylia Fernandez Newton High School -54.40 23:05.80 24:00.20
Kaydra Baer Junction City High School +2:13.60 25:25.60 23:12.00
Layne Prescott Lawrence High School +24.30 24:06.80 23:42.50
Chloe Manner Leavenworth High School +46.70 24:46.40 23:59.70
Lane Griffin Salina Central High School -1:08.60 24:07.80 25:16.40
David Navens Topeka High School +3:35.40 30:37.20 27:01.80