Mens Results
100 Meters 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Mackail Lake 13.21h PR Troy
2. 7 Michael Keo 13.51h PR Everest
3. 7 Conner Collins 13.52h PR Holton
4. 7 Nate Boehr 13.93h Most Pure Heart of M...
5. 7 Jason Bosley 14.46h Jackson Heights
6. 7 Gabriel Masuch 14.71h PR Jefferson County North
7. 7 James Segenhagen 14.99h PR Holton
8. 7 Anthony Larson 15.15h PR Jefferson County North
9. 7 Creston Cummings 15.55h PR Valley Falls
10. 7 Jacob Stanley 15.68h Most Pure Heart of M...
11. 7 Ransom Bosley 16.14h PR McLouth
12. 7 Carson Clark 16.24h PR Valley Falls
13. 7 Tre-Greene 16.46h PR Everest
14. 7 Gavin Fuemmeler 16.65h PR Troy
15. 7 Wyatt Bacon 16.67h Jackson Heights
16. 7 Maxx Marshall 16.74h PR McLouth
17. 7 Zach Brucken 17.56h Jackson Heights
18. 7 Tom Sharp 17.58h PR Jefferson County North
19. 7 Gavin McCrory 17.87h Holton
20. 7 Ethan Kirkby 18.65h PR Everest
21. 7 Austin Wilson 18.96h PR Valley Falls
7 Jerred Willits SCR McLouth
100 Meters 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Jack Konrade 12.87h Most Pure Heart of M...
2. 8 Jayden Gibson 13.14h SR Everest
3. 8 James Kramer 13.15h PR Jefferson County North
4. 8 Landon Gutschenritter 13.56h PR Jefferson County North
5. 8 Jacob Petrie 13.70h PR McLouth
6. 8 Eduardo Rodriguez 13.78h Holton
7. 8 Taylor Franken 13.93h PR Troy
8. 8 Jordan Huntington 14.21h Holton
9. 8 Jones Luke 14.55h PR McLouth
10. 8 Joel Hill 14.62h Holton
11. 8 Lawrence Smith 14.71h Most Pure Heart of M...
12. 8 Garrett Henson 15.05h PR Valley Falls
12. 8 Matthew Negonsott 15.05h PR Troy
14. 8 Matthew Rosebaugh 15.24h Most Pure Heart of M...
15. 8 Steven Rial 15.71h PR Valley Falls
16. 8 Blane Gast 16.68h PR Valley Falls
17. 8 Noah Matthias 17.05h PR Everest
18. 8 Sam Heinen 17.71h SR Everest
200 Meters 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Michael Keo 28.24h PR Everest
2. 7 Grant Amon 28.40h Jackson Heights
3. 7 Conner Collins 28.56h Holton
4. 7 James Segenhagen 29.46h Holton
5. 7 Gabriel Masuch 29.78h PR Jefferson County North
6. 7 Creston Cummings 30.40h PR Valley Falls
7. 7 Jace Hallauer 30.93h PR Holton
8. 7 Alex Bennet 31.68h PR McLouth
9. 7 Curtis Hundley 32.22h Jackson Heights
10. 7 Trenton Kraxner 32.78h PR Jefferson County North
11. 7 Samuel Drinkard 34.66h PR Valley Falls
12. 7 Chris Gallagher 35.31h PR McLouth
13. 7 Devon Jones 35.78h PR Jackson Heights
14. 7 Aiden Sieve 37.59h PR Valley Falls
15. 7 Ethan Kirkby 38.28h PR Everest
200 Meters 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Jayden Gibson 25.32h PR Everest
2. 8 Jack Konrade 26.16h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
3. 8 James Kramer 26.17h PR Jefferson County North
4. 8 Jacob Petrie 26.20h PR McLouth
5. 8 Cannon Karn 26.92h Holton
6. 8 Konnor Tannahill 27.28h Holton
7. 8 Taylor Franken 27.59h PR Troy
8. 8 Reese Robinson 27.82h PR Holton
9. 8 Bray Davies 28.02h PR Troy
10. 8 Jones Luke 29.93h PR McLouth
11. 8 Matthew Negonsott 30.88h PR Troy
12. 8 Steven Rial 30.96h PR Valley Falls
13. 8 Cameron Yates 31.59h PR Valley Falls
14. 8 Josh Schmalz 33.60h PR Jefferson County North
15. 8 Cody Sasser 33.94h PR Valley Falls
16. 8 Carter DeLosSantos 35.44h PR Everest
17. 8 Matthew Harris 42.85h PR Everest
8 Matthew Rosebaugh SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
400 Meters 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Slater Skaggs 1:03.78h Holton
2. 7 Daniel Little 1:04.05h Jackson Heights
3. 7 Conner Collins 1:04.36h PR Holton
4. 7 Nate Boehr 1:05.87h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
5. 7 Reese Holaday 1:06.11h Holton
6. 7 Corbin Jamison 1:07.64h PR Jackson Heights
7. 7 Creston Cummings 1:12.55h PR Valley Falls
8. 7 Ransom Bosley 1:14.02h PR McLouth
9. 7 Silas Holliday 1:15.74h Jackson Heights
10. 7 Trenton Kraxner 1:15.90h PR Jefferson County North
11. 7 Anthony Larson 1:16.46h PR Jefferson County North
12. 7 Gavin Fuemmeler 1:17.42h PR Troy
13. 7 Chris Gallagher 1:25.29h PR McLouth
14. 7 Ethan Kirkby 1:31.70h PR Everest
7 Jacob Stanley SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
7 Michael Keo SCR Everest
400 Meters 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Konnor Tannahill 1:01.74h Holton
2. 8 James Kramer 1:02.08h PR Jefferson County North
3. 8 Reese Robinson 1:02.18h Holton
4. 8 Hunter Plake 1:07.33h PR McLouth
5. 8 Steven Rial 1:07.40h PR Valley Falls
6. 8 Dagan Ruckman 1:08.42h PR Holton
7. 8 Garrett Henson 1:14.24h PR Valley Falls
8. 8 Josh Schmalz 1:16.34h PR Jefferson County North
8 Lawrence Smith SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
8 Lash Garrett SCR McLouth
800 Meters 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Daniel Little 2:32.34h Jackson Heights
2. 7 Camden Anderson 2:34.40h PR Troy
3. 7 Dalton Ashcraft 2:34.68h PR Holton
4. 7 Jared Plake 2:40.06h PR McLouth
5. 7 Griffin Weber 2:46.06h PR Troy
6. 7 Caleb Worthington 2:46.50h PR Jefferson County North
7. 7 Slater Skaggs 2:49.37h Holton
8. 7 Alex Bennet 2:50.37h PR McLouth
9. 7 Curtis Hundley 2:51.02h Jackson Heights
10. 7 Corwin Marten 2:54.84h PR Holton
11. 7 Gavin Arnold 2:57.34h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
12. 7 Lawrence Pollard 3:01.37h PR Jefferson County North
13. 7 Tom Sharp 3:07.44h PR Jefferson County North
7 Nick Padilla SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
800 Meters 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Trevor Pentlin 2:31.34h PR Jefferson County North
2. 8 Addison Hundley 2:33.56h Holton
3. 8 Cameron Yates 2:36.18h PR Valley Falls
4. 8 Jason White 2:36.43h Jackson Heights
5. 8 Lee Wellman 2:39.75h Holton
6. 8 Trenton Filbert 2:58.00h PR Jefferson County North
7. 8 Issiah Jenson 3:00.27h PR Holton
8. 8 Macyn Felix 3:06.40h PR McLouth
9. 8 Ben Arnett 3:11.96h PR McLouth
8 Tanner Ham SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
8 Colton O'Bray SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
1600 Meters 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Daniel Little 5:28.93h Jackson Heights
2. 7 Jared Plake 5:40.87h PR McLouth
3. 7 Caleb Worthington 5:52.21h PR Jefferson County North
4. 7 Trent Meredith 5:52.46h PR Jefferson County North
5. 7 Griffin Weber 6:06.62h PR Troy
6. 7 Corwin Marten 6:18.06h Holton
7. 7 Conner White 6:20.09h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
8. 7 Cole Burk 6:27.30h PR Jefferson County North
9. 7 Cooper Sheldon 6:27.84h Holton
10. 7 Logan Martens 6:48.65h PR Valley Falls
11. 7 Carson Adkins 6:52.99h Holton
12. 7 Luke Clary 7:43.55h PR Troy
7 Nick Padilla SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
7 Kadyn Zuniga SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
1600 Meters 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Kale Purcell 5:23.72h PR Holton
2. 8 Trevor Pentlin 5:24.75h PR Jefferson County North
3. 8 Gus Forsberg 5:30.06h PR McLouth
4. 8 Trevor Bowser 5:47.97h Holton
5. 8 Lee Wellman 5:48.91h PR Holton
6. 8 Hudson Ramirez 5:51.84h Most Pure Heart of M...
7. 8 Garrett Klahr 5:58.65h Jackson Heights
8. 8 Jake Gales 6:14.31h Most Pure Heart of M...
9. 8 Brogan Scott 6:15.18h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
10. 8 Trenton Filbert 6:51.66h PR Jefferson County North
11. 8 Jason Melton 7:06.00h PR Jefferson County North
3200 Meters 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Trevor Bowser 12:31.99h Holton
2. 8 Gus Forsberg 13:06.11h PR McLouth
3. 8 Marquez Conely 13:06.13h PR Holton
4. 8 Issiah Jenson 13:46.68h Holton
5. 8 Jason Melton 16:16.34h PR Jefferson County North
75m Hurdles - 30" 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Karson Worthington 14.17h PR Jefferson County North
2. 7 Jaxson Snavely 14.46h PR Holton
3. 7 Cole Burk 15.35h PR Jefferson County North
4. 7 Ian Anderson 16.62h PR Jackson Heights
5. 7 Lawrence Pollard 16.77h PR Jefferson County North
6. 6 Daxton Ham 18.11h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
7. 7 Gavin McCrory 19.46h PR Holton
8. 7 Aiden Sieve 20.49h PR Valley Falls
9. 7 Tyler Harris 20.80h PR Holton
75m Hurdles - 30" 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Kale Purcell 11.81h PR Holton
2. 8 Garrett Klahr 12.87h PR Jackson Heights
3. 8 Reese Robinson 13.14h PR Holton
4. 8 Matt Kuglin 13.15h PR McLouth
5. 8 Matthew Rosebaugh 14.59h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
6. 8 Nate Hawk 14.65h PR Valley Falls
7. 8 Cameron Yates 14.99h PR Valley Falls
8. 8 Ethan Monroe 15.55h PR McLouth
9. 8 Macyn Felix 15.84h PR McLouth
10. 8 Blane Gast 16.81h PR Valley Falls
4x100m Relay 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Grant Amon 57.08h Jackson Heights
2 Kieran Courter 57.30h Jefferson County North
3 Lucas Adcock 57.34h Holton
4 Camden Anderson 58.74h Troy
5 Shane Mahon 1:12.86h McLouth
4x100m Relay 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Conner Gilliland 53.27h Holton
2 Taylor Franken 56.36h Troy
3 Bo Anderson 56.71h Jefferson County North
4 Nate Boehr 57.45h Most Pure Heart of M...
5 Ben Arnett 1:02.78h McLouth
6 Carter DeLosSantos 1:10.74h Everest
4x200m Relay 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Alex Bennet 2:04.46h McLouth
2 Kieran Courter 2:04.61h Jefferson County North
3 Lucas Adcock 2:06.08h Holton
4 Wyatt Bacon 2:19.84h Jackson Heights
Nolan Becker
Sean McConnell
Nick Padilla
Gavin Arnold SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
4x200m Relay 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Kale Purcell 1:53.08h Holton
2 Cade Norris 1:58.11h Jefferson County North
3 Matt Kuglin 1:58.24h McLouth
4 Jake Gales 2:09.55h Most Pure Heart of M...
800m Sprint Medley Relay 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Dalton Ashcraft 2:03.27h Holton
2 Silas Holliday 2:06.43h Jackson Heights
3 Ransom Bosley 2:09.58h McLouth
4 Evan Fowler 2:14.09h Jefferson County North
800m Sprint Medley Relay 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Bo Anderson 1:54.86h Jefferson County North
2 Conner Gilliland 1:58.02h Holton
3 Dylan Thompson 2:01.28h Jackson Heights
4 Cameron Yates 2:11.06h Valley Falls
Matt Kuglin
Gus Forsberg
Jacob Petrie
Lash Garrett SCR McLouth
Shot Put - 8lb 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Ryan Feldkamp 33-04.00 PR Jefferson County North
2. 7 Hudson Roles 33-03.50 Jackson Heights
3. 7 Justin Pierson 30-08.00 PR Jefferson County North
4. 7 Taylor Harder 30-06.00 PR Holton
5. 7 Tre-Greene 28-08.50 PR Everest
6. 7 Devin Masters 27-09.00 PR Troy
7. 7 Spencer Doughramaji 27-08.00 PR Valley Falls
8. 7 Dakota Abel 25-10.50 Jackson Heights
9. 7 Ryan Schumann 25-06.00 Jackson Heights
10. 7 Simon Mesa 25-02.50 PR Holton
11. 7 Brayden Hill 22-10.50 PR Troy
12. 7 Gavin Arnold 22-10.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
13. 7 Maxx Marshall 22-09.00 PR McLouth
14. 7 Nolan Becker 21-07.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
15. 7 Kaden Lutz 21-04.50 PR Jefferson County North
16. 7 Max Forsberg 20-07.50 PR McLouth
17. 7 Shane Mahon 20-07.00 PR McLouth
18. 7 Sean McConnell 20-00.50 Most Pure Heart of M...
19. 7 Bryce Dockweiler 19-01.00 PR Valley Falls
20. 7 Tyler Harris 18-11.00 PR Holton
21. 7 Austin Wilson 17-11.00 PR Valley Falls
22. Francisco Nash 17-07.00 Kickapoo Nation
23. 7 Luke Clary 16-04.00 PR Troy
Shot Put - 8lb 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Taylor Wamego 41-08.00 Jackson Heights
2. 8 Colby McBride 36-04.50 PR McLouth
3. 8 Colby Doyle 33-06.00 Jackson Heights
4. 8 Isaac Houghton 32-06.50 PR Troy
5. 8 Bo Anderson 31-11.50 PR Jefferson County North
6. 8 Noah Matthias 31-04.00 PR Everest
7. 8 Caleb Mcafee 31-04.00 PR Jefferson County North
8. 8 Kyle Bohnenkemper 30-06.00 PR Holton
9. 8 Jose Gomez 29-08.50 PR Holton
10. 8 Matthew Negonsott 29-07.50 SR Troy
11. 8 Landon Drinkard 29-05.50 PR McLouth
12. 8 David Mosier 29-05.00 PR Holton
13. 8 Aidan Colter 28-10.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
14. 8 Ben Rostetter 28-02.00 PR Jackson Heights
15. 8 Kyler Holloway 28-00.00 PR McLouth
16. 8 Kade Lenard 26-02.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
17. 8 Garrett Henson 24-07.50 PR Valley Falls
18. 8 Sam Heinen 23-09.50 PR Everest
19. 8 Matthew Harris 18-07.50 PR Everest
7 Benny Hill ND Jefferson County North
Discus - 1kg 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Hudson Roles 97-08 Jackson Heights
2. 8 Ryan Feldkamp 96-07.50 PR Jefferson County North
3. 7 Justin Pierson 75-03 PR Jefferson County North
4. 7 Gavin Arnold 75-00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
5. 7 Dalton Ashcraft 65-10.50 PR Holton
6. 7 Nolan Becker 65-03 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
7. 7 Brantley Dohl 63-06 Jackson Heights
8. 7 Devin Masters 61-00 PR Troy
9. 7 Maxx Marshall 60-09 PR McLouth
10. 7 Kaden Lutz 58-11 PR Jefferson County North
11. 7 Sean McConnell 58-10 Most Pure Heart of M...
12. 7 Kaden Cattrell 57-09 Jackson Heights
13. 7 Camden Anderson 57-06 PR Troy
13. 7 Tre-Greene 57-06 PR Everest
15. 7 Spencer Doughramaji 57-05 PR Valley Falls
16. 7 Brayden Hill 53-09 PR Troy
17. 7 Max Forsberg 44-07 PR McLouth
18. 7 Shane Mahon 44-06 PR McLouth
19. 7 Austin Wilson 39-05 PR Valley Falls
20. 7 Bryce Dockweiler 39-01 PR Valley Falls
21. Francisco Nash 36-04 Kickapoo Nation
7 Simon Mesa ND Holton
7 Richard Leiker SCR Holton
Discus - 1kg 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Colby Doyle 103-04 Jackson Heights
2. 8 Kyle Bohnenkemper 99-10 PR Holton
3. 8 Colby McBride 89-01.50 PR McLouth
4. 8 Trevor Pentlin 84-10 PR Jefferson County North
5. 8 Taylor Wamego 80-09.50 Jackson Heights
6. 8 Jose Gomez 75-11 PR Holton
7. 8 Caleb Mcafee 71-10 PR Jefferson County North
8. 8 Jason White 70-10 Jackson Heights
9. 8 David Mosier 70-03 PR Holton
10. 8 Isaac Houghton 69-11 PR Troy
11. 8 Kade Lenard 68-00.50 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
12. 8 Keaton Neumann 66-05 PR Troy
13. 8 Landon Drinkard 65-06 PR McLouth
14. 8 Carter DeLosSantos 61-06 PR Everest
15. 8 Noah Matthias 58-08 PR Everest
16. 8 Garrett Henson 57-04 PR Valley Falls
17. 8 Trenton Filbert 55-09 PR Jefferson County North
18. 8 Kyler Holloway 52-03 PR McLouth
19. 8 Sam Heinen 47-07 PR Everest
20. 8 Gage Burdiek 45-02 PR Valley Falls
8 Dallas Clark SCR Valley Falls
8 Aidan Colter SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
High Jump 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Michael Keo 5-00.00 PR Everest
2. 7 Jason Bosley 4-10.00 Jackson Heights
3. 7 Grant Amon 4-10.00 Jackson Heights
4. 7 Reese Holaday 4-08.00 Holton
5. 7 Avery Gatzemeyer 4-08.00 PR Valley Falls
6. 7 Jake Zeller 4-06.00 Holton
7. 7 Jacob Stanley 4-02.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
8. 7 Creston Cummings 4-00.00 PR Valley Falls
8. 7 Carson Clark 4-00.00 PR Valley Falls
10. 7 Trenton Kraxner 3-10.00 PR Jefferson County North
10. 7 Brayden Hamilton 3-10.00 PR Troy
10. 7 Gavin Fuemmeler 3-10.00 PR Troy
13. 7 Conner White 3-08.00 Most Pure Heart of M...
14. 7 Anthony Larson 1-00.00 PR Jefferson County North
7 Richard Leiker SCR Holton
7 Kieran Courter SCR Jefferson County North
High Jump 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Nate Hawk 5-02.00 PR Valley Falls
2. 8 Aaron Noll 5-00.00 PR Jefferson County North
3. 8 Jayden Gibson 4-08.00 SR Everest
3. 8 Emmett Jobbins 4-08.00 PR Jefferson County North
5. 8 Addison Hundley 4-08.00 Holton
5. 8 Dylan Thompson 4-08.00 Jackson Heights
7. 8 Lawrence Smith 4-08.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
8. 8 Jordan Huntington 4-06.00 PR Holton
9. 8 Ethan Monroe 4-04.00 PR McLouth
9. 8 Brogan Scott 4-04.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
9. 8 Jake Gales 4-04.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
12. 8 Macyn Felix 4-00.00 PR McLouth
12. 8 Jones Luke 4-00.00 PR McLouth
8 Blane Gast SCR Valley Falls
8 Justin Reith SCR Holton
Long Jump 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Jason Bosley 16-01.50 PR Jackson Heights
2. 7 Mackail Lake 15-03.00 PR Troy
3. 7 Jake Zeller 14-08.00 PR Holton
4. 7 Grant Amon 14-07.00 Jackson Heights
5. 7 Nate Boehr 14-01.00 Most Pure Heart of M...
6. 7 Reece Williams 12-09.00 PR Jackson Heights
7. 7 Lucas Adcock 12-08.50 Holton
8. 7 Trent Meredith 12-07.00 PR Jefferson County North
8. 7 Samuel Drinkard 12-07.00 PR Valley Falls
10. 6 Daxton Ham 12-05.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
11. 7 Cayden Jackson 12-04.00 PR Holton
12. 7 Caleb Worthington 12-03.00 PR Jefferson County North
13. 7 Avery Gatzemeyer 12-02.50 PR Valley Falls
14. 7 Brayden Hamilton 11-09.50 PR Troy
15. 7 Logan Martens 11-04.50 PR Valley Falls
16. 7 Ethan Kirkby 10-06.00 PR Everest
17. 7 Tre-Greene 10-03.00 PR Everest
7 Parker Scott SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
7 Evan Fowler SCR Jefferson County North
Long Jump 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Jack Konrade 18-09.50 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
2. 8 James Kramer 18-00.00 PR Jefferson County North
3. 8 Jayden Gibson 16-04.50 PR Everest
4. 8 Landon Gutschenritter 16-03.00 PR Jefferson County North
5. 8 Cannon Karn 15-03.00 PR Holton
6. 8 Conner Gilliland 14-10.50 Holton
7. 8 Bray Davies 14-10.00 SR Troy
8. 8 Dylan Thompson 14-08.50 Jackson Heights
9. 8 Hunter Plake 14-05.50 PR McLouth
10. 8 Lash Garrett 14-03.50 PR McLouth
11. 8 Eduardo Rodriguez 14-00.00 Holton
12. 8 Hudson Ramirez 13-07.50 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
13. 8 Chance Hecker 13-07.00 PR Troy
14. 8 Ben Arnett 12-00.00 PR McLouth
15. 8 Keaton Neumann 11-09.50 PR Troy
16. 8 Carter DeLosSantos 11-06.50 PR Everest
17. 8 Colton O'Bray 10-04.50 Most Pure Heart of M...
18. 8 Josh Schmalz 10-03.00 PR Jefferson County North
18. 8 Cody Sasser 10-03.00 PR Valley Falls
20. 8 Ben Rostetter 9-07.00 Jackson Heights
8 Matthew Harris ND Everest
8 Nate Hawk SCR Valley Falls
Triple Jump 7th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Reese Holaday 30-05.00 PR Holton
2. 7 Lucas Adcock 29-03.50 PR Holton
3. 7 Evan Fowler 29-02.50 PR Jefferson County North
4. 7 Cayden Jackson 29-01.00 PR Holton
5. 7 Avery Gatzemeyer 28-10.50 PR Valley Falls
6. 7 Jerred Willits 28-10.00 PR McLouth
7. 7 Carson Clark 25-10.00 PR Valley Falls
8. 7 Corbin Jamison 24-09.50 Jackson Heights
9. 7 Samuel Drinkard 24-01.00 PR Valley Falls
10. 7 Wyatt Bacon 22-10.00 Jackson Heights
11. 7 Ian Anderson 20-10.00 PR Jackson Heights
Triple Jump 8th Grade Boys - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Cannon Karn 36-10.50 PR Holton
2. 8 Nate Hawk 34-06.00 PR Valley Falls
3. 8 Jack Konrade 32-06.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
4. 8 Dylan Thompson 32-05.50 Jackson Heights
5. 8 Conner Gilliland 32-02.00 Holton
6. 8 Matt Kuglin 31-09.00 PR McLouth
7. 8 Garrett Klahr 31-04.00 PR Jackson Heights
8. 8 Eduardo Rodriguez 31-03.00 PR Holton
9. 8 Bray Davies 31-00.00 PR Troy
10. 8 Ethan Monroe 30-05.00 PR McLouth
11. 8 Gage Burdiek 27-04.00 PR Valley Falls
12. 8 Cody Sasser 21-05.50 PR Valley Falls
8 Cade Norris SCR Jefferson County North
Womens Results
100 Meters 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Lydia Tweed 15.37h PR Jefferson County North
2. 7 Kylee Dieckmann 15.78h Jackson Heights
3. 7 Staci Bond 15.79h Holton
4. 7 Kaya Driskill 15.94h PR McLouth
5. 7 Tera Wistuba 16.11h PR Jefferson County North
6. 7 Makayla Yates 16.12h PR Valley Falls
7. 7 Haley Mendez 16.59h Holton
8. 7 Madison Thomas 16.60h PR Everest
9. 7 Hunter Barnthson 17.18h PR Troy
10. 7 Abby Ferell 17.40h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
11. 7 Reagan Clark 17.62h PR McLouth
12. 7 Madeline Montgomery 18.24h PR Holton
13. 7 Taihler Felps 18.43h Jackson Heights
14. 7 Gaby Munson 18.54h PR McLouth
15. 7 Emma Kramer 18.90h PR Jefferson County North
100 Meters 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Kassidy Robertson 14.90h PR Jefferson County North
2. 8 Gretchen Babcock 15.34h PR Jefferson County North
3. 8 Alexa Cabrera 15.37h Most Pure Heart of M...
4. 8 Jane Haskett 15.55h Most Pure Heart of M...
5. 8 Maura McInerney 16.11h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
5. 8 Sydnee VanWey 16.11h SR Troy
7. 8 Audrey Ferrell 16.26h Most Pure Heart of M...
8. 8 Katy Branam 16.34h PR Valley Falls
9. 8 Grace Utz 16.58h PR Holton
10. 8 Brenna Johnson 17.43h PR Everest
11. 8 Jennifer Lowe 17.62h PR Everest
12. 8 Madi Kennedy 17.68h PR Holton
13. 8 Chloe Amon 17.69h PR Holton
14. 8 Kati Woltje 17.71h PR Jackson Heights
15. 8 Lillian Woodgate 17.99h PR Valley Falls
15. 8 Mackenzie Kerr 17.99h PR McLouth
17. 8 Clairissa Bottom 18.12h Jackson Heights
18. 8 Mori Pratt 19.27h PR Everest
19. 8 Emma Sparks 20.15h PR McLouth
200 Meters 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Amariah Allen 30.65h Holton
2. 7 Taylor Moore 31.59h PR Holton
3. 7 Monica Kern 31.82h PR Jefferson County North
4. 7 Micah Smoots 32.46h PR McLouth
5. 7 Emma McConnaughey 32.87h PR Troy
6. 7 Macy Folsom 33.05h PR McLouth
7. 7 Makayla Yates 33.81h PR Valley Falls
8. 7 Macey Patch 34.91h Holton
9. 7 Adrianna Harper 36.93h PR McLouth
10. 7 Triston Wyatt 37.40h PR Jefferson County North
11. 7 Taihler Felps 39.88h Jackson Heights
12. 7 Olivia Hierrezuelo 44.91h PR Jefferson County North
200 Meters 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Kassidy Robertson 29.21h PR Jefferson County North
2. 8 Kelsey Clariday 29.87h PR McLouth
3. 8 Paige Deneault 32.62h Jackson Heights
4. 8 Sadie Gilliland 33.12h Holton
5. 8 Annmaria Paul 33.52h Most Pure Heart of M...
6. 8 Clairissa Bottom 33.75h PR Jackson Heights
7. 8 Kinsley Watkins 33.96h PR Holton
8. 8 Kismet Bowsher 37.40h PR Everest
9. 8 Jennifer Lowe 39.94h PR Everest
10. 8 Olivia Mcasey 40.00h PR Holton
11. 8 Mori Pratt 40.38h PR Everest
8 Audrey Ferrell SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
8 Maggie Blackwell SCR McLouth
400 Meters 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Grace Gallagher 1:09.84h PR Holton
2. 7 Amariah Allen 1:11.87h PR Holton
3. 7 Zetta Noll 1:11.95h PR Jefferson County North
4. 7 Shianne Hill 1:12.08h PR McLouth
5. 7 Mercedes Edwards 1:13.90h PR Jefferson County North
6. 7 Jayana Carlson 1:15.02h PR Holton
7. 7 Makayla Yates 1:19.30h PR Valley Falls
8. 7 Kaya Driskill 1:21.43h PR McLouth
9. 7 Lexi Roller 1:21.90h PR Jefferson County North
7 Kloee Michael SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
400 Meters 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Kassidy Robertson 1:06.21h PR Jefferson County North
2. 8 Kelsey Clariday 1:07.72h PR McLouth
3. 8 Paige Paxton 1:09.20h Holton
4. 8 Lexi Jenner 1:16.58h PR Holton
5. 8 Alexa Cabrera 1:18.55h PR Most Pure Heart of M...
6. 8 Clairissa Bottom 1:19.74h PR Jackson Heights
7. 8 Lily Twombly 1:21.68h PR Holton
8. 8 Brenna Johnson 1:26.55h PR Everest
9. 8 Mori Pratt 1:31.78h PR Everest
10. 8 Amber Bertels 1:32.23h PR Jefferson County North
8 Alicia Saenz SCR Everest
8 Summer Carter SCR Valley Falls
800 Meters 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Zetta Noll 2:50.14h PR Jefferson County North
2. 7 Shianne Hill 2:51.65h PR McLouth
3. 7 Annie Allen 2:52.84h PR Jackson Heights
4. 7 MaKayla Mock 3:04.06h Jackson Heights
5. 7 Alayna Clayton 3:08.21h PR Holton
6. 7 Madison Myers 3:09.40h PR Jefferson County North
7. 7 Miche'la Shoulderblade 3:14.59h PR Everest
8. 7 Reagan Hill 3:24.37h PR Troy
9. 7 Tristyn Lilly 3:25.96h PR McLouth
10. 7 Lexi Roller 3:26.75h PR Jefferson County North
11. 7 Lillyan Kimberlin 3:27.83h PR Holton
12. 7 Paige Hinds 3:30.93h PR Troy
13. 7 Tara Arnold 3:34.52h PR Holton
14. 7 Kloe Wofford 3:45.90h PR Everest
7 Lucy Haskett SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
7 Kloee Michael SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
800 Meters 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Paige Paxton 2:52.08h Holton
2. 8 Kirstin Stemmons 3:08.11h PR McLouth
3. 8 Tressa Henry 3:12.71h PR Holton
4. 8 Kyla Reel 3:15.86h PR Troy
5. 8 Shelby Nichols 3:22.92h PR Valley Falls
6. 8 Sarah Grafton 3:23.30h PR Holton
7. 8 Della Melton 3:38.96h PR Jefferson County North
8. 8 Jennifer Lowe 3:46.02h PR Everest
9. 8 Mackenzie Kerr 3:51.36h PR McLouth
10. 8 Delainie Molt 4:00.45h PR Everest
8 Alicia Saenz SCR Everest
8 Jensen Heideman SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
1600 Meters 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Annie Allen 6:29.55h Jackson Heights
2. 7 Alayna Clayton 6:37.48h PR Holton
3. 7 MaKayla Mock 6:42.37h Jackson Heights
4. 7 Macey Patch 6:46.84h PR Holton
5. 7 Lucy Haskett 7:07.18h Most Pure Heart of M...
6. 7 Lillyan Kimberlin 7:12.27h PR Holton
7. 7 Tristyn Lilly 7:26.30h PR McLouth
1600 Meters 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Baylee Wolfe 6:18.90h PR McLouth
2. 8 Shelby Phillips 6:29.11h Jackson Heights
3. 8 Hannah Ent 6:39.11h Holton
4. 8 Jensen Heideman 7:16.21h Most Pure Heart of M...
5. 8 Kyla Reel 7:46.92h PR Troy
6. 8 Della Melton 8:20.14h PR Jefferson County North
8 Caitlyn Thomas SCR Valley Falls
8 Alicia Saenz DNF Everest
3200 Meters 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Baylee Wolfe 13:37.14h PR McLouth
2. 8 Shelby Phillips 14:08.65h PR Jackson Heights
3. 8 Hannah Ent 14:51.21h Holton
4. 8 Brenna Johnson 16:48.04h PR Everest
5. 8 Amber Bertels 18:09.81h PR Jefferson County North
6. 8 Mackenzie Kerr 18:46.43h PR McLouth
75m Hurdles - 33" 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Jayana Carlson 15.11h Holton
2. 7 Macey Gross 15.43h Holton
3. 7 Taylor Moore 15.71h Holton
4. 7 Elle Jolley 16.34h PR McLouth
5. 7 Makayla Yates 16.46h PR Valley Falls
6. 7 Lexi Roller 16.49h PR Jefferson County North
7. 7 Samantha Pope 16.90h PR McLouth
8. 7 Madison Myers 16.92h PR Jefferson County North
9. 7 Kloe Wofford 16.99h PR Everest
10. 7 Kaya Driskill 17.06h PR McLouth
11. 7 Elizabeth Easterday 17.40h PR Jefferson County North
75m Hurdles - 33" 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Sarah Marshall 15.52h Jackson Heights
2. 8 Katy Branam 16.00h PR Valley Falls
3. 8 Maggie Blackwell 16.04h PR McLouth
4. 8 Makayla Ratzlaff 16.05h PR Jefferson County North
5. 8 Zoe Wofford 16.55h PR Everest
6. 8 Alicia Saenz 17.14h PR Everest
8 Summer Carter SCR Valley Falls
4x100m Relay 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Monica Kern 1:00.96h Jefferson County North
2 Staci Bond 1:02.51h Holton
3 Annie Allen 1:03.02h Jackson Heights
4 Hunter Barnthson 1:05.99h Troy
5 Brianna Rodvelt 1:06.04h Everest
6 Reagan Clark 1:09.36h McLouth
4x100m Relay 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Gretchen Babcock 56.68h Jefferson County North
2 Alexa Cabrera 1:01.55h Most Pure Heart of M...
3 Kassidy Fisher 1:01.99h Holton
4 Paige Deneault 1:03.87h Jackson Heights
5 Katy Branam 1:04.43h Valley Falls
6 Delainie Molt 1:08.11h Everest
7 Emma Sparks 1:10.40h McLouth
4x200m Relay 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Grace Gallagher 2:11.40h Holton
2 Shelby Fox 2:13.36h Jackson Heights
3 Elle Jolley 2:14.45h McLouth
4 Elizabeth Easterday 2:17.08h Jefferson County North
5 Hunter Barnthson 2:19.90h Troy
6 Madison Thomas 2:20.11h Everest
4x200m Relay 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Gretchen Babcock 2:05.24h Jefferson County North
2 Anne Posche 2:11.34h McLouth
3 Clairissa Bottom 2:12.68h Jackson Heights
4 Devyn Nanmantube 2:27.78h Everest
Sadie Gilliland
Lexi Jenner
Kinsley Watkins
Lily Twombly DQ Holton
800m Sprint Medley Relay 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Amariah Allen 2:12.52h Holton
2 Lydia Tweed 2:20.87h Jefferson County North
3 Macy Folsom 2:22.18h McLouth
4 Madison Thomas 2:28.81h Everest
800m Sprint Medley Relay 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1 Hannah Ent 2:13.62h Holton
2 Esa Miller 2:15.81h Jefferson County North
3 Baylee Wolfe 2:17.59h McLouth
4 Zoe Wofford 2:31.65h Everest
Shot Put - 4kg 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Megan Meddock 29-00.50 PR Jackson Heights
2. 7 Shelby Fox 26-00.50 PR Jackson Heights
3. 7 Jacey Moore 23-10.00 PR Troy
4. 7 Abby Ferell 23-03.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
5. 7 Emma Kramer 22-00.00 PR Jefferson County North
6. 7 Alexis New 21-10.00 PR Jefferson County North
7. 7 Samantha Pope 21-08.50 PR McLouth
8. 7 Alexis Cotton 20-07.50 Holton
9. 7 Emily Johnson 20-07.00 PR Jefferson County North
10. 7 Maxine Bertulfo 19-00.50 Holton
11. 7 Gaby Munson 18-06.50 PR McLouth
12. 7 Adrianna Harper 18-06.00 PR McLouth
13. 7 Sadie Raborn 18-05.50 Jackson Heights
14. 7 Brianna Rodvelt 17-00.00 PR Everest
7 Aleyna GrandPre SCR Valley Falls
7 Bartel Katina SCR Holton
Shot Put - 4kg 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Abby Boeckman 36-09.50 PR Holton
2. 8 Saydee Tanking 30-11.50 PR Holton
3. 8 Addie Gish 29-07.50 PR Valley Falls
4. 8 Grace Utz 28-09.50 PR Holton
5. 8 Devyn Nanmantube 27-08.50 PR Everest
6. 8 Bethany Kenworthy 26-11.50 Jackson Heights
7. 8 Paige Marsh 26-05.50 PR McLouth
8. 8 Tommi Anne McAfee 25-07.50 PR Everest
9. 8 Caitlyn Thomas 25-05.50 PR Valley Falls
10. 8 Kati Woltje 24-11.50 PR Jackson Heights
11. 8 Abby Watkins 24-08.50 Jackson Heights
12. 8 Brooklyn Correll 24-06.50 PR Valley Falls
13. 8 Emma Sparks 24-05.00 PR McLouth
14. 8 Jane Haskett 22-06.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
15. 8 Kaylin Royer 22-05.00 PR Everest
16. 8 Olivia Kramer 21-09.50 PR Jefferson County North
17. 8 Maura McInerney 18-10.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
8 Miah Garber SCR McLouth
Discus - 1kg 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Lydia Tweed 72-04 PR Jefferson County North
2. 7 Avery Euler 60-05 PR Troy
3. 7 McKenzie Sisson 59-09 PR Holton
4. 7 Shelby Fox 58-02.50 PR Jackson Heights
5. 7 Layne McAfee 53-07 PR Jefferson County North
6. 7 Sadie Raborn 52-10 PR Jackson Heights
7. 7 Megan Meddock 51-09 Jackson Heights
8. 7 Jacey Moore 48-04 PR Troy
9. 7 Claire Winder 48-01.50 PR Troy
10. 7 Olivia Hierrezuelo 47-10 PR Jefferson County North
11. 7 Alexis Cotton 47-07 PR Holton
12. 7 Abby Ferell 46-00.50 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
13. 7 Aleyna GrandPre 44-09 PR Valley Falls
14. 7 Gaby Munson 42-08 PR McLouth
7 Bartel Katina ND Holton
Discus - 1kg 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Saydee Tanking 75-11 Holton
2. 8 Abby Boeckman 73-06.50 Holton
3. 8 Brooklyn Correll 69-10 PR Valley Falls
4. 8 Grace Utz 60-10.50 Holton
5. 8 Bethany Kenworthy 59-06 Jackson Heights
6. 8 Addie Gish 58-01 PR Valley Falls
7. 8 Sydnee VanWey 55-09 PR Troy
8. 8 Caitlyn Thomas 55-05 PR Valley Falls
9. 8 Kati Woltje 55-01 Jackson Heights
10. 8 Annmaria Paul 53-04 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
11. 8 Kyla Reel 52-11 PR Troy
12. 8 Kaylin Royer 52-04 PR Everest
13. 8 Paige Marsh 51-06 PR McLouth
14. 8 Logan Ohlde 50-10 PR Jefferson County North
15. 8 Emma Sparks 49-09 PR McLouth
16. 8 Alyssa Harris 45-11 Jackson Heights
17. 8 Delainie Molt 45-08 PR Everest
18. 8 Olivia Kramer 43-05 PR Jefferson County North
19. 8 Maura McInerney 42-10 Most Pure Heart of M...
20. 8 Zoe Wofford 37-06 PR Everest
8 Miah Garber SCR McLouth
High Jump 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Adie Manville 4-06.00 PR Jefferson County North
2. 7 Tera Wistuba 4-04.00 PR Jefferson County North
3. 7 McKenzie McMahon 4-04.00 Jackson Heights
4. 7 Kloee Michael 4-02.00 PR Most Pure Heart of M...
5. 7 Casey Walter 3-10.00 PR Jefferson County North
6. 7 Teagan Rodvelt 3-08.00 PR Everest
High Jump 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Kinsey Schneider 4-02.00 PR Jefferson County North
2. 8 Kirstin Stemmons 4-02.00 PR McLouth
3. 8 Annmaria Paul 4-00.00 Most Pure Heart of M...
4. 8 Sarah Grafton 4-00.00 Holton
4. 8 Sarah Marshall 4-00.00 Jackson Heights
6. 8 Baileey Stotts 4-00.00 PR Holton
7. 8 Raegan Call 3-10.00 PR Holton
7. 8 Shelby Nichols 3-10.00 PR Valley Falls
8 Jensen Heideman SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
Long Jump 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Staci Bond 12-07.75 Holton
2. 7 Abby Parks 12-07.00 PR Troy
3. 7 McKenzie McMahon 12-04.25 Jackson Heights
4. 7 Madie Wilt 11-08.00 PR Holton
5. 7 Bobbi Horr 11-07.50 Holton
6. 7 Kaya Driskill 11-05.50 PR McLouth
7. 7 Macy Folsom 11-05.00 PR McLouth
8. 7 Emma McConnaughey 11-02.00 PR Troy
9. 7 Kylee Dieckmann 11-01.50 Jackson Heights
10. 7 Monica Kern 10-11.25 PR Jefferson County North
11. 7 Zetta Noll 10-08.00 PR Jefferson County North
12. 7 Madison Thomas 10-07.75 PR Everest
13. 7 Reagan Clark 10-05.50 PR McLouth
14. 7 Elizabeth Easterday 10-01.75 PR Jefferson County North
7 Kloee Michael SCR Most Pure Heart of M...
7 Kloe Wofford ND Everest
7 Aleyna GrandPre ND Valley Falls
Long Jump 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Anne Posche 13-08.00 PR McLouth
2. 8 Esa Miller 13-00.75 PR Jefferson County North
3. 8 Abby Watkins 12-08.00 PR Jackson Heights
4. 8 Sarah Marshall 12-06.50 Jackson Heights
5. 8 Alexa Cabrera 12-02.00 Most Pure Heart of M...
6. 8 Jane Haskett 12-01.50 Most Pure Heart of M...
7. 8 Lily Twombly 12-00.00 Holton
8. 8 Makayla Ratzlaff 11-11.00 PR Jefferson County North
9. 8 Paige Deneault 11-08.00 Jackson Heights
10. 8 Abby Martin 11-05.50 PR Holton
11. 8 Audrey Ferrell 11-03.75 Most Pure Heart of M...
12. 8 Zoe Wofford 11-02.00 PR Everest
13. 8 Braylan Heineken 10-09.50 PR Valley Falls
14. 8 Sarah Grafton 10-04.00 Holton
15. 8 Shelby Nichols 10-01.00 PR Valley Falls
16. 8 Mori Pratt 9-02.50 PR Everest
8 Summer Carter SCR Valley Falls
8 Kaylin Royer ND Everest
Triple Jump 7th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 7 Abby Parks 25-09.25 PR Troy
2. 7 Tera Wistuba 25-09.25 PR Jefferson County North
3. 7 Adie Manville 25-02.75 PR Jefferson County North
4. 7 Lillian Mulenga 24-02.50 Holton
5. 7 Maxine Bertulfo 23-10.50 Holton
6. 7 Emma McConnaughey 23-10.00 PR Troy
7. 7 Reagan Hill 22-10.25 PR Troy
8. 7 Darby Ireland 20-09.50 Holton
7 Layne McAfee ND Jefferson County North
Triple Jump 8th Grade Girls - Finals
PL YR Name Mark Team
1. 8 Anne Posche 26-10.50 PR McLouth
2. 8 Abby Watkins 26-10.50 Jackson Heights
3. 8 Kinsey Schneider 26-05.50 PR Jefferson County North
4. 8 Tommi Anne McAfee 26-00.00 PR Everest
5. 8 Kassidy Fisher 25-08.25 Holton
6. 8 Braylan Heineken 25-03.00 PR Valley Falls
7. 8 Lexi Jenner 24-10.00 Holton
8. 8 Sadie Gilliland 24-02.00 Holton
9. 8 Alyssa Harris 23-01.00 Jackson Heights
10. 8 Katy Branam 22-10.00 PR Valley Falls
11. 8 Kismet Bowsher 22-04.50 PR Everest
12. 8 Delainie Molt 21-01.50 PR Everest
8 Summer Carter SCR Valley Falls