Kansas State Cross Country Championships - 4A-1A 2002 vs Kansas State Cross Country Championships - 4A-1A 2000

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1 312 313
Overall Average +0.70 18:35.57 18:34.87
1st-10th Place -2.80 16:33.91 16:36.71
1st-25th Place -0.89 16:51.66 16:52.55
1st-50th Place -2.92 17:03.92 17:06.84
1st-100th Place -0.77 17:24.02 17:24.79
Common Athletes -- -- 56
Ran Faster 34 45 11
Ran Season Best -- 56 56
Average Time -30.18 17:57.46 18:27.65
Median Time -23.19 17:52.61 18:15.80
Middle 80% Times -31.97 17:52.70 18:24.68
Top 10% Times -44.82 16:29.22 17:14.04
Top 25% Times -40.65 16:48.90 17:29.55
Top 50% Times -37.65 17:07.71 17:45.36
Bottom 50% Times -22.72 18:47.22 19:09.94
Bottom 25% Times -21.49 19:23.87 19:45.35
Bottom 10% Times -5.56 20:11.41 20:16.97
Average Difference -30.18 -- --
Median Difference -25.72 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -31.37 -- --
Top 10% Difference -38.47 -- --
Top 50% Difference -31.59 -- --
Top 25% Difference -30.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference -31.59 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -28.78 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -35.74 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -15.57 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Daniel Simon Andale High School -1:04.08 16:02.12 17:06.20
David Cox Anderson County High School -55.47 16:06.28 17:01.75
Eric Wellman Horton High School -1:20.96 16:33.34 17:54.30
Phillip Brandon -1:01.31 16:36.99 17:38.30
Chris George Holcomb High School -36.41 16:45.99 17:22.40
Kyle Norris Tonganoxie High School -14.50 16:50.60 17:05.10
Aaron Yoder Hillsboro High School -1:00.66 16:54.14 17:54.80
Garett Frank Northern Heights High School -1:00.30 16:55.70 17:56.00
Eric Barten Chapman High School -40.24 17:01.06 17:41.30
Tony Aligo Tonganoxie High School -1:22.65 17:05.35 18:28.00
Joe Geisler Riley County High School -1:23.40 17:06.30 18:29.70
Tim Stauffer Iola High School -1:07.82 17:07.98 18:15.80
Jeff Ford -43.40 17:09.00 17:52.40
Nick Hansen Mulvane High School -54.81 17:09.69 18:04.50
Jon Garrett Lansing High School -56.32 17:10.18 18:06.50
Daniel Yoder Hillsboro High School -38.91 17:10.49 17:49.40
Brock Glenn Riley County High School -38.21 17:17.29 17:55.50
Bill Warner Stanton County High School -1:17.49 17:20.61 18:38.10
Ryan Patrick Mission Valley High School +31.21 17:52.61 17:21.40
Theron Stoltzfus Meade High School -1:32.37 17:22.23 18:54.60
Dakota Criqui West Franklin High School -1:45.87 17:23.93 19:09.80
Mark Batten Clearwater High School -23.18 17:24.52 17:47.70
Ross Fishburn Hesston High School -41.77 17:27.33 18:09.10
Chris Caruthers Wellsville High School +1:01.95 18:29.35 17:27.40
Tommy Powell Tonganoxie High School -2:08.72 17:28.78 19:37.50
Jonathan Strong Baldwin High School +7.67 17:39.67 17:32.00
Andy Fenton Jackson Heights High School -45.89 17:32.61 18:18.50
Drew Barry Clearwater High School +0.96 17:36.16 17:35.20
Tanner Long Hill City High School -13.29 17:35.61 17:48.90
Devin Kueser Central Heights High School +19.45 17:56.05 17:36.60
Scott Cook Holcomb High School -42.36 17:42.04 18:24.40
Denton Lambrecht Royal Valley High School +1:04.39 18:56.39 17:52.00
Tyler Weninger Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High School +28.87 18:23.77 17:54.90
Zac Johnson Hugoton High School -12.78 17:55.62 18:08.40
Nathan Johnson Hugoton High School -9.69 17:59.31 18:09.00
Jared Ackerman Meade High School -1:00.51 17:59.49 19:00.00
Luke Falke Anderson County High School -25.72 17:59.78 18:25.50
Jarrod Schmidt Greeley County High School -10.22 18:01.78 18:12.00
Miguel Reza Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High School +38.54 18:45.54 18:07.00
Nathan Thompson Meade High School -1:10.04 18:19.56 19:29.60
Jordan Funk Hoisington High School -1:28.41 18:19.79 19:48.20
Randy Redelfs Northern Heights High School -22.91 18:20.79 18:43.70
Ryan Mcdowell Clearwater High School -16.46 18:22.74 18:39.20
Phillip Mailloux Hutchinson-Trinity Catholic High School -12.90 18:27.30 18:40.20
Jordan Young Hugoton High School -13.00 18:29.60 18:42.60
John Maier Iola High School +17.06 18:53.66 18:36.60
Doug Baier Holcomb High School +27.17 19:13.67 18:46.50
Chris Alexander Meade High School -55.11 18:47.89 19:43.00
Kyle Bures Anderson County High School -12.38 18:49.42 19:01.80
Justin Sluder Central Heights High School -1:10.15 18:51.15 20:01.30
Colby Zickel Wellsville High School -27.39 18:52.01 19:19.40
Blaze Mollhagen Ellsworth High School -34.64 18:57.36 19:32.00
Tim Miller Hill City High School -45.48 19:02.62 19:48.10
Danny Schmitz Jackson Heights High School -1:20.95 19:16.15 20:37.10
Nick Unruh Hillsboro High School +3:25.73 23:57.03 20:31.30
Matt Worcester Hill City High School -14.18 20:41.62 20:55.80