Carl Owczarzak Classic 2012 vs Carl Owczarzak Classic 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +33 200 167
Overall Average -21.70 20:38.11 20:59.81
1st-10th Place -15.30 17:01.80 17:17.10
1st-25th Place -30.00 17:29.84 17:59.84
1st-50th Place -41.52 17:59.88 18:41.40
1st-100th Place -50.32 18:45.64 19:35.96
Common Athletes -- -- 86
Ran Faster 62 74 12
Ran Season Best -32 54 86
Average Time -1:10.76 19:49.30 21:00.06
Median Time -1:04.00 19:46.00 20:50.00
Middle 80% Times -1:13.23 19:45.03 20:58.26
Top 10% Times -41.78 17:04.33 17:46.11
Top 25% Times -1:04.45 17:37.73 18:42.18
Top 50% Times -1:09.00 18:20.81 19:29.81
Bottom 50% Times -1:12.51 21:17.79 22:30.30
Bottom 25% Times -1:12.36 22:18.50 23:30.86
Bottom 10% Times -1:18.11 23:26.11 24:44.22
Average Difference -1:10.76 -- --
Median Difference -1:38.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:11.10 -- --
Top 10% Difference -36.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference -55.70 -- --
Top 25% Difference -52.55 -- --
Top 50% Difference -55.70 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:25.81 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:39.41 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:06.89 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sam Guinn Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:12.00 16:22.00 17:34.00
Gavin Fischer Lawrence High School -13.00 16:25.00 16:38.00
Jacob Thomas Shawnee Mission West High School -3:19.00 16:53.00 20:12.00
Andrew Shaughnessy Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:27.00 17:00.00 18:27.00
Jordan Boyce Leavenworth High School -45.00 17:18.00 18:03.00
Brett Neely Shawnee Mission West High School -1:30.00 17:20.00 18:50.00
Sam Toby Blue Valley Northwest High School +3.00 17:25.00 17:22.00
Seamus Koch Blue Valley Northwest High School -4.00 17:28.00 17:32.00
Chris Brown Lansing High School -23.00 17:28.00 17:51.00
Mike Gruman Blue Valley Northwest High School -31.00 17:30.00 18:01.00
Reilly Wiscombe Shawnee Mission West High School -1:47.00 17:30.00 19:17.00
Hunter Robinson Blue Valley North High School -56.00 17:31.00 18:27.00
Fajardo Ryan Shawnee Mission West High School -2:04.00 17:36.00 19:40.00
Henry Zink Blue Valley North High School -1:05.00 17:57.00 19:02.00
Joshua Camerena Leavenworth High School -1:43.00 17:58.00 19:41.00
Becher Kyle Shawnee Mission West High School -52.00 18:01.00 18:53.00
Henry Bergen East (Kansas City) High School -3:43.00 18:06.00 21:49.00
Davis Morgan Blue Valley North High School -1:57.00 18:13.00 20:10.00
Tim Schraad Lawrence High School -1:28.00 18:15.00 19:43.00
Abe Cullom Blue Valley North High School -4:15.00 18:30.00 22:45.00
Eddie Wilson Lawrence High School -36.00 18:30.00 19:06.00
Graham Schmidt Blue Valley North High School -1:23.00 18:34.00 19:57.00
Nicholas Robison St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:44.00 18:34.00 20:18.00
Jake Konnesky St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:28.00 18:36.00 20:04.00
Andrew Forester Blue Valley Northwest High School -2:15.00 18:37.00 20:52.00
Aaron Chick Blue Valley Northwest High School -1:22.00 18:38.00 20:00.00
Potts Jeff Shawnee Mission West High School -1:43.00 18:39.00 20:22.00
Jack Bresser Lansing High School -1:00.00 18:42.00 19:42.00
Vincent Brosius Lansing High School -30.00 18:52.00 19:22.00
Jack George Blue Valley Northwest High School -2:33.00 18:54.00 21:27.00
Joe Lorenzen Lansing High School -1:43.00 18:56.00 20:39.00
Jonathan Wilson Shawnee Mission West High School -1:23.00 18:56.00 20:19.00
Austin Lucas St. Thomas Aquinas High School -4:51.00 18:56.00 23:47.00
Conner Stephens Blue Valley Northwest High School +1:04.00 20:02.00 18:58.00
Mccosh Michael Shawnee Mission West High School -56.00 19:13.00 20:09.00
Dylan Root Lansing High School -1:38.00 19:16.00 20:54.00
Jonathan Opila Leavenworth High School -2:33.00 19:17.00 21:50.00
Andrew Redden Lansing High School -1:53.00 19:18.00 21:11.00
Max Ernst Bishop Miege High School -52.00 19:23.00 20:15.00
Kyle Greene Blue Valley Northwest High School +25.00 19:55.00 19:30.00
Alex Taylor Bishop Miege High School -15.00 19:34.00 19:49.00
Matt Connell Shawnee Mission West High School -1:42.00 19:37.00 21:19.00
Mitchell Brandon Shawnee Mission West High School -2:26.00 19:39.00 22:05.00
Matt Herndon Blue Valley Northwest High School -51.00 19:42.00 20:33.00
Devin Peirano Blue Valley Northwest High School -59.00 19:46.00 20:45.00
Joe Pickert Blue Valley North High School -2:22.00 19:46.00 22:08.00
Andrew Paxton Lansing High School -1:17.00 19:47.00 21:04.00
Isaac Brinkman Blue Valley North High School -33.00 19:48.00 20:21.00
Jack Dodd St. Thomas Aquinas High School -25.00 19:48.00 20:13.00
Bennett Johnson Blue Valley North High School -1:15.00 19:55.00 21:10.00
Sam Hoebelheinrich Bishop Miege High School -47.00 19:56.00 20:43.00
Alex Hunt Lansing High School -1:05.00 20:04.00 21:09.00
Ivan Davidson Lawrence High School +10.00 20:24.00 20:14.00
Dane Jones Blue Valley Northwest High School +1:46.00 22:01.00 20:15.00
Logan Reilly Shawnee Mission West High School -1:32.00 20:15.00 21:47.00
John Bellau St. Thomas Aquinas High School +31.00 20:48.00 20:17.00
Tanner Smith Lawrence High School -2:58.00 20:17.00 23:15.00
Chad Swanson Blue Valley Northwest High School -2.00 20:18.00 20:20.00
Hunter Higgins Leavenworth High School -1:49.00 20:20.00 22:09.00
Logan Tritt Shawnee Mission West High School -1:42.00 20:21.00 22:03.00
Tim Mccormick St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:50.00 20:22.00 24:12.00
Leighton Lucas Shawnee Mission West High School -2:25.00 20:34.00 22:59.00
Stuart Ennis Bishop Miege High School -1:27.00 20:38.00 22:05.00
Peter Dring Shawnee Mission West High School -5.00 20:45.00 20:50.00
Desi O'grady Blue Valley Northwest High School +2:04.00 22:52.00 20:48.00
Carson Owens Leavenworth High School -26.00 20:55.00 21:21.00
Reuter Lucas Shawnee Mission West High School -39.00 20:57.00 21:36.00
Elliot Vanderford Bishop Miege High School -1:18.00 21:00.00 22:18.00
Sean Cokingtin Blue Valley North High School -58.00 21:08.00 22:06.00
Mitch Mihanovic Blue Valley Northwest High School -14.00 21:10.00 21:24.00
Malhi Simran Shawnee Mission West High School -1:34.00 21:11.00 22:45.00
Drake Wenciker Shawnee Mission West High School -2:12.00 21:16.00 23:28.00
Eric Aube Blue Valley Northwest High School +25.00 21:44.00 21:19.00
Stewart McDaniel Leavenworth High School +12.00 21:33.00 21:21.00
Trevor Thomas Blue Valley Northwest High School -23.00 21:30.00 21:53.00
Daniel Mitchell Bishop Miege High School +41.00 22:41.00 22:00.00
Hui Feng Shawnee Mission West High School -2:23.00 22:06.00 24:29.00
Patrick Bennett Lawrence High School -1:15.00 22:07.00 23:22.00
Joe Hague Bishop Miege High School -2:24.00 22:09.00 24:33.00
Miller Bath St. Thomas Aquinas High School +11.00 22:51.00 22:40.00
Matt Baker Blue Valley North High School -1:29.00 22:45.00 24:14.00
Nate Freeman Blue Valley North High School -1:02.00 22:48.00 23:50.00
Nick Valledor Leavenworth High School +4:03.00 27:01.00 22:58.00
Edgar Flores Bishop Miege High School -13.00 22:58.00 23:11.00
Robert Riekhof Blue Valley North High School -1:14.00 23:05.00 24:19.00
Braden Bradshaw Blue Valley North High School -5:52.00 23:54.00 29:46.00