Baldwin Invitational 2011 vs Baldwin Invitational 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -34 275 309
Overall Average -1:26.13 20:55.15 22:21.28
1st-10th Place -34.33 16:28.17 17:02.50
1st-25th Place -40.21 16:57.64 17:37.85
1st-50th Place -45.68 17:27.30 18:12.98
1st-100th Place -41.41 18:17.47 18:58.88
Common Athletes -- -- 129
Ran Faster 115 122 7
Ran Season Best -- 129 129
Average Time -1:48.27 20:10.30 21:58.57
Median Time -1:20.65 19:48.09 21:08.74
Middle 80% Times -1:41.82 20:03.54 21:45.36
Top 10% Times -1:01.30 16:42.37 17:43.67
Top 25% Times -1:12.70 17:22.54 18:35.24
Top 50% Times -1:16.75 18:15.31 19:32.07
Bottom 50% Times -2:18.11 21:46.67 24:04.78
Bottom 25% Times -2:54.16 23:25.68 26:19.85
Bottom 10% Times -3:31.16 24:49.05 28:20.21
Average Difference -1:48.27 -- --
Median Difference -24.75 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:38.47 -- --
Top 10% Difference -44.23 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:12.63 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:04.19 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:12.63 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:22.61 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:18.54 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:11.66 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jonah Heng Shawnee Mission West High School -1:25.08 15:46.55 17:11.63
Kain Anderson Lawrence Free State High School -53.97 16:02.28 16:56.25
Ethan Hartzell Baldwin High School -47.46 16:18.93 17:06.39
Ryan Lansdon Shawnee Mission West High School -2:43.00 16:21.96 19:04.96
Tom Coffin St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:56.74 16:31.12 18:27.86
Brian Wright Baldwin High School -53.14 16:40.93 17:34.07
Tosh Mihesuah Baldwin High School -57.17 16:45.81 17:42.98
Richard Kamp Wiebe Lawrence Free State High School -1:45.11 16:46.43 18:31.54
Mitch Daniel Shawnee Mission East High School -1:30.93 16:59.02 18:29.95
Jeb Stewart Shawnee Mission West High School -28.59 17:04.06 17:32.65
Garrett Wilson Shawnee Mission West High School -47.48 17:15.81 18:03.29
J. Geracie Shawnee Mission West High School -1:13.81 17:17.09 18:30.90
Matthew Wilderson St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:44.93 17:20.84 19:05.77
Brandon Keller Shawnee Mission West High School -3:18.31 17:24.14 20:42.45
Adam Simmons Shawnee Mission East High School +2.47 17:27.12 17:24.65
Joe Bahr Shawnee Mission East High School -40.93 17:26.75 18:07.68
Evan Nichols Shawnee Mission East High School -16.68 17:29.52 17:46.20
Jack Luther St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:33.99 17:30.24 19:04.23
Gavin Jorns Shawnee Mission East High School -1:22.16 17:30.84 18:53.00
John Corbett Lawrence Free State High School -2:14.42 17:35.50 19:49.92
Reid Frye Shawnee Mission East High School -57.99 17:42.90 18:40.89
Phillip Bradshaw Lawrence Free State High School -1:16.21 17:45.34 19:01.55
Dylan Aul Lawrence Free State High School -1:47.09 17:49.14 19:36.23
Brad Kellerman St. Thomas Aquinas High School -16.81 17:49.68 18:06.49
Ben Randolph Shawnee Mission East High School -52.15 17:52.34 18:44.49
Joel Almloff Shawnee Mission South High School -1:59.96 17:52.52 19:52.48
Scott Sheridan St. Thomas Aquinas High School -2:56.96 17:54.06 20:51.02
Ben Peterson Shawnee Mission South High School -1:11.19 17:54.87 19:06.06
Daniel Robison St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:30.54 17:58.18 19:28.72
Joe Linder St. Thomas Aquinas High School -2:07.04 18:11.22 20:18.26
Jack Howland Shawnee Mission East High School -13.44 18:14.12 18:27.56
Jim Gustafson Shawnee Mission South High School -1:05.86 18:17.88 19:23.74
Fletcher Koch Lawrence Free State High School -57.45 18:26.65 19:24.10
Josh Winter Shawnee Mission East High School -1:06.70 18:28.40 19:35.10
Jake McCoy Shawnee Mission East High School -54.88 18:28.96 19:23.84
Matt Gannon Shawnee Mission East High School -59.61 18:30.85 19:30.46
Tyler Cordry St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:57.21 18:32.28 20:29.49
Brett Neely Shawnee Mission West High School -1:08.32 18:32.50 19:40.82
Nick Dehaan Shawnee Mission South High School -2:34.24 18:34.50 21:08.74
Jacob Stophel Shawnee Mission South High School -1:54.00 18:38.00 20:32.00
Tim Dodderidge Shawnee Mission West High School -2:09.42 18:39.65 20:49.07
Quinn Appletoff Shawnee Mission East High School -1:09.01 18:52.87 20:01.88
Henry Hoffman Shawnee Mission East High School -1:15.38 18:53.18 20:08.56
Logan Cox St. Thomas Aquinas High School -58.09 18:54.90 19:52.99
Daniel Huhn Shawnee Mission South High School -54.69 18:59.38 19:54.07
Alex Leininger Shawnee Mission West High School -1:55.63 18:59.54 20:55.17
John Gaumnitz Shawnee Mission West High School -1:19.70 19:01.52 20:21.22
Tucker Clark Baldwin High School -2:32.34 19:02.96 21:35.30
Dakota Bain Shawnee Mission West High School -1:15.07 19:11.96 20:27.03
Charlie Crossette Shawnee Mission East High School -1:15.14 19:14.62 20:29.76
Spencer Jones Shawnee Mission East High School -1:44.33 19:15.02 20:59.35
Ben Wickey Shawnee Mission East High School -1:01.56 19:20.24 20:21.80
Jonathan Wilson Shawnee Mission West High School -2:32.22 19:23.75 21:55.97
Colton Horne Baldwin High School -40.26 19:26.46 20:06.72
John Bellau St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:41.50 19:31.46 21:12.96
Nathan Are Shawnee Mission East High School -22.00 19:32.33 19:54.33
Eric Carter St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:12.49 19:32.75 20:45.24
Isaac Brethour Shawnee Mission South High School -57.32 19:35.40 20:32.72
Philip Loughman St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1.22 19:37.59 19:38.81
Andrew McWard Shawnee Mission East High School -1:14.31 19:38.30 20:52.61
Tyler Germann Shawnee Mission East High School -5:48.11 19:40.30 25:28.41
Joe Libeer Shawnee Mission East High School -2:24.51 19:43.71 22:08.22
Jack Rooker Shawnee Mission East High School -49.88 19:44.74 20:34.62
Patrick Krim St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:32.17 19:45.40 23:17.57
Jacob Thomas Shawnee Mission West High School -1:40.49 19:48.09 21:28.58
Nicholas Robison St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:27.77 19:51.27 23:19.04
Hudson Peters Shawnee Mission East High School -2:08.23 19:51.90 22:00.13
Aj Trogden Shawnee Mission West High School -1:41.11 19:55.14 21:36.25
Weston Jacobs St. Thomas Aquinas High School -0.61 19:56.31 19:56.92
Paul Eberhartphillips Lawrence Free State High School -1:28.82 19:59.02 21:27.84
Ian Kaiser Shawnee Mission East High School -57.85 20:05.02 21:02.87
Andrew Cook Shawnee Mission West High School -57.45 20:05.68 21:03.13
Acea McFarlane Baldwin High School -5:03.38 20:07.06 25:10.44
Spencer Gochis St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:33.51 20:11.70 23:45.21
Jonathan Mich Darnall Lawrence Free State High School -3:09.00 20:18.77 23:27.77
Michael Schugart St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:12.19 20:19.96 21:32.15
Brett Wagner Shawnee Mission South High School -10.59 20:36.23 20:46.82
Mark Harken Shawnee Mission East High School -4:09.15 20:36.74 24:45.89
Drew Garr Shawnee Mission East High School -2:38.35 20:37.34 23:15.69
Dawson Conway Lawrence Free State High School -42.64 20:37.90 21:20.54
Scott Davis St. Thomas Aquinas High School -2:15.51 20:41.24 22:56.75
Luke Peirce Lawrence Free State High School +3:05.60 23:47.61 20:42.01
Sam Stevens Shawnee Mission East High School -1:33.44 20:47.78 22:21.22
Ben Strobel Shawnee Mission South High School -24.75 20:49.80 21:14.55
Bryan Tarry Shawnee Mission East High School -3:36.58 20:58.02 24:34.60
Trent Russell Baldwin High School +3:34.41 24:32.84 20:58.43
Brian Gier St. Thomas Aquinas High School -1:41.13 20:59.23 22:40.36
Logan Reilly Shawnee Mission West High School -3:30.33 20:59.72 24:30.05
Robert Loomis St. Thomas Aquinas High School +6.08 21:06.05 20:59.97
Josh Saathoff Lawrence Free State High School -2:37.42 21:03.20 23:40.62
David Stine St. Thomas Aquinas High School +52.98 22:02.84 21:09.86
Pete Andrews St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:35.36 21:16.17 24:51.53
Griffin Clark Shawnee Mission East High School -50.13 21:17.74 22:07.87
Kalvin Murphy Shawnee Mission East High School +40.27 22:03.05 21:22.78
Christian Eisenhauer Lawrence Free State High School -2:59.32 21:25.52 24:24.84
Drew Harding Shawnee Mission East High School -3:48.28 21:26.14 25:14.42
Henry Falk Shawnee Mission East High School -2:11.65 21:28.77 23:40.42
Alex Ho Shawnee Mission East High School -26.52 21:32.14 21:58.66
Logan Tritt Shawnee Mission West High School -3:52.99 21:35.17 25:28.16
Henry Recker Shawnee Mission East High School -2:25.23 21:49.11 24:14.34
Chandler Kline Shawnee Mission East High School -2:45.54 21:49.83 24:35.37
Joel Anderson Shawnee Mission East High School -1:17.80 21:50.11 23:07.91
Ian Robinson Lawrence Free State High School -5:58.19 21:53.14 27:51.33
Sean Ortiz Shawnee Mission East High School -2:10.08 21:57.49 24:07.57
Jacob Yedo Shawnee Mission East High School -53.12 21:57.83 22:50.95
Drew Broeckelman Shawnee Mission East High School -6:33.58 21:58.17 28:31.75
Jackson Lage Shawnee Mission East High School -3:15.10 22:10.61 25:25.71
Andrew Doerflinger Shawnee Mission East High School -1:43.20 22:13.11 23:56.31
John Wade Lawrence Free State High School -1:12.23 22:19.49 23:31.72
Addison Housh Shawnee Mission East High School +1:36.31 24:00.62 22:24.31
Drake Wenciker Shawnee Mission West High School -6:28.96 22:37.64 29:06.60
Mitchell Gampper St. Thomas Aquinas High School -3:59.69 22:42.64 26:42.33
Ross Commerford Shawnee Mission East High School -1:14.97 22:45.08 24:00.05
David Zeiger Shawnee Mission East High School -6:04.73 23:02.11 29:06.84
Jack McDonald Shawnee Mission East High School -1:11.86 23:11.08 24:22.94
Morgan Denton Shawnee Mission East High School -27.91 23:20.30 23:48.21
Collin Peck Shawnee Mission East High School -2:38.89 23:27.17 26:06.06
Sam Clark Shawnee Mission West High School -2:22.04 23:30.46 25:52.50
Kane Eggers Lawrence Free State High School -53.86 23:37.68 24:31.54
Toni Jones Shawnee Mission East High School -2:20.74 24:06.64 26:27.38
Hayden Whylie Shawnee Mission East High School -3:51.35 24:16.28 28:07.63
Calvin Handy Shawnee Mission East High School -2:09.86 24:24.49 26:34.35
Hui Feng Shawnee Mission West High School -2:01.40 24:31.46 26:32.86
Kevin Ash Shawnee Mission East High School -1:47.96 24:32.42 26:20.38
Cooper Johnson Shawnee Mission East High School -3:44.17 24:33.39 28:17.56
An Nguyen Shawnee Mission West High School -5:45.61 24:53.74 30:39.35
Jackson Dalton Shawnee Mission East High School -4:48.74 25:27.20 30:15.94
Grant Herbel Shawnee Mission East High School -1:44.39 26:45.24 28:29.63
Tommy Larson Shawnee Mission East High School -1:20.85 26:45.74 28:06.59