Fans of Kansas Running have come to expect great things from Alli Cash by now. The Shawnee Mission West senior continued to drop time all of track season, ending up with a 4:39.98 full mile. In her first cross country race of the season, she did not disappoint, running a blistering 13:46.70 at the Greg Wilson Classic, winning by a complete two minutes. This time is the fastest time recorded int he Kansas Milesplit database, just over a second faster than Avery Clifton's time from 2009. For this she was selected as the KSMilesplit Runner of the Week.
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KS Milesplit: With a track season that was highlight by a 4:39 full mile, what were your goals headed into this cross country season?
Alli Cash: My goals change for each coarse becasue some are faster than others. I always find out what my time was the year before at a race and do my best to beat it, for the 5k I think it'd be really cool to break 17 minutes but as you know we don't run a lot of those in Kansas. I wanted to be better than I was at the end of the end the season last year.
KM: I understand that you negative split the race and ended up winning by two minutes. What was your plan headed into the meet?
AC: My plan for the race was just to have fun, it was my first race back since this summer and it felt good to just get out there and run again. Plus sometimes I end up doing better when I don't worry about the specifics and just have a good time!
KM: You ran quite a big PR at your first meet of the season - what do you attribute this to? What was your summer training like?
AC: I attribute this to my team, I run with a really solid group on the guys side, they are some of my bestfriends and we really work well together. Over the summer I did the 500 the mile club with a few members of the team, this is where you run and cross train a total of 500 miles. It starts in June and you have until time trails to complete your 500.
KM: Now that you have run such a fast time this early in the season, what do you hope to accomplish from this point forward?
AC: I want to keep improving! Coach Onnen always compares our times with previous years at each coarse and I always look back on those before my race to see where I was at the year before.
KM: What has been your favorite high school race?
AC: My favorite highschool xc race was probably regionals last year, I felt like a lot came together around then. As a team we were really starting to look strong on both the boys and girls side, and it was fun to share such a beautiful moment with the people I love the most and work the hardest with. We ended up 1st on both the girls and boys side.
KM: Thanks and best of luck on the rest of your season.