Jenny started her HS running career with an 11th place finish at the state cross country meet and in her freshman year outdoors she didnt disappoint. Jenny went out and finished 3rd in the 3200m and 6th in the 1600m. So what does Jenny do for her sophomore year she comes out and wins a state title in class 1A. While competeing against some of the regions best this past season, running a 15:49 at Rim Rock and then running the 5K MSSU Stampede in 18:54. Her state title didnt come without some anxiety Jenny was unable to do any workouts the week before state due to an injury so coming out and competing good was a major goal. Not only was it a goal it turned into Gold.
How did you get started competing in track and cross country?
When I was in grade school, my family ran in some weekend 5k's and I always enjoyed them. Then, when I got into junior high I ran track. I was scared of any race longer than the 800. But my coach put me in the 1600 anyway and I did well and liked it after all. There was no 3200 because the meets were really small. In junior high I played volleyball in the fall but I didn't really like it so I decided to run cross country instead.
What have you been doing to prepare for the upcoming season?
I play basketball so I don't have much time to train but I usually run on the weekends and breaks. I love trail running on the weekends during basketball season.
Are you wanting to continue your running career after high school?
I think I do. I love running so much and I don't think I will be ready to be done after high school. But a lot can change in two years.
Do you feel any pressure to repeat the accomplishments that you met last season or to reach certain goals?
I definitely have goals set for myself and I want to continue to improve.
To this point in your young career what accomplishment has been the most meaningful?
Finishing in second place at Rim Rock and running a sub-19 5k at the Missouri Southern Stampede this season.
Are you planning on running any indoor meets this winter?
I haven't decided yet. I would love to but I just don't have enough time to train during basketball.
When you are not participating in sports how do you like to spend your time?
I like to read when I have time.
What is your favorite TV show?
Modern Family; it makes me laugh every time!
If you were given a last meal what would it be?
Spaghetti. I love spaghetti!
What is your favorite subject in school?
Math, because it always challenges me.
Do you have any pets, if so what are they?
Yes, I have three cats, Midnight, Moon, and Cassie, and two dogs, Mandy and Daisy.
2012 State XC
16:45, 11th place
2013 State XC
16:13, 1st place. Note from Dad. Jenny went down with a severe groin pull on September 30, the Monday after Rim Rock. She was unable to do anything the next two weeks. The week of October 14-20 she did some work on the elliptical. She finally ran 4 miles at 7:20 pace on Oct. 23 and 4 miles at 7:10 pace on Oct. 24. Would the groin hold up in a race? We could only hope. She won her regional on Oct. 26 with the fastest qualifying time in 1A at 15:51 and then won state the next week. Sure not the way anyone would choose to train for state, but it all worked out. She had a good mileage base (about 35 miles a week) built up from summer training and I have to think that sustained her through the 23 days off.
2013 State Track
3200, 3rd, 12:00
1600, 6th, 5:35
Personal Records
1600, 5:33, 4/29/2013, Girard Invitational, Girard, KS
3200, 11:53, 4/29/2013, Girard Invitational, Girard, KS
4K XC, 15:49, 9/28/2013, Rim Rock
5K XC, 18:54, 9/21/2013, MSSU Stampede